Untold: Sign Stealer SPOILER FREE Review | New Info on Ex Michigan Football Staffer Connor Stalions?

this one there's some new stuff and that's very interesting now if you want to watch it because you want answers that will help you decide what's going to happen in the NCA investigation yeah you're not getting that there's a reason the notice of allegations came out two days before the dock came out because there's nothing in the dock that's going to be a Smoking Gun that the NCAA could use against Michigan there's nothing in the dock that's going to exonerate Michigan there's nothing that's going to exonerate con Conor stallions but what it is is a deep dive into the central figure in one of the most interesting slash absurd college football stories we have ever seen so I guess that's where we start is Conor stallion's the person we talked about him we wrote about him we read all these stories we didn't hear from him for all of those months now he gets his chance to tell his side of the story and so you have to come at it from that perspective you have to understand that that is perspective that this is coming from this is Connor stallion's version of the events now there are other folks in there there's a there's an Ohio State blogger called broo or or a message board poster who's in like black clothes sunglasses ski mask like it's it's a little weird but like he's in there to provide the counterbalance and then you've got your Dan wetzels from Yahoo and Nicole howb back kind of explaining and narrating what's going on but I'm I was there for the Conor stallions comments like I want to hear from that guy I want to know what makes him tick I want to know how he became what he became what was the sequence of events how did all this work that part I was very interested that part I was fascinated by because Conor stallions according to himself his parents and this is them putting the the most positive spin on it they can like Conor stallion basically devoted his entire life to becoming a Michigan football coach like he talks about how in the history of coaching the best coach all served in the military and that's what inspired him to go to the Naval Academy like that is interesting because there are a lot of reasons you would go to a service Academy a lot to become a coach and specifically to become a Michigan coach is not one of them for most people or any people probably so let's let's go here here are the reasons you go to a service academy one you've wanted to serve in the military your entire life you you feel like you want to help defend the country and you want to be a leader in the military that's that's an obvious one two they're very academically prestigious they're tough to get into they provide a great education and that education is free that's another major reason three graduates tend to move on when they finish their military service to very good jobs they provide great training for whatever profession you want to go into that's another big reason now you could say that that's the reason Connor stallion chose but I mean everything was directed toward becoming a football coach in Michigan so he goes to the Naval Academy serves in the Marines with the idea that it will make him a better football coach at Michigan eventually and maybe it did maybe it did but that's how single-minded this guy was that's how laser focused this guy was becoming a football coach at Michigan like there's video of him dressed as Bo shim Beckler for Halloween at seven years old and it's adorable and then you realize oh this he's been thinking about this for this long and he talks about going to the Naval Academy walking into K monal's office saying I I'm a student here I'd like to to help out and within you know short period of time he's on the sidelines trying to decode Ohio State signals and of course it was Ohio state first game that Navy played when Conor stallions was a student but this of course because it's told really from Conor stallion's perspective makes it seem like he is the like Benedict Cumberbatch in the imitation game like he's the one he's cracking all these codes he's the secret sauce whether that's true or not is another topic for debate there's a lot of Ohio State fans who think he's the reason that Michigan got good in 2021 that is by the way when he was hired as a a staff member and not just as a volunteer but that's also when they basically revamp their entire staff they fired Don Brown they brought in Mike McDonald they moved shiron Mort offensive line coach like there were some other things going on then it was a pretty big overhaul but how you feel about that probably depends on depends on how badly you want Michigan to be in the wrong here so it was very interesting now very disappointed he did not explain the vacuum cleaner thing if you remember correctly he had the vacuum cleaner repair business and vacuum cleaners just all over the porches of his the porch of his house never explained that highly disappointed that that was never explained in the documentary he did explain the manifesto though that was really interesting because remember our friend Richard Johnson was writing in Sports Illustrated last fall talked to somebody who was an acquaintance of of Connor stallions and and found out there's this this massive Manifesto I believe in Richard's Story the estimate was 600 Pages it's actually thousands of pages according to Connor stallions it is multiple thousands of pages and it's basically everything he's ever learned about coaching quotes philosophies it's spreadsheets he mapped where every player who got drafted in the NFL since 2010 is from he coded it he came up with a scoring system now as the person who mapped where all the colleges sourced their players for SI back when Conor stallions was in Middle School I felt particularly seen by that part of it but this is the sort of thing he he was just obsessed he also went into how he figured out the signs how he created the the visual aids that allowed coaches and players to decipher what was going on I thought that was really interesting he explains how he took his he he stood against a white background he took his phone and basically took pictures of himself doing all these different signs that he'd seen on the sidelines and then how he made essentially a cheat sheet that says when they do this it means this and it was really interesting and it also speaks to his ability to one decipher the information two to explain it to other people so that they can then use it quickly so these are all skills that are very helpful like could be helpful in any industry but he used it in this way now you're you're probably saying okay but get to the part with the NCAA investigation get to the part where you find out what's going to happen to Michigan you never really get to that part but what you do see is that Connor stallions did interview with the NCAA in April and they show you a good chunk of that interview and I thought that was really interesting couple parts of the interview he admits that he bought tickets for other people to go to games that didn't involve Michigan and again this is this is the part that that matters because that's what's against the rules like you can look across the side line at your own game at your opponent and decipher their signals and that's not against the rules if you have TV copy the game and it shows the coach's signaling and you can put things together that's not against the rules the rule is against sending people to games that aren't yours having them independently record it that's against the rule it was a cost cutting move put in by the NCAA in the mid 90s they actually considered repealing it a few years ago and that one that's where it got interesting because my wife was actually getting ready for work while watching this documentary with me and that was what her question was about like those that was her biggest question is like okay who cares like why is this even against the rules and I tried to explain the whole cost cutting thing why it's against the rules and she's like why are they acting like this is a criminal offense like who cares and I think that's probably how most people who aren't kneee in college football when they watch this thing are going to feel remember these These are aimed at very broad audiences so a lot of the people who are watching this are not aware of the vagaries of NCAA rules so I thought that was interesting I thought her response to that was interesting because she's sort of the target audience for this documentary not me and so I do wonder how many people are going to watch it who don't really follow college football that closely who G to go who cares why do we care so he says that he bought tickets for people to go to other games he also says that some people sent him video from those games which is very interesting because that's kind of the problem now what he's accused of is having this network the accusation that would get Michigan in big trouble is if Jim Harbaugh Shone Moore any of the other people were involved in it were directing it I can tell you right now that Connor stallions did not say that anybody did that we know that my guess is that the NCAA did not find that anybody did that either we'll find out what's in that notice of allegations but we've seen the draft copy through ESPN's reporting and based on some of the conversations I've had since the NOA hit Michigan on Sunday I don't think they establish that link I don't think the NCAA investigators established that link so essentially this is Conor stallion saying he was the Lone Wolf here but now he's saying he didn't he wasn't having people go to games and record them but he is admitting that people went to games with tickets he bought and sent them and sent him film so if you're the NCAA that's probably enough for you because remember it's not a court of law the standard is not Beyond A Reasonable Doubt and when Connor stallions when you hear him say to the NCAA investigator uh to my understanding there are some people who attended games using tickets I purchased and recorded parts of games sometimes I would receive film from them then they cut to him in an interview separately saying it's like when your aunt gets you a Christmas present you already have he's like I already knew this stuff I I didn't need this stuff but that's probably going to be the enough for the NCAA with Connor stallion himself self and then the other just totally hilarious part is the NCAA investigator asks him was that him on the central Michigan sideline in the Michigan State game and he goes I don't recall attending a specific game translation yes that was me and earlier in the doc you have Dave pornoy the the founder of Barcelo Sports who is a Michigan grad saying Conor Sans told me it was him like that's in the documentary and then immediately it cuts to Conor stallions holding a picture of the guy on the central Michigan sideline and just kind of smiling and then cuts to another part of his interview not with the in of BL but just separately where he says I don't even think that looks like me it's just hysterical again the a lot of this is just so absurd but what I took away and what I what I thought was really interesting is he did spend so much of his life trying to get there and he got there he became a Michigan staffer and then he did something that caused him to have to quit his job at Michigan the NCAA is going to hit him for being uncooperative that's how this all works based on what what answers they showed us and as Conor Stallion and his attorney allowed that video to be shown based on that what they showed us and based on how previous NCAA cases have gone they're going to hit him with being uncooperative they're going to issue a punishment that will make it very hard for him to be hired in college football and the difference is like we've seen college coaches get fairly severe NCAA punishments and come back from them uh Bruce Pearl probably the best example of that was the Tennessee basketball coach got punished for lying to the NCAA about Aon craft being at a cookout not a barbecue but a cookout but then he comes back as the Auburn coach now the difference was Bruce Pearl had a very decorated history of being a head coach before that happened and he was proven as a winner of games as a head coach so somebody was gonna hire him again Conor SS was a low-level Stafford it's unclear how helpful he actually was not sure anybody's going to take a chance on him whenever whatever NCAA penalty gets handed down is over so chances are he's never going to be able to go back to Michigan he's the defensive coordinator at Mumford high in Michigan right now uh that the uh the alma moer of fictional graduate Axel Foley but he's working in football now and maybe he becomes a great High School coach maybe eventually he gets a chance to go back to college but he's probably never going to be able to go back to Michigan and that's the craziest part of all this John in the chat says Andy are you going to talk about when Dan wetel said he has proof at least five other teams did the same thing stallion said Dan didn't say that Dan said other teams did it if Dan has proof of it Dan will publish it Dan would have already published it because that's how Dan operates so I don't think you quite understood what Dan said there and that was the other thing the rumor was that Connor stallions was going to name some names of people who did this at other schools he didn't he said there are people who share information but it was very vague and if I were Conor San's attorney I would advise him not to name any names because that would expose me to a lawsuit so that's where he could have probably put something juicier into the dock and didn't if you've got proof of it present the proof you've had nine months no you've had 11 months 10 months you got proof of that go ahead and present it what they did do is accuse someone of hacking into Conor stallion's email and so they're saying an investigative firm that was hired by somebody they're accusing Ohio State of of being the ones who hire who hired that investigative firm they're saying they you know used an illegal means to get information from Conor stallions we'll find out about that we'll see if that ever comes to fruition but yeah if you've been saying for 10 months you have proof and you're going to name names and you haven't actually done it you're not going to do it so that that's where that is but I came away somewhat sad because this is a 28-year-old guy who spent his whole life trying to get to this one place and he's never going to be able to get back there so so can he channel that Obsession because this let's be real this was an obsession can he channel that Obsession in a different direction that allows it to be positive John in the chat Andy why did you use a goofy voice when you read my comment because it was a goofy comment John you really want there to be names of other people but you you're not using Common Sense here if someone was going to name names they already would have so that'll probably be all we hear from Conor stallion for a while but it's really interesting so if you want answers for the NCAA case you're probably not going to get them if you want to try to understand this person who's interesting who we've been reading about for all these months then perhaps you will be interested I I was F by this guy I I find him endlessly interesting and like I said he's 28 years old I hope he can channel that Obsession into something else that allows him to live a fulfilling life without getting back to Michigan football because I don't know that that's ever going to happen now he's a cult hero among Michigan football fans so that might be enough but there's a lot of life left to go lot of life left to go thank you so much for watching just a reminder subscribe to this channel right here so you never miss an episode of Andy Staples on 3 and oh by the way watch all the other great videos on the Onre Sports YouTube channel

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