Category: News & Politics
Should be celebrating welcome back mir so it's it's been a i think the bits of august you've missed have been a bit painful in the sense upwards but very very slow you know people have had to work for their profits in this market good not to have a markets like that you know typically i call me superstitious... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In early trade not much of a handover from wall street but back home of course it's been stable it's been steady uh while we've been arguing that it looks tired don't think fund managers or traders or even investors for that matter feeling tired at this stage yeah i i i suppose at this stage of the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
शेयर बाजार में आज भारी गिरावट देखने को मिली सेंसेक्स आज करीब 200 अंकों की गिरावट के साथ बंद हुआ तो वहीं निफ्टी करीब 81 अंक की गिरावट के साथ बंद हुआ हमारे साथ जी बिजनेस के मैनेजिंग एडिटर अनिल सिंघवी जी रोजाना जुड़ते हैं अनिल जी आज के कारोबार पर क्या कहेंगे आप आखिरकार 14 ट्रेडिंग सेशन से बढ़ते बाजार की तेजी पर आज ब्रेक लग ही गया जी हां 14 सेशन के बाद आज निफ्टी लाल निशान में बंद होता दिखा 88 अंकों की कमजोरी रही निफ्टी में और वजह पूरी की पूरी... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
बताइए जरा क्या टिप आई है कह रहा मैं क्या कह रहा हूं ये एशियन पेंट का स्टॉक उठा ले मैंने कहा क्यों उठाऊं कह रहा टिप आई है मैं लॉजिक क्या है तेरे तने देखा गुटके का स्टॉक ऊपर जा रहा है मैंने कहा हां जा रहा है क रहा मतलब लोग गुटका खा रहे हैं मैंने कहा हां खा रहे हैं तो कह र भाई खा रहे तो थूक कहां पे दीवार पे थूक ना दीवार को पेंट करने के लिए क्या लिखेगा एशियन पेंट लगेगा मैं कहा अरे बहन मैंने कहा एक काम करते हैं टाटा टी का स्टॉक उठाते हैं ये कह रहा... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hey everybody it's steuart smith with smallcap and i am joined once again by my right-hand man mr kevin gray and we just wrapped up an episode of the micro cap minute and we're going to swing all the way to the other side of the spectrum it's monday it's a big week and i'll tell you why it's... Read more
Category: Education
Aap stock analysis tomorrow and onward in this one minute video i'm telling you whether apple incorporated is a buy or not for me so what do short video till the end to find out with apple i'm looking to take this thing higher like i wouldn't just necessarily like buy randomly but the way that i'm going... Read more
Category: Education
Aapl stock is this the right time to buy i'm going to answer everything around that in the short one minute video so watch till the end looking at apple incorporated we're sitting at $220 83 point 0.04% kind of down like it's kind of flat today so it's not really that much movement but looking at it... Read more
Category: Education
So is nvidia a good buy at n $119 per share what's going on guys it's ricky with tech solutions here with a super quick market update so again i closed out the day at $1,596 66 as you can see i left myself with no open share so i'm not carrying anything over the 3-day weekend uh we do have labor day... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] good afternoon everyone and welcome to stock market today it's ali corm and ken sh here with the breakdown of the action in today's session thursday august 29th where investors had to digest that nvidia earnings news but kind of a roller coaster day can ending up in a mixed session yeah... Read more
Category: Education
Aap stock tomorrow easy to buy let's see where is it going in the next upcoming days weeks and months looking at apple incorporated we're sitting at 29 bucks i'm actually just very very um very biased towards the builder side but like not not in a way that i'm going to just start buying and just doing... Read more
Category: Education
Hi friends in this video i want to speak about five high risk and high return stocks and the intention of me talking about these five stocks is not to give you stock recommendations but to introduce you to these five stocks because these are highrisk high return stocks with that let's move to stock... Read more
Category: Education
Tackle today matt and mark justice justice brothers from tackle trading bring you all the charts the news the analysis so you can be informed in a concise manner each and every day uh 50 basis point cuts on the table we'll talk about that in a second uh rally is continuing a strong rally over the last... Read more