NFC West Roundtable | Week 1 Recap

[Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome in to another edition of the NFC West Round Table powered by bet us week one is officially in the books we're already moving on to week two just two short days away but the first week of NFL football has come and gone and it was as entertaining as we thought it would be we had two Victors in the NFC West we had two losers in the NFC West but I'd argue the two losers might had two of the better losses of the week so overall this was an extraordinary weekend I felt for not only the NFL but for the NFC West and we're going to dive all the way into it no norb tonight to gloat for the Seattle Seahawks but the rest of the entire gang is here fellas how was your week one we'll spin it around the table we'll start with you Jesse I know we're gonna get into your game first but overall how was week one for you oh it was fantastic I mean football's back got to watch some really really good games leading up and the Monday Night Football started with you know the Thursday night game and then the the Friday game I had my eyes glued to the Friday game and the Sunday night game because those are the four teams that I think had the have the biggest chance to pose a threat to the 49ers in the NFC and they just happen to be playing each other so it was really really fun to just sit back relax watch these teams I I really felt like my takeaway was the Lions and the Rams are a lot better than the Eagles and the Packers is kind of the way that I I took away everything from that so we'll see how it plays out throughout the course of the season the Rams got to get healthy what have you but you know overall I watched the the whole bills Cardinals game I thought that was a great game as well uh so yeah I think it was a fun weekend and then we got to cap it off with a 49er Victory I mean zebot we were in the chat I know that you had teased a bet to get uh minus 13 for the 49ers it ended up being a wash unbelievable so close to winning that one for you I you were more even more confident than I was that they were going to win by a big amount that was crazy um and really I just got to say where you at King Losi you talked all that crap all last week you better be here to take that whooping you guys got punked in front of everybody like I said you would we are the bullies you are not hyped for no reason good luck to you this year told you it was coming I don't know where that confidence came from humble yourself my man humble yourself yeah oh man oh we Aaron Rogers has become a New York Jet and what what has happened is this inflation for a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 15 years all of a sudden the preseason Super Bowl champions we're going to talk about that game in just a second but safe to say the Niners were able to deflate that balloon at least for a little while until we get into week two and so on but an incredible night for your 49ers Jake I thought it was a great night for your LA Rams until it wasn't I mean that was a hell of a game as far as a loss is concerned when you consider all the injuries for the Rams great night overall for football I know it was a tough loss for your Rams but outside of Sunday night how was your week one how did you enjoy it oh it was it was a lot of fun you know football's back and I mean I'm juggling like hell cuz I'm covering baseball and football and having to watch the Yankees while I have four football games on it was it was a zoo but uh I had a great time doing it and look you know the Rams game didn't go the way I wanted it to obviously but that was a very that was a very good loss if there ever was such a thing um just really proud of the team because I we I I mentioned multiple times last time we did this round table guys uh Bill's 20122 that that game and how crushing it was to the Rams totally broke their Spirit the rest of the year I don't care what any one tells me I know the injury sucked but I just felt like the the vibe was just out of the room they went into Banner Knight Rams are hanging up their Super Bowl banner and the bills are like all right well we're going after that we're going to punch you in the mouth Josh Allen was incredible in that game and you know at that there was one point or another they had the same exact parallels where the lions got into a Groove and then the bills did and we saw the difference is that the Rams in 2022 kind of just got Ked repeatedly uh you know whatever in the kidneys while they're just on the ground and they never got back up and it just became a total crapshoot well with this Lions game to come back from 17 to3 down without pukan nikua without Steve avula without Rob havenstein who didn't play without your number one corner and Darius Williams who's on IR uh moving around offensive lineman now you're putting Jonah Jackson at at left guard Joe noboom goes down so now you're starting AJR cury who I liked in preseason but I liked in preseason I don't want him starting at left tackle against Aiden Hutchinson and so I'm watching this team and I'm watching most importantly Jesse's guy Bo limmer doing work I mean he did a really nice job in this game we're we're very excited about bo limmer uh but you know just really my biggest thing was I know who Stafford is I wasn't surprised I said even when they were down I'm like this is GNA be a game where the Rams have a chance to win because they have Matthew Stafford they're never out of it but the most important thing about this game for me was that the defense was just so far beyond my expectations I don't care people have this revisionist idea that they they could not stop the run no you saw the end of the game in overtime so that's what you assume they did a great job you take away those 40 yards on the last Drive of the game in OT which by the way both teams retired as Chris Collins wasth brought up I think the same thing happens on the other sideline but either way you know you take 40 of those yards away from Montgomery which he had on that last drive and he wasn't that great they held almond rth St Brown to 13 yards on three catches the only one who did anything was Jameson Williams and Williams had the 124 yards 60 of them were on that big explosive against Trey white who was great the whole game and then you look at Kobe Durant who were hoping he'll take the step and he did he looked great in that game and furthermore the thing that I was so excited about obviously Jared verse 19th overall pick sacking Jared gof that felt great the better Jared that the Rams drafted but more importantly here the big thing for me was that I heard over and over and over again that the linebacker room was scrubbing we have all these you know these guys are trash Troy reader's trash Christian roseboom's trash they don't know what they're doing with Ernest Jones I sit on this channel I said look Ernest Jones was they got rid of him for a reason okay we might not know exactly what the reason is I have a little bit of an idea but they got rid of him for a reason okay and the reality is we saw Troy reader I don't care what PFF had PE people keep sending me PFF grades like see this is why Troy reader was bad no you didn't tell me why Troy reader's bad you used a metric that is subjective which means it's it's not the end all Beall it's not the Bible so the reality is Troy reer and Christian roseboom balled out on a level I was not expecting and John Johnson turned back the clock at age 30 he looks like he's going to be a big contributor this year cam curl was flying all over the field and Quinton Lake seems to have taken that next step as like a captain of this defense so in conclusion I called this an inspiring heartbreak because that's what it was it was a very inspiring football game the Rams should have won they dominated the lions in the second half and they should have won however I'm okay with the loss because the last time a team lost to the lions in week one they won the Super Bowl and that was the Kansas City Chiefs how about that you already got you already got it all mapped out you'll be you'll be ready to go you'll look back on it in February and you'll say look at this is all part of the plan AZ sports fan is the best way I would think you got to be feeling great about that name today because last year you come in you're you say you're an Arizona sports fan right last year not so easy I think this past weekend against the Buffalo Bills for me watching that first half I'm sitting there thinking this game it's going similar to how I thought it would in terms of how competitive I thought Arizona was going to be it's going beyond what I thought it would be in terms of how good they really did look in the beginning especially offensively Kyler Murray James Conor overall I thought despite the loss coming off of a season like the Cardinals did last year in that game Arizona looked great for at least a half second half things got off the skids a little bit but overall your thoughts coming off of a season where you only win four games you have to go in and play a team like the bills who have been contending for a few years now and getting the type of production you got to the point where it came down to the final drive of that football game I I I think overall when you're looking at the game uh obviously break I guess is the word to describe but also there's a lot of positivity that comes from this game with just the difference of I don't know just a lot of people not believing that this team was going to be anything other than a four- win team five win team and I think that the Cardinals came to Buffalo where we're not used to you can throw a ball like this and then the ball can get completely whiffed out of nowhere and you know I don't think we're used to that but we went in there and actually held our own we we you know some might argue saying that we we should have won that game because that Pi call should have been called but I do think that with the whole refs there was calls on back both sides I'm not one of those guys that like to to use those as an excuse but what a game what a game on Sunday I did say I was one of the most exciting games at least for me maybe coming from an Arizona Cardinal fan being very biased but we did a very good job in holding Josh Allen for the limit of time that we did but that's the thing like you got to take advantage of those times that you do that because Josh Allen is a monster man you you allow him to cook you allow him to to get into a Groove then the Cardinals ended up seeing what he really is and obviously what two throwing touchdowns two rushing touchdowns and it almost kind of seemed like a guy that you know the Cardinals tried they tried and tried and try and they just they couldn't get it done uh but overall I think there's a lot of you know good things to take away from this game um I think the offense looked very good in the first half the defense you did say it did sputter and you're 100% right it did sputter um I think that just kind of attributed to the Cardinals just wanting to stick to their game plan so darn bad about running the ball like that they were just trying I think they just beat themselves on they were like oh let's just run with the ball and they didn't really get let any of these wide receivers get into a Groove um now you can blame it on Kyler was he not you know throwing the ball to it probably right like I said there's there's good things and there there's flaws but I think if you're looking at the game entirety this is a very very good game and a step in the right direction I just need us to build from this I'm I'm not trying to see a regression this is a good start from the season sorry Season playing a competitive team a contending team um whenever you guys have Josh Allen it's a competitive team and contending team so I I think we held our own in Buffalo uh and I'm very very proud of this team I just need to see that next uh step here in week two versus Yours Truly Jake the Rams oh it's going to be a good one I think better than advertised especially after the way I think all these teams look this past weekend let's work our way from what happened most recently into Sunday so we'll start with last night the first Monday Night Football game of the year the first game Aaron roders is back for these New York Jets the Niners are going into the this one uh with the idea in mind that they you know the last time they're out on the field they suffer a heartbreaking loss it feels like that's the case for these ners year in and year out and they want to finally take advantage of what they have at their disposal and that's easily one of the best rosters in the NFL the Jets come into this game they think they're on the same wavelength as the San Francisco 49ers the Niners have earned the right to be there it felt like the Jets have done everything in the off season to feel like they should be on that level but haven't earned necessarily the ability to be there last night was going to be able to prove a lot was going to be able to prove for the ners we're going to we're going to continue with this and stride regardless of Super Bowl loss NFC Championship loss year in year out we're coming back in we're going to be contending right away for the Jets they come into this game first game with Aaron Rogers they want to prove what everybody's saying is accurate that we're AFC East favorites that we have the potential of overthrowing Mahomes Etc you go into this game last night you think it's going to be even kill then you hear that Christian mcaffry is not playing and all of a sudden you're thinking man is this swinging in the direction of the Jets a little bit here couldn't have been further from the case Jesse last night you couldn't have kicked the season off better if you're a San Francisco 49ers fan 32 to19 the victory for the Niners in San Francisco that's coming without Christian mcaffrey that's coming with pretty much no production at all from Brandon auk 32 points on one of the better defenses in the League last year eight consecutive scoring drafts I think that was the first time that the Jets have ever allowed that in franchise history Jesse just give me the the top to bottom here including talking about Jordan Mason and this Niner's ability last night to frankly dominate the New York Jets on both sides of the ball yeah I mean that's uh let's not bury the lead Jordan Mason was fantastic he deserves all the credit in the world talked about him I I know I've talked about him on this show um I do Behind Enemy Lines on Wednesday uh with the opposing teams content creator and my guy to watch was Jordan Mason and now at that time I thought that Christian mcaffry was playing but I felt like Jordan Mason's just a guy that a lot of people aren't aware of he runs just like Marshon Lynch he he's built like Marshon Lynch he's got the dreads hanging out the back where's 24 like Marshon Lynch he's even bowlegged like Marshon Lynch we watched Marshon Lynch be fantastic for many many years in this division and for three years we've been saying we've got our Marshon Lynch nobody knows he exists outside of our fan base and last night it was around middle of the third quarter Troy Aman himself says man this guy reminds me of Marshon Lynch and it was right there it was like finally the validation that we've had as fans for seeing it for all these years it was a coming out party for one Jordan Mason he deserves all the credit in the world the number one question I had going into that game was can the 49ers defense particularly against the Run can they hold up Bree Hall one of the best running backs in the league maybe the second best running back in the league behind CMC he's a Do-it all running back he runs with power he runs with speed great balance can block catch everything he is an all-around really good back the offensive line was improved from the Jets the 49ers at times last year struggled against the Run when a team was consistent with it and then coming into this game with no Dre green law which we knew no hunga which we pretty much knew by midweek was going to be the case those are two key cogs for the middle of this defense as far as it come or as far as it goes when it comes to stopping the run so the question was can they contain Bree Hall well the answer was a resounding yes Bree Hall didn't look like himself at all he was rattled all night had a fumble just didn't look very good and that's a testament to the 49ers defense now I think the question is for jets fans and maybe people that watch this game are like listen is Aaron Rogers washed Aaron Rogers in isn't as quick-footed as he once was that much was clear there was some wonky moments when he tried to get mobile where you can see just doesn't have it anymore but as far as his arm Talent goes as far as reading defenses goes as far as making good decisions go he looks very very good in that department now maybe I'm wrong and maybe Aaron Rogers just is washed we'll find out soon enough but I'm going to hold out judgment I don't know that he's washed I want to give credit to this 49ers defense for doing what they needed to do last night to get the job done and holding Aaron Rogers in check I think they did a fantastic job and then lastly I have to shout out the Special Teams that's always a question here in San Francisco they're not the best special teams unit Moody going six for six great kickoff coverage everything went fantastic on the Special Teams it's the Forgotten unit but we as 49er fans know how important it is hell we lost an NFC Championship to the Giants because of special teams we care about special teams we're happy that it looked good last night great win it's only the beginning for what the expectations are the 49ers took care of business the 49ers were the better team we knew they were the better team the expectation is that they win week one at home as the better team and they did that and the only reason that I got a little little passionate in the beginning is because not me it's not me I don't have any issues with the Jets they're in the AFC I don't care about y'all but your fans came in this chat repeatedly running your mouth as if we were going to get bullied somehow I I don't know where that came from but outside of that I listen I hope the Jets have a good season Kudos Daron Rogers man I'm glad you were able to make it through the night and stay healthy um but we we knew we were the better team I mean this was never a question on whether they would win or lose it was just by how much and how dominant it would look and turns out they won by a lot and they were extremely dominant shout out to the 49ers great week one win time to turn to week two and go get a win in Minnesota I think that anybody who wasn't just chugging Jets Kool-Aid for no reason other than the fact that they just thought Aaron Rogers would come back and be an MVP again knew the Niners were going to be the better team on the football field last night but Jesse to me what was so stunning was their ability to dominate the Jets defense to the point where the game I mean you can evaluate Aaron roders all you want last night I think the way you put it I'm I'm in Stark agreement with when he was whipping the ball around it looked as good as ever it's just the fact that he is of the age that he is not with the injury the movement's just not going to be there but regardless of all that the Jets had the ball for almost 20 minutes in that game the Niners had the ball damn near the entire game and it was because of their ability to dominate the offensive line now I know or the defensive line of the Jets I know that everybody says well anybody can run behind Kyle Shanahan's offense I don't know if anybody can do what Jordan Mason did last night just real quick in your opinion because the Jets defense especially up front is about as good as it gets in the league you would never have guessed that last night what do you attribute that to and do you think that that's going to be something all year long that will allow the Niners to continue to be this dominant because to me just as much as I watch the Jets that was extraordinary their ability to just take the Jets defense completely out of the game yeah I mean the 49ers offensive line is not a a great offensive line by any means however in the Run game they are very very good they always have been they they know how to run block and the Ascension of Dominic puny third round pick playing Right Guard is it's been massive for this team I mean the 49ers couldn't consistently run up the right side at all last year and because Dominic Poney has been inserted into this lineup they can he's a very very good player he deserves to be starting there he earned that job this offseason and it's very clear that he belongs very early he's he's probably the second best offense of linemen already on this team that says that the other three just aren't that great I mean that's just the reality of it but when it comes to run blocking the scheme they're good enough they can get it done Jordan Mason though is is the differ maker I mean Jordan Mason you can watch all the film in the world about him um coming into this game he averaged 5.6 yards per carry on something like 83 carries in his career not a big sample size but big enough to realize like wow this this guy's a Difference Maker he makes it impossible to want to tackle him for four quarters he never goes backwards if you tackle him with your arms you're not going to bring him down and then you add in the fact that Debo Samuel when he gets a hold of the ball he's a wrecking ball himself s Gardner twice ended up on the ground holding his shoulder because he had a tackle Debo Samuel these guys are a handful to bring down they are bullies they've been bullies for many years and it's not many teams in the league that are excited to go against the San Francisco 49ers offense usually offenses aren't as punishing anymore this isn't the old school NFL the 49ers have an old school mentality they punish football teams and if they can get up on you and do what they want do which is run the ball 40 times a game if they can it's going to be a long night for anybody so yeah I mean that's what you saw they just they just boat raced him ran downhill and there was nothing that the Jets could do about it Jake what was your overall takeaway last night I'm sure like all you guys but you in particular I bet you watch the Niners a bit closely than a bit more closely than others just because you know that that could wind up being what it comes down to between these two teams and how the playoffs wind up unfolding what did you see last night right out of the shoots from the San Francisco 49ers against a Jets team that was supposed to compete with him and just never did yeah I mean Jordan Mason and I think Jesse and I had talked about him before the season started I'm very high on Jordan Mason I mean I think he forced like nine Miss tackles almost a 100 yards after contact I mean that's just that's him creating essentially um because missed tackles don't have to be broken tackles it it counts for you know making some moves whether it's a Juke or spin move or what have you and just creating yards that aren't there essentially so uh hats off to him he was excellent um I I know people are going in on Brock pie because he's always Under Fire it's funny how a win always matters um it's it's all all that matters is a win but when Brock pie does it if he doesn't have four touchdowns then you know he doesn't get credit for it so you know and keep in mind guys I know I I'm the Rams representative here but I watch football I know football and I'm also a fan of football and you just have to give to the 49ers I mean this was a dominant this was absolutely dominant I mean the Jets took the lead to start the game I mean they they they were up seven nothing and you know Bree Hall had the touchdown and they thought everything was going to go their way and they forced the Bree Hall fumble and I think it actually just killed the Jets spirit I mean if you ask me I just think they totally broke them um but I I think not having Bryce Huff who's now in Philly Hassan reck's not playing and just assuming that John Franklin Myers was just a guy guy I think was kind of their downfall going into the year um because pretty much the rest of the defense is the same but you have those guys Michael Clemens like when I covered the Jets like I I definitely circled Michael clemens's name when they got him I'm like this guy is a stud but I liked him in his role of coming off the bench and being in a rotation him now starting and not having a jfm who can help you in the Run game who can actually you know rush the passer and not having the situational rusher who you could bring in in Bryce Huff who had a crazy win rate I mean he was among the league leaders last year not having those guys oh well you have Hassan reik right no he's holding out so they really the Jets didn't get better on their defense that's the reality they actually got worse and I I don't know if people realized that but uh it took me a little bit to realize that and I thought about it I'm like yeah John Franklin Meers is definitely not just a guy like they definitely miss him they miss of course Huff but more importantly they need reck back man they they need reic back so badly because on the flip side remember when we talked about I said closers I I know Mike Mike knows what I'm talking about because we were talking about yeah closers right guys that can absolutely take over the game end the game so to speak Nick BOS we know that but what did I say about Leonard Floyd I knew he could be that guy and him and Leonard Floyd are a really nasty Duo okay Leonard Floyd is not going to be mistaken as a guy that's on one of those you know Big Time Old Spice commercials or anything there's probably no marketability there he'll probably never be in a commercial like you know aosa or Christian mcaffrey but he's going to be a big piece to this defense and I I I hope people realize that also Isaac yadam that play on fourth down when they went for it hell of a play by him another guy I stuck my neck out for what he did yesterday well what he did um you know last year for the New Orleans Saints was really impressive and I just don't think people realized it so I'm glad they brought it up on the broadcast like this is a guy who was a special teamer and he's made a name for himself I was pissed on the 49ers I thought he was a great ad especially in a quarterback Market that I think is really kind of all over the place you know unless you have a defensive player of the year award or you in the Super Bowl like leria sne you're really not getting paid as a quarterback so it's kind of a crapshoot there's a bunch of guys out there I thought that was Great Value going after them but the thing about the the 49ers here is that you know they they were yes they were at home and I get that and you know that could definitely come into play and if it was at MetLife Stadium we probably would have had a million injuries too to be fair um because the quality there is awful but yeah I I think I wouldn't say Aaron Rogers was washed I thought the 49ers played well against him I wouldn't be surprised if you know Rogers in the next game looks really good I mean he's still had his moments where he actually looked like Aaron Rogers and he made some big time throws but there weren't a ton of Big Time throws to make and I think that fumble like I mentioned earlier really kind of took him out of a rhythm so you know going back to the offensive line Like Jesse was talking about my guy Dominic puny first off Kansas could use him but then again they could use an offensive coordinator um Dominic puny looked great I I was very much interested in Dominic Poney uh Trent Williams does not look like he missed any time in the off season he can put on the Jersey go out there and just play at a high level um same thing with auk I know people are going to be like well he didn't go off I mean who went off though this week did you guys notice around the league it was like Alec Pierce was like the leading receiver of the week I mean come on like you're not gonna go on you know it's like I I I don't even know but it's it's just it's funny to me how people go crazy about week one about certain things but not other things that are important and I think just you got to tip your cap the the 49ers a lot of this false narrative stuff was thrown out there um probably in the event that people were hoping that the false narratives became actual narratives and it was going to happen but the reality of the situation is this they're still a really good football team they're going to be very physical the Jets might actually be punished for the next game because of it they're not an easy team to play they're not fully healthy yet either although I'm not going going to get into Health you have plenty of Health I I'll I'll take your health over what the Rams have but they're not fully healthy yet either they're not fully acclimated uh Trent Williams he's going to be 100% himself when he's fully revved up he didn't play at all in you know he didn't have any of those reps none of those joint practices none of those same thing with Brandon iuk so wait till those get those guys get acclimated and shout out to my guy Jaan Johnson who is a big reason why even uh you know I won a bet with John Jawan Johnson in the uh in the Super Bowl and got my putter so always love Jawan Johnson for that but Jawan Jennings excuse me Jawan Jennings looked really good I want to bring up one thing guys are we not calling the hip drop tackle because I was totally against the hip Ro tackle I was totally against it being banned right I think it's I I don't want defense to be harder to play but if it's a rule and it's player safety then you can't just be like I don't really feel like it no no no you you like you have to call that and that was so blatantly obvious and like guys I kind of like the Jets here so like I'm unbiased in a sense like I'm defending the 49ers Jennings got his ankle absolutely crushed by the hip and that is literally what they're trying to avoid I don't know how he even returned so yeah I I think they got to get rid of either get rid of the hip drop uh tackle or whatever or or whatever but yeah that was kind of annoying guys I'm not going to lie cuz I thought there was going to be a heavy emphasis but instead we got that stupid call on Ronnie Stanley six times over on Thursday Night Football and then they acted like the entire point of that call by the way was because of Jawan Jennings and they are Jaan Taylor excuse me and they didn't call it once on Jawan Taylor so I would rather them scrap that than and and call the the hip drop tackle then call whatever the I don't even remember what it was called the legal legal formation it was all weekend long I'm sure Mike remembers because in the Bills game Josh Allen with a brutal hit HP drop tackle and Allen got up and I I'm personally somebody who doesn't love when people run their mouth to the refs and I know Allen's gotten a little bit of a uh a kind of a what do you call it he's kind of getting known for that a little bit so he got up off this hit and I'm thinking to myself I didn't really see anything there and then it hit me like you just said Jake that's what it was it was it to the letter of the law that's why he was saying something because we're so conditioned to think that that's a normal hit because it was never not now it isn't and when you do go back and look over the weekend multiple times that exact same thing happened and I think the way you put it is best because it's not like they weren't making point of emphasises over the weekend in general because the amount of illegal formation calls was insane Thursday night it was almost unbearable to watch in the first half so I don't know what the plan is there but I'm in agreement with you either start calling it or just get rid of the idea of it in general real quick Mike before we move on to the next game your thoughts last night on the Niners and overall how they looked against the Jets I just want to quote real quick um Julian from Big Daddy the goddamn Jets man they are who they are just it's terrible man like you you I feel so bad for them I really do like they were pumping up their chest like I remember King Losi in here and you shout out to you Jess you're sticking your guns there because n he was talking all crazy and I feel bad for them as an organization I really do because they thought that that was the Miss and and here's the thing Aaron Rogers could still be their savior if that's what it is but it wasn't against the 49ers the 49ers were obvious bullies they are the dominant team and it's crazy because like I thought to myself for a split second oh my God CMC isn't playing oh this is gonna be an exciting game it was exciting for like a quarter or and then it almost kind of just seemed like it got it got away man shout out to the 49ers they are a well put together team um and obviously the running back at Jordan Mason I have heard you guys talk about him before absolutely nuts absolutely nuts so yeah that's regardless of that offensive line you know it takes a a special player to do what he did in the NFL because these are these are grown men here these are grown men and 150 yards plus um oh I'm sorry 147 yards I apologize One touchdown average about 5.2 yards can carry amazing amazing so I will give credit to where credits do it pains me to say it I wanted to have lost lost lost Seahawks win because I'm not worried about the Seahawks but I didn't get my wish so goddamn Jets the freaking Jets man I I'm in total agreement with you let's flip from Monday Night Football to Sunday Night Football let's go to Rams versus Lions we had an idea going into the weekend that this could be one of the games of the weekend you could argue it was the game of the weekend the only one to go to overtime it was a bitter battle all the way to the end I thought the Rams were going to pull it off in regulation wound up going to overtime and Jesse kind of or Jay kind of alluded to it earlier it just felt like whoever won the toss was winning that game based on the fatigue that's what wound up happening Lions take this one in overtime 26 to 20 Matt Stafford nearly 50 pass attempts in this one it felt like half the Rams team went down with an injury in this game but you did get a sense that these two teams will be fighting for something more important than a week one victory at some point in this season it's just kind of how it felt watching those two duke it out so Jesse you watch that game on Sunday night as a Niners fan who's always going to be vying for the one-w seed every year until you're not you look at those two teams you got a feeling they're going to be right around there as well the way that they looked your overall takeaway from the Rams against the Lions on Sunday Night Football you're muted Jesse I got him I got him I unmute there we go sorry hell hell of a game um very very impressive performance from both those teams the Detroit Lions are a really good football team I I know Jake doesn't like him um but he'll admit man that's that's a good football team and to lose to them with all those injuries and keep it that close was very very impressive I I've said it for a while now Matthew Stafford is the best quarterback in the NFC I don't know that it's particularly close at this moment and he's able to just keep them in games that they don't belong in they enter the game without their starting right tackle they enter the game without their starting left tackle they lose their back backup left tackle they lose their starting left guard they lose puka nkua um travius white is in fact a shell of himself and they still find a way to hang around stay in that game against an Uber talented Lions team at home who's trying to come out and make a statement and they just hung around man and and yes they ended up losing in overtime but it was a very very impressive loss if there is such a thing as that like I said they lost Eagles won I'm more impressed with the Rams than I am the Eagles I think that they're the better team and I expect them to hang around going forward the issue I have is listen at some point Health just catches up to you and the ram schedule shapes out to be where they play the Cardinals this week maybe they get the win but maybe they don't and and if they don't win that game they're injured now they get their left and right tackle back or should be back for the 49er game in week three but you're still coming into that game short that's a potential loss and now all of a sudden you might start out 0 and3 with two division losses I don't care how good the team is when it's healthy it might be too little too late and I know that's crazy to say after three weeks but that's an uphill climb to even make it into the playoffs at that point so Rams Fans you've got a very good team I whether they make the playoffs or not or whether they start 0 and3 I don't know we'll see how that plays out they're going to be a handful for a lot of teams all the way until they're eventually out of this thing but starting 0 and3 and all those injuries that would be a very very unfortunate start and listen I hate the Rams listen I if they if they lost every game I that would be great but what I don't want to see is teams not be at their best I'm an NFL fan and I want every team at their best I hate when there's an injury on a random team in the AFC South that I could care less about you know what I mean I just want to see the best football weekend and week out it's a shame that that many injuries happened week one it's a war of attrition and every year we see talented teams Fall by the wayside because they just can't stay healthy hopefully that's not the case for the Rams I want to see them at their best I want to win the division while the Rams are at their best and hell if we need to beat them into the playoffs because they are at their best so be it that's what I want to see I hope they get healthy I want to see a great division run here um but I I think the Rams if they are healthy clearly one of the more talented teams in the NFC one of the better teams in my bold prediction last week was the Rams defense without Ernest Jones without Aaron Donald will be better I think that's going to come to fruition this year some great points and I I think the the silver lining for the Rams is that even though it is week one and it feels like it's an uphill battle at least it is week one you'd rather probably get it out of the way now the majority of those guys you antici at you you're going to be getting back hopefully sooner than later I know PUK and n a bit longer than you thought that night but when you got when you got Cooper cup playing like Randy Moss the other night I mean it was unbelievable what Cooper cup was doing the other night you got kyen Williams one of the best backs in the league Matt Stafford I I think Jesse the way you put it when we're talking about like top five top 10 quarterbacks it almost takes people a second to be like oh yeah yeah and Matt Stafford I forgot to throw him in there the way Matt Stafford plays is still As Good As It Gets in the league and I think when it comes to the NFC in might be as good as it kids Mike your thoughts from the Sunday Night Football game you got the Rams this upcoming week so I'm sure you were paying close attention how' you feel about the Rams against the Lions on Sunday Night Football uh very very very good game oh man it was entertaining overtime uh and I love the match up the the Matthew Stafford Jared Goff like they just brings a level of drama to it that I just I don't know it brings me in and of course you know we got Jake you know rooting for the Rams so I obviously love to kind of see what happens in the NFC West as well but overall very good game um I just you got to give them Kudos I mean they went down it almost kind of seemed like every other play there was an injury and they they stayed in it they went through overtime um and I don't know I think when it just came down to like the Rams are a good team and I'm not taking anything from them I think their defense actually surprised me a lot more than I want to give him credit for uh Jared verse looks absolutely nuts um but that that Lions team I really do feel like it's is there they're on another level like that duo and running backs they got over there in Gibbs and Montgomery man that they are really really good but going back to wanting to give them props because their defense is better than I thought man you got to give them kudos to basically holding Amar rosain Brown to three receptions 13 yards like that's nuts uh and then Sam leap Porter really didn't get going very much it had to depend on James will uh Jameson Williams so it was really cool to see a first round pick in James will Jameson Williams actually kind of really come out in the uh the big lights because he was a guy I really liked um in the uh in the draft and in the combine as well so I like that he's now finally getting his uh shine but this game T came down to I guess you can't say injury because you know it sucks but they hung on they did a good job but coin flip Man coin flip beat it at the end of the day the alliance took it yeah I'm not going to be mad at it I think this is the result I wanted uh but this is a very very entertaining game from from the from the beginning to the end I I loved every bit of it I wish they would just implement the playoff overtime R into the regular season I don't know why they switch it up it's a game like that where you just feel like why not I mean you read my mind zbot I wanted to bring that up real quick if we have time because Shawn McVey actually he has his sha mcf show every Tuesday and uh and he was talking about that because the Rams benefited from that last year so I love this is Shawn mcvan and nutshell he's not GNA sit there and be like this is unfair and we lost to the Lions and we didn't get a chance to play in the you know you get our offense there whatever no first thing he did was well actually this is what happened we actually benefited off a walk-off touchdown and I think it was week four with pukaa in Indie um so you know we've seen it on this side and we've seen on this side I think at the end of the day you know this is this is my take and I don't know if you guys will agree but my take is especially with covering baseball and there's 162 games not every single 162 every single game of those 162 feel like they mean you know everything every single NFL game we're told every game matters right then why does it not matter when it's overtime why because you're telling me the Super Bowl both teams can can uh you know touch the football right and the playoffs I think they're going to implement that in the wild card if they haven't already that's like the planned Wild Card divisional round you know Conference Championship the point I'm making here is there's only 17 games in a season season and you could argue throughout history I'm sure there are teams that had crazy injuries and for whatever reason because there's only 17 games in a season they don't get in the playoffs or they just had a really tough schedule or whatever we don't always see the best seven or even the best six back in the day in each conference make it and I think people need to understand that not every single best team say the best 14 make the playoffs it's not necessarily true but now you're making it more difficult because you're basically saying that the regular season doesn't matter that's what you're saying you're saying let's cut it short we'll take a tie and we'll actually because it used to be 15 minute quarter and now it's 10 minutes what is it going to be five you know when is it GNA be five because I understand the whole player safety aspect of it but you also have to understand the other side of it is that we can continue to player safety you're still playing football it's still a tough Sport and these games matter I don't want to see a tie I don't want to see 8 seven and one or whatever that the Rams and 49ers that year with Kaepernick like I don't want to see a tie and this is even that this is just saying we watched a great game everyone would agree that was one of the best games of the week if not the best and it ends on one team with one possession now not saying that the the Rams defense should get a pass for not be able to stop them they were gassed I think it would have happened with the the Lions as well but not saying they deserve a pass I'm just saying in the business of entertainment which is where the NFL is why would you not want Matthew Stafford getting a shot at forward field having a chance to drive down the field and tie the game in overtime like you know or or go they would probably go for two because they probably wouldn't want the tie so they' probably go for two to try to win it if they scored a touchdown how could you not want that and the way the ruling is is this is essentially what you get you get you had this zbot you know as well as anybody Josh Allen was sitting there on the sideline we watched one of the most incredible playoff games ever and he had to watch Patrick Mahomes March down the field and win the game Josh Allen was a big reason why that game was exciting he was part of the entertainment value and we didn't get to see him get a chance to go back on the field I think it hurts the product I'm not saying it kills the product but I think you know it is an entertainment business there there should be you know there that should be part of it but again also the aspect there's only 17 games guys I think that has to play into it I think every game matters prove it agreed I think it goes against everything that the NFL tries to implement and that is increasing the entertainment value at all costs that is making sure everything kind of correlates back to the bottom line and when they what they do in the playoffs is exactly what they should be doing in the regular season I never understood these nuanced rule changes that only have to do with certain times because like you said I think it devalues other aspects of the game the these games are all essentially playoff games to some degree compared to every other sport it does make no sense why you would make a drastic change like you would in the playoffs because I think I do agree with you it does sort of in a way tell you yeah we don't value those other games as much which just doesn't seem very NFL like at all because if it was they would have just gotten rid of the Pro Bowl by now they they they they're tone to that so it makes it makes no sense to me Jake really quick because I know we got to be done within the hour and I want to make sure we have enough time to cover the Cardinals game we T you you did a great job wrapping up the game earlier and I liked a lot of your points but the one thing I'd love to hear from you right now because I think the biggest storyline is all these injuries with the Rams you had these Rams I think winning right 13 games right talk to me about how you think after that game based on what you saw with all the injuries talk to me about why you're still confident in these Rams ability to have as good of a season as you hope they were going to despite all these injuries that they suffered on Sunday Night Football yeah I mean I first off defense I think is eight weeks ahead of where I thought they'd be like way better than I expected I mean rookies uh young players that have very limited starting experience being thrusted into that role against a really good you know offense and they did a fantastic job I thought so I think Chris schula's defense as John Johnson put it is simple and it's effective and I think you know they're not going to be thinking as much it's not as complex and I think that's that's a beautiful thing on the offensive side of the ball you have Matthew Stafford and if I'm going to sit here and guys I told you 13 13 and4 health because it should always be Health permitting right I mean we we're making a you know unless you have a quarterback that is known to get hurt all the time we're making a prediction based on that so zebot to answer your question I see a team that has a decently fair schedule and I see a team that they lost nobody for the year out of everybody they lost the other night and a lot of them are going to be back you know right after the buy and normally I would complain about a week six Buy the week six bu is going to be the Savior for the Rams I'm telling you that right now I think that they are going to beat the Cardinals um but I think the Cardinals would play them tough I think the 49ers they can beat them I'm iffy on that but they don't have to win that game because they have Caleb Williams and the Bears who I think they're a horrible matchup for Caleb I think Caleb does not want to see that defense and they don't want to see Stafford and then you have the Packers who is Jordan love playing or not I don't know don't care it's at Sofi Stadium I'll take the Rams go in the buy if the Rams are three and two coming out of the buy they're in the driver seat n is back all their offensive line is back their cornerback their number one quarterback Darius Williams is back there's a lot of things that are going right for the Rams that I don't want to kind of gloss over just because the injuries but I will say they did sign three offensive linemen today uh I'm sure tomorrow's practice is going to be just absolutely ridiculous because a bunch of guys that don't even know the offense but there's actually one guy fun fact real quick tyan SEI he was on the team in 2022 guess what tyan ski in in 2012 guys this is the way the world Works he was on the St Louis Rams practice squad it all comes Circle that's does I love it speaking of your Rams J and speaking of the Arizona Cardinals who we're going to talk about in a second here they do face off this week we'll head over to bet us I was stunned to see this I cannot lie to you the Arizona Cardinals as it stands right now on BET us are a one-point favorite against the L Los Angeles Rams at 4:00 Eastern on Sunday afternoon if you want to get in on the Rams if you want to get on the Cardinals it's essentially a coin flip you can go over to bet us right now promo code youtube1 15 that's going to give you 150% sign up bonus up to 2,000 bucks on your first three deposits that was a bit of a stutter to me I don't know if that's baking in the injuries or what but maybe it's baking in the fact the Arizona Cardinals looked a lot better than than I think people thought they would this past Sunday so Jesse we'll start with you narrow win for the Buffalo Bills against the Arizona Cardinals it looked like early on the Arizona Cardinals there was going to be nothing narrow about that game it looked like they were going to blow the bills out of their own building the way things kicked off your overall perspective of an Arizona Cardinals team that comes into this year and now adds even more competition to an NFC West team that we we talked about earlier in the group chat people are already questioning is this maybe the best division in the NFL right now well it might be the best division in the NFL for sure um you know the Cleveland Browns did themselves in that division no favors neither to the Bengals we'll see how it plays out but that being said the Arizona Cardinals pretty much are who I thought they were they let him off the hook no uh the Arizona Cardinals they I I said that they're going to be in a lot of close games this year I I had them at six wins and I know that as a Cardinals fan that may come come across as an insult and what have you but my whole point was usually teams that are about to be really good have a season where they're in a lot of close games and they lose those games and that's what I look at when I see the Arizona Cardinals I felt like they were a year away they're a draft away from really beefing up this defense getting what they ultimately need which is a consistent pass rush and a consistent good defense and once they have that I think they'll be in a place where they can truly compete but because of that and because they are a much improved team because they are a well- coached team I believe that they would have a lot of close losses this year hardfought games and that shows growth that shows that they're ready to compete the following year and week one was exactly that you know ultimately it came down to who the better quarterback is and and that's that's what you saw Josh Allen is second to only Patrick Mahomes in the NFL and there is no shame in that but Josh Allen is that freaking good I mean you look at the weapons that the Buffalo Bills have not one of those guys start on the same Francisco 49ers that's how under talented they are from a weapons perspective and how Uber talented the San Francisco 49ers are Josh Allen is a oneman wrecking crew and and just like Mike said when you have an opportunity to pin them down and go take a bigger lead and expand on that they needed to take advantage a and unfortunately for the Cardinals they were unable to do so Josh Allen does Josh Allen things and they come out with the victory no shame in that I think the Cardinals are going to compete game game out I I don't know that they'll win this week we we'll see I got to think this one through because I think this is going to be a tough game as well but the Arizona Cardinals are a good team one thing I do want to say is my bold prediction last week was Marvin Harrison Jr wouldn't get a thousand yards um even I didn't see one catch for five yards or whatever he ended up getting coming that threw me for a loop listen I I I didn't think he would get 100 yards but I didn't think he would get a catch for five what is going on there Mike I I wait to answer until it's your turn but I'm very curious to see what your thoughts are um why that was a factor I know that he was able to get open and Kyler just didn't see him a couple times maybe it's as simple as that maybe they just don't have the continuity from not working out together in the offseason I I don't know you'll be better equipped to answer that question but that one really threw me for a loop but listen the Cardinals are going to compete this year man I I think they're a much improved team they're just going to lose a lot more games than Cardinal fans hope that they would Jake your your Rams are a to these Cardinals this coming week what did you take away from what you saw uh from the Cardinals against the bills on Sunday I liked what I saw I mean I thought you know the first half Kyler Murray I think he has a lot that he can build off of in the film room getting in watching what he did in the first half a lot to take away the second half and you know I actually had Mike on my channel and I went on his channel talking about this game uh upcoming and he had brought to my attention that Jonah Williams went down when Jonah Williams went down Gregory Russo turned into the Hulk I I don't even know what like whatever you want to call him uh he had like three sacks I mean Jona Williams if if he doesn't first off he doesn't play against the Rams they're not winning but I think that was a big reason why the Cardinals lost this game I actually was really impressed with the way they played on the road and you know I'm going to bring up something from our our group chat Jesse was like basically I'm paraphrasing you here so sorry I'm not directly quoting you but basically to the effect Jesse was saying how Cardinal fans should have no issue with the way they lost this game 3428 to the bills on the road against Josh Allen with no pass rush really no pass rush I'm sorry Mike um but really no pass rush right and when you're not able to get pressure on Josh Allen he's gonna slice and nice you Josh Allen I thought they actually did a really nice job of kind of holding him in check and as much as you can with Josh Allen when you have no you know pressure to speak of um he only ran for 39 yards on nine carries he had two touchdowns right and he threw for two touchdowns so he is Josh Allen he had four touchdowns he was he was great but he didn't do what I would have expected him to do with no pressure and he he forced a lot of Miss tackles and I think that's ultimately what what helped I thought James Cook just kind of wearing down the defense a little bit he's got some strength to him um and I think really what it came down to is not being able to get Trey McBride going so shout out to the Bills linebackers for being able to cover him in safeties um because you know I know you guys are without zebba I'm correct right you guys are without Milano right now oh yeah that's a huge that is an astronomical loss so I mean to hold James Connor to 50 yards on 60 on 16 carries not 60 uh is is a really good outing I just thought that this was one of those you know the four o' games were incredibly boring I thought I'm just going to call it that because I'm on the East Coast the late games were boring this game honestly no offense Jesse because the 49ers belonged on Prime Time the Jets did not this game should have been on prime time this should have been the Monday Night Football game it's just I I was so bummed because I I get what you were saying about the Eagles and the Packers but all those games were close the Rams Lions Eagles Packers and the Ravens and Chiefs and then that 49er game was just like like you said boat raced them so I would have liked to see this on Prime Time Mike probably would have gone crazy if they announced yeah the Cardinals out of nowhere just going to open up Monday Night Football you know but yeah I'll say if they if they did I think personally maybe outside of those Prime Time games that we already discussed not including the Niners game because I mean don't get me wrong Jesse knows I I loved watching that game it was yeah I think the Cardinals Bills game might have been one of the best games of the weekend had a little bit of everything it had great quarterback play it had turnovers it had a comeback it had high scoring it had good defense at times it had everything so with that said Mike obviously I I know a loss is a loss it it sucks but I just feel like from your perspective gotta be a lot of good to take away from that especially when you score 28 in the future of your offense as Jesse alluded to because I'm really curious about this too this to me would have been the thing I was most upset about if I were you and I'm interested to see how you feel you score 28 right you have a great day that you thought you might have gotten out of there with a win the future of your offense has one catch for four yards on two Targets talk to me just a little bit about everything including the lack of anything to do with Marvin Harrison Jr being involved with that offense yeah no that's a it's a great question I am I am mad at that honestly yeah I actually chimed in in the uh the presser for uh drew p which is our offensive coordinator and U it's it's unacceptable it really is I think we can come out here and and you know try to talk as politically correct that you you want how the game Flow and stuff like but that's absolutely unacceptable when we're talking about Marv Harrison Jr we're talking about one of the best wide receivers we have on our team so I mean the best weapon we have on our team right in terms of wide receivers I know TR bride's a beast as well but like how are you not scheming a game for him and not maybe not just throw a whole game let not throw a whole game for a rookie that's fine but if you don't have specific play designs for him you're doing something wrong absolutely now it's crazy because this game started off with James Conor six straight times and that was run run catch the ball and it was just James Conor I was like okay is anybody else on this in in this game but James Conor but once that kind of died down I'm not sure if Kyler Murray threw a ball and it just completely whiffed in the win and he just wasn't confident in the Deep throw he's not confident in throwing in winds so maybe they took a step back and said okay we're going to run the ball like that's what we're going to do short play run run run run I don't know because there was some lot of questionable things that happened in this game for the Cardinal side with that that third and 10 when the game was on the line and we're like oh we want to get three or four yards and then the last play we throw it to Greg dorge as opposed to going for Michael Wilson 62 wide receiver or even Marvin Harrison Jr or heck let me throw another one Trey McBride we threw it to to Greg dor 57 so like I don't know like I wish I had the answers I truly do the only thing I can say because the media actually like hounded Kyler because I I was so curious too like I'm glad that they actually asked some good questions he just came out and said that that's who he felt the best matchup was when I look at the film I what I truly see was I think he's actually more confident with Greg George than he is with Marvin Harrison Jr and Michael Wilson which is crazy to me because they did have a whole video out on KY Murray's got a YouTube channel if you don't know he he had this whole video posted a 100 hour workout and he took his entire offensive side of the ball weapons not the line but just the weapons to California on his expense and this this whole video of them all working out everything looks good honky Dory and the Cardinals decided to not play them in preseason not even a few snaps and now the excuse is oh they don't have the katerie together like okay well that should have been done in preseason that's why everybody was harping on it but I think that's just comes down to that they probably just weren't confident in or or the the chemistry wasn't 100% down but like we've heard that before and still see a better stat line than we've seen in this game like that's unacceptable it really is like the Cardinals have gotten so much backlash from what we saw that I'm I only hope that it's up and up from here like I truly do like the Cardinals could have won this game like you're telling me that we were 28 to what you guys scored and Marvin Harrison Jr had one catch four yards and Michael Wilson had one catch five yards like something's wrong here something's really really wrong so I'm hoping Kyler Murray you know learns from this we're going to be playing in a dome so I I hope that that just only works out to our advantage um in game two but I don't know it's a mystery to me too I don't understand it the Cardinals probably should have won but I think we can learn a lot more from A Loss than we can from a win because if we won a lot of this would have been swept under the rug and I'm glad it's actually known that hey you need to get this going regardless of what you do he needs to get the damn ball in his hand so um I think overall was a good game and I know I sound mad I'm not mad I think there's a lot of good takeaways but I was mad with the whole Marvin Harrison junr thing no doubt with you across the board I think there the future is beyond right in Arizona I mean like you just said I know you know seven of the points comes from a kick return but 28 points with Kyler Murray sub 200 yards Marvin Harrison Jr one catch I I mean not a bad way to kick the season off for a cardinal team that's really trying to get their you know legs underneath of them and and have a uh you know a much better start to the year than they did last year I think that's in arguable that they already have done that uh we're going to get wrapping up here in just a minute real quick want to give a shout out to our sponsors over at shinesty Dan Mitchell and his undies you know it's now you'll probably notice that half of our Representatives at Round Table Sports always have their undies in a bunch when it comes to their favorite NFL team and listen I'm sure that they're getting sick of that feeling where they're feeling a wedgie rather than a warm hug maybe they want to say goodbye to uncomfortable chafing and hello to the softest underwear they will ever wear well folks let me introduce you to the underwear company that is here to Revolution ize the underwear game let's be honest life is too short for boring undies these are so soft y'all you won't even realize you're 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football baby that's the way it should be JK gamer coming in Mike NY the Cardinal guy Mike Mike Mike Go Cards well it's cards and it's Rams this week and I'm sure you're wondering well you guys gonna preview it yeah of course we're gonna preview it but not right here I'm I'm trying to get rid of these super chats as I'm talking and that's not going very well uh there we go yeah we're going to be previewing it but not in this episode we have another episode coming your way later this week so on your way out here's what I want you to do hit the like button and hit the Subscribe button that way you get notified when the preview video comes out later in the week we'll be talking all about week two so we're looking forward to that also on the way out make sure to take advantage of that 150% sign up bonus through bet us promo code YouTube 150 you get that 150% bonus it's up to 2,000 bucks on your first three deposits all right fellas a hell of a week one and I'm sure week two is going to be just as good can't wait to dive into it for Mike for Jesse for Jake and for norb who couldn't be with us tonight I'm your host zbot we'll see you on the next episode of the NFC West Round Table we got one more Super Chat real quick oh another one great great poll Jesse what do we got Mo maggot he's giving us a little bit of Seattle uh analysis too before we yeah hey real quick I I know that we didn't have Seattle representation tonight there's a lot of Seattle Seahawks fans in here just real quick if you guys don't mind maybe give you know 15 20 seconds on the Seahawks we got to show them some love too oh God that sounds weird I hate the Seahawks but but but they did win they beat the Broncos um and I I think what we saw was exactly what we expected which is two much improved coaches on the offensive side and defensive side of the ball now Gino Smith didn't do him favors uh with some of those throws early on and and they were getting pinned back on on deep on their side of the field they got a couple safeties that was the weirdest game offensively but defensively man it lived up to expectation that team is a different team a lot of the same players but very very well coached by Mike McDonald so no surprise there I think grub put them in great positions offensively they just couldn't execute maybe that's the Gino Smith thing uh you know I think Gino's probably 15th to 18th best quarterback in the league so sometimes it's not going to be great sometimes it'll be good but ultimately I think that team is still supremely talented and great start for them and and I think they've got a couple nice wins coming up on their schedule before they eventually uh have to lose to the 49ers you know what I mean I think that's a great way to put it especially on the defensive side of things for Seattle because that's really what they were under Pete Carol in their Glory Days if they can get back to that it might not matter if Gino Smith's a mid- caliber quarterback if they can play defense like you know the flashes we saw this past week and I know you're playing a rookie quarterback and B Knicks but Seattle's not going to be an easy out with that defense no doubt about it and once again yeah we would would have loved to have D dove into the whole thing and our fellas it's amazing when we're talking real football an hour feels like we were talking before the show started and I think I think it was you J like there's no way we're going an hour without nor talking about Seattle I looked up and I'm like holy [ __ ] we're already five pass the hour so don't wor me I I eat so many segments like you know how like guys are space eaters yeah I I eat segments so yeah you had the game of the week to talk about I don't think anybody can blame you plus it was week one we're gonna get our feet underneath of us folks don't worry maybe we will next episode you won't know until you tune in we'll see you during that next episode and we can't wait for it thanks again for tuning in this evening and have a great rest of your week everybody peace

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Rams RB Blake Corum Talks Michigan, Kobe & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

Our guest right here truly one of my favorite players in the history of university of michigan football and i've been following since i was a freshman on the campus in 1986 when my first quarterback was jim harbaugh and he is here as part of the los angeles rams organization right now one of my favorites... Read more

Why Rams RB Blake Corum Chose Michigan Over Ohio State | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Why Rams RB Blake Corum Chose Michigan Over Ohio State | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

When did you first carry a football in your life oh man i probably first carried a football in a real practice or game yeah six years old six years old tackle tackle football never played flag you played tackle at age six oh went right into it right into it you know i was uh i played for fyf rams mhm... Read more

Rams RB Kyren Williams Talks McVay, Corum, Fantasy Football & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview thumbnail
Rams RB Kyren Williams Talks McVay, Corum, Fantasy Football & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

The running back top the depth chart for the los angeles rams joining us here courtesy of direct tv for business karen williams of the rams good to see you karen how are you i'm gooding good how you doing i'm just letting you know you know this this chair to my right guest chair is for you as well it's... Read more

Seahawks WR Tyler Lockett Talks New HC Mike Macdonald & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview thumbnail
Seahawks WR Tyler Lockett Talks New HC Mike Macdonald & More with Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

Joining us here on the rich eisen show once again is the wide receiver of the seattle seahawks entering year 10 tyler lockett how are you tyler doing pretty good man how are you doing year 10 did i say that right yeah you said it right it's weird when they call me the old head because i still feel young... Read more

NFC West Training Camp Breakdown: One STAR and one CUT for each team | CBS Sports thumbnail
NFC West Training Camp Breakdown: One STAR and one CUT for each team | CBS Sports

Category: Sports

♪ ♪ [hq spotlight] ♪ ♪ >> tommy: i had already made one fantasy football reference, jenny, earlier in the show. can i make another one? >> jenny: with you please? >> tommy: out in arizona, people are excited about kyler murray and marvin harrison jr., and trey mcbride, fantasy options,... Read more

Tyler Lockett: Expect an “Explosive” New-Look Seahawks Offense in ‘24 | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Tyler Lockett: Expect an “Explosive” New-Look Seahawks Offense in ‘24 | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

New offensive coordinator you mentioned how things are kind of feeling like college obviously i'm a michigan guy so i know mike mcdonald uh prior to coming to you from the ravens was michigan's defensive coordinator ryan grub a lot of folks there are very familiar with because of his time with the washington... Read more

Rich Eisen on When/If the 49ers Will Reward Brock Purdy with a Big Contract Extension thumbnail
Rich Eisen on When/If the 49ers Will Reward Brock Purdy with a Big Contract Extension

Category: Sports

Brock p is going to get paid guys remember when i asked mike florio remember remember that time uh where i asked mike florio last month who's going to be the first $60 million a year quarterback he said dak and i thought well yeah some other guys might sign before dak the way this is going right or... Read more

Seahawks WR Jaxon Smith-Njigba: Vibe Is “Totally Different” Post-Pete Carroll | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Seahawks WR Jaxon Smith-Njigba: Vibe Is “Totally Different” Post-Pete Carroll | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

Let's talk about how things are different between last year and now this year with your new head coach jackson smith and jigo what what's your what's your opinion on that i mean things are things are totally different you know just having the great peak carol you know everything and to now mike mcdonald... Read more