Category: People & Blogs
10 minutes goes by and just flash and just get hit with this massive wave of pressure just like straight on i'm like slowly coming to i can just hear people screaming in the distance on top of the bomb there's all the cs gas cloud that we're engulfed in and so none of us can [ __ ] see finally can open... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome to yushi talks megan gustofson chasing an olympic medal playing basketball with spain megan guston has been the associated press women's college basketball player of the year a wnba draft pick and played basketball around the world the native of port wing wisconsin and now back up on the las... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
[موسيقى] Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Foreign [music] [music] foreign [music] Read more
Category: Education
It's because mom it's the air condition blowing straight on you m just blowing on p your blouse together your sweater on a little bit you know how doctor's officers they always be cold well we're in the port st lucy dr ket's office mama had a stroke a few years ago so we have to keep her heart monitor... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hello everybody and welcome to homestead living alaska thank you for joining us today if you are new to our channel we are a family of six we live in this beautiful wilderness of alaska here off grid we are carving out a homestead from scratch with minimal money and a lot of hard work from all six of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musique] [musique] messieurs les élus madame daniel fils régional de la rs cher docteur c'est avec un grand plaisir une grande fierté que nous sommes réunis ici aujourd'hui pour inaugurer cet espace de santé qui portera votre nom cet espace de santé est le fruit de nombreuses années de travail acharné... Read more
Category: Education
Fuggire l'idea improvvisa attraversa il ragazzo in quel preciso momento la transiberiana entra in un tunnel questa frase è tratta dal libro di malis de kangal fuga a est che vi presento oggi nella mia rubrica mai senz un libro benvenuti questo libro inizia descrivendo la condizione dei coscritti russi... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] baby read the fine print i' got baggage and it's all gucci don't get to attach to me everybody act like the answer one love like in the movies wasting precious time assuming oh oh what we made to fall [music] no i'm not lon with and so exploring what i need cuz dozens of times i swear that i... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Está pegando el barco hay que sacar el seguro eh a dañado el muro o al revés bueno estos son los barcos pesqueros de del puerto de jijón que están atracados fiesta personal está descansando Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Basketball don't actually to do it now it's been a long time high [music] school jack that ain't 10 jack man hey i just dump with that whatever's here i don't even know what Read more
Category: Music
[music] tradition what's the good word d look here god is going to bless today we thank him for open doors of opportunity and just not just that the premier the theme song of good life man this this is amazing so it's going to be a good time today i'm not going to have marcus yelling at me so let's... Read more