Massive supply run to Anchorage ALASKA COSTCO

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:20:35 Category: People & Blogs

Tags : #inshot
Trending searches: costco hours
hello everybody and welcome to Homestead living Alaska thank you for joining us today if you are new to our Channel we are a family of six we live in this beautiful Wilderness of Alaska here off grid we are carving out a homestead from scratch with minimal money and a lot of hard work from all six of my family members we do live very remote and because of this it takes 2 hours to go to Anchorage 1 way and 2 hours to come back to our cabin so when we do trips to Anchorage it can take up actually like a full day of time so we have set aside basically this entire day for the commuting for the shopping and for the putting away of the groceries and that's just kind of how it goes when you do live more remote and that's okay we live this way by choice if you are interested in learning about our backstory or who we are why we live this way I will leave a link to a video in the description of today's video that kind of gives a little bit more of our backstory and why we left City Life in 2022 and decided to move a little bit more remote and choose to be a little bit more self-reliant all right and at the very end of this video the very end when we get back to the cabin I will do an itemized receipt review for you guys where I will let you know all the prices all of the items and share that information with you so the mission today is this I have to today get two carports they are 10x2 carports they're in a box I need two of those today plus I also need about 2 to 3 weeks worth of groceries so oh plus I'm taking two kids can I fit that all in my 2008 Toyota Sienna van I'm not sure yet but you guys will have to find out with me without further Ado let's get going to Anchorage I have a 2-hour Drive ahead of me let's go [Music] all right guys we've officially arrived in inridge Alaska Costco after about a 2hour ride through a lot of weird patches of fog but we're here safe and we're going to start going shopping let go inside we have a lot to buy today all right so we're inside the store today I have my two favorite helpers I've got Harley and I've got Lily who are seasoned Shoppers we are going to be looking for Hudson's favorite chips which are the Sun Chips okay we have found the Sun Chips Hudson Lakes the and they are 839 so Lily can you grab a bag of Sun Chips all right okay I'm just going to get you guys the price of spam 23.99 or it looks like a eight pack our family doesn't eat this but you know in an emergency I probably would $15.99 for a sixpack and these are great for the boys when they work if you just make some chicken salad sandwiches so not bad okay and these are spicy small pickles here I think I'll try one of these and we go with some sandwiches take those out all right this is a good price for a two pack $789 all right somebody and it's Lily one of those please I was just going to put it in Harley's [Laughter] cart she puts the heavy item in your cart that's awesome all right now I'm going to pick up a three pack of this vinegar here we actually are in the middle of making our own vinegar but it won't be done here for about 2 months so in the meantime going to pop that in there to make some pickled beets and then we've got some organic coconut oil for $12.99 let's just get one of these today Lily cuz we skipped last time all right and we put coconut oil in our coffee and we also like to have it if we want to make our lip balms and body products all right one of my favorite items to buy at Costco that's definitely the most affordable is this organic sugar and 949 all right organize your cart all right let's keep going here [Music] okay so we are at the coffee aisle and today let's see 1969 for 3 lbs of organic coffee so Lily we grab two of those all right so next we're looking for the more natural sodas here okay so we spy our favorite Costco sparkling waterers if we go go to another store I do like the waterl the best but they don't carry that as far as I can see so today here at Costco so we're going to get this one here Harley can you help Lily get two of these thank you buddy such good helpers what's this organiz oh he says Lily needs some organizing in her cart do you need organizing Lily not really okay well that looks better oh she doesn't like that she's going to do it her way she all right now this is my favorite part is the dairy because the deals in here are pretty good all right let's just get a four yeah there you go all right and then this is a great price to $11.99 for your whipping cream Let's uh get two of those Lily wonderful price $5.59 let's get uh two of the half and half hary yeah two of each nice I like their big sour cream here it's only 5.59 and it's huge so I'm going to get one of these 3 lb so that's a great deal all right so the but is 14469 for four of these sticks so I'm going to grab one of these there you go and these are kind of cute here these are some Greenhouse little potted plush toys it looks like those are cute I wonder if they're soft oh wow those are really soft that's fun very cute granny would like those oh look and here's some sunflowers cute it's fun all right and then their ground beef is $4.99 a pound so we'll probably take one of these and moose seasoned just open today so hopefully that's the last time I have to buy ground beef from the store for a while hoping yeah we're hoping getting the carports oh boy all right so Harley ready to start the Caravan and head towards the front area which is going to be we've got I've got a cart Lily's got a cart Harley's got that so let's start spinning around and getting ready heading towards the front now to check out whoa you're not the checkout guy how do you make it go oh push on that little thing there oh maybe his battery's dead try it again all right guys we've officially wrapped up our shopping trip Harley and LLY are loading up the van I'll show you that once they get that all packed up all right guys we've officially loaded the van with two carports plus all of our groceries we have uh covered up our cold stuff in there and they've boxed some of it and we'll cover up some of it with our our sweatshirts and we are headed off to the cabin to unbox this Beast of groceries so let's go ahead and shut the car let's get going all right everybody we are back at the cabin here so let's do our receipt review for those of you who kind of want to know the specifics on prices and all of that stuff and like I said that that was me about 9 years ago 10 years ago before we moved up here I was obsessed with learning Alaska prices just so I knew what I was kind of dealing with when we moved here all right so let's dive in here and let's look at the receipt here so first item I've got the barbecue sauce and that was a two pack for $689 now these Brew doctors these are the best kombuchas ever and they were on sale with four bucks off so that was $7.99 for it was actually a six-pack so that's a great deal because if you buy them individually they can run you know 3 to 350 per bottle of Kombucha so not a bad price price there the strawberries $6.99 the blueberries $5.99 uh the huge now this was a 5 lb block of medium cheddar $7.89 not a bad price candy snaps oh my goodness I need to recall what those are so more strawberries more blueberries the organic bananas those are still ripening up a little bit the Sparkling Waters again I do like the waterl the best but those are such a great price $33.49 I will look at the count of that and I will put that um in this little review here so you guys know how many you're getting for $33.49 the organic sugars $949 each fig bars those are those individually wrapped fig bars that's a pretty good price and those actually taste pretty good too the chicken and rice that is Ruby's dog food $308 she loves her canned chicken and rice and that was for 24 cans all right so now we go to the Kirkland peaches those are great uh $359 for just a quick snack on the go Harley loves his Peach is and cream so apple cider vinegar I love the price on that that was for a three pack I love that that's such a good deal okay now the buttermilk buttermilk let see here okay the buttermilk I'm going to have to come back to not sure exactly what that is the butter that was a four pack of butters for $469 so that was four of these for that price so 4 lb of butter uh the English muffins $329 each and they were quite a long um roll of those so a good price there 10in tortillas for $9.99 um and then we've got the organic rainforest um coffee was $19.69 each and those were 3 lbs of coffee each all right so the ground beef that we got 3358 I think that was $4.99 a pound these here were the spicy petite um pickles a two pack for $6.99 that's not bad the canned chicken was a sixpack $15.99 the coconut oil which was organic and I like that $12.99 for 2.48 L of the coconut oil so that's a great deal the whipped cream that was that heavy whipping cream I got two of those again we do um peaches and cream and we do fruit and cream a lot as a um form of a dessert the Alaska game bags $34.99 now these Dixie plates and bowls here the plates were $2.99 and the bowls were 1329 now we do use paper plates here and there and we also use regular um cookware and spoons and forks and all of that so Cliff Bars $23.69 Hudson loves his Cliff Bars and this yogurt here was the two pack of organic yogurt and it was $2 off so that's $6.99 for that string cheeses uh$ 12259 for the big pack those are a great snack on the go the mini baby Bell cheese 1379 and again those are great for on the go snacks lunches hunting scouting uh Dairy Gold sour cream $5.59 that's that really big tub good deal there the half and half for coffee of course $5.59 got two of those and then this here is another yogurt then we go to the organic syrup for pancakes and that's $12.99 for 30 for 33.8 fluid oz on the syrup the organic eggs $829 another string cheese two peroxides a two pack $319 and here we go the paper towels the Kirkland paper towels were $26.99 and here's that toilet paper um at Costco $24.99 for the big pack just like we were kind of thinking at the store the Kodiak cakes $12.99 the two pack of organic flour which I thought was a pretty good deal uh $17.89 the two pack of whole milks $8.79 each so I got two of those plus another sparkling water Sun Chips cheddar cheese which is Hudson's favorite 839 a two pack of alcohol 70% 5.49 the honey $33.99 the black beans 879 oops and I did get the canned um black beans again um I did look for the uh dry ones and I didn't see them anywhere this last trip um but I also do have dry beans and when I have time then we'll soak those and use those as well I know they're way better for you and they're way cheaper and I agree with you guys on that note however this trip I found the canned beans and I didn't see the dry one so maybe next time the organic brown sugar $949 organic oats 989 another Sun Chips and the Jiffy crunchy peanut butter for a two pack $139 and then these are the canopies these were the um carports the 10x 20s at $279.99 each and if we don't have time this year to put up our wood shed we know that that could be an option to store some of our splitwood since we heat primarily by firewood so the grand total all right so the grand total is 1,342 33 and and so that is what we spent today on groceries and also two carports if you guys have any questions let me know if you have uh again I do have a viewer who wants me to buy Aussie bites and I've been looking the last couple of times and I cannot find those anywhere so if you guys do have a request if you have any questions for me feel free to leave them in the comments and I will get back to you other than that we will see you guys on the next video guys thanks for watching have a great day

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