DJ Lagway TAKES OVER for Florida Gators against Samford

in the SEC Conference we're going to build the best football program in the SEC Conference you have now arrived at stadium in the kick it's been blocked again it's blocked again he one deep down the field it's going to be to the goal line it's going to be it's a touchdown and the once again Cleveland I can't believe what I just thought dropping back to throw popson fires the balls over the middle got a touchdown dor got a touchdown oh man D's got a touchdown a black and his final game is a gator takes it all the way home and sends uran out the winner you have now arrived at stadium and jail boys and girls ladies and gents welcome to a popup episode of Stadium Miguel it's your boy Corey and it's Dan hey man Twan crew Nick delor you know family crisis not crisis family Shenanigans going on he can't pull up a hangout with us but it's a Friday popup show and we gonna hang out yeah we got special guests hanging out with us regardless so it'll be a thre man crew y we got a three-man crew we're gonna have a special guest join us here in a second we hope everybody has a great weekend ahead Gators play Samford tomorrow night uh on ESPN or SEC network plus I think it's gota be sec I don't think ESPN is gonna pick up that uh that type of game yeah we uh at my condo building I'm stuck with Direct TV and they're fighting with ESPN right now so you know thankfully it's on an ESPN um but I'll be out and about in St P tomorrow if you're out about in St P tomorrow and you're looking for somebody fun to hang out with uh text me uh reach out to me uh I always bring the the fun party in Shenanigans Cory what are you doing for the game I'm G watch it at the crib man with my son uh we got noon Pop Warner tomorrow so we should be home and settled in at a good time but um that's my plans after I get out of that sun to sit on the couch and watch football with him uh and then we could celebrate this week that's right I don't know how I don't know how much celebrations we gonna get this fall but we gonna enjoy we're gonna treat every win like it's our last one because it may may be may just be man um we appreciate everybody watching on YouTube and x uh hit the like button hit the Subscribe button hit the Super Chat without further Ado uh we are going to bring on a great friend of the program a great gentleman in real life a great dancer at Nick's wedding Neil Blackman from Saturday down south also an attorney uh based in Gainesville Florida Neil it's a pleasure to have you on my friend thanks guys yeah I kept thinking about how like this could be there's so so few opportunities to celebrate and and I kept thinking about uh Mullen and the boys in the locker room the last time sord oh man and and now this time it doesn't feel so doesn't feel so bad to do that tomorrow maybe man speaking of I mean Dan M VI was definitely around man I to uh my man George get the captain uh yeah I mean man yeah so so the Gators announced uh cam James Damen George and Rocko Underwood as the captains Rocko Underwood had the you know the hit of the game last week as the Long Snapper flexed over the punt returner love the energy didn't love to score with the energy but you know he still came uh and uh and showed out but cam James is the other but uh yeah Damen George um you know obviously played right tackle last year U moved into Guard Pro Football Focus and and all of that you know seemingly had him uh ranked pretty well during the game but but I think the the big play that everybody saw at him was kind of a a half-ass run on the interception play and uh just kind of an Optics thing you know what I mean Corey it's it's kind of like when we were talking about special teams and when people talk about special teams last year and then people would ask Billy Napier like oh what's going on with special teams it's like what what do you mean we're third in the country in EPA it's like man like you're just kind of insulting the intelligence of the people with the eyeballs watching so it's not personal on him but it's just I don't know man yeah just not reading the room well um and that's just been kind of the the the thing with this staff uh because I think Dan Mullen was purposely uh just trolling us a little bit with the Marco Shu and making him the captain the next week but um this step got have heard like just there was former players that talked about George uh and his hustle doing that interception return U so to make him Captain just was kind of off but um let's talk about this depth chart man we got a lot to talk about with this matchup tomorrow absolutely so uh obviously the big news I I'll pull up the uh the depth chart here in a second obviously the big news is grah merch will not be playing in this game DJ lagway is the starter uh Cory I know your thoughts um Neil special guest you get the first right to talk what are you looking forward to uh to seeing with DJ lague tomorrow I just think it gives the fan base Joy right I think I think they need just a spark and I think you know you you get DJ out there the highest rated recruit at quarterback since TBO first uh maybe I'm wrong I think first freshman quarterback to start I ain't looked at the game notes yet but I think uh first freshman quarterback to start for Florida since Chris leag so um you know pretty pretty big shoes to fill there uh I I think Tron started okay so Tron yeah okay think Jobe brassette did too or now did he play he just didn't start right he played I think yeah I think Tron did then yeah yeah so yeah Trion so okay so it's been a while anyway but but obviously DJ uh you know Gatorade National Player of the Year High School Heisman winner every Accolade Poss possible looked pretty looked pretty good on the touchdown Drive uh last week Miami still had their ones out there now who you know they're up four touchdowns so how invested are they on every down we don't know but but he looked good it was something to build on and uh yeah I mean I think I think you just need Joy right I'm not saying they're gonna turn the season over to DJ uh but I don't know why they didn't have a package for him to begin with last week and so maybe maybe if he plays well you know they'll do what they should have done against Miami and have a package for a guy especially if if the right side of your offensive line is gonna cave in every game for the next 11 um you might as well have a package for a kid that has better legs uh than Graham does yeah for me seeing how just know vanilla the the offense has been since he's been here you're going to need somebody to get off script to make it Dynamic um kind of what Jordan Travis did to Mike Noel's terrible offense out there in the pan handle and as we can see this year if you got a guy that's not getting off script like a lot of these plays can get very vanilla so I think DJ lwe can Elevate the receivers and the players around him play from that standpoint I'm excited to see whatever the offense look like with him in I thought he looked good versus Miami I took I took in the same consideration that you did uh what we were in the game but they did have their their ons in the game so he was facing a top tier talent but the spring game just as well he look good you see him make throws that aren't easy throws and Tight Windows um his anticipation he's gonna make freshman mistakes like we're all aware of that he's gonna make some mistakes but um just how vanilla the offense has been this could be a good spark um we don't expect him to start Texas and& them that following week but the moment gr MCH start to struggle you got some some some Spark there that you can look back on and say hey let's let's give this kid a try um and if you don't I think like the boo birds will come out early man but we'll see what L we does tomorrow good opportunity for him ver uh sub subpar talent I think yeah yeah I mean hopefully uh you know this this could be a confidence game for him right it's not Anthony Richardson starting against Georgia uh in his first start right so hopefully this is an opportunity to be able to move the ball uh and just create that that continued camaraderie what but what I think is good is you know a lot of the guys that he's going to be throwing to are are guys that were on that second team with him when he was backup quarterback to grah Merz right so uh C Jackson we'll talk a little bit about this C Jackson is gonna be out for the year he had knee surgery today uh I believe so you start to elevate you know the guys that were in that that second string group you know your Elijah Badgers your you know Aiden Mel's your Andy jeans the ones that he's been throwing no not Andy jeene in this case but you know the guys that he's been throwing the ball to uh you know over the last eight months or so and hopefully there's some you know there's some consistency there and there's some chemistry there and and that's what you're hoping to see right like we don't know how bad Graham mertz's concussion is the way that they're talking about it doesn't make it seem like he's out for an extended period of time uh but certainly this is an opportunity for DJ lagway and fortunately for Florida they have Samford where they don't have to potentially rush you know Gram Merz back and he can get healthy because obviously anything with pardon me a brain injury or concussion you you want to take slowly so you know he has the he has the arm he has the speed now just got to see better blocking especially out of the right tackle position and the tight end position yeah I think uh quarterbacks escaping the pocket helps and like a doal threat quarterback helps with protection I don't I don't expect it to be fully fixed but um and also you slow down your pass rush and the RPO because the ability for this guys to run uh and break big big runs is there so I think that just helps your offense to line out a ton UM quarterback being eligible runner puts more blockers in front of him like in a number standpoint like it just puts us in a better position um ideally you would want a guy of DJ lag's uh skill set to be your quarterback and in Billy Napier's offense yeah but um and the offense hasn't looked the same since I know we gave AR a lot of flag but that that was the most explosive this offense has been uh it was a little B more efficient last year but efficient didn't get us as many wins right this offense being explosive I think it's what it's got to be I don't think these guys have the ex and O talent to be able to march us down the field methodically drive out the drive we got to get explosive and we'll see if we can do that against um Sanford but I think that's what we got to get for this this season because I'm not going to scrap the whole season because of game one we still got football to play I didn't like it you know everybody didn't like results but you still got more games we haven't got an SEC play for us to be successful this team is going to have to get explosive that way we can stay away from penalties hes and whiffing on blocks yeah absolutely Neil I want to get your thoughts what do you what do you think they open up right obviously Samford is uh not a good team and obviously not gonna be of the same athletic Talent of the Gators regardless if they were a good team or not right so uh just because of the nature of the school what do you think the the flexibility that Billy Napier gives DJ lagway or who's ever ultimately calling the plays kind of flexibility to run the offense you think that they give them tomorrow and what do you guys both want to see out of him you know outside of you know making the passes and everything else what do you want to see out of him tomorrow uh in during the game well I thought it was interesting that you know Monday Montell talked to the media and and one thing he told us was he was impressed with like both DJ's understanding of the offense but also just how calm he was and and he didn't seem too afraid of the moment um which some I mean you know Cory knows like it's that some of that's a product of playing pretty big time high school football in Texas like he's used to playing against good players uh so he he gets out there and you know he doesn't feel out of place um so I hope that to the extent that he understands the Playbook uh that they run everything that he understands you don't need to hold anything back just because you're playing Sanford I mean it's not like we saw what Lance G said it's not like Florida's confusing anybody on film schematically right now right so you're not you're not holding anything back I I'd also like to see them commit to trying to run the ball even if they're going to have to run behind the left side of the line all year um you know and and then I'd like to see the younger backs uh get an opportunity and pass protect particularly particularly Tryon web um and you know I wasn't as familiar with ch Kobe Jackson's game to be honest but uh and he's a powerful violent Runner uh I'd love to see how he looks in in pass protect because I think anything you can do to kind of give Montrell a break uh even if he is still G to be a 20 carrier game guy hopefully uh is good yeah Cory is there anything else that you want to see out of him I want to see him get off script and get explosives like take deep shots down the field we got a lot of speed at receiver and it's just not being utilized so I want to see him scratch the field I want to see if this offense can scratch the field and then you know because it didn't matter their opponent last year like gr Mercy just didn't scratch the field even on inferior opponents so if we we can get the field scratch this game that would check off a big box for me um my take on doing the offseason if this team was a struggle I think lweight takes over by midseason if this team contines to struggle so um I just need big numbers from him to create that type of spark like Neil was saying earlier that that spark in that conversation amongst media the fan base everybody that's where we at with it I think we need a spark and we need him to create that I like what Neil was saying too about the running back position because I think those guys need more opportunities I thought web should have got more opportunities I didn't think Montreal was 100% healthy that game um while he did break a big one but I thought those guys should have and it's only one football and and we didn't possess the ball and hold the ball for a and maintain drives a lot but this is a game where I want to see the young boys if Montreal is 100% let Montreal rest right let him play the first quarter let's try to get up a couple scores and let these young boys work on their pass protection and also get some touches bro yeah yeah I mean that that game experience no matter who the opponent is is always going to be practice experience no absolutely they gonna come here ready to win like let's not mistake like they last time they play points the last time they played us yeah you know 100% they thumping their chest walking into the swamp and I would too if I was them all right let's uh let's look here depth chart uh some changes here uh wide receiver you have Eugene Wilson then uh you see the addition of tank Hawkins uh and TJ Abrams there uh would love to see the opportunity for tank Hawkins to play and TJ Abrams you know I've heard good things about both of them this offseason tank is obviously a Speedster uh you know would love to to see him get the opportunity and would love love more than anything for the score to be like 28 to nothing like in the second quarter now I know that that's not likely going to happen but I would love for that to happen to be able to see what that looks like but that's that's what I mean like DJ lagu has been throwing passes to TJ Abrams and to T Hawkins in practice so there might be that K connection and chemistry that they have already so that would be uh would be awesome to see and then you have shmir DK uh backed up by Aiden misel and then Elijah Badger uh and Marcus Burke behind him behind them so obviously we talked a little bit about it CLE Jackson will be out for the year uh with knee surgery really sad to see um you know heard great things about his growth and development during the off season and just hate to to lose a gator in somebody that that bleeds for this uh for this team but you know certainly hope that he you know gets better gets healthy and uh we'll see him next season yeah no doubt Tres the field we got Adelle we got all this speed tank Hawkins TJ Abrams these guys can fly bro Eugene Wilson like we got a Ferrari in the trailer parks like throw the ball down the field we got all this speed and we just not using it we're going sideways I don't want to see no sideways plays man I know we got we gotta do it but that cannot be our bread and butter us going sideways trying to misdirect no scetch the field with all this speed there's no reason to go get all this verified speed if you're just trying to trick people by going sideways right yeah ball in space like works but you also have to be able to like move the ball in the air to get into more space right like I know that I know Na's offense is like well let's just get the guy the ball and they'll figure it out it's like well what if we got him the ball like 12 yards down the field and then they were able to figure it out or what if we got it the ball 20 yards down the field and then figured it out a little bit rather two yards it's it's the concepts going east to west too right like I know yall know this but I mean if you're running a drag route where it's east to west with a guy that's got four or five speed you're not frightening any of these young defensive backs they can cover that um I mean you got to be quicker right and and we'll see it next week against Texas A&M or we won't again um you know with their defensive their defensive line is better than Miami's so you know you want to you want to run this East West stuff that they're going to be fine with that so if you're going to go east west at least get the ball out quick like you know Florida did at M State a few years ago when they knew they had to play three all SEC defensive linemen so everything was three-step throw uh you know if you're gonna do it get actually get them the ball in space it's the thing because like defensive backs mentality wise if I know you not going vertical I'm playing on a ball of my feet like everything's in front of me that's that's a DB's dream bro if I know that I don't have to retreat a lot bro like I'm slowly getting into my bat p because I'm ready to react and come forward you got to have that vertical threat bro or if not bro the safety is goingon to run the alley everybody's gonna be crunched down they gonna make that box a lot more proud you gota be able to stretch the field you can't go sideways all game yeah yeah so we'll we'll we we hope to see you know him push the ball obviously we know that DJ lagu has some great arm strength and now just a matter of connecting on the the accuracy piece of it which which I'm excited to see his you know continued development Improvement there uh left tackle Austin Barber and Devon Manuel guys did you know last week was going to be a a try up between the two of them for the starting left tackle position Billy Napier said that Austin Barber proved enough during practice in the game that he's gonna be the starter I said guys I thought I assume that Austin Barber was your best offensive lineman right I didn't know was going into a a game one tryy out here I'm trying to keep it PG Dy we could throw the explicit on this when we posted silk you know what I mean like try to keep baby like I don't know like you know what I mean like it just kind of like you it's what I said early in the show it's like you have a lot of fans that have eyeballs and I know that there's a lot more that goes into it than like what you just see on the field but like at no point did anybody ever think that Austin Barber was going to be in a head-to-head matchup against Devon Manuel who like didn't even play much at Arkansas last year and Austin Barbara was maybe along with Jake Slaughter your highlight of the offensive line last season like it's the it's the whole the whole roster we're not good enough to be rotating like you got to play the best absolute players like pup Howard was killing 30 plays man leave pup Howard until he Taps his helmet and say coach I just can't go no more and then when he get on the sidelines you give them an IV and send them back out you just got to keep the best players on the field we're not in a position to be trying guys out especially with this schedule there's no this is the week to try guys out you got to go with the guys you know for certain and this week opportunity for you know compete a little bit more for starting jobs but bro you in week one versus Miami inst State rival like we shouldn't be competing trying to figure out who the starters in that game you had all offseason a spring and a fall Camp figure that out like that's just nonsense and the and the wherewithal to even say that in a press conference is wow to me yeah this is one of the this is one of the fundamental problems with Napier is this this paralysis by analysis stuff where he let me get obsessed with what I saw on one series of one scrimmage and you know I'm looking at this film from this scrimmage and now I think maybe Devon Manuel's pushing a kid who was a freshman All-American and your second highest rated blocker from a grading standpoint last year no he's not this is the same thing that that were that that has happened with them in the portal um is you know and I get it they've made some good portal evaluations don't get me wrong I I I'm I'm still I'm not going to pump Sunshine anymore um but what I what I won't do is you know I'm not going to tell lies either they've made some good portal evaluation eval valuations but like you don't need to sell me on why like Joey slackman an all ivy league player is gonna be a guy who can replace the production of say prince Le manoline or or or something like that like people fans have eyes and writers have eyes media has eyes like there's a reason that everybody want wanted Walter Nolan he's good yeah right there's a reason that everybody wanted cam Ward he's good um you know and it's the same like you watch Austin Barber for two years he's a good football player he shouldn't be be there was no there shouldn't have been a competition right yeah left guard niga Harris or Bryce LoveIt and then Rod Kierney I you know I expect nigah Harris to get most of those snaps uh Center Jake Slaughter Rod Kierney and Jason zandel Right Guard you have Damen George or Cam weights and then Christian Williams Behind uh and then at the right tackle position scroll down here right tackle Brandon Crenshaw Dixon or Cam weights and then Kaden Jones um we talked about it last you know on Monday cam weights registered as zero in pass protection uh from PFF which is again a score that I've never seen before again not being sces me yeah I mean yeah um not a score that I've seen again not personal right like not an individual attack but it's like we got we've got to figure something out right at the right tackle and the right guard position uh but mainly that right tackle position uh I mean what do you guys think we do you I mean obviously tough to to evaluate against Sanford compared to like what Texas A&M might bring or Tennessee or Texas or whatever it might be down the future um but what do you guys think uh Florida should do there uh I mean I'm I'm high on Kaden Jones and say hey man like obviously what we saw last week wasn't good so why don't we try why don't we try something else right but I don't want to do definition of insanity thing because buddy I feel like we're 15 games into the definition of insanity yeah I I've heard good things about kton Jones but I heard good things about a lot of players so I don't I want to say Kon Jones they they speak highly of of him early on campus he's a young boy but y I mean this is the ideal situation to put him in on on a team that we assume to be inferior but if you put him I don't know who he's facing if he's fa facing a fifth year senior or something like that he may get manhandled by a 25 year old grown man um we just we we're just in a blender on that side they gonna have to scheme around it I don't see a way they could fix it um this is the beted they've made you know like we we all criticized cell and development and the recruiting at that spot having two coaches and there is no no Chang changes made in the offseason to correct any of this um and then like one of the comments in they were talking about even what Neil was saying speaking about the transfers and evaluations I don't know if the eval are bad like the development of CC the development of Kelby Collins like these five star borderline five star guys we brought in they're not developing so I couldn't say I can't I can't say that these transfers like Joy slattman was highly s like we was losing sleep over this kid in offseason he was High s like the number one defensive tackle in the portal and all of a sudden like he's on a milk carton so it's to me everything's going back to coaching and developing like that's it I can't really judge these kids because according to the star rankings which work for years and years now um these guys are talented the roster talented so the only the only common denominator between you know the Mullen guys we got off the roster and now that we got Billy guys is the coaches yeah that's it y uh tight end ARL Bingham Amir Jackson or Tony Livingston the other tight end Hayden Hansen Scott Isaacs or Tony Livingston at the tight end position they got abused in uh pass protection and run protection at the tight end position so uh hopefully you know that's you know an improvement but uh you know again you know you're right your right side of the line Right Guard at times definitely the right tack on that that tight end position got abused against Miami so hopefully you know it doesn't uh doesn't happen again tomorrow I was just looking Corey at Sanford's Rost now they don't have a depth chart out there unfortunately um but most of their roster on the defensive line is graduate transfers Juniors and seniors they have one freshman and one sophomore so probably going up against 24 year olds yeah yeah grown man man with kids you know mortgage aide insurance job like all that uh yeah I I need a tight I need a tight end position U I like all this Bonham and his size and everything he can bring to the table he CAU a pass around the goal line which I thought he should have dropped his helmet in and got to The End Zone on I need these guys to get tougher uh catching the ball like this entire team like who's the leaders like where's the aggression like I need to see some football energy of some sort from this team only time I got it was pregame when Ms was all hyped up but when when the whistle got blown it's not a whole lot of football energy pup brought that energy I like pup on defense I like Shamar on defense you seen a little some Sparks on defense but offense Who's Your Leader like who's firing these guys up we need somebody to step up yeah because not the coaching staff right I mean the coaching staff is not uh a hype up crew right and I think is go ahead teams take on the demeanor of their coach yeah they take on the demeanor of their coach so this team is very chill especially on offense yeah uh running back Montell Johnson hopefully we don't see a ton of him um Tron web uh Jaden ball or ktie Daniels or jacobe Jackson would love to see a lot of those four uh you know definitely Tryon Webb is GNA probably be the guy that gets the most snaps uh at that position but would love to see Jaden ball I think he had one carry I think jacobe Jackson had two uh last game I don't remember if Kane Daniels had any uh last game but the way jacobe Jackson ran on those two plays he looked like that that Damen Pierce remember when his helmet fell off fighting his way to the end I'm not comparing jacobe Jackson and Damen chat but like that's just the energy that I saw out of him yeah I was thinking like man maybe uh Stephen Harris lie wasn't a lie you know he showed some some Frank Gore uh energy on that on play give the boys some more touches bro like we we know what Montreal brings to the table this game we don't need to see a whole lot of Montreal let him do his thing early first quarter but these young boys Jon ball I like everything I saw from him and spring game I like Kaden Daniels I like jacobe like play them boys let's see if we get a different style we gota we got to find a way to make up because etn is a missing piece at this point like we can't say we don't miss him because we do uh it was a one-two punch so you at least got to find your onew punch in my opinion right yep uh and so on the offensive side of the ball uh those that will be dealing with injuries or grah Merz obviously with concussion jaquavian frasers has a lower body injury don't know if we were expecting to see much uh Andy Jean upper body injury in Cleo Jackson uh with his ACL uh repair that he had today so that's the offensive side of the ball anything more on the offensive side of the ball that you guys want to talk about I mean put frases at right tackle [ __ ] it he' been everywhere else yeah yeah strongest he's strong right no I'm just kidding n that's it for offense man that's it for off like to see get that's been everywhere Demarcus Weston's Been Everywhere who did I say who did I say said frasers oh yeah Weston my bad wrong wrong old guy yeah yeah both recruited by Urban Meyer all right on defense uh you have Justice Boon at the F or Cameron James Captain Cameron James or Tyreek Sapp and LJ McCrae I didn't see a lot out of them in game one at that position as a whole uh so definitely one see some some drastic improvement I if for anything confidence right again you can't compare Miami and Sanford but you've got to see them do something this game uh because that's a group that we talked very very highly about uh this off season and I don't want the egg on my face you know what I mean I'm too prideful yeah I'm just praying that Miami line is just real like just top tier premium stuff bro because that pass rush it was was ugly last week we generated no pressure um interesting that cam James is the captain this week I heard in the offseason that he was the better pass rusher out of that position um so interested to see if he how many reps play out in this game love to see him play more uh even LJ McCrae like he's a five star for a reason this is a game he should get reps in yeah no absolutely uh nose tackle Desmond Watson or Cam Jackson and then micel boo after that uh you guys I watched a little bit of the uh the game the one that's like cut up uh Miami knew what they were doing when Dez Watson was out on the field they were running the the hurry up keeping him on the field um so you know that's something that you've got to watch out for uh in the future for for the Gators there but uh you know again cam Jackson man he's we've told a lot of lies about cam Jackson man um and I've I'm not seeing it right Mel boyu played you know a number of snaps as well during that game but that nose tackle position right now man is is looking like a big weakness and the loss of Jamari lions in my opinion is uh is definitely glaring right now 100% like I said I'm just praying Miami offensive line is is just really really good and one of the best offensive line will face this fall you know we'll find out no no slackman either with the the injury so I mean you know one of these guys one of these guys has to step up what's funny like cam James is a guy that I watched like watching as much of that game a second time as I could stomach um and it won a lot but like cam James looked like he looked pretty good at times um so it was weird to go back and kind of look at some of the PFF grades and see that he was was n like he the eye test was better than the grade I guess so maybe there were some plays where he wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing but but I thought he was pretty productive let's see let's move move down here and you've got Caleb Banks and Kelby Collins at Jack you've got TJ cersi or George gums and Jack purn uh rounding out the defense of line here so any thoughts on those guys before we move on to to linebackers here Kelby Collins is a guy that I thought played pretty well last year a couple different times early in the season and you know has kind of M carton since then and like are they you know it gets back to that point that Cory's making like development like coach these guys up and this was a guy that that was basically a five-star recruit I mean he was what he show Sparks yeah he showed Sparks game one Utah last year yeah Utah Tennessee just some really great moments um a full year later they should be better these guys should be making plays man he should be he shouldn't be an ore on a depth chart with his talent yeah no you're right uh linebacker Shamar James Miles Graham or RJ moton uh the other linebacker position is pop Howard or Derek wingo and Jaden Robinson why is there or right what are you what are we doing you know shout out to him great great gator man lead from the sidelines brother but there should be no or about pup's name pup is him let that guy play let him lead the team let him like get guys red up bro like I just don't get it I don't get the rotations the ores no man Let It Be pre competition let the best 11 play until they tapping their helmet yeah pup Howard ranked as the third best on pass rush grades and the best on run defense uh of any player uh Jaden Robinson was ranked as the SE second best player on defense uh in coverage grade and Grayson Robinson or pup Howard was uh ranked as the the third in coverage grades right so pup Howard my opinion best Gator on Saturday on this past Saturday I think the Gators have a true linebacker in him um you know I think that he's I think he's an incredible talent and I think that he's a potential all SEC player and I thought that George gums played well uh as well so in what we saw he did yeah yeah now gums is living up to the building uh they they didn't lie about gums they lied about a lot of players and uh they coach speak but I don't want to keep har on the same thing you just can't have like pup like on the bench unless he tired like we can go the seniority trying to get guys reps like we're not that's for good teams rotations are for good teams we're not a good team you just got to play the absolute best guys I know in recruiting they sell that oh we going to play a lot of people the rotations all that it's cool but it doesn't win you games that's for Bama that's for Georgia you know the guys that are win at a high level they can rotate because there's no drop off when you bringing in the second guy there's a huge drop off when pup Le the field right yep yeah uh so at uh at Sam you have George gums Aaron Charles and there he is silk uh Jamarcus Weston he's there he's on he's on the chart on the chart at Star you have Aaron Gates and Alonso Allen now uh we talked briefly a couple of months ago about Alonso Allen for maybe 44 seconds uh Alonso Allen is from Miami he's a three star uh cornerback uh um defensive back he went to Baylor uh played at Baylor I believe for a year and is now a walk- on at the University of Florida so that's maybe a name from a couple years ago Florida was recruiting him and and some of the other Florida schools were recruiting him like I said ended up at Baylor but that that's who he is so it's not just like Marco Rubio's son is out there like playing the star position like he was like he might get a shot you might get a shot man they rotating a lot um but that that's who he is uh I would imagine that Aaron Gates will be the guy at the star position with share Denson out for this game as well um so I mean on defense Gators are missing Jamari Lions Joey slackman Devin Moore who like we've talked about like if he could stay healthy like all SEC player but like AC joint issue like he's out for a while uh Sharie Denson's out Bryce Thorton's out and then ASA Turner hamstring and dignity uh were left at the 45 yard line against that was that was crazy but uh more to like we're talking about just overall in the DB room I want to see more dejan to be real with you um I've seen a little bit of Jain not this just like not a lot of like just playmaking being made at my in my secondary and like all these guys are highly regarded guys um Jordan Castell as well he's got a we we have have we got to that position I don't want to jump the gun uh not really so yeah let's hold off on Castell I mean we can talk about cornerbacks we've got Jason Marshall Teddy Foster uh then jaem Jackson Deon Johnson and jir Grimsley at the they should be open for competition I thought I thought uh I thought Brandon Marshall I'm not Brandon Marshall I thought uh Jason Marshall I thought Jason Marshall play solid and and he's I get where he's at from leadership standpoint but it it should be open competition in DB room um jir Grimsley highly regarded guy coming out out of you know Florida then went to B we got him to transfer out to the Sabin retirment uh djun highly regarded even with the other safety spot Gregory Smith I think he could play good football you know like make that position wide open this is a game where you open competition um Jordan Castell has got to play better football he had a full season of making these type of Errors he look lost a lot back there last week yeah and if we going to put ores out there that's what like why ain't there no ores in these spots like more Ores not 100% put or in these spots yeah let's uh some PFF grades dejon Johnson ranked as the Gator's best in coverage he did not allow a reception uh during the game uh had two tackles only had uh six plays that were were charted going down the list here I mean you have to go far down before you get to the other quarterbacks um um Sharie Denson allowed three catches on three targets for 31 yards jaem Jackson allowed four catches on six targets for 62 yards Jason Marshall allowed two catches on two Targets for 34 yards ASA Turner two catches two Targets 53 yards um you know we talked about the big plays right like yards Miami had 203 yards after catch against this Gator defense yeah abysmal we need ores ores in the DB room yeah we do need a lot of ores um and and let's get jae's confidence up Saturday you know I think that's two of the throws two of the plays where I saw people saying he got cooked on were NFL throws by cam Ward where he he was in he was in great position and didn't commit interference now maybe maybe you coach him up different you know you must champ him and tell him just if you if you think you might be beat pick up the flag we'll play the next down but man I mean a couple of those throws he's doing what he's supposed to be doing and you know that stuff is gonna be it's gonna come the more he plays um right you know a guy I'd like to see honestly I don't I don't even know if we're on safeties yet if we're not I'm sorry yeah we can move to safeties now yeah yeah I would just say like DJ Douglas is a sick six year senior and makes the most ridiculous stupid play in that football game like you fought your rear end off to get Gregory Smith to come to your school put him on the floor put put him on the field out there put him out there put out there yeah I I've said even with uh when Turner was there um this is my taking off season like Turner is gonna be a guy that could possibly come downhill and make some plays run the alley in the Run game but on the back end like I got to see guys that made plays and I haven't seen that even with Jordan Castell Gregory Smith has that that that rumor from guys that I know that from where he's from that he can fly around he can cover a lot of field uh freshman these guys are are upper classman making freshman mistakes put the young boy back there give me an or this is the game I think Greg Smith need to get more snap snaps and I don't know how like what what trz Bridges is doing but um give him some snaps as well Jordan Castell shouldn't be safe at that safety spot bro he's just not playing well enough if I'm a quarterback I'm looking if I'm an offensive coordinator I'm looking to pick on that position bro because those guys just don't make plays and why like of course throw the ball down the field yeah they can't cover a tackle yeah DJ Douglas four catches on four targets 67 yards 17 yards after catch and then a picture of him in the bushes there as well so a six year senior and a fifth year senior uh looked completely lost out there right and obviously AA Turner that Bush's thing is crazy man like I mean and you know what he had had no exactly and if he hadn't ended up in the bushes we'd still be talking about the personal foul yeah yeah not a good day for a six year senior yeah it just wasn't wasn't good F football for to not have any ores in the secondary that's egregious yeah I mean there's even an or beside Aaron Gates I want to see what Aaron Gates do I I'm high on him um I want to see this is not a great test for him but just want to see anybody that can make plays I don't care about the opponent just just Playmakers make plays no matter the opponent so let me see guys just make plays in that secondary because they're gonna test us yep yeah no not a single ore outside of the the star position where you have Aaron Gates and Alonso Allen um or is everywhere else on the depth chart but not there uh kickoff returner is montro Johnson Elijah Badger Jaden ball or jacobe Jackson three ores there um and then punt return is Eugene Wilson or DK um Neil what were your thoughts on on DK's punt returning in last game yeah I mean I thought he looked good I thought you I thought the special teams was was pretty good normally I'd get mad at Rocco for talking trash up down 21 points somebody got to talk trash yeah you know good for him and it's not Rocco's fault they gave up 27 yards on a screen pass on the next play right like Rocco made a nice play that defense comes out there and gets a stop that's great but they didn't as far as I'm concerned Rocco had perfect snaps all game right he did his job 100% he did his job uh yeah looked pretty good he looked pretty good on the kick returns I think it's just frustrating because you you hear some of these names this isn't about Rocco Underwood but you hear about some of these guys you know preseason all Pack 12 you know this guy's G to come and make an impact this guy understands the defense this guy's you know an all ivy league Player of the Year a defensive player of the year or this person's done that or former fourstar or festar recruit and then I see them go to like other schools and I'm like oh wow like Jared verse was really good and he came from Albany and it's like why can't Florida get any of these guys to make like a huge impact it's just it's disappointing to see like these guys that like you you feel like have talent or wanted by everybody come to Florida and seems like there's like a vacuum that sucks the talent out and they're like they're walking around like the mon stars like after the the power gets taken away yeah it is about the Jimmy and Joe's but like the the like coaching at this in the SEC at this high of a level like you got to be smart Kirby Smart like no he's smart yeah Will muschamp these are football guys but these are very intelligent guys when it comes to X's and O's um gri Miami staff they got smart guys on that end and you just can't come out with these uh same four or five plays like they knew our Tendencies eventually you got to know your own Tendencies and go against your own Tendencies and you're just not seeing a lot of that like even some of our sideway plays like what what plays are drawing them up when we doing this sideway stuff for us to Spring something big off of it it's just like not an lot of engineuity when it when it comes to play calling on both sides of the ball um I didn't we didn't generate pressure if you're a defensive coordinator your job is like for that quarterback not to feel safe and not to feel that comfortable especially in your own building I didn't think we came up any creative stunts Blitz packages to even affect the quarterback at all in that game so it's a lot to desired um we got out coach like big time that's why like Elijah Badger is still Elijah Badger I don't think he forgot how to play wide receiver position and we just not seeing he made one good uh catch and and those good ball placement by merch but then he disappeared um it's coming down to these coaches it's not a talent issue you know it's nothing other than coaching straight up um what was I just gonna say I don't remember I I had a question for Neil So Neil was on the I forget who show you was on um probably the Saturday down south podcast Saturday down south Saturday down south you spoke about like there possibly being some some chatter with uh them starting to look at for a billy napia replacement U what are you hearing yeah so I mean I've had I've had conversations with with uh a few conversations with three three high level donors um those conversations started Saturday night probably on my drive home from from the game uh one of them called me and they've continued uh through yesterday I think first you guys got to remember these guys are fans right like and I they give the university Flor millions of dollars or in one case hundreds of thousands of dollars but and they want Florida to be good at sports but they and they want a return on their investment and all that's reasonable they also just want to win um they're still fans right so if Florida goes out and beats Texas A&M and M State and Kentucky uh maybe the story changes but for now um the story from all three of them is that the clock is running out and now we're in the math problem area which is we're in the Dan Thompson specialty like this is where we need Dan's professional expertise the buyout the buyout is 25.8 million at the end of the year the difference with that's it the difference where where's that GoFundMe at you know so so the difference and and here's the thing the difference with Billy's buyout and say jimbos or Mullins is that billy gets 50% of his buyout up front so let's say they fired him after they lose to Kentucky for the third straight time all right um in that scenario yes uh in that scenario the buyout would be 27.7 million so that means he gets 138 up front pretty much um and then you got to buy out every staff member that isn't retained after the season which you can safely assume is everybody except for maybe the DB coach uh because everybody likes him um I mean everybody in the industry not just you know what I mean but so let's just say ballpark the number at 17 million that's the math in terms of just the money you have to pay now not what you're paying who you go get so then the way one of these donors put it to me is okay at what point does what we have to pay now 17 million become less than what we lose if we keep him um from a donation standpoint from an nil collected Fund in injection standpoint and then from these three guys from a big donor standpoint and that's where I thought the conversations were interesting one of the three donors I spoke to said he was already at the point where barring a dramatic turnaround the the phrase he used was not another red scent not another red scent barring something massive happening uh in terms of wins and losses so to me where does that leave things um you know it leaves things at like yeah uh people that love University and give it a lot of money or really mad that Florida's still not winning football games but they're also they have some power because they can stop Bank rolling projects until a move is made uh it also means nothing has been decided yet I I think there's contingencies one of them is is DJ lagway he could light the world on fire um is that likely with this offensive line no but it's possible he could there's 11 games left like Corey said man they could go and win a bunch of them and this isn't a problem another problem that's not a problem is the B sass thing although I will say I think that changes kind of I talked to a friend so I was telling Dan before the show I do some election law work and I have a friend that's real close with with Ben SASS and so I asked you know hey what has been this was last year after the Florida State game and SAS was already concerned with the trajectory of the football program after Florida State last year so to me if you go out and have the most embarrassing performance by a Florida football team I've been going to game I've been going to games since since 1988 ever that game that game wasn't embarrassing it was it made me sick to my stomach yeah yes I thought I I thought it was just the most disgusting unprepared unprofessional performance I've ever seen by by Florida Gator football team I think Vince ass might have been stirred to action immediately he is not the president we know how President Fox works because we've been around him a while his leadership style tends to be more patient but I say it doesn't change things too much because there's this stuff fox has all the authority to do something if he wants the Board of Governors gives it to him so you don't have to worry about that what you do have to worry about is the math and the math is at some point and it's not just big donations it's you buy season tickets you can make a contribution well somebody that might have contributed 1,500 bucks they might contribute the minimum $100 or whatever right all that stuff adds up Florida fans are GNA buy tickets sure but eventually the math problem becomes we lose more than the 17 million that that it takes to keep in if we don't and when you're still trying to build your nil Collective up you can't afford for donations to dry out so Florida's in a in a tricky spot um but everybody should know that there are people that care very deeply that that are already trying to figure out what the solution is is that bad for Billy Napier I don't know I it's up to it's up to Billy Napier and how his football team performs I don't think like I tweeted this bro there there's a 11 games to get one I still think like I don't know if he's to I just don't I know he's not the guy you know like you make it get a guy like lagway that can elevate a coach's play like I said like Jord Travis did with with Mike Noll and they all sitting that o 0 and two trying to figure out do we got the right guy because you can get a quarterback to come bring like lagway is the type of talent that could come in here regardless of what they say he doing in practice and he didn't flat out win the job he is a gamer he could come in here start throwing some crazy passes making some things happen we spark and go on a run regardless of that run I don't feel like vill Napier is the coach for the Florida Gators that's just where I'm at with it I don't think he has the the it factor I don't think he has the overall understanding of what it is to be a coach here rivalry wise you know to face Kirby SM guy that want to kick our teeth in as a former Georgia guy like he just don't get it you feel me he's too calm so um that's just where I'm at with it is you know I don't make those type of decisions but I don't think there's a lot he can do outside to win a National Championship to make me feel like he's the right coach for the University of Florida I mean I I I think there are already people that feel that way and and what I'll say so it was interesting like he was accountable at that press conference on Saturday in the sense that he said he was embarrassed and it's on him but he also in the same breath said well we've made some progress at which point I mean I looked at Nick and was kind of like what's he what is he talking about what progress have you made I just don't think Florida knows what it wants to be and this is what I wrote in Saturday down south over the weekend like what is Florida good at right montro Johnson is good okay but they didn't go back to that off tackle play that scored a touchdown until it was 3810 they didn't they didn't even get in that formation again until it was 3 and10 what do they want to be what do they want to be because the 247 composite tells a handful of White lives but it it's been pretty true forever and ever this is a talented football team and the other thing that I think is super important and and you all probably know this but like Florida's nil situation isn't as bad as some of the Optics suggest like like they solid Florida situation is solid bro like Florida lost those kids to Auburn because of nil in their class last year but like they didn't lose Xavier Phils same because of nil like their niil package for him was fine I know that it was I know what I know what Texas is was and it was because that kid wanted to win football games I think even the Auburn kids the kids that win the Auburn if if we're winning I think like those kids don't explore out and start being inquisitive about other nil options and that might be that might be true right and our bags are bigger if we're winning right yeah yeah just talking to recruits and people around it bro and from certain situations the competition some of our recruits outside of Miami who just sometimes get ridic ulous with what they hand out we're very competitive in nil it's just not a real thing um why always can be better right you know that's always could be better strategy with a lot of things we do um we're paying guys really good right now like our players are getting good checks and I don't think that's a problem at all our problem is the product on the field four four losing seasons in a row is our problem yep I mean I look I think the one thing I would say just to add to that is like there is there is some old guard that still are oh why are we paying kids to play football and like to those people to the extent they're listening to Stadium Gale and they should be listening to Stadium Gale but like stop it that's what I would say to those people like it is not immoral or wrong to pay young people for being good at football and you can say Miami bought their team all you want you can say you know Southern Cal and Lincoln Riley bought some key players all you want that's what they should be doing right now and so like that's that's where we're at and Florida had some badass teams paying poor kids who were really good at football in the 1980s yeah and like Florida got hammered and I swear there's generational trauma about that stuff guys like everybody thinks it's all wrong I think you hang a national champion 1984 Banner in the swamp like but that's just that's just where I'm at on it like yeah it's time to get it's time for everyone that that still does have res ations about it to get over it um and especially with the revenue share money coming there's going to be even more money to spend so it's time to to be super aggressive about that but if you win games the bags get bigger yeah absolutely yeah and I mean we we've talked a lot about it on the show and especially with the economy I mean obviously the stock market's doing well but there's a lot of you know question marks in the economy right now and a lot of the people that are giving a lot of money to the University of Florida are also being asked by a lot of other people to donate a lot of money to their causes and they're also being cautious about what's happening in the economy right now so you're really trying to fight you know for that sliver of the money that they're willing to give up and or they're willing to give and at some point if the product's not there and the ROI is not there then they're just going to find other causes to give that money to until there's a change right and like that's where we've talked about it's like the fan base is very loud and very noisy right now in terms of just being angry and upset with Billy and AP here and and that's perfectly fine but we've also talked about like what apathy can bring right of like oh I'm not going to go up to that game so like I'm not going to buy tickets I'm not going to do the concessions I'm not going to buy the apparel right or gonna do that less right maybe instead of going up for four games this year maybe only go up for one or two and then that's starts to impact the bottom line a lot and so that's what you were talking about you know when we first got on to this segment so you know I think that that's a huge thing that Florida could potentially be grappling with and and that's why it's it's hard right like it it does cost a lot of money then it's going to cost a lot of money to buy out whoever the new coach is going to be and then it's going to cost a lot of money to bring that new person in being and then I don't know all of these staffers and everything else I don't know what their contracts and everything else look like like you're talking about a lot of money but what is the alternative could be a drastic creation of apathy that could cost hundreds of millions of dollars not just to University of Florida but to the city of Gainesville and the university as well yeah I mean that's and that's it that's it Dan and that's why you know it's a math problem the one the one other thing I should add and is that all three of these these gentlemen seem to think that the solution is to at least pursue a name if they have to get to that point um that it's not you know Florida has this tradition we're gonna go get this next young up and cumer and I guess you when you hit on Billy Donovan and you hit on Urban Meyer maybe you feel swaggy about that right um but Florida hasn't won an SEC title since 2008 in football they haven't been to the college football playoff there's a very good chance Missouri is going to go to the college football playoff before Florida does yeah um like it's time to go get somebody that can actually fix it and I think that's kind of the consensus on on all these guys you know yeah I mean there's there's games to be played and maybe nap year can turn it around and they haven't made any decisions yet but once that day comes you know I don't think Florida's can go and hire Rett Lashley as I guess the point I'm making yeah I'll I'll tell you what we were talking about on the show and then I want to get to Chris sorley's comment here um you we're talking about on the show and like Lance Leupold was a name that got brought up last week and it's like I'll be honest with you like I think that Lance leupold's a good coach and he's making some improvement at Kansas uh Nick brought up Jamie Chadwell at Liberty from coost Carolina I'm like buddy you are going to be fighting a a Florida go get another yeah yeah you're good uh if Florida has to go hire somebody that people have to go to Wikipedia to learn more about them like they want the big name and and obviously like the alternative to that is you have three coaches in college football that have won a national championship two of them are never leaving their schools and one of them is like almost 80 years old right in MA brown right so um it's hard right and it's not an exact science but like Florida's got to go big game hunting and we were talking about in the show last Monday Neil like I don't know when in any sport Florida's ever gone for like a big dog in anything right I mean Steve Spurrier like I got corrected in the comments like oh he like won back-to-back ACC titles and I was like all whatever fine like maybe Steve spayer then but like in basketball Billy Donovan no Mike White no Todd golden no in baseball no for anybody and then you know Kevin ulvan worked out but he was an assistant at Clemson and then your last four coaches have been people that nobody's really heard of and Urban Meyer like worked out but like Urban Meyer had two years at Utah before coming here right so yeah was s s he was he was very highly sought after was spash higher yeah it was it was a splash higher it was still risky but I mean anybody but was definitely it was definitely splashy Alex GES is another guy I have immense respect for and I heard his name and I thought man he's in year two at South Florida like if you if he did that they would burn the stadium down yeah I mean like you know and that's the thing is like you I like the guy by the way yeah like maybe Alex GES maybe like Jamie Chadwell could a good name man for UCF or something but this is University of Florida like you got to go get a guy and and I'm not like I understand everybody's uh slow approach to Elaine kein but he's a proven play caller he's a proven winner he's been around he's football royalty uh and he has that dog in him like he's gonna treat rivales like they rivales he's good the portal correct you just needs getting paid you know yeah he embrac his people getting paid he's good in the portal um there's a lot of reasons to to maybe go that direction it's you know and I'm glad you brought up UCF because Gus Maan played for a national championship and they hired him yeah right which is a good hire for them yeah it's a good hire for he beat Nick Sabin about four times and took a team to a national title game and and UCF went out and hired him yeah um NE here's a question from uh from Chris army sniper Chris o if you win games that's correct NE on NE and winning games who's your pick for replacing na appreciate the Super Chat Chris I think they're gonna I I think assuming that this does not turn around I think they will make a I do think they'll make a big run at kein um I think they'll do it the way that lane would want to I think they'll be kind of loud about it which is the not the Florida way yeah it's not really the coaching search way um but I think there's three jobs that lane would take um that he probably dreams about having one is Alabama one the second is Ohio State and the third one is Florida so I think it would be one of those things where he you know he knows he can go 10 and two in Oxford and they'll build him a statue um whenever he wants to leave there but it Florida's a better job it's a better program sure or historically that that would be my thought yeah yeah I think he's been politicking for that Florida job for a while I don't think it's by accident are saying we got more money and we're more our nil program is better I get all that but he hasn't been trolling and doing this whole thing with Florida for this many years for no reason um I thought he wanted the Miami job Miami just didn't go out to him and they went out to Crystal Ball um and in Florida State uh it was some rumors out there that if Norville was to take another job that's something they would go after so I do think he wants to be back in the state um and he just fits the criteria man of of what we need right just overall we'll see how it all plays out we still got football games to play yeah we do yeah might need to to do some massaging on the John Reeves relationship if Lane kein gets hired but figure figure it out um and then uh Anthony Beck appreciate if we hire another upand Comer I might have to up and whoop somebody's ass so just not us you know not us um Anthony Beck Anthony Alex KES Beck from now um Neil like what do you think right right like we talked a little bit about it like Kent fox has the opportunity to like unilaterally run the prog or run the university right now and that includes the athletic department like there's been a lot of controversy over the last you know number of years you know with Scott Strickland there was a women's basketball coach situation there was the women's soccer coach um obviously Dan Mullen didn't work out long term doesn't look like Billy nap is going to look work out long term like do Scott Strickland potentially get a third head coach ing hire like do you think that Kent Fox would potentially step in because like I would imagine Florida's not going to have a new president until at least January at like the very earliest and I would imagine in my opinion it's probably going to be towards the end of the academic year that he comes like do you think that that's a situation Florida finds himself in because like I know he's done a lot of good in terms of like fundraising and Building Things but like what's the tenor around that from like your booster friends and people that you know I think it's skepticism of of having him make a third football higher uh quite quite frankly um you know he's not gonna get fired for cause they won't be able to do that right I think if you know yes there were two coaching scandals um they were now three years ago I think almost right women's soccer women's basketball so you're not you don't have any reason to to get rid of him I like Scott he's a nice guy conducts himself with Integrity has made made I think one great hire um in in men's basketball um and kept Kevin OS Sullivan from going to LSU so he has to get some credit for that uh but I think look we all know what what pays the bills man um and even if even if football alone didn't pay doesn't pay the bills which it does because it's the SEC like it's where the passion is it's what people care about it's what people set their their Seasons By right so uh yeah I mean I don't know I think there'd be some serious distrust and uh I think it'd be tough for for Scott but they haven't said any n none of them have mentioned Strickland yet um in any of these conversations which is interesting to me but but that's so that's just kind of my hunch is it would be it's pretty unprecedented to get a third higher yeah yeah we were talking about it I was on spaces yesterday and it's like you just don't hear about a lot of athletic directors at schools like Florida getting fired very often unless it's like for cause right so like I'm to the belief whether I Like It games are the cause yeah but like at the end of the day like I think that Scott Strickland's seed is far cooler than than most fans probably want or think I think that's fair I think if now do think Scott has looked around a little bit just on his own you know you about the Texas A&M situation I mean they have a new athletic director so like I I heard that there was some poking around by Scott well and the college football playoffs presidency uh you know I think I think was another one that that was pretty intriguing to to the Strickland fam so you know I don't know um I think guy like me to get him out of there you know what mean yeah right got a got a got beat out by a general I guess but what you know uh it's definitely possibility that he leaves on his own anyway you seend that boy shark fishing oh man um what else you guys got anything else before we head out of here no that's it man uh I do expect um for the game tomorrow I do expect them boys to come out fire I think they like they got a lot of confidence from the last game uh they also seen the product that we put on the field so this team's going to come in with the intentions of a upset um so like we'll see what product we put on the field um but I need lag weight just to scratch the field I want to see us go deep and I think we are GNA go deep and then that that may change some some visions of how we see the offense um but that's it man tune in tomorrow night pull up we still got football to watch I'm G enjoy every fall I don't know how many Falls I got left you feel me so that's the one man that's it right there we don't we don't go ahead Neil no I said this is the special time of year man like if you're if you're three and nine it's still football season yes sir y yes we we just got through an entire like seven months of having to listen to Nick talk about baseball and we're scattering around to try to find guests and this that and the other thing it's finally here so I'm going to enjoy it right like no matter how well the Gators are doing or not like I'm gonna watch right like trying to figure out like the plan tomorrow and Brooke's like well are the Gators playing I'm like yeah all right we we'll do something where you can watch the game like we don't have to but like yeah like let's let's do that right shout out to her it her birthday yesterday so happy birthday to Brooke man happy birthday Brook Brook Happ Brook well well we appreciate everybody for watching I had about a thousand of you guys watching live We Appreciate each and every one of you if you're watching on YouTube please hit the like button hit the Subscribe button before we leave uh Neil is a must follow he is one of the best when it comes to uh covering the Gators and and covering a lot of the sport Beyond just what you see with your eyeballs so NE let everybody know where they can find you on H social media where they can read your articles and everything else yeah appreciate it uh Ed NW Blackman's up there that's the Twitter um yeah catch my articles it's Saturday down south and if you like basketball support Florida basketball hour um absolutely you know because uh them boys are about to be good I'm all sorts of all sorts of lies are about to be told yeah yeah sh to Todd man I had the opportunity to talk to Todd last Tuesday Neil stick around after the show and I tell you what he said it was off the Record um so but anyway we appreciate you guys for uh for listening each and every week we'll see you on Monday at 6:30 thank you guys for watching everybody have a great weekend and we will see you soon go Gator go gator

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Florida Gators Football Schedule 2024: Dates, Kickoff Times, and Locations

Category: Sports

So uh florida is playing miami august 31st at 3:30 september 7th against samford at 700 p.m. september 14th texas a&m all three of those games are in gains about 3:30 uh mississippi state in starkville at noon so that'll kick off at 1100 am local time there uh don't love that uh then the week after... Read more

Gators DEPTH CHART Released! Huge Surprises Against Miami! thumbnail
Gators DEPTH CHART Released! Huge Surprises Against Miami!

Category: Sports

In the sec conference we're going to build the best football program in the sec conference you have now arrived at stadium in the kick it's been blocked again it's been blocked again going to heat one deep down the field it's going to be to the goal line it's going to be gone it's a touchdown and the... Read more

ONE MORE CHANCE: With Mertz injured, Florida turns to Max Brown against FSU thumbnail
ONE MORE CHANCE: With Mertz injured, Florida turns to Max Brown against FSU

Category: Sports

It is winning season at my bookie use promo code gators on a deposit of $50 or more and you can receive up to $200 in cash instantly to your mybookie account hey that's not much longer to bet on college football so join in now bet any bet anything anytime anywhere at my bookie gator breakdown because... Read more

Florida Gators Fall Camp Update: Montrell Johnson Injured & Eugene Wilson III Feeling ‘Dangerous’ thumbnail
Florida Gators Fall Camp Update: Montrell Johnson Injured & Eugene Wilson III Feeling ‘Dangerous’

Category: Sports

We got gator breakdown here we know we're businesses gator breakdown because there's never a dull moment in gator nation the gator breakdown podcast is ready to go i am your host david waters you can find me on social media gator dave ec coming at you with another episode of gator's breakdown of course... Read more

RECRUITING SEASON: Retelling THAT Dan Mullen Story thumbnail
RECRUITING SEASON: Retelling THAT Dan Mullen Story

Category: Sports

Uh coach the topic of recruiting has come up a lot the last couple days from a few angles uh is it a different approach needed for the level consisten we we're in the season right now we'll do recruiting after the season and when it gets this recruiting time we can talk about recruiting sounds good... Read more

Asa Turner and Jordan Castell: Boosting the Florida Gators' Defense with Experience and Confidence thumbnail
Asa Turner and Jordan Castell: Boosting the Florida Gators' Defense with Experience and Confidence

Category: Sports

I don't think t will be as much of an issue as it was i think it will be improved i think it will certainly be improved there's still levels to this i want it to be great i don't want it to be just improved i want it to be great l there's reasons to believe it will be so one player that did well we... Read more

Florida Gators land 4-Star WR Naeshaun Montgomery and boosts 2025 WR class thumbnail
Florida Gators land 4-Star WR Naeshaun Montgomery and boosts 2025 WR class

Category: Sports

We got gator breakdown here we know we're business gator breakdown because there's never a dull moment in gator nation oh and that never dull moment takes us to a commit right before the season starts welcome to gator's breakdown i am your host david waters i you can find me on social media gator dave... Read more

PREVIEW & PREDICTION: Florida Gators vs Miami Hurricanes thumbnail
PREVIEW & PREDICTION: Florida Gators vs Miami Hurricanes

Category: Sports

We got gator breakdown here we know we're business gator breakdown because there's never a dull moment in gator nation the gator breakdown podcast is ready to go i am your host david waters you can find me on social media gator dave and it is time preview and prediction time right here for florida versus... Read more