Earthquake rattles New Jersey, New York City and surrounding areas | full coverage

Published: Apr 04, 2024 Duration: 02:41:30 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: earthquake near me
definitely felt the rolling and the rumbling of the uh of the earthquake and we're trying to get people on the phone not making light of it it's just like it just kind of I'm I'm I'm I'm thinking was that an earthquake and so then when you double check and then you start to get this information streaming in yes it was an earthquake and it was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake and if I you know we felt it in the city but they felt it all the way out on the island and you know they felt it up in uh Westchester so when we talk about uh damage we always want to see if there's anything going on we do have Dan Rice Dan Rice is now Dan Rice are you flying or are you uh are you on the ground what's what what what have you what do you have no I'm not hearing Dan is Dan on he's supposed to be on I don't hear Dan okay he's not hearing Dan we don't have Dan we're trying to get Dan well if we're talking Dan Rice we're talking Chopper so obviously we have the chopper up we've not had any reports of any any kind of significant damage 4.8 I mean you would consider that the typical earthquake around here is like a 1.8 so this is significant I mean this is if if 4.8 verifies this is the ear this is the first reports we have that is a rather significant number so we will want to see first and foremost any anybody hurt no reports of that but then you go into any damage so we don't have any reports of any damage yet I mean it's early it's something like this this might be something you might find something a little bit later something knocked off this definitely could have knocked off a couple of pictures it was it was actually it was actually you know shaking and bacing here in the studio and we're up on the third floor in a massive building so you know a smaller building is definitely going to feel it as well you know it's interesting we we take pictures I don't see any I don't see any uh I don't see anything going on which is good news and you know another thing we don't hear on the west side we don't hear I'm not hearing any kind of wild uh siren cacophony or anything like that either I don't feel it's it's not like people were called in oh by the way this is something you would not want to call you would not want to call 911 for something like this that's why we're here we're here to tell you that yes you are not imagining things it was an earthquake but we don't want you to bother unless there is some kind of if you have an emergency obviously feel free to use all the uh emergency Personnel but you wouldn't want to call just to report it because it has been reported and it has been confirmed so we are going to be uh we are going to uh definitely deal with it so Kevin we we're waiting to get some phone some folks on the air is call hey come on over here Kevin come on over here this this assistant news director come on in over here so did you feel it I did feel it what did it feel like we were in the building and it shook everything no one knew what it was I've never felt anything like that you've never been in an earthquake before never been in an earthquake so I've been in multiple earthquakes I immediately knew I said we're having an earthquake and that's why I walked down in we had one years ago here so uh uh I I remember I remember but I was in California I worked in California so well good see look at there I just put you on TV too by the way that's the way we roll here so and we're going to we're talking and we're checking with some other folks too to see so you are not imagining things see you're thinking all these people that are texting me no you're not imagining things it was an earthquake and again sometimes in the big Quakes you know you think about Taiwan and you think about the deadly earthquake that just hit Taiwan and you think about the Ring of Fire the Ring of Fire around the Pacific is a very active area we do not sit on an active area like that so obviously we you know would never expect a six or a seven like they just saw just imagine and you know the RoR scale is a is it's it's not a fixed scale it's exponential so every number that goes up it's 10 times as bad so we uh so we're tossing to Mary we have Mary now so a 4.8 is still bad but consider that that 7 plus that they just had had in Taiwan it's not just three it's by multiples of 10 and when you talk about the reverberation of the earth that was the landslides that called all the uh all the issues so we did just get a statement from Governor Kathy hokel and this is it I'm just reading it I'm reading it with you and I'm reading it to you a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit west of Manhattan and has been felt throughout New York my team is assessing impacts and any damage that may have occurred and we will update the public throughout the day so you know what's interesting to me is that was a statement from the governor of New York Kathy hoko I would like to hear from the governor of New Jersey because we are reporting that it was around uh Lebanon New Jersey which is well west of the city so Kathy hok confirming a 4.8 magnitude earthquake did hit and it was west of Manhattan and it's been felt throughout New York when she says New York I know that she's talking about Rockland and Westchester too so my team is assessing the impacts and any damage that may have occurred and we will update the public throughout the day see see how our minds work the same way we all want to think first off we all want to worry about personal safety but then damage gets to be a question because 4.8 is a serious number when I walked into The Newsroom and I was looking initially to try to find maybe a 1.8 or two and then they said 4.8 that is is significant so we are going to see and I'm sure it was felt remember here's another thing about earthquakes even though it's a line it's it's on a fault like that or this either goes like that or like that but it reverberates in circles and so that's why you feel it miles and miles and miles away so I know if we felt it here in New York I'm sure they felt it in Pennsylvania as well and my neighbors who live up by me in West essic were definitely feeling an they felt that longer again you all you had to be in the right place and if you were stationary all of a sudden you weren't stationary and it was just that rumbling just like that so in fact if you have if you have any other reports reach out to us I mean we don't want to hear stories about damage but it does speak to the power of these Quakes that hit if stuff has come off in California the earthquake preparedness is all about securing things to the wall we don't have to be as stringent here but some stuff this kind of thing something vulnerable may have fallen off a wall and that was because of the uh because of the earthquake so again it was a 4.8 4.8 earthquake uh centered around Lebanon New Jersey and then as we kind of dig into this thing that becomes important the depth and all of that so we'll have more of that stats hey I guess you know what who we're going to talk to now I want to check in with my colleague in friend Maurice dub did you feel it um so let me just set the scene I live in uptown Manhattan right about five miles north of the station and I'm chitchatting with my wife in the kitchen we live in you know one of these like Brownstones and um all of a sudden it felt like a train was rumbling right next door and there is no train line next door so that was interesting um and then just everything in the kitchen started shaking the you know the the glasses the plates the whole thing was just rumbling you know your mind starts racing oh my gosh heart starts beating is it guys with jackhammers is it a truck is it the washer dryer just you know finishing the spin cycle and we looked at each other and just started running to the front door uh up one flight out to the front door and then other neighbors were doing the same thing so everybody was just catching their breath reacting to what you know certainly was an earthquake you know we figured that out pretty quickly and uh there's literally no damage to speak of um in our neighborhood in our house or anything like that but rattled nerves damaged nerves and you know you and I John we've lived on the west coast at different times in our lives and um I've felt earthquakes but the ones I felt in the past were more like calm pulses going through the floor or the wall or the street wherever I was and they were of more magnitude than this but this was was scarier because it was more of a shaking Sensation that was violent almost in a way for you know fewer than 15 seconds I would say well I want I I hate to put you on the spot but I I want to ask you cuz I got a call from somebody they said it lasted about 15 seconds so you felt like it was 10 to 15 seconds of shaking I mean I can't really put a clock on it but it wasn't much longer than that 15 sounds about right you know that's a guess um because you're trying to you get your bearings and understand what the heck going on but it wasn't it wasn't much more than that and uh just you know takes your breath away but you know and think about it John we we live in New York where everything has happened right so some of the worst things some of the best things but it's all happened and this is enough to freak us out out west this is kind of like H they shrug it off for us it's a big deal and people are just you know in a tisy because this to happen here and when it does oh my God tell I imagine your phone like my phone has been going crazy and I can and we understand why people are duly concerned by this plus you've got the eclipse coming so you got people's minds are spinning but you said and I don't want to I I just want to encapsulate this you said no damage nothing fell off the wall nothing fell at the house nothing at all nothing at all it was just a lot of rattling you know we looked around and checked everything out but it wasn't enough to really to to do anything um so you know thank goodness for that um and like you said we we as as news people we um you know we're looking for damage and we haven't seen any just yet and thank goodness for that yeah and that is the good news Well Maurice I certainly appreciate you uh calling in I would imagine this will be on your show later today you think this might be the lead story John yeah I think so Maurice thanks for calling in so I'm told now that we have Elijah Westbrook Elijah Westbrook hey look at this wow we are messing around so Elijah first off where were you and did you feel I I sure did John good morning to you right now we are live in New Brunswick New Jersey uh we were sent out here on an unrelated story and as I walked inside of one of the buildings and then got into my car uh the car started shaking it started swaying and at first I thought it was just the wind was blowing because it did feel a little windy out here uh you know when you get those normally strong gusts of wind next thing I know I see emails and text messages coming in from some startled folks saying did you feel that did you feel that and someone who actually did feel that is Jill here she's a student at Ruckers University Jill thank you so much for uh being live on the show right now to talk about this earthquake it was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake what did you experience moments ago so I was laying in my bed and my whole apartment building just started shaking and I freaked out I was like what's happening I didn't I've never felt an earthquake before in my life so it was very scary the whole my whole bed shook everything shook wow wow and and and what would what were you thinking when that was going on I mean did you think earthquake at first no I thought I was in a dream honestly I didn't think it was real yeah it it's it's definitely quite startling and like I said uh just moments ago I was sitting inside the news truck and the truck started swaying I thought it was uh gusts of wind apparently uh I guess the and John correct me if I'm wrong here the the proper terminology uh for the magnitude I know was a 4.8 it was felt I believe in Lebanon New Jersey I guess that was the epicenter uh essentially again correct me if I'm wrong on the terminology okay so newe Leon now the next thing we're going to to worry about is how deep was it and we talk about primary waves secondary waves but so Elijah everybody's talking about it right Everywhere You Go I mean people it's everyone talking about it including Jill yeah yeah it's very you know startling um so what what are your friends saying what are other people saying about what they experienced um my whole family group chat actually was blowing up my phone saying what was that was that an earthquake then my friend from Delaware texted me and said that she felt it too everyone was feeling it and everyone was like what was that yeah so it's not just here in New Jersey of course portions of New York uh State uh New York City we're also getting reports people in Pennsylvania and I believe Massachusetts possibly may have felt that so we're looking at at least the Northeast Corridor if you will here uh Jill thank you so much if we can just have you on standby uh just in this area until we get back to you but John and everyone else watching at home right now yeah certainly some startling moments out here in New Brunswick New Jersey again we were out here covering an unrelated story uh I walked inside of a building came back out got in the car to write my script for uh a story airing at noon next thing I know the car started shaking I'm seeing some of the parked cars ahead of me uh Swang back and forth I thought it was just gust of wind uh passing through so certainly some startling moments in this area and something that we normally don't experience especially here on the East Coast I'm going of course try to the car was actually shaking Shing it it was it was I mean nothing too aggressively but enough to get your attention if if that makes sense and then as I looked out the window I saw a couple of cars that were parked on the same side of the street moving just a bit so I knew something had to be going on next thing I know I see text messages rolling in emails people asking did you feel that so very very startling well Elijah thank you I'm going to be joined by with Mary kelvi here thank you for all your hard work and who's your photographer who are you working with out there I'm working with uh Eddie and Connie this morning tell thank you cuz I know that was a quick hustle to get that live shot set up so thank you so we're back here now we're in studio 46 maging did you feel it yeah I felt a vibration so were you and I was thinking yeah just in the hall and I thought I think we just had an earthquake now there are no major fault lines in New York like we see in California however we have had earthquakes before many of them you don't feel as much in January we had the 1.7 magnitud Roosevelt Island but there you know there was even more significant reports but I'm sure 911 was flooded with calls at 10:23 a.m. this morning when people were feeling those vibrations I mean we heard from morce dishes sh with aely po like New York City you're going to definitely have people calling in and saying what is going on we're not used to it here in New York I know you've been through a number of earthquakes right it's funny talking to Maurice you know having he worked in California I worked in California yeah I immediately knew it was an earthquake which I knew was not unprecedented it did seem like it lasted a long time but it'll be interesting as we get more stories in and we count on you for some of these stories some of the folks in like the 50th floor and the 60th floor what they felt now it was centered about 7 70 miles west of of New York that's correct so that that actually is going to help out a lot just got a call from someone in chadam it was like violent out in chadam I mean violent might be a little hyperbolic but I was talking to my friends in Cedar Grove and they said everybody came out of their house they're all commiserating so we're here to tell you that you're not imagining it was an earthquake and that's what it was and it was a pretty significant one at uh uh 4.8 so you know who they tell me we have now Mary yeah Lonnie Quinn is on the phone with us now Lonnie did you feel anything Mary take take a look at me mayor may I am in my pajamas I was sound asleep it woke me up out of my bed here in Westport Connecticut and the thing that grabbed me about this initially I heard Elijah saying he fought wind I thought wi too um and then I thought maybe it was something mechanical like at our home like maybe like the boiler or something so I get up I I run downstairs and then I knew I knew uh as I was running I'm saying this this is wonder if this is an earthquake I get downstairs and I look outside and we have some hanging planters we don't have flowers in them yet but a bunch of hanging planters and they're all swinging like this and I I lived through the Northridge Earthquake out in California now I was not close to the epicenter at all I was in Santa Monica out by the shore um and I remember the same thing that that's what I felt far far away from Northridge but in Santa Monica I had a hanging pot rack it too was swinging in the kitchen um I've Bor I've been born and bred in Connecticut and I have never felt anything like this I've covered a bunch of little earthquakes in our area for work uh the Ramapo fault line is probably the most sizable fault line that we have in this area and even that it's it's known for little small earthquakes this is sizable okay this is a sizable earthquake for this area hey Lonnie I'm going to put you on the spot right now and let's have some fun with math as the Cur as the crow flies how far away are you from New York City as the crow flies I am 45 miles from New York City you're 45 miles away and this thing was 70 M away from New York City also felt all the way to Philadelphia so we talking about this is a large area thousands upon thousands of people now any no damage there's no damage right no no definitely no damage but it it what struck me was how long it lasted long enough for me to go through all these thought processes of uh Hey it must be wind oh no maybe it's mechanical in the house to get out of my bed in my pajamas run downstairs and see the plants swinging back and forth um I I don't know 25 seconds maybe seconds 30 seconds yeah I've amount of time yeah even shorter I thought maybe around here so as you were saying when you felt that significant earthquake out west I mean how does it compare from what you experiencing this morning okay once I saw those plants all my H all my hanging plants swinging back and forth that's where it clicked in because Mary for me I was Far Far from the epicenter uh again I'm in Santa Monica um the earthquake was in Northridge south of Los Angeles so I mean that's a long way I'm I'm north of LA and east of LA but it was the same sensation the whole house is shaking there's a sound to it and and the plants were SW the hang my hanging plants were swinging I don't know it was a similar experience for me I will tell you now that I've experienced two earthquakes in my life and then on Monday total solar eclipse we're gonna freak everybody out here Lonnie yeah it's okay when this happens the first thing I do I send our producer Lane stone stone a a text right and then as I'm on my my text it's lighting up it's lighting up I've got all of these eclipsed text lines right now and it's I've been overwhelmed with Eclipse questions and Eclipse stuff this was all earthquake from people all over this area I have one from okay and I I don't I don't know if this person was in Long Island but I know the person is a Long Island resident I have an email from them saying we just felt it yeah look that and was was re not in Long Island or or in in putam Valley I don't know yeah long stretch of area so when we look at the last worst earthquake that we've had we're talking about a 4.8 magnitude but uh uh 5.9 back in 1944 would have been the worst uh that New York has experienced and that was 80 years ago so here we are uh and looking at this now a 4.8 and it's still uh quite significant um when we're comparing it to other ones that we've had in the past without a doubt I mean it like I said we've had a lot of little ones I've covered a bunch of 17s and things like that and it's and you're sort of searching we we are using our news Outlet to find people who have a story who felt something this people are flooding to me I can only imagine what's happening right now at the TV station but again I was sound asleep I work late nights right I was sound asleep woke me up a Rio where's my dog my dog was going nuts and uh and that's when you know John you bring up the eclipse I'm like all right like the gods are angry no no let's not connect those dots just yet so Lonnie what we're going to do now is we're going to head to New Jersey because we are hearing about reports there as well and uh we're going from Connecticut we've heard from Long Island now let's get to Natalie dudr and she is in Hillsdale and Natalie did you feel it hey Mary we're actually in Hillside we're at the Community Food Bank of New Jersey we were in the middle of an interview about a packathon that's happening here and then the camera started to shake Al Lesnar who is behind the camera right now was like is that is that an earthquake happening so I just want to bring you in because I was in the middle of an interview with Adam here so Adam what were you thinking you know I had a spinal cord injury so my legs always Shake all the time but when I looked around I saw other people kind of shaking a little bit I said what's going on but I didn't feel it too much but I just kind of assumed it was just me being me shaking around and we've got I don't know if you can see but there's kind of a party at this packathon going on behind us so we actually just thought that there was so much action and activity and boxes and food moving that that's what we thought it was yeah and then I started I felt my phone buzzing when we were talking I live in South Jersey about an hour and a half away from here when I looked at my phone my wife said are you okay I had no idea what was going on but she felt it all the way down there in South Jersey wow so she felt it too and so did so Wendy right next to you here was actually recording our interview on her phone and then what did you say in feel well I was videoing Adam I was like okay my phone shouldn't be shaking the ground I've been here a lot and I we're moving a lot of food but is that this much food that could move this place but it was really crazy right we thought maybe there was a huge delivery truck coming by or something like that no idea and then all of a sudden we realized well when I looked at Allan and I realized he's looking around he's like there was an earthquake I was like oh my God and then what about your phone has also you've been getting a lot of text messages I had like 50 text messages after we finished interviewing and I I realized yes everyone felt it everywhere and then meanwhile Jay and we've got a whole line of people here who experienced it he was also standing by and saw the building the pipes kind of shaking describe what you saw yeah you know the ground started shaking but I was thinking the same thing is there a truck or is there something going on in the warehouse and then you could see the pipes in the warehouse shaking and swaying back and forth um it was kind of unreal um and my wife had texted me and she had said that it her our house was shaking for like 10 to 20 seconds so while this it was short for us it was way longer for her for her um and my kids wow yeah and I guess I just was standing here just thinking this is the usual activity here because so much food is moving at the food bank and we also added Justin to our lineup of of witnesses here of this earthquake uh what about you what did you see and feel I I honestly thought it was just like a fork Cliff that hit something cuz I was on the phone with my partner at work and he said all of a sudden the building started to shake I looked around everyone was freaking out so it's kind of crazy well it was a certainly experience that all of us felt over here and uh that just describes the kind of action that's happening here at the food bank that this is the kind of of mov that we've been experiencing over here so we were actually just saying they've got the 24-hour packathon shirts and now they're going to have to update them to they we survived the 2024 earthquake packathon t-shirts we'll send it back to you from Hillside New Jersey Mary I mean did anything cuz I know at the food bank they stack everything so high did did anything fall was there any any damage or anything there that's actually a good question John John Elliot's just asking us if anything fell but I don't think it was that big of a rumble here that we didn't experience any any cans or food and you can see I don't know if Al can zoom in behind everybody here but there is a lot of production I mean we have to plug this while we are out here because we are going to be live on this later that we are asking for donations over here so you can see they're all working hard back there but you can also see John because it is active and it is a party you could see why we would think that the ground was just moving because of all of the activity here at the food bake but as John was mentioning I mean impressive that nothing even came off the table because if anything would have been damaged it certainly would have been there so that is really good to see and thanks so much Natalie for keeping us updated and talking to all those folks glad everybody is okay and no damages but again we had this rare earthquake rattling New York City this morning it happened around 10:23 the US Geological Survey estimating The Quay had a magnitude of 4.8 and it the epicenter was about 20 mil north of North planfield so we're continuing to follow all of that and the governor hoko saying that she is assessing any damage reports that are coming in but 911 being flooded with calls of course people feeling this right now we are going to be joined by Dr Gary Small he is the head of Psychiatry at hackensac University Medical Center We Appreciate You doctor for talking with us I'm glad to be here thank you this is definitely a time that people are going to feel anxious certainly now you're originally from California so you've experienced earthquakes before tell us what do you think people need to know even at this hour let me let me say this first of all I didn't experience this earthquake just now because I was in the car so everybody's experience will differ depending on where they're coming from where they were their past their present so someone with a pre-existing anxiety disorder PTSD an experience like this could be quite unsettling I've been listening to the commentary right now and I don't hear a lot lot of fear and anxiety I hear energy and excitement which I think is a sense of relief because in the moment when the earth starts shaking there's a tremendous sense of insecurity you've lost control and you don't know what's going to happen next and that's the other issue when there's a big earthquake you have these aftershocks and and people are in a heightened state of anxiety and they get quite rattled as a result I can tell you that I was in California during the North rdge earthquake you know that was quite a bit bigger it was 6.7 and that was terrifying I mean we were lucky that we had no real damage in the house but most of the damage is when we opened up cabinets and things flew out but I think it it can be a very unsettling experience so particular people who are prone to being sensitive to stress and turmoil uh this is a tough time for them and doctor as we continue to to talk to you and we thank you so much for giving us that Insight we want to just tell you that the MTA is saying that there had been no impact on its service but the teams are expecting the train lines we want to give you that update as well but right now the deputy mayor in New York City saying that they do not have any major impacts in the city from these uh Tremors and this Quake of 4.8 let's get right now out to Steve overmire this is an important Day at Yankee Stadium John right oh my gosh Steve did you feel it what's going on at the stadium and AD yeah out here at Yankee Stadium this is uh this is supposed to be the well this is going to be the home opener but it certainly kind of changed the tone a little bit uh for the home opener here for the Yankees um the Quake was felt by some people here at Yankee Stadium but not all uh I was actually in the tunnel and I didn't feel the the earthquake at all but when I stepped out here a lot of the photographers said that their cameras were shaking for about 15 seconds and they thought it was an earthquake and talking to a couple of the the Blue Jays players they were in their Clubhouse and they said it felt like it was a train going overhead they just assumed that it was just a Subway because they weren't familiar with that feeling uh but in talking with a couple of the Yankees some of the Yankees players who were out on the field maybe because they were running around Fielding balls didn't feel a thing but other guys who were standing still said that they absolutely felt it and uh you know it kind of concerned them a little bit but there's no damage here at Yankee Stadium all is well uh everything seems to be on Pace for what is going to be the the opening of uh of Yankee Stadium for the season in all places at all time but is there a big party going on in the parking lot right now aren't they opening it up uh right around now I wonder if people out there felt yeah that's a good question I I haven't been outside since this has taken place so I haven't had a chance to chat with anybody out there we do have a couple of crews out there that could but nonetheless uh inside it's kind of like this little mixed bag I guess of people who actually felt it and some who didn't I think that some people might have just thought that it was it was part of the pregame ceremonies that they were getting ready for you know so you just never know what you might expect here at Yankee Stadium and Steve we're hearing that the FDNY and nyp PD both reporting that there are no immediate reports of d D but of course both agencies are looking into any situations that may arise everyone recommended not to call 911 unless it is an absolute emergency and Steve you know we're close to opening day at Yankee Stadium and as you said there's going to be a lot of talk about the rumbling and the shaking this morning certainly yes uh without a doubt I mean the pp circumstance of the day is about to set the tone uh the bunting is on the grand stand we are getting ready for um the opening of the Season here in the Bronx and I think Yankees fans have a ton to be excited about especially after that 6-1 start on the road and now they bring that uh home to the Bronx I think there's just like a a different feeling in this clubhouse right now at the Yankees um in in years past there's been this this feeling of all right if you're just following us uh we are following breaking news the United States Geological Survey says that the Northeast has been hit by a a 4.8 magnitude earthquake pretty big it's I mean 4.8 is not nothing yeah uh so they report that the epicenter is uh is White House station in central New Jersey okay we thought it was Lebanon White House station in central New Jersey uh but the shaking could be felt in parts of New York New Jersey Pennsylvania my friends in Philly asking about Connecticut as well across the Northeast my sister and Rochester uh are saying that they felt it if you just happen to look uh at in our internal email producers and reporters at CBS news from across the Northeast are all weighing in and saying you know what they felt we felt it here we felt it here in The Newsroom uh and our Chris Van Cleave our transportation correspondent is going to join us now on the telephone he's in Maryland where recovery and cleanup efforts are continuing after the bridge uh in Baltimore yeah after that bridge collapse in Baltimore but but uh Chris let's talk about this earthquake um give us an update what you're hearing from sources as it relates to Transportation uh in the Northeast specifically airports uh and Railway yeah well New Jersey Transit says they're subject systemwide up to about 20 minute delays in both directions as they're doing Bridge inspections following the earthquake uh Newark Airport JFK Airport have ground stops in effect I don't expect that to be a terribly long lasting ground stop but um you know the New York City airports are going to want to do some inspection c s one to make sure the buildings are structurally found and two that there's no debris out on the tarmac or the runway you know we saw a couple of weeks ago what happened when a United Jet inest Engine ingested bubble wrap remember we had that fire coming out of the the engine there that made made headlines so you can imagine if bubble wrap can do that what a piece of concrete or pavement might do to a jet engine so uh it's not uncommon after an earthquake for an airport to to pause operations to make sure the runway and the taxiways are intact to make sure the buildings are structurally sound uh before they resume operations uh out of an abundance of caution um you know the the good news here you're talking about a 4.8 earthquake um that's certainly going to get people's attention but tends to not be one that drives uh you know substantial damage um but you know that that also can um uh you know that also can depend a bit on um on where it was epicenter and whatnot um so right now we're seeing you're going to see some travel disruptions getting in and out of New York uh at out of the airports New Jersey Transit is doing Bridge inspections those are the types of things that you would expect to happen after an earthquake like this where um they just want to make sure that things are structurally sound that it's okay to continue operating safely yeah you know it makes a lot of sense initially when we felt it you know it just sort of felt like a a train almost going past and I thought it was lower yeah we we first felt it rumbling and we thought that's weird and we looked at each other it went on too long and then you started to look up at the lights and they were kind of moving and I realized we both it at the same moment like are we feeling an earthquake and I was like this is an earthquake you know did you feel it in Baltimore Chris you know there are reports of people feeling it I'm sitting in uh in a car right now waiting for uh for the for the president's arrival so we're at sort of out outside of the closed area I didn't feel it in a car I can look at the USGS Shake map and there are people in this area that reported feeling it um people as far south as Washington DC reported feeling it I was in Washington for the DC earthquake which was you know similar strength and you know you certainly if you're near the epicenter uh of of this earthquake you're going to feel it you're going to hear it uh it might sound like a like a truck backing up or uh a rumble of a of a train track Northridge uh when I was a kid I remember that sounded like a freight train barreling at the house um so you're going to hear it in a lot of cases before you feel it um but there were some reports here in this area uh that did feel the shaking yeah one of our uh so it's interesting uh we were Amar and I were in the studio studio 57 we we certainly felt it but one of our crew members was on a break outside and came back and said what are you guys talking about he didn't feel it Outdoors at all so I think if you were working out if you're in New York City and you happen to be working outside or you happen to be walking outside or maybe even in the subway you might not have felt it because 4 8 in Jersey it may not have actually registered the same here in New York City glad if I can jump in for a second interrupt you here we just heard from the FAA um the FAA says that this 4.8 magnitude earthquake in New Jersey may continue to impact some air traffic control facilities in New York New Jersey Philadelphia and Baltimore air traffic operations are resuming as quickly as possible and of course we're tracking uh tracking those delays um you know if you're in an air air traffic control tower the the Loria Tower is 233 ft tall you're going to want to make sure that's structurally sound before you keep people in it so that sort of assessment is happening uh at ATC facilities and at the airports so for some period of time today we're going to see some delays in and out of the Northeast out of an abundance of caution what the situation that should start to taper as the day goes on Philadelphia too because just you know what you're mentioning um Chris are a lot of hubs and so if we're talking about hubs being affected there could be a ripple effect so even if you're not in the Northeast and you're traveling today you might and of course Chris knows better than me but you might just want to keep track of your flight ironically uh I am texting with a college friend of mine who happens to be a pilot who is flying into New York City uh as as he's you know flying in right now and he saying that uh he's hearing that there is some delay um I think he's flying into to LaGuardia and I just texted him and I said what are you hearing um so far he I mean he's flying in from Florida so I don't know Chris what happens when you're in the air um and those delays start to accumulate um do planes come in or do they get you know do they have to circle around I mean he right now he's thinking that it's okay but who knows yeah so typically what you're going to do the the airport can can get an operations vehicle out on the runway pretty quickly uh and they'll assess the condition of the runway uh and they may pause traffic for some period of time while there are people operating on the runway and that's basically you're going to drive up and down the runway and make sure it's clear of debris um and then that then you would want to resume your arrivals um you know planes have more fuel on board than they need to make the trip so it is certainly possible that some flights will Circle for a bit they would call that you know put put them into like a delay pattern where they sort of circle the airport we we've all sort of been on one of those flights I think where uh you're doing you're doing loops around the airport for some period of time usually due to weather uh so you may see some of that uh they'll look to get the planes that are in the air and and arriving on the ground first um looks like that uh JFK and Newark are primarily um they're going to they'll look to hold departures um before they leave their their the originating airport so if you're flying from portt Lauderdale in the next half hour for example you may end up seeing a delay just because they don't want to put the plane in the air until they know it can land uh they'll get the planes that are in the air on the ground safely typically uh you know it doesn't sound like this going to be something where they're going to be diverting a lot of airplanes and whatnot and then they may hold flights at the gates in Newark and JFK just until they make sure that everything is safe to Opera and just uh to let everyone know uh the mayor of New York City uh mayor Adams he's going to be holding a press briefing at noon and uh just getting an up dat uh about the Holland Tunnel here in New York uh early inspection at the H Holland Tunnel uh to New Jersey is clear all lanes are open which is good because there's a lot of train traffic that goes in and out there um so yeah yeah um I the and Chris you may not have seen this because you're awaiting uh President Biden's arrival uh but uh there was a very sort of cute and humorous tweet from the people who run the Empire State Building Twitter account uh it said in all caps we are okay uh all right Chris we're going to let you uh get back to the business of hand which is of course awaiting President Biden's arrival uh where he is there to assess uh the uh recovery and the Damage uh control that is happening in terms of rebuilding that bridge reopening the ports of Baltimore so we'll let you get to that thank you very much for spending hey Vlad real quick it looks like that the the ground stop at JFK is being lifted so you're looking at a ground stop still at Newark um that's what I mean these things will we'll we'll taper here as we go on and and and so texted he's in the air already so everybody who's in the air is still as of now he says still heading to Loria so we'll see what happens hopefully it all works out thanks a lot ch ch thank you very much my friend sure thing all right let's go to arrol Barnett uh who is also joining us uh on the telephone he's in Brooklyn so Errol we were saying as much as we love you we we thought well we can report what we felt the same way that Errol can report because you're just in Brooklyn were you in were you at home were Outdoors where were you when this happened yeah this is interesting Vlad and amarie this is the type of earthquake that has a lot of people saying the same kind of expression what the heck was that and so while yes I felt the earthquake while at home here in Brooklyn my wife actually I was in the home office she was working from the living room ran into me and said what the heck was that did you feel that and I've I've listened to both of you kind of describe it as well geez at a 4.8 magnitude which this preliminary level the USGS now is saying was the strength it almost feels like heavy traffic moving right next to you and you know we're in a populated part of Brooklyn so I dismissed it but when she ran in she said I felt the room shake the couch is moving all over the place and for her it was a lamp on the table she said and I could see the lamp moving back and forth as I was running out um to join you live I'm at the Brooklyn Bridge at the moment if you guys see the live shot um perhaps you'll be able to see where I am but it is very much life as normal with tourists here I was speaking with the conier of my building and she was kind of Giddy and giggling and speaking about how she was questioning how long it would last so it's the type of thing that I don't think frightened people but it was strong enough to be felt throughout Brooklyn you guys have mentioned our colleagu saying they felt it as far as Pennsylvania some people in New Hampshire that felt this Quake um so for many people here in Brooklyn it just was a surprise everyone's asking what the heck was that and Quakes do happen in this region of the country just not very frequently so I felt it we all felt the world move for a moment but you know tourists are still walking around Brooklyn Bridge Park and uh life is certainly continuing as normal but a bit of a blip I know what the heck was that well I think yeah I think one of the things that's interesting if we because what we're going to hear over the next you know 12 to 24 hours is everybody talking about where they were and what they felt right but I suspect and I was just texting with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law who live out in the Bay Area in California and if you are in a part of the country where aftershocks or small earthquakes are common place everybody it's it's a normal thing it's a normal part of life in New York City although it's not uh it's not common it's not unprecedented to have earthquakes I mean Chris Van Cleave mentioned the earthquake uh that some experienced a few years back in Washington DC so I think why the New York media here us at CBS News we're talking about it um even though so far there's been no damage reported other than delays in in transportation everything seems to be okay um it's that we're not used to this this is not common so even for some of us who have have experienced real earthquakes even I for the first 10 seconds I was looking at you like what is that you know what that and then all of a sudden when it kept going I was like this my first thought was it's some kind of a truck my second thought was there's some kind of Nefarious act happening I did think for a second there's something going on that's not normal and then within 10 or 12 seconds I thought this is an earthquake and then I was like my flight or fight like kicked in and I was like am I going to head out the door because what I was saying to amarie when I was in Haiti um in the day after the earthquake the big earthquake in 2010 you felt aftershocks exactly like that and you knew because the buildings there are not sturdy that you had to get out and so every time that happened and that would happen several times throughout the day and night you'd race for the door and try to get outside especially you know given the destruction that you saw in the actual earthquake so that was my first thing I'm like I'm getting out of here no well I can imagine if you have actually experienced an earthquake or experienced what you've experienced this could be very unnerving for me it was sort of a curiosity but can totally get why you know you would be out of the building and I would be still in here looking up at the ceiling Wonder things are shaking yeah right right and if I could also mention just consider is what I'm where my thought process goes to now because this is the most densely populated part of the entire country we have so many of the world's largest Health Systems here if a hospital surgery room and I'm sure hospitals are for fortified against major Quakes but if you're in the middle of a very special sensitive surgery or a medical procedure and the room moves um you know strongly enough for a lamp to shakee you know and again you know all of us saying our fight and flight jumps in it was just a bit of a moment that I think we should wait to hear back from hospitals as well and health facilities just to make sure it may take time to realize what that jolt really did in the short term it kind of unnerved all of us everyone seems fine but this all just happened what in the past hour yeah um so if you are tuning in um and you didn't actually feel it yourself there was an earthquake here in the Northeast it was uh the epicenter was in central New Jersey uh which means it was felt in New Jersey in New York in Connecticut in uh Pennsylvania um it was 4.8 magnitude which is not something to sneeze at here in the studio it felt like a a low sort of Rumble like a subway train passing by but I I will say Arrow and Amar um you know I'm reading here some of these statements from political leaders uh across the tri-state area uh and I'm reading this one from Governor Murphy uh Governor Phil Murphy uh where he says uh our region just experienced an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.7 with an epicenter and at the end he says please do not call 911 unless you have an actual emergency so here in New York we have 311 right and people call1 in Philly so people call 311 like when they hear a cat outside their window so I can only imagine1 people want to quit exactly 311 people I I feel for them because they're probably fing a lot of calls and some look if you don't if you're not watching the news or you're not watching CBS News streaming uh on your apps or wherever you stream your news you might be wondering what the heck is going on your first thought is let me call 311 but uh we should point out that so far all the statements from governor hok governor Shapiro Governor Murphy uh the New York City mayor's office New Jersey train it is that while they're assessing uh it does not appear that any significant damage uh has has yet occurred at least as far as the assessment which is ongoing is going on so folks uh if you can don't call 911 don't call 311 unless you really have an actual emergency which is the message from our political leaders and and just sort of remind people that if you are traveling today though your travel may be impacted if you're flying out there had been some ground stoppages at some of the area airports I think one has been lifted I'm not sure about the status of uh the other one right now but you may want to just uh you know check your emails or check your text messages for updates on your flights and uh so yeah so we're going to keep following uh this I mean I think as I said uh this ultimately until we start to hear until public officials like the governor like the mayor get in front of a camera yeah the mayor should be in front of a camera in about 30 minutes or so okay so we're expecting uh mayor Adams New York city mayor Adams to uh uh at least deliver some remarks on on uh the assessment that is ongoing now due to this 4.8 magnitude earthquake that uh has hit the Northeast uh that uh a lot of what we're going to be telling our viewers is what happened and getting a reaction from people who may have felt uh this this earthquake I would love it though if we could find an expert on earthquakes to talk to because I am really curious about why it is that some people felt it and some people didn't who were you know just feet from each other right and and the other question of course is for many people who may not understand that while earthquakes in New York are rare they are not unprecedented what it is about where we are this the actual geological circumstances of New York City because the the notion is always that New York City is on this like solid Bedrock right that goes all the way down unlike the West Coast which is on a fault line and so somebody might be wondering what are the geological circumstances that would lead us to feel an earthquake um given given where we're situated yes totally so uh Errol I don't know if you're still there uh we're gonna yes no I can hear you both and just you know as you guys are are mentioning this just happened so we're trying to share what we know in the immediate sense but it'll be important to hear from the mayor here at newon life appear is I'm out on the streets of Brooklyn lots of tourists still taking their pictures cars and vehicles still moving and I don't hear an overabundance of emergency sirens and signals which would tell you wow you know there's a lot of emergencies around I don't hear that so at least we're reporting and being transparent with viewers in real time that yes this happened things seem fine now let's wait and see what officials say and what hospitals report um I'm just looking at the USGS website there's a 46% probability of a magnitude threo larger Aftershock within a week of what we've just experienced so those are from some of the experts as you guys discussed in Need for experts to chat about this so yeah it's good for folks to be alert to perhaps not do anything sensitive in the next few moments and we'll share with you what we know in real time all right Erol that says something if you're not hearing Sirens because you're always hearing sirens in New York it is the Symphony of New York all right uh arrol thank you so much we're going to take everybody back to CBS New York now for more coverage of this earthquake how much of the strain has been relieved by uh the operating p uh but as I said this is a very small a so um we may not see significant results on those satellite images it's at 4.8 magnitude and dror while we continue to talk to you we just wanted to show some video that we just have Into The Newsroom while we're discussing all of this this is from inside the United Nations a security council meeting was underway when the earthquake hit and there was some shaking that was happening it was caught on video we're going to take a look at some of this as we continue to talk to you so here we are we're inside the United Nations security council meeting and we want to see the Expressions on their face everybody says what in the world's going on I don't see a whole lot of Shak there just some vibrations there that we are taking a look at I did see some movement uh not Extreme as we were looking at but you see a little bit of that compare that though to the the video out of the Taiwan television station that was on when that 7.8 hit that I mean look at the difference look at the the the magnitude of difference but that is interesting I wonder what they were thinking about when that hit of course I mean that was the big question and Doctor we were talking to um our Dan Rice who said he got out of his house because he was so concerned I mean is that what you would suggest people do I'm sorry I didn't hear the last question to to go outside or if you're inside a house or a building and you feel shaking I mean what would you advise people to do um the same thing that I was being trained since I was raised in Greece in a high tectonic active area is to stay calm stay far away from Windows because break far away from walls because they also break and stay uh under a table close to one of the four legs of the table not at the center of the table always at the edges of the table and being under the shade of of the table so to be protected by any heavy object that may fall uh on you uh you we shouldn't run we should uh wait and depending of the situation um some people they run that is true but most of the people they get injured because you cannot run when the ground shakes that's right that's right doctor this is such good information we also have some uh video from aoria Queen someone captured the shaking inside their apartment and we saw a bar cart you know really shaking as the Tremors were being felt throughout the the city of course um as we take a look at it here you know it's interesting because some people were saying it felt like a train was going by when you were talking to Maurice du wasn't he saying he thought a train was going by but he doesn't have a train line right next to to his place so there you go I mean I think that is a real good I mean that's it that's what we were feeling that you know that shaking that vibration it didn't last long but we all knew something wrong was going on yes it is hard to capture video I was in an earthquake in San Diego once and I thought well the best place to show it and it lasted a long time went to the pool and you could see there were waves in the pool so it it's interesting how it would manifest that was pretty smart to just get a picture of that and to hear that and that also uh kind of reinforces this 20 second duration certainly let's give some Transit updates now for you air trains at Newark and JFK they are suspended until all of the inspections are compl completed and the MTA is checking all bridges and tunnels for any damage the NYPD chief of Transit says there are currently no reports of any damage or service disruptions in the NYC transit system they continue of course survey all the lines and the stations and of course we will keep you update on any of the ports we're receiving from the MTA I mean they do have to check all that stuff but I mean they've got how many I hope they're checking the the that that's a big job to get all that stuff checked well here's what we know from uh NJ Transit there are systemwide delays and this is in all directions as the bridges are being inspected Newark light rail service and riverline Light Rail service both suspended systemwide due to track inspections you know we were talking to the doctor and we were showing those pictures of just that one little crack in the wall and so you can understand how they're going to take have to take every precaution to make sure that all the lines are safe that everything is secure there it is and and we've heard a number of reports of people seeing this and and you think about what that's going to mean for all of these agencies to make sure they're not seeing anything that was due to this 4.8 magnitude earthquake it was felt throughout the tri-state area and it happened just about 10:20 this morning and that homeowner now has got to that's got to be fixed that's yeah that's for sure you know what's going on is it's a big day at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx were feeling it there too and Steve overmire he is in Yankee Stadium as everybody the players are out there getting ready but boy there was a lot of drama for all of us this morning Steve yeah it was it was really more like a lot of confusion it was like did you feel that no there somebody there were people that were standing next to one another where one person actually felt the the trimmer and then 5 fet away uh the next person didn't feel the trimmer it was a it was a little weird but yes now uh the stadium is starting to fill up with fans as they're getting ready for uh the 105 home opener here at Yankee Stadium uh in talking with a couple of the uh the Toronto Blue Jays they said that they felt it in the clubhouse um but they thought that it was just train going overhead they had no idea but then um in talking with Vladimir Guerrero Jr uh one of the players with the uh uh Blue Jays uh said he was born in the Dominican and they had earthquakes there all the time so it was not uncommon he said he didn't feel hardly anything but at the same time you know he likely wouldn't feel a 4.6 uh but still it he did recount one of um you know one of his most harrowing accounts when he was in the Dominican when he was said that he's been on a 10th floor building when there was an earthquake that was so bad that it ruined the stairs and they had to take a series of ladders to get out of the building so he knows what how dangerous an earthquake can be that obviously was not the danger that we saw here stadium in fact in talking with one of the coaches and the players it was a mixed bag as to who felt it or not there were some people that said that they felt it inside what what what's the general feeling when when you hear that there was an earthquake uh I'm not feel nothing just my teammate told me I was in the gym uh do my prep and I don't feel nothing yeah some guy said that it felt like it was a train kind of going overhead you know maybe that's that's not a fair that's it's strong the stream you know but thank God we everybody's is good right now and that happened right now not not in the game situation do you feel like this is this an omen at all for the season to come maybe maybe what do you think it's said what's the message I don't know I don't know but you know it's uh it's something happen every year and good thing is not nobody hurt have you ever been in an earthquake before yeah all in the art yeah we have it's almost every month in the art yeah know but it's it's it's normal for us what's some of the scary what's the scariest experience you had with an earth uh we I had a one time in when my dad play in 2011 with the Oreos we in uh I remember we got in the 10 floor we have to take the letters because we know we can't take the elevator so you take yeah okay that was that was Vladimir Guerrera Jr talking about his experience that that he's had the past uh but yes some of the Yankees on the Yankees side of things uh it was a little bit of a mixbag as to who actually felted or not let's take a listen to what some of the Yankees had to say about it I felt something I thought right and then yeah I'm glad to hear cuz I know that I'm not going crazy now but I felt something I was standing at second base just waiting for the guys to come out and the alha do some work but I did feel something so it's weren't taking BP under this no they didn't they didn't come out they didn't come out today so but but I did feel something thanks for letting me know some of the guys said it felt like it was a train going overhead yeah something like that yeah it felt similar to that I was looking around I think trino made eye contact with me and he was signaling that something happen was happening too so I'm curious to go inside and find out a little bit more about it so on the field it wasn't felt do you know if any of the guys in the clubhouse talked about it at all first first time that I he about it so I think nobody feel it inside of the field I don't know nobody feel it thanks all right so that's kind of the feeling out here it's not uh dampen the spirit do not changed the mood um you know the crowd seems to be uh ready and excited to go for uh this home open here at Yankee Stadium especially with this as well as this team has been playing in the expectations they expect to see but uh but all is well here at Yankee Stadium guys governor hok governor hok making a statement at this time East Coast we're taking this extremely seriously and here's why uh there is always the possibility of Afters okay so all right so we're trying to figure out what's going on because right now you've been watching WCBS coverage which now we are taking you live to Governor Kathy hokel of New York who's speaking to reporters about that 4.8 magnitude earthquake that happened at about 10:30 a.m. eastern let's listen directed my emergency management team the second we received word of this to start doing damage assessments uh any life end danger and finding out whether there's any Bridges or tunnels that are compromised and so uh that was the first reaction you'll be hearing from uh the team that has been working on that I also immediately spoke to Governor Phil Murphy to offer any assistance and to find out what is happening in his state which again was the epicenter our teams have been incant communication with the mayor of New York we also spoke to the MTA to ensure the Integrity the structural Integrity of the subway system the port authority and I want to announce that right now JFK and new Yark airports are on full ground stops to assess uh any potential for After Effects and we've been in contact with the utility companies uh to make sure that the gas and electric services continue I will report that Amtrak and MTA are on full schedule no disruption there at this time been in communication with the White House they reached out to us the uh Deputy of Homeland Homeland Security advisor who's actually with President Biden right now surveying the damage in Baltimore called us and I believe they felt the effects even in Baltimore so uh it's been a very unsettling day to see the say the least but the White House offered any assistant Senator Schumer reached out offered any assistance so uh right now it's most important that we have our structural teams Out There Our engineering teams surveying our bridges our roads any area there could be a fault line that is not easily detectable to make sure that uh passengers on our rails as well as our commuters are safe assessing all state roads uh commissioner Dominguez is taking lead on that making sure our state roads are safe um major transmission lines and dams because you don't always see the effects of a small crack that actually could uh develop into a real major problem and we're also encouraging all the municipalities throughout the state of New York to assess for any structural Integrity concerns at this point uh but you know heading into an hour and a half after the effects we've not ident ified any life-threatening situations but we are certainly asking our local law enforcement and Emergency Services teams to be on guard for that as well but again we are going to be reviewing all potentially vulnerable infrastructure State sites throughout the state of New York that is critically important in the aftermath of a of an event like this now again I have a few safety tips because New Yorkers are not accustomed to having earthquakes in our state and everyone should continue to take this seriously if there is an Aftershock people are encouraged to drop and to cover and to hold on drop to the floor cover your neck and hold on to something that is sturdy take caution near any damaged buildings again we don't have reports of damaged buildings at this time it is very early in the assessment process but you know if there is an after effect please stay away from buildings that especially are highrises if you hear shifting or any noises unusual noises leave your home go outside you are safer there than in a building that could be crumbling around you inspect your home for damage check walls floors doors windows staircases and uh if you see any damage at all you may need to relocate while the event is going on again check your own gas lines and water lines to make sure that your family is safe so stay connected and informed I will say this uh especially with all the national news about what happened in Taiwan with that deadly earthquake uh just this past week I think there's a high level of anxiety around earthquakes the magnitude which Katherine Garcia and commissioner Bray will explain uh that was a 7.4 magnitude in Taiwan again we are 4.8 and they'll explain the difference but that's why we're going to continue to take this very seriously and make sure that we continue to update all New Yorkers so uh kathern Garcia our head of state operations you'll hear from first and then commissioner Jackie Bray head of Homeland Security thank you thank you Governor I want to reiterate that we have no reports of damage at this time uh and that immediately all of the infrastructure agencies activated their policies and procedures to deal with this because while highly unusual in the state of New York we do actually have fault lines uh this was significantly bigger than ones that are typically felt in the state of New York or occur and actually are not felt that is because earthquakes happen on a logarithmic scale which means that a three 3.0 is 10 times worse than a 2.0 so a 4.0 uh is 10 times easier than a 5.0 so every one of those uh makes a significant difference in what you will experience and what the damage could be um in addition we are also tracking whether or not there's any increase in hospitalizations as well as whether or not there's any increase in uh vehicle accidents that has not been reported at this time thank you commissioner bra um not much to add uh the governor and director Garcia covered it I would say we did see an overloading loading of cell circuits uh in the New York City area immediately after the event we've been in touch with AT&T Verizon and T-Mobile uh their networks are clear now and and back up and working and we have opened um the uh State's emergency Operation Center well we're at a level three uh to monitor uh impacts and reports that come in we've seen one gas leak in Rockland County uh but other than that there don't seem yet to be uh major uh infrastructure impacts but we are in touch with the counties we'll stay in touch with the counties um all day thank you let's do some on topic questions Governor has there been any contact with uh the Indian Point facility in Westchester and any concerns there oh that's part of our analysis of all uh critically important infrastructure so so yes the communication has gone out correct yeah we we we are in we're we're in constant touch with both that facility and our other facilities we're there's no damage reported at Indian Point we wouldn't expect damage um at this time and we're in touch with Westchester and I'll stay in touch with Westchester Governor can you just say what you were doing at the time that it hit with what you felt and what was going on uh no surprise to anybody here in the capital I was meeting with my senior team talking about their late night working on the budget and we were talking about how we're going to move the budget forward today so literally sat in the room next door uh people felt different degrees of movement in the room uh surprising and uh all of a sudden everybody's cell phone start lighting up and describing what it was so uh we were we were literally right here working on the budget and uh getting a a budget done that includes a uh once in a-lifetime housing package may be the only excitement event we expected this week so this was rather unanticipated you cannot plan for this there's no early warnings there's no weather uh service that can tell you an earthquake is imminent and that's why everybody was caught off guard but fortunately here in the state of New York we are masters of disasters we know how to handle this from you know unexpected snowstorm just a couple days ago everybody's anticipating massive crowds for another uh Celestial event on Monday with the total eclipse uh pathway going through large parts of our state so so my point is we're always ready uh we have planning in place all of our teams activate instantaneously and I feel very you know comfortable about that but again these are emerging situations it could be over but also there could be another effect and we have to be prepared for that and warn New Yorkers to be particularly Vigilant in the the days uh following an original earthquake Governor I assume your team has has analyzed the the Aftershock forecast what what do they show what what should we anticipate uh commissioner Bray the former head of uh one of the heads of the National Weather Service is this something you can predict no yeah yeah we don't we don't um don't predict we don't predict the aftershocks aren't predictable and so um we'll we you know obviously we'll monitor us gs's um information uh but we're not looking at these aren't forcable events Governor one more on the ground stop uh at JFK and the airports is there a timeline for how that gets we just spoke to them do they have a timeline none of that okay on the ground we we don't have a timeline yet with they're doing is uh really confirming that the air traffic control towers are safe to operate in um so as soon as we know we'll make sure that that's public information which airports were those again I'm sorry JFK and Newark not LaGuardia not LaGuardia why not LaGuardia why not LaGuardia because they've redone their they they have a more recent y like Catherine more we're getting more information but we suspect it is because they were renovated more recently uh and meet higher standards thanks everybody all right thank you very much everybody appreciate it any meeting with the legislative leaders today on the budget uh that certainly happen over the weekend you expect a deal this weekend all right you were just listening to New York Governor Kathy hokel there if you are just joining us we are continuing to follow breaking news the United States Geological Survey says that the Northeast has been hit by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake they report the epicenter is White House station in central New Jersey but shaking could be felt in parts of New York New Jersey Pennsylvania and Connecticut Dr Judith Hubbert has spent 30 years studying earthquakes around the world is currently a visiting scientist at Cornell University and joins us now uh thanks so much Judith for being with us um first of all as we sort of get our heads around what took place for many of us here in the Northeast it's the first time we've experienced something like this in this part of the world can you first of all talk about the Rarity of a quake like this on the East Coast sure um and so so most of the time when we hear about earthquakes we hear about them happening along plate boundaries which in the United States includes California Oregon Washington and Alaska but here on the East Coast people often don't re realize that there are earthquakes here as well those earthquakes are usually quite a lot smaller and quite a lot more rare and they don't happen on plate boundary faults they typically happen on very old faults that are reactivating due to large scale tectonic stresses um the earthquake that just hit in New Jersey is one of the largest that's ever hit the New York City area um so Judith I'm wondering you said that large scale tectonic stresses um to use your phrase that is something that could potentially contribute to an earthquake we don't know exactly obviously at this stage um what surrounded this event but I wonder what are those kinds of large scale tectonic stresses what does that actually mean yeah that's a good question um so so most of the time we think about you know one plate is moving past another plate and that makes a lot of sense because you have to have fractures between the two plates here we are in the middle of a plate but even when you're in the middle when plates are moving past each other on the edges that can cause stresses to transmit into the Interiors of the plates so the the stresses don't just stay on the edges the whole plate is getting squished and bumped and squeezed and that can cause stresses on these old fractures that exist inside the plate and actually the location where the earthquake happened is on a fault that we know about it's a really super old fault that probably formed about 200 million years ago when North America first split off of Africa um but it's still a fault it's still a fracture in the Earth and and so when you have these stresses being transmitted into the interior they're often going to cause slip on places where the crust is weaker so places where the crust has already broken in the past given that it is a rarity for these kinds of events to occur um here I'm thinking particularly on the island of Manhattan where you have many structures that are quite tall one has to wonder about aging infrastructure uh aging foundations and whether or not the actual land itself upon which many of these skyscrapers sit is sturdy enough to withstand this kind of magnitude uh of an earthquake and to have those buildings be relatively undamaged I don't know if that's a question you can answer um but I'm curious uh about the difference in maybe geologically the land that Manhattan is comprised of versus say out on the west coast in California where they are more um experienced with these kinds of events it's a great question um there's a a few different parts to that um first we actually tend to get um larger areas that experience shaking when earthquakes happen here on the east coast and that's because typically the rocks that we live on are older and colder and harder and so they can transmit that seismic energy more efficiently from one place to another um that efficient transmission means more people might feel the earthquake but it actually can reduce the intensity of shaking at a given location because uh when those when the shaking slows down it causes extra strong shaking in one place it amplifies the shaking but if the shaking can be transmitted through the crust then it doesn't amplify in the same way but there are issues where when people live on what's called um made land places where people expanded uh like the city limits by putting soil into the ocean those areas are especially vulnerable to earthquake shaking so I don't know exactly in Manhattan how much of the land is sort of original Hard Rock and how much of it is places where people expanded the boundaries of the city um into the ocean those areas can be more dangerous interesting and so as someone who has studied earthquakes what are the questions that you have surrounding this specific event given just how unusual it is for them to take place here so one of the the first questions I asked myself when I I heard about the earthquake and I heard about the earthquake from my my siblings who all live in the new New Jersey New York area they they said Judith what happened was that an earthquake um is what is the history of earthquakes in this region earthquake histories don't tell us enough about faults to know how big the earthquakes can get but they're a clue um and in the New Jersey New York area we have records of earthquakes that go back into the 1700s maybe the 1600s so there are some records of earthquakes of this m magnitude may be a little larger like in 1884 there was an earthquake in the New York City area um and those tell us that earthquakes have in the past reached High magnitude four low magnitude 5 in some cases up to about magnitude six uh for instance the cape an earthquake um offshore of Massachusetts but there aren't very many of them so this is really unusual uh Judith I'm so sorry you dropped out for just a moment but um for our viewers that may just be joining us now it is just before noon here on the East Coast uh and we are continuing to follow breaking news here again the United States Geological Survey says that the Northeast has been hit by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake and we are fortunate to be joined uh by Judith hubard who has spent 30 years combined uh studying earthquakes around the world currently is a visiting scientist at Cornell University and Judith we are um as as we are watching this shot of Manhattan here we should let our viewers know we are also currently keeping an eye uh on a picture of where we expect New York city mayor Eric Adams to speak at any moment so when that happens we'll of course bring that to you but just a short time ago Judith we heard from Governor Kathy hokel of New York State describing the initial assessments as they continue to try and Survey whatever type of damage or injuries may have resulted uh because of this earthquake and as of now we have not received uh word of anything particularly extensive uh but if you could give us a sense Judith of the context when we talk about 4.8 magnitude can you give us a sense of perspective how large is that in comparison to other major Quakes in recent history sure a magnitude 4.8 is not that large it's large enough to cause um moderate shaking near the epicenter low levels of shaking further away some of the shaking reports for this earthquake come from a th000 kilometers away that's maybe 600 miles so that's that's really far but the shaking intensities were were relatively low um in comparison there was just an earthquake in Taiwan a magnitude 7.4 a 7.4 releases about 8,000 times as much energy as a magnitude 4.8 um so so it's a clearly a much larger event than than the recent magnitude 4.8 one thing that people will probably be um need to watch for now is aftershocks of this earthquake the magnitude of aftershocks depends on sort of the the magnitude of the original earthquake but the USGS does put out a forecast for aftershocks and it's saying that most likely aftershocks will stay below magnitude 4 but there is a chance of Earth of aftershocks above magnitude 4 over the next year a chance an 8% chance of aftershocks above magnitude 5 which is actually bigger than the original event and even a 1% chance of a magnitude six in the next year so the earthquake causes a stress change in the crust and that can cause other earthquakes to occur on nearby faults really interesting to hear that because we also heard governor hokel in fact warn folks that aftershocks were a possibility and that if they were felt that they should essentially brace themselves and protect themselves uh in the event that there were aftershocks uh I I if you could uh Judith explain for viewers as well um you know what is happening during an Aftershock if one were to occur you know people may wonder is this the buildup is this something that uh signals potentially something more intense to come or what what geologically speaking is an Aftershock so we use different words we use words like for shock main shock Aftershock all of these shocks are just earthquakes there is no physical difference between a main shock and an Aftershock it's just another earthquake but we call them aftershocks because we know that after a large earthquake or even a moderate earthquake that it causes this change in the stresses on the faults and so we typically see more earthquakes after the first one um sometimes in in unusual cases you'll have an earthquake that causes a stress change on another fault and then that fault has a bigger earthquake and then we rename the first earthquake a force shock because it happened before the biggest earthquake so there is a chance that this could be a fores shock but nobody had been able to come up with a way to distinguish whether a small earthquake is a fores shock or not so that's not something anybody can predict um we just know that there is an elevated risk of earthquakes now because the first earthquake happened um and so people should be alert to the possibility they should learn what to do in an earthquake um they should look around their home and see are there things that are earthquake hazards things that could fall down are there are there hot water heaters you know stable all those things are are basic good practices for for being ready in case there is an earthquake some very good advice Dr Judith hubard thank you so much for sharing your Insight and expertise with us we really appreciate it especially at this time thank you let's turn now to CBS News senior Transportation correspondent Chris Van Cleave who has been following this for us as well uh Chris I know you are in Baltimore awaiting President Biden's uh arrival and visit there but uh let's talk about what we know as you've been monitoring the airports and the other sort of infrastructure and transportation hubs in this area here in the tri- state area what do we know about the airports at this moment well New York airport still has a ground stop for many flights in effect and we know from United and Delta that they've had a hand handful of diversions Delta had one flight divert that was heading to Newark um United tells us that they've had a few that diverted from nework to other airports because of this ground stop um now some of that is simply because the airport needs uh some time to check the condition of the runways the the tarmac uh and the buildings that kind of thing to make sure that things are structurally sound but also that there's no debris anywhere that could get kicked up and ingested into a plane engine uh that would be very bad so we saw ground stops at both JFK and Newark and some delays at lagoria because of this uh Newark remains uh with a ground stop for many flights coming in New Jersey Transit has said that they're uh expecting 20 minute or so delays both directions as they're doing Bridge inspections following the earthquake these are the kind of uh abundance of caution maneuvers you would expect uh because you want to make sure that the infrastructure is safe to go over after an earthquake even if it was a relatively small one uh the airlines look at what's going on right now is probably pretty manageable obviously the longer that nework stays in a ground stop the more delays that will impact uh but right now this should be a relatively limited uh ground stop we think based on uh what we saw at JFK provided there's no damage or anything and so far there are no reports of that United Airlines telling us they have no reports of any injuries to their employees or customers uh Delta also telling us no reports of any injuries um one uh person at Delta told us that uh if felt like a large construction truck drove by so uh this was something people felt but as you just heard from the earthquake expert there it it would cause some movement but not likely to cause catastrophic damage certainly so that's the good news there and Chris um you know you're well aware the of the tunnels that lead into uh Manhattan here I wonder if there's any word about uh some of the rail systems or the uh traffic tunnels um have you had a chance to kind of Monitor and get any kind of updates regard ing the status of those uh the Holland Tunnel we saw an update that everything was uh was good in the Holland Tunnel you'd expect the Lincoln Tunnel to be checked and and uh Amtrak will certainly run uh a test train through through the tunnels uh under the Hudson for the trains as well um you know these are just sort of the standard thing you would do uh in a circumstance like this to make sure that uh that everything an abundant of abundance of caution type of thing typically underground as odd as it sounds tends to Faire better in an earthquake than above ground so uh it it seems likely that uh those tunnels will be will be okay uh but what we've seen is that that everything every the relevant Transit Agency is doing the the checks they need to do to make sure they can operate the system safely all right so you may see some delays throughout the day here I think is the bottom line but uh I it doesn't sound like this is going to be something that snowballs into uh a substantial Airline cancellation or you know a commute nightmare for folks getting home any more so than uh you would normally see on a Friday in the Tri State okay sounds good thank you very much Chris Van Cleave we appreciate it let's turn to CBS News White House reporter Bo Ericson also following the story for us he is in Baltimore covering the president's trip there uh so Bo what do we know about President Biden's um briefing on this has he been briefed how's the White House responding yes so we just found out a few minutes ago that the president was briefed on this earthquake in uh the New England area the White House Press Secretary Kar Jean Pierre said president was breached by his team and they will be in touch with local officials if they need any assistance from the federal level the president is still scheduled to come to Baltimore today to uh view the bridge record behind me um and meet with family members uh today at this event and um Bo I'm just curious if you at your position there if you felt anything there uh in Maryland as this uh you know was certainly something many of us here at the CBS broadcast Center and throughout the tri-state area here frankly were talking about was was there anything perceptible there from your Vantage Point not that I can tell we did not feel it down here in Maryland you know it's about a 2hour drive south of that New Jersey epicenter area but we didn't feel anything here so the president's trip to the area is still on schedule all right Bo Ericson Bo we appreciate the update thank you Bo let's bring int Robert Weiss now for some analysis he's a professor of natural hazards in Virginia Tech's Department of geosciences uh thanks very much for being with us uh what are the kind of immediate questions Professor that spring to mind given the Rarity of An Occurrence like this here in the Northeast yeah so the last big earthquake that occurred big IM mean 5.0 occurred 18 18 48 or 18 sorry 1884 and uh it is always interesting to me how these earthquakes are very rare and very um small and then occur in an area that is been or it's geologically very very old we're talking rocks and formations that were formed many many so sorry Professor we're going to have to interrupt because New York city mayor Eric Adams is coming to the podium very shortly we are told let's go ahead experienced a 4.8 magnitude earthquake while we are still assessing the impact of this incident we currently do not have reports of major impacts at this time our teams moved quickly to coordinate across city and state agencies and make sure that New Yorkers were safe we've brought together key leaders to provide people with more information about the earthquake and ongoing efforts so we're joined today by mayor Eric Adams Chief adviser to the mayor ingr Lewis Martin Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varick Emergency Management commissioner Zack isll Police Department commissioner Edward K kaban and senior members of the NYPD leadership FDNY commissioner Laura kavana Public Schools Chancellor David Banks Department of buildings commissioner Jimmy AO Department of Sanitation commissioner Jessica Tish Department of Transportation commissioner yodanis Rodriguez Department of Environmental Protection commissioner RIT agal mayor's office of immigrant Affairs commissioner Manny Castro housing preservation and development commissioner adula Carion mayor's office of Community Affairs commissioner Fred chman New York City Health and Hospital senior vice president and chief quality officer Dr Eric way Nicha executive VP of operations Support Services Keith Gman MTA CEO General Liber ConEd president match ketki so first I'd like to uh introduce mayor Adams thanks so much Dean Ley and I'm sure there are many questions that uh need to be answered uh all of us uh felt in some way or another uh the earthquake that hit our city around 10:23 a.m. we felt the impact of this 12.7 magnitude earthquake the epicenter was in Lebanon New Jersey about 50 miles from New York City and as you Noti this is a developing uh situation uh you always concerned about aftershocks after an earthquake but New Yorkers should go about their normal day uh First Responders are working to to make sure the city's safe and one thing we do uh so well in our city is bring together all of the agencies that are involved and our partners and other entities uh everything from the MTA uh to uh the department of buildings uh the parents who are concerned about uh their school children uh Chancellor Banks uh would be here to report on that but we say over and over again the safest place for our students uh we believe will continue to be in school at this point we do do not have any reports of major impacts to our infrastructure or injuries but of course we're still assessing the situation and we'll continue to update the public we're in touch with the White House the governor's office and local elected officials and I encourage New Yorkers to check on their loved ones to make sure that they are fine not only from the infrastructure damage but this could be a traumatic moment for individuals going through uh an earthquake and if you feel an Aftershock drop to the floor cover your head and neck and take cover under a solid uh piece of furniture next to an interior wall or in a doorway and so I want to thank the emergency staff and First Responders uh for the work to keep New Yorkers safe uh earthquakes don't happen every day in New York uh so this can be extremely traumatic the number of text call calls and inquiries uh that people uh sent out to not only our Administration but to family members checking on them uh we know how this can impact you but we're ready for the unexpected this is New York City and we respond accordingly we will continue to update New Yorkers as we get more information and I will now turn it over to uh commissioner Isco thank you sir uh thank you all so much for being here today thank you Mr Mayor thank you to my colleagues uh for their quick and Speedy response to this uh I'm pleased to report that there are currently no impact no major impacts or safety events related to this earthquake we're asking all New Yorkers to call 311 to report damage uh or any uh issues that you're having um also if you have any need for Disaster Assistance uh due to damage or anything like that please call 311 that is the best place to uh to refer those those needs if you have a life saf issue uh please use and call 911 immediately but preserve 911 for those Life Safety events uh the team acted immediately we convened an immed our emergency response teams and issued guidance to the public uh the likelihood of aftershocks remain low uh but we do remain Vigilant and we ask all New Yorkers to remain Vigilant as well uh we activated our protocols for this earthquake we immediately started coordinating with all city state federal and our Utility Partners uh public notifications were sent out both by notify NYC and our wireless emergency alert system you can hear some of the phone buzzings um in delays from that that have been issued uh as soon as it happened we convened here at New York City Emergency Management uh in order to be able to send out guidance uh we activated um as soon we convened here at n to send out our guidance for what happens during an earthquake including on the possibility of aftershocks uh we contacted our city hall and agency Commissioners as well of all of our partners at the federal and state level uh that's also includes all of our Utility Partners our transportation Partners at the MTA Port Authority uh and the airports uh while there is a low likelihood uh that there will be aftershocks uh we always want to be uh on the safe side so if you are outside during an Aftershock please move to an open area away from buildings trees and power lines uh if you are driving pull over to a safe location uh we're asking people to check in on their relatives on their loved ones uh neighbors especially the children and the uh and their uh other individuals I think that this is also an incredible time just to remind us all to make sure that we're prepared so if you are a New Yorker uh if you're visiting New York we encourage you to sign up for notify NYC this is available in 14 languages including American Sign Language over a million subscribers you can sign up by calling 311 you can call up by downloading the app or by going to notify we also encourage people to make sure that they have an emergency kit and to make sure that they know the guidance for earthquakes which as the mayor said uh to drop cover uh and to get under um Furniture sturdy furniture or uh in a doorway uh to make sure that you are safe uh please also make sure that you're checking your utilities that you know how to turn them on and off um especially if you are a property owner with that said who am I turning it over to Chancellor Banks Chancellor Banks I'll turn it over to Chancellor Banks uh for an update on the schools thank you thank you Zach thank you Mr Mayor good afternoon everyone um so the earthquake was felt um across the entire city and across many of our schools across all five burrows in fact I was at LaGuardia high school at an event um uh this morning when uh the earthquake hit I did not personally feel it but many people in the room uh felt it uh so first and foremost what's most important to understand is we want to emphasize that we've received no reports of any injury um to staff or students uh that's the most important thing and safety is our top priority in ensuring that everyone uh is safe in our schools immediately following the earthquake our teams both within New York City public schools and across the city immediately jumped into action uh we've been in close and constant communication with City Hall the office of emergency management School construction Authority and other agencies as well so at this moment there there is no indication that any of our buildings were compromised uh and our facilities staff at the school construction Authority are quickly and thoroughly inspecting buildings to ensure a safety and out of an abundance of caution we've assembled all of our building response teams as well so we've instructed all of our school principls um to continue operations and dismissal as normal we ask the school staff and families to remain calm and to model that for all of our students all of our children parents do not need to pick up their child early as a result of today's earthquake additionally all after school programs will continue as planned if conditions change our schools will commun communicate directly with families we also will post updates on our social media Pages which can be found at NYC schools want to thank all of our school staff and our facility staff for keeping our students safe during times like these their professionalism in the face of an emergency is a role model for all of our students again the top lines all of our students across the school system are safe all of our staff are safe we have no reports of any structural damage to any of our school facilities while many schools in felt in fact felt some Tremors uh from the earthquake um thank you so much thank you Chancellor next we'll hear from buildings commissioner Jimmy utto thank you deputy mayor uh let me say right at the outset that we at the department of buildings have not seen an influx of calls regarding uh building damage uh but we want all New Yorkers to know that our our team is ready we are putting on additional uh construction and Engineering professionals uh from this point on over the weekend uh so if reports do come in uh we will be ready to respond our our construction enforcement unit is out doing inspections similar similar to what we do prior to big storms there are 1.1 million buildings in the city which means we need cooperation from construction professionals we've messaged that to them but let me take this opportunity again to remind all of our construction professionals you need to go out and check on your buildings even if those sites are closed and um if and determine that the sites are secure and if you see any conditions that are Troublesome please uh reach out to the department uh this is a time for that tried and trueu saying if you see something say something so to New Yorkers we at the department of buildings are concerned about some of the downstream possibilities cracks that you might see that that may materialize a manifest in a week or a month or um scaffolding uh retaining walls if you see something that is problematic please call 311 uh this weekend we will have uh an increase in our Emergency Response Team we've mobilized our burrow operations and our special ops folks so that if our sister agency the fire department or any of our um Partners in government or the public uh report an increase in locations we are at uh the ready uh to respond thank you commissioner next we'll hear from ConEd president Matt ketki so thank you so for our Energy Delivery system energy infrastructure there were no impacts from this event um we continue to monitor them our critical energy infrastructure is continuously monitored during the course of the event we saw no change in status for our energy infrastructure um we do have um a series of protocols for after another Quake event we have initiated those those involve in inspecting our critical facilities and working through all our facilities for inspection those inspections are ongoing we haven't identified any issues um in the case of an earthquake one of the things that from the energy side we would be concerned about is the potential for gas leaks so I encourage if you smell gas either call 911 or 1875 ConEd and Report the gas leak do not assume that somebody else has reported so if you smell gas call us or call 911 immediately otherwise we'll continue our inspections and all looks good thank you thank you Matt next we'll hear from MTA CEO Jan Liber good afternoon uh thank you mayor Adams commissioner isll I want to reassure New Yorkers that the the service on the transit system all aspects of the transit system maintained continuously operating safely throughout uh the incident and has continued right to now um I've been in touch with the president of all the MTA agencies starting with Bridges and tunnels Kathy Sheridan the president of MTA Bridges and tunnels is here but also New York City Transit Long Island Railroad and Metro North initial inspections of all facilities have been completed and there are initial further inspections ongoing emphasizing that the Seven Bridges operated by MTA have been uh inspected and I want to emphasize those were designed to withstand much stronger uh seismic impacts than we experien today our Frontline staff across the system have been instructed to report any abnormality normalities there have been none uh so far flagged and of course we're going to continue to monitor the situation very very closely we have an open Communications Bridge with all of our MTA agencies to report as I said any abnormality that they encounter so far the uh the input on that has been zero um we're going to let Riders know if there are any impacts to service but there are none just as the chancellor said school system is operating fully uh so is the MTA transit system uh without disruptions caused by the earthquake I want to thank mayor Adams your entire team and also governor hok with whom I've been in touch for their leadership uh throughout this challenging moment for the city and the region thank you thank you very much uh finally we'll hear from Manny Castro from the mayor's office of immigrant Affairs for for a few words in Spanish we want to start Manuel Castro all right we have been listening to a news conference there uh we heard a moment ago from New York city mayor Eric Adams who essentially said that there were no reports of major impacts to infrastructure or injuries we then heard from a number of other officials including the school's chancellor uh essentially saying the same thing this was an event that was certainly felt across New York City but there have been no reports of injury the chancellor said to uh injury to staff or to students let's go ahead and turn now to our Errol Barnett in Brooklyn New York uh Errol I was listening earlier uh to your own account of um what it was like for you when you felt this um what else do we know about this earthquake so far well Elaine I think it's interesting now that we've heard from the governor and the mayor that the immediate headline is there doesn't appear to be any major damage or major issues as it relates to Transportation schools or people's safety but this did did just happen a few hours ago and for me personally here in uh Brooklyn you know my wife wife and I both felt this quake and at a 4.8 magnitude for me I interpreted it as a large semi TR maybe driving by our building but for her and I was moving around our place in our home office she was in the living room seated in one position and was quite shocked and came to me and said what was that that wasn't typical she saw a lamp moving back in Forth which was her key uh that that this was unusual our cameraman mentioned to me that he felt it in his home steps outside and each of the neighbors are looking at each other saying did you feel that did you feel that and everyone kind of felt this thing so you know when you consider that this is the most densely populated part of the entire United States uh with some what 20 million people in this New York City metro area the epicenters in northern New Jersey a heck of lot of a heck of a lot of a people a heck of a lot of people Alaine felt this quake and felt this movement um and I I also just shared that you know when it comes to emergency vehicles and and emergency crews and police sirens that you might hear in New York anyway there doesn't appear to be that taking place I'm at Brooklyn Bridge Park this is a tourist attraction of course because of these views and I see you know dozens of tourists going about their day taking pictures uh but for those of us who felt it it was jarring we want to make sure that the hospital systems don't report any um adverse issues as it relates to people being treated and going through special surgery and you also want to spare a thought for neurod Divergent people who might experienced this thing as some of us might Giggle and say that was strange it may have really unnerved and bothered others as well but the immediate kind of headline is that things appear to be operating as normal but um a heck of a lot of people felt the earth move uh for a number of seconds this morning no it's a really good point that you raise Errol that just the psychological impact while there may not have been any sort of physical damage or at least not yet any kind of reports of infrastructure damage or injuries that for some people this is certainly something that uh can evoke a lot of fear and we heard the local officials a moment ago talk about that we want to mention we're sort of monitoring that news conference and when mayor Adams begins to take some questions we might jump right back to that um but one of the things Errol that we heard from local officials earlier is that there could be the potential for aftershocks and they were instructing people if that happens folks should drop to the floor cover their heads and their necks take cover under a solid piece of furniture uh near a sturdy wall or doorway I'm wondering arol just in the neighborhood in the surrounding area where you are right now have you had a chance to talk to others yet I know you've literally been on the phone on the air uh with the stream since this started um I'm not sure if you've had a chance to talk to folks Beyond just the the crew and the folks in your immediate vicinity though what are people saying if anything about sort of how they're processing uh what just Place well elen I can share with you our cameraman's wife was in a building in Staten Island that was evacuated when this Quake happened so you know that it may be the case that a lot of places did move quickly to get out of buildings and I think we heard an expert um share the probability of aftershocks I was looking at the USGS website and it mentioned under the the information for this quake and also keep in mind magnitudes can change from the preliminary report to what they then go back back and and fact check uh but it shares the fact that somewhere between there's somewhere between a 40% chance that in the next week this region will experience a magnitude three or larger again not a severe uh Quake but movement that people will notice and a woman I was speaking with as I was rushing out of our building uh the concierge shared with me that you know she saw pictures on the wall shake and she was wondering how long it would last so this wasn't a brief Quake It lasted for a number of seconds and even in the past few hours I'm not sure if this is true of your phones perhaps you're seeing this as well but my phone continues to receive an alert an emergency alert warning of aftershocks to come um and so we heard from the mayor we heard from the governor there's certainly an emergency posture and response that we've seen now uh for a few moments um but in in the short sense it does appear that things to appear to be operating as normal and we all Al saw at both Newar and LaGuardia uh there were brief ground stoppages for aircraft that may create a bit of a travel hiccup for anyone coming into or through New York City in the next few hours um again the most densely populated part of the United States experienced the ground move for a number of seconds this morning and will continue to kind of measure the impact that may have in many areas all right our Errol Barnett reporting for us from Brooklyn Errol thank you so much uh let's turn back to Dr Robert Weiss uh for some analysis uh you recall I had to cut you off Professor um earlier apologies for that but uh he is a professor of natural hazards in Virginia Tech's Department of geosciences and uh Professor I wonder if you could just go back to the notion of uh how often an event of this magnitude happens in this particular part of the country how rare is this extremely rare it would take several decades between events main events to take place of that magnitude there always is a chance of smaller earth earthquake to take place uh and those earthquake most likely are not going to be felt the shaking of this earthquake is interesting because it is felt in a larger area up to the Baltimore and even the sea area people felt it as it appears but again the the design criteria for building and bridges and tunnels and infrastructure in general uh in a way that it should easily um withstand um the accelerations of the ground the shaking of the ground that generate that that are generated by the earthquakes uh shouldn't be a big problem and as you can see the the uh operations in in New York City seem to be back to normal that was going to be my question Professor when it comes to uh not just the buildings but just the infrastructure of New York City itself I'm thinking about for instance the subway system we heard from the city officials a moment ago essentially saying that their operations have continued uh uninterrupted even um as people you know start to kind of process what has taking place but that their operations continue because of the fact that as you say these tunnels these systems have been designed to withstand seismic events of Greater magnitude than this um but it does occur to me that these are aging tunnels they're aging systems can you talk a bit about the effect of something like this the wear and tear simply on a system uh even though these may have been overdesigned in a sense to to withstand these kinds of magnitude events um that it does actually have an impact does it not uh over time yeah so uh planners are different than uh like the the average person on the street we don't usually anticipate to uh encounter an earthquake right that's not on our mind but planners do they are they are working with Engineers to design those buildings in the context of where they are in in terms of natural hazards that could hit the infrastructure in this in this context of of of uh of of continuous maintenance the American Association or Society for civil engineer Ace they give scorecards for these kind of uh infrastructure aging infrastructure and I can tell you across the United States the the the the score that AC givs for General infrastructure maintenance is not a very high one but uh um events like today remind us that we do need to pay attention to th to those theer maintenance costs and actually make sure that our infrastructure functions as designed and an an older Bridge may not withstand uh earthquake an earthquake that is a little bit larger than uh what we observe today uh but in general I would say infrastructure is in good shape uh but we do need to pay attention because of every incident like today uh result in in the decrease of functionality of the infrastructure or could decrease in uh result in a decrease of functionality small cracks and so forth can really be uh something detrimental to infrastructure as they develop over time right could you talk about that a bit more Professor I'm thinking in particular of areas um that may be not part of the initial sort of Bedrock Foundation uh here in the tri-state area if there may be uh some Coastal areas for instance that have been filled in in order to um allow for development there how vulnerable would those kinds of uh areas be so so and it's actually kind of interesting to look at uh areas that are filled in with the you know soil and and are not part of the Bedrock it's actually likely that those areas haven't did not feel at all the the impact of the earthquake especially in in Greater distances from the impact from the epicenter because of the way seismic waves traveled through the ground if it is a very Solid Rock U like Crystal what we call crystallin rock that is solid and uh was generated as part of a of perhaps a magma chamber of of of a of a volano million million years ago um seismic waves travel really efficient through that area and then and then cause significant shaking but in sedimentary rocks that's not the case so the what we call dissipation of energy is much larger and therefore the effect is much lower so I would I would speculate that in coastal areas where fillings took place while there may have been shaking uh it was much less felt than in other areas that are based on solid like ground of of crystallin Rock all right well uh Professor Robert Weiss Professor we thank you very much for taking the time to uh help us understand this geological event thank you so much professor thanks for having me we want to take you now to CBS News New York which has been uh in continuing coverage of this earthquake let's go ahead and join them in progress a little bit different a little bit different when you're closer to it no question about it John and we also have video from Lebanon New Jersey and you can see a camera outside of home and yeah you see that shaking pretty rapidly and you know if you time it out some people were saying 15 seconds but some of these are are a little bit quicker than that but this was pretty close to the epicenter of the Quake uh we did hear from Dan Rice and he was saying that he really felt a significant Shake he's he's close to the center exactly some of these are a little bit shorter than that 15 to 20 seconds some people reporting up to 30 seconds so it really depended on where you lived but in Manhattan there was a bit of shaking a little bit of vibration people wondering was that a train coming by what's going on so uh boy what warning right John well I will say this and I have a little update for you and you're not going to like hearing this the USGS traditionally will not do an Aftershock forecast if it's less than magnitude five what's our magnitude Mary 4.8 so when everybody talks about that five is kind of a cut off it's a very important number so we may not get an Aftershock forecast one of the other professors we talked to said it's usually a 24-hour window but a big Quake It can be days and days and days so I don't I we don't probably will not get a forecast for aftershocks from the USGS but it's a possibility traditionally they are much smaller and with this kind of Quake we may not get any but Governor Kathy hok so concerned that she was giving out safety tips during her press conference just a little while ago and and very clear she said there are several steps you should take one of them is drop cover and hold on I mean this is really concerning uh in regard to if there is an Aftershock also you know take caution and near any damaged buildings if anything like that were to to happen and also you know if you hear any shuffling her uh advice was to leave the house that's what emergency experts say also inspect your home for any possible damage of course the gas lines that you were talking about earlier and you have to really be careful when it comes to gas lines certainly uh water lines as well now we did have a report of a gas leak in Rockland County not a major one but something certainly that's going to have to be assessed care of that's correct a long way away yeah so that fault line that we've been talking about the Ramapo fault line possibly being at fault for this so of course the USGS will be really really looking at this precisely to determine how far it was how deep it was and much more biggest one in over 100 years it's really quite incredible to think that we're experiencing this altogether millions of us and um you know we have such a big event coming up on Monday so so much is happening with the Earth for us right now but of course there is a review of any vulnerable sites across the tri-state area we were talking to the mayor of Readington Township and he felt the quake as well but also said there there was a major damage to one of the historical sites there 1760s Grist Mill and the facade Stone facade it just fell right off had shut the road down quite significant yeah that's something significant really can't can't stret add this enough you know do be diligent and check things out make sure everything is is okay yo you know we want to head out to Washington Heights we have CBS 2's John Diaz he is by the George Washington Bridge of course we've been talking about infrastructure assessment at this time so John what do you know and first of all did did you feel it you feel it good question guys yeah you're right I feel like a lot of people was like you know what's going on what was that you know when we were my cameraman Matt gloff and I we were actually we not too far away over in the Bronx we were inside a school right by an elevated subway platform right so we were talking with some teachers we were doing some interviews actually with students learning about the solar eclipse and then we all kind of felt something right but we all no one said anything and then of nowhere we all our cell phones were going off people saying hey did you feel that did you feel that there was an earthquake and we all like looked at each other like didn't you did you think that was just the subway we all thought it was just the sub way but then they started saying you know we never feel the subway in this school so we all were kind of scratching our heads like yeah that really was an earthquake so we did feel it but we weren't too sure what was going on uh then we got the news of clearly that this happened so we rushed on over here to the George W uh B the George Washington Bridge right here behind us as you could take a live look things are fully operating out here car is heading in both directions slowly right it is the George Washington Bridge so there's plenty of traffic out here but we did just hear from the mayor not too short not too long ago uh as you guys were talking about the mayor saying luckily no initial reports of any uh big damage any really damage uh they were saying that if you saw any damage they to call 311 but no major damage to any structural uh problems any buildings Bridges or really tunnels uh many of these Bridges tunnels they all were uh shut down shortly after uh this earthquake happened we did learn that uh emergency crews they headed out 5 minutes after the that earthquake happened to start doing their inspection shutting down even some air trins over at JFK as well to inspect all that different uh stuff but so far right now all the preliminary results are saying that there are no issues but they are worried though about uh the coming weekend they're saying that you know maybe some small cracks in any foundations or anything like that uh that could be some issues so they say to call 311 if you see any of that but for now reporting here live this afternoon from Washington Heights John di CBS News New York thanks John John thank you so much let's head over the bridge right now we have Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey joining us now over the phone Governor thanks so much for joining us good to be with you both thanks for having me and how is New Jersey after this this morning not a typical Friday morning for sure C but but I think I'm knocking on wood here so far so good um I agree with your colleague in terms of things getting back operational the the the reaction was Swift uh and very impressive by the likes of the Port Authority our state police uh opening up this Emergency Operations Center uh local and County officials again so far so good uh but we're not taking any for granted and we're going to expect aftershocks Etc so we're still on high alert as you can imagine you know Governor we talked to Adam Mueller who's the mayor of Readington New Jersey he said the 1760s Grist Mill had a kind of major structural damage have you heard any reports of anything like that and again that would make sense something that old could be damaged with the Quake this size you bet um we're hearing limited uh reports of damage like that um that's not to say there isn't uh structural damage on some of the particularly these as you rightfully point out the older structures but it is it at this point two plus hours into this we're hearing limited uh little to no injuries thank God good folks basically using their Common Sense which is um which is the is the is the way to be on something like this to not panic but to be but to be levelheaded and uh obviously we're going to we're going to keep keep on this uh in in the hours and days ahead and Governor where were you and and did you feel the earthquake I am at a conference out of state so I did not feel it but our son was at home in Middletown about 40 to 50 miles from the epicenter called us immediately and said I think we just had an earthquake uh and he said it lasted for sort of 15 to 20 seconds and it was significant amount of J Governor can you give us an idea of the review of vulnerable sites at this time in regard to infrastructure what is happening right now with your emergency teams well the most important uh Locust for both of that would be the port authority and and on the list of old structures would be the tunnels under the Hudson River the rail tunnels were built in 19 finished in 1911 um which is why we're building two new ones George Washington Bridge your colleague reported is back up and running NJ Transit infrastructure um the air TR I think you your colleague said at Kennedy was still not operational same thing at Newark Liberty they want to make sure the infrastructure there is sound uh in the meantime shuttle buses are being used um so then that review will go on it won't just be via the state police or the Port Authority but that'll be with local and County officials and that will be over the next many hours particularly as it relates to potential aftershocks and then for the next many days ahead of us what do you think about this Governor the last time New Jersey had a quake this big was back in 1783 I was much I was a young kid at that time it's been over a hundred years since we've had a quake like this but people need to remember that it does happen listen this is another great uh reminder who would who saw a pandemic coming four years ago um who saw an earthquake coming this morning we got to live and learn we just we just uh finished an independent assessment of our Co actions that and the assessment was over 900 Pages uh you have to live and learn from something like that and the same thing will hold true here you got to make sure we do a full postmortem uh determine where we were properly uh prepared where we weren't and make sure that we're stronger going forward was here Governor what advice to you give the folks of New Jersey at this time I mean we've been talking about you know there could be something that could happen you know a week from now whether it be cracks in your home or like we're looking at some video of cracks in the road so is there something that you want New Jersey residents to know now 2 hours plus after the earthquake it's a a great question first keep a level head secondly use common sense and if upon an eyeball inspection you see something that doesn't look right make sure somebody a professional knows about that expect that aftershocks are are part of the whole reality with an earthquake so don't be surprised uh if if there's more jostling and again use common sense I I know Governor hokel said in New York if you're feeling like you You're Something starting to jostle you don't want to be in a highrise you don't want to stand be standing next to scaffolding or a building that's common sense and that we we have less of the concentration of highrises obviously in New Jersey than New York City has but you use your head stay levelheaded don't panic and and do the do the SMART common sense-based thing New Jersey governor Phil Murphy we thank you very much for taking some time to talk to us Governor Murphy thank you very much for giving us an update we really appreciate it thank you very much and glad everyone is okay no life-threatening situation all right we have been watching uh CBS News New York and they're continuing coverage uh we heard there a moment ago from New Jersey governor Phil Murphy let's go to CBS News White House reporter Bo Ericson who is following this story for us as well he is in Baltimore covering the president trip there Bo what is the very latest uh from the Biden Administration yeah from an earthquake to a man-made disaster here in Baltimore today we are expecting the president to leave the to leave the white house shortly and on his way here he is going to have an aerial tour of that uh collapsed Francis Scott keybridge that's right over my shoulder here and it is quite a sight to see in person I have to say here he's going to be taking in the wreckage and then he will be meeting with locals officials here on the ground as well and when he gets to the site today after his remarks he's also going to meet with family members of the six construction workers who died while they were working on the bridge in the middle of the night and a white fishal says that in addition to grieving along with the family members today he's also going to express his personal gratitude and also the nation's gratitude for the hard work that these construction workers were doing in the middle of the night filling potholes a lot of uh people maybe uh think that is a thankless task but not to President Biden he's going to be mourning with those family members today after his remarks later this afternoon and Bo back now on um the earthquake wondering um what we know about uh how the president has uh been informed has he been briefed what can you tell us about that yeah we were told by the White House Press Secretary that the president was briefed on the earthquake in that New Jersey area and uh the White House team is going to be in communication uh with the governor of New Jersey there and other local officials and the federal government according to the White House Press Secretary can help out in any which way that is needed here in Baltimore which is about 2 hours drive south of uh in New York there and also New Jersey we did not feel any uh Tremors or shakes here so the president's trip is still on and he's going to be coming here within the next hour or so all right and um Bo I'm wondering just back to the the bridge collapse apologies for the back and forth here but um I know we're we're covering sort of both uh aspects of uh the president's visit there as well as the response to uh this earthquake here but on the bridge collapse I know there has been some disagreement in Washington about um Federal funding what do expect the president to ask Congress yeah it's only been 10 days since the bridge collapsed but that is the big question here today is when will the reconstruction start of the bridge and how and right after the bridge went down President Biden said that he was going to move Heaven and Earth to reconstruct this bridge and he also promise that the federal government will uh fund the entirety of the cost of the Reconstruction however uh that will require Congressional approval to do so and what we saw today from the white house they made that official ask to Congress to pass this emergency supplemental money to fund the full 100% of their Bridge reconstruction and the director of The Office of Management and budget she she said that this is consistent with previous Bridge collapses specifically that 2007 bridge collapse in Minnesota when just days after Congress came together on a bipartisan level and passed emergency funding to get the Reconstruction process going in for that Minnesota Bridge the Maryland officials here today meeting with the president the secretary Transportation Pete V judge who I saw just arrive here they are expecting Congress to do the exact same here today however it is unclear if or when that will happen all right Bo Erikson reporting from Maryland for us both thank you so much really appreciate it we want to take you back now to CBS News New York and they're continuing coverage of the earthquake that hit the Northeast let's listen it no not no no not right now no all right so so far the cats appear okay Paul you're okay yes sir okay well we're happy to report Paul and everyone's all right here but we're just going to pan back over to the home where you can see these two properties leaning on leaning against one another uh as well city workers are here assessing what's going on I also just want to point out that uh City officials arrived here to the scene uh and they tell us that newwork all City buildings including City Hall recreation centers are closed that the city is currently inspecting buildings for any potential damage of power outages uh that's all the information they had right now but again residents out here just wondering if or when they will be able to return home and again for any residents here in this area wondering what's going on buildings and inspectors they are inspecting making sure uh these homes are safe to enter as of right now they are currently not uh and again a homeless Outreach team is here to make sure everyone has a safe place to go Mary will send it back to you in The Newsroom hey Natalie can I I I really want to put you on the spot are you saying these buildings are touching are they now touching or are they just leaning hello so they are touching but again because we're going to pan back over to them because we did not previously see what they looked like you can see all of these properties are very close together so if we actually go to the house to the right of 313 I'm going to get Al to just zoom to the right where the there is a decent amount of space you know we don't know exactly how much room was previously between these buildings um so did it just sort of lean slightly to the left but if you look up you can see a little bit of of damage there at the rooftop uh so it appears to have you know shifted but again I don't want say anything beyond what city workers and officials are confirming to us here all right Natalie so that's what we seeing here at the moment yeah as we are taking look at that area courton off in nework and all of those residents evacuated at this time if you're just joining us this is a recap of what we know a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Northeast just before 10:30 this morning the US Geological Survey says the epicenter is in Readington New Jersey that's about four miles north of White House station there are some reports of damage right now we have not heard of any injuries Governor Murphy says the New Jersey state Emergency Center has been activated to respond and J Transit says they are inspecting all tracks and the MTA is checking the Integrity of subway stations all bridges and tunnels in the area are also being checked as a precaution all right you have been watching CBS News New York part of the continuing coverage of that 5.8 magnit 4.8 rather 4.8 magnitude earthquake uh that hit the tri-state area this morning um we heard from New York city mayor Eric Adams earlier today who said there were no reports of major impacts to infrastructure or injuries we are of course going to continue to follow this we'll have much more coverage of this earthquake coming up at the top of the hour stay with us you're streaming CBS News [Music] Mr President there's a lot to talk about a lot to talk about does this carrier strike group stand ready just incredible to see there's an active search and rescue operation going on 12 hours after this accident the CBS Evening News with noro o donnald I had progressed aggressively Fallen deeper into the world of online sports betting the risk is the rush what do you think is driving the spike in popularity I think it's legality if it's legal I'm going to use it there are ways to bet when you are 18 we've created an epidemic of child gambling you can't walk into a m dormatory in a college campus without sports betting happening it's America's most neglected problem I used sports betting as a way to escape when in reality I'm choosing self-destruction whatever I had left it was gone purpose of the industry is to get you to play to Extinction that means until all your money is gone stories start with the who what when and where but it's why it's important to you that matters most knowing what to ask is how you open the door to a deeper understanding see you on Prime Time streaming free everywhere an original documentary from CBS reports that desire Farm it's a wonderful place to raise your children and it still is promises broken black Americans have been the target of racism and discrimination pretty much from the time they acquired ownership in the land costing black Farmers hundreds of billions in generational wealth they did everything to make sure we were run off that land but communities are uniting to continue the fight Collective ownership is powerful to keep their land and their dreams alive to watch my children play on land that we own means everything so land is power most definitely 40 acres and a mule now streaming on the free CBS News app people with developmental disabilities were once sequestered by the hundreds of thousands in institutions many of our fellow citizens are suffering tremendously because lack of attention lack of imagination lack of adequate Manpower disability activists have since torn down barriers blocking them from living at home or in the community we conclude that title two of the Ada require states to provide community- based treatment for persons with mental disabilities but of the 16,000 people who remain in state operated institutions half are in five states and Illinois is one of them I don't want to live in the institution it makes me feel discriminated against do you think there are people living in institutions in Illinois that don't need to be living there yeah cuz they're proving it as soon as they get [Music] out CBS News 60 Minutes Sunday on [Music] CBS Mr President there's a lot to talk about a lot to talk about does this carrier strike group stand ready it's just incredible to see there's an active search and rescue operation going on 12 hours after this accident the CBS Evening News with nor [Music] odonnell hello everyone I'm elen keano we are in continuing coverage of a 4.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the northeastern us earlier today the epicenter was about 40 Mi west of New York City near Lebanon New Jersey here was New York City mayor Eric Adams earlier this afternoons questions that uh need to be answered uh all of us uh felt in some way or another uh the earthquake that hit our city around 10:23 a.m. we felt the impact of this 12.7 magnitude earthquake the epicenter was in Lebanon New Jersey about 50 miles from New York City and as you know this is a developing uh situation uh where you always concern about aftershocks after an earthquake but New Yorkers should go about their normal day uh First Responders are working to make sure the city's safe and one thing we do uh so well in our city is bring together all of the agencies that are involved and our partners in other the entities uh everything from the MTA uh to uh the department of building stents uh the parents who are concerned about uh their school children uh Chancellor Banks would be here to report on that but we say over and over again this safest place for our students uh we believe will continue to be in school at this point we do do not have any reports of major impacts to our infrastructure or injuries but of course we're still assessing the situation and we'll continue to update the public we're in touch with the White House the governor's office and local elected officials and I encourage New Yorkers to check on their loved ones to make sure that they are fine not only from the infrastructure damage but this could be a traumatic moment for individuals going through uh an earthquake and if you feel an Aftershock uh drop to the floor cover your head and neck and take cover under a solid uh piece of furniture next to an interior wall or in a doorway so I want to thank the emergency staff and First Responders uh for their work to keep New Yorkers safe uh earthquakes don't happen every day in New York uh so this can be extremely traumatic the number of text calls and inquiries uh that people uh sent out to not only our Administration but to family members checking on them uh we know how this can impact you but we're ready for the unexpected this is New York City and we respond accordingly we will continue to update New Yorkers as we get more information and I will now turn it over to uh commissioner Isco our arrol baret is in Brooklyn New York and joins us now uh arol what else do we know about this earthquake so far well Elaine as part of that press conference that we heard from the mayor and all of the city officials there are some 1.1 uh million buildings in the New York uh Metro Central area and there advising um building inspectors and people running sites under construction to go ahead and check them out um as we've reference as as a 4.8 magnitude Quake it's the type of thing that really makes the earth move for a few seconds it will feel similar to a large semi- or vehicle driving near your home um and so it's not a devastating Quake but for building sites construction areas of which there are so many around New York City um it could be the difference between a s being safe and now being unsafe um immediately after this Quake happened there are reports that some uh businesses evacuated completely for example in Staten Island um there are some 20 million people in the New York City metro area and so the number of people who were able to feel this Quake um is significant there was a brief stoppage at both LaGuardia and Newark airports for a moment this morning that has been lifted but there could be travel delays as it relates to that and that's someone someone who felt the Quake It Wasn't jarring to me uh but my wife felt the quake and she was seated in one place and she was unnerved by it because things in in our place were moving around and people have reported seeing pictures Shake seeing animals uh become upset um and and we we are still waiting to hear from all the major Hospital Systems to make sure that there were no adverse impacts on special surgeries that could have been taking place and I'm here in a part of Brooklyn Brooklyn Bridge Park which is a tourist area and I can continue to see you know dozens of people going about their days as usual uh taking pictures um and enjoying the scenery but um it was certainly alarming for a number of people here in the city in New York today Erol you mentioned a moment ago that there had been some uh periods where flights were grounded uh at a couple of the airports I'm wondering what else you might be hearing uh regarding sort of Local transportation systems I know officials spoke about that at that news conference where Eric Adams was had there been any kind of uh reports or updates on the service to Local transportation systems not as far as we know at this stage alane and that's also part of I think a positive summary we're seeing all the way from local officials here in New York when it comes to Transit education um business and the governor's office she also um said that while the state is taking this very seriously there's nothing immediate to report as far is damage but look all those reports are still coming in as we speak I can also share with you that in the past 2 hours or so you know I've seen at least three emergency alerts come through on my mobile device from local officials warning of after shocks and if you take a look at what the USGS is reporting about this Quake Not only was it felt um from Baltimore all the way up to Connecticut but there is a 45% probability that within this next week there will be another magnitude 3 U Quake or above um there's a 15% chance of a magnitude 5 or above so we're still in a space after this quite unusual Shake not completely strange that it would happen in this part of the country there is a fault line nearby but it doesn't happen that frequently um there Still Remains a danger of an Aftershock to some extent so it's important for folks to be alert and aware of that as well but the Holland Tunnel the major transit systems all to be moving um as scheduled all right Erol Barnett reporting from Brooklyn for us Erol thank you so much let's turn to John vidali now joining us he is a seismologist and the Deans professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Southern California uh Professor thanks very much for being with us so um to errol's point I'm wondering if you can give us any sense of aftershocks and the possibility now uh it is 106 here on the East Coast were a couple of hours out from when this event happened initially um how unusual how common would an Aftershock be at this point well it's pretty common I mean almost every earthquake has aftershocks it's just that most of them are small and as he said there's a good chance of Mag three Aftershock in the next day or so we usually consider aftershocks BL perhaps a week dying away you know with time after the big events there's already been a magnitude 2 about an hour after the earthquake that's all that's been recorded that I've seen um so there's a chance but you know it takes a magnitude 5 really to do much damage you know I haven't heard reports of damage from the main shock uh and so there's like a one in 20 chance of something bigger than the main shock but in fact a lot of the time when that would would have been likely but has already passed so I think very small chance of anything damag coming up in the next few days and even less after that and I wonder if Professor if you could just give us some context and some perspective here how unusual is it for an event of this magnitude to take place in this part of the country and and why might that be well you know these events are common in the west coast we have magnitude fives every year along the coast uh they do happen in the east coast but it's more like once every couple of decades um we do know of earthquakes that have happened of this size before near New York City but it's only been a couple in in the century so um it's not a shock on the other hand it is an unusual occurrence um we like to say it's a it's a reminder that you know we need to prepare in a place like New York City that rarely gets earthquakes even a little Shake can kind of test some systems and good that people are inspecting to make sure that nothing was Disturbed yeah what would be the questions that you have um maybe on that front Professor just structurally speaking you know these are inspections that are continuing to happen along Bridges in in tunnels we heard New York city mayor Eric Adams talk about at this point there does not appear to be any kind of impacts um major impacts to infrastructure certainly no injuries to speak of but over the long term um what would be the questions were concerns that you might have given that it was not a 5.0 but a 4.8 is certainly something that got a lot of lot of people's attention for sure yeah well it you know would lead people to taking more careful look at the faults in the region you know we we have geodetic instruments like your car with GPS where we can try to tell if the ground is Shifting um we always could use a more precise map of just where the faults are and how how fast the tectonic plates are shifting um you know it's far from the major boundaries in New York uh but also people can take a look at you know which places that people have built or have Amplified shaking uh you know we soft ground can inrease shaking by like a factor of two and we're always trying to calibrate the engineering to make sure that the buildings are built to the standard that they need even if the earthquakes only come every hundred years and is there a way um when you talk about aftershocks is there a way to sort of predict um you know the frequency or or uh the the time frame at all that an Aftershock might occur uh yeah we we do a lot of the statistics I mean mathematically I could give you a rule it falls off like one over time but basically you know after a week it's falling off to about a tenth the rate that you'd see after just one day um and but we can't predict any individual event uh earthquake prediction has basically stalled what we can do in the west coast and we've already implemented is have earthquake early warning and that's where the sensors first detect an earthquake estimate how big it is and broadcast a warning and you can get five or 10 seconds of a heads up time to be ready for strong shaking it's not much but it actually can help quite a bit and is there a way to tell whether or not an earthquake a particular event uh might be a precursor to something even larger in magnitude or is that not something that science can tell us that's the Holy Grail I mean we've been looking for earthquake prediction for hundred years and analyz every pattern we can think of and every year people tell us even more exotic ideas of how it might work but uh no you know the only real indicator of increased danger is when there is a big earthquake we have aftershocks so right after a big earthquake is the worst time in terms of danger but uh when big events that we see around the world just don't give us a warning and the questions you have after an event like this here what would those some of those lingering questions be for you as someone who studies these kinds of events yeah from our point of view the most useful information comes from the seismometers that are in the ground and they tell us are our models of shaking amplification right so do we have the stronger buildings where they need to be stronger uh and also if they people find flaws in buildings if this magnitude five cracks some things shifted some things that it shouldn't have um we always have to have our eyes open for surprises so that'd be the main thing we don't expect to see much damage but certainly it's worth looking to make sure we're aware where the weaknesses are all right professor John vidall we thank you so much for sharing your Insight with us it's extremely helpful uh as we wait to see what the next 24 48 hours or so brings thank you so much Professor okay yeah thank you let's turn now to CBS News senior Transportation correspondent Chris Van Cleave who has been following this for us as well uh Chris I know you are in Baltimore awaiting President Biden's uh arrival and visit there but uh let's talk about what we know as you've been monitoring the airports and the other sort of infrastructure and transportation hubs in this area here in the tri-state area what do we know about the airports at this moment well New York airport still has a ground stop for many flights in effect and we know from United and Delta that they've had a handful of diversions Delta had one flight divert that was heading to Newark um United tells us that they've had a few that diverted from nework to other airports because of this ground stop um now some of that is simply because the airport needs uh some time to check the condition of the runways the the tarmac uh and the buildings that kind of thing to make sure that things are structurally sound but also that there's no debris anywhere that could get kicked up and ingested into a plane engine uh that would be very bad so we saw ground stops at both JFK and Newark and some delays at Loria because of this uh Newark remains uh with a ground stop for many flights coming in New Jersey Transit has said that there uh expecting 20 minute or so delays bolt directions as they're doing Bridge inspections following the earthquake these are the kind of uh abundance of caution maneuvers you would expect uh because you want to make sure that the infrastructure is safe to go over after an earthquake even it was a relatively small one uh the airlines look at what's going on right now is probably pretty manageable obviously the longer that new Yark stays in a ground stop the more delays that will impact uh but right now this should be a relatively limited uh ground stop we think based on uh what we saw at JFK provided there's no damage or anything and so far there are no reports of that United Airlines telling us they have no reports of any injuries to their employees or customers uh Delta also telling us no reports of any injuries um one uh person at Delta told us that uh it felt like a large construction truck drove by so uh this was something people felt but as you just heard from the earthquake expert there it it would cause some movement but not likely to cause catastrophic damage certainly so that's the good news there and Chris um you know you're well aware the of the tunnels that lead into uh Manhattan here I wonder if there's any word about uh some of the rail systems or the uh traffic tunnels um have you had a chance to kind of Monitor and get any kind of updates regarding the status of those uh the Holland Tunnel we saw an update that everything was uh was good in the Holland Tunnel you'd expect the Lincoln Tunnel to be checked and and uh Amtrak will certainly run uh a test train through through the tunnels uh under the Hudson for the trains as well um you you know these are just sort of the standard thing you would do uh in a circumstance like this to make sure that uh that everything in abundant abundance of caution type of thing typically underground as odd as it sounds tends to farare better in an earthquake than above ground so uh it it seems likely that uh those tunnels will be will be okay uh but what we've seen is that that everything every the relevant Transit Agency is doing the the checks they need to do to make sure they can operate the system safely all right so you may see some delays throughout the day here I think is the bottom line but uh I it doesn't sound like this is going to be something that snowballs into uh a substantial Airline cancellation or you know a commute nightmare for folks getting home any more so than uh you would normally see on a Friday in the Tri State okay sounds good thank you very much Chris Van Cleave we appreciate it the earthquake continues after a quick break stay with us you're streaming CBS [Music] News Mr President there's a lot to talk about a lot to talk about does this carrier strike group stand ready it's just incredible to see there's an active search and rescue operation going on 12 hours after this accident the CBS Evening News with noro o donnald I had progressively Fallen deeper into the world of online sports betting the risk is the rush what do you think is driving the spike in popularity I think it's legality if it's legal I'm going to use it there are ways to bet when you are 18 we've created an epidemic of child gambling you can't walk into a mild dormatory in a college campus without sports betting happening it's America's most neglected problem I use sports betting as a way to escape when in reality I'm choosing self-destruction whatever I had left it was gone the purpose of the industry is to get you to play to Extinction that means until all your money is gone stories start with the who what when and where but it's why it's important to you that matters most knowing what to ask is how you open the door to a deeper understanding see you on Prime Time streaming free everywhere an original documentary from CBS reports that desired Farm it's a wonderful place to raise your children and it still is promises broken black Americans have been the target of racism and discrimination pretty much from the time they acquired ownership in the land costing black Farmers hundreds of billions in generational wealth they did everything to make sure we will run off that land but communities are uniting to continue the fight Collective ownership is powerful to keep their land and their dreams alive to watch my children play on land that we own means everything to land is power most de 40 acres and a mule now streaming on the free CBS News app people with developmental disabilities were once sequestered by the hundreds of thousands in institutions many of our fellow citizens are suffering tremendously because lack of attention lack of imagination lack of adequate Manpower disability activists have since torn down barriers blocking them from living at home or in the community we conclude that title two of the Ada require states to provide community- based treatment for persons with mental disabilities but of the 16,000 people who remain in state operated institutions half are in five states and Illinois is one of them I don't want live in the institution it makes me feel discriminated against do you think there are people living in institutions in Illinois that don't need to be living there yeah because they're proving it as soon as they get [Music] out welcome back as we've been reporting a magnitude 4.8 earthquake rattled the Northeast today let's go now to CBS news new New York's Jennifer bisam she joins us live from New York City's Emergency Management headquarters in downtown Brooklyn Jennifer welcome what's the latest you know the good news I should say in all of this is that there are no major damages and City officials are urging New Yorkers to just go back to their normal day you know here at OEM headquarters in downtown Brooklyn we saw representatives from almost every city agency from the mayor the Police Commissioner the fire commissioner office of emergency management everyone here just kind of talking about the things or the steps that were taken to ensure the safety of New Yorkers now we're told that no structural damages have been reported but if you see anything in your home in your office in your business you should report that to 311 not 911 save that for an emergency we're told school officials the schools Chancellor was also here he said things are going to continue at school there is no there aren't any early dismissals and after school programs are back on track you know and so the bridges the tunnels everything they said is back in order right now the one thing though that we did learn is that construction projects those are uh construction owners people that are on those properties they're the ones right now that are taking a little closer look into uh their projects to make sure that there aren't any damages but other than that you know New Yorkers went through a 4 magnitude earthquake and as of now everything seems to be okay here we'll send it back to you Ela all right Jennifer bisam at CBS News New York thank you so much Jennifer appreciate it well the source tells CVS news that hostage talks are set to resume on Sunday the news comes hours after the Israeli military said this week's deadly strike that killed seven Aid workers in Gaza should never have happened the IDF released its findings from a probe into the incident saying quote those who approved the strike were convinced that they were targeting armed Hamas operatives and not World Central Kitchen employees it went on to say the strike on the aid Vehicles is a grave mistake stemming from serious failure due to a mistaken identification errors in decisionmaking and an attack contrary to the standard operating procedures two Israeli officers were fired and three senior officers were reprimanded as a result of the investigation CBS News senior foreign correspondent Holly Williams is in Tel Aviv with more Israel's military says it wrongly believed that a militant was inside one of the world Central Kitchen Vehicles it says after striking that car it identified people moving to the second car which it also hit and then the third killing all seven Aid workers the report also found that the Israeli military's cameras failed to detect the markings on the world Central Kitchen Vehicles it confirmed terms in large part the account of the attack given earlier this week by Chef Jose Andre World Central Kitchen founder they were Target systematically car

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