Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:17:42 Category: Education

Trending searches: dltr stock
okay guys we are about to talk about these stocks making these new 52 we lows these stocks are going down to a major discount right now some of them are looking better than others y'all know how I go and we are going to talk about the news and fundamentals the charts and the tentacles find the next incoming trend for these stocks and I'll be letting you know what my favorite ones are on this list if you already caught any of these massive bull runs then let me know in the comments below we'll talk about whr as well let's get right into it now guys and I'm Billy Banks make sure that you get subscribed to the channel so you don't miss out any updates any analyses any early seats and Mee USS at the Discord so you can get all of these alerts on time you can scroll up through my section for literal days before you get to the top to see all kinds of Trades that I've taken throughout the years um and and and again don't feel bad about any losses you always run into a few losses here there the goal is is to put those small losses short and be like in gains okay don't worry about a 7even to 15% loss and you're liking again 70% gains 50% gains you're lik in 200% gains consistently your account will never notice those small losses it's all about locking in your gains and cutting losses small your account will stack up okay especially if you're getting those massive 100% bull runs where're putting out those alerts you can't catch them all just get what you can why you can and of course there's a lot down this list the 52 we low list so we can't get to them all so what I've done is I picked out what my favorite ones are and that's how we'll do the 52 we lows now I'll go and pick out whatever my favorite ones are and um that'll leave us with just a few um because there's a lot more videos I'm working on now a lot of stock videos and keeping our natural flow of the the markets and crypto videos I love it all you know but um try to make sure I can keep up with everything so going down to a major discount right now we got Curr seems this go back to a daily chart watch this so this stock doesn't really do too much moving since it's been out it still has an extremely extremely low valuee a average volume of 15,000 it got a current volume of five of 54,000 a decent valume coming in over the average volume and the stock that's oversold and at the bottom getting ready to make that next round of the bullish Divergence on your 4 Hour chart that's already being creative for the last day or so they're buying this thing up right now from 285 they push up to 427 getting choppy up in there off this low volume some people want to locking Gams that's just how it be but from the bottom this thing gets ready for an uptrend for a very clean uptrend again and this is doing all of this W the markets are pushing up more bearish than bullish with about 4,000 decliners you got about 2,000 advancers coming into the markets as we speak and currently at this moment since the markets are getting ready to close out um it's 2:30 where I'm at right now 228 um people are going to be getting ready to start to buy things up for the overnight swing just a quick round of bullishness as you can see and you follow along and ride the flow but nonetheless though you know tomorrow can still really come in for a much much much more bearish day how can you tell well your overall Market condition still have more room to go down like they trying to make some bullish Divergence down here right now but if tomorrow does come in with more of a bear sent well it's an easy downtrend it'll be an easy downtrend there is more room to go down so there is you know you keep up with keep up with the flow of everything thing when you're talking about whatever stocks you're about to get into as well so what I do is whenever I look at my stocks I go back to look at the over Market I can't open up the stock market app without looking at the market conditions you know so I I stay in the know of everything you know and of course we do put out our alerts in the Discord and you know what's going on with these stocks and what's next not only along in my section but also the alerts from the rest of the experience analysts coaches and members in here don't they plays of stocks options crypto guys the whole shamboo you'll find your favorite section for you like I say you can't catch them all you need get what you can why you can and you know if you got to stop and sometimes look look some some people don't understand this and and and they won't tell you this but sometimes you got to stop for you got to stop for a while may maybe you hold off for a day or so you know to to to let things settle and recollect and and rest strategize and stuff like that you know get your mind back right but C are on a massive discount looking at CU R overall balance sheet still a still a decent balance sheet up in there not all the way down descending a bit but as asset still out doing liabilities with they debt to asset ratio getting on up there right now want to keep eye on the analogies order flow not on wee Bo because that's not up to date you want to use the order flow on the mumo investing platform man because the M investing platform is is up to date it's accurate updates every single day rather than rather than a few in a few days and whatnot and we go see over on your Capital trans section to see right now you got more extra larges largest going out and were smallest going out but some mediums are coming in a very small wall of the bullish cost distribution starting to come in want to see that get bigger but again if it can get big enough with enough Bulls coming in valume pretty much is all it really need is just eyes and valume on this thing then that'll get big and overtake all of that closer towards those $9 fairly easy like in fact that $910 exactly where drop is where that big Candlestick is from but um on Curr with extremely bullish sentiments coming across the board for those of you who don't know exactly what this one is they are engaged in a fintech banking platform the company is headquartered in Singapore okay looking into curve's most recent news as they just started trading on the NASDAQ around September 3rd and when these stocks do come out new to the market like I tell you they're always going to end up eventually coming in for that big downtrend this could be that dip while everybody is loading up on no telling how high this one goes on Curr so Curr is one of those that I'm going for as well and let me remind you again it is the same setup in the same strategy every single trade make sure that you remember to have your 7 to 15 % stop loss now you can stretch that stop loss further when that stock goes up so so so let's say that you up let's say that you up um I don't know let's say you up 80% in the stock instead of using 7 to 15% stop loss well maybe now you feel comfortable using a 20 to 30% stop loss let's say that you up I don't know let's say you up 100% in the stock you know that you up 100% well maybe instead of using using a a 20 to 30% stop loss maybe now you're ready to use a 30 to 50% stop loss you know you can stretch that stop loss out you know as that stock goes up so on and so forth but C hot stock right there loading that thing up man let me go ahead and check this thing out it's one two C stock Kurt stock is getting very bullish right now you know Kurt stock vac um I'm in C at $371 for a easy board run okay next we got the T he okay so I videos on this one before um they've come in for bullers before look they come in for some bullish before you know in the past you I've been making these videos a long time on these stocks but um going down for to 43 cents um it's oversold now thing is it's going to be a slower one okay uh a bit of a slower one and um you maybe you probably don't want to even load this one up just yet today maybe you could possably wait until tomorrow or something because it like I say it's a little slow down there tomorrow comes in for more bearishness then they'll take another quick dip down you might get a lower towards 40 cents but right now it's towards the after hours and I don't even know if this thing even trades in the after hours so you know I'm in there right now I'm in vac currently about 6% right now I am in vtk currently about 2% right now and U for those of you who are newer here if you never seen what the alerts look like before or what the alert section look like and just a quick tape on the Discord so when you join in you're going to first join in on the free chat and again dozens of dozens of people join in on the free chat every single day um or stuff like that you know and then they upgrade to the main chat to get all of the stock alers now get the stock alerts what what section you want to follow along in there are about 15 or 20 30 there's a lot of alert sections in there you find your favorite one for you but if you want to follow at my alerts mine is here at the top of the screen trade section for you guys so you better know what I'm going in what I'm getting out of and of course I'll be letting you know for example right now there's a quick example at um at member see r r up 7% at premium of course letting you know when to get in letting you know when to get in V CER $4 or lower and now Cur bullish about 7% vac only about 2% not even worthly mentioning right now and Dollar General is getting bullish as well right now but we'll mention that one here in just a bit okay so um and of course on Dollar General just you guys know and understand okay I I'm me I'm in options for Dollar General getting bullish nonetheless um Dollar General toward $70 but I'm in the options for Dollar General going towards 72 okay so if you for those of you who don't know what this would look like okay this will look like this bet do I said Dollar General Dollar Tree Dollar Tree cost to 72 and I and I'll show you why 72 here a bit when we get that down that list at Dollar Tree cost mean we're betting that thing up why I think is lower than that $70 okay um like I said we'll explain more of that here in just a bit but these things are already getting bullish okay let's continue on though with um vac yeah yeah vac I'm only have like 2% vac not really doing much right now but nonetheless it is getting more bullish shorty after hours low volume we're going to watch more volume come in as we've seen more volume come in vtac before with a low float a free float on 800,000 well those floats get F fast and Vac will be getting ready to make another move okay next we got WTO okay WTO this one is a very high active one about a 100 million in volume now on the 52 we low list been on here for a while after a quick Bull Run or so then they will continue to sell off even more and more look like people are starting to get done with the stock and starting to lose hope and selling this thing back off to the low of that six cents that six cents is where you really want to be in onto WTO stock down at that bottom like it might not go any lower than that six cents man it it really might not you know so if you miss out on a grand opportunity to buy up in a stock that just took a massive massive dive down in 2040 Cent and I'm looking at WTO right now is down about 15% you ready to average down on WTO and that and I just took my position now averaging down around this $656 c um because again I make all of my moves on the phone I recommend you do too do the trading on your phone that way you can watch the charts went out on your screen you can see charts and alert on your screen you'll be a lot faster to do it on your phone rather than having to switch screens here and you know worry about window sizes there and all that stuff like that okay but nonetheless okay we'll be able to go back and put our next alerts out again it's a now if you notice if you are new here you you see it now I do a lot of my stuff towards the after hours I don't really they they TR like I really don't like getting up that early you know I don't get up to about 9 10 o'clock and our swings are going to swing either way you know you just get what you can while you can and me myself I know what the best time frames for me are my swing trade time for entries towards the after hours and then they explode towards the premarket we lock in games maybe some swings take longer than others some swings based off different stats those stats went out take longer than others okay but to put the update out on these alerts real fast okay um I okay I got Dollar General and WTO okay because I just averaged down in WTO still down about three four% in WTO right now I remember um averaging down in WT now at 65 premium and again like I say I'm still down still down 4% at M and our Dollar Tree calls are running right now at member bltr CA up 40% and again I'm I'm G um take screenshots so you all understand exactly what's going on here I'll go ahead and take screenshots of these real fast while we are actually in this video of all of this right now I got screenshots real quick okay let's see I can sare the screenshot right here um to the Discord section so you'll be able to see all of this okay because like I say you be a lot faster okay also you want to have multiple screens like I got another I another computer right here like on the left of you want to have multiple screens I got two more you know right there you know um you want to have the the more the more screens you got like that the more you'll be able to you know all that good stuff but um let's see back to my section well I'll be showing you bltr CA with um where else we got okay so again continue on looking at the portfolio now C up 4% some things are beginning to pull back just a bit as the markets are getting ready to close out here and let's continue on now okay so WTO Big Discount WTO they're going to get a bit more bullish here like this one is a very high short squeeze potential Target so you know you might get a massive massive extremely massive ball run in WTO stock here next you got big Big Lot on B so this one's gon to be a bit choppy okay Big Lot you would think that big light would be a lot higher than this as well I guess the company just not doing so good these days but going down to 44 from major massive Heights one thing about Big Lots is that this thing could come in for the easiest bull run out of a lot of other stocks back towards a dollar man you know and when that happens it can happen very fast this thing is Big been big in short interest no pun intended but um like I was saying like look like the company hasn't been doing too well so that's why you see like they balance sheet starting to starting to go down and stuff like that like how you see now um and like bigger investors and stuff they don't want to see a balance sheet doing that so that's something to watch out for on big but this could still be another potential watch this on your daily chart very easy Bull Run not quite making bullish Divergence just yet but you're going to wait until you see the bullish diverence truly coming in um next we got JayZ xn the Market's closed out in about 20 minutes JayZ xn going to be another one for a very very extremely extremely easy reversal down here you can already see that coming in looking just like the rest of them for an easy pattern it's always the same setup and the same strategy every single trade you know you don't do too much just get what you can why you can think about this one is this one we've seen this one com in from bull runs before massive massive bull runs so like they they like one piece of news away and I like to see a stock with low with low stats 9 million on the free flow not the lowest of the lowest but you know still low enough for this team to start to get the millions of volume and then start to feel that float up and then start to make those shorts that are in there want to cover up those shares making everybody else want to buy and this with a low volume average dve of 140,000 that volume is going to outo that very easy on a bullish day JayZ xn for a easy War run ahead and again some of these don't trade in after hours like this one sound like one of those China stock that that don't trade in after hours so you know you taking your possession you know you might want to be getting there now and I'm actually looking towards it right now as well okay so JayZ xn and these are like I say there are a lot of them down this list you got to really pick out what your favorite one is you know some sometimes it just be so hard to tell right you know like I mean so hard to pick from all that's that that's why I like to make these videos cuz after that list of 30 they would to pick out like four of them like what's it six of them I think um and all six of these are you know CU I know what I'm looking for and I know what I'm not looking for well most importantly but jzx another easy one ahead which is already also getting out those alerts in the Discord this should be a slower swing so you might want to watch out for jzx and okay um also Dollar Tree man this thing busting right now these Dollar Dollar Tree cars going crazy right now in fact is Dollar Tree next yeah Dollar Tree is next okay it's a Dollar Tree I was looking at Dollar Tree yesterday man and I didn't get to making a 52 L video yesterday I really should have because of wow this thing came in for such an explosion but nonetheless it's not too late on here now you see that everybody done bought that up we know that those people down or that bottom won't be getting rid of that so it's much more safer position to be buying into know that only more people going to get more bullish as starting to break past that um past that 30 line on the RSI getting pushing up from over so about 7% through the day is Dollar Tree they are watch this on your on your cost they sitting good now options right now I said I should have made that video yesterday but um Dollar Tree we here now this thing is coming in for bulls and now try to make sure I stay on our videos on our on our 52 we lows our top games are most out to keep us in the cycle he's been a lot more busy with a lot of other stuff lately like the crypto Discord and stuff like that doing my own study and my own portfolios and what so it do be a you know I love it nonetheless big buy running here got the field towards that $8 something already in there and this thing getting bullish but man I should have caught this one at the very beginning man crazy D but these are these hot stocks going on those lows and over sells if you are new here you now see an example of what the alerts look like and what to be looking forward to I'm Billy Banks I'll see you guys in the Discord and

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