Ep. 3 Hailey Van Lith, Jon Jones and other GOATS

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 01:12:34 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: hailey van lith
all right started do it uh so Jon Jones all right yeah greatest combat fighter of all time yeah I think I think he can beat uh Alex Pereira you think so yeah probably I don't know he's getting old though yeah I mean he beat uh actually he didn't fight Francis nagu did he who Jon Jones yeah Jon Jones I don't think so no that would have been that would have been a big deal if it happened but I don't think it happened that would have been one of the greatest fights ever bro for real you think Pereira has potential to retire to retire as a goat uh I mean he beat I mean I wouldn't call Strickland like one of the greatest but he did knock him out yeah and he beat Izzy uh yeah I don't know bro he handled um what's that black guy's name [Music] um oh uh yeah I know who you're talking about yeah um [Music] but is Jon Jones the goat like for real oh yeah you think so he's on a different level way totally different level dude I don't know if I'd say that I think he is the goat but he's not on a totally different level you know like it's close between guys like you know St Pierre yeah but dude whenever the UFC commissioner is uh or president is calling you the greatest combat fighter of all time I mean that's that's something dude I think maybe John just beat more beat more women and uh like Dana knows about it or something so yeah the amount of yeah bro he or no or no Dana beats women and John knows about it and he says that to keep him from saying anything about it yeah obviously yeah bro he's got his uh his wife has the iron chin dude chin of Steel bro for real chin of Steel bro John dude after the after the strip club bro he's coming home to punch dude for real those monster energies he's probably sponsored by them too oh probably think about it I mean Monster Energy that's such a UFC fighter drink yeah UFC fighters NASCAR drivers wife beaters dude I want to get into NASCAR dude I feel like that's so cool yeah my uncle got to do that he Dr NASCARs yeah well he got to drive one like before a race you got to do like 10 laps damn bro it was pretty sick that's awesome yeah yeah because I mean I feel like if you just ch if you're CH like you're at work or something and you're like checking your phone seeing like who's winning like a NASCAR it's like that's pretty cool bro yeah for real yeah and you like bed on it and stuff yeah I feel like anybody can be a NASCAR driver too yeah yeah it probably it's just like any other sport it's like a like especially if you have a racing Sim at home just like oh yeah or just or just like Grand Turismo with a steering wheel you can get get in a NASCAR dude have you seen those uh F1 steering wheels yeah yeah dude they got all those looks like a freaking futuristic PlayStation controller dude yeah those those thrust the I think they're called thrust Masters ironically that's yeah I mean that's a pretty good name for it yeah th Masters yeah it's a yeah I would love to like start watching it but I'm not really uh F f1's good the problem is the races are like 7 in the morning so you wake up and it's already over you're like H you know yeah for sure yeah F1 I feel like f1's like very British too right like it's not just American right there's like one American F1 driver yeah period yeah every everyone else is like Korean or Chinese and they're like smart as hell British well I mean Ren's Dutch um Hamilton's British it's basically just Europe and a little bit of like Japan China one guy who's like Finnish yeah the documentary is pretty good oh you watched it yeah well part of it it's it's long it's like 60 episodes but oh hell yeah well it's 10 episodes a season so like each F1 season is um the season of the show so yeah yeah is it F1 do they have uh they have like the Ferrari right like they have all the high uh Brands like the luxury Brands some of them it's like there's a team Red Bull there's a team Ferrari like you ain't gonna see a team uh Toyota Corolla you know I mean yeah exactly no team Honda Civics yeah well actually Red Bull is made by Honda so yeah you Ain you're not going to see a team uh Taco Bell bro actually you might that's actually you might yeah yeah you might that' be sick I'd drive a Taco Bell car yeah for real that's more like NASCAR though it's like they're just driving the saltine cracker car or something you know yeah yeah bro or the McDonald's car yeah it's like any brand ever made you can imagine there been a NASCAR of it it seems like yeah yeah I would love to I would love to drive one [ __ ] that'd be pretty cool just like I'd be the type of guy to just uh just run into the uh into your enemy hell yeah that's the cool thing about NASCAR is you can just hit anybody you want you know yeah F1 you can't do that they penalize you wait is it just men driving or is it uh integrated like men and women I mean anyone can drive but you know I don't know bro can anyone Drive bro god well anyone can drive she actually ringed it up as a like bean and cheese in a cup dude what yeah dude I had a State Trooper right behind me and I didn't have SE belt on or anything and I was like you know what yeah just yeah so I just had to get through that line bro CU like I told you I already got that speeding ticket yeah I know you got bad luck with cops right now yeah I know dude whenever I went to go uh pay for it I was going 21 over Dude I didn't know that oh man 21 miles per hour over bro yeah I think you told me that actually I already yeah I already told you 21 yeah I was surprised dude the cop didn't even tell me yeah yeah it's tough yeah I gotta take defensive 12 12 is just to get you right now I know dude like [ __ ] 12 dude I know I think it's because I've been listening to a moneybag yo uh a lot oh so you're just turning black slowly I've been bumping that bro and I've been I like I've been uh looking up looking in my mirror every time I pass like something that looks like a cop car I've been like I don't have any drugs on me but I just I don't know bro maybe it's a sign yeah maybe it's a sign I need to drug dealing or something I don't know yeah maybe so you wear those massive chains like he wears that dude's got some ice yeah bro dude it's crazy how much money they make it's really awesome though I mean for real remember you remember worm wait I remember yeah I remember you do I before him or I mean you left a after he came but or before he came came but uh yeah that dude had some serious money I think possibly for from some dealing oh yeah a little bit of Poker de well dude I think if you can get away with it it's uh dude the government just takes and yeah if you can find a way to do it down low like on the low you know get away with it dude yeah subcription drugs under the table Yeah have a have a pharmacist uh inside your inner Inside Your Inner Circle that's the way to go yeah it is yeah yeah but I I would uh yeah freaking Taco Casa dude they mess me up every time I freaking order bro I don't like Taco Casa you don't no yeah I I don't know there's just I feel like lowest possible quality of like fast food Mexican food like I even put Taco Bell above it oh yeah dude Taco Taco Bell is probably worse for you but really you think oh yeah probably yeah because they serves pizza bro yeah their meat got like an F rating which probably means it's killing us like slowly like it's giving us every form of cancer possible all at once you know yeah bro speaking of FS dude I gotta get my gr up dude and I haven't even started bro damn yeah dude I feel like every time I start a class bro they just start me off on an F I just keep having to I don't know bro it's bad yeah I have a zero in this one class because uh it says there was an assignment due back in 2022 so it says I'm late on that assignment so I have a zero like damn do yall use do y'all use canvas yeah yeah yeah that's what it is because some someone said the canvas due date is March 19th 2022 I got a zero in the class right now instead of an NA that's crazy bro yeah yeah I think the worst grade I've made in college so far which I which I re I retook the class but it was uh it was like uh it was like this integrated uh I think it was algebra or something but the first time that I took it it was terrible bro I fa almost all the tests and then the second time I memorized everything so I like made like a a in it so damn yeah but yeah bro it was bad first time around yeah I got this class semester that's like an automatic a it's called Communications and pop culture yeah yeah it's just like we walk in he shows us a Charlie XCX video and then he just asks a bunch of us what we think about it then he goes and harasses the football player table trying to get an answer out of them yeah try to get a signature or something yeah he yeah he really likes uh torian torian York he's the defensive captain dude that's awesome middle linebacker All-American yeah he looks like Jaylen Herz yeah bro I I was about to say I hope the Eagles draft him bro I mean uh wait did the Eagles wait did the Eagles draft Edgar and Cooper yeah yeah I forgot about that yall drafted two A&M players that's crazy yeah dude I mean it's gonna be this season bro it's gonna be awesome dude yeah it's gonna be a good season yeah we got that Dotson wide receiver off uh the off the Redskins I dude I was about to say the commanders bro yeah do not yeah I'm gonna go kill my no I'm just playing uh yeah I got Dotson off of uh we got Dotson off of the commander so yeah I heard about that yeah dude it was uh I think we they only gave up like a seventh round draft pick and like two two uh third round draft picks but damn Howie must have like locked him in a basement and held at Point black or something you think he's like secretly like a Philadelphia gangster or something oh yeah he yeah he has mob ties dude oh yeah for sure yeah he has mob ties and uh I think every Eagles fan is thankful for that to be honest with you I wouldn't have a problem with that yeah dude the Cowboys have Jerry Jones uh disability Center or whatever it's called the dementia Center or something yeah he's in the department yeah he's in the dementia Department of the retirement home yeah how's how's a part of the Philadelphia mob and Jerry's a part of the KKK yeah dude every Tuesday night he's sitting there playing cards with the Bob dude yeah yeah and Jerry's playing cards with the men and pointy hoods yeah they're telling them to get rid of that [ __ ] quarterback they got I know bro they they're telling him do whatever you can to start Cooper Rush yeah hey I'm all for it I love the ginger rifle oh man is he a better player of course not but I don't care yeah dude that for like 5,000 yards yeah I mean he was literally like top two or three in the league yeah but yeah I mean it's kind of stupid people will see someone say he was top five in the league last season and say no when there's almost no debate you know like statistically I mean like I don't want to like the guy it's just you know just facts yeah every Cowboys fan thinks I don't like Dak Prescott but dude I actually have nothing but respect for him yeah he's aw quarterback like it's just the only flaw that he has is he has a bad team around him yeah it's it's a lot of things I think it's a complicated situation oh yeah and he has that star in his helmet so that's probably one of them yeah the Eternal curse I know dude I feel like if he played for a uh if he played for a different team he'd probably did good yeah I think the NFL just hates Jerry anyway so like even if they were in a position to like go far they'd prevent that somehow dude imagine the Cowboys hired Roger Goodell and how no not Roger no bro dude what's that dude's name that got fired off of uh he had that quarterback show uh he got fired off the Raiders wait no he won a Super Bowl with the Buccaneers you know what I'm talking about oh guden yeah guden yeah dude he's like a that comparison Roger Goodell and uh guden is like Dana White and Joe Rogan dude they look the exact same bro do they yes hey Jamie Jamie pull up a picture Juan pull up a picture I I could literally pull up a picture I don't yeah we gotta pull up a picture we gotta pull up a picture all right um yeah but we got some new subscribers yeah I saw all right found the picture I don't I don't really know how to like screen share this I don't even know if I can actually but but you were right do look exactly the same actually I've never noticed that yeah if you need me a screen share I'll do it just give me a let me know okay sure um do you screen share yeah like I I I can do it off my computer yeah just use the first picture that comes up when you look up John Geren Roger Goodell all right all I see is Roger Goodell John guden and Roger Goodell email bro email yeah because it's like he got fired for that I think oh yeah yeah yeah I remember that oh yeah bro bro hold on let me screen share this oh wait it desktop one Jamie pull that up yeah Jamie pull that up right quick Jamie pull that up or I'll take you down to my torture chamber of a DMT or something I don't know you think Joe is a torture chamber maybe Jamie is it is it Sharon nope no oh wait yeah what about now yeah yeah it did yeah all right so uh can you see him yeah all right this is insane bro it looks like he's going undercover to like promote someone or something bro like these are these gota be ra organization yeah like there's no way and then we go and then we go uh well in that case why did the Raiders never win a Super Bowl bro he didn't have enough oh wait he won one with the Buccaneers I forgot about that yeah and then he had Caitlyn Clark's biggest hater on his team as a star player you know yeah that was a terrible sit that turned out yeah and then he had Chandler Jon bro he had Chandler Jones dude BR that's crazy yeah crazy combo dude for real CTE was insane on that team no imagine you're just a parent and you just have Jon Jones and Chandler Jones in your house yeah just raising them that's crazy oh [ __ ] for sure all right so I might be uh just yeah so I think this might be a hot take but I think these two look Sim more similar than these two I don't know D oh yeah you think so yeah all right no Joe and Dan have like completely different head types yeah I'm glad we both bald and you know UFC yeah all did it stop no it's still there we still get to gaze at Joe aggressively chewing gum and Dana having dreams about John Jones yeah that's crazy yeah I don't know dude bro how did you screen share uh I just went to the I went to the bottom of the zoom and it says like the little green arrow down here wait can you still see my screen or no yeah I can see it [ __ ] oh you just click it oh stop share there we go all right okay all right hell yeah but yeah bro I mean Roger Goodell and uh John guden I mean John grud that I used to always watch that quarterback show honestly I don't know what you're talking about I thought you were talking about RG3 how he because he said he got fired and my brain immediately went to RG3 yeah how he got fired for that croissant picture or he actually didn't but probably did John guden uh TV uh quarterback show and all I bet you you've definitely seen it before dude I've probably seen it yeah yeah bro did you did you see they're making a show with Glenn Powell that's the whole Eli Manning Chad Powers thing really yeah they're just taking that and turning it into an actual show instead of just the like one dang dude that's crazy Eli Manning is arguably the greatest quarterback of all time yeah I know yeah I mean I'd put him I'd put him top 20 that's a hot take but I do it yeah I was just watching the video of the 2007 Super Bowl yesterday oh dude he had I know why too much Aura Dude too way too much way too I mean in reality David Tyrie bailed him out but yeah Brady played like [ __ ] that Super Bowl yeah there it is dang bro that's one he okay my screen just went black uh call the cops oh god oh they're already at my door oh my God they're kicking in the door no shot my screen can you not see my screen anymore oh yeah I can oh you can okay I don't know what the hell just happened uh but yeah um yeah I mean so much Aura Eli he was throwing to some scrubs too like who the hell is Steve Smith and then you remember Victor Cruz yeah that was later on though yeah I like 07 like name any of his receivers dude I was like two years old bro no I know but like generally those teams had like a superstar receiver that one those didn't you know yeah uh yeah dude and uh Payton Manning he was uh he'll go down as one of the greats you know yeah I mean with that big of a forehead you know he had to choose something to put all his knowledge into you know yeah he always had that uh ugly helmet too bro you know what you talking about the revolution okay actually never mind that's not ugly but compared to like what everybody else wore it was it just St stood out you know what I'm saying yeah no it was sick yeah him and Matthew Stafford had the same helmet I think yeah yeah could always tell a player from their helmet poor Matthew Stafford oh yeah you gotta feel for the guy yeah he won a Super Bowl though I mean yeah but like all those years in Detroit yeah really just poor Lions fans I guess yeah yeah crazy I can't I can't see you no more yeah I know I think the screen share screwed something up or can you see my like screen share yeah yeah something screwed up I don't know what happened you should be able to go up to the top and then uh I stopped the share and it still didn't like I I've stopped the share twice already and like restarted it I don't know it says it's connecting oh okay bet that's fine I don't be yeah I could I remember Super Bowl 50 uh Pink m versus Cam Newton oh man I remember the hype around that oh man yeah dude it was uh I was I was a cam Fanboy I almost cried yeah bro I remember Steph Curry was at that game too I don't remember that yeah that was Curry Mania so I'm not surprised you know uh I was just talking about yesterday you know Cam Newton after he uh Chu that laptop out of that window yeah he came to blend in College Station like the junior college yeah the junior college actually dang yeah yeah he played at blend for one year and just like totally destroyed the competition won a national championship I just like you know what I'm gonna go win a National Championship at Auburn and did that my god dude yeah so he didn't even go to Texas A&M well no because he got kicked out of Florida and like it was kind of like last chance you yeah know yeah that's so no D1 college wanted him so for some reason he came to Blind in College Station it's like a feeder junior college for A&M kind of yeah but obviously he didn't want to go to A&M because tany Hill had too much Aura he couldn't beat him out for the starting job you know yeah bro he knew it I feel that yeah do you know when you're like a college athlete you don't have to do uh just get a bunch of people to do your homework for you yeah join a freaking pop culture class yep bro that class is wild other day the professor said he was gonna come all over someone my god dude that's not what he meant but he did in fact say that yeah there's like no uh yeah I mean and then he started talking about the Haw Tua girl out of nowhere I was like bro I'm about to walk out oh my god dude and then and when I actually walked out of the class at the end of it there were two morbidly obese chicks dressed up as a Robin Hood and a Disney princess just like oh yeah dude I bet they're on scholarship too oh yeah for sure to bring some uh equality diversity yeah some diversity yeah my God the average weight Yeah Yeah by making everything level you know yeah my God yeah instead of uh accepting uh four applications just accept two you know I mean yeah for real same weight difference you know they're legal they're legally two people each my god dude what's the GPA to get into H&M I don't know the big thing is being in the top 10 10% of your high school class and then I don't know what transferring does yeah so that's weird yeah I'm just I'm just looking at Chad Powers right here that's hilarious yeah I'm gonna stop sharing I was gonna look something else up but this crap doesn't work so or it doesn't I don't know it works but I can't get my camera back so yeah whenever screen share there's just a picture of Hale van with that's what I was going to do I was just going to look that just like oh man how did this happen I can't there's just a confirmation email uh showing a receipt of buying every ticket at TCU stadium yeah for real yeah dude the car a confirmation receipt for buying her used game shortes oh yeah I feel like that's even that's not even that weird to be honest bro it could be worse yeah it could be way worse yeah no tell him what your professor would do I mean yeah he loves that Hawk T girl that's that's weird bro he was talk he was talking about how you know how her dad um wore merch he was like oh yeah if that was my daughter I'd wear it too I was like oh my God hey really you sure about that yeah that's yeah that crosses a line right there I think yeah but hey it's it's his life I guess yeah that's crazy how uh she got famous it pissed a lot of people off too yeah yeah hey props to her for using the system yeah dude she probably made a lot of money oh yeah for sure that's that's what I'm trying to do bro yeah just say some dumb [ __ ] into a microphone and then get famous sounds like a deal yeah sounds like doing right now now yeah yeah dude I mean just think dude the next five years one of us is one of the uh like we're at the top of our whatever profession we choose we're at the top of it all right yeah and we get brought in kind of like a Italian mob style like you get brought into a room where it's just you and uh the boss like the HR or whatever yeah and you get fired on the spot you know it's like uh that would suck that would suck no pun attended yeah but and then we have to I would sue the I would sue them because I mean that's just we have freedom of speech bro for real well sort of you know I mean you see Shane Gillis I mean he got he got uh canceled for talking about a a Korean guy or something yeah he said [ __ ] is that what he said uh yeah I think so it's funny despite all the times he said like [ __ ] [ __ ] they decided to do his [ __ ] and all the times talk about hot high school girls yeah they decided you know what [ __ ] that's the deal breaker yeah we're gonna use that a word that nobody knows yeah dude a word that nobody knows and yeah that's insane yeah I bet everyone at every Chinatown and uh every Big City loves Shane Gillis bro I mean oh I bet yeah I mean he just said that just he just walks up and does his Asian impression of them they just die he's just like oh very very honorable dude one thing I've never seen is an autistic Asian person never seen that how would you know or not autistic but like you know know down down with the syndrome yeah yeah yeah little extra chromy in the homie see it yeah it's playing in like four frames but it's cool yo is that speed with dreads in the back I think so I think so the Xbox bro oh that dude's about to be going crazy with Roman Reigns on WWE 2K dude uh listen to this part right here hold on that's hilarious D somehow he just seems Chiller than every other dude know I would love to hang out with him you think he could spit some bars but on a SL like special level you know dude no I think special bars no I think it would be just as I think it'd probably be the most normal thing you've ever seen I would think maybe yeah oh do you see that chick that uh first first lawyer of down syndrome uh I don't think so yeah it's actually pretty cool like she graduated like actual law school with Down syndrome and then you know all the comments were and it's pretty cool you know then you go to the comments just like oh grilled cheese in the suitcase and oh bro all I had was I just littered why'd I get the death sentence is my lawyer is my lawyer [ __ ] yeah that's funny dude dude imagine your Down syndrome when you have to go to jail dude that's got to be the funniest thing ever that black dude may may end up with that experience you know I don't know dude hey according to the St the statistics that the government puts out the government puts it out you guys all right the government puts out pause yeah they okay yeah but they put out the stats bro I mean according to them yeah you're probably right dude yeah I don't think we should have stats if I'm being honest bro because that just puts a it just let's this talk about it you know yeah and then you get you got all these like politicians that uh you know yeah say that you shouldn't arrest black people like they literally say that you know yeah bro dude stop putting out the stats and we'll stop talking about it for real when you when you have 30 when you have a certain race 30 of them are getting shot and killed in only one of the other race only one person is getting killed I mean that's crazy bro yeah that's insane well maybe there's something at play there that we maybe yeah maybe there's something behind the scenes you know maybe something behind the curtains yeah dude uh yeah that's uh it's crazy yeah speaking of comments though be wait never mind never mind actually oh what is it I don't know it just I was talking about the comments from that down Cinder R and it reminded me of this girl who like she does like Dad jokes and all her comments are just like like marry me or whatever no no it's like it's they always say oh that's funny that's hilarious and then a period and they say something like give me an Alaskan snow drag what the it's like Urban Dictionary stuff like I'll see if maybe I can find it yeah pull it up pull it up Jamie pull that up J uh Jamie get on your knees right now boy yeah Jamie give me a handy and tell me how good Jon Jones is wrong ball guy sorry I mix him up sometimes Jamie you're not going to the UFC event if you don't pull that up trying to remember what it's called jokes with Neeve or something like that yeah she kind of looks like Paige Becker pull it up for yeah pull it up for our seven viewers yeah J pull that up yeah she looks like a like a wish version of Paige Becker's oh yeah I feel like even that would look that' look hot anything to do with Paige Beckers bro she's a interesting looking she looks like the babysitter from The Incredibles a little bit I'm trying to think bro think about I guess I never I never really got into uh The Incredibles I'm being honest damn really that is a legendary movie there was a few though right second one sucked but um you know that's how it goes I was I was more of a uh po story guy I'm being honest yeah I mean good movies but The Incredibles is really good Toy Story 2 may be the greatest movie ever made actually Toy Story 2 oh yeah the new one kind of sucked but I guess that's because I'm older yeah I didn't like the one with Barbie and Ken in it I don't know why oh you didn't like Toy Story 3 bro that's one of the best ever when I was little I like it now but when I was little I didn't like it I don't know why I guess just because I like to so much yeah they have like a Italian mafia up in the vending machine remember that yeah czy to basically the whole point is she's awkward and makes bad jokes and then you go to the comments and then it's just like yeah that's not funny yeah well that's the point it's not supposed to why won't the comments load oh come on to be fair using Tik Tok on desktop is terrible but um brother you can do it no don't restart the video I think I've seen that yeah bro people they think they just famous being awkward low system resources okay I don't know what the deal is [Music] here I mean come on yeah uh did you see uh well that just totally flopped because I couldn't even pull up the yeah I think I've seen that girl before well it's not about about her it's about the comments yeah but doesn't she kind of look like a wish version of Paige you know yep yeah should we keep this thing like one episode or should we just split it I don't know we did kind of continue like mid conversation so yeah you're right yeah yeah we we can just keep it one I guess uh yeah have you seen the uh you seen those uh Los poos and uh the Costco guys yeah that's hilarious you seen the meat Canyon of the Costco guys no what's that you don't know what meat Canyon is no oh my God it's just this dude who makes like the worst animation of everything just like yeah they piss me off dude no it's so funny because it's intent it's like ugly you know yeah like like they bring no joy into this world I'm being honest let me show you meet Canyon I can't screen share for some reason yeah I can I can screen share I'll do it okay just called meat Canyon yeah just look up meat Canyon you just take me to a uh adult website yeah probably oh yeah yeah I've seen this yeah here let me pull it up yeah up Jamie all right you see it yeah yeah it's pretty yeah I mean I've seen one of Sam solic I think it's pretty funny yeah he did a queso one he did a Taylor Swift one he's done everything oh yeah dude looks just like him yeah oh my God bro my boy big Justice bro is it me or does that kid piss me off big Justice yeah oh I hate the Costco guys oh yeah nothing about is funny dude their koric intake has to be out of this world I me for real chicken bake I've never been to Costco kind of think of it you never have yeah I've been to Sam's Club a few times but other than that yeah really that's like Crips and bloods bro Costco and Sam's CL is like I went to Sam's Club once when I was like seven it's like I was in heaven I also want to go to IKEA for some reason I don't know why yeah has mob ties bro the rizzler dude the rizzler this kid has a chance he's like eight years old bro he has a chance to get away from these people I just heard about that dude this kid looks hilarious bro this is insane five or six times just to be sure another wise word for Eve on accident um I'm trying I'm trying to pull these comments up just so we can like read them for a second bet you uh yeah I'm trying to yeah I might I might go to the Eagles game September 16th against the Falcons hell yeah I I would have to skip going all the way out to Philly yeah damn that's a ways out there I know don't get like raped by the mob or something yeah D I'm gonna try to yeah you better one thing I'm not doing I'm not flying Spirit bro that's one thing I'm not doing I'm not getting in a plane and I'm I'm not gonna have it risk get risk going down dude yeah that's a risk yeah I I only fly American Airlines and uh Delta that's the only two and Southwest Southwest too but I don't think they go up to Philly I think you should only fly American Airlines to support the Mavericks yeah yeah have you uh have you seen yeah have you seen the uh the Mavericks they uh they suck yeah what about what about it I thought you gonna have like some dude I wish they went out a better way dude honestly yeah I wish they went out I wish they went out fighting it's not over yet though the freaking Russian bro Chris stabs like he's not even Russian but he looks like that Russian guy off of Rocky off of Rocky for real yeah dude he only played like one game one and game two and then he like tore he like got injured or something can you imagine in like 10 years when it's just gonna be a league full of christops that's gonna be insane just a bunch of European dudes 7 foot two 7 three shooting thre Steph Curry won no more yeah no he will LeBron will still be playing God damn it yeah but yeah have you seen that a dude who's playing for FL who just committed to play it for Florida uh no 7 foot n my God yeah is he like uh what is he what no I said is he like that guy from UCF you know I'm talking about Taco Fall maybe yeah Taco Fall yeah yeah I mean he's three inches taller than that guy golly bro that dude played for the Celtics yeah yeah now he's three inches taller than that guy and he's still growing so that's crazy I don't know how much but and he he like he doesn't any sort of like gigantism he's just naturally that tall yeah imagine amount amount of the food they have to eat being that tall for real you know how wimy looks like a stick yeah this dude actually looks like filled out and like normal oh D like imagine how much he eats yeah to not lose weight they would probably have to maintain at least I would think 5,000 calories a day for real yeah and dude I'm at like I'm sitting at like 5'8 how many yeah I'm sitting at like 5'8 215 right now and I'm eating like a little over 2,000 so damn yeah but 2000 two a little over 2,000 that's pretty normal though it's pretty average I probably eat like 2500 for being honest yeah yeah if a woman's wearing shorts and she gets raped and I'm on the jury that man's going free can I get name in hey what are all these Boos for H say it right now if a woman's wearing shorts she gets raped and I'm on the jury that man's going free can I get name in dude you start talking I'm not looking I'm not looking at anything yeah dude you said oh my god oh my god dude hold on I had to I had to take my sunglasses off of that bro you gota chill out yeah I know oh know did I [ __ ] it up I just wanted to look at him closer oh my god dude oh there we go oh my God that's a good picture dude I think I think this is I think we've gone too far bro you think I don't know dude just a little bit bro I just wanted to surprise you yeah D you definitely surprised what what is this bro yo bro this does not look like Angel Reese what's going on here dude Angel Reese is amazing awesome awesome oh yeah bro this is uh yeah that's kind of scary looking yeah Cameron Brink she's like dude she's like uh how tall is she like seven foot n she's like 63 wait how that's so tall for a woman though like that's so tall yeah how how tall is Haley van lith five six I don't know D bro like average height yeah Dream Team yeah bro H we gota go to that game but what yeah we gotta go to that game uh for real in November probably is that what we were thinging sometime yeah yeah something like that and uh yeah we got yeah we gota go we got picture that picture's got a lot of Aura which one oh yeah oh dude there's zero wait how many did she win a National Championship who uh the uh Paige buers I don't know or not National Championship the final four or whatever I don't know yeah National Championship yeah you know come to think of it I don't think so because Haley didn't win one she didn't win one I guess Paige didn't I don't think yeah you know who did Angel [Music] ree you know I've kind of heard that both Paige and Angel Reese were like way better before their injuries oh yeah like Paige was Paige was gonna be like the goat like she was gonna be better than Caitlyn before the injuries and then Angel was like better like she could actually jump unlike now and she's just glued to the ground you know yeah I don't know women are just so fragile they're always breaking [ __ ] and tearing [ __ ] you know yeah haly van lith yeah we got to go to that uh for real yeah bro would be funny is if like we actually like got our autograph or something I don't autograph what are we like P I'm all about that uh for her yes for her I can be any age she wants me to be who what do you mean by that uh I mean I mean I completely agree yeah bro yeah yeah I mean yeah I definitely I definitely want to get front uh cour side tickets though yeah it'll be like 10 bucks that's women's basketball yeah they'll be like uh $7 yeah they they'll pay us to go to the game yeah bro dude they'll pay us to make content about her that'd be funny that would be amazing we make content with her yeah if you know what I mean yeah bro I'll uh I didn't say that say that yeah you didn't say that I me I meant make a podcast yeah dude we gotta yeah we gotta make a podcast we gotta yeah we gota bro we would get a lot of views dude yeah hey maybe we should try let's do it yeah we need to like make a list yeah we need to make a list of like all the people we want and then like just go by one by one you know yeah cross them off yeah hell yeah dude like we gotta get a uh we gotta get a a m cop you know you seen that you talking about Theo yeah Theo we gotta get a mall cop yeah he had a garbage man on too that's crazy BR I haven't listened to that one I haven't either I've been listening to a lot of them honestly just yeah he has so many bro he's been doing it maybe he get maybe he'll get Haley van lith on dude I bet he'd probably do it because you know he's an LSU fan oh yeah I if she wins like the national champ or the yeah the final four yeah but uh yeah I'm still pissed about Taco Casa though damn it just really ruined your day yeah dude pissed me off damn I had a terrible i've been doing a different split like working out it takes like a little bit to get used to it and I had a terrible workout too really yeah I thought T CA would make it better but it didn't I it worked out in like two days yeah probably get back to that yeah I'm I'm thinking about just taking like a month off the whole month yeah bro bro I can't do that like if I go more than like two weeks like I feel my muscles like start to ache from like from not going yeah from it's like atrophy almost it's like really I can feel it it it might it may be like part mental I don't know but like I don't know and it's funny I don't work out super often it's like three four times a week but if I don't you know yeah kind of keep it up it's just what's your split uh just it depends yeah depends on the day yeah I feel that depends on the week really just it changes yeah especially with school too like I'm thinking about whenever school starts next week just starting to work out like uh maybe just like twice a week or something I don't know yeah maybe three times to hit everything but I don't know yeah yeah yeah I mean it just it takes takes a lot of time with working going to lift and then uh doing school you know I mean yeah how many hours you taking 14 14 yeah I'm only taking 12 but really it's diff it's difficult classes so it's like your it's it's 12 is probably going to be like this semester is probably going to be like the lowest hours right of your whole entire schooling yeah yeah that's usually how it goes like you get ramp up yeah you get one semester where it's like kind of chill like it's not chill because yeah physics is so oh dude I would just such a hard CL yeah I know I know my head dude especially because like there's no like good way around it this is a problem because it's like there's two types of physics I could have taken algebra based and calculus based if you take calculus based which is what I'm taking there's no homework but the exams are almost impossible do you have or what do you have labs in that yeah or no it's well it's it's a tie-in class with called engineering which is like part physics part not physics but it's a lab yeah yeah or you can take the algebra based which is like seven hours of homework so which I'm glad I'm glad I'm not doing that but I'm also not excited about doing calculus based so yeah yeah that's pretty cool I'm uh I I don't even have to take physics I only have to take uh like one or two Labs I think to get to get like yeah I think maybe just one lab I don't know but that's good yeah bro uh yeah this this semester I mean I think it'll be pretty easy I don't have to take like a literature class so I'm thankful for that I don't have to write a bunch of essays yeah [ __ ] essays [ __ ] any s like English writing class any of that yeah I'm taking business writing so it's like way different yeah that's not bad yeah and then I'm taking accounting or whatever forgot what the name of it was and then uh two other classes yeah bro you think we should do like a little like quickfire conversation because I was think like sports conversation I was thinking about who is the greatest goat of their sport I'm gonna say something right now that's probably a crazy take because uh this guy is like the only well-known person in their sport but Michael Phelps yeah that's fair yeah except Lei is kind of chasing that yeah I know way yeah what do you think I think it could be between Wayne Gretzky okay Phelps I guess Tiger Woods Tiger Woods dude yes yeah Tiger Woods is amazing yeah I just saw that video of him yesterday where he's drunk and he gets pulled over yeah the cops like like okay I'm going to need you to say the alphabet without singing it okay repeat those instructions back to me and he says don't say the national anthem backwards bro that's hilar and he he the day after he just wins the PGA to oh yeah that's hilarious wins the wins the whole Masters wins the US Open dude he literally had his own like he had the tiger slam named after him like he they made up his own achievement because no one had ever done it before yeah he all four of the major tournaments in one year and they're like wait we don't have a name for this oh it's a tiger slam that's awesome no one else has ever done it so yeah Tiger Wood yeah Tiger Woods I would throw even uh Barry Bonds in there heck yeah yeah nobody's reaching Barry Bonds dude nope no nobody forget he like spent like half his career not roiding too yeah I don't even care if he took roids I mean I don't either but like if people are gonna say that just be like oh yeah he was off roids when he was on the Pirates which is like half more than half his career yeah so what I mean everybody else was everybody's admitted to it that was the steroid era yeah and who was the face of the steroid era Barry Bonds Barry Bonds like who even comes close honestly do you think griffy was on them griffy was uh maybe maybe yeah yeah K griffy was so good dude Maguire was oh my God D I think before every little league baseball game I would search up a video of King griffy like his completion you know like the home runs yeah he was left-handed too and I'm I'm left-handed and I was like oh my god dude I gotta I gotta just like him you know damn so you didn't go for like a modern Choice like Gallow like at the time no bro [ __ ] no not cause I mean I didn't really look up to those like to the newer guys I mean really I think the my favorite newer guy is probably but he's been around but Mike Trout yeah Mike Trout is one of the most underrated players of Our Generation I think who's under rating him nobody talks about him what are you talking about dude I swear like everybody's always talking about Aaron judge uh St yeah yeah show the guy who the China man who uh China man yeah China man who freaking got caught or didn't get caught but oh I hit ball very hard yeah dude but uh yeah I think my trout is up there yeah well the only reason people talk about judging Otani Moore is because Trout's been hurt like the last three you're right you're right but yeah Trout's Trout's probably the goat since like 2000 oh yeah sh is catching them though remember Aaron judge will be a comfortable third yeah poos too what about Albert P probably fourth fourth yeah let's [ __ ] go that's awesome is that guy oh what about uh there's another one see people don't really talk about him that much but Andrew McCutchen in his prime oh man like top 10 get out of here dude I mean he was so every time time he got up to bat almost I feel like you just well it was like you'd watch the Little League World Series back then and like you know how they did the favorite player for everyone yeah always McCutchen always yeah always McCutchen bro and now it's Paul SK dude my God bro they ask him their celebrity crush bro one time one of those kids at a porn star do you see that hey Jamie bring it up like 12 that's funny no actually I kind of want to find it oh yeah that' be hilarious remember um no it was favorite it was favorite actor and it was a porn star that's what it was which is even funnier oh yeah that's awesome yeah yeah how much do you know about F1 I think I know enough to get into it you think uh verstappen's going to retire the goat you're talking about that guy who looks like uh uh who does he look like is he like the uh black guy no he's white no you're thinking of leis Hamilton yeah oh I found it the kid's favorite actor was Johnny Sins never mind that's not as funny but still funny but yeah that's funny that's funny enough it's pretty funny yeah he's 13 and his favorite actor is John that's funny um it's hilarious but yeah no Max is the white Dutch guy is he draw for Ferrari is that him Red Bull Red Bull okay yeah in in 2023 he won like 19 out of 22 races and then two of them he uh leted his teammate pass him on the last lap to to get points for the team and then yeah he only outright Lost One race the entire season impressive yeah and everyone was pissed because they're like man this season sucks because it's just max every time yeah but this year it's like it's Lewis and George and Lando and all those guys winning a little more max is still in the lead but you know yeah that's awesome bro yeah yeah I want to go to I want to go to a race yeah be down there there's one in uh Austin every year really yeah yeah I'm trying to go but it's expensive really yeah well you sit at one turn and somehow they make it like if you get like a weekend pass it's like almost a thousand bucks which you don't have to do that yeah like it's like a single day pass and it's like it just depends on where you sit it's anywhere from 50 to like $500 yeah cuz like I I think I would even be okay with like standing room because how long is the race it lasts like an hour hour and a half yeah D I could stand for that long because I mean that'd be like that's like a lot of uh you only get to see them go by like however many times they go around the track you know mean yeah 70 or so yeah so it's like yeah I would stand for that think just get absolutely plastered yeah yeah awesome yeah I want to go to a UFC an F1 a PBR maybe PBR I don't watch it but like it just looks like a cool event to go to you know yeah I would love to ride a bull dude yeah bucket list item yeah oh my God that' be awesome yeah you ever seen that video of Strickland wanting to ride the bull and then danis stepson he's like no I don't think so yeah bro that's like one of the most dangerous sports ever yeah it is yeah those dudes are broken down after yeah do you see that Dale brisbee Show on Netflix yeah I saw that he bought he bought his own uh he bought that bull yeah yeah and then he had the woman bull rider and she was one of like five in the whole country yeah and then she gets bucked and she's just crippled for like three days oh my God shit's brutal I mean for a man it's brutal for a woman it's like so brutal there's like a lot of money in it too right there's like a bunch of money if you get to like the real deal yeah I mean there's two ways you could do it you could do like NFR which is like an actual Rodeo I think there's a little less money in that and then you actually get signed to the PBR and that's a [ __ ] ton of money yeah do you have to be a certain body weight no I don't think so just go up there most of the guys are small though like JB Mooney he's like he's like 56 140 damn most of them are small yeah because it's hard it's hard over 200 pounds to kind of like yeah because your Center of gravity goes I wouldn't I wouldn't say it's hard to be flexible because I'm pretty flexible but it's just it's hard to like you said it's hard to go with your body you know yeah when you're 140 wet it's like yeah being tall is also not an advantage either oh yeah because there's are short small Brazilian guys yeah exactly yeah Brazilian yeah yeah yeah a bunch of Jose Aldos riding bulls yeah pretty much that sounds like a bull rider name Jose Aldo oh yeah d That's yeah that's an awesome name yeah I'd have that name uh yeah dude I think I'm not trying to downplay Bor ridden because I have nothing but respect for them but it's just I I think I'd like to give it a try you know I mean yeah me too yeah nothing hurts difference between riding a PBR bowl and like a regular Bowl yeah yeah you think because like the like the amounted drugs they're on oh yeah oh yeah dude you know the regular ones are on just you know maybe a little Coke yeah little testosterone ones PBR ones are on just pure amphetamines yeah they're on they're on pure text messages dude for real yeah the Gmail perk yeah every before every Rodeo they're looking at their phone yeah real why did she say that to me I thought you were talking about the the like the perks that that like come in phone apps you know what I mean oh yeah no I wasn't I wasn't talking about that that's why I said off the Gmail perk okay we were yeah dude they're on pure David goggin's uh motivational videos no they actual David gogin just like to the shoot to [Laughter] talk that's actually pretty smart dude and the rider just gets like like like a can full of painkillers just to drink like a protein shake oh yeah dude if those are on so many painkillers it's crazy dude if a bull is taking that many steroids test the bull dude I mean yeah we got less than a minute left so yeah we can wrap it up boy yeah all right dude I have no idea how good that was but it was fun yeah hey I think that was that was probably one of the best ones dude I mean it was pretty good yeah yeah yeah

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