Problems With 1&1 IONOS Web Hosting

guys what's going on I would have been a lot would have been alive sooner but I was dealing with the customer service with 101 in one eye on us we have two websites with them I have one for my girlfriend I got one for you know four numbers Klan calm anyway freaking I got an email from them saying that they're gonna charge me $84 basic was like seven dollars times 12 all at one signed up I thought it was paying seven dollars a month on not [ __ ] 85 32 for a year it's a it's no it's a website service like where you can buy a domain name and hosting and [ __ ] is what what's hosted by their hosting numbers clan comm basically anyway it's like GoDaddy but it's called one in one eye on us anyway so so we're gonna fight my ass I'm gonna fight it like anyway so [ __ ] supposed to be charged seven dollars a month they want to take $84 all a sudden like what and so they're trying to take 12 payments all at once I don't pay 12 payments all at once that's some [ __ ] up [ __ ] so I've tried to fix it last night last night the guy said they would switch it to another like a monthly plan that was eight dollars a month but he said he can't do it because the billing departments closed and he's not the building department so I called this morning on the way to work here and the lady was trying to help me she was asking me a million questions to get into the account and then I got [ __ ] hung up on so that pissed me huh and cyclo back and it was on hold like forever if really forgetting 6-7 minutes at least you know I'm trying to do a livestream here too so I was kind of mad about that anyway I got the guy and he says it's gonna be changed over to $9 a month he kept on saying he will change it you know he'll change that this one you know those words when there's two of them and so I hope he [ __ ] change both of them to set a tee for a year to $9 but he said $9 a month now like so change it was gonna be eat so anyway I'm gonna pipe your cough on the side with this radar trying to get somebody [ __ ] do this traffic movement is low why are you trying to get somebody every just rap is like [ __ ] 10 miles it up under the speed limit what does he do it buddy I mean do they let like special needs people into the police department or what's going on I don't [ __ ] it enough dude everybody to drive at 50 how you go catch someone speeding lip speed limit 60 mi [ __ ] at he's really serious the matadv said there were this gun I can't let this [ __ ] about 84 to 108 drop them yeah I know basically the price went up and it's I have two different [ __ ] websites two different hosting packages I think they can break me a deal or something then he's trying to sell me on an upgrade package and I'm just annoyed he kept on saying it'll change this one so I feel like he only changed one I think you know what he said to me that really got me was he said he said there's still a chance that we didn't stop the 84 in time and will come through your account the invoice was yesterday they said that it's charged a week later so they're taking it [ __ ] change it by then and I still get charged for the 84 or [ __ ] off because that's an overdraft fee right there I ain't got an extra 84 dollars just sitting around come on that's so crazy so you know what I did guys to be proactive just in case I thought to cancel the PayPal payment agreement plan so now they can't even bail me anyway and when the [ __ ] when the bill comes for $9 a month when the pill cuts for $9 a month I'll pay that well I'm gonna wait until that [ __ ] comes and then you hit me for a no 84 I [ __ ] tell you they're already not cheap if I have to cancel this [ __ ] I will start a new website I don't give a [ __ ] [Music] one in one eye on is might think twice about doing business with them I don't know like I [ __ ] up in my book I'm about out I'm about out already I'm gonna go talk to go dad [Music] over jobs do you suck what's up sandy sandy wolf litt give them bananas and say yeah I'll give them [ __ ] seven bananas a month they better accept that plan I mean there's two different packages so I will give them [ __ ] e14 bananas a month I think it's a pretty good deal you should upgrade your phone 3G instead of laggies huh now it's it's 4G and LTE it's just [ __ ] when you driving on with a live stream there's different areas where it drops like a few bars and and it can't keep up with a live stream a live stream is more demanding than watching a YouTube video so you know is what it is I could try to get like maybe a dude says I'm kind of a car cellphone booster that I cook up in the car they can boost the cell phone signal that'd be pretty [ __ ] cool however everywhere I go I just went down boosted have nice clean livestreams that's a really good idea they've gotta have something like that some kind of car booster I'm gonna see about it so [ __ ] sore and tired dude yeah I'm calling it 6:15 they called me in to work you know I wasn't even close to ready at 6:15 so take these you work around 8:00 or so hopefully if nobody tries to yell at me over that like come on now I'm [ __ ] do it I'm burning out and like if someone yells at me I'm probably just gonna tell them you know what I'll just go do full-time uber again because it was a lot easier [Music] I don't know the answers anymore all I know is I'm dragging my half dad it has to work and I'm gonna try to kick some ass today all you can do try your best push yourself [Laughter] [Music] and a lot of successful people say like to be successful [ __ ] I can't even get that I've been getting like anywhere between five and six hours of sleep and working this hard with five or six hours of sleep isn't really cutting it's hard we had to deal with the biggest [ __ ] today at work oh yeah that's sucks man [ __ ] [ __ ] so why was the guy now so what'd he say to you what was the deal man [Music] pull out my work I'm out here and I can see a little bit ahead of time what I'm gonna be getting into because my iPad will tell me like what the jobs are and [ __ ] [Music] I also as a tour guide complained about all kinds of crap tell him you'll give him a tour of the sewer haha then you can complain about that crap how you like them apples my [ __ ] talk about so okay name pad better not make me login there we go good receptionist what do you want me to do ya know right my job is in Auburn looks like I don't know what the job is have some bananas and chill out shovel one down his throat [Music] [Music] all right so I'm getting paired up with somebody that's kind of cool I like it when I work with somebody a lot of to play it would have been working by myself I do all right by myself but just it's nice to have company I guess for a change I don't know you guys get what I'm saying [Music] guy was working with yes here today well I wasn't really working with him much he was there for like half an hour he says he prefers to sit alone I'll get that I'm a social person I don't get people that are not social somebody they could just go live in the woods for [ __ ] years and [ __ ] like I don't understand that type of person you have no internet no power no nothing never associate with anybody I think I would develop a [ __ ] mental disorder for sure you'd be set you'd have so much anxiety by the time you come out to public stuck-up your bananas and every time you have problems my bananas problem solved [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] it allergies meant kidney this morning [Music] some [ __ ] tired what kind what what kind of allergies like dust allergies you know [ __ ] allergic to dairy - I think I put on my axe you know apps will fix you up [Music] I really like to get this kink out of my neck guys [Music] make me a lot happier about working so since I'm paired up with somebody I'm wondering if he's like wonder where he's at nobody I think it's Italy I live [ __ ] all the way now or a wet hour away from work takes [ __ ] time in [Music] it's one of the reasons why they keep doing this job is because of the community it's a [ __ ] killer [Music] to do the mass on Howard here and our back everyday say I do it five days a week that's [ __ ] how much hours of my life ten hours of my life every week wasted gone for no good reason thanks Lee that's 40 hours a month times that way well that's how much hours a [ __ ] year 40 times 12 I waste [ __ ] commuting so that part really does suck Oh hmm and it doesn't help me get sleep you know I got a girlfriend who doesn't live where I live so I've got to go you know half an hour on another direction to go visit with her and spend how much ever time I can with her and then go home Coco does math skills this is your brain and [ __ ] 8:00 in the morning [Music] and I figure you guys to do the math for me 40 times 12 40 times 10 is 440 times 2 is 80 480 480 hours of [ __ ] year I spend [ __ ] commuting god dude dude I wanted an expresso when a broke is [ __ ] like I got a dollar in my checking yeah I was so worried about anything coming through my account right now [ __ ] gonna be destroyed by overdraft if that happens why don't you move in move in with my work now good I'm not gonna move over here ain't got enough spot for me anyway they would have like they would let me stay like a weekend or something some reason I needed to do that I have like little bunk beds or something set up those are revert reserved usually for like people in training the people that come from other states to train yeah Oh [Music] who shares how about sleeping in my car no with my girl yeah not an option I wish she was not [Music] well [ __ ] I'm almost work guys I'm gonna close this one off I appreciate you guys smashed I like subscribe if you haven't already think twice with one and one [Music]

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