LEAVE NOW!! ⚠️ Millions reported ground SHAKE! - Los Angeles QUAKE & SHIFT - PREP

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:23:25 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: earthquake now
what's going on my name is Louis Today is September 7 2024 and God bless to every single one of you guys we have an urgent information coming out please share this video if you live out there in Los Angeles or the West Coast please be prepared spiritually physically and mentally there's some earthquake going on and in this region there's some Landslide shifting going on too guys so want to show you some of this uh information here that is happening right yeah that is happening where the landslide is taking place Danto Pao you guys know that area is completely being shifted so that's where it's located so the ground is shaking right now so the ground is shaking right now uh give me a second here 4.0 magnitude earthquake hits the Greater Los Angeles but that's uh near bedes right I know it's in Los Angeles and so you have some earthquake going on some shaken have hit east of Los Angeles within the past hour nearly a dozen small CES have hit that region see this is the one I'm talking about you see this one uh in Los Angeles the ground beneath California fee has cracked uh large crack and fault are appearing in the ground residents say this that this phenomenon has become significantly more severe let's let me play this video One More Time guys so the earthquake is happening near that region you see that is completely just shifting and also Mexico I did post a video yesterday Mexico the grounds is opening up it's not too far from this region too all right so let me take you to the USGS earthquake map look at that my goodness it is shaking are you serious you have default lines are getting hit look at this all this and this part right here this is where uh everything is Shifting and then if you go down here in this area uh in Mexico there all this area here is opening up so you got all this region uh again it's very important important that people just be prepared now there a possibility nothing might happen but again guys we have seeing signs here of ground shifting and now earthquakes are taking place in that region all right guys before I start get this video big thumbs up share this video with your friends families and loved ones I appreciate the love and support and for those of you that want to contribute to the channel once again the PayPal link and the patreon link is in the description box also guys $1 a month patreon we get you access to our live stream every Sunday we talk about things that we cannot talk about in the platform also I posted videos today those link will be in the comments box and for those of you that want to send us letters a prayer requests you can send it to me Louis Santiago or my wife Jessica Santiago at 3432 US Highway 19 number two Holiday Florida 34691 guys I want to take you back to the USGS earthquake map this is serious stuff here look at this I mean this is where all the shifting is going on but then you have this one here which is a big problem also you got Yellowstone uh I think that's Yellowstone Wyoming if I'm not mistaken but uh I'm concerned about this area here let me Zoom it out so you guys have a better view give me a second let me fix this really quick here we go perfect let's bring this map here we're going to focus on that wow now this video is being made right now 2:28 p.m. eastern time you are receiving this video video around 11: if I'm not mistaken or maybe 10: p.m. eastern time the reason why you receiving this video 7 hours later is because this platform has certain uh hours that notifications are sent out so by the time you receive this video there's a possibility a lot more earthquake might have hit this so right now it's 2:28 p.m. that's there's going to be some more Quakes here we go Ontario Ontario California that's the one 4.9 kilometers that's not deep guys that's like uh three miles I believe this is the region that uh give me a second here Ontario California to I want to see how far it is from these two locations um onario and Rancho Pao veres all right give me a second here all right so I'm just doing like a GPS map here I'm going I'm show you right now look at this look at this it's not too far from each other you see that you see that so you have uh Pao uh Pao vades is right here this is where all the regions is Shifting and then you have Ontario right there that's where the crake are taking place right now 64 mil away from each other it's like 64 miles away 64 miles away all right let's go back to the USGS here's another one 3.5 and then you have these other earthquakes all right so you guys get the picture the west coast is shaking right now all right let's go with the um let's go with this news right here really quick guys I want to bring this one up make sure you check out the video I posted today I post a video about California uh paes experts are saying this it's just going to get a lot worse all right so here we go a preliminary 3.5 magnitude earthquake shook Southern California Saturday morning according to the US Geological Survey the crake struck just after 10:00 a.m. Saturday and Epic Center was about 3 miles Southeast of Ontario the small earthquake registered at a depth of about 6 [Music] kilomet the initial Quake was followed up about 30 minutes later with a preliminary 3.9 magnetude earthquake near the same area early reports say the shaking could be felt as far south as Kar and as far north as Fontana now there are no immediate reports of any structural damage I'm going fix this one really quick here once again the uh the Quake had a very shallow depth of 4.9 km that's 3 miles and was felt widely in the area the shallow depth of the Quake caused it to be felt more strongly near the Epic Center than a deeper Quake of similar magnitude would no significant damage or impact is expected from this quake and uh no particular alert was issued 5 kilometers east Southeast of the Ontario California so there's they have it at 4.1 magnitude 4.1 magnitude wow I'm going to have to make this one Zoom it out just a little bit there we go an earthquake of 4.1 occurred only two minutes ago 5 miles Southeast of Ontario California United States United States Geological Survey reported the earthquake hit at a very shallow depth of 5.6 miles this is another one beneath the Epic Center near Ontario San Bernardino County California USA in the morning on Saturday September 7th 2024 at 10:34 a.m. local time the exact magnitude Epic Center and depth of the earthquake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as a seismologist review data and refine their calculation or as other agency issued their report a second report was later issued by the European Mediterranean seismological set which listed it as a magnitude 4.1 earthquake as well so the US USGS has it at 3.9 or possibly 3.8 but these two here they uh they got this at uh 4.1 magnitude because it was so powerful so strong it was felt in multiple regions and something that's you know 6 point plus does all right so it says here based on the pre- laminary seismic data the earthquake was probably fell by many people there you go in the area of the Epic Center it should not have caused significant damage and other than objects falling from shelves broken windows Etc in Eastville population 59,000 located 4 miles from the Epic Center in Ontario California population is 171,00 5 miles away the earthquake should have been felt as light shaking weak Shen might have been felt in hanano Koga now again I mentioned about the Rancho which I believe it probably fell all the way down there 60 miles possibly who knows or it's probably if it wasn't felt by people it might have caused the ground to kind of shift and possibly made it even worse so once again uh you have all these population um all these population wow wow all these regions felt it all right so let me just highlight it there you go all that other towns or cities near the Epic Center where the Quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Los Angeles population look at that almost 4 million located 37 miles from the Epic Cent Long Beach population 474 38 mil away so this is like close is Toano Pao VES all right give me a second here guys trying to see there's any more updates here all right let me go back on Twitter really quick bringing bringing all this uh very important information to you guys all right so Los Angeles earthquake I'm trying to see if I can find something here really quick guys this person said several small to moderate earthquake have hit the Los Angeles area it hit the Los Angeles area but let's uh let's kind of fix this for a little bit here the earthquake did not cause this here all right so please be careful with certain things that you watch or search on Twitter this is uh from the uh the heavy flooding rain that caused the crack that going on and the shifting is going on in Rancho B ranoo VES all right so the earthquake did not cause that but I believe that the earthquake that uh occurred today 60 miles away from this region I believe that the earthquake could have possibly might trigger something here According to some uh experts uh it's a 4.1 and this thing was very powerful it was felt in multiple regions and it was only 3 miles kilome I mean 3 miles deep so they said that this thing felt really strong it's like a magnitude 6 so once again please be careful with the stuff that you read on the internet um sometime people do do take videos and then kind of uh flip the story around wow fell by millions they dropped it to a 3.5 they dropped it to a 3.5 if it was a 3.5 Millions would have not felt that so I agree with the the um the esmc I think that's the agency of the earthquake monitoring website and also uh the other website I just showed you the break breaking news uh information I I believe them two more than USGS I don't know what's going on with USGS but they keep bringing down that magnitude man it was felt by millions it was felt by millions here we go an earthquake with uh preliminary magnitude of 3.5 struck Southern California on Saturday and its impact was felt by millions wow whoa give me a second here guys okay whoops two earthquake with uh preliminary magnitude of 3.5 and a 3.9 that 3.9 it's basically the 4.1 so respectively jool to Southern California on Saturday and their impact were felt by millions of people across the region that goes to tell you that this earthquake might have uh uh possibly uh there a possibility it might have shifted something also in Rancho Balo vedes please share the video leave comments down below I'm trying to fix this really quick here guys so according to the USGS the first earthquake struck at 10:05 a.m. we already know that 4.3 miles um the second strong stronger one uh reported at 1034 with an Epic Center of 4.4 miles all right so as of 10:40 a.m. there were no reports of any injuries or damages several aftershocks were reported in the same area throughout the morning with magnitude less than 2.5 o look at this look at this here guys jeez are you serious and I'll show you the USGS earthquake map so this part here that's the uh F uh theault Zone that region shaken and this one here this is where everything is Shifting the ground is uh shifting right well right here you see that little tip right here that's where the ground is Shifting all this here and earthquake is happening here this is uh this is uh very concerning wow give me a second here let me save this picture please share the video thousands of earthquake are recorded in California yearly but the vast majority are extremely minor sever hundred reached a magnitude of 3.0 and only 15 to 20 are greater than magnitude 4.0 in North America only Alaska records more earthquake per year than California excuse me guys but yeah uh Alaska is in a top in a Pacific Ring of Fire that's where mostly earthquake and volcanic activity occurs during earthquake and earthquake is crucial to know the proper step to protect yourself and minimize injury the California Department Public Health provides detail guidelines what to do during such events all right immediately drop down onto your heads and knees this position prevents you from being knocked over and allow you to stay low and crawl to safety if necessary use one arm to protect your head and neck and if possible take shelter under a sturdy uh table or desk if no shelter is available get down next to an anterior wall away from Windows stay on your knees and bend over to protect vital organs hold on hold on to your shelter until the shaking stops be prepared to move with your shelter if it shifts all right so that's the big breaking news it was felt by millions wow let me go back to the USGS earthquake map so far this is all the breaking news guys it kind of slowed down so basically there's nothing going [Music] on there's nothing going on but uh like I said this is uh very concerning knowing that uh knowing that uh this thing is uh close to that uh location that's shifting all right guys so this is all the breaking news I will keep it updated I got uh a late night video coming up if you guys want to stay up late and just watch my late night video we're going to talk more about this and um yeah please be safe out there if you live in California you may want to prepare yourself just in case cuz things are looking pretty tough nowadays out there ground shaking movements everything's going on at the same time thank you so much for watching guys once again for those of you that want to give a like to Christ you can email me my email is in the description box me and my wife are here to help many and to lead many to the righteous path and that's the path of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for those of you that want to send us letters and prayer requests you can send it to me Lis Santiago or my wife Jessica Santiago at 3432 US Highway 19 number two Holiday Florida 34691 once again guys $1 a month patreon we get you access to our live stream every Sunday we talk about things that we cannot talk about on the platform also I posted videos today those link will be in the comments box thank you so much for watching God bless you all faith and trust in Jesus Christ for he's the only way the truth and the life no one gets to the father but through Jesus thank you so much for watching till next time later peace

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