Mid-Week Service | September 11th, 2024

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 01:33:05 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] so lift up our voices and say Jesus we thank you I want us to open our mouth and say father we give you praise Lord we exalt your name we give you praise we give you praise we give you praise just lift up the name of the Lord because of whom he is Lord we thank you Lord we give you glory Lord we exalt your name oh Lord because you are good just lift up your voices and say Jesus you are good lift up your voices and say father we thank you God we thank you for today we thank you for today we thank you because of the favorable weather thank God for everything thank God that you alive today thank God for the gift of life thank God for peace in your home thank God for your children that went to school came back thank God for your life you went out you came back whether you were indors or not the grace of the Lord is upon you Lord we give you glory Lord we exalt you Lord we thank you tonight because we come out your feet to study just exalt the name of the Lord just exalt the name of the Lord if you remember today's date and you remember the event that collaborate with to this date you will give God the glory just open your mouth and say father we thank you we worship you the pist say I was glad when they say let's go to the house of God if there is anything you can give to God is just to praise him is just to worship him even Jesus demonstrated this he give thanks unto God he give he give Praises onto God just exalt His holy name father we thank you for a time like this Lord we give you glory Lord we worship your name again we thank you God for the gift of Life Lord we worship you father we thank you Father we thank you you are your [Music] way you are your way you are your way you are way [Music] you I am you are you are oh [Music] alha you are yah you father we thank you I [Music] you are you are [Music] way you are am you are you are [Music] way you I am you I y you are are we have the choir please oh yeah our [Music] father you are way you [Music] are you are your way you are your way you are way you [Music] [Applause] are you are your way you are your way you are your way [Music] oh you are our way you are way that's who you are and oh you are Jesus you Jesus you are Jesus you are Jesus Jesus you are Jesus you are [Music] [Music] Jes oh you are you are can we just bless the name of the Lord let's exalt His holy name let's give him praise let's exalt him he's worthy of praise tonight the one who was and is and is to come is the ancient of this Lord we worship you we worship you Jesus oh we give you praise We Worship You Lord you are our way [Music] alha and oh you are you are your way we call you y we call you yah oh that's who you are you are seated in heaven you made me hand your B to you are your way are that's who you are Jesus you are your way are y God [Music] Generations after Generations keep praising you keep praising [Music] you yet no works you then I ask the Lord and I ask the Lord what [Music] you and he [Music] said Generations [Music] Generations oh after generation you yet no your you are and I ask the Lord what you oh the holy word [Music] y oh on you had a ho you are y y oh yeah I you had a ha of [Music] way then I ask the Lord what name you SA I heart oh what you oh the HED you are y y y y oh the high world we worship you we worship you we worship you y God to are you are y the king of Z Hallelujah We Worship You Yahweh he's worthy of Our Praise amen blessed a sh [Music] Jesus is [Music] M us Jesus is oh what a oh what a of Glory Hair of [Music] Salvation one of the spirit I am wased in his Jesus is oh what a of Glory of Salvation Chas God I'm one of his spirit [Music] I this is my story myi this is my S my praise is my savior this is my story I'm sing I'm pra my pra my there is something that makes me come into your presence [Music] Hallelujah there is something Mak come into your presence Lord oh it's your that gave us access to your [Music] presence oh my helper you are my help you are my help [Music] something there is something that makes me run into your presence to say it's your blood that gave us access to your presence Lord It's Your Mery that gave us access to your presence Lord my help you are my helper my you are my helper there is something your pres Hallelujah can we give it to the Lord [Music] [Music] Hallelujah Joy overflows in my heart sing a new song to Joy overflow Joy overflows in my heart sing to the Lord my sing a sing a song to the Lord We Praise Your Name We Worship You Lord we worship you Glory Hallelujah GL Hallelujah sing song to the Lord hallelujah GL Hallelujah sing s to the Lord Joy overflows Joy overflows in my to the Lord Joy Jo see my eyes I will sing a new song sing a new song to the Lord I will praise your name I will praise your We Worship You Lord worship you glory glory glor hallelu sing new song to the Lord Glory Hallelujah Hallelujah sing you song to the Lord I pr [Music] my PR I to you Lord PR get M you know what my money oh I give to you Lord you I will praise you everything I give to my I will praise you I will you say this another one to [Music] every God [Music] I never see any God like you I never see any like you Lord I never see any like you Jesus I never see any God I never see I never see God like you see any God like you see see see see like God God God God God [Music] hallu Je [Music] Jehovah jeh [Music] himh you areh def Defender Defender Defender def [Music] restor Resto rest rest you are the high you are the most high God you are the high you are the high you are the high God you are the you are the you are the high God you are the most high God there is no one like you Lord you are the high God there is no one like you you are the most high God there is no one like you you are the high God there is no one like you oh you are the most high God there is no one like you you are the most high God there is no one like you you are the most high God there is no one like you you are the most high God there is no one like you you are the high God there is no one like you you are the you are the most high God you are the high you are the most high God [Applause] [Music] we give you praise [Music] Jes oh we worship you Jesus Hallelujah that's what my song will be that's what my soulong will be that's what my soul will be hallelujah hallelujah that's what my song will what my S will be that's what my song will be that's what my song will that's what my song will that's what my S will hallelujah hallelujah I give you pra that's what my song will be that's what my song will be you be Hallelujah you hallelujah hallelujah hallelu that's what my song will Hallelujah that's all I have to say to you God that's all I I have to say that's what I have to say hallelujah hallel that's what I have to say that's what I have to say that's what I have to that's what I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to say hallelujah hallelujah what my soul will what my soul will be that's what my soul will be that's what my will that's what my will will hallelujah hallelujah that's all I have to say that's all I have to say all I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to your testimony hallelujah hallelujah that's all I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to say to the king kings and Lord of Lord that's all I have to say oh hallelujah hallelujah that's what my song will what my soul will be that's what my song will be my S will be that's what my S will be that's what my S will be Hallelujah hallelu that's all I have to say that's all I have to say to Jesus that's all I have to say I will singing To You Lord that's all I have to say Hallelujah hallelu that's what my song will that's what my song will be that's what my song will be that's what my song will be that's what my song will be that's what my song will beelu hallelu that's all I have to say to to that's all I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to say that's all I have to say I just want us to bless the name of the Lord for another opportunity to be in his presence let us thank him for the gift of life for the privilege to be alive and living the Bible says it's of the Lord's mercies that we have not been cons consumed I want us to worship him because it has pleased him to preserve our lives and to keep us father we bless your Holy Name we worship you in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Heavenly Father we want to appreciate you thank you for your joy in our hearts thank you for your peace in our lives father we bless your name we worship you we made it this far only by your grace and Lord tonight as We Gather at your feet to learn daddy we ask oh God for a heart that is yielded for a heart that is prepared daddy you will give to us in the name of Jesus father as your word will come oh God we ask that you would teach us by yourself in the name of Jesus the Bible says that the letter kill it but the spirit gives life father we ask for the spirit in your word tonight Lord Almighty we will not go back the same way that we have come but your word oh God we do that which you have purposed for it to do in our lives in the name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name we have prayed good evening let's have our seats I want to welcome each and every one of us to another Bible study service and I pray that as we have come the Lord himself will meet with us in the mighty name of Jesus who can remind me of um the topic that we treated last we week anybody okay as usual Mommy thank you Ma Lord hallelujah we last was do not I think Hallelujah let's clap for Mommy okay so anybody wants to share with us maybe one or two takeaways from the lesson last week one or two lessons that we learned from the lesson mommy has helped us with the we we looked at Galatians chapter 6:9 and he says do not be weary in well doing in for in Du season you shall reap if you faint not so what were some of the things that we discussed last week ah nobody okay thank you Ma Lord hallelujah so we learned that we have to before we can do good to we have to do good to ourselves first it is what you do to yourself that you can do to others so I have to be good to myself first then I can be good to others thank you very much let's clap for her that was one thing that stood out for me as well cuz usually when you read that scripture the first thing you know that comes to mind is doing good to people um but last week we were made to realize that even you yourself you have to do good to yourself because what you cannot do for yourself it becomes even more difficult to do it for for other people hallelujah so we have been looking at um a series of topics around Paul's words on marble and tonight we'll be looking at Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 17 um so we're going to take just that verse first and then we're going to read from verse 14 to to 20 so he says that so that Christ May dwell in your heart through faith and I pray that you being rooted and establish lished in love and the reason I want us to read you know a little behind is because this it looks like a phrase it looks like that statement is not complete so we need to get some context around it so if um I'll appreciate if I can have it in NIV from verse 14 this is Paul saying he says for this reason I kneel before the father from whom his whole family in heaven and on Earth derives its name I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being so that Christ May dwell in your heart through faith and I pray that you being rooted and established in love may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and I and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all fullness of God and verse 20 says now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us so I just wanted us to read you know that old scripture so that we get some context around it this was the it was a Prayer by Paul you know in his letter to the Ephesian church and he started that whole um chapter by saying that the Eternal plan of God from the beginning was to save not just the the Jews but the Gentiles as well and if you look at the old book of Ephesians itself there's a lot in there about the unity of Faith God's Eternal purpose and then the Christian conduct so tonight we're going to be digging deep and looking into that verse that says is that Christ May dwell in our hearts by faith so that we being rooted and established in faith and then it in in love he now continues to say that we will not have power when you look at all of that it looks as if Paul was telling them that when Christ dwells in your heart when the the the the the the the fullness of Christ is inside of you it means that that presence of God that you have in you he brings an establishment when you look at the word establish an establish could be maybe something that doesn't exist I'm setting it up and it could also mean that I am I am putting structure around something it already exists but I am now putting structure around it so that it becomes permanent it becomes something that is repeatable that anybody can look at it and replicate that thing that I have done and then when you look at the word rooted it means that if we look at even the structure of a plant a plant cannot exist without root and so that says to me that as a child of God I cannot exist without Christ inside of me what gives me existence as a child of God is the presence of God in my life and we also know that in Plants they derive their nutrients from the root as a matter of fact if you separate any plant from the root you have killed that plant that is how important a root is so if I'm going to marry the two of them together looking at the root looking at that word established it looks like I'm saying that or Paul is trying to tell us that we need to have Christ in our lives so that we will have root in love so that we will be established we will have a structure of how to love right of how to live right of how to do things right so I don't want us to I don't want to to um you know go into it too much cuz I want to hear from us as well um I'm only here to to facilitate we're all here to learn I'm here to learn as well because um whatever I see cannot behold that there is you know because the word of God is is is Limitless the Bible says that his word is is new every day so whatever I have seen is all is like one over 1,000 of the possibilities in that verse so I I would like to hear from each and every one of us the introduction I'll just quickly take that it says the central theme of Ephesians chapter 3 is the Eternal purpose of God to save both Jews and Gentiles the foundation of this is love as we see in John 3:16 that says for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son these Eternal purpose will be made possible when Christ draws in our heart and we become established and rooted in love in order to be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God so this is what we'll be looking at you know in today's lesson so I'm just going to throw it open I have a couple of um questions just to guide our discussions and the first one is how does God even come to dwell in our heart you know the scripture has said Christ should dwell in our heart so that we become rooted and established in love so the first question that I have is how does Christ come to dwell in your heart and then the second second one is why do we need him to dwell in our heart why does he need to be in our heart and my third question here is in verse 18 it says that so that we together with all the saints why does he have to be together why can it not be just me alone you know as long as me I understand it is fine it doesn't matter if everybody else gets it why do you think is important that it has to be together and the last one here is I said what are some of the hindrances to Christ dwelling in our heart and what can be done to remove them so I'm going to throw it open anything that the Lord is laying in your heart either from the verse 17 or from any of the other verses before I go into into the lesson who wants to bail the cats for us any of the questions or maybe even just anything that God is laying in your heart from the Bible text that we have read I don't want to put anybody on the spot okay is there any hand there okay there's a hand in front thank you sir praise the Lord hallelujah there's one in version there's one word that stand out for me and that verse 17 and which can also be married or can be that was explained better in verse 18 and that one is when is talking about rooted and gred in love and uh when you are gred in love one of the thing that comes to me is that I I begin to imagine the a vehicle that is granted that vehicle that is granted that mean that is become immovable you have winter that comes with snow it's there it does not move you have the same Sunshine it does not move you have the rain it does not move whatever the weather you are it does not move so it's gred in love so it now OCC to me that when he was talking about the height the bread the width of this it mean that when you are gred in love nothing will move you out of that love for that thing no matter whatever happens whether something that is palatable happens whether something that is not good happen because you already grounded in love that love will not leave you and he said that one of the thing like you have said one of the that can bring that things to be a root is because Christ is dwelling in you so if Christ is dwelling you and then you are not gring in love it's easier for you to love somebody without any condition and whatever that person does for you even though you may want to correct that person but you are still granded in in that love so you will become immovable the love is not taken away from you because you don't even have anywhere to go you don't have any option than to love that person so that's one of thing that comes to my mind in that place thank you very much sir so it is when we are grounded in love that we we are established we are not shaking you are you are not moving from two opinions you are sure of what you have believed and you are you are willing to go the whole length with it any other person okay Mark um I want to start from 13 it says wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulation for you which is your glory then it says that for this CA I bow my knees unto the father of our lordes Jesus Christ so that I want to look at that point that there is a possibility of people fainting of we fainting when we see people of God passing through tribulation when we see those we who we've held in high esteem passing through tribulation we might say is does God still exist why are they passing through that so for that he needed to pray and the prayer was in 16 says that that he would grant grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in our inner mind so when we're strengthened by God in our inner mind no matter what we pass through no matter what we see people of God pass through that inner strength will help us to overcome and not just to see the surface thank you very much so when we pass through tribulations there's a possibility of us fainting but then the promise of God is that we will be strengthened with might Hallelujah any other contribution okay m in the front praise the Lord I want us to look at that very verse 17 and like Pastor was saying another key word that is quite very important is the word dwell the word dwell mean God is living in you in house residing and abide and the same Apostle Paul if you read First Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 said your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost so you carry God in your body and that is a Consciousness you have so that by the time you carry God in your body and you are so rooted and granted in love you'll be able to run away from sin so if you look at the preceding verse of First Corinthians chapter 6 ver8 18 is a free immorality but every s man comms is outside but because you carry God in you anything that is immoral will not be able to corrupt your mind praise God thank you very much so when Christ dwells in us that Consciousness alone is enough you know to keep us away from sin and from immorality thank you sir okay Mom praise the Lord hallelujah yeah I will my from verse 17 to it said that Christ May dwell in your heart through faith when you have faith in something no matter what happen no matter what you are passing through like my sister said earlier you will be old on you will not shake you not be discouraged or maybe about it because you have faith in the most especially for our Lord Jesus Christ when we have faith in him no matter what we are passing through tribulation everything be able to stand and hold onor to him thank you very much Ma that is very very very true you know Christ dwelling in is our in our art is by faith and that faith is enough to keep us standing whenever we're going through any kind of situation is there anyone else before I go to okay there praise God I just want to uh Pastor has talked about being rooted and I want to and I know during the introductory you mentioned routine so I want to talk about routine in the terms of science there are different mediums when we want to get a plant to grow very well we give them different type of medium and the more the nutrient the more routin it becomes and the more Roots the more the tendency for this to produce you the leave or the fruit or the result you wanted and the more stabilized is so I want to look at this idea the Bible say being rooted it shows that not you standing in love with a single thing of roots but you have many roots get as many things that help people grow in the love of Christ things that get you balanced so that when you express the love it will be total it will be absolute it will not be selfish love sometime we can show a love selfishly because of what we want to G oh I'm a member of this church because oh I'm selling things when they need to buy things it be burning I we have many these things those are the love that come from Christ is rooted it's all gred it's doing things the way God want it and I want to believe that this is part of the way that we can look at this topic are we granted how much of the word of God is coming in us how rooted are we how are we allowing the scripture to so that we are more balanced and we can produce the fruit right amen hallelujah thank you so much Ma you know I like the the the two two things that stand out from what she has said is root is not one strand it's if you've seen the root of a plant before is usually very many there's a lot of it which means that you cannot say oh my own as long as I understand maybe uh Salvation then that's it no there is much more that you need to to know as a child of God to be balanced to be you need to understand giving you need to understand the the fact that you need to win souls you need to understand consecration there's so many things that needs it's not like um uh what's the easiest food to cook now I think it's noodles yeah you know if you even buy the Chinese one those ones that come in cup just pour hot water and cover it and the food is ready but if you want to eat something that is correct you know like African dishes 1 hour two hours you're still there you know you know preparing it why because you want it to be delicious so it's the same way with our Christian Life if we're going to be balanced if we're going to have root it means that it cannot be just one strand and she also mentioned nutrients you cannot talk of root without nutrients um when summer was approaching I was hoping that I would be able to farm this year and so I had bought the seeds and I started learning about this new farming method called Hydroponics and I realized that the old concept is you don't need soil you just use water and some nutrients and there's a there's a technique that they use that they give the plant enough water but not too much so that the root themsel will stretch to look for water you know it's kind of creating when I look at that in the spiritual context it's creating hunger for Spiritual things that you are constantly just looking for you know more things to learn about God and the more that they are looking for that water The Roots You Know start to grow more and more and so it's important that you need to get nutrients in order for for you to be rooted thank you so much it's as if we we did a little bit of picking into um the things that I have so I drew this um okay I don't know if media has my my slides I'm on Slide Five I have a chat there and I just sort of Drew like a map of that old scripture starting from verse 16 and the first thing that I have there is empowered with Inner Strength through his Spirit the Bible talks of the fact that we were sealed with the Holy Ghost of promise when we believed it means that when we came to Christ God gave us something for free without us even you know that work of Grace there was something there was a deposit of God that came inside of us and then verse 17 Now talks about it's not just that initial work that is done you also have a part to play in making sure that just like Mommy has said that you don't stay with that one root that you expand your root that you grow that that that you get nutrients and you allow your root to grow deeper in Christ and it is only when Christ has been established in your heart that is when you can be rooted in Love no one of us can love if you don't have Christ in your heart he not given to any man even the Bible says that the heart of man is desperately wicked even when we try to love it is out of selfishness like momy has mentioned and so it is important that if God is love and you have love inside of you it means that the only thing that you can give out is love because Christ is in you and Christ is love it means that the only thing that will come out of you will be be the love of Christ Hallelujah then it talks about us receiving power together to grasp how wide and how long and how high and how deep the love of Christ is I feel like sometimes also the reason why some of us cannot really love is even the love of Christ is not real to you as a person you don't really understand it and there's a word also there that that that stood out for me it says together it's a a version of the scripture I think I don't know if it's Amplified or NLT it says that as all of God's people should it means that when it comes to this issue of love this issue of the dimensions of the love of God maybe how high it is how wide or how how deep it is is not something that only one person but when we come together as the body of Christ there's a dimension of God's love that I know that when I speak about it it helps your faith there's a dimension of the love of God that you know that when you share it you know it it it encourages the heart of another person so in in our journey you are not you are not supposed to be isolated that as long as me I love God God loves me and that's the end of it you cannot on your own only you you cannot you know ex you cannot exhaust the many dimensions of the love of God if you come to me now that ah God is love God can save from accidents I've never been in an accident so even though theoretically I get it but experientially I don't know it but there are people like some someone like there was something that happened a few years back I think he was involved in an accident the car was a total right off but the guy is still alive today someone like that can stand and talk of Jehovah that saves and brings out of a condemned car in an accident so when we talk about the love of God all of us together we need to understand that depth and we need to bring our own perspective together for us to have the complete picture of how deep or how wide or how high the love of God is and verse 19 talks about knowing the love that surpasses knowledge and as I was reading it it just occurred to me that if the love of God is all that I understand it's enough to sustain me and why is it enough to sustain me is that if I understand that Christ dwells in me and that Christ is love then I know that when I show up for an interview and they tell me no it's because they don't know who I am that's why they were able to tell me that no if they really know the real me that Christ created and is abiding inside they will not tell me in fact they say come come come even if we don't give you this one we'll give you another one because we need you here that is what the if we have that understanding of Christ dwelling in us it is it it it gives you a certain kind of knowledge that it brings confidence it brings boldness it brings Assurance to your walk with God hallelujah and verse 19 talks about becoming filled to the measure of all fullness of God and this is the end goal it looks as if the more that you are rooted in this love the more that you walk in this in this love as a result of Christ in you you begin to grow until you become like Christ itself like like Christ himself when we talk about the image all of us are in the image of God we can hear God you know we can see Visions we can we can discern we can feel but when we talk about the likeness it is about the character and the character of God is love any other adjective that we use to describe it is just deriving from that love if you say God is faithful it is that faithfulness is because of love if you say God has compassion that compassion is because of love there's a scripture that talks about that even the angels want to come into this Fellowship they don't the Angels don't get it like what is it about this man what is it about them that you are so you know you are so concerned about them that you love them so much so the intent and the end goal is for us to become like Christ to be totally filled with Christ every time when I think of you know the the concept of rapture you know I know a lot of us when we think about it we think okay maybe we'll grow wings or maybe we just start to levitate but I think what is going to happen is when you when you have put on Christ fully everything that is Mortal about you needs to give way to that immortality because when Christ when he resurrected from the dead he had you know he was full he was complete and so all the laws of of of the world all the rules gravity and everything could not work for him anymore and so that is the intent that we become holy wholly and completely filled with Christ Hallelujah so I have um sort of just a few outlines and I said why does God need to dwell in our hearts and one of it is the one that we have discussed the first one I have is we need Christ in our heart so that we can be rooted and established in love you cannot say you have love and you don't have Christ is not possible and I know that for some of us in our mind we're thinking of ah what of all those people that are not born again and they are married and they love their husbands and they love their children there is something there is a kind of pressure that the devil can apply that we test that love but the reason why he's not bothering with them is they're already on his side but the love that God gives it doesn't matter how much they press you because Christ who is love himself is inside of you no matter how much they press you it is Christ that will still come out so the first one is we need Christ in us so that we will be rooted and established in love and when you look at the body of Christ today the issue of Love cannot be overemphasized it shows in the way that we envy and strife about so many things if you understand that Christ is in you you will not be bothered about and why is it this person that they have appointed to do this thing or why is it h this person that is always giving testimony because you you are assured that your own is coming but the reason that we strive the reason for the Envy the reason for the fighting is because even for some of us the love of God is still not real is not real to us we have not become rooted and established in that love and I pray that the Lord will help us in Jesus name and then the second one I said is for us to receive the power to grasp it to grasp it means to understand to understand that love if you are really established in love you will understand what love is you will understand that when you love someone you will go out of your way to help them one thing that I see a lot in church also is we like we just like clicks you know you want to have your own people but Christ has not asked us to come and you know form clicks because each and every one of us we have been created uniquely I should don't have to be your friend before I can approach you to help me but we only want to help the people in our clicks you only want to you know my own people my own people and then there are some of us also that you want to be the the dawn you know the the chairman or the chairwoman that everybody answers to but that is not the plan of God the Bible says that we are Kings and we are all priests and I know in your heart you be like okay if all of us is King who are the subject you cannot be king in all domains I have my own domain you have your own domain that's the way God instituted it if Sister Janet picks microphone now and leads worship there are some of us that if if you try it Pastor will call a meeting of the choir the next day to say please don't give that sister don't give her microphone again Hallelujah because that's not that person's domain so that is what love does it makes you to to to to understand it makes you to understand who you are in Christ and when you when you understand it you are not you are not pressured you are not under any pressure about whatever is happening Hallelujah and then he talks about the fact that that love surpasses all knowledge it surpasses all knowledge in fact if it is love alone has a topic you can unravel it until Jesus comes that is how expans that it is and lastly I have here because we need to be filled with the measure of the fullness of God everything that I have said I picked from the Bible text but there are other things you know there are other reasons why we need Christ to dwell in our heart so I'm going to throw it open again other than all of these things that I have said why do we need Christ and why do we need to be rooted in love because that verse those are the two things there the fact that Christ need to be to dwell in our heart and that we need to be established in love so other than this ones that I've mentioned why do you think we need Christ in our heart and why do we need to be rooted in Lord praise God hallelujah uh just to add to uh the point that I've been given as to why Christ dwells in our heart and not in our hands or in our legs or that part of our body I believe uh from the book uh of Proverbs Bible says that um guard your heart to all deligence for out of it are the issues of life so it means if all issues of Life comes from the heart it means the heart is a Hem of Affair and if that be the case it's similar to a reigning King if you are able to take over that rulership position you have authority over almost every other part of the Kingdom the same also I believe Christ was going to have the fullness of our our hearts to be able to as much as possible have or gain control as Lord over other aspect of our body as well and over every aspect of our life and since the issues of Life comes through the heart then the issues that pertains to life is something he can control in US amen thank you very much so he has brought another dimension to it to say if the issues of life is from our heart then is important that that central processing unit is where Christ needs to be you know because if that place is sorted then you are fine it's just like if you buy a computer if it doesn't have if the CPU is not okay maybe the the processor is slow or anything everything about that system is slow so Christ needs to be in our heart because that is where the issues of life is emanating from thank you very much for that any other okay praise the Lord hallelujah uh Jesus Christ was once asked which of the Love Of The Lost is the greatest and his response was love love of God love of neighbor scripture also describe that God is love the whole thing we are talking about this Christianity surrounds love you don't love God you don't love your your neighbor as yourself we are still far away from from from from being rooted in God or in love you know uh I think Isaiah 31:37 said the remnant will bear fruit downward and fruit upward uh I pray that the Lord God will help us in Jesus name there's this analogy because there's difference between granted and rooted it's not everything that is granted that is rooted and um a lot of things could be on the ground but they don't have root but the fact that they on the ground they are granded but they don't have roots and just like the analogy you give a test of faith will definitely come everything will be tested and that is where you realize that oh I thought this thing was fully grounded I didn't even know that it was not it was not rooted so the essence of being rooted I always remember the coconut trees sorry for taking time during the tsunami that took took place years back a whole lot of things are washed away and you realize that coconut tree will still be standing and uh it's all because the root has gone very deep into the ground praise the Lord hallelujah thank you very much sir praise the Lord hallelujah yeah uh one of the things I always that I always try to explain God in my heart is to just think about how the heart function the heart is what the main or of the vascular system which means that all the tissues that carry the blood that pop blood around your system connect to the heart so imagine that the blood in that your vessel is God and is Big Pop from your heart to all this part of your body which means everything that your hand is going to do the blood of that blood that is God that passes to that hand regulate your hand regulate your eyes regulate your brain you will become a perfect person so that is the only picture that come to my mind anytime I'm thinking about God Be in my Heart It means that he will be the blood in my system regulating me entirely and to substantiate that the Bible say the life of the living is in the blood which means if God is the blood in our heart every part of us will be perfect hallelujah thank you very much okay Mommy praise God hallelujah um maybe it's not really contributing much to what we're discussing but I want us to look at the Practical aspect of it there's something I've noticed in the church when we celebrate ourselves like wedding anniversary or birthday you will see that when some Breen is on is their day almost everybody in the church will try to send happy birthday the other one possibly they were new possibly their own type of activities in the church they are the ones sweeping the the church so nobody knows them or they are in the children where they are not known they will get very little people acknowledging them on their day this should not be we're talking about love part of the Practical love is if somebody is in Christ all of us love everybody together so when anybody is celebrating birthday or this thing wish them well no matter who they are they are believer they are children of God God looks at all of us as his children no one in preference to another amen thank you very much Ma yeah that's a very practical one I'm guilty too cuz sometimes sometimes sometimes I don't post anything and even when they when media is showing the pictures in church when they show some people's picture you will hear so much noise you know I used to feel very very very bad like if we have new people sincerely because when they call them nobody knows them nobody will clap everything will just be quiet you know so please going forward whether you know the person whether they in your click or not or from your they are from your constituency or not please shout and scream hallelujah hallelujah thank you very much for that Ma okay there is a hand here I'm media amen okay so when we um so maybe I should spin on the birthday thing you know so when someone is doing birthday or their anniversary or something and they dear to us they're precious to us we Le give a gift or there's a likelihood that we give a gift it could be a word a text or some flowers and I believe that with or by those gifts we're saying something we are passing a message now when God wanted to express his love he gave Jesus so I believe that love reveals Jesus now there's two Dimension to it the First Dimension is that as individuals it will please God that we receive his love so we receive the revelation of his love in the person of Jesus understanding all that he came to do as a person so on knowing god in all his multi-dimensions okay through love and then also expressing that as individuals so there is having the Revelation the Bible says never verse I think 19 it says to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with the fullness of God so God's desire is that we become filled with his knowledge of love in all areas okay and we are able to express that in all areas that he will call for us so for example Jesus when we see the life of Jesus we see his expression of love in caring we see the expression of love in mourning we see the expression of love in um being there for people in um healing in delivering so I believe that if we indeed be filled with the knowledge of God the fullness of it filled with the fullness then we will understand this multifaceted love of God and be to express it praise the Lord thank you very much so love needs to be expressed you cannot say you love and then not express it okay okay sir yes the sorry I don't have contribution but but based on what he he said mean the contribution and I want to relate to what momy Pera was saying concerning the Practical aspect I one of the thing I've been noticing also that we know the concept of giving but to the best we are not practicing to the fullness in this church and that is why the Bible is talking about we can grow in love if you don't grow in love it may be difficult for you to grow in giving and one of the mistakes that some of us are making which is not you know that is that we always say that maybe is doing for example sorry for as example he doing bad day and then we say greeting but we also supposed to give him give her gift some people say that that woman is working ask money will see the type of CH I don't need to be giv H gift that is wrong some of us we do it not even some of a majority of us so we do such a thing and the giving is something we have to cultivate because when you decide today you are becoming stingy yes so we should also cultivate the Abit of giving people things to people it's not only GRE things some of us have many things you can give that you can give to somebody you can give even if some you can imagine now if is doing and a student who does not even have money go to him and say that I just want to give you this $10 she be so much happy you get right now so you may is meaningless but you don't even know what that $10 can do when need that $10 that time or even if we have one address each one of one address contribut $10 and they give to to her that's money that you get now that is money so you understand now so we should cultivate the bit of giving giving is very very important we should not say it's very small or we can we do not say that oh this person already have I don't need to give that is even why God will bless you more God will bless us in the mighty name of Jesus Amen so our love should be practic we should give we should help you know when people come newly they need a lot of physical things they also need support you know when you when you are new in this environment you just there there are times that you even ask that ah this decision that I made is it the right thing you know sometimes even just a phone call oh I just want to check on you how he settling down if you have information give to them like when when I came to Canada I didn't even know that there were a lot of you know grants and benefits and everything but you know when that information became available anyone fact I have I have like uh a PDF now any new family that comes I send to them all the things that they can they can benefit from so if even if you have information it's a way of showing love some of us there's vacancy in our office but you don't want anybody to come to your office e is is a sign that Christ is not dwelling in your heart maybe you are not maybe at work you're not a Christian or you are half Christan Christian so you don't want anybody else to come so that they will not know please it's a way of showing love also when you are able they will not know your salary they will know the range they will know the range of the salary cuz you okay see even if they know it they're not going to come and take it from your account okay but they might they might be planning they might help you to be planning the money don't worry if even if they're helping you to plant the money that this brother with that that is any should be able to give me give me two $2,000 it doesn't matter God will bless you but the the the summary is that our love should be practical because if really Christ is is in our heart it's amazing that when you when you read about Jesus he was he was a very practical person in his love right you would see him he just walking and then they say Somebody's Daughter is dying I'm sure there were times that he was tired he could have said you know what let this one die at least I've healed about 5,000 let this one just just go but you know his love was very practical he he had a passion for and he had that compassion for for his creation and so as as Believers as well some of us we have 20 shoes in our cupboard especially the the women you have you have two purple you have three red and there are people that you know that since you have been seeing them coming to church is the same shoe that they are coming with in fact that shoe is beginning to become a reproach to the name of our Lord nobody needs to know just package it and find a way to pass it across to them Hallelujah love needs to be practical and I pray that God will help us in Jesus name okay any other person that I have overlooked Okay so we've talked about um Christ dwelling in our heart and the fact that it translates to being rooted in love and we have also mentioned the fact that our love needs to be practical Hallelujah so Christ dwelling in our heart and then us becoming rooted how does all of that how does it happen is it that once I just give my life to Christ is just automatic and I start to love I will say no because from what we are discussing I want to believe everybody here is born again but still we're seeing gaps by ourselves that we're not showing love the way we should which is showing that we have um we have a a we have Christ in us it's not that Christ is not in us but we don't have that fullness we have not become rooted enough as God would like us to be so what are some of the things that you know we can do practically now to help us to become that fullness what are some of the Practical things that we can do one of it is what Mommy has said even something as simple as somebody's birthday happy birthday many happy returns if you don't even know what to write go to Google um birthday messages Google will give you something birthday messages with Bible verses Google will give you or chat GPT just copy and paste they don't need to know where where it came from eh I know some brothers when they are cutting sisters they cannot write poem If if you sit them down they cannot say one sweet thing but when they send SMS or they give you card in fact the sister will sit with that card till till tomorrow morning reading it and reading it all over again so we're not saying you should become if you don't know what to write go to Google Pastor I will not answer that [Laughter] question Hallelujah so what are some practical things that we can begin to do you know to to get us to that point of you know being fully fully you know established in love praise the Lord hallelujah the Bible say give and it shall be given unto you there are two Dimensions to I want to use the example of birthdating yeah and something that I let me go person I wanted to say I've experienced it there are times that was a particular year every birthday I see I would send greetings and when it was my turn I see FL of greetings and there was another year I just decided I'm not I'm not going to except maybe Pastor or assistant pastor my birthday I didn't send anything and I noticed that yeah maybe five people sent greetings to me you have ripped what you sold so the Practical thing here is if you really want to be celebrated and celebrate people praise the Lord hallelujah you know treat others the way that you want to be treated that's the summary of what he has said if you want to receive love then you also need to give love any other any other thing okay okay so there's a scripture that always inspires me first John 3:16 so we all know John 3:16 so 1 John 3:16 Says we know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us so we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters so a practical thing would be B says Jesus went about doing good each day we can wake up praying saying Lord who do I need to touch with your love today and if that becomes a prayer Point as we're going out we will not Bypass or miss the opportunities for expression of love it could be in the church like you rightly said we're coming to church if we have that mindset God will open our eyes to needs it could just be an encouragement that someone needs it could be a provision it could be a support So praying about it and looking forward to expressing God's love would be a practical thing that we can do thank you very much you know look for opportunities and pray about it that God should lead you to someone that you can help or someone that you can bless okay any other contribution okay Ma I just want to add that it um it does not have to only be material things it could be um words of encouragement I remember the first time we came to this church the woman who attended to us and when she was praying she was praying an unusual prayer that was really really sinking and after she prayed I were like you've really spoken to us so sometimes um we might have to grow in our um um in our secret place so that we can be a blessing to people so I hope you get what I just said we might have to grow spend time with God so that when you speak you might just say one word and it will be a blessing to people who hear you and and that would be more than silver or gold Hallelujah so grow in love when you grow in love that it's easy for okay just one second if that's possible okay I'll just Ephesians 3:16 it says um say may he Grant you out of the riches of his glory to be strengthened and spiritually energized with power through his spirit and that's for me just asking the Holy Spirit to help uh because sometimes the the spirit is willing but sometimes the flesh we battle with our flesh to do all these things but even at those moment we should always learn to H the Holy Spirit to help us to become the best of ourselves in every situation we find ourselves so we can be a blessing to ourselves thank you very much and I just want us to bow down our heads and I just want you to ask that Lord come and dwell in My Heart by faith so that I can be rooted and grounded in love I want to grow in you I want to understand your love when I understand your love it will be easy for me to express it to other people I want you to ask that the Lord will help you to grow in love that you will not just be a Christian by mouth but that your Christianity will transcend it it it will translate to love that when you see people in need you'll be able to help you will not turn a blind ey and that the Lord will strengthen you that the holy spirit will help you in the mighty name of Jesus thank you father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed praise the Lord at least that is uh awesome I believe that what we have learned we put into practice in Jesus name and when our mommy was talking the right time he said that those people that are pent to her so that's our welcome meeting let's clap for them now that mean they are doing wonderful job that's our welcoming team they are well so in every Department you Ser make sure that you do it well you see the sary cleaner now they always clean all the time the transportation they never fail so and those who are managing the sh money they are managing things well praise the Lord even though they never buy private jet for me but they are still managing it well praise the Lord praise the Lord and the choir they are singing well isn't it the m is doing well so everywhere we serve let us do well and all those things is the way there's a way God take care of it and you see and we want to thank God for it love is very very very very powerful and strong I told her that was a time I was doing a study on um love and one of the thing don't know the Revelation that God gave me that one of the reason why some people don't have the attitude of love because they don't develop relationship so you have to develop relationship with God you have to develop relationship with human being so when you have relationship with somebody it's easier for you to love that person even most of the that can do can offend you because you have relationship with that person you already know what that person is doing so you don't need to take it as an offense and the same thing when you are dealing with God you know that this God the way God operate is different so if if you are praying and you don't get answer to that prayer know that God will do it I know because you have relationship with God but that is very very important the almighty God will help us in the mighty name of Jesus let us listen to this few announcements before we pray and go first of all we want to thank each one of us for coming God we continue to bless us richly in the mighty name of Jesus I notice that the weather is changing gradually I don't know whether it has come fully or it is still behaving like a chameleon but make sure that you dress warmly and uh make sure that you have your inner wear you we have your light jacket in so because the this type this this uh time is the more deceptive form of it because the weather we appear to be okay but you don't know so please let's Dr dress warmly especially for the children and they resume school let us dress warmly for them the almighty God will help us in the mighty name of Jesus Jesus also we want to remind us about the children um summer picnic that is coming up this Saturday it's going to be from 10: to 4: 10:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. you bring them here and it's going to be in the basement it's going to be fun like I told there are lot of things that the children we we enjoy we they have they will share they will share many things together and like we said all of them is free of church the church we pay for everything so also we want to remind us you remember that we have usually have the the training the instrument training for the children so we have started again September now so we have started every Wednesday today you could see now you could be heing downstair so we have three instrument that we are teaching our student our children we are teaching them drum those who want to learn how to drum those who want to learn how to play saxophone and those who want to learn how to play the the keyboard so those are the three and also when you bring them it's going to be free of charge so please bring them during this period now that we are now they just be there people are teaching them are there so please it's a way of making them to be to be useful for themsel and also you don't never know some of them may be somebody that may be even though they are going to school that may be what that God want to use use them they may be their approvation in future you get now so it is very important you don't know that what God can make out of it so it is very important so please let's try to bring the children is free free training for them and those say because of training you don't want to bring them is very very important the almighty God will bless us in the mighty name of Jesus and then don't forget the youth weekend is coming up next weekend and uh it's very very important make sure that all our it's because of the youth weekend that we are not going to have the V for this month so make sure that the youth weekend and we are going to have a combined service for that Sunday but it start from Friday ver night and then on Saturday we have um a special session with the sh and the guest Minister Who coming all the way from the state and I think that's a promotion video for the Youth weekend media are you ready praise the Lord this is Dr theor pastor of the for church and the president of the young adult and youth Affairs for rccg America's one USA it is a joy and a privilege to be with my friends at rcg mon Zion Regina from the 20th of September to the 22nd of September for the annual youth weekend it's going to be amazing lots and lot of things are packaged into this program for your your lifting and edification and so I want you to invite family friends and every associate and anyone who is a young adult to this amazing weekend you will never be the same God is going to meet with you and I look forward to being with you and I'll see you very soon in Jesus name thanks to Pastor Professor MOA for this amazing privilege God bless you see you soon friends God bless you amen Pastor Mor [Music] to the man because I I'm I'm see for the first time I've seen the video praise the Lord this is Dr the chch minister Who coming all the way from the US is the the overall Pastor in charge of theate one of the North Amer us the Caribbean everything for the Youth the You Youth and younger thoughts so it's the one we are having is a big cash for us is coming so please let's try as hard as possible to be here the almighty God will make it a very impactful weekend for our youth and for us in the mighty name of Jesus can we stand up as we close and our offering you have given our offering don't forget we're going to pray for our offering now father the mighty God we just want to thank you for everything you have done thank you for making provision for us at all time thank you for the way you have fed us today spiritually thank you for the vessel you have used to feed us thank you for all of us that have been fed today Father we return all glory unto you accept our thanks today in the mighty name of Jesus father we also thank you for provision you are making for us materially financially and the way you are helping us shaping our career in in a positive manner father we pray that everything that you have done for us will be established and preserved in the mighty name of Jesus is there any power that want to attack every the source of our income that power will fail in the mighty name of Jesus is there any power that want to block any source of incfort that power we fail in the mighty name of Jesus I put all your children under your Guardians both house those who are watching online that Lord you will provide for us more and more in the mighty name of Jesus I say you will bless us more and more in the mighty name of Jesus and you give us the spirit to be gred and rooted in love in the mighty name of Jesus and your spirit will dwell in love permanently in the mighty name of Jesus we put it we commit it to those who are given their tights their offering their seed I pray the almighty god father what they are giving you today you will accept it in the mighty name of Jesus you will also accept them and bless them also in the mighty name of Jesus as many who want to give for but the where we to give is not there father in your mercy make provision for them in the mighty name of Jesus provide for them means of love you in the mighty name of Jesus even those who could give but they don't have the heart we are just talking about Christ dwelling or let Christ dwell in them to be able to know how to do the right thing in the mighty name of Jesus is there any Spirit working against us in the spirit working against the spirit of giving in us today we rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus I say we rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus and we connect to your spirit of generosity in the mighty name of Jesus and we pray father will not lose our reward in the mighty name of Jesus as a resource of the teaching of today Father there will be a positive change and turn around in our Christian Life in the mighty name of Jesus and we will not miss that blessing that follow in the mighty name of Jesus we pray for the sh programing this weekend it shall be a glorious one in the mighty name of Jesus and we pray for the church at large going to move from strength to strength from glory to glory in the mighty name of Jesus the power of the almighty God will rest upon us squarely in the mighty name of Jesus evil will not come to us in the mighty name of Jesus Calamity will not belong to us in the and our life we glorify God in all things we do in the mighty name of Jesus thank you Lord because of answer our prayer glory be to your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have prayed we share the grace and fellowship grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the sship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever more amen surely God goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the of the Lord forever and ever amen our family song [Music] make us us in the spirit the kingom in the kingom of your of your son us make us join us our to your to your in the in the body in the spirit in the spirit in the kingdom in the kingom of your son of the in the kingom in the kingom of your son of your in the kingom in the kingom of your s

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Category: News & Politics

Am 31.08.2024 um 21:09 uhr wurde das tanklfahrzeug 1 der berufserver bonn zur sparkasse amberchter von sundnerplatz alarmiert um durch eine türöffnung eine gefangene person im vorraum zu befreien ebenfalls im einsatz waren der kanken transansportwagen 2 und ein funkstreifenkraftwagen natürlich würde... Read more

ac PCB stock available 👆#ac #pcb #apple #kids #kidssong #rhymes #aircon #airconditioner thumbnail
ac PCB stock available 👆#ac #pcb #apple #kids #kidssong #rhymes #aircon #airconditioner

Category: Science & Technology

आहा टमाटर बड़े मजेदार वाह टमाटर बड़े मजेदार आहा टमाटर बड़े मजेदार वाह टमाटर बड़े मजेदार एक दिन इसको चीटी ने खाया Read more