George RR Martin CALLS OUT House of the Dragon CHANGES

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:17:03 Category: People & Blogs

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right I wasn't going to make a video but George RR Martin has just come out with something completely mental and I have to talk about it now for anyone not familiar with George RR Martin he wrote the books for Game of Thrones and blood and fire which is what house of dragon is based on and he's kind of called out some of the showrunners in his blog and that's just something I want to walk you through today because I find it really interesting and of course his opinion matters more than mine and I've expressed my opinion on his so let's have a look at what he thinks shall we so without further Ado let's go and read what he said back in July I promised you some further thoughts about blood and cheese and Mayo the missing after my commentary on the first two episodes of House of the Dragon season 2 a son for a son and Rene the Cru those were terrific episodes well written well directed powerfully acted a great way to kick off a new season fans and critics alike seem to agree there was only one aspect of the episodes that Drew significant criticism the handling of blooded she and the death of Prince Jar's from the commentary I saw online opinion was split there the readers of Fire and Blood found the sequence underwhelming a disappointment watered down from what they were expected what about the writers mate viewers who had not read the book had no such problems most of them found the sequence a real gut Punch Tragic horrifying nightmarish Etc some reported being reduced to tears I found myself agree on both sides now look I know know this isn't what he's trying to do but I guarantee you he he's having to go at people who don't read the books because I I don't think he's being mean about it it's just clear that he thinks his books are the originals and you should be reading those and that he's like the people who didn't read the books their opinions don't matter as much they they they value things that of lesser value which look I'll be honest I haven't read the particular book that hter Dragon based on I've read the other Game of Thrones books but I I I just I just know what he's trying to say in my book Aon and Helena have three children not two the twins Jaris and Jara are 6 years old we have a younger brother mea who is two when blood and cheese break in on Helena and the kids they tell her they are debt collectors come to exact revenge for the death of princely sarus a son for a son as Helena has two sons however they demand that she choose which one should die she resists and offers her own life instead but the killers in sister has to be a son if she does not name one they will kill all three of her children to save the life of the twins Helena names mea but blood kills the older boy Jaris instead while cheese tells little mea that his mother wanted him dead and then of course whether the boy is old enough to understand that s to interpretation basically that's now how it happens on the show and clearly George has a a bit of a grudge about this which I respect there is no maer in House of the Dragon only the twins both of whom do look younger than six blood can't seem to tell the twins apart so so Helena is asked to reveal which one is the boy and he finds it pretty stupid that they couldn't tell which one is the boy I mean it'll be pretty easy to figure out let's be honest instead of offering her own life to save a kid Helena offered offers them a necklace blood and cheese are not tempted sorry I just love a way he's written this Blood saw Prince blood saws Prince J Harris's head off we are spared the sight of that a sound effect suffices in the in the BG he Loops the head off of his sword look again I'm reading into things but I think he finds this unrealistic that he'd sore a head off it's a bloody brutal scene no doubt how not an innocent child has being butchered in front of his mother I still believe the scene in the book is stronger I mean I might be inclined to agree with him there but a bit biased now the readers had the right to that the two killers are crueler in the book I thought the actors who played the killers on the show were excellent but the characters are cruler harder and more frightening and fire in blood in this show blood is a gold cloak in the book he is a former gold cloak stripped off his office for beating a woman to death book blood is the sort of man who might think making a woman choose which of us should die is amusing especially when he double down on the want and cruelty by murdering the boy she tries to save book cheese is worth too sorry that's a weird name isn't it book cheese he does not kick a dog don't remind me of that but he does not have a dog and he's the one who tells me that his mom wants his him dead he said that wrong but that's what he meant I would also suggest that Helena show more courage more strength in the book by offering her own life to save a son offering a piece of jewelry is just not the same I agree I did think she obviously she's a bit weird in the show the way she reacted to her son's death was weird and I can understand why George having written her and probably fallen in love with the character a bit maybe thought that was a bit off I can understand that as I saw it the Sophie's Choice aspect was the strongest part of the sequence the darkest the most visceral I hated to lose that and judging from the comments online most of the fans seemed to agree when Ryan Condell first told me I think that's the showrunner he meant what he meant to do I argued against it for all these reasons I did not argue long or with much heat however the change weakened the sequence I felt only a bit and Ryan had what seemed to be practical reasons for it they did not want to with casting another child especially a 2-year-old toddler kids that young will will inevitably slow down production and there will be budget implications budget was already an issue in House of the Dragon it made sense to save money wherever we could moreover Ryan assured me that we were not losing Prince mea simply postponing him this is where it gets a bit deeper Queen Helena could still give birth to him in season 3 presumably after getting with Char late in season 2 that made sense to me so I withdrew my objection and I'm not reading that word to the change I look I said in my own video about h of the Dragon there are probably budget implications at play people forget that when you make a show there are things you have to pay for and therefore you can't just have everything and make it the best show ever TV doesn't make as much money as films unfortunately and you'd think they'd be making enough money to to have a better show but clearly not and you know that's something you can't hold against them they're working to a budget I still love the episode and the blood and cheese sequence overall losing the Helena's Choice beat did weaken the scene but not to any great degree only the book readers would even notice its absence viewers who had never read Fire and Blood would still find the scenes heart-wrenching M did not actually do anything in the scene after all how could he he was only two years old I mean he's not wrong there is another aspect to the removal of the young princeling and I'm going to have to give a spoiler warning here if you don't want spoilers for the show or for the books stop watching because I'm commenting on what George is saying here and he's giving spoilers so there's your warning sometime between the initial decision to remove MAA a big a big change was made the prince's birth was no longer just going to be pushed back to season 3 he wasn't going to be born at all the youngest son of Egon and Helena would never appear now this is something I think George is really upset about I think he wants maor to be in the show because this is his creation he spent so much time making it so that the um so that the family tree makes sense and so that the story makes sense and to remove someone from that even if they're not a major character it all goes toppling down because of it most of you know about the butterfly effect so he goes on about the butterfly effect a bit and the butterfly effect is important as he's going to explain here maer is a 2-year-old toddler in Fire and Blood but like our butterfly he has an impact on the story all out of proportion to his size for readers among you may recall when it appears that Renea and her blacks are about to capture King's Landing Queen Allison becomes concerned for the safety of Helena's remaining children and takes steps to save them by smuggling them out of the city the task is given to two knights of the King's Guard sorry he's he's not written this very well but bless him you know it's a Blog it doesn't matter too much so Willis fell is commanded to deliver princess Jara to the to the Baran to the barians as storms end while MAA is given over to Sir ricord forn to be escorted across the Manda to the protection of a high tower Army on its way to King's Landing Willis fell delivers Jara safely to the barians at Storm's end but Sirah record fares less well he and MAA get as far as Brit bridge where he's revealed as a King's Guard in a Tavern called and the tavern's called the the hog's head sorry I'm getting confused by reading this once discovered sord fights bravely to protect his young charge and bring him to safety but he does not even make it across the bridge before some crossbows bring him down Prince me is torn from his arms and then sadly ripped to pieces Jesus this is a spoiler by the mob fighting over the boy and the huge reward that rer is offered for his capture and return okay that's kind of important I could see why he's a bit cheesed out about that not being included will any of that appear on the show maybe but I don't see how I'm going to be blank that's not going to appear on the show that's just not going to happen I'd be shocked if that happens the butterflies would seem to prohibit it you look at George being all poetic you could perhaps make sir record's Ward be Jara instead of mea but Jara can't be killed she has a huge role to play as egon's next Air could maybe make Meo a newborn instead of a 2-year-old but that would scramble up the timeline which is a bit mess a bit messy already I have no idea what Ryan has planned if indeed he has planned anything but given meelo's absence from episode two the simplest way to proceed would be just to drop him entirely lose the bit where Allison tries to send the kids to safety drop riod for or send him with Vell so Jara has two guards I mean it's pretty obvious what's going to happen here they're not going to include the baby at all if it is that the baby does die or goes missing I I can't say for sure what happens to MAA then I just don't think they're going to be too interested in what happens to it and so it's existent doesn't matter matter to the story I just think they're going to leave it I know that might upset George but again I can understand why they're leaving it it's not all too important a story I know he wants to give some credit to this guard guy but it again it's it's not something that they need to focus on from what I know that seems to be what Ryan is doing here it's simplest yes and may make sense in terms of budgets and shooting schedules but simpler is not better now that's the Stinger that's brutal the fact he said that is cold I actually kind of respect that he said that and you know for all the people that can complain about him not finishing the winter winter this is why the book needs to be complicated and sometimes complicated takes a while he wants to make the best piece of fiction so give give him his time and I know people are frustrated but give give him a minute or a few years or a decade the bitter Bridge scene has tension suspense and action Bloodshed a bit of her a bit of heroism and a lot of tragedy Rickard Thor is a tertiary don't know what that means character at best most viewers will never know he has gone since they never knew him at all but I rather liked giving him his brief moments of heroism a taste of courage and loyalty of a King's Guard regardless of whether they are black or green I get what he's getting at here is important to show some of the uh the good qualities of the king's card they're always getting grilled in the the show let's be honest so to show some respect to them would be good but they're just not going to do it the butterflies are not done with us yet however in the book when the word of Prince mord's death and the g the grizzly manner of his passing reaches the red keep that proves to be the thing that drives Queen Helena to Suicide she could barely stand to look at meor knowing that she chose him to die in the sophiie choice scene and now he is dead in truth her words having come true the grief and guilt or too much fire to here and I think he's going to drop a big spoiler here in Ryan's outline for season 3 Helena still kills herself he's dropped that he's really just dropped that for no particular reason George is on a mad one how is he dropping this there is no fresh horror no triggering event to overwhelm The Fragile young Queen this is my first time reading it I can't believe he just drops that piece of info on us and I can see why he's pissed cuz he loves Helena as a character he's written her and he really you can tell by the way he's written her he's really fond of her for them to just kill her off for no reason I can imagine that hurting him quite a lot and the final butterfly follows soon thereafter Queen Helena a sweet gentle soul is much beloved by the small folks of King's Landing Renea was not so when rumors be began to arise that Helena did not kill herself but rather was murdered at R R's command the commons are quick to believe them that night King's Landing Rose in a bloody Riot it is the beginning of the end for Rene's roll over City ultimately leading to the storming of a dragon Pit and the rise of the shepherd's mob that drive through Ana to flee the city and return to Dragon Stone and her death I mean Jesus he's dropping load of spoilers here but wow that is insane I need a second to digest that he is saying that not including MAA in the story is going to change everything even to the point of the reason for reneer is death and this is why it upsets him so much this is why it hurts that's crazy that's insane MAA by himself means little he is a small child does not have a line of dialogue does nothing a consequence but die but where and when and how that does matter I mean he's not wrong losing MAA weakened the end of a blood and cheese sequence but also cost us the bitter Bridge scene with all its horror and heroism it undercut the motivation for Helen's suicide and in turn sent thousands into the streets and alleys screaming for justice for the murdered Queen none of that is essential I suppose but all of it does serve a purpose all helps to tie the story lines together so one thing follows another in a logical and convincing manner what will we offer the fans instead once we kill those butterflies I have no idea I do not recall that Ryan and I ever discussed this he hates Ryan I don't know who Ryan is he hates Ryan someone in the comments tell me Ryan I'm assuming he's a showrunner or a writer of this show but I've never seen a man just hate on someone so much back when he first told me they were pushing back on egg on Second Son MAA himself is not essential but if losing him means we are also Lo but if losing him means we would also lose bitter Bridge Helena suicide and the riots well that is a considerable loss and there are larger and more toxic butterflies to come if House of the Dragon goes ahead with some of the changes being contemplated for seasons 3 and four I'm shocked I'm actually shocked what George RR Martin is saying here is that what he's been told the information he's been given about Seasons three and four are significant changes to the plot significant changes to the book and we'll have significant changes on what happens in the show if you don't understand how big this is this is massive and I can completely understand why he's angry and pissed off with this because it's his work and I've just taken it and and changed it completely I said in my review I don't think they're going to kill Jaris in the next episode in the battle the goet I don't think it's going to happen I don't know if they're going to to kill Renea that is me being fully honest I don't know if they have the balls to actually go with the story and I don't think George R Martin is sure on that either but we'll find out we will find out but anyway I hope you enjoyed that video if you found it informative uh please subscribe and like the video if you have any thoughts on what George R Martin says if you disagree on my interpretation of it please let me know I love to get comments and I'll make sure to reply to all of them but yeah um watch my other videos as well thank you for watching this one

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