Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:30:47 Category: Sports

Trending searches: skylar diggins-smith
[Music] oh for [Music] is [Music] all right so service isn't good in this park right here so the video will be grainy but not the audio and not the message Skyla digging was really frustrated last night after the game because the team didn't perform good on either side of the of a court and Skyler Diggins loves to win more than anything number one is Skylar's children her family and in her business and her business on that court is basketball and that requires winning and Skyler doesn't cut any corners and she plays 100% all of the time that's just how she plays and she won't accept anything less even if you're air quotes a goat like Diana terasi uh she got in din tas's face because din terasi didn't want to play that game she wanted to make sure she collected a game check but she didn't want to play that game and Donna terasi does that she'll take uh games off because because of her age and you're dealing with attrition and she's tired and so she'll take games off within the game action meaning some games she'll only shoot a few shots the entire game she won't play defense at some of these games she'll only shoot threes so that she doesn't have to attack the RAM and exert energy expend and so these are some of the things that din terasi does and so in that game Donna terasi wasn't aggressive on either ran and she made sure that she settled for a lot of three-point shots um and she wasn't playing defense at all that game she was just letting people do whatever they wanted to do with her that game and of course Skyla Diggins knows this everyone in the league knows that Donna terasi shaves points when she doesn't feel like playing right and Skyler has seen it and Skyler knows that she's sacrificing and she's pregnant at the same time and she's giving her all but this air quote goat is shaving points live in real time liveaction Donna terasi is shaving points because she doesn't feel like playing and she's letting people Blow by her cuz she just doesn't feel like playing she's tired she's old but yes she wants to make sure she collects a paycheck and she's trying to stick around for the new CBA and so Skyla Diggin called her out on it and she couldn't take it and she ran up in her face and that's what it was and the truth hurts and that's one of the reasons why din RI responded in that fashion but Skyla couldn't take it anymore um and so it's getting to that point with the Seattle Storm scholar is surrounded around a bunch of frauds outside of a few people Pokey Chapman is a fraud okay so Pokey Chapman is only good when her team is 100% loaded well mostly mainly loaded with future Hall of Famers and so when those future Hall of Famers left Chicago couldn't coach and she went down to the latrine she was terrible and Chicago fired her so she comes to Indiana and she doesn't have future Hall of Famers and so she's terrible she sucks and Pokey chapen believes in a pecking order a chain of command she's a traditionalist and that's one of the reasons why she was losing in the in Indiana because she wouldn't start tiarra maowen she stuck with Natalie a Chua and wanted tiarra Macau to earn her minutes and they just kept losing because she's a traditionalist and so Indiana fire Pokey and then you had people like lechina Robinson and some of these other black women in media uh on National Television saying Pokey needs to get back in the WNBA Pokey should coach again Pokey should Pokey shouldn't coach again Pokey is a terrible coach she's overated at and she's a fraud and as a matter of fact she's also abusive because just as you saw Skyler push Caitlyn Clark Pokey did that to Skyla Diggin this season I made a video about that I mentioned that in that video as she did that and Skyla looked like whoa but that's who Pokey is that's the era she comes from where there weren't these cameras around there wasn't social media women's basketball was hidden in the shadows and you can get away with these forms of abuse that's what happened with coach ylette mugh and MC when she was doing the same thing at Jacksonville University ju the ju dolphins and I'm watching ju games no one else is watching ju games and she's out there cussing these players out yanking on them her mouth turns white this is how much she's cussing out these players her lips turn white she's got white lips um and I said I said she got hired at Old Miss but now the cameras are on her and she better be careful cuz she can't talk to these old Miss players the way she was talking to these ju Dolphins players cuz no one was watching ju games except for me or if you were a ju fan and you had ESPN plus okay so she was able to get away with that stuff but that's pokey pokey pushed Skyler on purpose and Skyler looked like whoa but that's that's who Pokey is she's a fraud she's absolute fraud um and the same thing with Noel Quinn I told you Noel Quinn is a fraud no Quinn you guys sucks without the talent she has now you don't believe me just look at the past years that she was coaching she sucks she can't win her winning percentage was in the toilet buried deep in the toilet up until this season when she got Skyler when she got necaa when she got these big time names on the team and now Pokey has a winning excuse me now Noel Quinn has a winning record but when you didn't have these names on the team you were the real Noel Quinn you sucked you're terrible okay and that's what it was that's what it was listen Jill Lloyd is a fraud Jill lyd is a nicer a softer as it pertains to her image arque Goomba she's a ball hog air quotes volume shooter that's who she is she's a Kelsey mitu air quote volume shooter really their ball hog that's who she is and she gets a pass when she shoots 28% or 25% she she gets a pass why because you label these ball Hogs volume Shooters when you really should label them who they are they're ball Hogs they're ball Hogs that's who they are okay and so you give them this nice little cozy soft name acceptable title like volume shooter when they really should be labeled what they really are and they're ball Hogs pure and simple um and that's what it is with jel Lloyd and a lot of times jel Lloyd gets cooked on defense a lot of times she doesn't really feel like bringing it every game and she would she tried to show off in front of DK metf and the other Seattle Seahawks that were in attendance last night she tried to put on the show for DK MF and the other Seattle Seahawks NFL team who were sitting in front row and she threw up a bunch of shots and she shot what 28 25 28% last night but that's J Lloyd j Lloyd is a fraud right Jill ly hasn't won anything ever since sub bird and Stewie left when subir and Stewie left the real Jewel Lloyd showed her face that's not who she is that's not who Jey is that's not who Jey is jeyd is not a winner you take away subir and you take away Stewie you take away kloppenberg and everyone you take away those those people and you'll see the real jeo okay you'll see the real je ly and that's what it was and then you look at Gabby Williams and listen Gabby only came back because of the opportunity and because of the exposure um the engagement the interest within the WNBA because of Caitlyn Clark and obviously angre re and so the WNBA is now really popular the WNBA is lit it's in now it's trendy now and so normally Gabby doesn't care Gabby doesn't care about the WNBA this is why when she gave that press conference she said uh just to let y'all know uh the WNBA America isn't the world so now she's on her Noah L thing America just to let y'all know the WNBA America isn't the world it's not the entire world Gabby sees herself ever since she went to France and she was so happy that her mother was French so ever since she went to France and she spent so much time in France even during the offseason that Gabby is one of those people who they get around a certain group and they completely change and that's Gabby right so she gets around all of these French people and she goes overseas and so she has this this sort of disdain for America this disliking for America and she always she never really liked the WNBA okay she's only around this is one of the reasons why they have to make this prioritization rule because women like Gabby would stick the middle finger up to the WNBA and say I'll see you when I see you okay and that's what it was I'll see you when I see you I'll get there when I get there just make sure my paychecks are ready I'll get there when I get there remember they had no respect the WNBA was flying commercial these facilities weren't uh up to standard of what what they really should be fans wasn't really showing up ratings weren't really high and so they saw the WNBA as a piece of crap okay that they can bully and mistreat and do whatever they want to do this is why they used to get on television on CNN and MSNBC and Fox News and talk crazy about the WNBA this is why Stewie and nefisa and Kelsey and Elena delodon and Sabrina and the rest of these players NECA and Chen would Kelsey Plum would get on Twitter and talk Reckless about the WNBA helping these male trolls say go back into the kitchen and make me a sandwich they they never care so the WNBA say you would you would not mistreat our league like this because of our league you get to make all of that money overseas no one would hear of you if it really wasn't for our league yeah you did some things in college but you really had to test your medal in a WNBA and that's when people start paying attention to you and that's that enabled you to get these big fat contracts overseas so no you will never treat our league like our league is a piece of crap is an afterthought so here's this prioritization rule if you are not back in time for day one training camp you cannot play in this league oh and so now that the league is popular because of Caitlyn Clark and anger Rees Now you won back in the league oh now that that new CBA is coming up and you see this new media rights deal upwards of $3 billion and these new corporate sponsors and these games are packed and the and the ratings are up okay and you get to put your brand out there more now you went back into the league now you want back into the league now you want to pretend you care but then your true color show Gabby at the press conference when you said the WNBA America is not the whole world just to let y'all know it's not the whole world you just showed your two feelings cuz you always been a fraud you always been a snake you always been a snake Gabby that's who you are and last night you showed your fraudulent ways you played almost 26 minutes and you shot 20% from the field you would terrible we were terrible I don't don't give me all of this what she's learned in the Playbook are you stupid you got Monique billain first day with the Dallas Wings didn't know a single play didn't even get to practice before a few hours and went out there and looked like a Hall of Famer you got Celeste Taylor Celeste T immediately coming back and and and saving the Phoenix Mercury from losing to the Atlanta Dream you get these players coming back first time with the team barely practicing and putting up monster numbers so like I'm not trying to hear all of that I'm not trying to hear all of that right like come on like stop it enough is enough and you want to take shots at the Chicago Sky you should have saw had they treated me gabby you always had an excuse for everything everything you had an excuse and you were trash you were only good because of your athleticism and you had good defense you couldn't shoot threes at the time remember some of you who don't know Gabby Gabby was never a perimeter shooter The Gabby you see today is not the Gabby who was on the Chicago Sky she had to work on that and that took going overseas and developing her skill set Gabby was a brick Madam she was a brick mistress she was a Clank goddess brick brick brick brick brick brick brick Gabby was trash except for her athleticism and her defense okay and so of course the Chicago sky is going to leave you out there a little bit like that because you didn't have any True Value they saw the potential but you was bricking all over the place you didn't even had a ball handling ability you have now and it's not really that good you didn't had a mid-range you didn't had a threes your passing ability wasn't good you were you were a supreme athlete who was really good on defense and they saw potential in but they weren't going to give you everything and treat you like a god when you were trash outside of your athleticism and defense okay so now you want to throw the Chicago Scot in a bus when you were trash you were not the Gabby you are today necaa K the only reason why you came to Seattle is because of the new facilities if Seattle didn't have these new facilities you would have never came to Seattle so your air quotes Allegiance is fraudulent and you play like trash yesterday and you're the same NECA who went on Fox News and CNN and MSNBC bash in the WNBA bash in the league giving credence enabling these male trolls these misogynistic sexist pigs to attack the only professional women's basketball league in North America the same league who gave you opportunities to go play in China and your sister only reason why you women have made that money overseas is because you had to cut your teeth in the WNBA to be attractive now some of these women like Kayla Wells and some of these other women who never got the opportunity to play in the WNBA they had to go off of their college resume and they had to start at the bottom as it pertains to earnings and then they work their way up to bigger salaries overseas but you women got to actually cut your teeth in the WNBA and show these leagues overseas that you are D damn good player playing against the very best of the very best and so you were immediately given big top-of-the-line contracts the first time you ever stepped on their soil that's not the case with players like Kayla Wells players like Sierra Dillard okay they couldn't do that right so you owe a great debt of gratitude to the WNBA a great debt cuz that was your resume that was your resume or you would have just had to give them what you did in college and work your way from the bottom as it pertains to salary like Kaya Wells had to okay that's what it is like Shakila had to so Skyla Diggins listen I understand yeah yeah yeah you bumped Caitlyn Clark and yeah yeah yeah Caitlyn Clark slapped Jordan Canada in the face yesterday blocking her shot and put a little extra hot sauce on it yeah she probably should have been called for a flagrant one yeah they should have reviewed it they didn't okay but it is what it is I forgive you I love you scholar Diggins you understand cuz you bleed basketball that's who you are are you perfect no are these people judging you perfect no you understand it's Clark perfect no you understand but I understand what you said yesterday at that press conference and I love you and I pray for you and I pray for your child you were mistreated you were treated like a piece of trash through both pregnancies from the Dallas wings and the phix Mercury you understand um and you've been through a lot in your life you've been through a lot and all you want to do is win and you want everyone to play 100% And they didn't play 100% and Jo lyd decided to impress K metf and throw up a bunch of shots that was she was breaking left and right but that's what je ly does you have to understand something Jo ly has only had success when she has subd and Stewie on the team subber and Stewie leaves and Jordan Canada the leaves the real je Lloyd is just arque goba she's just Kelsey Mitchell she's a ball hog AKA let me say it nicely shooter that's what it is that's what it is that's the truth of it all that's like the the real ones will be exposed and so too will the fake ones Skylar is a real one she's a thorough one she was putting in work with the Tulsa Shock she was putting in work when they became the Dallas wings and she was putting in work with the Phoenix Mercury and she's doing the same thing with this Seattle Storm she always bled and gave it her all and a lot of her players slacked they took the foot off the gas while scholet was bleeding every single day and doing that pregnant and so now she saw yesterday it's like it's the same damn thing these people taking a foot off the gas you got Victoria Vivian over there stealing another paycheck she can't she can't stay on the floor because she's breaking left and right you got Jordan hon in love with tamari key and all she could think about is tamari key you understand and so her mind isn't focused 100% on basketball because she's thinking about all of these other tertiary things very talented player she has improved year over-year but her mind is still juvenile in a lot of ways she's still callow and she doesn't bring it every single night she doesn't play up to her potential every night and so scholar is saying Jordan hon I have two children I'm married I have a family and I'm playing like I have none of that and like my life depends on it why are you younger than me taller than me super gifted so much potential and you don't play up to that level every night and you have no children you have a girlfriend tamari key but you you have you have no children why are you taking your foot off the gas and then there's niik mule who doesn't get any opportunities because she's dealing with Pokey Chapman who's in the ear of Noel Quinn saying let's stay traditionalist let's keep this pecking order going this chain of command let's make her work her way to the top just like she did TI maau and that's how she lost her job Natalie a chanwa is 6'3 on the good day tiarra is 6 7 245 whenever she put Tiara in and gave her those little bit of minutes tiarra dominated she said nope I'm sticking with natal a chawa and it kept losing I made video after video complaining about it she knew she was about to get fired so she finally started tiarra and benching Nataly the Indiana F go on a winning streak Tiara M goes on a streak of massive double doubles I'm I'm talking about 19 rebounds and 20s something points 18 rebounds and 20s something points three blocks they all almost made the playoffs almost y'all but it was too late because she started Tiara too late in the season she started her too late because she wanted Tira to earn her minutes and work her way to the top and by the time she knew she was going to get fired and so she said we're gonna I'm lit this is this is a quote we're going to play through Tiara we're going to play through Tiara and so she finally benched 6'2 Natalie AA who was getting destroyed by 6'9 Britney grinder you had a 6'2 woman maybe 6' three who's never been good on defense going up against the likes of 6'9 Britney grinder when you had a 6'7 245 pound Tira maam right there and you wanted to make her work her way to the top just like you're doing niik mule just like you're doing niik mule so niik mule is saying I want to sit this game out for personal reasons you brought in Gabby Williams that means I'm really not going to see any minutes Gabby Williams now just made it it's Ironclad that niik mule won't see any minutes unless it's a 30-point blowout a 35o blowout and go in there Nik mu and play the last one minute 30 seconds so ni mule is frustrated she's dressing up for these games she's praying and she's hoping that she can get an opportunity and you bring in Gabby Williams who doesn't love America she doesn't love the WNBA she's only around because it's lava because it's lit you only come around when it's lit you understand you only come around when it's lit that that remind me of 40 bars 40 bars told that the Mish Hustle Man you only come around when when when when it's when it's lit I I don't use profanity but that's what she said you only come around when SI is when s hit is lit you only come around when it's lit y'all see how God making me fumble my words cuz I'm in his church and don't even want to he don't even want me to spell it out you only come around when it's lit you only come around when it's lit Gabby you only want to come around right now because it's lit it's lit you're G to get more exposure your brand is lit right now that's why you want man you never cared about the WNBA you care more about France than America that's why you took a shot at America and tried to downplay America that's one of the reasons why KLA Harris is leading in oppos because she's making people care about America Donald Trump is denigrating America he's downplaying America he's making America sound like it's it's hell and Comm is telling you America is beautiful you understand and so people want to hear that they want to see the sun they don't want to see the darkness and that's why they're gravitating and going for camea Harris Gabby Marshall you taking shots at America you taking shots at America because your mom is from France and you use that to make sure you had dual citizenship you've been living in France and so now you think you're better than America you think France is better than America and so you have this elitist little Upp snobbish mindset towards America and you never cared about the WNBA and the only reason why you care about it now because Clark and Angel re got it lit and you want in on it and so now you just stole minutes away from Nik mule so niik mule gets frustrated and says I don't want to show up for personal reasons cuz this chick just stole my minutes y'all y'all brought in a player who doesn't love America and she doesn't love the WNBA she's shown that her whole career she's one of the reasons why they made the prioritizing rule W WNBA gets first dibs or you can keep your butt overseas that's what the rule is WNBA gets first dibs or you can keep your butt overseas you will never treat us like an afterthought when we the reasons why you making all of that money overseas you had to cut your teeth over here first all you had was your college resume go over there with your college resume and watch you start off at the bottom with a salary watch the reason why you get to make top dollar your first year overseas is because they saw what you did in the WNBA so let let's stop acting like you would have been making this money overseas if you didn't play in the WNBA you would be making what what Sierra Dilla was making what Ashton pretu was making that's what you would be making what Ashton pretu had to start off making what we talking about here so like no no and that's the problem so yeah that frustrated me too about nikam you talking about the number one assist leader in yukon's history over sub by the way what and niik mu can't get a minute unless it's a blowout and then you bring in Gabby Gabby Williams and she doesn't love America she just took a shot at America just to let y'all know America is not the world America is not the world whoa whoa whoa and that's who you brought over here taking minutes from niik who loves America because she couldn't get these same opportunities in Croatia and America gave her an education and gave her an opportunity to potentially become a millionaire to take care of her family she loves America but you gave it to a woman who was born in America but because her mama is from France she goes over to France and falls in love with France and and gets this snobbish udes towards America and starts downplaying America and that's who you gave minutes to overa the same woman is the reason why the WNBA came up with the prioritization rule cuz she kept giving the middle finger to the WNBA that Gabby Williams come on what we doing here what we doing here y'all there's a lot of you new people here that came over here because of cait Clark and you don't know the history of this league and you don't know these players you saw her in the Olympics and fell in love with Gabby but you don't know the real Gabby you don't know the real Gabby cuz y'all new around here anyway let me get up out of here thank you my Creator this this just let you know that God is real I literally tried to spell that derogatory term cuz I don't use profanity he made me fumble my words even in spelling it cuz I'm at this beautiful church I'm at this beautiful church he wouldn't even let me spell that derogatory term made me fumble my words that's a beautiful thing God is real let me get a

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