Category: Comedy
-thank you so much and welcome back to the show. thanks for coming on our show. look at you here on the cover of "variety." [ cheers and applause ] they're calling this the year of the -- the demissance. -wow. doesn't that sound like a party that we should go to? -yeah, we should go to the demissance.... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Song = metronomy - reservoir [musique] i heard you made the hall of downown i heard you got a j the builders y but we should never say that we drifted far yeah we should never say that we drifted far and i could never take good care of you because we had so much to l but we should never say that we... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro come in we say good morning that's important when you come to work in the morning it's good it's good to say hi to everyone a lot of people don't do that it freaks me out it's got the best sneakers i've ever seen they totally threw me while i was talking i was like what what who didn't he make... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] um i want to go kind of rewind just a little bit with you um talk to me about the opening minutes of like moments of like walking into the anonymous household what was kind of going through your mind and what was that vibe like for you well walking in i was i i was pretty nervous actually and... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
And i could personally tellou you because they put my father in jail for $25 worth of illegal substance they put him in jail for 7 years oh wow this man was an educator in the hood in in the inner cities educating kids the judge that he would have come to the school and talk to the kids presided over... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] how's it going i'm fine i'm so fine hope you are fine too i'm very fine yeah every time let me start as i ever wanted to start well i want you to gets to know this is a safe space so to express yourself don't be afraid how was it being being in this movie that was a that sums it up yeah it was... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro going as a woman to the front line cutting through the red tape and documenting the atrocities of the nazi regime i learned a lot just reading the script and spending time with kate how did it really feel to get into hitler's bath even when i wanted to look lee teaser trailer away i knew i couldn't... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Congratulations on the series. how did you get involved in this? and did you have to go through all the auditions and the traditional route? yeah, i just did, i did, you know, one. i did an audition, and i don't think i did a callback. i think about a week later, they told me i got the job. simple and... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Vincent lindon acteur emblématique du cinéma français vient de recevoir un prix prestigieux à la mostra de venise 2024 consolidant encore un peu plus sa carrière déjà couronnée de succès réputé pour ses rôles intenses et engagé vincent lindon a su s'imposer au fil des années comme l'une des figure incontournable... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musique] bonsoir bonsoir risel et bonsoir jean bienvenue sur le plateau de quotidien voici une partie de l'équipe et le public jean est-ce que je peux te pittoyer bien sûr bon très bien je te tout toi je suis ravi de te rencontrer bienvenue tu vas bien très bien et vous très bien merci red vous avez... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What do you think harris needs to do in terms of the media do you think it's too she needs to come out and do more news conferences one-on-one interviews i'm sure i'm sure that she will do those things right now what she's been doing has been very effective i think you know these these rallies are great... Read more
Category: Entertainment
She's so mean i mean she's i mean she's really awful i mean even with her own family you know i mean uh she's just nice to her granddaughter because i mean in fact she's building everything for her but she's trying to i mean to buy everything to get everything to fire everybody to to even kill i mean... Read more