Collin Gosselin EXPOSES KATE Gosselin| Justin Timberlake| Kansas City Chiefs FANS Death|Kevin Spacey

hi welcome guys welcome welcome welcome guys welcome let me do something real quick welcome everybody I see some folks in the chat guys thank you so much for being here let me get the intro going so that oh shout out to everybody Lord have mercy we got 30 people here welcome good morning let me get the intro going so I can let everybody know and make sure that you know stuff goes out notifications and we can get started all right shout out to everybody in the chat do a little intro real quick here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning good morning well Kelly I'm glad to hear the good news shout out to the garden spider I still don't like spiders but I'm glad it survived you guys hey grape tea hey everybody listen I woke well last night all right let me ask you guys a question okay uh Shannon sharp was going viral last night uh I don't know how the man was having sex on IG his IG was going off people leaked the IG I'm not really sure uh I saw it in various platforms the man was legit having sex and the IG was rolling and the comments were going and Shannon talks about I I might have been hacked I don't think you were hacked sir no no Mr Club sh Shay no you were not hacked uhuh that's not gonna work I think he was trying to have a viral moment yeah no that's what the internet is on fire about I saw way too much the man is too so I'm sitting there and I'm like wait a minute you mean to tell me that this man said he was hack nope I'm not believing it no no no you don't believe it [Laughter] either he came back and then he admits he wasn't hacked he did that [ __ ] on purpose right he wanted to have his little viral moment he wanted to make sure that the people heard it yeah he wasn't yeah yeah yeah no I just thought it was funny because I was like okay so that's the story we're going to sell then luckily you know he does admit it so that's what I woke up to all this kind of stuff I mean it was all going on last night so I'm like you gotta be kidding me and then you watch the video and you're like oh [ __ ] this don't seem something that was like oops this seems very intentional very much intentional I don't know y'all I don't know but um shout out to Shannon sharp for waking it up in the morning yeah uh I I think that's all we going to do it's it's that Viral moment people will do the most for a viral moment yeah I I I we figured that out right people will do the most for a viral moment which is insane because I'm like the man's already I mean his YouTube channel does very well and other things and businesses that he's involved in so I don't know why he thought he uh needed to do that but he did he did he did it oh my God yes yes yes absolutely all right y'all make sure you're hitting that like button I just wanted to tell you guys that um yeah so you'll find that video just about anywhere it's going viral and he'll tell you it was just gross it was a little too much for me but you know it is what it is he said he said he tossed his phone without real realizing he had started an IG live and someone on his team made the post he was hacked but he later said he wanted to tell the truth he better tell the truth cuz they would have dragged his ass for Filth you said I always wonder what room that was in the background on Club sh sh I don't know I I I really enjoy Club Shay I really enjoy that the interviews that he does so I will say that but um it was interesting to wake up the growling took you the [ __ ] out it was too much and I'm surprised that people play that cuz like you honestly do run I wouldn't play that [ __ ] on YouTube because you do run the risk of being um terminated you do so I I'm not doing that we're not doing that and you know what Blast from the Past um there a lot of people here that need those viral moments it pays the bills that's what it is it pays the bills it keeps your name in the algorithm the people want to know now quite honestly I am not um that invested I just thought it was a ridiculous excuse you guys all right let's get started you guys welcome guys welcome guys yes clutch your pearls please and thank you y'all are amazing thank you guys for being here what are you guys drinking let me know I got some iced coffee over here of course my drink of the day is the iced coffee so I went to get my iced coffee this morning um because I buy it I buy the the Starbucks already pre-made I used to um do my own little like what is it called uh when you put the beans in the water and you let them sit there and like basically allow it to brew on its own I used to do that a lot and then I I don't know what happened I think I broke my little thing and anyway so I go to Starbucks as a not Starbucks my store and it's a like a already made Starbucks thing right you need more coffee yes get it so some in the store was like hey is that really good I always see you buy it and I said yeah it's already made yada y yada ready to go I do iced coffee I don't like my coffee hot so it was interesting because this person has been watching me buy the same it's like I wouldn't say it's a French press but it's like a what is it called those I forgot what it was called but you put the coffee beans in this little thing and then you put the water in there and then it soaks the coffee beans out essentially you're basically um uh getting the strongest part of the coffee you let it sit there for about a week let's see if I can pull it up um uh Co I think it's like a cold brew like you can make your own cold brew it is a cold brew right that's what it is yeah so it's kind of like oh here it is I used to it completely broke and I haven't been able to uh replace it and quite honestly I just don't have the time to make it but you can do your own cold brew I used to have something like this very similar very much recommended if you got your own little coffee a t oh who you said toddy coffee maker that's another one that's a good one it's a it's a drip thank you but it this is how you make your little cold brew yes you have a little cold brew unit so that would save me I I need to go back and get one uh but that's what I need to do so you you have this if you like iced coffee this is the best way to do it put it on my Amazon list I should I need to update it shout out to the people that send me Amazon wish list gifts I got to give you a big thank you on my um Community wall for baby bunny because she got some stuff so you put your beans in there and what I would do is let it sit there for about a week and or or two just let it sit there for a week put the water in there and I would get like I would get like Brazilian coffee I'd get all kinds of coffee and just let it sit there and it bruise so then um maybe about a week later you know you dump the beans out or whatever and you just get just the most concentrated part of the coffee that's how you do it yes it's pricey a good one is pricey I used to have one and and it breaks a week I I let it sit there a week in the fridge let it sit on the W in your fridge for a week and it's like it's you'll get some strong Ass Coffee all right you will be wired if you love your C now I have ADHD coffee I could take a couple things of coffee and it doesn't do anything for me it really doesn't you love um I love Javi Javi girl I love jav I've never heard of that I let it sit for a week you just let the beans sit there with the water and you'll get the most concentrated part of the coffee you really will it's good it's good a week a week or so some people let it sit there for like a month they do they let it sit there and soak and then you remove it and you'll get the most you'll get the best coffee I mean it's it's there yes some people do 24 hours it's pretty good pretty good definitely recommend it you said week to Long bacteria that's you know it just depends I mean if you if you can do it I let it sit there for a week and it's pretty good some people let it sit there for a month yes it's true it's true but it's supposed to be 24 hours well there you go there you go a month down now that month does sound dangerous I will give you that I don't think I do a month but a week I might do a week I've done it so it's not too bad I mean I if you like that concentrated part of the coffee it's not too bad it it's in the fridge should be okay yeah you leave it in the fridge don't leave it out don't leave it out put it in the fridge yes anyways y'all let's get it together so that's why I need to go get I need to go do my own I'm G be doing that uh shout out to everybody in the chat you guys are amazing thank you again for being here let's get it together you guys because we got some news to get into now after the Diddy stuff yesterday I was like I can't do Diddy right now it's too much Diddy Diddy stuff is a little too much for me at this point all the stuff that's coming about him everything that's coming about him it's just it's no no no but anyways y'all let me know your thoughts um as we continue to talk about Diddy we'll talk about Diddy maybe some other time it just became too much I I mean I feel some type of way yeah no Diddy after reading that whole lawsuit I dropped part two yesterday and it was just a little too too much okay it really was doing Diddy rabbit it's too much pixie um listen to the complaint you you go hear it it it's yeah anyways let's talk about Justin okay Justin now you guys remember Justin what he did everything that he did okay um guess what he got a little plea deal in his DWI case okay or DW DWI yes not DUI DWI he got a little plea deal what do you think that plea deal was let me know have you all heard about this you guys remember he was uh you know driving drunk and then trying to cut a a a deal with the with you know the friends were there trying to help the officer police officer let's get him out of trouble like he you know he's fine we'll take him home we'll drive them you know uh some of us would have been incarcerated right away you know I mean he was he was taken the man got off of course he got off yes he we didn't get to see a body cam footage and he got off no car no no Carly no probation no no no well hold up let me let me not overp so his deal was much lesser than the offense of a DW okay so Justin Timberlake just sealed a plea deal in his DWI case hammering out an agree that does not involve drunk driving or even a criminal offense he it was a traffic violation y'all he basically got it down to a regular shular traffic violation now some of most of us right we would have been locked up we would have had to go you know report to the authorities of course get a little you know monitor on or something report to an officer do some some stuff yeah yeah yeah so he's it's to a lesser offense and it keeps going I think he has to do something with mad as well so yeah you said I know a guy who was pulled over for eight D DUIs and got off seven of them tell me about his attorney DWI yeah Money Talks good attorney good lawyers I'm not surprised because let me tell you some of us would have been we would have had a hard time time we would have needed to get our license $110,000 in fines I'm just thinking of you know I've had family that has had DWI and you know they did their time and it took them forever to come out of that the penalty of a DWI a DUI used to be a lot harsher years ago it seems like it's not a big deal yep community service and mad counseling AA counseling thank you and mad so he has to do something thing with mad we'll talk about that here in a minute which I think it's important but it's a lesser offense you said uh New York seems to let firsttime duy offenders off you said caught four times in five years jail that's why you pay for an attorney if you can't afford to they know how to talk to a judge yeah I honestly thought that they were really goingon to stick it to him you know honestly I really did think that um especially because he was trying to sway the public I'm surprised I'm surprised he said this is some crap of poop people want to give his lawyer props my thought was sheesh what a slap on the risk and what a slap in the face to all the families that have lost family members absolutely you said it was 10K for your hubs attorney I'm telling you these they're but this man I mean he can piss on 10K this he has the money the man has money to buy a cab company okay so for me it's like why would you like a complain and disregard for the law uh Chris CUO even talked about it he don't get you know it's just like yo you said it's 10K in Arkansas or is it is it Arkansas or is it Aransas people used to talk about how you say that I think it's Arkansas let me know let me know which one is it Running Bear which one is it I don't want to offend people be there's different ways to say it you said the cop house stopped uh stopped him didn't even know who he was I know right the cop was like who are you and the L the the friend was trying to convince him not to like give him any uh tickets not take I'll take him home don't worry he didn't even know who he was the cop is Young he ain't keeping up with this you know Millennial boy band stuff you know it's Arkansas see I said it right thank you love Arkansas thank you we used to say Aran well anyways um yeah and people would get mad at us so I'm like okay Arkansas my bad I said it right correctly the first time Oklahoma welcome welcome you said I have a friend who has four dys and to get that blow thing in and has to get that blow thing in the car Oh you mean like the little breathalyzer in the car like you can't start your car unless you blow into it no no no it's crazy anyways so the singer's lawyer uh Edward Burke Jr the and the prosecutors just got just got the judge in the DWI case to sign off on the deal the DWI charge is officially dropped and Justin will just be driving while imp pair that's gone completely out according to direct sources he was able to remove that off his record although the word impaired is used it is not a drunk driving offence okay as for the penalty we're told Justin is to pay $300 to $500 fine and that's it the judge will set the exact amount of the fine during the first hearing on Friday which I believe is would that be tomorrow probably when the plea deal is officially before the court this is a major win for Justin who was facing serious criminal charges for the DWI um in his June arrest okay so Justin will still have his driver's license suspended in New York standard operating procedure because he refused to submit to the breathalyzer test so nobody cam footage he didn't submit to the breathalyzer after he was pulled over by a rookie officer now TMZ TMZ says he was pulled over by a rookie officer uh the officer was doing doing his job whether he was a rookie who who gives a [ __ ] he was doing his job right he didn't blow he didn't want to blow yeah I mean that was his choice but he could smell him I don't know TMZ you're trash but anyways it is what it is in New York refusal to detect the brezer triggers automatic license suspension for a year the good news is he's getting off with the slap on the wrist mhm now you JT fans can um be happy all right the laws everything y'all won you guys won okay never do the breathalizer or the feel sobriety test that's what they say they say but I mean then you fall uh then you might not be able to drive you know doing that is an automatic you know hit to you regardless as reported Justin was arrested June 18th after cops say he blew through a stop sign and failed to stay on the right side of the road he was charged with a DWI but twice pleaded not guilty and his lawyer maintained Justin was not intoxicated when cops arrested him so the a lawyer comes out here saying it was a false arrest it was a false arrest all right here's my deal y'all what if he would have killed somebody what if he would have like like hurt somebody cuz that could have happened and he's been drunk before and he does the most in public I mean I mean he was he was uh being affectionate with another actress I'm sure that uh Jessica didn't quite take very well to that but you guys what what do you make of that what if he would have killed somebody would this have been different news you said people say oh I say Illinois ill I say ill I've said Illinois before on a video it's Illinois sorry and y'all corrected me I laugh because my pronunciation of the name in places could use some serious work me too girl me too yes shout out to uh burden of proof but it's true you guys what if he would have uh hurt somebody what if he would have killed somebody no noise in Illinois sorry I don't think he does Kim I don't think he cares nope that's right you better have a and he knows it too he does you are absolutely you better have a good damn lawyer if you're gonna be uh saying no testing yes they are double standards yep well it's it it's it's enabling so if he does it again don't be mad if he hurts somebody or he hurts himself okay you fan stands if he does it again because I honestly think that Justin has a problem with drinking that's so or something something's up with Justin all right now y'all wna uh say that's not the Tru I'm just saying something tells me that this man um has struggled with substances for quite some time and we've been looking away uh we've been paying attention to Britney because Britney has been you know kind of doing her thing over there but nobody wants to pay attention to Justin Justin has been strling with some [ __ ] he has he has and and you know it takes some time for people to um show themselves absolutely you remember when what's her name um was it reys Witherspoon who uh her body cam footage came out do you know who I am do you know who I am remember that yeah so I I have a feeling that it was this something was going on with him because in the police report he was more worried about his tour because he's touring I think in Europe or some [ __ ] like that whatever he was more worried about that than the consequences of driving drunk hey Eric welcome you said the more he messed up uh he messes up the closer we are to an end the more he messes up the closer we are to an nyn reunion I personally have never liked him me neither me neither people have said that he's like an industry plant I don't know I don't know if I necessarily believe all that um personally I think that he is something else I think for me it was with the whole Janet Jackson situation I didn't like how he handled himself there um even though Janet Jackson being you know the she handled herself the way she needed to in such situations but she was like you know blacklisted from the industry for quite some time and they shamed her um and you know she she did what she had to do in my opinion but I think Justin really took it upon himself to destroy Janet in my opinion and he liked that you said they're not naturally aren't normally naturally talented he can sing that's why I'm saying I don't know if I necessarily believe that he's a plant I do think he's a trash ass Human I do but that's just my opinion from what I've observed you know yes yes you're right Claire you said I never understood why a celebrity would ever drive themselves the when they would have been drinking you know what uh Vera you you could have hired he could have hired a uber you know what I mean he could he could have done that and he decided not to decided not to oh a well thank you Marilyn shout out to Marilyn y'all we've been raided by Maryland by Maryland's subbies shout out to Maryland guys thank you so much you guys if you guys can drop her channel in the chat that'd be amazing thank you thank you thank you thank you love thank you I am a little spicy I'm waiting for the coffee to hit a little bit more all right so we just talked about Justin we shall see we shall see I need to refill on my coffee okay uh let's keep going Let's Talk About Kevin spy you guys Okay Kevin spacy you guys know that he has had a couple of allegations so have several allegations um now I have to refresh my memory I believe he was able to beat the civil case and there was a criminal case that he was able to beat I think in New York and in the UK I can't remember the exact spots okay but there were some pretty um interesting allegations that came out and Kevin spacy has been trying to repair his reputation trying to do the most he did a interview with what's his name Morgan and we did a little Deep dive on it there was this like documentary that came out on HBO about Kevin spacy you said spy sucks so listen there are some people that are kind of like on the fence when it comes to Kevin spy because they feel like Kevin spacy you know the accusers were right on him there's a lot out there and then some people feel like Kevin spacy was done very wrong by the industry I mean you have what was it uh Not Susan sandon who's the other one the lady from I'm thinking of her in my head I see her face it wasn't Susan sanon it was the other one that uh was in Basic Instincts what is her name put it in the chat put in the chat so she came out and she was like um Sharon Stone sharen Stone yes she's been defending Kevin spacy openly she has said you know the industry it's because a man people don't want to stand up next to him it's you know he's a man that's the situation going on it was Sharon Stone who's defended Kevin spacy Now Kevin spacy right now this has been kind of all over the news and everything Kevin spacy um has lost his house in Baltimore and he's refusing to leave they sold his home like I think it was like a foreclosure type of situation okay yeah the flash she flashed the Kuka manga yes she did mhm that's what she you know I I don't know about the lady hit her head a couple weeks ago she had like a black eye or some [ __ ] like that she said she like fell and lost her balance something was going on with her I don't think she's doing too too well so yeah Kevin spacy is basically a squatter at this point yes mhm so he's refusing to leave he's refusing to leave his house yeah um let's get into it okay so Kevin spacy here we go allegedly demanding a 100,000 to move out of his Baltimore home painting himself as the victim now he's keeping his cards close to his chest Kevin Spacey allegedly demanding 100,000 to move out of his home in Baltimore despite being sold to someone else so his house was about 9,000 square foot five floor condo in a gated community was foreclosed and auction in July after he fell behind on the payments having lost regular work after being cancelled in the wake of the hash me to accusations however the former House of card star is still a fixture in the Harbor View Community where he's allowed to Rattle around the stunning pure front residents look at this house look at this house you said it's karma karma karma look at this house you said I did Kevin spacy's makeup and hair on a movie and we worked together on a movie in the mid 90s it was on the down low that he was gay he was married that was before legal legal gay marriage shout out to the real deal Real Deal tell me what you think about these allegations though what do you think do you think they're unfair where do you stand with this let me know real deal thank you for sharing your experience with Kevin spacy you know what's so funny is that I was contacted by some people that I work with Kevin spacy too either in movies or sets or something to that effect thank you Suzanne tell them to hit the like button um so he's a squatter in this house let me tell you it's beautiful is beautiful Karly says it's a it's a beautiful maybe one of the neighbors rent the house I I would be missing payments every month there's no way that I'd be able to afford something like that I would be missing payments but look at the view look at he does not want to leave he doesn't have a good one have a good one you said I think Kevin did so he did some Lou download things did do some download things I can't even read but if the house has been sold and he needs to go I think he needs to go he hasn't done any films I mean he hasn't done it a whole lot anymore I think House of Cars was like his last gig you know I don't know if he's that rich he went broke after paying all these attorneys and trying to you know clear his name and stuff like that he literally went broke you said it looks creepy you couldn't live there homes are overpriced now well he ain't living he's not leaving and he wants a 100,000 that's what he wants maybe he needs to Gund me I don't know so he paid more than five million he's paid more than five million for that house in 2017 but fell behind the mortgage payments 5 million for this condo for this piece of property that all you own is the what is it the like like you're kidding me I would have bought some land I five million I would have bought a whole you know land and put my house in there and that's what I would have done uh so then it would have been paid off so that people wouldn't have uh kicked me out you know what I mean it's a condo it's not even his whole house he is a neighbor I would have bought a piece of land so I wouldn't even have had neighbors a water demanding 100,000 that's what's going to happen they're going to change the logs that that's what's going to happen really I mean are they going to put his uh property outside and then he's gonna have to pick up his property this is really sad he needs to move for sure they will carry him out oh they they gonna carry they're going to carry him out no it might be the whole house but I mean he's got neighbors they're going to lock him out now it's been sold I'm just telling you he could have done so much more with five million he could have he could have uh even more because I I that's just the cost of the property but what he was worth at the time get yourself a little Lake a little property that's what you do you said you would rent him a room hold up y'all y'all would how much would you rent on my room for you guys are too much I'm just saying I didn't know he went broke after all the legal stuff he talked about going broke on Pierce's Channel he did he did you said it would be funny if they put his belongings in the water yeah what where are they going to put how they going to put his belonging out they going to put him in the water they going to be floating in the water anyways Kevin Kevin listen Kevin I think that Kevin has been used to some level of royalty that he's been given in Hollywood and I don't take this away you know the guy is let me tell you before there's I have a lot of questions about the allegations um you can you know that his craft is there I will say that however Kevin you could come out of this in the way in which you have a little bit more class to the situation matter of fact you could do it right now get you a little YouTube channel okay get you a little YouTube channel and start youtubing this whole situation while they're you know and go viral that way that's what they would do it's a house it's a house he could probably start a go fund me and do what he has to do you know what I mean yes but that's just my thought that that's what he thinks he thinks he's royalty that's what it is uh but you know sometimes this is what a fall from grace looks like he says that he wants the new owners to pay him a h 100,000 that's what he told the new owners that's what he wants because the property was brought uh bought for 3.24 Million by a real estate investor who now claims that the Au it was auctioned okay and he feels like he's being extorted uh he feels that a lot of this is so unfair this is enough to make anybody go mad at this point so he's broke he's broke but let me know your thoughts in the comments I wonder if they store his belongings if he doesn't you know what not one I don't know I mean that would be a nice thing for them to do but I honestly think they're just gonna throw it out and they'll probably throw them out in the water that's what they're G to do or Sharon Stone can help them out I mean they can can they can okay I want to go to this story right here this situation right here shout out to Chico who gave me the update on this now how many of you guys remember a case that we had followed about the canas City chief fans five of them five fans and uh there was a party and some of them froze to death outside it was a really weird case the friend is like a mad scientist or something like that they all died yes they did they they they were there outside y'all remember that one uhhuh we have an update so major update in the death of Kansas City Chiefs fans who froze to death at friend's watch party all right so nine months after three of the Kansas City Chiefs fans were frozen found in their friend's backyard charges are expected to be brought soon okay but not against the homeowner this is what the attorney said now you guys remember the attorney was coming out here and he was just a it was just like the attorney was making [ __ ] worse this story was weird wasn't it it was a very weird story you still think I was wondering what they were going to do because they were doing the autopsy and everything anyways so they they found substances in the bodies of these individuals okay they did the bodies of David Harrington Ricky Johnson and Clayton uh mckenny now let me just say this some of these odds are doing the most I am not trying to see people's ass cheeks while I'm reading this [ __ ] sorry guys like I'm like reading the article and you got the weirdest ads I got somebody's butt cheeks right in the article I'm sorry y'all I had close that down okay I'm trying to read the article and then this is going on I don't get it it really was it really was yes the friend y'all got that you said it was I don't think it was fent fentel the mad scientist all right let's get into it yeah the attorney was doing interviews spinning the story so the bodies were found at the friend's backyard Jordan Willis at his Kansas City Home in you know Missouri on January 9th two days after they all gathered to watch the Chiefs play the Los Angeles Chargers now while toxicology reports show that they had cocaine THC oh yeah and Fentanyl sorry I didn't know if it was I couldn't remember this it's been a minute since we talked about this fentanyl shout out to the person that said fentel in the chat in their systems officials have not revealed a cause of death for the men their friends and families believes Jordan Willis and HIV scientist was involved in their untimely death yall remember that Willis Attorney John oh my God I can't even say his name is it pasaro told Fox News remember the attorney was so weird so weird so weird um it they were found in the backyard yo yes yes charges will be forthcoming in the next few weeks his clients will not his client will not be charged that would be GE he won't be charged remember this he was giving me like Godfather mobster views I don't know if it's his suit I don't know if it was his hair or his highlights or the gra I don't know something was going on with this attorney okay and these are the Friends by the way that were found in the backyard really weird story really weird I can say with confidence that my client will not be charged in that regard my client will not be charged in any matter and having to do with the untimely death of his friends instead the attorney said that anyone pot who potentially provided the football fans with drugs could face charges the criminal liability could be for a felony murder charge if somebody provided those young men with drugs he told the outlet now John said the attorney definitely out of the ordinary how long it's taken for the investigation to be completed the Kansas City Police Department labeled its death investigation labeled it a death investigation instead of a h homicide I don't know what caused this investigation to go on for nine months that would be a better question answered by the prosecutors the Kansas City chief Poli excuse me the Kansas City Police Department told Daily Mail we have not received any news updates from the investigators okay so the prosecutor's office spokesperson spoke to Fox and basically said it's still an ongoing investigation I assume when something is done uh I I assume when something is done Eric will be provided uh will be doing a press release and that Eric is the prosecutor from that County we don't have a timeline to report unfortunately now what so they're not going to charge the friend we don't know what is going on this and this is a developing story at this point I know I said Kansas City shoot my bad it's the police my bad hard to understand why people play with such dangerous drugs it is you said absolutely no way there wasn't part of them being getting those drugs I don't know how well did they do it in the backyard I want to know you said leave Polly Walnut Alone um Lord have mercy I know Jordy T did y'all hear this news too but anyways so this is a develop me story I I guess we'll see we'll see what's going on this is your backyard how do you explain their cars being parked in your driveway that's what I don't get so they have a party Jordan says that they leave Jordan goes to like I don't know a three four night he's asleep for so many days while his cars are parked out there the friends are outside frozen to death or freezing to death there's like a search for them they're knocking the doors people are breaking in Windows of Jordan's property to get to check in to see what's going on yeah he was high to he had a fan on this is in the winter families coming to the house you know they're looking for the three men that are missing they're trying to figure out what's going on what's going on maybe they were all drugged out I'm not really sure we're finding out that they were doing drugs beforehand it's it's a mess Jordan's asleep for three days with the fan on noise cancelling headphones and a fan thank you you that's what people were saying no way these guys fell out all together outside in the snow you think they were put there so it went from like they were investigating it it's a death investigation to a homicide what what's going on what is going on yes yes thank you he wasn't thinking about the friends it's a crazy story that's why I'm like I to explain it to go back and explain the story again it's crazy that's what I don't get you said I think he gave him drugs so then so immediately immediately people's eyes went onto the friend because they're like well you're a scientist for an HIV office whatever like you're experimenting with different things even the family came forward and we're looking at the friends you know completely suspect at the least Stasia thank you for being a member for two months shout out to you thank you thank you thank you shout out to little Irish girl absolutely congratulations love talk about ignoring the problem hoping that it goes away and candi's life as well congratulations guys what do y'all think you said he should be charged with something I don't know but they're not going to it looks like the attorney guy went in there um I don't know he gives me I wear bad cologne Vibes I don't know about you guys Tony Tony look like he wears like some really bad cologne this guy wasn't doing his uh client any favors like he he was not very good he looks like he just wears bad clone and he was saying the craziest [ __ ] online period I I don't know I don't know oh and by the way I did hear too I heard about Casey Anthony Casey Anthony um Casey Anthony's uh uh in Tennessee right Chico that's what I heard that she's out there listen you guys Casey Anthony wants a reality TV show she had pitched I talked about this a couple months ago Casey Anthony wants a reality TV show okay that's what she wants she's been trying to get people's attention uh by doing the most honestly that's what it is she wants a reality TV show that's what she wants and so yeah she's out there dating married men doing the most you know trying to you know get the attention of the people so she was spot I heard that she moved or that she was spotted in Tennessee or whatever but um she was yeah she's very desperate very desperate you said please make Casey at the St H so that's what I heard during the week I wasn't even going to talk about the chick because I don't necessarily like her um but she what was it was it it had to be a good eight months ago eight months ago okay she wanted to she was pitching a reality TV show to various networks that was exposed about eight months ago okay and she wants to be in the Limelight so that's why you're seeing her surface the girl doesn't want to you know she wants to be back she sees what Gypsy Rose is doing and she wants a cut of that she wants a piece of that she sees what Gypsy Rose is doing and she knows that she has an opportunity for that and that's why she's doing what she's doing so I wouldn't cover her unless it's out I mean you already know if she comes to YouTube there's going to be a whole sector the whole Gypsy Rose people that expose Gypsy Rose is gon to always expose it's just going to be yes yeah t Maker's like most desperate women do only fans Not only fans you know I don't think anybody would be watching Gypsy Rose on or not Gypsy Rose Casey anthonyy on only fans I don't know I don't know candi's life thank you so much for being a member for three months thank you for being amazing rabbit well shout out to you love shout out to you no more baby killers stop making criminals famous I mean that's that's what makes sense that's what makes sense to me stop making these criminal famous but y'all want to talk about them I'm telling you Casey Anthony it's gonna she's she's trying to be relevant she's trying to you know get her name out there that's what she's trying to do she's been trying to do that and so what's gonna happen is all she has to do is start a YouTube channel that's all she has to do she just start a YouTube channel girl and you know what they're going to eat your ass up here especially I see it she's gonna try to Gypsy Rose the situation that's what she's going to do she might have a hard time though but I wouldn't be surprised I wouldn't be surprised uh shout out to everybody people will watch anything yes they will yes they will you said she's an equal opportunity marriage Buster upper wait now she maybe maybe the guy separated okay let me just say this maybe he's separated maybe that's why that that's why they're hooking up or whatever uh maybe that's what it is what was that one lady we covered to that was kidnapped but wasn't really kidnapped and she went to prison and now she's like doesn't even have contact like she has not a very good relationship with her children at this point who the hell was it she pretended to be kidnapped and she was shacking up with some guy that she was hooking up with she did a whole Hulu series I see her face I just can't remember her name and we did a whole breakdown of it see when I do a breakdown on people I do the breakdown and then I forget who the hell they are Sherry Pini thank you love thank you Sherry Pini I could see her coming back and saying I'm doing a reality TV show she's dating a rich guy you guys she's with the rich guy right now who owns a shitload of property now how tell me tell me tell me what's that all about Eminem saying about her really huh I don't remember that I don't remember that you said my niece turns 19 this Saturday and her older sister ripped sister rip would have been 21 this year I take it very hard when it comes to Kaye gotcha but Suzanne they're gonna do a whole reality I I'm just saying it's clout it's easy to get the rich guy wants clout maybe that's what he wants I don't know but y'all stop making these people these criminals famous that's what you got to do stop making them famous stop it the Houdini song okay I got to listen I I can't even think of it right now let's talk about this situation right here okay y'all if there's one reality TV show I remember and maybe I might have watched a couple episodes was John and Kate Plus 8 okay now I remember that John when he left that relationship and that marriage and everything he was made out to be like this crazy abusive mentally un unstable man which could very well be the case I don't know the guy I don't know the guy but a lot is coming out about what what Kate Goslin has done and let me tell you I believe about what what Kate Goslin has done to her children okay TLC has always been trash to me um I remember what like I just remember when reality TV show was a thing TLC was they they pushed that [ __ ] M Kate was the original Karen that dated the security or cheated on John with the security guy y'all remember when she was having that affair with that security guy um the guy I said not the guy that's doing security for you girl not that guy okay but yeah it was true um I remember I just this this is like if you think about OG reality TV shows this would be one of them this would be one of them oh Lord have mercy okay yeah I see that there's an active shooter in Colorado I'll be probably doing another live on that here in a minute let me get on to this because I don't want to stop this story here in a minute yeah he was and he and I'm not saying he probably was I I don't know John Goslin honestly um he probably was a very shitty person in my op I don't know I don't know man you know people surprise you just never know uh I wasn't married to the guy but I also wasn't married to Kate Goslin and I feel like Kate Goslin uh is trash um she's always kind of been trash and I always kind of wondered why people have admired that woman I don't get it I don't get it but she is the original Karen hold up uh so Colin who's been since the show started has always been seemed like the demon seed child or something I do remember this he's always been made to be out like this really really bad child um that was just obnoxious couldn't be handled you couldn't really like control him he had to be you know done a little bit different so let me go ahead and get into this he does this interview okay this is the channel the sun bis show listen to what he has to say my mother became physically aggressive multiple times she had zip tied my hands and feet together you know my mam always told me nobody would believe me I was fully isolated from everybody I know friends nobody I was 100% treated differently I remember saying that I I'm not trying to trick you because I remember thinking that nobody believed me as a kid nobody believed him because he was made out to be like this kid that was really unruly he really was and maybe he was struggling with some mental health I'm not really sure or behavioral problems maybe that's what it was but uh Kate was not very well Kate was about the damn showell okay Kate was about keeping her bag and doing what she had to do to keep her bag I don't give a [ __ ] what anybody says y'all Kate Defenders because I know I'm GNA get them in the comments your girl was doing the most to keep the hair do and the bag and all the freebies that came with it before Ruby Frankie thank you little Irish girl before Ruby Frankie Kate was doing the most on TLC okay before Ruby Frankie Kate was doing the most and I don't think that I think both Kate and John are guilty as AF when it comes to those children those eight kids honestly because they both failed these kids y'all let them be a product of reality TV show and this is what you have you guys did this now I know that this was not like a natural pregnancy for her because I know if I remember the story correctly she struggled getting pregnant if I remember the story correctly she struggled getting pregnant okay so I think it was was it um insemination remind me in the chat what it was because it's been a couple years since I look and I might even do a deep dive on this um to talk a little bit more about this yes that's heavy opening up about his childhood for the first time John and Kate Plus 8 star Colin Goslin has made several shocking allegations against his mother claiming she isolated him from his seven siblings locked him in a basement and physically and emotionally abused him in an exclusive interview with the US son what about the other kids right and I think like I remember Colin always getting called out on the show in vitro it was they it was in vitro it was in vitro and they were trying it and they did it and I know Kate that's coming back to me I think she was a nurse so before the show I believe she was a nurse let me know in the chat while millions of viewers tuned in to follow the lives of John and K cin their Twins and their sex tlets making one of TLC's highest rated TV shows of the 2000 Brave Colin has now revealed that offscreen there was a horrifically dark side to life in the Goslin family it was rough it was it was rough um I definitely went through it a lot as a kid um from my mother's end so it was tough my mother at many many times and most of the time became physically aggressive um verbally verbally very abusive with the things she would say and and obviously that carries over to you know the emotional side of things where you know a young child doesn't know any better the one that has most it's sad yeah okay so she was a nurse all right right knew she never get rich being a nurse she did what she had to do she did what she because this came um she went back she went back to work as a nurse rabbit so she was a nurse see it's coming back to me you know when this came about this became popular around the time when octo mom was in it was a thing too this is why it's coming back to me all right she did uh ibf and she couldn't get pregnant it was octo mom and this show and it was kind of like otoom was because that was a huge controversy otoom was having all these babies and then she was like I think on government assistance or something like that y'all remember her so octo mom and John and Kate were kind of like right here and it was made for like TV Nadia sulaman Nadia sulaman and then the lady you know she she did only fans I think at that time what was only fans she got into that [ __ ] too um she got into a couple things to try to sustain um she was on food Sams too I mean she was doing the most to you know do what she had to do most bumps and bruises is definitely Colin he falls like 56 times an hour but he's not tough he gets upset a very very emotionally abusive relationship and um when my mother would put me in that room multiple times she had SI tied my hands and feet together and bolt lock the door turn the lights off and had cameras there just watching me in that room that my mother had built um often times she had zip tied my hands and feet together and kept me locked in there um for most or all of the day for multiple days and that Colin is alleging that he was zip tied to rooms now was this before or after the separation with John John where the [ __ ] were you like I know that she was doing the most to keep the kids but I'm sorry I think to me John is just as trashy as Kate that's how I see it I do feel like the media made JN out to be this like really horrible person but I do think that they're poor they're both trash they really were both of them that doesn't just make you feel helpless but it was the fact that I had I had nobody in my life then I didn't have my siblings I didn't have teachers at school I didn't have anybody I didn't have friends you know I wasn't allowed to visit my father I had nobody to go to not one person to talk to I had no relationship with anybody um I was fully isolated from everybody I had no friends nobody as I'm older now and I I can kind of look back and see videos or pictures of myself younger it definitely is it's it's a crazy experience because I think he was crying out for help for quite some time yeah John said John admitted that he messed up and it was easier to just not deal with her but when he found out Colin had been sent to boarding school he fought for him and and that's you know what that's what happened with Gypsy excuse me that's what happened with Gypsy Rose's dad I think I have something in my eye um Gypsy Rose dad thought that it would be easier for Dee Blanchard to deal with Gypsy Rose and he checked out I'm going to need both parents to figure this [ __ ] out like step up I'm sorry like you know I'm married too and if [ __ ] doesn't work out whatever I'm not going to like both parents have to be visible he did fight for him after he went to the boarding school but before that that's what I heard Amy that that uh Kate had him kicked out of military school now I or uh the military excuse me I don't know how TR much truth there is to that I would like to see this but I do feel personally do feel like that this young man did sustain some level of child abuse because there was nothing normal about their childhood they were going through all this [ __ ] on reality TV show and Kate and John both of y'all love that check and y'all put these kids through this [ __ ] you did you could have walked away you could have said you know what we couldn't have children and now we we've been blessed with eight okay and yes it's going to get hard we got to figure out how to pay the bills who's going to give us jobs what are we going to do you guys like I don't I don't get this [ __ ] I don't get this like you make your eight children the priority and you do what you have to do to make money but you don't sacrifice their well-being for the reality TV show that's that's like that one lady with the uh 19 kids en counting um what's coming out of that right now what's been coming out of that for the last couple of years it's crazy said but regarding John having my own family as a coercive controlling manipulative narcissist with sociopathic tendency it is a mind [ __ ] nobody has a guide book on how to survive it though that is true that is true you said sorry but I can't get past the fact that Gypsy Rose biod dad was 17 and de was 24 and there there's that and then there's that yeah de D tell them and was this on TLC because a lot of the clips that the sun is providing they're from the the show TLC a lot of it is from TLC it's not just like oh it just you know they're isolated incidences we've been watching these kids get abused throughout the years just like Ruby Frankie right we've been watching her do the most so Colin has alleged that Mom got him kicked out of military uh that Mom uh basically let the military people know that he had all kinds of issues mental health issues and Colin is saying that he's taken the appropriate psychological evaluations to get out of that um that that's not the case that he has been cleared of that so I'm not really sure what Kate is doing about that do I believe that um colen is probably struggling with something yes but I think that that's part of um because of uh his childhood the environment that he grew up in yeah I believe it I believe that we can all be products of the things that we grew up around that environment that Kate and John and TLC provided to these kids y'all created this you all created this and shout out to at the very least I can give John his flowers for now stepping up okay but you guys are all going to have to speak out and Kate to me is she's always been trash always been trash always we always will be trash period that's just how I see it y mhm you said I remember specifically Kate would say Colin is with his dad right now I just thought Colin just had the camera yeah right like there were the the the whole show is questionable all of them exactly exactly the trauma living under this whole reality TV show period hold up let me see I will scream this through the rooftop of a sadistic abuser will put on a show and when the cameras go off we'll act we'll we'll put a kid in a basement I believe we see him on camera acting from acting out absolutely like when the cameras were off they were off but you see him and then she's like well you know Colin he just Falls 50,000 times all the time okay all right girl keep telling that to the people it's true she's responsible for him getting discharged she put everything in her little Karen head online for the world to see she's trash I'm sorry all these people are trash um they're products they're products of a reality TV show thing it's the same thing with Teen Mom all those kids you see what Farah's doing to what she's okay with when it comes to to to her child Farah is trash to me too she's always been trash but you know her mom's trash they're all trash like and I remember watching this they like I think back and I'm like was there anybody that I really liked in Teen Mom who was it um who was it oh the girl with the red hair uh not Macy but the one that would actually D her and you know she's done well for herself um she had Adam I Aubrey and Adam what is her name I could think of Aubrey and Adam but I can't think of her name and she had the red hair Janelle is trash she's on YouTube You're TR well at least she's done Chelsea Chelsea I think Chelsea has done very well for herself I'll give her that I think that she's done very well for herself um out of the whole group out of the whole group even Macy to a certain degree uh I don't you know and I used to watch these shows a lot I just can't believe where we're at right now who was the girl that um had the multiple baby dad D's what is her name she was just H she's just so scandalous and the way she talks about um she got pregnant she she's had kid after kid and she had twins I mean she can afford them she can afford them you know anyways not not Leah there was another one that had god what the hell is her name I could see her face and she's still doing she's doing a podcast right now she's doing a podcast with like um another baby mother of another baby daddy that she has she's got a anyways let me stop just the way she kind of picks her guys it's weird Leah was the blonde with the cheatah multiple kale thank you that one I really am I need to get like a c that one Mel I am struggling today I need like three more refills before I I'm gonna do another live here in a couple minutes to talk about the shooting that's going on right now uh I need I need it Mill I need a couple of refills I I down that coffee way too quick I really did kale that's the girl I don't watch them anymore but I did at one point Julie thank you for being a member for seven months I cannot I'm on the struggle bu today but anyways check out the video it's out there this is Colin speaking now against Kate Goslin and he's alleging that zip ties were used a lot of stuff was going on I just I don't know I think a lot of these kids are just products of what's going on with them yeah I don't have time I don't watch TLC I haven't watched TLC yet unless I absolutely have to hell I didn't even watch a lot of the Gypsy Rose um stuff that's going on anymore I watched a little bit of the doc thank you Ann for the $10 love thank you I know I'm struggling I need to go get me a refill I need to make it stronger this time thank you thank you thank you please hit that like button all right guys I'm going to head out I'm gonna try my nose is itchy too oh my God I'm G try to maybe it's the microphone I don't know um let me see if I can go live let me see what's going on with this there's a shooting going on in Broomfield but I want to do a different live on this Broomfield Colorado shooting police respond to an active shooter at apartment complexes Lord not apartment complex schools apartment complexes maybe that's what it is I need to sneeze um you guys I will see you guys let me know your thoughts in the comments if you're watching the replay shout out to you guys and I really hope Colin keep exposing these people keep exposing them do what you do keep exposing these people that's what you got to do and I'm glad and I hope that John steps up and speaks out um and says what he has to say about what is going on that's just my thought on that I will see you guys on the next one hopefully here in about maybe 20 minutes let me see what's going on and then um we'll come back all right ex exposing do it do it do it do it uh thank you again thank you Ann again for the Super Chat my love thank you thank you all right hit the like button bye guys bye bye bye [Music] all right okay all right [Music]

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