Ep. 56 - Sign wars! Don Aslett tips! Rexburg Dutch Bros! Cornfield streaking!

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 01:03:22 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: jools lebron very demure very mindful
tonight on if AF Ido Falls and Fiesta hoay I did not know these things existed no but damn it's impressive I actually end up using a sunflower like a little umbrella for him to get back to the car with when you're naked and you're wearing shoes M you look more naked right in the cob yeah right right in the cob oh my Colonels if a Idaho Falls local independent alternative media with Mike Nelson and Carly Morgan welcome from the land of car washes and soda Shacks oh Mormon Starbucks yeah hit that like button and let YouTube know you like Idaho Falls infotainment opinion and bad jokes M linoln post on this episode we will talk about a new coffee shop in Rexburg a real one of all places shocking a feud between Arby's and Fiesta Olay signs on 17th oo a slightly terrifying flood in Oram Utah mhm Spirit Halloween already open we pay tribute to a cleaning God from Pocatello and a 50-year-old Cold Case murder has been solved wow I want you all to look at Carly's makeup it's very demure very mindful you know a lot of people they interview looking like Marge Simpson and then they go to work looking like Patty and Selma right right okay as someone who's hired people before yes that is so true so true so true and like realistically it was for a retail store so it wasn't a big deal like I didn't really care like honestly if you showed up drunk but you still did your job and like sold a lot I wouldn't give I wouldn't give two shits you know really all I want is for them to be personable and like for people not to be weirded out by them so I I just want to say to our listeners who don't know every single meme on the Planet especially this new one very demure very mindful there's a great site called Know Your Meme I love that place anytime you feel like you're uh not in it you can go there we're referencing one Jules LeBron who is a grocery store cashier in Illinois uhhuh a Latina transgender woman uhuh and um here she is and you know I do have a theory about um you know how drag queens and transgender women in particular mhm can get away with a lot of cattiness sure I think that the more we um are accepting of that Community as CIS people the less willing we're going to be to put up with that condescend the less cute we're going to think that condescending attitude is I think that's fair yeah she's she's just got that oh honey Yeah the more that we you don't even know yeah I mean yeah the more that we accept them them as just people on the same level as us right the the cattiness the novelty of the cattiness is going to wear off right right or wear thin I think as as long as as long as it's funny though that's what I was going to say I'm actually so glad you brought that up because at the end of the day I don't really care who's a [ __ ] so long as you're a funny [ __ ] right if you're just a [ __ ] I'm going to hate you no matter what but if you're funny and and that's a I think a balance I've tried to achieve at least on this show is be just a little funnier than I am you know aole yeah caddy and and sometimes critical and sure stuff like that yeah I completely agree she ends the video by saying there's your reality check Diva what name do you want me to make it out to or something like that right just like oh my God which honestly way over the top no no no I love that I loved that first off like stealing it using it like it's just great cuz I think a lot of people do kind of need a little reality check and I'm glad that she sort of pointed it out it's absolutely true yeah yeah yeah and also it's just a funny way of putting it she's been on Kimmel she was invited to the Democratic National Convention I guess to speak she did not cuz she had a wig appointment that's hilarious I love that anyway but I mean also you can't go to a big event like that with your wig looking like [ __ ] so really she made the right decision like I would never go to anything big looking like trash cuz like then that's what you're going to be known for right I'd rather not go at all than go looking crappy yeah you can sing a hundred national anthems but if you sing one drunk right right you get roasted right and to be fair I mean her face is cashing the check you know like she's she's right she looks good you know she doesn't have over-the-top makeup she doesn't look ridiculous or anything she is wearing appropriate stuff and that can't always be said that can't always be said for people it is very demure yeah very mindful uh so Jules LeBron enjoy your 15 minutes and just in case you're wondering what the true definition of the word demure is it's typically used in reference to a woman who is reserved modest and perhaps even a little shy right so it's not like she even uses the word correctly I mean I wouldn't say it's incorrect but but she's right right I suppose so yeah I thought she was going to make the point that um you don't show up dressed conservatively or demurely to a job interview and then go you know with wild hair right and 4-in fingernails I mean yeah I think that's exactly the point that she makes well but Patty and Selma are train wrecks yeah they're train she's talking about women who show up or even men uh who show up to a job interview looking sharp and then show up to work like in sweat pain pants and a baggie t-shirt right right yeah that's fair all right but I mean the like the points that she points out like her shirt not showing off everything and stuff like that right she's only showing a little bit of Chi-Chi and not the Choo not the whole Choo yeah yeah whatever that is well I know Chi-Chi is Mexican slang it's Spanish slang for booies Tatas okay yeah okay I don't know what the Choo is I'm not super sure about that but I have a feeling that she probably knows more about that than we do yeah we'll defer to Jules LeBron on that one perhaps not her real name moving along you want to get straight to the uh not her government name but yeah yeah anyway straight to comments and follow-ups earwigs are not so-called because they hang out in ears of corn what I had to look it up really yeah they are called ear wigs because when their wings are unfolded they resemble a human ear now that's that's cool um wings yeah thank you ear wigs can fly um yeah I didn't know that that's disgusting right that he be my jebi yes adequately moving on oh something I wanted to mention last episode there's a new fenic Fox at the zoo yes a little baby yeah born to parents Jojo and Finnick I know isn't that so cute Finnick the Fick I know I love that I wonder who was sleeping I wonder who I have the picture of then that little sleepy sleepy baby that I got the picture of I wonder if that was Joe or Finnick I know JoJo yeah JoJo or finck but yeah Idaho Falls Zoo if you just want to go finck foxes red pandas and what were those little bears oh the sloth bears the sloth bears I do love the sloth bears we'd be okay with that yeah right okay honestly I wonder if there's some like I just want to like I want to see the baby like I want a zookeeper to go in and just pick up the baby and hold them in for the glass so that I can see them give me baby I mean honestly my ideal would be that I want to be the one to hold the baby yeah but I'm sure that can't happen well you can always you can always hold a a baby uh bear at yellow bear I just I love the little craters all right and it's officially back to school as of today for most D1 d93 that yeah so slow down I actually saw a uh school zone sign blinking on Friday oh really yeah wow they're trying to get people back in the habit I think maybe that's it that's smart that's all and yeah in fact I'm not sure cuz I went to windco and back and it was on the both times so I wonder if it was blinking all day huh to get people yeah to back in the mode huh interesting if so smart very also I kind of wonder how those signs work I know this sounds so dumb like but like where's the master control there there's got to be a switcher somewhere yeah like is there like some Morgan Freeman character like in Batman where he's watching a bunch of monitors somewhere in the city and he can see every inch of it and he controls the signs that way somay it'll be like that for sure I mean I have to assume it's on some kind of like pret schedule but how do they change it I want to know yeah is it is it like a janky um water sprinkler timer from the 70s right do they have to go to the pole open a panel flick some switches and that's what I want to know Mondays 10 to 10:15 you know like how does that work that's what I want to know you know what whoever does it why don't you email us and let us know so that we can uh join you on a little ride along and see how you work the signs that would be cool yeah I don't ever want to become establishment enough to represent the city of Idaho Falls from a governmental uh standpoint but I want to know the mysteries of the universe we need an Insider yeah who's going to be our city of Idaho Falls Insider that can answer stupid questions like this right we're taking applicants right now all right and finally a comment from Don joerger we were talking about the French Paul valter experiencing mixed emotions right didn't win a medal but his package might right is bulges world famous Don jger said I've heard mixed emotions defined is when your teenage daughter comes home from her date at 2: a.m. with a Gideon Bible [Laughter] okay okay I will say however like so she's been on you know they've been reading the Bible all night long sure if she comes home with a Gideon Bible Don uh sometimes you know Gideon bibles are placed in oh hotel rooms okay y I think I get it that's the only hole I'm going to shoot in that analogy well and I kind of wonder if that's why he specified that type of Bible Well I but it it's got to be coming home from a date at 2: a.m. you got to be mad about that but with a Gideon Bible oh that's got to be I guess you would hope that the reason that she has it is because she wants to repent maybe or something something yeah yikes she's ready to put her right hand on it or whatever I've heard mixed emotions defined as watching your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your brand new Ferrari right yes I've heard that one yeah big new sports fans I've decided to start calling everybody sports fans plans are in the works to prevent trucks from getting stuck at the Northgate mile underpass oh about time so when I first heard this I thought D Street underpass which probably could also use it to be fair but yeah I mean they just redid it like I think over five but under 10 years ago that sounds right a truck got stuck like the same week of course but this one we're talking about is the one let's see let's say you're traveling north on the Yellowstone High way and you want to go the best Landmark I can think of being by it is Adam and Eve yeah we're going to leave it at that in between Adam and Eve and the frosty Gator that one with there's a billboard with a clock uhhuh yeah I guess I hadn't heard of any trucks getting stuck there before oh oh I feel like I've seen that a lot oh okay yeah especially cuz I'll often go that way and then take the little overpass on there and so there have been lots of times when like I'll go to take that overpass and I'll realize that there's a truck stuck there oh yeah bummer yeah well and also I think that that's like the way that a lot of place like a lot of big trucks will come into town you know like they'll try to go under that cuz that's just where they're coming from cuz they come off of the Old Highway and yeah which sucks for them whoopsies and it's already a 14 foot uh height which is pretty good according to the sign on it yeah all I know is they've got to fix that head that great on the right heading south oh I hate that one always go b boom b boom over that oh it's so bad well and also it it makes me sad how many pigeons are always on the road down there oh yeah yeah there's always like at least a couple of smooshed Birds it's real sad yeah oh this is a good place for a leftover because I wanted to show you this video I never park on the train tracks this is like what a country mile half a mile away from the underpass we were just talking about mhm right in front of the Museum of Idaho right heading west and uh I never ever park on the train tracks I do sometimes when I'm feeling really dangerous except when I do and obviously you see the uh how close I was to the train there thankfully I don't think it was moving or if it was moving it was moving very slowly right but um yeah I posted that a few weeks ago I meant to throw it on this show but there was just never a time to talk about that that's fair that's fair mildly related yeah well and they've got the little bars that come down so I think if it was moving those would have been down yeah so you would have been yeah you would have known yeah my first thought was um how much trouble am I in uhhuh and I realized okay I'm not in enough to whip out my phone and go yeah I'm not doing too bad right right uh but then my second thought was well what if it does start moving again and that's when you're like okay I could probably back up a little bit and get it between those two cars yeah yeah you got to have a game plan but yeah there's video evidence of Mike being a bonehead guess you can't judge other people too much can you guess not also downtown I want since we're on some leftovers here I wanted to show you this this is right in between what like the pie hole and the snake bite oh yeah the little Alleyway there on Park mhm there's a mural for Page Insurance made to look like Yellowstone I think right yeah yeah and I think they do a pretty good job too yeah big bison big Tatanka there and probably Old Faithful spewing off in the background well somebody I don't know if it was paig insurance or just somebody being a smartass tacked a sign onto the light pole there uhhuh and it says warning do not approach Buffalo and then national parks and then somebody it it looks like it was sort of spray painted but probably came this way probably they crossed out the word not and then wrote in for selfies so it reads warning do approach Buffalo for selfies and after national parks they put a y an Sy Sy yeah right for uh I suppose to look like a Banky which I think is super smart by the way so I'm all for that yeah I think it's fun and if you turn around I don't know if you knew this but there's a pets of downtown mural mhm I have seen it before it's sort of like like in between this and what's the it's not Diagon Alley it's uh oh shoot I follow him on Instagram I know the alley you mean with all the fun little art pugs Lane alley thank you pugs Lane I can't believe job uh but impr this makes me want to kind of cruise the alleys right in downtown ID I'm glad that they're making them into little art pieces and stuff cuz otherwise you get a bunch of vandals who go in there and you know filthy them up and they still could they could but what happens when people are less likely to what happens when you have a painted mural on a brick wall and then somebody comes along later and spray paints graffiti on it I mean I think it depends on the graffiti can you remove it without removing the mural or is everything gone by then I think it'd be pretty hard too you'd probably have to paint over it you know get the artist in to touch it up and I'm glad we don't have that problem yeah not too often at least here in little Idaho Falls Idaho I mean sometimes we' got a a hooligan or two but but realistically people tend to leave stuff like that alone yeah if you want to spray graffiti on something there's the train yeah you know ever since I was little kid I really liked seeing all of the graffiti on the trains I sometimes do too I think it's fun and I actually very specifically remember this really cool graffiti uh pine tree or like set of three pine trees on a train that shows up every couple of years like I've seen it recurringly and I always thought that was really cool I can't say I've ever seen the same graffitied railroad car more than once really yeah okay well that's interesting okay also as reported on this show earlier this year Dutch Bros in Rexburg opened on Friday I know I bet they're so excited yeah now they don't only have Mormon Starbucks now they have Dutch Bros top comment was oh the devil's tea in God's country I know right I want to show you this too I didn't know Dutch Bros did this I've had a lot of coffee I've had the best coffee um at least in America peets and Starbucks okay yeah Pete's was the guy who actually helped start Starbucks right with the Starbucks guys um so so I've had some really good coffee I've never craved an Americano like I have a Dutch Bros Americano yeah you're kind of obsessed with those it's for whatever reason the taste is just there and by the way did you know it's called an Americano because in World War II the US Sailors would go there and uh the espresso was too strong so they'd have them water it down and hilarious that's like one of the first things you learn on a trip to Italy I guess I could see it that was a meme a while back anyway she was like in Italy and giving Italian facts and that was every other one that's so funny but um look at this this here is a 96 oun Jo too I did not know these things existed no but damn it's impressive and as you can tell it sort of looks like the base of a windmill yeah it does very cute guys and uh what I will sometimes do mhm like on a Sunday when we need to edit and I need to hit a deadline right uh I will go get a Joe to go it takes a while you're supposed to you know they say oh well if you order it in advance I don't know how I've got the app it's not on the app well and also we've tried calling them too call yeah do you remember when we tried to call him that one day to get that in I don't remember what we were going to ask him but no one answered I'm just saying if you want 96 ounces of coffee which can last me up to a week right um d Bros Americano Jo too it's incredible I think it's like 30 bucks that's not bad it's not bad Cofe for a week considering it's 10 cups of coffee yeah that's pretty good yeah can I be totally honest sure I don't like Dutch Ros no I don't I I prefer Starbucks if I'm going to go now to be fair I also just don't really like coffee you like your pinky drinkity I do like my pink my pinky drinkity that's one of my favorite things there um but just in general like that's why I love this show yeah we can have differing opinions right right and you get to make up your own now but that's the thing I just don't like coffee and general it's an acquired taste that I never Acquired and so I'm more of a tea girly if I'm going to get anything like that the London fogs at Starbucks are just so good and honestly I feel like Dutch Bros uses way too much sugar I know they use way too much enthusiasm yes yeah maybe that's what it is maybe it's all of their maybe it's all their sickeningly sweet attitudes pouring into the cup you know but everything I get there is always so grossly sweet okay like it's not balanced at all and I you know and they always look at me sideways when I say if I'm ordering just one Americano some room at the top yeah and they're like are you sure no cream no sugar yeah I'm going to go home and pour almond milk in it they don't have almond milk oh I don't know maybe they do I'm sure they do or or I'm I'm going to go home and pour my protein shake in it oh that's fair that's different right yeah so I'll I'll like split it up in two and right do this until do that until it's a nice creamy color yeah until the color is just right hey speaking of almond milk yeah can we try our thing yes yes this episode's treat time features these pepp Farm mint Brussels left over from ch I was going to say those looked awfully seasonal Last Christmas I get you my heart so the plan was I was like okay uh you know you divide the year in half if December is 12 then I'll have these on six I'll have these in June right well I forgot fair but it's a still it's an unopened package so it should be fine it should be well I mean realistically how long like how far in advance do you think they package those bad boys right it's got to be at least 6 months are these year old by now maybe let's find out how they taste more than 6 months later you I know it's funny huh I was just cleaning out my pantry the other day and came across some of our our Girl Scout cookies from our episode a while back uh and honestly had a couple of I've been snacking on those lemon ups for the last little bit okay they're so good no Rango you can't has sorry sir they've got chocolate oh I blew it oh no you well you know I um I like to honor the packaging right right you ripped it I almost had a perfect open there oh you were so close and yet tore you screwed it would you uh like a couple couple couple three I mean take a whole sleeve if you want or a whole basket to be fair what I was really wanting honestly is the almond milk like my mouth is watering a little bit just for this okay jeez I can't lift that arm very well they still smell minty fresh they do I can detect a little bit of bag smell or paper smell MH as if they've been sitting there for a while not quite stale yeah I wouldn't say stale at all the taste the crispity crunchiness mhm the mint and the creaminess all there if you weren't paying the closest to attention you wouldn't notice a difference at all I'm so proud of myself yeah this represents good a huge accomplishment mhm for me to save these for this long oh I know I know you love your mint Brussels those might be your very most favorite cookie right yum yes yeah famous ous chocolate chip those are good too those are always pretty good I really like the uh Girl Scout samoas yes those might be my favorite those so good that honestly those um I think it's Toll House who does them but the little sugar cookies with the pictures on them that come in a big old sleeve they do like seasonal ones they're like little sugar cookies and you can get like Santa or snowmen or pumpkins ghosts those things I love those things right mhm I need to wash this down that's the most dead air we've ever had on the show I think you know almond milk's good almond milk's good but regular milk Just Hits different man and I don't know if if I was just raised in a milk L household but I love milk dude like homelander or that [ __ ] from uh oh what's it called get out oh yeah or the main character from A Clockwork Orange there we go oh yeah we've talked about how lots of villains are portrayed drinking milk let's get a shot of this though I want to show you this this is Blue Diamond unsweetened almond milk M and if you're not much of a milk Drinker like I no longer am I believe that cow's milk is for baby cows but this unsweetened just just a little bit of vanilla flavor adds the sensation of sweetness I think right which I like I I do like that a lot now when I very first tried almond milk way back in the day I could not drink the unsweetened stuff like I had to get the vanilla sweetened almond milk yeah um now I think that the unsweetened is just phenomenal you know I wonder if it's just cuz I was young and I was still in that like sugar phase of like needing everything to be like high calorie cuz my body was craving it sure um but man like this is this is nice but you know when I went to that cabin with my family this last weekend yes um how was that by the way uh phenomenal it was so nice uh just to fill you in so my aunt from Connecticut came to visit it was like her and her her sons and stuff and their families and they rented this massive luxury cabin up in Island Park it was like 1,200 bucks a night or something like that it probably slept like 30 people like it was it was a big big place wow you know maybe that's a little much it was at least 20 people though by Airbnb standards 30 people right right cuz they put like four bunk beds in a room yeah exactly um but yeah it was just this massive beautiful house with it with its own private Dock and everything it was really nice so the day before I'd gone paddle uh paddle boarding with my family like they kind of sat on the dock and were hanging out and I was on the lake and stuff and I was like face to face with this deer I actually took a picture cuz I had my phone and a lanyard around my neck oh wow and then the next morning I actually went out again and went paddle boarding and I got I actually saw two deer this time but I didn't get nearly as close as that first time which was kind of a bummer but just being in a pimp pad oh it was the cool enjoying nature yeah oh and I also got this really great slow-mo video of some bats too okay yeah so we can pop that up that sounds amazing so I didn't mean to derail you you were saying something about almond milk oh right as it relates to the cabin so I was actually talking about regular milk so I love almond milk but I like I love real milk and that love was kind of reignited at the cabin cuz I'll growing up like we drank a ton of milk my dad is the milk drest fi I've ever met he goes through I [ __ ] you not a gallon of milk a day holy cow yeah right I didn't even mean to make that done but yeah that's crazy he drinks a lot of milk dude and when we were up at the cabin there was only a half gallon in the fridge mind you this is like for two meals that he needs to make this last for and I actually think there might have been like a half of another half gallon anyway but he was like we don't have enough milk like like you could hear the like fear in his voice that he wouldn't have enough milk for all of his meals you know and in Island Park some sometimes it's a real pain in the ass right to come down out of the mountains or the hills or whatever get groceries or something get to the general store and get back yeah right exactly so I was kind of worried about him but I did totally snack a glass of milk and I felt like I just felt like a kid again it was so nice all right back to school means thrifting baby at Elsie's closet Upscale Resale trendy fashion that's budget friendly Elsie's closet is Idaho Fall's only thrift store devoted exclusively to women and women fashion and right now they have everything for back to school pants teas sneakers bags jewelry a store for women by women look for the pink sign just off Yellowstone on a street use promo code ifaf to save 15% off your total purchase at Elsie's closet it's not just a stop at the thrift it's a whole vibe selling your home Make Your Move with Mike helps Idaho for over 5 years I've been helping Idaho with real estate buying selling investing and now I'm joined by Karly morg to help you even more you trusted us to tell it like it is and we'll be 100% with you and we're backed and brokered by the best Kelly Williams realy East Idaho and when you close I donate $100 of my own money to a charity of your choice so Make Your Move with Mike helps Idaho Lincoln post have you experienced locally raised beef Virgin River Land and Cattle Company sources local Angus fed on green Idaho pastures for a rich beef flavor you might be thinking about quantities of beef for Christmas present presents or to feed your family throughout the year well right now they're offering amazing 25 lb boxes with steaks roasts and ground beef find Virgin River Land and Cattle Company on Facebook and use promo code ifaf to save 15% on locally raised beef just in at DIY weddings and events New floral china it adds such a sophisticated and feminine touch to any event just one example of the many things you can rent when designing your event like the Polaroid guest book a candy salad jars even a full service drink trailer DIY weddings and event rentals has great ideas for your next wedding or event so don't do it all on your own call or text 20843 2040 today use promo code ifaf to save 15% off all your rentals in celebration of their 10th anniversary our friends at roof rescue are giving away four free roofs to people who make an impact in our community thank you for your nominations they are now closed and the winners will will be announced September 2nd roof rescue gives away free roofs every year to Veterans members of the military First Responders teachers or anyone who deserves it in Idaho falls twinfalls and Logan Lincoln post roof rescue providing watertight Peace of Mind did your family or friends love their visit tidido Falls this summer send them the best souvenir a unique Homegrown Tea from Teton t-shirts including retr looking images of the water tower the West Bank how it used to be Civic Auditorium how it used to be check out Teton tshirts.com it's a brand new store so make sure you put that in the URL or better yet there's a link in this post Teton t-shirts.com proudly wear a real piece of Idaho Falls as sometimes modeled on this show all right why don't we start the second half with something slightly terrifying this is what it looks like when flood waters break through your basement window yikes that's pretty awful well and I think that we've been kind of getting some of their storms too cuz that happened down in Utah right that happened or in orm Utah on Tuesday August 13th in what city officials are calling a 100-year flood damn now I mean I would yeah yeah you know there are a couple of signs that you can tell that happened in Utah I'm sure you noticed yes yeah let's focus on okay but first we need to say the family's okay which thank goodness yeah everybody's okay a lot of terrified screaming in there you heard right everybody's okay it was a double pain in the ass though because they had just finished that basement like for their in-laws or something but yes let's talk about how we knew before I even got the story behind it just watching that video I knew it was in Utah tell us Carly well I don't know if you noticed the Mormon style Jesus statue in the corner basically commanding the flood with his hands just saying now if you don't know what we're talking about it's it's the one it's the pretty common LDS Jesus with his arms outstretched and His Hands open yeah the one that you tend to find in Visitor Center uh visitor centers at temples uhhuh like in Salt Lake mhm but the way in context because he's in the background with his arms just kind of out like this it almost looks like he's going what the hell man again crap again yeah again with this [ __ ] and now this happens he just looks he looks kind of EX exasperated exacerbated no exacerbated is the word I was going to say yeah you're right jeez Louise he looks ex exas exasperated you might be constipated one of them's one of them's things it's just now that we know the family's okay and I'm sure insurance is going to cover it it's kind of funny a little bit hopefully they'll get much nicer newer things with that insurance money yes I hope so the other thing I saw on there that showed me that it was a Mormon household by the way the stand for the electric piano oh did you see that in the hallway I didn't notice that yeah when it pans okay yeah there were a couple of little things that I was like clocking yeah the stand and the electric piano I think have replaced the tradition I know a lot of households that still have the traditional you know upright piano yeah but I would love an upright piano like I can't play one but I sure would love to learn just to have one in the Parlor yeah well and I like to tank around first you need a parlor I will so my grandma has one um and when I was like probably 13 and really into MCR I did totally learn I taught myself the beginning of the opening notes of the Black Parade The Black Parade absolutely I just plucked It Out by ear uhhuh yeah it's actually kind of funny cuz it's sort of a like down up motion like yeah it's like a climbing scale it's nice and it's sort of a takeoff on the um on Pomp and Circumstance I believe the graduation march isn't it I hadn't caught that but see but I could see why you would think that yeah evocative of that yeah I could see it so anyway everybody's okay thank goodness we're so glad you know I kind of wonder if those if the storm that caused that are some of the ones that we've been getting too I wonder yeah we got quite a bit of rain last week and some Thunder too we got some rain at the very end of our trip to the wild adventure corn maze sunflower days right right this is what it looked like and and you can see this is we're sort of facing westish mhm you can see that sun going down and those dark storm clouds and we were there for an hour afterwards till they're open till 9: uhhuh and um we got this Pleasant summer rain for me it was the perfect night it was pretty nice honestly the amount of mud that we had to deal with was not ideal no it was it was suboptimal as we say and I felt kind of bad for poor little Rango you know CU I just held him the entire time and he okay I will say he had a field day when we were there cuz he was just you could see his little nose going crazy and they said you can bring a dog as long as he it's on a leash right yeah on a on a leash well behaved and you pick up after him if he needs picked up after okay super simple um but yeah so we went he had a great time but I felt bad at the end because then he was getting a little rain Dawn and I could tell he was getting a little uncomfortable cuz he does not like the rain oh I loved it yeah I actually ended up using a sunflower like a little umbrella for him to get back to the car with and we've got you heard it here first we've got a we've got it on good authority that they are extending it by it was supposed to end this past weekend uhhuh yeah but now you can go this weekend extending it by one more week how exciting is that yeah and then they shut down for a while and then the wild adventure corn maze itself opens I think in midt uh it's September 16th here's the obligatory Carly picture for this year we showed you last year's last week or two weeks ago right I do like that senorito beanie weenie isn't it and I want you to check out his tag Carly's always so extra but look at this his tag is the idah ho Falls Water Tower it is actually that's by a local artist too she does all kinds of really cool handmade uh collars leashes and tags um she does a lot of anime themed stuff which is super fun uh let me see if I can find her name so that we can include it okay yeah yeah so you can find all of her stuff at Mio Yani that's me EO y a ni.com uh she's got all kinds of really cute little designs and you can have custom tags made too link and post we'll do that for you and then you know the uh Homer disappearing into the bushes meme yes I do because the sunflower is just buted up right next to the corn stocks for the corn maze I decided to do my own disappearing Homer only into the corn mhm here it is [Laughter] okay you goober that was fun I've told you my other idea for a corn field too right no I don't know if you have I want to know if any farmers will take me up on this I say take me up on this like I'm offering you something okay wait I think I do know what you're going to say I don't know if any Farmers your dream would um do this for me would allow you to do this it's just a thought I had one of those intrusive thoughts uhhuh you know the call of the Void yes when you're going around a curvy Mountain Road and like what if I just let go of the wheel yeah yeah or you're like standing on a cliff and you're like I I could just jump yeah yeah this is an intrusive thought that I'd like to act on now I'll only do it you know with with permission from the landowner right I would like to go and in a private enough place that no one will see you yeah and it's going to have to be at night in an undisclosed location I would like to go streaking through a corn field just go running as fast as I possibly can just even maybe in my ski is fine right as fast as I possibly can through a corn field I want to know what that feels like would you be wearing shoes yeah oh yeah okay I would hope so yeah yeah man I bet you'd feel like one of those aliens from signs if you did that maybe that's where I got the idea maybe I want to go running through a corn field I mean I I wonder if your face would get sliced up from the leaves I kind of want I wouldn't worry as much about your face as I what other parts well yeah I mean I'm just saying what what's the likelihood that you go running through and one just comes swinging back and Bops you right in the right in the wiener it could happen it could happen right in the cob yeah right right in the cob oh my Colonels bring me some butter quick you popped your corn what's funny is when you're naked and you're wearing shoes mhm you look more naked oh yeah you certainly feel more naked right it's it's not an exhibitionist thing no it's not you don't want people to see you no no no yeah you just want to feel it well okay all right now we're getting now it's sounding like a kink I just want to know what it's like mostly on my face I don't I don't really care about anything else yeah so realistically you could probably accomplish the same task shortless yeah okay yeah sure that's fair I just pictured mhm you know cuz I'm binary it's one or the other on or off yeah dressed or naked you know I will say there's a part of me that wants to be naked in a rainstorm but oh yeah sure right that's nature shower like the one last week at sunflower days I think I'd want it to be heavier rain oh yeah for sure like I I want it to be like gobs or rain then you need to move to Florida my friend probably oh Florida freaks me out though oh but I mean some they'll have afternoon showers that are just they feel like warmer than a shower yeah that's fair yeah I could see that but they also have cockroaches you know this big I couldn't do that well and not to mention if I move to Florida like Rango would get eaten by an alligator in a week real quick like I mean he wouldn't cuz like I would defend him but if he was left in a backyard for 10 minutes he would get eat by an alligator he would never be left alone for that long but but it it could happen it could happen hey mad props Big Ups accolades Laurels even mhm to Nathan Chandler the owner of Confections Bakery in Pocatello oh yeah good for him he competed in Netflix's Blue Ribbon baking Championship MH and won that's pretty cool so we got to put that on the list of places to go I want a win I want Netflix award like the world doesn't revolve around East Idaho no it could be said we don't get a lot of action here and we're we're going to talk about another guy who is famous in pocatella was as well mhm in just a second but you know Netflix is global baby MH there are people all over the world going I want to go to where he is right and we're 45 minutes away right well and I love watching cooking shows in general and the one thing that I wish is I wish I could taste the food you know cuz you can get like a pretty good idea of how it should taste based on what the judges say and how it looks and stuff but like I've always wanted to just like reach through through the screen and just you know get a little lick yes you know and now we can so man I wish we would have been able to go uh that day that we went to the Kane Brown concert right if only I could have gotten off work a little sooner dang we are already in fact let's talk about Kane Brown yeah why don't we here's our little corn dog toast the corn dog company was there nice and Kane Brown um we were just in the back in the general admission which was fine by me yeah it was actually kind of nice in my opinion now you might be wondering who's Kane Brown and if you are he's got what is in mind My Mind the song of the summer MH miles on it with marshmallow it is a jam in fact we've talked about it already on this show yes yeah it's a great song and I ask you when was the last time that somebody who had a huge smash Banger on the radio played while it was on the radio right yeah we kind of we either get the against Journey but that was 40 years ago no you're right we either get the upand comers or the ones who haven't been doing too much for a while right yeah and so to be there for that and we that was pretty cool Mikey doesn't really like live shows in fact the tickets were courtesy of Don Jared from 961 and12 on the wolf thank you Don thanks buddy and he was surprised to see me there yeah he knows I thought that was kind of funny I've just you know I did radio for a minute got a little jaded you know yeah you did you did enough live shows walked out of a Madonna concert at the United Center in Chicago to go to the pick and save and do some grocery shopping you know I just it takes a lot for me right I get it I get it to go there and see that right now this summer was hot I'm sure he booked the show before his song blew up probably yeah well and I liked being the in the general admission area because it kind of felt like being at a mini version of the fair almost it was very fair like wasn't it yeah I don't know what it was about it except for like the little trailers with food and stuff that did it for for me but yeah it just felt like a little teeny tiny fair but yeah people standing around talking walking around in the back I'm sure in the front it was a much more intense experience probably I also really liked some of the pyate Technics that he had I don't know what it is about fire that makes s songs just sound so much better yeah fire is cool yeah but like when it goes off to the beat and stuff and it's like little fire bursts like it's it's rad dude and when you're close enough to feel it yeah that's hot yeah that literally but we we did it perfect L uh because I'm not concert averse but close right we did it perfectly okay gates open at 6 show starts at 8 does he have an opener yes that means he'll start at 9: we got there at 8:59 we heard a little bit of the film music mhm uh he played miles on it 45 minutes into the show which you thought he was going to play it later on I was like no no way will he play it in the middle of the show he's going to put it at the end right but I was like I have a feeling it's going to be in the middle Carly was right you win you win this round and then we went and gambled at the shonne banic hotel and Event Center yeah yeah we just threw a couple bucks in and and the best part was we got out of there before everyone else did so we didn't have to deal with all that traffic especially with the construction on two construction zones in between Fort Hall and Idaho Falls I couldn't do it yep man even just leaving leaving the butterfly Sanctuary uh the last time I went it was just hellish trying to get through Blackfoot I ended up sitting in traffic for a good 20 30 40 minutes we cruised all the way home it was great it was perfect so back to Pocatello some sad news last Wednesday uh cleaning Pioneer Don aslet passed away do you know his story I know that he's associated with the Museum of clean yes that's his but I don't know anything else about his story it's a six-story 74,000 square foot uh Museum of clean which has fascinated me for forever and I still haven't gotten a chance to go in let's put it on our list I would love to go there we'll go to the museum of clean and Confections Bakery and see Nathan oh yes I I love that idea hey while we're at it we should also stop by [ __ ] tasty yes they have great F uhhuh at F King tasty yeah they have even better tea that's true they do yeah so Dawn passed away last Wednesday 89 years old wow he was yeah the only reason I know who he is is my mom bought his book clutter's Last Stand oh he wrote over 40 books this guy okay that's pretty impressive he was obsessed with cleaning uhhuh we'll give you his cleaning tips here in a second well I mean he did live to almost 90 he must have been a pretty tidy fella yeah well and and speaking of the world coming to East Idaho or East Idaho influencing the world I suppos uh uh he was born in Twin Falls okay then he served a mission in Hawaii then he went to ISU in Pocatello oh nice started a cleaning company huh yeah which blew up and then the rest is history but the only reason I know the guy is because of this book clutter's Last Stand that's hilarious by the way my mom was the kind of gal who when she had an issue she'd go and buy a book about it uhhuh and never read the book either wouldn't deal with the isue wouldn't read the book Bless but felt like she was doing something by buying the book but she took a yeah she took a big step yeah and that was enough anyway so um he said your amount of time spent cleaning can be reduced by 75% if you do three things reduce clutter get the right cleaning tools and make them accessible right I totally agree with that so yeah don't throw your vacuum in the back of a bunch of boxes M you got to have it there oh and take your shoes off at the door oh yeah I could see that 75% if you do those four things yeah reduce clutter Right cleaning tools make them accessible shoes off at the door I certainly need to do those things I really do I'm pretty good you're very good about shoes at the door and that kind of stuff you know I could definitely be better at shoes at the door um my biggest thing really is just that I've got kind of a lot of stuff that I need to go through um you know I have had a a bigger space back when I was married and I had to condense it all down to a smaller space and I basically was like what I know that feel bro yeah and I was like well I've got a month to get out of here so instead of going through the stuff now I'm going to go through it once I get to my final destination and we'll figure it out then and uh so I've been slowly trying to go through that and I feel like I've purged quite a bit I've seen you purge yeah you've done very well I think so but I definitely still have a long long long way to go what I like to do in between Christmas and New Year's usually that's when I had like real dedicated time off I like to clean like I'm moving yeah that'd be nice start with one room mhm and get rid of everything I haven't used you know for a few years something I can't imagine needing in a new place right and then just you know scrubbing the [ __ ] out of cling the entire bathroom right that I guess my only other cleaning tip would be get a cordless vacuum those are nice I realized that half of my aversion to vacuuming was just that damn cord right unwinding it and winding it back up so really making the cleaning tool accessible to you was getting rid of the cord yeah yeah that's fair it was it was the right cleaning tool mhm one thing I wanted to point out by the way the My Discovery Kids museum is actually in the museum of clean oh cool yeah so don aslet for showing the world how to clean from po ell Idaho you are ifaf this week Chris pie 5 21 finger gun salute and chef's kiss to you no notes No Cap no kidding rest in peace along with Dutch Bros in Rexburg two things that are now open in Idaho Falls number one tamal's Inc which I'm so excited about that's the one we gave you the heads up on earlier this year mhm I guess they're all tamali yeah yeah we haven't been we got to go mhm now my personal favorite type of tamale are uh rahas tamales they're basically like cheese and peppers and they're just so freaking good oh I love those um but you know they also make like you can also get sweet tamali like cinnamon uher tamali yeah like dessert tamali yeah like I okay if I'm remembering correctly uh so I only ever had one in Mexico my um exin my ex mother-in-law made one uh and it was like um it pink and it had um raisins in it and it was actually like pretty good oh okay yeah anyway but it still had Masa on the outside uhhuh yeah still M and everything wasn't chocolate covered or deep fried nope nothing crazy no tamali Inc 475 Park Avenue we'll have to give it a try and then Spirit at Halloween yes I went in there today as a matter of fact yeah I had a great time already open Halloween gets 10 weeks I know and tell me again why we can't think of Christmas before Thanksgiving tell me again why sometimes Christmas only gets 3 weeks here's why Christmas takes so much more effort you have than four you have to condense it into them that amount of time cuz if you spread that much effort over 10 weeks you would burn people out in one month I'm just saying all right so you were in there what' you find uh all kinds of fun stuff I noticed that they're definitely going a lot more circusy this year with some of their like animatronics and stuff like they had this big ass fun house that you can walk through they had lots of scary clowns they had one which I I should have gotten a better video of but it actually had um motion tracking technology so it would watch you and the head would move with you oh that's awesome that was kind of spooky um they also had this really cute animatronic Corpse Bride set that I really dug so one thing I like about Spirit Halloween is that they have like regular clothes too but they're like uh you know themed clothes like spooky clothes but you can go in and get like cute little sweaters and stuff or t-shirts there were there was this one t-shirt that I actually thought was really cute it was a bunch of uh skeleton Cowboys dancing around and who like I don't know why they were Cowboys but they were and they were cute and I liked it I already posted a Halloween meme on the Mike helps Idaho Facebook page uhhuh it's time it was a bunch of animal skeletons all set up oh I love those skeleton petting zoo really never seen that idea before I love that um also I've been seeing a lot of the orange and pink Halloween theme going on okay so I love when I was growing up the only Halloween colors were orange and black that was it right and then sometime in the '90s early 2000s that toxic slime green yeah got introduced about the same time as purple yes and I was like o now we have four Halloween colors yeah and now you're saying pink is one of them too I would say so it looks like it at least is that do you think that's maybe the Barbie influence I kind of think it is now I know I told you back before Barbie even came out that it was going to influence fashion big time and we were going to see a huge Trend toward hyper femininity and here we are babe here we are yeah and I'm so I'm so here for it way to spot the trends honestly I cannot wait for all of it to go on sale so I can just go Hog Wild and buy all of the stuff because you know what I think orange and pink might be my Halloween colors for forever now now if I remember correctly Spirit Halloween does have like a big blow out uhuh is it on is it on Halloween October 31st or do they I do think it starts on Halloween okay mhm and then for like a day maybe two if you're lucky M yeah but I remember hearing about some great sales oh yeah I saw I saw a couple of things that I was like I'll be back for you all right two more things and then we'll let you go added to my stuff on Hulu The Secret Lives of Mormon wives which by the way I know nothing else all I've seen is the promo image they are not dressed like Mormons interesting isn't it you can't hide garments under a lot of those dresses what the hell's going on there also they don't look like polygamists is this like The Real Housewives of whatever uh where it's different housewives that are married to different men or is this a group of women who are all married to one guy well and I don't know much about it but I wonder if there's still Mormon and here's why I wonder it's a new reality show by the way premieres September 6th and I guess it's about a swinging Scandal okay I actually do think I kind of vaguely remember hearing about that like there was this group of swingers in was it Utah or Las Vegas or something like Mormon swingers and they were you know swinging um but I didn't they had the upside pineapples right but I didn't know that it was like I don't know that big of a deal didn't watch the trailer all I know is probably going to watch the first episode okay I I never watched The Real Housewives of Salt Lake yeah did you neither no okay I'm not really that into trash TV yeah like the most I go I I do like a good competition show uh but like yeah the whole like Jersey Shore Real Housewives that kind of stuff I never really Doug yeah um my mom loves Jersey Shore and I know and I would watch that with her sometimes and it was always just it was such a train wreck and it always made me so mad so I couldn't watch it I know that that's some people's comfort food I don't judge but um any anything scandalous especially happening in our neck of the weeds right I want to check out yeah all right and then a 50-year-old Cold Case murder was solved say police after DNA evidence them to a suspect in Eastern Idaho wild yeah right outside of salmon right so uh Michael Eugene Mullen 75 arrested in lmh high County last Wednesday for the murder of a Swedish woman in 1973 wow and I guess it happened in Marin County right so that's in uh California okay yeah I was kind of wondering like did it happen in Sweden she was assaulted and murdered in her unincorporate ated San Raphael home while her husband was away at work in November of 1973 that's awful now this is another one of those stories of uh finding the killer not through his DNA necessarily yeah but through a family member right like the Angie Dodge Christopher tap thing right or even the Golden State killer too yeah yeah so basically they had his DNA from the crime scene but it's not that they swabbed him or anything or collected his DNA that way uh basically they were able to find it through familial matches through like ancestry kits and stuff like that that's what it's called yeah famili familial search program is what they call it yeah right and so I wonder how many killers right now who have gotten a away with it yeah are freaking out because I'm sure they probably thought I'm never going to upload my DNA right but it doesn't but yeah but what if any of your family members do right right and it can be I think even as far as like a second cousin or something pretty like it can be pretty distant and they can still get a pretty good idea of where you are in that person's family tree right I'm pretty sure my biological uh brother and I are like 99.9% matches I think I've told that story on here before yeah it's crazy he he's a rocket scientist in Tucson compared our raw data and yeah it's it's pretty easy to tell and I'm so glad because Justice is finally going to be served right and then I'll say this same thing I said last time when talking about a cold case that was finally closed it sucks that it's 50 years later right how many people are still alive to see that Justice being served right right yeah to me that's kind of I don't know tragic but I love that this um this program is being taken as seriously as it is because it just means that those cold cases are going to get solved faster and faster and faster love to see that people aren't going to be able to get away with stuff anymore finally tonight I love to see this a good oldfashioned sign Feud I know I love those right between Fiesta Olay and Arby's on 17th now I will say that I'm biased I'm much more of an Arby's girl than a fiesto lake girl mostly cuz when I was a kid fiesto ol was right next to the Civic so that's where we always went whenever we'd go to the Civic with my dad and so you're a little tired of it we got so sick of it that we we ended up calling it Fiesta hole instead use that one Arby yeah right there we go you know I'm like that with Culver's it was the closest restaurant to the station I worked at in Wisconsin oh Fair 99.1 wmyx the mix oh nice I haven't even tried the new Culver on hit oh really yeah no I haven't even been even though they have delicious ButterBurgers and concrete mhm so Fiesta Olay and Arby's are kind of going at it in that they um fiesto ol put up I don't know who went first it was Arby's first or how long this has been going on it's been a couple of weeks Arby's first yeah okay they put up rather have meat sweats than a burrito right which I thought was kind of a weird way of putting it you only get meat sweats when you have a ton of meat right which I think is the point that they're making their sandwiches have a ton of meat on them and they're saying even at the worst meat sweats I'd still rather have that than a burrito and then fiesto put up sweaty Meats no crisp Meats so it's not in it's not exactly clever what they're doing yeah not not quite but I think we're on the right path you guys yeah yeah can we help yeah maybe our commenters can also leave some of their best ones down there so the Arby and Fiesta Olay can pick through those whatever side you want to take Arby's or Fiesta Olay yeah pick a side and come up with an insult uhhuh I was thinking you know like I mean a real lowball easy one Arby's would be Fiesta more like Siesta okay that's a good one cuz it's a snooze Fest now to be fair I also came up with one four Arby's against fiesto it's very simple and it's like the only one I could come up with Taco more like talk no that'd be good right I think so yeah fiesto could say we don't have much beef with you just like your sandwiches oh that would be good that's hard to fit on a sign though yeah yeah that's tough needs work we're we're just workshopping it yeah Arby's could say something like we're not your average restaurant or would that be Fiesta Olay I feel like that would Fiesta oay that would say that okay yeah all right so there's two for Fiesta Olay and two for Arby's there we go good pestol could say your mom has roast beef I don't know I don't know I mean they could go that low but that might corporate wouldn't be happy I was thinking aoleon Dynamite your mom goes to college mhm all right whatever that's our show we'll leave you with a little bit more of the sunflower day stormy Sunset subscribe on YouTube there's a link in the post have a great week see you next time until then stay fresh cheese bags [Music]

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