ANC BELA to destroy education, Roman responds, Harris - Trump, 9/11 | Chris Wyatt Reports |

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:04:10 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: trump education
uh I'm saying B all the lies and all the times you cried saying that I wasn't right yet I was right by your side you manipulator playing games your friends commentators and I don't know what you say about our private conversations but it's got I'm hating things are all the rumors you be claiming it's cool I'm done with you so they can throw you with celebration you going to hate it when you see me with somebody Liv matter I'm trying to tell you that me just doing me going have you jealous good evening and welcome back to the program folks this is Chris live in central Pennsylvania for the news at night owl's time thanks for the handful of people currently here I do appreciate you being here um folks did ask me to come back and do the news about 40 people said they'd say they'd be here and I see 28 currently here so some people are fibbing and we're back all right let's get to the news a couple breaking stories since I was last looking at the news before we went live with the last program first there's a mad scramble to withdrawal savings that's I think why the question was raised uh in at the end of my last broadcast a few minutes ago was What did my thought thoughts on the 1% you're talking about taking money out retirement savings well I'll tell you what it's a disaster it's already over $210 million us has been swiped taken out of retirement funds and who knows what's going to happen this will likely lead to a brief a brief surge in retail sales and economic activity in South Africa and watch three months from now we'll hear how the economy is recovering when it's not it's simply an artificial tap that's happening here this is not leg gentlemen welcome to folks who are here hendo is here de Baron Pablo Charlie Dylan HRI uh Ronaldo is here Mike is here and U Artic is here it's a bad idea withraw funds but I don't blame people who are struggling no I got it I got Artic and they're going to spend it in the economy and then the economist and the news24 and I the people that don't know what the hell they're talking about are going to say oh look at this South's economy is coming back with a vengeance it's not it's artificial spending kind of like when you give people $600 in the midst of covid by burying the country in debt look at all the retail sales well yeah nobody can go anywhere you just gave them money to spend what are they going to do sitting at home ordering from Amazon Best Buy give me a Break Meanwhile um this is a pretty scary thought when you think about $210 million already swiped out of these retirement savings South African Revenue Service has said its Tupac claims have risen to around 4 billion Rand in 10 days South Africans eager to withdraw from retirement savings they took 161,000 applications from retirement fund Administration Traders between September 1st and September 10th meant that they processed 18,000 of these applications per day they can withdraw up to 10% of their previous retirement savings capped at 30,000 ran then they're taxed there so this is going to juice up Revenue to the state in the short term because they'll tax that 30,000 Rand taken out you'll get what's left and then you're going to spend that in the economy and juicing sales wow South Africa is not a major Diamond producer was the world's leading Diamond producer is a diamond producer of note uh bwan is the world's leading Diamond producer by gemstone value with the best gemstone quality Stones coming from janang over 40% almost 40% of the top quality gemstones in the world 30 30 plus percent come from the Jan Eng mine um Russia I believe is still the world's top Diamond producer if I'm not mistaken but batswana is the top by value right so that's not good another by elction I'm curious here I read this story very quickly that's why I was about a minute or too late starting this very curious about this news24 speaks to Chris papus about byelections that doesn't puzzle me but he's speaking to Chris papus about byelections and none of them are in Omi none of them are in hock so so why are they talking to Chris pois byelections Papa speaks about stop MK posters well maybe he spoke at that's why he spoke in a meeting okay from South Coast to umanga byelection canga byelection campaigning will be held in kzn da leader Chris pois recently sat down with news24 and spoke about the party's poster message da leader is Chris pois now the da leader in kzn I thought that was Francois Rogers did I miss something if I did I will sit corrected here I thought that Francois Rogers was the da leader in the east in the kzn uh MK party leader and act Judge John schlop is expected to make his byelections campaign debut while provincial leaders siono Duma and Becky mlo took part in Camp campaigns on the south coast okay so maybe he's the party leader in kzn I didn't know that it says interview with news24 Umi mayor Chris pois touched on the MK and eff that's an interview so it's not him speaking out in public so why are they talking to him about this huh interesting I don't understand why news24 is contacting Chris pois to talk about what's going on in the province is he now um the leader of the da in kzn can somebody weigh in on that that's news to me understood to be Francois Rogers if I was Fran Rogers I might be having an issue with this now this is coming from position as someone that is repeatedly interviewed Chris papus and thinks he's a brilliant mayor from gainy objectively uh but I don't think it's appropriate for him to speak on behalf of the Party In The Province well Rosa will Ram posa signing of the Bella Bill the education bill in South Africa open a political can of worms no it won't the da is not going to back out of the government National unit over this they'll argue about it and then they'll cooperate and be co- signatories and any lawsuit that goes forward by Civil Society organizations so s Ral is saying that the da Has Come Out Swinging following word that Ros is set to sign the bill well it's not surprised they knew he was going to do it but this is not going to change the DA's position so cracks begin to emerge in the G and as da response Rosa signing the Bell Bill not going to happen folks Jason Felix not to happen the da is part and parcel of the current ruling Coalition that's in power in South Africa they are not going to back out over this they are far bigger issues with the national health insurance uh scam that the da is opposed to and they're also not going to back out for that that will not cause the collapse of the gnu not going to happen not going to happen what could cause a collapse genu is if thec has a Repro Mal with MK and or the eff that would Doom the da especially MK they don't need the da if they get rid of if they get MK but they're not going to do that both parties are dally opposed to NC at the moment and nothing's going to change there omy what a name change for goodness sake change it yeah well hock another Anglo-Saxon name not an afans or African name well mix signals coming out of Schwan and that's where the Coalition questions action essay's commitment after Facebook comments well for its part as I said um Michael bont sent me a press release and I broke this news that the da a national senate had not agreed to what's going on in Shan they will have to discuss it the multiparty Coalition iswan believes that comments by action as say city of shwan CAU his head Jackie matate signals his party's intentions in the upcoming vote of no confidence in a Facebook post monani said the DA's Golden Boy would be escorted out of power in 16 days I don't know who Jackie matani is but what an arrogant ass the DA's Golden Boy what a condescending insulting um way to address the mayor of shwani the only mayor in the history of this fake municipality that's ever had any success despite the fact that all the odds are stacked against him this is an illegitimate vote of no confidence it's a distraction from governance if thec and actionist say would spend more time suppressing the criminal syndicates that have destroyed rubbish removal trucks destroyed Vehicles cut down wires if that's where they put their energy the city would be much better off than trying to undermine the legitimate governance of a mayor who's doing his job quite well if criminals in the gnu get a chance how about me says Roman cabanac in a foolish Twitter post which is not very smart controversial podcaster says he pushed boundaries to gain attention on social media but the government of national Unity has changed his approach so now he's part of the government once again a gratuitous image of Roman cabanac carrying a weapon as if somehow implying the there's something unored about carrying a weapon that's exactly what they're doing there shame on the fake media in South Africa that's from the times well the new schan Coalition according to fil maalula must serve thec and residence really so the purpose of the city council in Schwan is to serve the ANC well of course it is we know that we know it's there to serve thec not the residents don't you don't need to put residents on there we know better fil don't try to mislead us a chicken in every pot that's what this retirement scam reminds me ofc will not join a coalition that will not serve its own interest in the interest of residents now of course the interest of residents has never been an interest for thec the sad State the sorry State of Affairs in hamans CW with people getting sick from drinking water drinking poo water getting CA the sad state of affairs with townships in the shwan municipality the sad affairs with broad daylight cash and Transit robberies on Schuman Francis Bard in the Diplomatic quarter of Petoria is a consequence ofc malg governance and misgovernance yes the Democratic Alliance has led a fractalist coalition that's controlled ptor for several years now but not with to Brink as the mayor dishonest andc well the judge will not budge on the Zuma case the April trial date is set and schedules the down to removal appeal for February of 2025 well Jacob zimma will be going to try till in his known to Jeran in his 90s e is weighed in on the Eastern cap ABA abatu King issue calling Oscar mau's case against abao king of frivolous abuse of power and I'm strangely in agreement with the eff Maan opened a criminal injury case um on Tuesday after um the king during a public address accused him of being one of a beneficiary of an extortion racket that has forced some businesses to flee town and others to close down now the problem is if the king doesn't have any evidence of that he could be convicted of criminal injuria but the reality is that um something strange is going on in that Province and the premier is very much front and center part of it by not addressing their problems no DNA just RSA well n tamanga situ from the I a multimedia intern oh she's an intern bless her heart she's trying writes an article about the no DNA just RSA I'm going to be kind to her because she's a intern I have to say that it's very difficult to pronounce her name but that's on me not on her and she has an interesting article talking about this social media Trend something we saw at the All Blacks game at dhlc Point uh Greenpoint Stadium where people had signs up no DNA just r a now she does some research and she ties it back to when Trump um got sick and he said he had uh you know he had no no DNA just USA inside himself uh but she seems puzzled by the phrase I'll be very helpful to the young intern no DNA just RSA means that we are South Africans it doesn't matter if you're a Christian a Muslim a je Kaa Venda colard afri Conor capsa koi son we are South Africans DNA does not matter RSA matters for the young intern just explain it to you so now you understand anyway um well the state has lost its bid for to get the judge to be recused from Pastor boro's new bail application a magistrate said she was dumbfounded by bias claims leveled against her in an application for a recusal from the kidnapping case of Paca msen popularly known as Pastor Muro it's just dumbfounded yeah I mean I don't know what what bias she's shown I haven't seen anything folks 1.5 million BMW suit B MVA automobiles recalled globally over the brake system so you better take it seriously if you have a BMW let's take a look at this story automobile giant BMW has announced a worldwide recall of 1.5 million Vehicles after potential fals with their integrated braking system H theault could in rare instances affect braking pressure as well as the functioning of the ABS and DSC systems BMW's South Africa spokesperson confirmed that 3,700 BMW and Min Vehicles were potentially affected in South Africa they include the BMW X1 X2 X5 X7 and XM crossovers as well as the five and seven series sedans and the Mini Cooper and countrymen cars were built between June of 2022 and August of 2024 well if you got one of those Vehicles you might want to go in and have a look at it racism in the k word after black and color students were heard using it priv Le is now become a policy issue at the Duna felt now they tried to blame it on whites but it turned out they weren't whites they were uttering it they they made a big issue about this and then it just kind of died off but now it's back four people's age 17 18 were suspended and schedule for disciplinary hearings on September 17th after one used the KW on a live stream on Tik Tok the new develop High School committ itself to work with the Department of relation in relation to the process of disciplinary hearings as well as ongoing educational programs of Rehabilitation and national identity for the school so the school must be subjected to this because some kid on a private stream not at the school uttered the k word in a friendly joking although you know not what you should say comment with someone a live stream seriously this is ridiculous education MC Abraham foso visit the school to engage the management team you people just to stop taking yourself so seriously to tr trying to Trop on trying to regulate speech it's not a successful place to be yeah penguins rescued um from St Croy after an aloa Bay oil spill yep at least six endangered African penguins jackass Penguins six jackass penguins have been affected by an oil spill that was detected in aloa Bay over the weekend which is threatening St Cory penguin Colony first off what I have to say is according to a professor of philosophy in Johannesburg where is it in ptor I forget which one it was this professor said that the word Africa is condescending and racist so you calling jackass Penguins African penguins is racist just so you know well FIFA the thoroughly corrupt discredited Federation of International Football based in the schit in Switzerland a place where SE bladder lived high off the hall for decades despite having no skills whatsoever FIFA has warned gate McKenzie to keep his nose out of buana buana I talked about that yesterday it was inappropriate well so FIFA agrees with me Sports Minister gate McKenzie warned that South African Football Association interference could lead to a FIFA ban despite FIFA laws against government interference Sports Minister G McKenzie has threatened the leadership of the South African Football Association that there would be consequences if they failed to qualify for the Africa Cup of Nations and the World Cup wow he said he issued directive to qualify for two important tournaments unfortunately that's illegal articles 13 and 17 of the FIFA regulations state that member organizations shall run their Affairs without outside influence each member shall manage its Affairs independently and with no influence from third parties violations of act 13 paragraph 1 sub paragraph G may lead to sanctions even the third party influence was not the fault of the member concerned in 2022 Zimbabwe got 18-month banned by FIFA after the government sought to take control of the Zimbabwe Football Association Zimbabwe missed out in the 2023 Africa Cup of Nations the ban was eventually lifted so Kate McKenzie puts his foot in his mouth again again again again again again oh my goodness consumer Prices rose 2.5% and the media are hailing it as a success still higher than the highest Lev of inflation during the entire pres Trump presidency 2.5% never mind the fact that everything is still 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% higher than it was three and a half years ago when the prices deflate then I want to hear a story but I can't get anything for what I used to get it for yep consumer Prices rose 2.5% last month with US inflation reaching a three-year high do you know why it's 2.5% because the government is going to use that index to limit our retirement checks for civil service notal civil service service for military and for U veterans and for Social Security they will limit the cost of living allowance well inflation was only 2.5% therefore you don't get any raise when we left live with 50% inflation what a lie what a lie the post-pandemic spike in US inflation eased further last month it's not post-pandemic it's Joe Biden Spike we had a post-pandemic when Trump was there prices didn't rise it wasn't until Joe Biden came in and crushed the energy industry and destroyed Global Security that prices spiked Trump brought Darkness Harris brought light 14 fake writers on who won the presidential debate times opinion ask 14 of our of our columnists and contributors to watch the debate and assess who they thought won and lost asked them to weigh in on the quality of the debate were the candidates inspiring well debate was depressing said most of them Harris won said most of them only one said Trump won he's probably conservative yeah anyway um Trump didn't win Harris didn't win ABC News won they were terrible Harris delivers a strong punch and abortion rights this is the Wall Street Journal what the hell happened to this publication President Biden missed an opportunity at the last debate to deliver a strong message on abortion with rambling and at times indecipherable answer but K Harris was under pressure to reverse that and deliver a strong answer on the issue that's key for Democrats if they want to win tonight she did that speaking about the subject with obvious passion most Americans believe the government Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body Donald Trump and the government aren't telling a woman what to do with her body state legislates are telling people who they can and cannot murder that's the facts lady well this is what passes for the German foreign office this is when these leftists take control this is the nonsense they come up with so this snarky nonsense on Twitter by a federal agency the bundus alon's Min staing like or not Germany's Energy System is fully operational with more than 50% Renewables and we are shutting down not building coal and nuclear power plants coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest we also don't eat cats and dogs what the hell is eating cats and dogs have to do with anything talk about snarky ass wipes this passes for government discourse why is the German Federal foreign Ministry rebutting Donald Trump he didn't address Germany he did mention Germany has an energy problem what they failed to address in the eni Venda the destruction of the energy sector in Germany is that the costs of electricity are astronomically high and people froze in the wintertime when they didn't get Russian gas just two years ago they failed to mention that but they're all on Renewables with windmills that blight the countryside with solar panels that have destroyed the aesthetic appeal of historic medieval German towns which nobody wants to go to anymore for tourism with still burning lignite shutting down nuclear power plants not because they're unsafe but because they're idiots and bought the argument because of Fukushima Fukushima was built on the ring of fire the Pacific Ring of Fire Fukushima was built on a fault line and then the safety measures were fire followed by the idiots that ran the plant there are no fault lines in Germany there are no dangers there the plants were perfectly safe they burned liite unbelievable well here we go with race hustling again um this comes from Ethan Thomas a nobody from the W from the WBA from the NBA that nobody remembers Ethan Thomas gets an oped he's an American basketball player gets an oped in the guardian in which he says Tyreek learned he isn't allowed to do what white people do what a shameful racist this guy is the National Football League star says his Fame helped him out of a tense situation but there's little Point denying he was treated differently due to his race and he was treated differently he was given more deference than he deserved he was given more opportunity to comply with law enforcement than he deserved because of black privilege the body camera footage of NFL star treq kills traffic stop before the season opener was released on Monday it showed a group of officers on a power trip that's not what it showed exhibiting unprofessionalism that is not true and abuse of authority through their Ultra aggressive and combative behavior from what I saw they went out of their way to escalate situation far beyond what was necessary really so it was the police officers who continued the conversation on cell phone rather than answer the police officers it was the police officers who rolled up the window talking smack and being disrespectful to the police officers instead of being compliant and respectful it was the police officers who then got the window to roll back down who then refused to get out of the car and still talk smack no it was Tyreek Hill and his black privilege his black Supremacy yeah speaking about the incident on Sunday he posed part questions what if I wasn't Tariq Hill well then you probably would have been pulled over because most of us don't have $400,000 cars and drive like maniacs in a construction zone going 60 M hour and then refusing to comply with law enforcement when they approach our vehicle so that's what would happened if you weren't Tyreek Hill his point being that uh if he was a black if he was that if he was a black man who wasn't famous would the situation have end a lot worse Sur the answer is yes surely that's horseshit and surely you're nothing but a race Hustler Ethan Thomas what a shameful shameful person so let's take a look at what are the contributions of Ethan Thomas to the guardian okay um they list him as he played in the NBA from 2001 to 2011 he's a published poet activist and motivational speaker who does he motivate racist and black supremacist so Tyreek Hill April social media and gambling have made death threats routine for college athletes and who do we have a picture of Angel Reese Orlando Magic spat at the face of black players by supporting Ronda sandis what from dress codes equality Phil Jackson's exactly who he thought he was oh so now he's calling Phil Phil Jackson a racist despite the fact that he coached teams full of black players to NBA title after NBA title and never no one ever complained about him if the NBA is serious about Progressive values then Robert Sarver has to go why Serena Williams apologetic greatness is a beacon to black girls everywhere there's nothing here that's news it's all black Supremacy Steve Kerr the moral compet of the heart of the Golden State Warriors wow that's one thing it's not black supremacist they made the world look at me Jacob Blake on his gratitude to NBA stars where are the white players that he's he's nothing here there isn't a single white player that he's not a single white player that he's actually talking about inh Humanity On the Border friends NBA players to question if the US has changed changed what the hell does that have to do with anything this guy is a pure race Hustler and he gets a platform of the Guardian yeah tyreeks of arrogance he's clearly a black supremacist that's right and misleading people yep there you go and that's that's that's that's the world we live in folks and that's the news I went through the news pretty quickly there the penguins are like South Africa more YouTube blocked all chat yeah there was no chat for 10 minutes I saw that nobody chatted for 10 minutes yep although it says uh well no it wasn't that long people came in here anyway yeah YouTube so Ronaldo was here I don't know if he's taken off now if he's still there anyway but folks uh thanks the folks who've tuned in and thanks for those who watch my content I had two videos today that I did on September 11th the 23rd anniversary of the most horrific and vile attack on Humanity that took place in New York City in lower Manhattan in Shanksville Pennsylvania and at the nation's capital but I did two videos one that I recorded last night when I saw that the lead story on September 11th for news24 was a smear piece devoted to attacking Raman cabanc so I made a video an objective video in which I called into question many things including statements by Roman cabanc and that one was published about 1:00 in the morning 1:30 in the morning I think it was then I did a video this morning because a few people commented and said this why are we talking about there's more important important things in South Africa talk about no there's nothing more important to ever talk about than Free Speech every right every privilege every existence emanates from life liberty and pursuit of happiness and free speech is essential to all of those wow Paulie Where Have You Been Ronaldo's still here I don't know I didn't see him chatting anyway um yeah so without Free Speech you have nothing you have nothing all right I'm going to show you a video I'm going to give you my reaction to this okay this is from the UK all right I want to do this earlier so this is Mera okay hi okay so this video is in the UK this I don't know who the gentleman is he sounds like he might be South Asian British accent hard to figure out you know you got some Brits with a British South Asian accent which is kind of weird mix uh I don't know if he's white if he's brown I don't know what he is but you got two people following him he turns around wants to know why people are following him they keep asking why he's filming in public they identify themselves eventually as police officers and they harass him and they threaten to arrest him Anna mulad thank you Anna thank you for being a subscriber and they do eventually arrest him and what they what they do is is Criminal so we're going to put this on I'm going to put myself on this smaller camera here let's get that up I need to put the screen up we're going to listen along for this I'll probably stop it a couple times as we discuss what's actually happening here this is horrific this is what's happening in the UK they are following a person trying to build a case against him who is a law-abiding citizen and take things out of context this is shameful conduct that's going on in the UK and these are two white Karen police officers who are doing this so let's go ahead and get this up real quick here there we go okay so let's watch this and there's a Constable's there but let's listen to this it's about 3 minutes 2 minutes and 58 seconds it's edited uh and there's also some graying out I don't know why but let's look at this hi hello I'm not to you are following me is there any reason is there a reason why you're filming yes okay why are you following so uh he says I noticed you're following me is a reason why you're following me and she says is a reason why you're filming well he's in public that's a public Street you have a problem with that then don't be in public me why you why you filming sorry why you filming why are you filming because I can she pulls out a badge identifying she's a police officer the other one is arrogant police officer show the number I didn't see it 1527 and you are I'm also at the police station show the number while you filming show the number while you filming show okay so he has a right as a citizen to ask her rosn Cameron D thank you for subscribing he has a right as a citizen in the UK to ask for her identific for her police identification number to verify that she's actual police officer because people could be accosted by people faking claiming police officers so he's asking a legitimate question what's your number what's your badge number and she arrogantly refuses to answer this question repeatedly twice now she said why you filming why you filming he asked a direct question of a law enforcement official they work for us law enforcement works for us they have responsibilities one of them is to properly identify themselves to Citizens they're undercover police officers telling him on a public Street he's committed no crime by the way no crime has been committed here listen to this arrogant [ __ ] twice she's already done this the number the question are you a PC no I'm a DC you're not you're D need he asked her once again answer the question she says so he says are you a PC no I'm a DC yet to identify herself give me this with the number my call number is 926 thank you is that six times he had to ask her as she tries to elevate the situation to try to arrest him looking for an excuse ACC costing him by trailing him on the street to find an excuse to arrest him why what is he doing any reason why you're following me any reason why you're filming yes okay okay as a police officer she has to tell him if he's suspected of a crime there's no basis for the police to follow you unless they have a warrant from a judge same in the UK same in the US a warrant from a judge or suspicion that you've committed a crime or about to commit a crime she has not identified that she must identify to him why and she's failed to do that thankfully this guy knows his rights but he still gets arrested but why are you following me because you're filming am I being detained guys no I'm just asking questions am I free to go no no not at the moment I'm being detained information from your ask any questions no no no am I being detained well asking questions about why you're filming and I just told you I just told you all right if you're not being detained he can walk away but you want to guarantee they would have roughed him up and arrested him if he walked away so they keep trying to play this game we're asking questions we're asking questions a detective Constable ANS uh you have a you have a police Constable which is the lowest level that's who the chick on the right is then you have a detective conable you have a detective Sergeant you have a Deputy Chief Inspector and you have a a deputy inspector anyway so uh she's a midlevel copper what is the public interest I'm making a video over the police am I being detained you are being detain for questioning yes okay so now she claims he's being detained now this escalates they just told him four times each of them said multiple times that he's not being detained he could have walked away now she says you're being detained want to guarantee that if this wasn't on video he would have been arrested already and then we would have said that I I wasn't detained they would have lied and said he was being detained I need to tell me which section he detained to me end no no AR giving you enough no two uniform colleagues all right so he said I need to know what section of the law you're detaining me under which is his right to know you must disclose that and she does it later on but she doesn't cite a section of law she just makes [ __ ] up so now she's saying I've given you a chance no no no no no no no no you haven't given a chance you failed to follow the law this is arrogant behavior and this is what cops are doing in the UK this is how people wind up in prison for not violating law the man who was at a rally committed no criminal offense the judge said so in his trials he said well you've not committed any offense but it's still necessary to remand you into custody because you were present because you were present seriously it's like the Soviets you identification you're the detaining officer so we've told you who we are dc26 J bills what is your fa now in my office all right hang on okay I've heard what what is your full name that's what she wants why does she need his name he said I heard absolutely everything let me just she has not told him he's wanteded under suspicion of any criminal activity and she demands his name now I'm not a legal expert in UK but you're not required to provide your name in Most states in America when the police ask for it you're not required to carry identification anywhere they can't mandate that and you're not required in Most states in America to provide your name and details unless you're suspected of a crime which a law enforcement officer clearly articulates to you I'm not an expert in English law I believe it's the case there he does know the law better than her Charleson to her one second yeah I've heard everything you said yeah yeah are you the detaining officer and which section you detain look at her bouncing back and forth all cocky and arrogant because she's got power over a man that's what this is all about detaining me under I I'm detaining you under the terrorism act at this moment in time wait second oh so he's a terrorist he's a [ __ ] terrorist walking down the street in Broad day light filming in public cuz that's what terrorists do in every given day in the middle of freaking nowhere with no viable targets here to cause Mash casualties he's being detained under the terrorism act this is an outof control fascist totalitarian government and either the Jack booted Brown shirted thugs wearing bras and long coats representing the N Nazi fascist regime of kir starmer that's what this is yeah no no the the the the audits I've seen those audits those first amendment audits they're brilliant on Tik Tok please give me your name are you f to give me your name address cuz the next step is to arrest you it's as simple as that okay so the next step is to arrest you because you failed to give me your name she did not specify what charge she said under the terrorism code they she didn't say section 32 you must do that as a law enforcement official you must cite the code you can't just say I'm GNA arrest you for being a terrorist which is what she's just done now she's escalated threatening to arrest him if he doesn't disclose his name Le Lo just gave 140 r Super Chat that's awesome Lee thank you so much for that yep hands in Pocket yeah she would already been beaten in the streets yeah in Chicago for sure yeah he's South Asian yeah I thought he was South Asian Charles that's what he sounds like h on okay which section I need to you are you fining to give me your name and address officer listen to what I'm saying she she's you need to tell me which section you detained me under oh look are you refusing to get simple as this okay you got two options give us your details or you get arrested well actually the real options are here cite the legal code or shut the [ __ ] up that's the real situation here thank you Lee for the super chat um so yeah Monique um 100% those uh First Amendment audits are brilliant that guy gets arrested all the time he does long brilliant job we're finding that significant portion of law enforcement officials don't even know the law that they're supposed to enforce why are you making a sad face Pablo at me are you angry at the video you angry that I'm covering the story or you just angry at what happened here so do I have to give you my details and wish law under the policing law if you refuse under if you refuse I simply under the policing law okay that's pretty broad um Does it include dumbass cops who don't know they're talking about is there a section there wow arrest you not a problem okay section 43 of the terrorism act does not require me to give you my name and address he knows the law section 43 of the terrorism act he knows it I don't know what's scarier the fact that they don't know or that he's a South Asian that does know ooh that was a stereotype it's a joke relax anyway yeah section 43 of the terrorism law does not require him to disclose there's actually a section of the law does require him to do that when they State the charge but anyway he's spot on look at him look at him look at him she's flustered but he gets arrested anyway yeah hang on if you have reasonable hang on hang on hang on are you refus name address the next step is to arrest we're asking you your personal details you're refusing to give them I don't be arrested so you're under arrest it's CS please keep cing for me Yep they're going to hit cuff this man they're arresting him now she's given the time it gets better folks hang on waiting you see what happens here 1625 hours and you under arrest you my har me defense you're not mention my question oh that part she knows apparently she's watched the British Law and Order if you you don't have to say anything if you do uh if you don't say anything it might harm your defense I love that the British if you don't convict yourself through self-incrimination it might harm your defense I love that if you refuse to answer questions might harm your defense no not answering questions will help your defense how backward is that you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law do you understand your rights we've all watched Law and Order and Kagney and Lacy and starski and Hutch or something along the way you know in America you have the right to not self-incriminate oh my goodness ah no person shall be held to answer for a capital otherwise Infamous crime unless on a presentment of indictment by a grand jury except in cases arising in the land of Naval forces or militia when in actual service in time of War public danger nor shall any person be subject to the for the same offense to be twice put in Jeopardy of life or limb nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself nor be deprived of life liberty and property without due process so you are protected by the Fifth Amendment United States against self-incrimination and um here we tell you you have to right domain silent anything you can say can it will be used against you in the UK they say you have right to remain silent but anything you don't say could be harming your defense do say may all right I'm not going to be aggressive officer smart smart move on his part now here's the mercy of police and this look at this tur statement uh with virtually no Contrition whatsoever they do apologize but this is happening on a daily basis this guy knew his rights other people get emotional notice how says I'm not going to be I'm not going to be aggressive officer and you just put his hands out so he can be arrested this looks like one of those first amendment audits whatever they call it in the UK but listen to what she has to say of a video circulating where our officer spoke to and detained a mail this is superintendent Rebecca Love I know you can't see that Professional Standards Department these are basically Internal Affairs whilst our officers deal with hundreds of interactions with members of the public on a daily basis and do so professionally and fairly we read she also looks a little uncomfortable in saying this she's bouncing around her chair sit still and tell us sit up she's also s she like this in her chair she's not sitting up look I mean that's an unfair criticism but it just shows that this isn't taken seriously if it were me I'd be sitting at the table I'd be leaning to the camera and I'd be Earnest I'm not criticizing I'm just saying that it comes off better that way recognize on this occasion we got it wrong having reviewed the footage we understand this situation could have been handled better and we are genuinely sorry for this and wish to issue an apology to the individual involved well it could have been handled better is an understatement and the fact that he had video footage of it is the only thing that saved his backside otherwise whoops let me get rid of that sorry otherwise he would have been screwed that's the only thing that saved him is he had video footage of it if you have a camera phone and you're pulled over start recording I'm not saying put the phone in a cop's face I'm just saying start recording even the audit makes a difference yeah DJ audit says great Channel um are is Monique is it on is it on YouTube I've seen it on Tik Tok the Tik Tok videos are unbelievable yeah his hands look white yeah exactly Charles that's why I said he look I'm not sure where he was because it looks very white yep yep this guy's auditing Britain but DJ audits also has a great Channel yeah there you go how's about a little coin yeah sure feel free to Super Chat guys by the way for those who didn't see it uh We've now been recognized as the greatest of all time there's a goat back there with goat Acron him right there on his hoodie on his sweater on his pullover yeah wearing the sunglasses the shades I am the greatest of all time oh on YouTube thank you Monique no I've not seen on YouTube I have seen on Tik Tok I've been on Tik Tok for a bit now but I have seen on Tik Tok absolutely his hands look white yeah the hands do look white that's why I said I wasn't sure I W not going to presume it's difficult with the accent it could be a South Asian sound South Asian British there is a South Asian British accent there are actually a couple of them if you have a good ear um and the hands look very very light though so anyway also sounds like you know kind of a little down Market English white too so who knows but whatever the case is um yeah I mean it's brilliant absolutely brilliant um they just get away with all kinds of crap that they shouldn't get away with so we've seen this wall well now this one I want to show you this picture here this is this is precious so this is against against Seattle she's playing so this is where uh Caitlyn Clark is dribbling she does a Steph cures like move she dribbles she steps back behind a three-point line and then launches a three-pointer look at the reaction of the coaching the benches of the opposition this is awesome look at these faces like oh crap here we go she's going to make that I mean this this this is going to be viral this one here look at that picture very perfect form for a point guard other well other than that it's a onepoint it's a one-handed shot it's pretty even more impressive it's a one-handed shot but she's just buying a three-point look look at the coaching staff look at the chick on the leftand side oh God she's going to kill us again the one behind her they're all stiff faced Caitlyn Clark is the real deal oh my goodness Caitlyn Clark is the real deal I'm loving it I'm I'm I'm So Into the WNBA in the Indiana Fever right now I would never have rooted for an Indiana team uh wow it's just incredible she's six feet tall and she is just amazing Pablo Charlie what did you say um people get mad when I say sporters are a bunch of um well probably because they take offense and think you're running Rao stereotypes racial stereotypes that's probably why they get upset yeah caring times 10,000 yeah yeah you're right Charles I knew he knew the law I've watched the video yeah he definitely knows the law and called her out on it that's for sure yeah Lee you changed your avatar okay cool um yeah no the the audits are brilliant I love them uh but it's it's not some activity I get into because the one guy the one guy does it in the US maybe it's DJ gets sometimes a little antagonistic he doesn't remain as calm as probably should light rain says all the colonel Wyatts of the world you're truly the greatest well thank you light rid that's not a very riggy endorsement but thank you nonetheless oh my goodness um yeah so but yeah people are pouring their money pulling their money out of South African retirement system it's a bad move Parliament to revive Julius mma's bill on nationalizing Reserve Bank what Parliament standing committee on finance will host public meetings on private bill introduced by eff leader Jules MMA oh my goodness Rolex watches gifts and 2.5 million in cash that's how State the state alleges that buoy was influenced wow wow parliament's standing committee on finance will host public hearings on a private bill introduced by efff leader julus MMA MMA introduced the bill into the sixth Parliament but it lapsed along with dozens of others that could not be processed before Parliament dissolved for the May elections parliament's rules committee and speaker of the parliament too dza recently decided to revive all the bills that had not been considered in a statement released today South African Reserve Bank Amendment Bill seeks to among other things amend the ACT to make the state the soul sharehold of the shares of the bank and give powers to the Minister of Finance to exercise the rights attached to the shares on behalf of the state it further seeks to give the minister the power to appoint directors on the board instead of board members wow this is another disaster more communist control of the private sector Now The Reserve Bank is not it's a private actor but it's not a private company and it looks out for the interest of South African is currency my goodness not an avatar no no no the term apply lies to your image it's your photo gotcha Lee your image as put into the circle there by YouTube is an avatar well it's not doesn't mean it's a cartoon character what the heck's going on here I got a message here let's see if it's not important um come on oh it's just nonsense just nonsense sorry anyway so the whole thing is called an avatar I know you probably think it it meant a cartoon but no it doesn't yep any news on provin Gordan no I saw a defense of him today there was a defense of provin gourand but I never saw that he was in the hospital oh he's been hospitalized you're right there it is that's yesterday wow huh his well his health Christ has intensifies according to this okay former Minister provin Gord ISM the hospital family assured that although his health is declined he's receiving the best care possible illness is not disclosed huh he's a pharmacist yep all right well no no no updates other than it's in he's in bad Health a struggle veteran whose career as a politician activist span more than five decades before his retirement it's about four decades longer than it should have provin goure head Yeah Boy James Earl Jones this this is CNN not anymore man final stage cancer I heard um I wouldn't be surprised France yeah that's something that no one's going to be able to keep quiet yep wouldn't surprise me yep without the camera it wouldn't matter how much he knew the law exactly Mike you're right that's exactly why I recommend people record it if you record it you're protecting yourself and the law enforcement yep Pablo Charlie's not here to be liked well yeah that's fine as long as you don't racial hatred or things like that I'm not accusing you of doing that I'm just saying you're welcome to be here with differing opinions we draw the line on racial hatred anyway all right uh what else we got here yeah no look I don't wish ill health and provin Gordan not at all there was a time I actually thought he was pretty good in government and I actually praised him on occasion but his last year's in government under public Enterprises were a disaster state-owned Enterprises was a disaster yep yep a disaster so we got a couple people who are trending on the borderline and is one of them he's about to get banned forever from the channel which we do to very few people there's a couple other people are doing the same thing about to find themselves banned clever communist is still a communist you are correct Artic I was praising results not worldview and that's a difference too anyway um yeah so epic day today had folks have we not had a very interesting day today the video so I've been at this quite a while I've got my radio show tonight the good news is I don't have to lead tonight I could be second fiddle um that's why we have three hosts um let me see if this has been updated doesn't look like my YouTube channel updated okay it has there we go so the Raman cabinex story is at a 4,800 now but not adding any subscribers which means that my own viewers are watching it which I'm grateful for but we want new viewers to watch the stuff too the other one um 11,400 views it's slowing down but it is after all 8 o'clock at night so let's keep that in mind um let me see what's going on with my live streams because they keep limiting yeah there you go limited limited yeah every time I mention the chai coms I get limited on my streaming so this one here from yesterday so let me take out that want this okay continue save okay trim okay all right um yeah so they keep limiting my ads whenever talk about the chons he was kind of okay at SARS but yeah exactly that's that's that's my view that's my view Artic that was a time at disaster at CM mango sa Express yep sunk two Airlines and gutted one correct correct correct correct love the colonel Chris team good night thanks Lee thanks for being here we're all going to wrap up here in the next few minutes anyway ourselves yep it's lots of suffering first what's that hands okay I already covered that so sorry I'm going back and looking at things are already covered yeah but the debate last night man oh man oh man man oh man oh man anyway there's nothing here I was looking does the youth in the USA have sentiment of the tragic and devastation um not really Lynette not really it's mostly people who were already teenagers or older usually adults already by 2001 yep yeah it's it's like today um and people just lose sight of things like from for instance um the club manager bless her heart she sent a message out to the officers and said U are we having a ceremony today and my quar master responded said yes there'll be a ceremony to lower the flag to half Mass and I said ' okay great so I said 'oh um what time are we doing it because we open the the the canteen opens at 11:00 the restaurant and bar opens 11 o'clock for people to come in and it was 10 o'clock about 10 o'clock when this was going on and I asked what time are we doing it and I got no response and so I called and I said what time do it oh we're not said well we are I will go in so quick shower brush the hair brush the beard threw on my dress shirt with my ribbons and my metal in my rank and my black trousers and my fellies and I drove in and I grabbed the staff and um I grabbed the patrons who were present including veterans I said look you can order your drinks now if you'd like um and your food if you want but we're going to close the restaurant down and a bar down for a few minutes to do a ceremony and you're all welcome to participate and they all came outside all the staff that were working all the patrons came out we had a small ceremony um and I did a present arms we lowered the flag present arms at the half asked and I thanked everybody it was lovely but people forget people forget uh listen to comm's No no plan what executive orders do you think she would sing on day one I think she'll probably sign executive order saying it's legal to have abortion uh but but it's illegal so but she'll do it yep no doubt about it I think Harris will win the US election I don't think so the scientist but a lot can happen between now and November and they can also with the mail and ballots we see what can happen there so um yeah September 11th seems very lowkey this year it is because the Biden regime doesn't care about September 11th they've never cared about it um it's not going to get them any votes so they're just ignoring it but they make a big deal about Donald Trump being invited by the gold star families to come participate in the wreath laning ceremony on the anniversary of the Biden debacle that cost 13 soldiers their lives they made a big deal about it including K Harris lying about Donald Trump and Stolen Valor um yeah and lying about the whole situation but yeah whatever they're just scumbags okay well that doesn't affect the economy and immigration no it doesn't it doesn't those are the two issues the real issue should be her competence you know she lied last night I'm for fracking she said that I'm for fracking no she's not no she's not Dylan says goodlooking well thank you for that Dylan it's very kind of you to say very kind of you to say oh my goodness yeah the youth here don't we don't really knowing I don't know people that dress things in that fashion the youth but no they don't they don't really pay attention they don't really care just don't so unchange illegal immigration no economic recovery and no end to war correct and continued theft and more importantly the continued bearing of this country in debt no tax breaks tax increases don't forget that but that'll have to go through Congress so we'll see what happens if the cowards and the Republican Party Stop it from happening she got her name right okay well I suppose that's fair I suppose that's fair she did get her name right what is this Gareth CLI says I'm sure I'm not the only one in the world who's sing a trend all the fame money influence in the world can't compete with cultivating living a simple life and creating creation is the closest thing we'll ever get to Divinity David Beckham retired shared images from his farm life so Beckham's a farmer so a former World rugby guy from the UK is a farmer good Lord oh my goodness I look I don't I not impressed by that not impressed by that yep anyway yep yep yep yep all right folks let's wrap it up here for the night Al thank you all for tuning in be sure to hit the like button I appreciate you coming in for this live stream we've had about 11 minutes average and refer to herself and third person in KLA Harris often yeah it is weird it is is weird but it's a way to repeat your brand and that's what she was doing it wasn't about answering questions it was about she like I have a plan see the big attack on KLA Harris she has no policies she has no plan and that's the big criticism of her and it's a legitimate criticism it's now 52 days she hasn't out a press conference to be fair she had a she had a debate last night so not last night but the 51 days prior to that nothing um and the key thing that should have been focused on last night is she has no plan Trump tried to do it but he did a he hamfisted it did it poorly she has no plan so what does she say repeat I have a plan I have a plan and what does she say her plan is tax brakes for small businesses well she doesn't tie any conditions to that she just says $50,000 for small businesses okay well I have a small business give me $50,000 and then she talks about tax uh giving money to people to have kids well that's wonderful for illegal immigrants who tend to have more kids per family and will benefit from this even though they're criminals than indigenous Americans Native Americans not the ones on reservations but all of us who are native repeat through her earpiece yeah no that's probably true she'll give you 50,000 take back half in taxes yep yep so all she said I have a plan I have a plan notice she said it like three different times during the debate I have a plan I have a plan she has no plan and she repeated the same thing uh tax breaks well one's a tax break and the other is a grant because people getting child earned income credit for child or child credit a credit is not is not a tax refund the government pays you if you haven't paid enough taxes in it's like they earn income credit it's utter nonsense yeah it's just stupid this is these are stupid people and stupid people fall for stupid things that's the bottom line all righty folks yeah oh she didn't talk about yeah gouging price gouging and fixing food prices there was no debate no substance this debate I blame Trump and I blame ABC News I don't blame KLA Harris she doesn't want to talk about policy she doesn't want to talk about real issues and I made a list of those issues weren't even talked about last night let me find that real quick because I'm drawing a blank right now but last night in this so-called debate there was a host of policy issues that were never talked about where's it at come on let be one more page here somewhere here you go um not addressed the First Amendment and her position on censoring speech including calling for the speech of the former president be censored um her role in censoring um American speech on social media platforms during the Biden regime what role of Henny did she play in that Afghanistan was mentioned but it wasn't focused on the way it should have been the deficit was never mentioned her role as a bordar was never fully examined these are issues that weren't even addressed last night there's a whole host of others instead ABC News set Donald Trump up and he was dumb enough to fall for report so you have been um you've been quoted as questioning kamla Harris's race and ethnicity do you regret that again could have hit it out of the park I didn't question her ethnicity and race and they would have been like but but but but you did no I didn't I was accosted when I accepted an invitation graciously to attend the black journalist convention in Chicago which the vice president was invited to but she didn't go I went there and the first thing they did is they said uh so what do you think of KL Harris is she black or Indian this is not an issue why are we discussing this she can be whoever she wants to be this is America you can identify as whomever you want to be you look at Elizabeth Warren she's a Native American h yeah poor ladies have to get an airplane to fly for late term abortion they don't have any money for flights it's just it's nonsensical her whole nonsense the fact that 16 minutes of the debate was devoted to abortion he should have said why are we discussing this it's done and dusted it was unconstitutional the Supreme Court set right the erroneous ruling by the burger Court an activist Court in 1972 1970 and it's back where it belongs the 10th Amendment specifically prohibits the this power to the federal government it belongs to the legislatures in the states and or the people and that's where it resides now also KLA Harris has said that abortions are illegal that's a lie she called them Trump abortion bans there's no abortion bans in any country in the state any state in the country all 50 states in the territory still allow for abortion some have attached conditions some of made more restrictive but every state allows abortion Don and dusted no he just just talk about talking about illegal immigrants my goodness he thinks that's going to win the election because it won it for him in 2016 it's it it will help but you've got to address real things man all right guys that is going to be it there's an hour thanks for being here have a good one I need to catch a little shot eyee was going to go for exercise but I think I'm get some shut eye white middle- class female vote is the problem well that's why Donald Trump should have said that my answer would have addressed white middle class female issues would have addressed the real issue it's not something she lies when she says Donald Trump is going to ban abortion he has no authority to ban it and he sort of went there but he confused the issue by bringing in student loans well that's just like they try to you know forgive student loans they can't do that it's not legal that's true but it's people aren't smart enough to get that just tell them that it's done and dusted the problem is resolved it's at the states which is what my position was all along the state should decide not the federal government there you go yeah project 2025 got like 10 minutes to which was ridiculous it's not even Germaine it's not Trump's policy Trump did answer that well and he did get her a couple times but he basically was poorly prepared for this debate he should have seen this stuff coming should have seen this stuff coming anyway I'm disappointed in Trump's performance last night anyway that's going to do it folks cheers everybody we'll see you tomorrow or tonight I'll be broadcasting live on my other YouTube channel at real Chris Wyatt the common sense conserv the link won't be posted till right before well maybe I can yeah because I can't do it until I'm in the software so it'll be right before the hour 7:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. South Africa time if you want to watch that Common Sense can Serv as you can actually see us on camera cheers everybody thanks for being here appreciate it all take care and always a pleasure thank you for

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