LEAVE DODGE! ⚠️ Massive Cracks Forming Under LOS ANGELES!! Residents: 'You Can See the Ground Move'

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 00:17:45 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: earthquake los angeles
guys what's going on my name is Louis Today is September 5th 2024 and God bless to every single one of you big breaking news coming out guys people in Los Angeles are packing their bags and they are leaving a massive crack forming under Los Angeles it's a major earthquake eminent here's another one this used to be a nice nice neighborhood I lived in SoCal for 25 years now it is moving 10 in a week you can almost see the ground move the ground is moving all right so state of emergency declared in California as land movement threatens power lines so you have um all these uh electric company you have experts out there they're trying to figure out how to stop this ground movement it's spreading now it's going to different region all right so you have some people just leaving evacuating and uh once again we did talked about this one here yesterday you can almost see the ground move just imagine that you standing and you seeing the ground move that goes to tell you that something big is about to hit this region um give me a second guys give me a second here's a video look at this let me just play it from the beginning look at that you see that spreading all right guys before I start give this video big thumbs up share this video with your friends families and loved ones I appreciate the love and support and for those of you that want to contribute to the channel once again the PayPal link and the patreon link is in the description box also guys $1 a month patreon we get you access to our live stream every Sunday we talk about things that we cannot talk about the platform also I post the videos today those link will be in the comments box and for those of you that want to send us letters or prayer requests you can send it to me Louis Santiago or my wife Jessica Santiago at 3432 US Highway 19 number two Holiday Florida 34691 guys this is a big breaking news I just post this video not too long ago um today it seems like it's a slow day of views uh usually we get that like once or twice a week and then tomorrow views is going to Skyrock it uh I guess the platform they usually hide my stuff and then the next day they just send it so again make sure you triple check your notification Bell this link will be in the comments box with the rest of the uh videos so once again Texas based Oil Company issued a memo to to employees warning them about security concern from this group that's coming from the southern region now this group are allegedly going after oil oil workers and attempting to steal oil fuel and copper from oil fields in Texas the link will be in the comments box I just post this video not too long ago guys it's a massive event going on uh this is happening in Ohio there is a massive evacu ation it says here numerous homes and businesses within a half mile radius have been evacuated due to haard this situation in Ohio not again not again in Ohio uh following a fire at a plant and um they're saying that uh they're saying that uh a building is expected to go boom now I'm just going to skip this part here so um yeah I can't I can't say that word on this channel but I could say in the other one for some reason I don't know why but uh this link here will also be in the comments box all right so this is posted over my new channel the rise up Warrior all right all the information will be in the comment box all right let's start from uh this one here the very beginning so there are reports of a large cracks appearing in the ground beneath Los Angeles sparking concerns about potential seismic activity so this thing is spreading this thing is spreading is Los Angeles on a verse of a massive earthquake or could there be another explanation the situation highlights the region seismic vulnerability but it's unclear if an earthquake is eminent Authority are monitoring closely leave leave leave get out of there get out leave I know some people won't can't leave because of money situation and stuff and the Lord will be with those that can't make it out or can't you know afford to you know buy certain things the Lord will help those who need help again our father in Heaven Works a mysterious way our father in Heaven uh will send uh his children again there's a lot of Christians out there that help poor so but those that can make it out you need to get out of Dodge ASAP ASAP because this thing is spreading now they're talking about earthquake they're talking about a big earthquake to strike this region and I tell you guys September 18th September 18th the moon is going to get closer to our planet and again when stuff like that happens there's a gravitational pull shift that could cause a great earthquake over volcanic eruption or possibly tie waves so again September 18 hopefully we don't see nothing going on in this region but uh again right now we are seeing California alert now this person uh a lot of these people are leaving a lot of people are leaving all right so let me bring up this news here so these are updates all right uh I'm just going to bring all the updates here so you guys already know California governor Gavin Nome declared a state of emergency Tuesday at the very last minute he did at the very last minute in the city AR Rancho Palos redes a severe land shift in the area is warning the community and disrupting power lines emergency official will be able to direct State resources towards responding to the warning of the land movement the gov Proclamation said more than 200 homes it's not 150 it's now 200 homes in a city around 30 miles south of Los Angeles now guys it has reached Los Angeles already right some of the cracks has reached Los Angelas y'all need to get out of Dodge leave Dodge ASAP it just you know it's spreading towards those regions all right so it says have their power cut Monday as long as a long running ground shift close to them is threatening utility [Music] lines so the city is located on four out of five Subs slides that comprise the greatest portuges Landslide complex the governor office said the land movement at part of the complex has significantly accelerated following severe storm in 2023 and 2024 now this is unprecedented RTO pal V city council member Barbara said Sunday no one knows really in a way what to do again if you can make it out just just get out out of there again get out of there I believe that the west coast is uh we seeing Bible prophecy a judgment upon this great sleeping giant land uh I do believe so and it's just the tip of the iceberg now remember guys the Bible says that uh Mountains will be moved from its place and we are seeing great shifting happening all right so Southern California Edison cut off electricity Sunday to 140 homes all right saw an outst that it says is indefinite because the shifting ground threatens utility poles and raises risk of fire in the city there was a five a fire last week so Cal Edison spokesperson uh told the news it was a small fire but the fire was caused when one of the lines fell because of land movement guys I mean just imagine you just walking down the street and a power line just falls down and then another one falls down it's slowly and slowly the ground is just you know just breaking apart everything just falling little by little and it's just eventually it's going to lead to everything just coming down quick and it's facing the Pacific Ocean um an additional 105 customer lost power Monday evening as the company continues to monitor the warning from ground movement I don't know what they trying to do here I mean I know they turned it off but uh again the ground is moving so what's next I mean it can't pull I mean pull the pole back up because it's going to fall again wtoo VES is an ocean front community in Southwestern Los Angeles County West of Long Beach it was incorporated as an independent city in 1973 officials say that the land there has been shifting slowly for decade but the problem is worse than it used to be the movement has accelerated dramatically over the last 12 months month where some areas are moving up to 10 in a week it used to be a year now is weak you can almost see the ground move to incurrent wearing residents to heat evacuation warning Los Angeles County Sheriff said law enforcement is stepping up Patrols in a community and launching drones to look for wow they they lawlessness going on there you're going to jail if you come here to you know what anything this person said in the news conference wow but if it's the new people from the southern region they won't cut them oh you guys could take that yeah you could take this you could take that so ronto boves has been under a local state of emergency since October 2023 wow a natural gas service was shut off in the portuges B neighborhood on July 29th once again fourth district supervisor Janice said Sunday that Los Angeles County has set aside an additional $5 million to respond to the disaster yes this Landslide has been moving for decades but the acceleration that's happening currently is beyond what any of us could have for told and it demands more response from the states more response from the Federal Gov all right give me a second here guys I want to go back to uh this news here see we could find anything on Twitter this was posted back July 20th but look it it is this is crazy atano pal the ground is moving about 1 foot per week causing gas and water M to break cracking roads and causing homes to sink into the ground no one is sure why it is happening the reason why it's happening is because of rain rain and flood now they're trying to drain that water underneath the ground and by doing that it would stop the um the ground movement but it rains so much it rained so much that it just made it worse it made it worse and so the entire ground is moving and now it's spreading to Los Angeles and other regions so give me a second here see if I can find any more updates here nope all right guys it seems like this going to be all the information like I said I would keep an update on this news here all right so yeah this seems like it's going to be all the the latest one is this one which a lot of people's talking about state of Emer state of state of emergency declared in California City amid Landslide crisis you can almost see the ground move so that's like the the latest update he's a drone shot so yeah I'm I'm just going to uh skip all this here guys because we already read this yeah all right guys thank you so much for watching again please uh share the video and it seems like a lot of people are leaving and we are seeing some kind of movement and there are no signs of slowing down this thing is just going really quick all right so that's what he's saying is going really quick now so in September 18 is going to be that uh lunar eclipse that uh the moon's going to get closer to Earth and gravitational pulse shift is going to start uh you know Pacific Ocean screaming with all these earthquake and volcanic eruption hopefully not but again whenever there's a gravitational pulse shift that Pacific Ocean is going to start seeing a lot of Earth CR thank you so much for watching guys once again for those of you that want to give a like to Christ you can email me my email is in the description box me and my wife are here to help many and to lead many to the righteous path and that's the path of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for those of you that want to send us letters or prayer requests you can send it to me Louis Santiago or my wife Jessica Santiago at 3432 US Highway 19 number two Holiday Florida 34691 once again guys $1 a month patreon we get you access to our live stream every Sunday we talk about things that we cannot talk about in the platform also so I posted videos today those link will be in the comments box thank you so much for watching God bless you all faith and trust in Jesus Christ for he's the only way the truth and the life no one gets to the father but through Jesus thank you so much for watching till next time later peace

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