[Music] you are now listening you are now [Music] listening to the backseat wrestler podcast look at Randy slithering watch out watch out watch out hosted by Eric and Elvis it's La night's game yeah [Music] one of my favorite woman's wrestlers of all time is finally freaking back Jamie freaking hater and she looked nothing like I remembered nothing yo when when I first saw her I saw the red hair like obviously I heard the music and then everybody going ballistic I was like oh that's Jamie hater uh but when I saw her I was like wait is that is is that a Becky Lynch because of the freaking oh my God the colorful here but that's that's what like all like the wrestling fans are saying it was funny but um hello and welcome to the number one wrestling podcast in the world the backseat wrestler podcast of course we are your host Eric and Elvis ready to bring you more wrestling news and this week we are covering a ew all in we're literally filming this probably like a half hour after it just ended uh of course we had to gather our thoughts I want to see how to eat to be honest I wanted to eat before we recorded but yeah but lot a lot of fun stuff did happen on this show show I thought it was a freaking Banger of a show um of course we're going to go through every single match that did happen we're going to talk about any like outcomes what we think it's going to happen blah blah blah um but yeah in the terms of grading it on a scale of zero to five stars I would give this one maybe a 4 point five how about you yeah four and a half four and a half yeah I I I don't I don't think it's I don't think it's a five star but then again like aw always puts on five star things but this was still a freaking Banger of an all in um uh it it reset a lot of stuff which is exactly what they needed um of course in terms of like you know new new Champions uh returning Superstars Etc definitely excited for of course dynamite and maybe even Collision hopefully if they freaking bu it up correctly but um yeah yeah doubt it but yeah super excited for all that stuff but uh yeah this I don't know do you want you want to talk about any top stories before we get into this um the only top story I had but we kind of found out on the show anyway was Ricochet signing a multi-year deal with aw oh yeah yeah that's true but then obviously we found out he showed up so yeah which we'll get into yeah that that was great I'm H I'm happy he's an aw I think it fits his style a million times better than WWE to be honest um keep the mic away from him and just let him wrestle and then he'll be fine that's what I a lot of people already said that I see like keep the mic away and give him a manager yes give him a manager and like I think he go very far I can't wait for them to to run back will Osprey versus him again that seems going to be fire his wrestling skills and his mic skills are like the total opposite that's crazy yeah one of the best wrestlers keep the mic away it's like it's like claudo like claudo cloi do is one of the freaking best wrestlers on the roster just not really there good on the mic um but yeah I think we should get into things a little in order I guess I mean like I don't really want to talk about the pre-show that much I mean like the only major thing that did happen on the pre-show was of course Jam hater returning um and beating the crap out of um what's your name it's not Paige anymore but it's um serea serea yeah serea beating the crap out of Sera obviously serea is the one who injured her and took the title off of her uh was that last year I think it was last year right yeah last year yep injured her and took the title off of her so of course that's who she's going to go after um I am I'm a little upset that they they put on the pre-show but I mean like where else are the he where else are you going to put it and also it's jimie hater I mean yeah I was I was really pumped up about that the crowd went ballistic as expected um I went ballistic as expected um yeah I was just really freaking excited as soon as Sera said hey like I'm the greatest like you know greatest woman's wrestler of all time and I'm the best one in this company I was like oh hopefully Jamie hater comes out and then her music hit I was like let's freaking go yeah but I I was dumb excited for that U of course we also had the Chris statlander and stokeley match Verso ECE and Willow that was on the pre-show as well honestly I missed that match honestly I barely watch Willow and Tomi obviously won yeah it wasn't really much else that happened um but let's get into the actual main freaking card because the main card was actually insane main card of course first off started off with the trios tag team championship match between House of black bang bang bang Blackpool combat club and Pac who just formed a team um last night on collision it made perfect sense to be honest uh and versus the patriarchy obviously because the patriarchy are the trio championships Banger of a freaking match I thought it was a lot of fun a lot of people were complaining Ladder Match yeah ladder match of course for the things I have a couple of complaints the freaking ladders are like what are they seven feet tall they weren't even that freaking tall yeah well the last one to get the titles was tall but all the other ones were like Mass short yeah but that was just made yeah I don't know what the heck happened I guess they couldn't find a lot of tall ladders in in the UK I guess that's what it seemed like I was like damn like okay whatever I'm fine with it but yeah bang of a freaking match um of course the people Pac and Blackpool comic Club are the are the ones who won the TRS titles um it was obviously just to get PAC of course an Allin moment uh they did form this tag team with Blackpool comic club last night as I said on collision where it was basically like a wild card spot to see WC is going to be you know inserted into this match and Pac wanted his all-in moment he felt like he got cheated out because of the course the um mjf and will L spr match that he was supposed to have he's of course going to have that match at all out in two weeks so pocket black and Blackpool combat Club AKA claudo and um damn it blank it on name again wait hold on you said black you said CLA and Wheeler UDA yeah wheeler UDA there you go wheeler UDA and claudo CI and of course Pac are now your Trio's Champions I think he fits in with black pool combat Club what do you think yeah they get him the shirt just get him the shirt well that's what I'm thinking like like what are your thoughts on this do you think like they're going to keep that for a while do you think he's just going to stay with black po Kombat Club do you think he's going to you know move on eventually I mean he should stay with Blackpool comback Club but obviously he still has the singles opportunities especially all out so yeah I mean he's not going to win he's doing he hasn't been doing nothing else so I why put him with Blackpool combo Club I guess yeah I mean like I I was saying this too like he's such a great talent like dude's a freaking Beast he really is he's just unfortunately he always has Visa issues travel issues or freaking getting injured so they can never like put build anything around him and then now he just lost his tax yeah exactly he he just lost death triy angle because the Lucha Bros are reportedly not signing with uh aw again so now he's just kind of like a lone wolf and I guess hopefully he does stable Blackpool combat Club that's what I'm hoping for because honestly I think he fits it perfectly and we can tell about his freaking match like they they actually like jailed well like really well together yeah yeah um of course other than that well before we move on do you want to add any points to that match at all no you got no the match was actually it was a really good match and um yeah Christian C was like the talked about yeah Christ cage was the gem of that match he was freaking hilarious at one point he was just on commentary he didn't want to he want he didn't want to join in and he did join in he got jumped by literally every single freaking team that was hilarious um lucasa surus tried to help him up the ladder of course and it didn't really end up well for them P freaking P up the title moving on we had which I think was honestly this was probably like my second favorite match of the night I'm not even going to lie Mariah May versus Timeless Tony storm for the aew world title well Women's World title same thing uh this was a bang of a freaking match it obviously it had like the best storyline going into it it was the most well bit well-built storyline in aw in a long time um of course with Mori M turning on her former uh friend and Mentor T Tony storm Tony storm oford feeling extremely upset about this uh and Mariah may just going full-blown heels she slapped the [ __ ] out of her mom you saw that yeah she slapped her own her own mother she slapped her own mom um she went after the butler the butler stuck his middle finger at her he was pissed yeah she drop kicked the butler uh she tried to use the title wasn't able to but of course the the match said with for freaking B first of all Mari May was was bu busted open bleeding the entire time Tony storm looked like she was about to pick up the win uh but then Mariah May ended up hitting the storm driver took Tony Storm's move for the win so she is now the aew Women's World Champion I am so freaking happy for that I'm I'm actually ecstatic about that because I I really thought that Mariah May build herself up throughout the past couple months as like one of the top stars in the women's division um yeah I think her her promos honestly are not bad at all like she can actually cut a decent promo um obviously the heel now exactly can be like this uh this heel this heel super star that nobody likes and it's good for the woman's division really need but she's way better as a heel when she was a face she was okay like obviously we can see she can pull a face off but as a heel you can tell like that's exactly where she needs to stay like that's perfect she's EXA exactly where she needs to be uh but yeah I'm really excited to see what the heck is gonna come out of this like who the hell is she's gonna face Maybe Jamie hater eventually of course that's that'll be a freaking Banger if they do that but yeah I thought it was great I don't know what the hell they're going to do with Tony storm right now but you know what it's fine St is a three time woman's Champion yeah she should just take a break she's a three time Women's Champion she doesn't need she doesn't need the title she doesn't need to be around it for a while um she could take a long break or just like help build a division kind of like what Brit Baker did a bit uh something like that honestly uh other than that we had Chris Jericho versus Hook uh Chris Jericho versus Hook was another Banger freaking match which yeah and I had no interest to be honest in the match but it was actually a really good match been kind of boring yeah it was decent um of course T Taz got involved Hook's father and choked out was it Brian Keefe which got and a hook ended up choking out Chris Jericho Chris Jericho for the win won the FTW title back um my only like problem with this though is kind of like I know that they're trying to build up hook which is great but like you kind of just gave him back the title that he lost and that title doesn't really it's not really like technically a title per se it's not even significant yeah yeah so he's kind of like back where he started if you kind of think about it like yeah he does have a couple more wins over he's getting better on the mic a little bit I guess they don't really show it that much he's definitely better in the ring and he he definitely has that aura like that presence but like him winning the F FTW title I'm not really sure what the hell they're going to do with that now since we've seen him as a champion like several times he doesn't really do anything with it so I'm I'm not sure I I honestly I kind of want him to lose because I felt like he's probably should like move above that but I guess not yeah yeah I want maybe I was thinking about like a character change or heel heel change maybe something something I heel hook exactly should have gave us something but it's whatever I can't complain that much it was just a freaking I wouldn't even invested in this Riv anyways uh we then had the Young Bucks versus FTR versus eclaim this was for the aew tag titles obviously the Acclaim yeah Banger for match obviously the Acclaim earned their freaking title shot like two months ago never freaking got it um and then FTR just wanted to throw them in here because they're FTR which is fine they're FTR as I said they're great uh good match fun match obviously um Young Bucks end up ended up picking up the win that was a bit surprising to me but I'm I'm kind of happy about it to be honest because yeah I thought that was gonna be new champs 100% so I'm actually happy I I don't know just the Young Bucks I think the best damn tag team in in aw I think they he I think the Young Bucks are the best well that that's like in the world yeah but see that's like the that's like the big storyline there like they're always fighting to see who is better at either or Young Bucks that's the reason why I thought like I didn't think FTR was going to win I thought it was either going to be a claimed or Young Bucks now was only because Young Buck um FTR defeated Young Bucks last year at Allin and they always go back and forth with their wins and I know for a fact that Young Bucks weren't going to lose I think it's like that would have been like the third time in a row they lost to FDR so there's no shot they were going to do that especially if they wanted to keep that rivaly going I don't remember who's the one that P that got pinned I'm pretty sure it was uh cash wheeler if I'm not mistaken oh because I was gonna say if it was somebody from the Acclaim that young buck could be like oh we never got pinned maybe get a match what they're gonna do FTR yeah yeah I don't know what well let's see what they're gonna do for allout if they even defend it if they even defend it two weeks yes it's two weeks yeah so look at we got a pay-per-view this week pay-per-view next week so WWE and then another pay-per-view for a it's pretty fun I like this time of year yeah for real we also had the casino Battle Royale between a bunch of wrestlers which I'm not going to name every single one cuz that's way too freaking yeah Casino gaet it's not yeah but it was fun uh we had Nigel mcginness freaking make an appearance was as funny as hell um Zack saber yeah Zack saber Jr made an appearance uh and then of course the debut of Ricochet which is like the top story there um coming out looking like honestly a million bucks yeah he he freaking went all out he looked great people were complaining already like oh he came just to lose to Christian Cage because Christian Cage was another member and Christian Cage won all right so this is why this this pay-per-view was like a four and a half star instead of a five star I just I just hated the ending I thought it was like way too sudden like oh one choke slammed by this dude uh luchasaurus and then Christian Cage pins like I don't know I thought it was just so stupid so so my thought process behind this was I thought that this I feel like this match like got cut like the time by a lot because if you think about it when I'm not I don't even think it was Ricochet it was like two people came in like literally I think it was like oh yeah it was like um it was like Rody and I'm pretty sure I maybe it was Kyle Riley like they came in like two seconds yeah Rody came in no Kyle Riley and then Rody came in like five seconds right after yeah five seconds right after and then like even the commentators are like oh well like there's not really a set time when people come in and then they kind of ran with it the last few entrances actually came in really quick yeah that's what I'm saying I'm pretty sure like the time got cut short because of maybe some other match went on a little bit longer than expected most likely the Young Bucks match because that's always what happens with Young Bucks matches they always go over and the pay-per-view ended exactly like at 459 yeah yeah yeah so yeah um it it was pretty decent though Ricochet showed out he looked really freaking good in this yes for the time he had he showed out yeah Rod looked really good in this as well but um yeah you can't get mad that Ricochet lost you really think he's going to win a number one contenders match for the aw World title on his first freaking night that would have been the same thing as like AJ Styles winning the Royal Rumble his first freaking match when he went into WWE no exactly the same it's the same thing like it makes no sense then again these people yeah he showed out he didn't pin I don't see what the problem is no he didn't yeah yeah he looked great he honestly looked fantastic he was freaking going Alla he deal everybody in there uh speaking of demolish and everybody in there hangman Adam paage showed out in that as well oh yes I almost forgot about he hangman Adam page is making me love him as a heel more and more week in and week out like I yeah obviously I was a big fan of a face I have his shirt and everything but um yeah as a heel like yo your boy is looking really freaking good we saw him again towards the end of the night but we'll talk about that when we get there I was I was expecting that though everybody was like yeah he's going to show I mean yeah I was waiting for that yeah no that was Banger it was it was good though really freaking good match um but yeah now we can get into uh the four title matches like major title matches of the night singles title matches of the night um for starting off with Will ospr versus mjf all right let's get into of course one of my other favorite matches tonight probably my third favorite match um right behind the uh sorry right behind the Tony storm and Mariah main match because that match was a freaking bang ER but this one was equally as great it's just more so the storyline was like whatever to me uh this was Will ospry versus mjf of course for the American Title aka the international title match was great I thought the freaking opening was hilarious with like mjf coming out in like the American robe the American hat everything dressed down Apollo Creed he look like Apollo Creed exactly Apollo Creed um yeah back up a like one inch from your mic cuz it's a little loud just so you know you're good I'm holding it in hand my bad no you're good you're good but anyways yes he did look like Apollo Creed that was great will ospry coming out like Assassin's Creed was a freaking Banger too yeah that was a fire entrance plus the new game November 15th yeah Assassin Creed Shadows yeah that that Pro little little promo in there for promo but yeah thought was a freaking Banger of a match um mjf looked like he was about to win and then the returning Daniel Garcia attacked njf uh which of course got him a little bit distracted in which will Osprey of course ended up picking up the win yes great match um will osy is the International Champion mjf can move on to bigger and better things as well yeah I I really wish it was Adam Cole yes yeah so here's the thing well well actually let's say this will Osprey yeah it was the American Championship but he ended up taking the International Championship not the American yeah but then um yeah I would have loved for it to be Adam Cole just for them to actually finish that d D story that they never actually got to even kind of start basically yeah they never same time he did almost end Daniel Garcia's career so it was kind of like he got him back at I mean it's the next it's the next best thing but it's like it's it's really like a major difference like obviously the Adam col thing would have hit so much better but obviously he he's still injured it seems like yeah I don't think MGF and Daniel Garcia are going to have a feud you don't think so I think they are I mean or not like a major Feud if it was MGF and they would have had a major Feud no I at least see them having a match like at um at all out like MF versus Dan Garcia all out maybe maybe freaking mg maybe Adam Cole finally shows up then I don't freaking know that'll be fine it's only two weeks away I forgot it's only two weeks away yeah but still like God damn like yo I I want Adam C return how long has it been it's been a long freaking time yeah well it was it was probably a really bad injury I mean he just blew out his ankle or something like that I'm pretty sure like I just want this dude to return um chug as his name is on Twitch he he's been he's been streaming a lot more like playing games and stuff he's also been posting a lot more and like of like photos of him like in the ring and all that stuff so like like I thought it was like hyping this up like oh is he gonna return he's goingon to return at all in and I guess freaking not maybe hopefully at all out I don't know I'm I'm pretty upset about it but yeah well it makes us uh it makes it less predictable we thought he was going to come he didn't so um that's true also when we get out of this one we get um so will ospre versus Pac right at all out for the International Championship yeah so that's the next match for for will Osprey I'm hoping that's gonna be a banger which probably will it's always will of course definitely freaking is that's what I was goingon to say too so of course it seems like MGF is going to go the route of of course fighting Danel Garcia that would probably eventually lead him lead to him going after the world title or maybe uh Adam Cole finally comes back and he has that and turn to will Osprey and now being International Champion um he's obviously going to face P pcket all out assuming that he does win who do you think goes at the international title then what what possible rivales could they start then um my personal opinion would be a great one would be Kyle Fletcher because imagine Kyle Fletcher coming out as a full heal against will ospry former friends for Turner enemies Don call Family Don call Family yeah I think that's I think you already had the story set right there we actually didn't even talk about earlier too about you were talking about um MGF possibly challenging him for the title next after he gets through with Daniel Garcia what even talk about Christian he's literally won the casino Gauntlet yeah Christian is actually has the next he's not gonna do anything but but his is it's a title shot anytime anywhere it's kind of like the money in the bank yeah so still that so anytime Christian's gonna have a title match we know that I think he's going to lose though I I legit feel like in terms of that I I legit feel like loser sords is going to cost the title yep that's exactly going to happen what it looks like like it was going to happen tonight he's probably going to say maybe the dude will all out he just goes out right after the first title shot at all out and then Lucha Sor turns on we didn't really get to talk about that that's why I mentioned that yeah no you're right yeah but it terms will ury's next potential opponent um sorry will ury's next potential opponent my mistake I definitely see it being Kyle flat CH turning full-blown heel we've already seen what the heck he can do in the ring we've seen he's decent on the mic he's had a couple of decent promos um we seen that he can hang in there with the big boys he hanged in there with freaking mjf had a banger of a freaking match a couple weeks ago we can see Kyle flusher being um jealous of warspr maybe because like what they are they already had a one-on-one match before and that match was a freaking Banger too well yeah I remember that but like not an actual Feud that was just weren't they still part of Don C friendly duel basically yeah exactly I'm talking about an actual F they he turns on him he beats him up be fire I hope they go that rout I can see that I can see that happening like after all out um for sure because obviously he needs to deal with po first but if that happens I'm all for because like the storyline between them being in Don C's family and then of course um maybe Kyle flescher is getting very very jealous of what L spray and eventually them having that Feud would be a banger a freaking Feud and they can hold out that Feud for a very long time if they really want well some of the best feuds also have have involved Don Callas like obviously he's really good on the bike at talking crap so I think it'll be pretty cool to see Fletcher with the Don C family talking so much crap about W spray W spray hav trying to fight all of them that'd be funny makes sense and it's going to last for a long pretty long rivalry so yeah for sure uh but of course other than that we also had well unless you had do you have anything else you want to add to that match um no everything that great that's it uh one other thing I forgot to mention in terms of the Young Bucks FTR and the claim grizzled young vets did come out afterwards and attacked yes FTR and they had a St down with young bug so happy that Grizz young ventur in aw they they were freaking great and NXT black and gold oh damn miss those black and gold days but whatever uh moving on now we also had Mercedes Monae versus Britt Baker this was for the TBS Championship uh part this is partially why I said this was 4.5 Stars Mercedes Monae ended up picking up the win I kind of wanted Brit to win I wanted Brit to win yeah I don't know like but it was actually but it was a really good match no it was definitely a good match um turns to the woman's matches it wasn't my favorite though my freaking marah May St storm I mean I thought it was a great match though it I feel like I don't I don't I don't feel like it should be over though what the they're too good for one match well maybe they'll face each other again in two weeks we'll see because they're definitely we'll see she's definitely gonna defend her title at all out as well my but yeah I don't think if I don't I think I don't think it deserves one match especially the Rivalry they had fighting at the press conferences and stuff and everything yeah no for sure I definitely think it it's probably going to go more than one match maybe that's why Brit ended up losing here but um yeah I wasn't happy with the result also I felt like it kind of ended a little errupted Le if I'm May if I'm not I don't know why I just felt that way yeah I kind of felt like it ended abruptly too yeah yeah really weird any where is all anyways all is not in London right are they no no I think it's it might be Chicago to be honest um going to Chicago yeah for Real uh I moving on from that I don't really have any other footnotes from that um it seems like that Fe is probably going to continue so I can't really see where the hell this is going to go for either of them other than facing each other so that's cool we then had Jack Perry versus Darby Allen in the coffin match this match also was notest honestly not that fast like not not that long sorry like it was pretty quick to me yeah but for being quick there was a lot of action like a lot of no it was Nonstop Action yeah non-stop action uh Darby came out with like thumb tacks on his freaking face so he can like head but Jack Perry which was like what the hell is wrong with you uh Jack Perry came out um people for people who say Jack Perry doesn't have any Aura I think he's slowly going that like getting that especially yeah especially towards the last like five minutes of the match where he was just dominating him yeah dragging him in the body bag like you know how good that looked like for a heel yeah that was awesome yeah then um yeah so Jack yeah so of course win yeah yeah so Jack Perry picked up the win um as as he said he put him in a body bag dragged him over to the coffin dumped him in the coffin kneed him in the freaking face and then closed it he won uh then he got the he got the freaking title holding it up high looking like a badass Standing On Top of the casket Young Bucks came out with a gasoline can and they try to light him on fire lights go out and it's the return of sting which I was pumped up for honestly sting came to save um Darby Allen yeah came out with the bat beat the crap out of uh Young Bucks Jack per ran for his life hit the Scorpion death drop and then uh obviously saved Derby took him out of the the body bag but yeah that was cool I'm really happy that sting is back I'm not obviously he's not gonna wrestle ever again he's already said that he's made I think that this was just like one of those oneoff it can either be a oneoff thing or maybe he can just be like a you know manager type thing if he wants uh but yeah I'm really happy he's back if he stays then that's fine I'm perfectly fine with that because I freaking I love sting he's great uh but yeah I thought it was a good ending Jack Perry definitely deserved thatn Jack Perry's the winner though got the win deserve that win um my my next question to you was going to be who do you think is going to go after Jack Perry now I honestly don't know I don't even know if this field is over especially with sting helping in the end I would like but I it I mean I don't think yeah I was gonna say I don't think I would like for it to be somebody else I don't think Darby needs a title Darby's one of those guys that literally does not need a title at all yeah put on these crazy matches well Championship though uh honestly you might have to give me an answer I can't really think of I'm trying to think so so my my best option at this point would be Sammy gavara and that's only because he's the other pillar of of course the four pillars quote unquote of aw um of course he has history with Jack Perry he hasn't really been on TV that much he was here at all out he was on the freaking on the pre-show and like that fiveman tag that he was DUS and stuff yeah he was just thrown into that he w still with that and he looked good he looked good in it but yeah he he hasn't really been on a TV he has been in Ro TV a little bit here and there aren't they Champions isn't he a champion though with like Dustin rhods and no that's uh that's Dustin and Avon Erics oh see see honestly I'm not gonna lie I missed most of the uh pre-show yeah so yeah the pre-show is whatever but of course it it was great Sammy gar I think would be a good option for Jack Perry I feel like that rival would be a lot of fun Sammy doesn't need to win it Jack Perry can still win obviously but I feel like if you want to build off that storyline of Jack Perry trying to prove that he's the best out of all the pill let him be him they got to start having like more promos for him like singer promos not it's always every time it's him it's always with the young BS and stuff like he just needs his own promo well he had like those video package promos a couple weeks ago those were really cool well yeah that was to kind of build up this match but I'm talking about like to build him up as a character itself yeah I don't know his video like his back always good yeah he does have this little Aura with him no he's just there to bury everybody I like obviously they made him the scape goat yeah no I like him I like him a lot I think did we even see Tony Conant the last time he got remember like tombs no he's still staying out of it he's still staying out of it I think it'll be a Larry to like start a f with like Tony KH and [ __ ] not like a Fring fi but like you know what I mean yeah I know what you mean kind of like a kind of like Vince in stone cold something kind of like that so yeah Tony Khan send somebody to get him but except it's the other way around where Jack Perry is the heel and Tony Clown's actually the good guy I wonder who the heck he would go cuz like I remember Vince getting like Undertaker to like get to get stone cold yeah but that was like they were heels Tony K's technically the good guy here he's got to get like like you said Sammy gavar and um I can't really think I'm trying to think there's so many good wrestlers in aw Mir will be nice but's a heal if I mean if he turns face and that be black but they won't let him off that damn group I'm so happy they lost to be honest House of black losing was the best for them I know but maliky black as a singles run against Jack Perry you never know but I don't know I don't know how they will do that maliky needs to win something even his entrance like the freaking the house of black entrance like I was like you see you see this and that doesn't scream world champion come on now yeah so freaking ridiculous I think Jack Perry's good enough to be like a like a Legend killer but there's not really much Legends right now like because Adam Copeland's hurt so he can't really go after it yeah that would have been cool to see but I would like I would have vote for Jack Perry to beat him but yeah oh going back to the to the what it the sorry the will oppr versus mjf match when janry Garcia did show up people were saying he looks like a young Randy Orton because he had like the shaved head and all that like you did have sh yeah he kind of did look like a young Randy Orton but um yeah I'm I am happy Dan Garcia is back let's just say that but maybe they can help build him up too that that little moment right there because he's obviously really good yeah um now we can get into the main event which was the probably the best match of the Night by far Brian jelson versus swerve Strickland career versus title this match was a freaking Banger obviously Brian jelson came out to The Final Countdown swerve had his own special entrance where they sang his song and he looked like a badass with like a Rob on and everything that it was like a remix yo I I I was like 75% to 80% convinced that Daniel Sim's career was over I didn't think so I mean like I I was he had his family there I thought he was done I was like 5050 to be honest but I I was leaning towards more him winning um but yeah of course Brian D has his family at ringside it was pretty freaking sad throughout the match like swear stomped out Brian Danon in front of his daughter and his daughter started crying I felt so bad yes that's [ __ ] up they showed it on the screen too no I felt so and then like the camera was like yeah it's a good shot let me zoom in on her face exactly I was like yo like get get out of this little girl's face she's crying she's watching her freaking dad get bloodied up oh it was like uh remember when when Chad Gable lost and his his daughter's were crying they showed us yeah that's good content right there [ __ ] up good stuff get that yeah zo yeah I was convinced especially after showing that and then like like when swf s was gonna hit that um I forgot the the Kick's name that that switch kick he does to the yeah you could see Brian D saying I love you to his family I thought it was like that Ric Flair moment where he got super kicked I thought it was like that I thought done that happened like 10 times though where he was like reaching out for his family got kicked that's why yeah every time I thought he was doing that I thought it was done that's why I was convinced swerve was going to win but yeah of course Brian jerson did pick up the win um he did make swerve strickling tap out uh but I will say this swerve looked like a freaking badass in this swerve dominated for most of the match he got hit with a cycle knee and didn't even go down he like he brushed it off brushed it off D looked like a freaking anime villain like man Adam peso showed up out of nowhere beating up security yeah trying to go out the swerve with that angry freaking Cowboy face he has yeah so so swer was about to win yeah so swerve was about to win hangman came off in the crowd beat the crap out of security he did get dragged away um and then obviously swerve turned around got cycle need we thought it was over there but it wasn't the match went on for like an additional 10 minutes which I thought was perfect because I didn't want Brian jerson to win only because of a distraction I thought it should have been a deserved win for him uh but yeah this Banger of a freaking ending um where Brian danison hit the cycle knee I think twice and then and yeah one to the front one to the back then then locked in his um his uh the lock and then of course um got him with the tap that was lock it was great because swerve that was his first time ever tapping out in aw so it made not only Brian derson look like a badass but swerve as well it was a freaking great ending perfect Brian Jon's first title run finally finally yeah finally Brian Jon get the title last year in aw definitely is I feel like they should do a run I'm not sure if they'll announce this or anything but it' be if they do like a run where he's like oh I'm going to hold on to this title for as long as I can when I do lose it I'm done something like that it puts a freaking it puts a stake on every single match every single match every single title match is GNA be like it's must watch you have to watch because it could be his ending could it could be the end of his career it's Brian jerson one of the greatest wrestlers of all freaking time um but yeah if they do that that'd be awesome I would love for them to do that then now it's right away like whenever I lose his title that's it for me like yeah which is what he was basically gonna do tonight if he lost yeah I'm I don't know I'm ecstatic that he's a champion I would have been so freaking pissed off at aw if he left without being a world champion there I wasn't voting for I just felt like at points it just L like SW was gonna win that's why I thought he was gonna win but yeah Brian D's champ this is like the back this is like the downside to this too though it's like I I also kind of wanted swerve to win but only because swerve I I love swerve first of all swerve is like one of the best heales in aw he's one of the best wrestlers at the moment but like his Ora right now is freaking insane like this dude puts on Banger matches every single night he looks like like I said an anime villain like he dud D would beat the crap out of anybody and then um you got hangman going out to Swerve I thought for another title and hangman possibly getting the title from swerve that would have been pretty good story yeah that would have been a decent story as well but it's kind of like a heal versus heal thing right now yeah but um I I know that like swerve is like an ineter and they kind of like flip him to whatever the heck he's going to face but like come on now after doing that in front of Brian Jameson's daughter you really can't turn this dude face what's wrong with you he doesn't care s doesn't care about family that's how that's that's why hangman got mad in the first place remember he showed up at his house like that's it's like so hman really a bad guy probably not I mean well whatever and he did turn down the young bugs who are bad so but yeah that's true but Hang Man first the swerve they're going to start well I guess resume their rivalry which was great those matches were both of the matches were like five star for me those things were bangers yeah no they were Brian Danielson he's got to go like you said this tour well now we're gonna see who the heck like that that's what I wanted to say so like obviously swerve and hangman that looks like that's gonna continue now they're probably gonna have a match out all out unless they want to build it for a little bit further that's fine I don't care it's great I love that rivalry um in terms of Brian Danielson who the heck do you think is going to go after that title next what's the next potential feuds there there's so many possibilities I'm not really sure what the heck to think yeah as of now obviously Christian Cage is one of them I don't think he's going to win that's just probably an allout match that's not that's not but the thing is but again with chrisen cage that's not really a match it's just him cashing in he can cash it whenever yeah so you're right yeah but I do feel like he'll do it right away I have a feeling yeah for that title match right away but after Christian Cage oh man you got so many people stuck in the storyline you know a good one would be like John MO John Moxley versus him would be fire yeah I haven't seen him we haven't seen him in so long it's just like yeah it'd be fire if they do that I can also see like maybe there's so many potential rivales they got history yeah Brian Jamerson uh versus will ospry again would be nice Brian Jamerson versus Rick C will be freaking cool well but where Osprey right now is International Championship he's probably not gonna go after the world title right now yeah you say that but he did it already so it's like I mean yeah you never freaking know probably not gonna make him hold two titles I don't think so yeah yeah I guess njf after if he gets D with Daniel Garcia I don't think it's going be a long rivalry yeah maybe but I I think that's that could be the end game though imagine MGF beating Brian janers C him his career that's like ultimate heat yeah yeah like at the end of the year exactly something like that that'd be cool uh but yeah I I don't know if there's anything else you want to add to that match I'm just really happy that Brian Anderson still here still now you're crowned to aw world champion dumb freaking happy about that uh but other than that that was the main event and that was aw all in um I don't think well we're not really going to do a WWE review this week only because next week we're only doing WWE review we might throw in some a Berlin yeah bashad Berlin is is um is the course going to happen so we're gonna have our bash Berlin review um we'll probably throw in a couple aw stuff because it's the the dynamite after a Pay-Per-View come on now we have to do it yes maybe we'll see yeah if there's anything important well we probably won't talk about the full show but no no just like the major points of like of course want to happen but yeah that was basically it for our freaking review of wrestling this week awm was a 4.5 out of five oh yes no no go ahead one sorry one more guy uh Samoa Joe we can't forget about Samoa Joe oh yeah what the H yeah Samoa Joe Samo Joe is another one yeah Samo Joe versus Brian jerson would be Banger yes Banger of a freaking match uh but yeah um I don't have anything else to add do you that was it that was it all right that was good we're good all right all right so like comment subscribe as always again we will be back back next week with our revie at WWE bash at Berlin um there's not really much on that card it's like five matches that's going to be like a filler pay-per-view yeah that's more um showcase for Gunther and stuff yeah no for sure I I think so too I don't really think much is going to happen there but yeah Basher bran is next week after that we have aw all out so we're gonna have three straight pay-per-view reviews that's gonna be great perfect love it yes but yeah again like comment subscribe we love you guys so much we really appreciate all the support that we've been getting um of course we'll be back in person in person next week because of course it's on Saturday thank God all right so we'll be back in person next week with with additional review um love you guys so much peace

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