Category: Film & Animation
[music] [applause] what the what the [ __ ] is what davis mclean says in one of the teasers that was released in the past week in the buildup to episode 6 and that's why i'm hoping all of our reactions are with the opening episode of part two it's been a long time since we've seen ghost and with only... Read more
Category: Comedy
Are we part arm me so you ain't got we can use nothing that nobody's going to care about this fair play 2333 and i want to give a salute to all my cinema cronies welcome back to the power book multiverse and cinema show where you get the latest and power universe and cinema breakdown if i'm on the mission... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Man this this story finally is coming uh about say finally because i think i think the fans could have took like 10 more seasons of uh power power book goost but my first question to both of y'all like i mean to to be on this long journey on this series and see like this this universe now turned 10... Read more
Category: Gaming
A they look at his eyes this isn't going to be good he's got nasty plants how do you surise this power b through the table this is Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So i was at the grocery store and saw a woman struggling with a cart full of groceries while trying to corral her kid who was determined to climb into the freezer i offered to help and as i grabbed the cart it suddenly started rolling away the woman and i ended up chasing it down the aisle while her... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] [music] [music] [music] hello hello hello welcome welcome in everybody welcome [music] [music] in laa girl pumba mil zep what is up guys we're doing some oregon [music] tickets haager la girl lamb chop lucky charm scratcher isa nettles i'm back hello dager how are you man how you guys [music]... Read more
Category: News & Politics
After 9 years the block liberals aren't worth the cost the block has not only voted for 500 billion in appropriations that are centralizing bureaucratic and inflationary but they want to rad radically increase taxes on gas and diesel for quebecers in the regions unlike the conservatives who want to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Cho de cabezas de renato tapia con rival en el leganés versus mallorca leganés de renato tapias se enfrentó a mallorca por la jornada 4ro de la liga e sports según el reporte del diario marca y los responsables de la transmisión de espn el peruano no pudo continuar en el juego a raíz de un golpe en... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Did you know that the residents of paris and the residents of london are citizens of the same country that is caribas if you think you have a bad imagination just think of caribas because this country named its ci's london paris poland banana and christmas island yes it's pronounced like christmas... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
उस में मर्डर के कैसे काफी ज्यादा बाढ़ गए हैं आपको पता नहीं होगा उस में जितना स्टारबक्स मैकडॉनल्ड सुपरमार्केट नहीं है ना उससे ज्यादा गण शॉप है और खुला आम गण बाईक रहे हैं वहां पे ये कुछ 2023 का डाटा है उसमें बताया है की 2022 में सबसे ज्यादा लोगों की मौत हुई है गण से हमेशा ऊपर ऊपर से दिखता है की देश की इकोनामी काफी अच्छी है लाइफ अच्छा है और क्वालिटी इंडेक्स अच्छा है सैलरी अच्छा है बट हकीकत कुछ और ही है तो आपका क्या कहना है प्लीज मुझे कमेंट में जरूर बताएं... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
हमारा मन कहा था चि लेकिन का है नहीं है वा Read more
Category: News & Politics
डिक्टेटर जिन्होंने आपातकाल लगाया था वो नहीं था जिन्होंने देश का विभाजन किया वो डिक्टेटर नहीं था जिन्होंने मुसलमानों को एक पैरेलल कानून एक पैरेलल कोर्ट दे दिया वो डिक्टेटर नहीं था जिन्होंने मुसलमानों को कन्वर्शन की छूट दे दी वो डिक्टेटर नहीं था जिन्होंने 85 में सिखों को मार डाला वो डिक्टेटर नहीं था जिन्होंने संविधान के साथ उलट पुलट कर दिया वो डिक्टेटर नहीं था मुझे एक घटना बताइए कि मोदी जी ने मुसलमानों के खिलाफ कहा हो एक स्पीच बताइए नहीं देखिए मुसलमानों को कानून पसंद नहीं है कानून... Read more