Alex Anzalone On Lions Outlook, Dan Campbell & NFC North

Published: May 01, 2024 Duration: 00:35:31 Category: Sports

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New Lions Jerseys do you have a favorite Dan Campbell story for people my my favorite uh was when it was a Saturday before we were in a way game giving a speech you know not getting too fired up but you know kind of getting after a little bit in his speech and his bottom tooth I guess he has a cap or whatever the fake too just flies out of his mouth like in the middle of it and and he goes and proceeds to just like no one says anything because it's like a serious speech no La he doesn't break he doesn't laugh and whatever he just goes on the ground picks it up puts it back in and just [Music] continues all right Lions fans you love this guy been watching him a long time now he's a season vet Alex anzalone joining me from the Detroit Lions Alex how you doing brother good I'm good how are you Chris I'm good would you uh first off what' you think of the uniforms because I know swag's important to a guy like you yeah right um no yeah they're cool they're cool I feel like I got a little uh Insight before we released them and uh you know I didn't do all the Jersey reveal stuff but uh you know with the I'd say this from what they sent me the preliminary with the media marketing people in the uniforms from when Saint and uh you know Hutch and all then were in the uniforms they looked a lot better when the actual players wereing it dude they always do sometimes I'll be like ah and then you know you see Aman raah in that Honolulu blue home Jersey which I think I think that's the best one yeah uh the All Blacks look sick I'm partial to all black I always say that I I love like black accessories and um you know I just think it it looks good you know why it's maybe because it's in your DNA being a new Orleans guy uh since you got I mean like you guys I mean I felt like the inside of that Stadium like was shadowy you know what I mean the lighting was [ __ ] up the uniforms were dark it was like it was moody in there yeah 100% it's it's uh when I first got got drafted there it was like you know it seemed like the lights weren't on on the people in the St yes dude just on the field it was weird yeah dude I was I'm watching TV and it sometimes it like during the pandemic in uh down there at the Super Dome I was like this is the the loneliest field I've ever seen it's like I you know it just looks like this enormous void and then the players are down on the field what is it so if you wear all black do you feel faster if I don't feel it at least appear it you know what I me you appear it yeah you're damn right um the O lman love the all black um o lman don't like when you put them in all white shows the love handles the blonde wigs dude this is how you know you have made it in a city where they're putting on on the Alex selone blonde wig what do you think about that who's what's the what was the first time you saw somebody rocking that wig were you warned no yeah I I was walking off the field that I think we played the Raiders on Monday night and uh I guess the whoever was interviewing me after the game some NFL Network person and said like yeah like do you know those people who who are they wearing the wigs I'm like what what are you even talking about and then obviously when I get on my phone after the game I see all the messages and people talking about it was it was it was hilarious let's just talk about dude Detroit's Relevance I I'm watching the draft the other night and I came to League in' 08 and you know Detroit was Detroit they were they were bad like us for a long time but I turned on the draft the other night and not only is the draft in Detroit this is the the key part they've got five Detroit Lions up on stage with with the commissioner to kick the draft off and you don't even need like a Chiron under him you don't need like hey this is who this guy is this is who this guy is you guys have stars on your team you you pack the house in the playoffs how great does this feel and what's your message to the guys that haven't been through this before haven't been a part of a winning organization before Detroit right yeah no it's it's cool man like you know there's there's nothing like it because of the past that's been here before and you understand that you can build a legacy you know even from winning one freaking playoff game which seems like to me if the furthest or the least amount I think I in New Orleans at the we went to the divisional at least the divisional round every year every year yeah and um so you know that's that's what like what me Dan AG is what we were all used to um before getting there and uh just to be able to leave a legacy just from winning a couple playoff playoff games tells you a lot but at the same time it shows you how much it means to the city and uh you know be a part of something that that cool and special and you know it's really it's really up from here and um you know I feel like what we did this year is just the standard so you've been with Dan a while you know and uh what was your first year with Dan was it like was it 17 your rookie year yeah so yeah I mean like I can remember when Dan was the interim coach in Miami and I didn't know much about him and then when you talk to guys that were in Miami like I talked to Channing Crowder and he's like dude this [ __ ] had us doing Oklahoma drills his first week out there we were like I don't know what to make of this guy there's no way and then he turns out to be uh everything you'd hope for in a in a former player coach that to me he embodies the former player coach better than any coach I've ever seen what do you think is key to that and then have you seen him change as he's become a head coach at all yeah I think that like you said the former player had I was talking I think to my massage therapist today just about how you know he he like anything he asks you to do because he does have some like meat head to him and you know he's smart he's smarter than what people Perce smart Mead yeah yeah exactly but he's he's calculated and he knows when to push buttons and when not to and um you know when we do need to have a live tackling period or when we don't and when to pull on and when to pull off but um you know I think that as he's you know grown into who he is now and as a head coach it's you know cool to see him adapt and I think it's not necessarily like you know his first year in Detroit as a head coach he was like uncomfortable or anything like that but I feel like now from where we were at in 2021 to now is like it's his you know what I mean MH like he built it the way he to how he sees it and how he want how he wants it and um you know it's cool to see what a brad Holmes Dan Campbell 2024 Lions Draft Class draft class okay first off the coolest names in the draft I'm gonna read them to you you probably see rake straw Manu who is a huge guy from BC not Boston College British Columbia who I know like nobody knew if he was gonna play in the NFL uh guy named V guy named wingo and a guy named mahogany now how much have you learned about these these kids uh not a ton I mean you I I watch a little bit of the draft I don't when I was younger I dove a little deeper into it um you know and as any backers no backers no backers I guess that's a good thing so that's good that's always nice when you don't watch a dra I can I'll never forget I've told this story a lot on this pod but I tell you like I was in Germany when I was an eagle and I just signed with them they're like we're not going to draft anybody really maybe maybe maybe not and I'm over there getting stem cell my old ass is sleeping it's six hour difference so it's the middle of the night I'm like [ __ ] the draft nothing to worry about I go to bed I wake up take a leak and I got 120 text messages and they said is the Derek Barnett thing bad you mean the guy who broke the sack record at uh he broke Reggie White record I think it's I think it's I think it's [ __ ] for for your boy I couldn't go back to sleep uh I woke up the next day in Frankfurt and just walked around aimlessly like do I want to retire so I love when when you your position doesn't get picked but I want to tell you a couple things about these guys because to me it screams like Dan Campbell you got Ray straw who can tackle you're gonna love this kid uh you've got Wingo he's this kid from LSU he's D tackle he was he missed six games before the bowl game and then he decided I'm gonna go finish my career and play with my teammates okay like Dan Campbell type guy and then this guy mahogany the old lineman scored a touchdown in college and did a keg stand as a celebration that's good [ __ ] I mean and his name on Twitter's dirt bag I think he's gonna like I think I think you guys are gonna like this guy right yeah I mean hopefully dirt bag in a good way that's he's an o linan man it's talking about that group like the o line Lions OLine I I just love watching them work together I think they work together as well as any group in the Run game in the pass game in the league what do you think the catalyst is do you think it's pan and everything he can do or is it is it Hank fry and the way he coaches that group yeah I think it starts with Hank and you know we just have a guys that can do they're versal they could do a ton you know Pan um you know Frank and Decker and um obviously we have some you know Hol of film but Graham glasow coming in last year as a you know 30 31 year old guy and um you know performing at a high level um so yeah just the versatility I feel like they work well together uh what Ben Johnson asked them to do is you know creative and it makes it hard on defenses to you know you see pan like swinging out on you know just like screen plays and you know guys pulling Here There and um just movement and then they come at you and just go downhill power and you're like what the hell is coming next you know so it definitely gets us ready for the season in training camp just seeing all that they do okay so so Dan being a man's man in that class kind of reflects this who's the biggest man's man on your team the guy that you want to go get a beer with the guy that you know you you go to for advice right man I mean like I have I have my boys um and it's hard because you know it's you go like you know linebackers stay with linebackers and you know defensive guys usually around defensive guys all day um I'm trying to think I feel like Frank ragn now's good oh yeah that guy's always fishing and [ __ ] yeah like he's cool he's chill he's kind of my yeah that's a man's man right there he just you know he's not going to say a ton but he just let you be but if he he'll chime in when he needs to um you know I'll probably stay away from the DB room no DVS dude no although I think this is this Branch kid he's a pretty cool kid huh yeah I'd say he's up there he's cool he's quiet he came in as a rookie baled out didn't say much um oh does yes sir yes sir that's all he say don't call me sir yeah come on man I'm like I'm not even 30 are you 30 yet I'm 29 almost 29 you're almost all right well with Branch because you got a lot of turnover in that DB room but like with Branch his versatility can you help Brian Branch people understand through a couple examples of of how versatile this guy is yeah I mean you know he can play press man he can play zone he can you know a lot of the times we just let him kind of just be a bonus hook player and you know say hey bro just go make a play and you know he's the type of player that you kind of you know don't like you know obviously everyone has responsibilities but right player we kind of just want to let him do his thing and um that just is a credit to how special he can be and how special he is and you know he could play nickel he could play safety for sure obviously he did in college and you know hopefully he will a little this year but you know he could probably play outside too how big of a help is getting these young guys in they obviously have to prove themselves and you know their vets that are going to be competing with those guys but third down was a big problem you know like getting get you know getting off the field that was an issue and I thought it was one of the issues that kept you guys in my opinion from being you know Super Bowl champions you guys are that good but if you can't get off the field on third down like what do you think y'all needed to do towards the end of the season to get off the field and how much can can young secondary help and and would you be able to onboard those guys as a member of the linebacking Court do you kind of Leave It to the vets in the secondary yeah I think for sure I think one any any Talent is helpful and um you know I don't think that you know there my opinion I don't think that any defensive scheme's too confusing to you know tell a guy that has a ton of talent um to just hey lock this guy up right and um you know I feel like last year like you said is I think we're bottom of the league in third and 11 plus or something like that and just yeah you know that means you did great on first and second like we had a ton of third and 11 pluses y you know that's obviously self Scout area we have to address and you know I think that's a reflection of who we brought in drafted and you know traded for so I think uh that'll definitely help and you know I think guys just playing fast competing challenging receivers and uh doing it the way it's coaches is really what's going to make what's really going to help us get get to that next level like you said what Justin Jefferson & the NFCN the hell do you do about Justin Jefferson dude when I watch you like anybody play them but like the the two games you guys had late in the season I'll never forget it was like you know they're playing Mullins and they're playing other guys but it just doesn't matter because they're so explosive and I just think that coach over there oconnell is so good what's it like taking the field with him and what are those meetings like leading up yeah I feel like you know it's there's definitely a game plan as far as you know how how free and how you know open or how many yards do you want to give up first him instead of you know let's challenge him let's lock him up let's eliminate him from the game plan um you know there kind of give and take and you know a little bit of a chess game when you play a player like that um so yeah you can Cloud towards him you could you know put cover two to his side every time but he's going to find the hole go up that's the thing about him he's so competitive on the balls in the air so it's like two people you could double team him if you want but I remember in 2022 we were double teaming the whole game and he's just going up when the ball's in the air and just making plays on it and right he's just super competitive and has obviously the traits to get the ball in the air your division's going to be a lot of fun I mean it's crazy because you guys kind of took over the division and you think Oh Aaron Rogers is gone maybe things are be but it got more competitive top to bottom Kaleb Williams coming in um you've obviously got JJ McCarthy do you get excited about playing young quarterbacks uh personally yeah I think it's I mean I'd rather play a younger quarterback than play Aaron roders I hear that you know just because especially in their younger years or hopefully we you know play them early ear in the season before they you know get in the groove but um yeah yeah I mean it's it's the league and it's different and uh I just remember Jamie Collins I played with him in 2021 he just kept kep he always said like this the league bro is different oh Jamie yeah where where was he in 2021 he was in Detroit for he got cut after week two dude Jamie Collins is one of the biggest badasses I've ever met yeah he's a dog a total dog bro and one of the best football players I've ever played with yeah yeah he he has like freaky athlet athleticism with you know 6'4 he's like 260 position yeah it's crazy dude I mean some of the linebackers that were in that New England room like Dante hi Towers like a real 1990s backer yeah he's like 255 bro and he could Rush The Edge yeah yeah I knew I wasn't going there you're doing pretty damn good your first stop New Orleans like I know you had some injuries I think you've done a good job of staying on the field I know though this year you had three broken ribs is that right yeah that's I don't it's a rhetorical question coming from me but but how does that feel for people at home it's terrible it's you know at first they thought it was you know just a contusion and you know because I wasn't like super symptomatic but I remember it was the Friday before the the Rams playoff game I'm turning the alarm I'm just like at home turning the alarm on at night and I reach over just like let my dog out reached over I and then I just felt a ton of movement so I think I I did obviously something happened and then it it got an x-ray Monday morning H I played the Rams game got an x-ray Monday morning and yeah you got three broken ribs golly and that was such a physical game yeah yeah was that the most phys like what was the most physical game of the season last year would that be it because the speed and the hits were just yeah I mean I think that any playoff you know this any playoff game is just a whole another you know level of people flying around and you know putting your body on the line and um I just remember they I think it was towards the end of the game they ran Duo you know just normal Duo crunch play and my Gap just opens up and I'm like [ __ ] hey I'm gonna have to go th it th th up Williams up and I had to do it and I was just remember being on the ground like is terrible hey The Laughing is the worst dude you on the plane after the game somebody tells a joke and then all of a sudden you're like in the in the aisle bro you're in pain so much you Lions Playoff Game can't sleep depends you I don't know how you slept but how was that atmosphere man like did you see famous people walking around that you weren't used to seeing around the facility did you see people at the games like Bob Seager was there like I feel like at the game we didn't have a ton at the facility like I remember in New Orleans we had like a lot of people coming through that's probably because of you know Drew and Sha they're all in that LA California but yeah game day we had a lot um it kind of felt like because it doesn't sit that many fans like it's like 60 I mean it's like 50 60,000 or something like that it's tight an intimate routy crap like almost like a playoff basketball game in a sense right it was cool dude that's a I mean like it was so fun to watch that atmosphere you could tell people waiting 20 years for it and having played in New Orleans you know all about big atmospheres I feel like for you guys that home field with the front you have now is a big Advantage um how much does DJ Reader help have you got a chance to talk to him a little bit yeah um I haven't got it got gotten down to like hang out with him much but um you know I think that's definitely a hole that we need to fill we I think that um you know the interior D line as a linebacker is the most important you know thing that you'd want you love that you want the big boys up front to be good so you can just not take online in every play um but yeah I think that he'll help a ton and um you know he'll be as a linebacker he'll be my best friend no question and and when you're out there on third down like when Hutch kicks inside I always say this like Hutch is a really really good rusher but the reason I think he's really really really good is because he can Rush inside too and when he goes inside I think he's as good as any end rushing at a three technique and league and I don't think a lot of people realize that yeah 100% I think and you know what's funny is he had some push back on that at first because he just wanted to sure you know stay on the edge and you know not mess but then you know I forget maybe it was training camp practice we were practicing against the Giants or uh the Jags and he just like got to work on the guard and you know from going forward and I think he finally bought into it and is like you know I could be productive here and you know it's easier for him no question I mean it's the L you know I know he's not Lions DLine the longest guy in the he's tall but it's not like his arms are that long and I think he does a really good job of creating length on the edge but then when he gets inside like these guards are like you know he's just a better athlete um and he plays so hard you know he's so active that's what I love about him so I'm just excited to watch that dline work is there anybody else that doesn't get enough credit on that dline oh yeah that's that's a good question I think that alen mcneel is obviously really productive player I think you know what hindered him from potential pro bowl or you know that type of recognition last year's get hurt um you know I think it was like week 10 or something like that um but yeah I think that he's you know ready to make that you know big big jump and you know as a three technique with re bringing rer in I know he was playing some nose last year which um or he's playing three and then I think he's more of an natural nose so we'll see we'll see how they how they shake out but um you know he's a really athletic big strong smart player yeah he was he came on the show a couple weeks ago he's a [ __ ] great kid yeah just like you're just smiling the whole time yeah right yeah he's cool you know what I mean uh anyways I mean Lions Offense & Ben Johnson uh with Ben Johnson's offense you this is more of a practice question because obviously during the game you're not paying as much attention you're worried about your stuff but like what are the the ways that he puts defenses in a bind you had Shawn Peyton you know you practice against his group and now you've got Ben Johnson what is he so good at ah his creativity um you know his willingness to run the ball I think that the hardest thing you know if we did have to play against them you know it' be third and eight and they'll just run the ball right at you and you know you're yeah yeah like that's to me that'd be the most annoying because you know you get in those pressure packages where you know DBS and linebackers on the line of scrimmage and um you know you're ready to get after after the the rush and um yeah just they just run run right at you and inside Zone and you don't really know what to do so um just his creativity in that regard and us to run the ball and um his concepts are obviously great so well you know as you mentioned this as like a guy if you get out there on sub and they hold up like hey dime Dime dime or nickel nickel nickel like we're like yeah it's time you know the music's playing the crowd like bro this is my chance and when you're playing the Lions it's like hey it's third and six they're [ __ ] running trap right exactly exactly I think in the Chargers game y'all had like multiple third and mediums that y'all pounded The Rock it's wild like no one no one really no other team does it nobody nobody but it's so cool to have that commitment from a guy who's like the the new sexy see right you know like and I think in general in in today's game and this is why linebacker is such an important position the Run game and the middle of the field is so important even these West Coast sideline to sideline you know uh offenses that are like futuristic like Miami all that speed if you don't have backers it's going to be hard you know the play action stuff but everything comes off the Run game and it's the same thing for San Francisco it's kind of like quietly a lot of these Hot Shot coordinators are committing to running the ball yeah yeah that's a good point I think that's definitely you think about like Shanahan and Ben and some other coordinators across the league the ones that you know if you into a game where they're going to throw the ball 50 50 times you're like okay this is easy you know what they're going to do it's just when you know they mix it up well and that's that's what makes it hard no question I want to talk about Gibbs man like you you've been around Kamar and uh I just think I mean everybody knows this he's such a unique threat because of what he can do out of the back field and I'm sure that's the way you look at Gibbs too but you've had to cover Alvin in in practice how is Gibbs a little bit different I think he's probably got a little bit more straight line speed little size maybe yeah I think a little less size a lot a lot faster I'd say a lot yeah you know they'll motion him out to empty and I'll be one-onone and him oh [ __ ] btfu yeah dude yeah btfu I know that one dud I had to run with sprouls on a damn wheel when I was in St Louis when he was at in New Orleans I was like this is not a good call yeah right it's bad yeah oh my God no yeah but I think that they they're used to you know very similar you know so it's it's cool to see Gibbs develop and get going as the season went on and I know that he's probably working to you know be more you know comfortable in what they're asking him to do and getting better at his option routes and that's what really makes it hard you know especially when you get linebackers even you know sometimes when safeties cover them they're not used to covering running backs so you know you get to work on them too so no question who's who's a guy who's a guy you hate covering in in the league you know yeah that's a good question that you end up on more than you'd like yeah um you know I I feel like I am a cover backer so you know like one-on ones with running backs I it's hard I don't come across that I'm like too much you know yeah you know I and I cover a lot of tight ends on third down it's the size it can be the size right I mean like yeah leaport to me he's not going on the door being the best guy in the league I think so for sure I think that he's productive he has the numbers the thing that separates him from a lot of different players is his ability to run after after the catch and you know be competitive in that regard a lot of guys will just catch the ball and first guy get they get tackled and um I think that's what separates him from a lot of other tight ends he's a little grony yeah yeah he's obviously way smaller but yeah smaller but he's got that grank kind of like just bowling a china shop in the length you know what I mean like he's got that length um I I I gotta I gotta ask you about that 17 New 2017 Saints Draft Class Orleans draft class Latimore Ram Marcus Williams CRA Hendrickson Hill yourself like all really good players and uh how much pride do you guys all take in that class you guys still talk a lot uh you know not not a ton I feel like we kind of a lot of us went elsewhere like Trey went to you know the Bangles Mar Baltimore I talked to TA him in a decent amount he's he's still there doing his thing um Alvin Marsha's still there um I don't know what's going on with Ryan but I think that it's definitely a a very like historical group you know it's it's hard to explain but I think that the quality of players in one draft class is you know it's I can't think of many other that are good or just as good no I mean we were stacking it up because I had uh Mickey Lumis on the show last year and I love Mickey I thought he was amazing and he's just done a great job but like I I thought we we compared that to a lot of classes there's not many that much better and now it's crazy to hear Trey talking about you know big Trey is like hey I'm out bro pay me I love Trey getting his business hat on right yeah the money first budy first bro but I do feel like he's the most underappreciated rusher in the league I really do think that yeah I wonder why it might be the it might be the paint job but honestly his hand work's incredible and he's consistent It's just sometimes if I were to if I was Trey's agent I know what he's doing with the sleeves we just talked about it but I wouldn't do sleeves underneath no gloves no I would throw gloves on I I wish I could be his swag 100% it's Str um advisor yeah he's he's yeah ever since he was a rookie he was like that I'm like bro we gotta get this a little together do I got his jersey up here he came up to me after the first time we played he's like yo let's trade jerseys I was like I didn't even I really didn't know who he was he was out of FAU and I was I thought it was super cool that a kid wanted to trade jerseys with me and I just had no idea that it would be maybe my my favorite Jersey on the wall his his career has just I mean it's been so fun to watch um all right last thing we talk talk about well I want to ask you one more thing about New Orleans Ryan neelen dude not not a question yet but but I I really wanted him to to go to Philly this last off season I just I just really like the job he did down there in Atlanta right what do you think he's going to bring he's in Jacksonville this year what what do you think he's all about so Jacksonville fans that might be listening to this get a little flavor no yeah he's definitely from you know I'll speak my from my perspective he was the dline coach in New Orleans my my four years there and um you know he was definitely uh you know intense and he came from a college background but it was what we needed and it's what it really worked like guys like Trey obviously succeeded from him and um you know cam did really well with him Cam Jordan um but yeah he's definitely a guy that is he's smart he's played um he's detailed he's like the way he funny story he would have um we'd be on a Friday walkth through or not Friday walkthrough but Friday like Fast Friday and um he'd have the dline come out with shoulder pads on for individual and obviously there was some push back but they would get after it for that five minutes an individual on Fridays but uh he he definitely brings the best out of his players and even when it's not you know exactly what you want to do you know it's the right thing to do damn dude that would have it would have been some static I think I'd liked him because I've always liked him just as a coach but old vet me would have been grumpy as hell I would have been like what are we doing dog 100% but but Sean Payton they say his camps were [ __ ] uhhuh 100% yeah it was way hard than College I played at Florida and one it was hot it was hot of [ __ ] in New Orleans yeah and two they were physical 907 every day pads every day before the new CBA came out and the new CBA you [ __ ] Alex do you know I'm like two cbas ago bro hey hey I'll never forget when they took away to days it was like two three years into my career I was like oh my God there's a whole generation of people who are never going to have to practice twice yeah but you also got that signing bonus when you got drafted we did we did we did we did that's paying for some of this equipment in this home studio right but yeah uh so I I just what who's who's a bigger hard ass like on the is is Dan take a lot of the Shawn pyton with him in the programmatic building is there a lot of similarity in the way he runs the program or or is it different um I think it's a little different I think Dan has his own flare on it but I definitely see like idiosyncrasies and his team meeting and you know how he speaks to people and like you know kind of like when I what I said when to push buttons when not to when to call someone out in a team meeting when not too um he gets a lot of that from Sean I think and um you know but yeah there's some like same flavor as far as how he runs it but also his own flare on it who Sean talks longer though and slower I had Sean on this show and I was like oh this so cool Sean's going to do the show and I was psyched he was like I'm driving ac across Louisiana I'll call you in the phone so there was no video he just called yeah I was like I need you for like can I do like 30 he's like we'll go as long as you want hour and 50 later we're still talking ball dude yeah I love him if I were in a team meeting not so much no yeah some I mean sometimes you have to get him there for the team meeting so good all right so I have a Dan Campbell little tidbit about Dan I I was I didn't tell well I told Al but he was like what's that this comes from one of Dan's friends who told me this that when he was in the league he used to go to Vegas and stay at a particular Casino supposedly very religiously this is a rumor I if Dan hears this and he didn't really stay there I blame somebody else he stayed at the damn at the Excalibur I don't even I don't even I don't even know pull it up dude it looks like a castle it's the it's the one casino that looks like a castle it literally has it's a little bit seedy in my opinion and he would go he would go there supposedly he would go stay at the castle like so his room was up in like a rampart you know what I mean like which is just perfect for me in my mind's eye as far as where Dan Campell would want to party I I know I know who used to get after I know that for a fact oh yeah dude a tight end from Texas A&M that played in the 90s right do you have a favorite Dan Campbell story for people my my favorite uh was was when it was a Saturday before we were in a away game it's giving a speech you know not getting too fired up but you know kind of getting after a little bit in his speech and his bottom tooth I guess he has a cap or whatever the fake tooth just flies out of his mouth like in the middle of it and and he goes and proceeds to just like no one says anything because it's like a serious speech no La he doesn't break he doesn't laugh and whatever he just goes on the ground picks it up puts it back in and just continues and this is I think it was in 2021 when it was his first year so we things weren't good what guys [ __ ] tooth did you see the Jets fan whose tooth flew out no you gotta say well you were playing football this is what I do now I just I'm on Twitter looking at the videos but this Jets fan it was in it was raining they were down by like 40 points this year and he went to yell at Zack Wilson or some [ __ ] and his tooth just flew and it was like slow motion into the commercial break on CBS nasty so Dan cam lost a tooth all right last thing my my Greenlight team just went to Detroit for the draft and Bo Allen was out there we had him mixing it up in the whole thing mom's spaghetti uhuh have you been there I haven't but we've had it cater at the facility okay so I'm not going to expect you especially with the catering thing to to agree but both thought it was very very pedestrian I mean it may have been a great opportunity for you don't have to say anything you don't have to say anything so give me your Detroit bucket Detroit Bucket List list for anybody who's going if somebody's moving to Detroit for six months yeah what do they have to do well I'd come in the summer spring summer you know I don't honestly I don't go downtown Detroit a ton but there are a ton of like really nice suburbs you know I live in Birmingham and um you know it's it's just like and I live in a nice place in Florida but there's honestly nothing that beats you know the trails the wet you know like the Forest the flowers and everything in Michigan and you know Lake nothing that beats it it sounds like you're gonna be calling Detroit home when you retire have we committed to living in Detroit after retirement yeah that's probably if I get divorced isn't gonna happen but all right good Alex anzelone love watching you play dude uh pulling for y'all hope we get out to a game this year I hope to see you out there man uh but good luck and hope you come back on again appreciate you Chris

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