Intro what is up everybody Welcome to speak now Perell wrestling it is Sunday August 25th and we are here to chat aew all in and what was probably one of the best aew pay-per-views uh for sure this year I think it's definitely up there maybe the greatest pay-per-view we've seen from aw I feel that after that ending the way that we closed out the show I think someone can definitely make a case for that as well as all of the other moments the good matches that we saw great matches that we saw here today it was a show re what is up what's up Denise we are here for the Post show I am honestly Blown Away about everything that happened in the PO in the the all-in event uh somebody sent me the link for who the person was in the crowd so oh it's not where I was expecting when we were going for this for the audio listeners uh for those who missed it there was a a very very gorgeous blonde bombshell in the audience I got a lot of people talking uh somehow people are talking about Brian Danielson winning the aw world champion and then also blonde bombshell listen it's the duality of being a professional wrestling fan right exactly okay so I want to go ahead and start things off re with overall AEW All Out 2022 Highlights thoughts when you think of aw Allin I mean of course they delivered but how do you think that this pay-per-view sort of held up compared to a lot of the other stuff hell even compared to last year's Allin I think uh honestly I'd say this was a 10 out of 10 show I think with the tributes and kind of how they played into the UK crowd played into a lot that happened surrounding the event I think this is way better than last year the matches were insanely better than last year this show was great and I think the crowd is what really sent it over the edge they were hot the whole show Denise the whole time I thought that for the most part they were only maybe just a little quiet for one match which I think we all know which one it was and it was the Brett Mercedes match but even then they never died at all like the crowd was lit the entire time at no point did I want to say oh hey the crowd feels tired they feel exhausted at no point did that happen like they really really uh they killed it man it actually kind of makes me a little Bumm that allin's not going to be there next year I thought they ended in on a really high positive note yeah I think that uh especially with kind of the buildup and all the talk going into last year I think this succeeded expectations everything hit really hard and the ending is what really maybe made it the best a deie pay-per-view ever well let's go ahead and start there because that's literally where we just came off of we Swerve Strickland vs Bryan Danielson Analysis ended up just seeing uh the big Main Event title versus career swerf Strickland defending his aw world championship against Brian Danielson I mean I think that they from the very beginning not only did they get people like already invested from like the very beginning from the entrances the video packages just the overall moment seeing Bri there with uh with her kids watching Brian Danielson all of those things were really good but I thought the pacing of this match was phenomenal because it felt like a main event the entire way through and um for the most part like we got to see some blood we got to see so much action between both of these guys like they sort of there was a lot of a lot of offense for both guys it didn't feel like it was just one guy totally dominating the entire time of course SF did get a lot of uh you know a lot of that during this matchup here but for the most part I thought there was a really nice balance throughout the entire match of both guys uh good counters just all of that in terms of the body of the actual matchup and we ended up seeing hangman Adam pagee he did come out a lot of people were expecting this and they even teased it I thought it was over I bit in that moment reg when I thought that hangman when I saw swerve gets distracted by hangman and Brian hit the bsyo knee I'm like oh my God this is over but I was kind of glad that it wasn't only because I didn't want hangman to be the sole reason that Brian Danielson won so here's the thing re for me seeing swerve tap to Brian Danielson was the cherry on top of all of this because you know when a man Taps that says a lot it sort of means to me hits a little bit harder than just hitting the one to three seeing someone Tap Out is them giving up in this moment and the other man being the better man to somebody they're saying that there's echo on this can this is it on me or is it on you it's on when I talk I can hear it on your side test test test oh that's so weird I don't know why that's happening yeah like when I I can like hear the echo echoing in my ear oh I don't know what that is like all right well you continue on and I'll I'll figure it out like I don't think it's on me because I haven't change nothing no there's no Echo everyone's saying it's good or some people are saying it's a good weird Weir weird yeah let me know yeah people are saying no Echo oh that's weird all right well let's keep going um so how did you feel about what you saw Hangman Adam Page vs Jay White Breakdown here with Brian Danielson versus is swerve Strickland yeah I thought that the really fine moments of this match were at that point where Brian hit the buso knee and swerve kind of SW uh shook it off that played in exactly into what you're saying here at the end of the match of it added on Brian strikes weren't going to be enough he was he's basically dead he needed to fight from the bottom of his heart to get this and a submission is exactly the way to do it we know Brian from throughout his career as a submission guy as a technical wrestler he hit the cad mutilation in this he transitioned to the Lael lock and then eventually finished it with the rings of Saturn type I think the the transitions of that were really awesome there were some elements in this that were needed I think the the hangman thing was needed because a lot of people were saying Hangman's probably going to have something to do with this Hangman's gonna win the casino Gauntlet and eventually cash in on swerve at the end but he didn't but I think you needed to at least have him on screen and this adds on to there was a rumor that swerve and hangman could get into it at all out now swerve has a reason to be like what the [ __ ] were you doing down there dude we're going to fight like I don't know I don't like this um the family played a very important role in this Bri being there her connections to WWE her connections to everything birdie who says I want my dad to not be a wrestler anymore this is it like this is crazy they're all here in this element all of them playing a role Brian put on the Brian performance of a lifetime he hit a lot of stuff that he hasn't done in a long time but none of that matters it's all about when Brian has his heart and he's fighting and he's bloody and he's crawling in the ring all the elements were there this match was incredible five out of five stars Denise I thought swerve played great villain in this um Nana coming in sliding in the Bell to kind of add on to that and bring extra heat to Swerve incredible match this was uh great on both sides honestly well I mean we were talking about I mean there's so many different points to hit Mercedes vs Britt Baker Match Review on here but one of those big things that I do want to mention is swerve as a villain here because I mean he's going out there and he is stomping Brian Danielson who's already uh bloody as all hell he's stomping him in front of his wife and daughter and son and who the hell knows if there was any other relatives there too but it's when you do that in front of especially children they're not even teenagers they're children and then seeing Prince Nana go and dance it's like imagine being witnessing a tragedy in your face and someone is dancing in your freaking face that makes it even worse that's what's funny about this though Denise cuz you told the story about your cousin earlier or your little cousin a story earlier about telling someone about wrestling and like at those ages you don't really know like your Dad's getting beat up by some guy you might think know like this is wrestling he's not really getting hurt I'm sure before the match he's like you guys are gonna see something but daddy's not gonna be okay but you don't know he's bloody this guy's stomping him and then you look to the left and a guy's dancing you're like what is going on what is my brain seeing here well I mean of course we don't know how wrestlers are in terms of whether or not they like smarten up their children I don't know I don't know what Brian's children think of pro wrestling or in terms of what their father does for a living or how they take it but let's say even so let's say even so going into it you know okay you know this is fine daddy approved it whatever daddy warmed me ahead of time but because they do such a good job while they're doing this all of a sudden you could be like hey maybe this is legit like you'd be thinking it's a shoot like my dad's acting a little too good man he told me it was all good but like I don't he don't look all good right right and so it I mean it really was this thing of I Will Ospreay vs MJF Rivalry Insights think at the end of the day we did get the story because this is what this is exactly what I wanted to see play out regge I wanted to see the story of Brian Danielson like you said being this a man that was practically beaten down and yet he found a way to like rise above it right never give up I'm out here busting out all of John Cena's lines but he really did this to me this ending to Allin this ending to this match I know you hate this word reg I know you hate Cinema but [ __ ] I thought they did a really good job with the overall story to tell you that hey Brian Danielson really did rise above all the [ __ ] that he was going through to make it to win the aw World Championship I had said multiple times this story to me was a story about heart and passion and the love of pro wrestling and who who identifies with that more than the American Dragon Brian Danielson yep I agree I think that that's kind of the story you needed to tell all the interviews he did coming into this talking about this is it I don't know like but then on on TV he's talking about I want to win the championship all this his family is really here we need all the elements final countdowns playing to start the show like him just walking for the entrance is like oh my God this is crazy all these emotions going through they just played this video it's like what's going to happen here Denise in the match while we're watching is I'm still like dude is he gonna win this like I'm I don't know like I'm like I don't know what's like that wasn't a bit I'm like Brian could really lose this but like as the match went on and on and as it gained momentum and you could see Brian becoming the Brian that we know and love you're like okay this is gonna end in a great way but I thought they the elements that they added on to it made it an even bigger moment it just such a great moment and you mentioned the elements I do do want to touch on that because I thought that aw did a really good job of making a lot of people believe and they sold the stipulation that's exactly what they did they sold the stipulation because usually sometimes certain stipulations they sometimes give the ending away sometimes you think oh because of a certain stipulation all of a sudden I could pretty much guess the Finish but with the title versus career stipulation here I feel like they really sold it to people and truly making you believe that that was it for Brian one you had the injuries all all of that two him mentioning that he was going to have to need neck surgery three you have him go out there with the Final Countdown four he's selling the next stuff in the actual match five you have his family out there six it's Wembley I mean I there's probably a lot more but I just named six things that they did alone to make you think that this was it for Brian Danielson and you got to give a w credit for that because a lot of people were really torn including yourself you mentioned it you flip-flop back and forth totally and I'm thinking of uh cuz the other day we talked about I was like what if this is really is Denise and you were like no I want if Brian's gonna have his last moment I want it to be more like Sting we're like we know like they say the date this is the retirement match and this kind of gave up those elements also like May they're not telling us straight out that this is a retirement match but it really could be and that made the win even bigger for me CU like I'm flip-flopping I'm flip flopping then then it actually have like oh [ __ ] and then it all comes together of like damn Brian Danielson C he retired they told him he'll never wrestle again came back to WWE had one of maybe my favorite wrestling moments ever with Kofi Kingston and then he came over to aw and has had some of the best matches of all time a lot of time he felt like he didn't even really want this Championship I thought like maybe Brian's gonna be like no Tony I'm cool I don't want that I don't care I don't care what you tell I don't want it but no he is now the aw world champion and it hits so much harder just because the Journey it took to get here all right so I know this is kind of hard but in terms Future Directions in AEW of all right where do we go from here right for both swerve and for Brian because well I think for swerve for one I think we Circle back to hangman Adam pagee correct given what we saw here today so I think we' know where swerve is headed to hangman Adam page Brian Danielson we H because Darby Darby gets his match right we mentioned that so we know Darby's coming up there's a potential Christian Cage Match in there given that Christian Cage won a big match here tonight which we'll talk about later Christian Cage Darby um those could be the next directions he's going into is there anything else that we might expect or can expect um I was I know a lot of people are also mentioning Nigel oh Nigel yeah those are probably the top three matches right there because I feel like I kind of want the last one if like if the last match is a title match and he's gonna lose to somebody I think D Darby's maybe the best of like kind of passing the torch but Brian might have a different idea who he wants to pass the torch to we got some couple months I don't know how long this is going to be but I'm excited about the potential Nigel match a lot so I mean this is going to be cool to see what kind of champion Brian Danielson is does he have many defenses does he just carry it does he defend it once and lose it like it's a lot of interesting choices do you think maybe I'm going maybe I'm an extremist but do you think this is one of if not one of the best endings to a pro wrestling match or moment that we've at least moment for sure that we've got in personally it's mine before today were number one was Kofi Mania and number two was Brian Danielson at WrestleMania 30 and I like this moment better than WrestleMania 30 so I because I was gonna say this one's really up there for me like really up there and I know a lot of it has to do with recency bias so pardon me but I really just kind of felt like this moment I told you it had that movie that Feelgood movie Vibe you know that when you watch a really good movie you're like oh man I feel good I can watch anything now [ __ ] I feel like I can accomplish anything because you're so inspired by what you see that's exactly how I felt coming off of Brian Danielson and swerve Strickland really sometimes you just want a happy ending Denise it's not that hard just give us the happy ending and we're going to celebrate and clap like we've been disappointed so many times you see why I flipflop cuz wrestling has taught me you don't get a happy ending dude that's not what this is about we determine your feelings and just to give us a happy ending I'm excited about it that was awesome I feel it all right uh we got a couple of super Super Chats Discussion chats to get into with this of course send in your thoughts on how you felt what your reaction was let's go this is from palom Morales that says let's laugh and go yes yes yes Infamous Raider local says nah nah bro I'm not crying you're crying feel good ending that's what we got Roberto Arsenal says nine out of 10 pay-per-view overall for me my 199k says that was one of the best pay-per-views they've ever done I really do think so because it had everything that you need great wrestling big stars and a big setting oh and really great endings to the stories I thought it's funny because I thought that uh Jericho and Hook was gonna be my least favorite match and it wasn't oh wow what's up learning Tri out the rising on your ranking List look at that all right we got Alexander fritzgerald who says who left this bowl of onions here I'm not crying get to see Brian at Russell dream dude yeah I'm looking forward to that are you going to go I'm going yeah I if it's going to be close to his last or anything like I gotta be there yeah I feel you we got Vasco here who says best story that main event was awesome yes I agree we got Luke thordan here who says Allin did close to Mania numbers Jamie haters return Tony versus Mariah The Gauntlet Osprey mjf and swerve Danielson were Classics even the weaker matches were solid top three aw events proud to be a fan I definitely like this more than last year I will tell you that right now loved it more than last year um I can't think of another match that I really I mean in terms of like when I still think of my favorite aw match ever of course that's still will ospery Brian Danielson but in terms of like the in terms of like the moment of course Brian Danielson winning the title you know it's is ranked a little higher the specific moment but match obviously still um against will Osprey yeah it's kind of like the the the two contrasting of a of like the most amaz this and it's the same guy it's Brian Danielson the most amazing match you've ever seen in your life and also the most emotional coolest crazy moment that you've ever seen in your life from the same guy wild Matt no see that's I'm so sad to think that sometime around next year we really are going to be talking about like you know he's gonna be part-time and who knows maybe he'll announce His official retirement next year we don't know we don't know it can We're not gonna be able to see this all the time anymore makes me want to cry all right Infamous R loc says I wish the celebration was longer but I'm happy yeah I mean it felt long it felt pretty like you know a good amount of time but of course we gonna want to sit it out and you know get a whole ass interview I would have loved an interview yeah it felt like they were running kind of close for time though I'm sure yeah probably but you know when you see your your team like a team win a Super Bowl or whatever and then at the end you get that instant reaction like I think that that would have been kind of cool to get but it's all right it's fine yeah we're going to see like he probably is going to be in the scrum and I'm sure on Dynamite they'll have like a celebration right we got John Taylor here who says I expected I expected to cry if Danielson lost but holy crap I'm crying tears of joy that he won let eing go hasag Kelly connection happy tears we deserve happy tears all right too much drama in pro wrestling Alexander fitgerald says Danielson had a big moment at WrestleMania 30 and this year at Allin Danielson hit goat status tonight feel like he was definitely already there yeah he was already ghost ass before he came to aw oh Ean Su says whenever okata turns face I hope the crowd yells [ __ ] when he throws a strike strike sort of like how they do with the me chance [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] wild all right Uncle dong says what is left for Brian Danielson to achieve he should retire at the end of the year keep healthy and spend more quality time with his family so it's looking like he's going to keep going for a little bit I think he's going to stick to his original plan of being part-time yeah I think that this year like he's probably going to get that neck surgery at some point so he'll be down at some point but I think he's gonna finish out at least for a couple more months John Taylor here says maybe if Mama Wayne was on reg's shoulders going up the ladder she would have made it R we wouldn't have been going up yo yo all F and some say reg don't for don't forget to book your your happy ending later that's crazy y'all are nasty Alexander Fitzgerald says once I saw Nigel wrestle I was like I think Brian Danielson is winning so we can get Nigel versus Brian it's interesting that that was the moment all right cool we got worm Surfer guy who says how about career versus career Omega versus Brian nah bro I don't think I'm I don't think I'm I'm tough enough to handle that I can't tears of tears of Tears will come down I don't know what's up with Kenny but I don't want him to be retiring anytime soon right but I mean he's been out due to his diverticulitis for a really long time yeah but no I feel like that would just be like torture for us fans like who would you even root for well by that time it'd be like well Brian's really gonna go so I'd be cheering for T Kenny you know right I see what you mean okay Infamous raer local says okay hear me out back to back good feeling for Allin but when and do they do the rest of not so happy endings with heel winnings but you're not mad about it wait Did I read that back good feeling for all in sorry what's the question he's essentially asking like when did they do a not so happy ending and they did a couple with Max didn't they oh man that World's End match that was not good when I think of bad pay-per-views or bad aw stuff I only think of the aw World's End oh that one time that they didn't call an audible for um the freaking uh tag team match with claimed and swerve and all of that the issue is is Raider Loco brings up a very other valid point in there but they're not mad about it cuz people were mad very mad about that yeah they were mad about that but I'm trying to think if there was another moment where they were like legit pissed that was really one of the ones aw gives up a lot of Happy Endings crazy to keep saying that that's so funny but yeah no I mean you know they they maybe that's why the people tune in Happy Endings hey hey Tony's booking for the sickos did he not say he was booking for the sickos that's insane all all right we got Juan Ortega who says if you're looking for a happy ending get blue promo code Denise amazing Pay-Per-View today both talents winning the Owen heart tournament now champs yeah exactly that man finally some Prestige has been added to that tournament exactly we got William buor here who says let's hear it for Christian's win love you both William buun out here trying to stir the pot what was Christian doing out there all right so let's kind of work our way backwards then we're just gonna work our way back W down this card so the match Jack Perry vs Darby Allin - Coffin Match right before our main event was uh Jack Perry versus Darby Allen for the aw TNT championship in a coffin match now I feel in terms of like the actual matchup it was short it was short in sweet reg short and sweet yeah we didn't love the uh initial ending of Jack gets him in there with the uh body bag and just Derby tries to get out and he hits him with the knee and covers it up but I think the rest of it that they did was great I thought there was a lot of really cool elements in this match where he has him bound and he threw him off the stage and we thought it wasn't that high but it actually was pretty high um this is interesting because I thought Darby gave Jack a lot more like Darby didn't like a lot of this match wasn't the focus on Darby it was mostly about Jack Perry but I guess you know with the with what happened after the match with Sting coming down like it ended up being Darby's moment anyway right because when you think like the big like the brutal moments right you think of um Jack Perry getting put through the real glass at least that's we can speculate we can speculate um through the glass Darby getting um his both his legs and his wrist tied together and then being thrown off the stage to the table then dragged into the coffin and then that was kind of about it like it was really quick the in ring stuff was really quick the stuff on the stage was really quick and it was mainly the post stuff that I think really made this feel like oh [ __ ] because I felt like I had like a really I felt like I really reacted to that moment where Ste came out because here's the thing and this is what always works with Darby reg the fact that we all here know that Darby is a crazy mfer we all expect him to do the things that he teases because he's not the kind of person we like he's not gonna do that don't be freaking teasing us no we actually believe that he is going to do what you see so when they put him in the body bag and they put the gasoline so Jack Perry went right that I did not like I agree with you I thought that was sort of uh flat but the moment afterwards when the young books come out with the gasoline pour the gasoline on Darby and then on the outside to the actual coffin re this kind of felt like that was this was like Darby's death wish I didn't know was is because like I didn't know if it because you guys here in the chat prepped us and like fire fire fire so I'm thinking in my head like are they going to do fire in this show and even in one point of the match Denise I was like are they going to do fire and so when the bucks came out with the gas can and they start pouring it on they opened up the casket start pouring on Darby I'm like I don't like this you guys because like Denise said if Darby is a part of something he don't tease it like if he if he teases it it's gonna be real so I'm like damn they're about to set this fo on fire it's gonna be crazy luckily they did not like they don't need this they were Gonna Save Us and sting came down for a huge pop and definitely saved us I think that even kind of aided what happened with Brian cuz they were already in a good move like Sting coming it's like d we're in a good move this is Goodwill and then like prepping that for Brian Danielson made the Brian Danielson thing even bigger it it did and I now I get why they put the Jamie hater thing I mean I still feel like that should have been on the show but now I at least see it was sort of them sort of giving us a they were foreshadowing right like hey man there this this big ass debut didn't even fit on the main show that we got to put this on the pre-show I probably would have still put it on the beginning of the show I probably would have just started the show with Sera coming out just like it's only five minutes started the show Sera coming out blah blah blah do that same bit but when the real show happens but I understand why they didn't all What's Next for Bryan Danielson right we got Infamous Raider Loco here who says I meant like which heel wins Allin Main Event example Roman beating Cody okay perfect example Roman beating Cody's at WrestleMania match uh the first WrestleMania match and then at some point all in has to do it right I mean they don't have to but of course you can have a heel um win I mean the pro the problem was like you had when you had sord of whenn he was technically a baby face like he wasn't a heel and then he went back to being a heel I feel like hangman next year but I don't know if he'll still be a heel by then is my thing like I think that eventually like we already love the [ __ ] that Hangman's doing even though he's mean-spirited about it but like he's just GNA keep getting more popular because when I think of upcoming Champions I think after I mean no specific order but I think um will Osprey yeah Darby Allen okata okata that could be the heel Champion possibly yeah yeah yeah um I see those three guys down the line they who never knows you could go back to Swerve you don't know it can happen um mjf mjf yeah um those are kind of the ones that I'm seeing in the near future but like next yeah I don't know it's going to take a couple of allins before like a real heel does it you know we'll see we got all FN some who says shout out to Becky L Jamie hater she's back I appreciate you all eff and some thank you so much for that all right so let's go ahead and continue working our way backwards and let's get into Mercedes Monae and Dr Britt Baker for the awbs championship match it's crazy What's Next for Hangman Adam Page because I'm looking at the times now because I'm here on the Wikipedia page this match was 177 freaking minutes and it didn't per I know this match felt slow but I didn't know it was 17 minutes slow 17 minutes Denise yeah it's right here 17 minutes this went longer than Jack this went longer than Jack and Darby it went longer than the uh three-way tag team match it went longer than the Jericho hook match um the Tony Mariah match was two minutes longer than that this match was longer than the uh pre-show tag team match it was It was kind of lengthy yeah when I was saying that Jericho and hook weren't my least favorite matches CU this one was yeah so I mean this one here it's kind of hard to say but I feel like the way that I described it during our watch along was that this did not feel like a pay-per-view match this felt like a really decent Dynamite match however that's what I was worried about right however reg given the story given the feuds given the the the stakes given that this is a match Brit Baker was the opponent that people were really waiting to see Feud against Mercedes run my tape back to when I said yeah the promos are going to be great everybody's going to be hot everybody's gonna be excited and then the bell's gonna ring and what happened the Bell [ __ ] ring and the match [ __ ] stunk because Brit has to be carried she's not a great worker you guys she's gotten to where she is because she could talk on the mic but when that Bell Rings she's like 15th 16th 17th on that division of great of good workers like 15 like there's this many people above her like she's lucky to be in like I was saying on the stream she lucked into her spot she was lucky to be in this position so like just take your whatever this is and and win but here's the thing though too is that you know on the other hand someone that is a good worker is Mercedes Monae yes so you can't win them all I was gonna say usually a good worker is known a good worker for helping carry another person in the match if they are not on the same level and it's like the bar has been raised so high we s we're going to talk about the other women's title match that was awesome and so you see that and then you see this and you're like well that's not really like if the competition is that high you guys have to be hot you guys have to either match it or get higher and they didn't match it or get higher when I think of mercedes's matches now in aw it's funny because we were talking about this on the watch along and I had mentioned Stephanie backer right and I had even said last time when we were covering that match that I thought Stephanie backer outperformed Mercedes Manet but when I think about another really good match that she had with somebody Willow Nightingale her match with Willow phenomenal I mean I thought that match had people yelling and screaming more so than they did during the main event that night which was SAR versus Christian Cage I thought the crowd was more into Willow and Mercedes so I look at this and I'm going like damn she had better matches with Willow who you know of course Willow is a star but she was not has never gotten into the level of B AK and then also Stephanie backer I mean they didn't even really have a real program there to be honest and it was just a you know she she was there that she wrestled her the same night that Mercedes got injured yeah the Mercedes every match since she's been in WWE has been awesome this one just that's why I'm like I was confused about why this one didn't hit and it's because you can't win them all there has to be it takes two to tango when Stephanie Beer's out there and she's going 100 miles and you got to keep up with her that's what it is when Mercedes has to keep up with her opponent we're going to get five star [ __ ] if she doesn't It's usually the opponent is so great they're trying to they're in a match with Mercedes so they're like I have to be the hottest I have to have the best match of all time I have to come to her level Brit is trying to use star status and promos as the the barometer of why she should be in this match and that's not enough when we're in a big huge show all in we need banging ass matches and you don't have enough for that right I think they should have just um I think there was there were some good moments during this like there there were some good moments but I think had they done had they trimmed this match down sped up the pace and kept some of their big spots I think this we would have had a different conversation about this they they can't do that though because Brent's in the match let's see what the people here are saying on the super chats we got Matt Logan here who says so it's pack now off a you keep wanting to say bullet Club member a BCC me Blackpool combat Club member he was out there uh after the main event and uh ringing with claudo um and uh wheeler and Brian yeah they're the new trios champs as well so I'm so freaking stoked about that I know you had questions about that re like seeing pack out there at the end was weird I'm like what's pack doing here when did he he's part of the group now imagine how rude it would have been if he didn't go out there didn't he I swear he did a promo a few months ago and he was like I don't like Brian dance I like the BCC y'all a bunch of bums now he's friends with them hey man [ __ ] happens what can I say for I don't know maybe he forgave them forgiveness is key I swear all right I don't have a real answer for you guys on that but I'm gonna enjoy it because I am looking forward to them as a trio chaps here um and uh we got all F and some uh I don't want to uh I'm not gonna read this uh this super chat I appreciate you sending it in but I don't want to talk about uh Brit's real life uh stuff because I only want to focus on the stuff so oh F Su thank you so much for the super chat um however just I'm not I'm gonna kind of skip past that one there so I want to focus on what she's doing storyline wise um Sheldon Jackson thank you so much for gifting five dwl memberships I see what Sheldon was doing there I see what Sheldon was doing there um really because he's like um he sends them in for all of them so I appreciate you uh Sheldon all right so there you go unfortunately that wasn't the hottest match but you know what match was really hot MJF vs Will Ospreay - International Championship Preview you want to know which one it was Will Osprey mjf for the aw International Championship of course when we went into that it was the American Championship but this was I mean it was a trimmed down version of what we have seen before because before we had seen the oneh hour version of this matchup here and this time uh they went a total of my M sorry guys R my my mouth isn't working [Laughter] I'm like why are you slamming it so hard all right there you go sorry guys it wouldn't move this was 25 minutes and 45 seconds so it was one quarter of what you had seen uh previously look at me doing math right proud yeah so this was definitely you know a shorter version of what we have seen between these two guys but I think that's exact I know a lot of people were mad when we saw the one hour match on Dynamite but I had literally said okay we're not going to be able to have a one hour match at all in between these two guys so that's why they did the one hour there and then hey 25 minutes here so this was sort of like if you don't if you're just a person who doesn't like one hour matches hell this was probably the match for you because it was a shorter version of what they did previously but this was freaking good man they hit all of their top moments on here we were seeing uh you know whether or not uh freaking uh will osper would hit his tiger driver everybody was waiting to see if that was going to happened and then when he finally did it was such a big moment and he really really queued the people up pumped the people up for the actual like the anticipation was there yeah Denise you brought up a great point I think they did that we were all kind of curious as to why they did the match originally because we thought they were going to just do the first time ever match here but they kind of prepped us with that appetizer of like here's the match if they went an hour they slow walked the dog they did the New Japan style where they built built built built so at the show they're not going to have an hour they're probably not going to have 30 minutes we could just get to the action straight off the bat and even in this match they still like built to the to the Great Moments but like they set us up so we could get to this one and be excited for when the hot [ __ ] does hop kick off Osprey first came out to a huge pop they're doing this Assassin's Creed thing there break dancers the crowd is just so ready for him to be there the ospre ospre went insane and then it went into exactly kind of the match we expected mjf was super into the American [ __ ] Osprey is like the hometown guy he's been doing so much promo Denise every time he was at podcast he's at people's houses it Felts like he's at the bar like he's everywhere and so this was his match to come and win this was the one moment we kind of knew was going to be guaranteed and I thought the match it matched what the the the feeling that they needed to convey and it got the huge moment for Osprey in the end this is uh during the show someone's like mjf could really reson like yeah dude mjf could [ __ ] go dude he's incredible at this like this match was like another one of like you guys talk [ __ ] you guys hate my promos but when it comes down to bell ringing I'm one of the best in the world exactly and we also have to mention Daniel Garcia because he did come out here and sort of you know spook he was sort of the ghost yeah he was the Ghost of mjf's past right after the beat down that mjf gave him and I I kind of liked this like I'm coming for Revenge Daniel Garcia so now we know that mjf is going to be moving forward in that direction and will Osprey can go back to you know defending his aw International Championship who's next in line for uh Osprey pack it's pack right I was gonna say because he got he earned that match a long why did they give him a title oh he's yeah he's a trios champ now but he never got that match though with Will Osprey I was gonna say I would remember that but he did no remember he did the promo he's like at all out I'm taking on the winner that's why I've been yelling at but why did they give him the trios Championship if they're going to have him to what they always do this thing well look I mean the match is still gonna be good of course it's gonna bang but like I don't know well at least we know we're getting will Osprey versus pack on the horizon I can't complain too much about that and I'm honestly looking forward to pack as part of the trios Championship me too just I want to see pack in any match or any position at all he's great all righty and let's see what else we got here we got shelden Jackson who says all out Main Event should be pack versus Osprey for the inter oh there you go for the international title I think that could be a main event I don't I'm down for that being a main event well I don't know what they're gonna do with Brian as the thing like you do you think that that's when they'll do if it's Brian Derby Brian Darby Main Event because if it's oh sorry no Brian Darby I want to Main Event at wrestle dream excuse me not all out wait wait is that happening at Grand Slam yeah I was gonna say what about Grand Slam you know this is kind of crazy that they've announced so much stuff ahead of time that it gives a lot of time to forget yeah totally um all right it's gonna be Brian versus Christian Cage then probably I guess yeah I guess that's the easiest one that's the one that's like you don't have to tell a lot of story to get to it right all right we got Sheldon Jackson who also sends in another Super Chat saying and yeah the post show is different stream from watch along so you have more gifted memberships that's you you're so cool I know I wasn't gonna yell at Sheldon or anything if he didn't send one in but thank you so much for that all right so yes Brian Derby is happening at Grand Slam everybody so then that leaves open that still leaves open wrestle dream that still leaves open all out of course which is happening uh literally in a couple of days uh a couple of you we're like seven eight we're like at least 14 two weeks I think yeah two weeks I'm gonna be there actually forgot I was gonna be there oh lucky I wish I was be there damn I wasn't going to go but then I saw how cheap the flights were to go it's really cheap reg is it yeah um because I remember the last time that they had an event in Chicago they charged $800 just for the flight I nearly I nearly cried and that was I don't know when that was I think it was last year or the year before that but flights were really expensive and then I checked this time and I think I spent like $150 on my flight damn from 800 to 100 yeah exactly so I don't know what's what's happening I don't know what's in the air I don't I don't even remember was a different time season or whatever the hell happened but the price difference was just so tremendous that I felt like I needed to go I felt like it was a bargain right right so anyways that's where we're at here with Will Osprey and mjf it was good stuff all around but another thing that had good stuff all Casino Gauntlet Overview around was the casino Gauntlet match for the aw for a chance at the aw World Champ Championship okay so that's where we're talking if you're coming in here and you're like why the hell do they keep mentioning CHR Christian Cage versus Brian Danielson well that's because Christian Cage defeated get this orange Cassidy kuchka aada Nigel midus KY rally Zach saber Jr rodri strong Mark Brisco hangman Adam paage Jeff Jarrett Ricochet and luchasaurus my world dude what everybody here was sort of surprised that Christian Cage ended up being the one to come out on top of this especially because we also had a debuting debuting Ricochet na a Ricochet here yeah this match was one of my favorite matches of the show I didn't love the Christian ending but I thought everything else on this was awesome Nigel mcginness showing up to a gigantic pop the crowd was going crazy Denise going absolutely ham for Mr Bean entrance for orange Cassidy um I rank it like this look Brian Danielson winning Mr Bean entrance I knew right where you going Cy said I ranked it like I was like now she's gonna say second Mr dude orange Cassidy became my favorite person on the planet in like two seconds so good but yeah this was uh great and then of course Ricochet showing up I think to a huge pop he looked so confident and happy and and just ready for this moment uh all of his [ __ ] hit super hard um but yeah the main Christian Cage Wins Casino Gauntlet event the the the result Denise I don't really when Christian starts coming down I'm like why is Christian coming down here what is he doing here but he mean he did tell us that he wanted to be aw world champion and that the trio titles were just kind of a placeholder till he got there so I understand you know what this is too and this should have also been a dead giveaway that Brian Danielson was gonna winning because I had said earlier in the day we've already seen Christian Cage versus swerve that was his first opponent for to defend the title that should have been a dead giveaway right there and so I'm looking at this and I'm thinking okay we're talking about Brian Danielson going into his part-time career now in aw and I think when what what's something when you're a part-time wrestler you're gonna want to wrestle selective people yeah right totally and I feel like Christian Cage might have been a Brian Danielson situation where like he wants to wrestle Christian Cage before he's done done like at this point Brian has like a list of like 10 to 15 names of people and Christian's one of those names and like oh it'd be really cool if I was world champion too so like it all makes sense it's just like I guess it's for Christian's character I'm like he just keeps doing this where he could just like inter insert himself into any match but maybe they'll tie back The Young Bucks EVP thing to it or something I don't know it could work it definitely can work um but yeah there was a lot of really good moments here of course getting to see Ricochet a lot of us were already expecting that he was going to be there so that was a big moment everybody here also felt like they got huge reactions everybody yeah the crowd was going cam they were on Titan time sometimes it'll be a minute till it it comes out it sometimes be three minutes sometimes it's 30 seconds but I thought that they laid out all the entrances and everything kind of pretty well and uh this is a fun way to get a bunch of guys that consistently do great things for aw on a weekly baseless Rod rodri strong orange Cassidy Kyle O'Reilly these guys that deserve like the big moment they were in an awesome match too okata I know it's still crazy to think that okata was in this match and not in a single match but it's fine I digressed he had a lot of really great moments in this and hangman stuff was tight like they should have did one onone hell yeah man I mean we'll see if we get that we should but we'll see but I think overall though they did a really good job like to the point where we're sitting here and we're talking about a lot of people have mentioned that this uh Casino Gauntlet match was up there with their favorite matches including yourself with top three matches I mean you know what I would say top four matches on this show swerf Bryan Osprey mjf The cassino Gauntlet match and the Mariah may Tony storm matches were the top matches of the night yep that's a I'll go right along there like the women's match was so good like that maybe could be my second favorite match of the show just with the elements and how the match they actually executed it but yeah those four matches are probably the ones I can't decide what was my favorite match I I feel like my favorite match wrestling wise was Osprey mjf but then I got the most main Brian yeah that was the best thing of the show for me right it's hard because like it really got you excited but there are so many great moments like if you pick any of that if you pick the Mariah thing awesome if you pick ospray awesome if you pick the BCC in pack awesome you know exactly Al righty let's see what else we got here we got uh Matt Logan who says so who got the biggest reaction the biggest pop sting Osprey Brian's CH oh Brian's Championship Reign win yes I would say Brian's Championship win sting and then Osprey because sting was a surprise Osprey we knew he was gonna be there yeah even Brian's buildup like what at the point where they're chanting yes to get him back into it that was crazy like they they were fired up for Brian but yeah probably sting maybe because it was a surprise like you said and then Osprey was like that wasn't a surprise because like we knew they're GNA go H for Osprey right right that was a given that was like a mandatory like you either cheer for ospry or we're beheading you like every time they get they walk in with their ticket are you gonna Che for Osprey okay you can come in you can come in yeah I kind of love that actually can you imagine oh my God maybe in like 50 years we'll live in that kind of society WWE does that now don't they oh my gosh re we got all F and some so Samantha Urban was one IG pick away from getting released I think that's why she's stopping doing those Wednesday specials so I don't know obviously about that stuff uh but given just like the past like you know Mandy Rose got released because of some of stuff that she did when I saw that Samantha was posting those kinds of pictures I my first thought was oh I wonder if the company's okay with that of course right I don't I don't I don't know and then when I saw that she stopped and the timing of it when she had just came out with that amazing photo of herself and just the timing I think kind of said everything she's like oh next week will probably be the last one you guys I don't know you're like yeah [ __ ] met yeah exactly like oh man all right we got John Taylor here who says I really wanted a Ricochet Zack saber Jr face off oh yeah Zack saber Jr was there too G1 Champion yeah there was a lot of cool things I think we were all kind of expecting a Ricochet and hologram face off too but hologram wasn't in the match thank you so much John Taylor all right let's keep it going here um let's get into that three-way tag team match for the aw World Tag Team titles we saw the AEW World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match Young Bucks defeat FTR and the acclaimed um this was a match that was kind of just there I feel like it was fine it wasn't bad or anything it wasn't spectacular it was it was fine it was doable I don't think it it hurt anybody and I feel like the fact that it was 13 minutes long it was fine Dam that was short yeah I was GNA say it was it went by really fast considering the teams that you had in there predictable Young Bucks get the win nothing too wild yeah I don't think there was anything offensive in this it was just kind of like the kind of match we expected it's a triple threat match like I said they had already kind of done the matches before we got FTR in the Bucks last year we got FTR and a claim a few weeks ago like they've been doing this so it didn't feel like the biggest match going into it but um it was fun just because the Young Bucks were in their element and were actually doing the things that makes me love them and makes everybody else love them um but the real thing here was the debut of the grizzled young vets after the end of this after the Young Bucks got their victory that Denise didn't care one bit about he's such giant get some look she forgot you guys like she brought it up right now was like oh yeah we were just gonna move forward she was just gonna be like in the next match like that's how much he doesn't care cu the stupid ass Schism can you blame me honestly I blame you no you but this isn't about who they were before this is about who they are now and they were Jud until they impress me right now then I will be a fan as of right they're Blank Slate I'll start them at zero they gotta gain some points with me well what they need to do is put them in a Max FTR and collision next week and they'll [ __ ] blow your mind and you'll be all in that's it it's fine well I hope so re they're amazing it doesn't matter just you just got to see him wrestle not with [ __ ] face paint on and doing dumb gimmicks here's the thing about me once I decide I'm not a fan of yours I'm not a fan yeah because you keep trying to act like you're a fan of rodick strong when I know you're not I'm a fan okay I'm a fan of Rodrick strong you're not you're a liar yes I am no you're you're just trying to get me in trouble and you who was I talking about that you didn't like you're not a fan of Billy Gun I no that's that's true he was in here again why is Billy Gun out why is he in the ring dude man that was your favorite part come on but yeah I just hope Denise honestly that this the grizzle young vets feels good for the division I just hope that the Young Bucks come back and like really invest in being the leaders of this division defending the Tag Team Championships and building up other tag teams that's all I really care about John Taylor says I'm with Denise on grizzled young vets me come on you guys there hey everyone's allowed to have their own opinion man everybody well we'll let them win me over let them win me over that's gonna be their test once they win me over then we're good I'm gonna give them three matches reg three matches they only need one N I need three because sometimes it Future Plans for the Young Bucks depends on who they're in there in the ring with if they're in there with someone really great I'm gonna be like oh what because they weren in there with someone really great hey first three matches that I see that's what I'm judging it upon okay that's fair all right let me do you have okay here let me ask you a question if you don't like a wrestler do they ever get you to change their mind your mind do you change your mind often on somebody or can you just tell when you're not a fan yeah they can change my mind oh wow okay I like all right I like the guns like not no [ __ ] oh we sorry that took me a second to process yeah I do you changed your mind on the guns I do I like those guys I do are you being serious I'm being so serious I like them a lot I think they're really good I think they're really good at their gimmicks I think they're pretty good workers pretty good bumpers like I like them I'm not joking at all yeah I really I like I turn the corner on the guns like originally I was like these guys suck like their dad I'm Chill on but them I think the kids are awesome all right you really did turn yeah yeah you really did turn usually not me usually if I see someone I'm like and I don't like what they have they're bringing be like H pass it's not it's not really hard to win me back yeah yeah yeah that's like you got to go out there and be [ __ ] spectacular to win me back but anyways just to leave it at that they grizzled on Veterans they're starting at a blank slate with me and I'm gonna give him a chance three matches and then there are straet strikes and you're out all right moving on we got John Taylor here who says took 30 years for Jeff Jarett to win me over bro bro 30 years Jeff jaral was super old on this show Denise he was in the The Gauntlet too and he got a gigantic pop he did I've been a fan of Jeff Jarrett now for a long time so 30 years wow like a lot that's so wild all right well let's keep this going and I want to go ahead and get into the last chance match for the FTW Championship hook Last Chance FTW Championship Match Recap versus Chris Jericho when I saw this match announced right I'm like why the hell are we doing this again they pretty much did the exact same thing the exact same kind of a match that they had the last show that they wrestled that I don't remember what word for word he just used like a different he pulled out a different thing instead of the croquet balls or whatever that they had this time but it's pretty much like the same exact match it it really was and I think he knew that they needed that because that was GNA at least get people interested in fun little spots here and there so like this wasn't painful and he wasn't getting the kind of reaction that he was the last time because the last time that he wrestled hook that's when every was chanting please retire get out of here and the crowd was being really nasty and mean and it was kind of like you know it was what it was right deserved but yeah yeah I know but at least this time they he didn't get that reaction because you know it's London they were gonna be different yeah they kind of respect Chris Jericho a little bit more yeah this wasn't again it wasn't really offensive I it wasn't like damn Chris Jericho's here I mean the entrance with fozy that was like all right you guys but they kept it short I felt like it was shorter than last year's performance I know it feels like Judith is like 20 minutes worth of song and this one was just like he got through it he got to the ring and they they made it happen um yeah big Bill super over I thought that was cool um the B the best part about this though was Tas saving hook and them locking on the double katahajime at the same time like super dope great feel good moment for for I guess that makes all of this worth it because I was like how did we get back to Chris Jericho and hook at all in of all shows Denise like that doesn't even make sense but you know they made it work it felt like they did this match just to rewrite their wrongs because I had mentioned even the last time when they got tazed to get up he got up and then he did nothing right at least this time they had him do a little something you're right yeah it it was kind of like they told the story to us it feels like six months ago and they finally put a bow on all of it yeah so let's move on from here Jericho moves on to something else hook moves on to something else I don't know what those something outse are but we just need to move in different directions that's it so F if Denise come Denise and I come back next not this week but next week and Jericho's like and hook and are going to wrestle again I'm going to scream and you're still gonna show up the next week I'm still gonna show up though but I'm gonna scream though yeah that's so funny uh all F and some says how many of y'all went and took a break well I had shown you that picture of the bathroom lines during the hook Jericho match a bunch of people did Denise just started reading super chats or something like she took a break essentially yeah I took a mental break it's fine John Taylor here says I think they were smart to have Jericho to hit big Bill into the table since bill was clearly the most over in the match free Big Bill he's he got himself over it's I don't know how or why I think sometimes people just have natural uh comedy in them some people can just do comedy well and it works for them and Big Bill's kind of showing that he's not coming across as obnoxious he's kind of funny sometimes there's these rare cases where specifically International crowds get attached to like an American wrestler that you wouldn't expect and like big bill is for some reason that guy I mean Big Bill is awesome though like let's not disrespect he's like the new version of Sid he's cool he comes out he's [ __ ] giant he's funny he chok slams people like what's there not to love honestly yeah it's just he just kind of got sucked into this random ass storyline and he's stuck with Jericho but he's honestly making the best out of it this is what I mean whenever someone says like oh this person sucks and it's the story it's the character that he as I'm just like sometimes you can make [ __ ] work sometimes and Big Bill's doing it dude he's like so charismatic that like you're like damn I hate that you're next to Chris Jericho but you're doing this awesome though even Brian Keith remember his face oh yeah with this wide open mouth as he's getting taken down that was hilarious he probably ate like 10 British bugs 10 British flies flew in through his mouth in that 1 30 seconds you should hit him up be like like yo hey Bri did you eat 10 British flies while Samo Jo had you locked up by the way have you heard that saying they say that when you're that they say that in a person's lifetime you eat I don't know like 10 spiders or something I did yeah I don't know I uh sometimes I see in my place like random spider waves I'm like how did that get here so I I don't doubt it honestly I remember when I went to Costa Rica they have bugs everywhere and I thought to myself oh my God I think I ate all 10 on this trip dude do you get I was remember we were just talking about what I was going to do for my 40th I was thinking about when I went to Jamaica last time they the bugs ate me like my back was covered in bug bites I thought they were like American blood yum yum yum yum I tastes like McDonald's I'm saying this guy got pide of yeah I'm saying yeah crazy life yes that's literally what happens I mean it's disgusting there's nothing worse than being cover in mosquito bites man it sucks but hey is what it is they got to eat too re I'm I'm with them it's the cycle of life and I do got some fresh American Oakland blood from California it's great oh that's so nasty he got that good Oakland blood it's just rude you know someone just sticking their beak in you and being like dude yeah get off of me why are you drinking my blood you vampire leave me alone all we got rapael Garcia who says watching this post show in birdie looks like just like her daddy Breeze jeans didn't stand a chance she a Danielson I feel like usually little girls tend to look like their dads and little boys tend to look like their moms I see that a lot yeah thank you so much to rapael Garcia um all right let's keep this going um we are gonna get into Mariah May and Timeless Tony storm for Mariah May vs Toni Storm Match Analysis the aw Women's World Championship earlier we were sort of uh talking about um you know some really great matches on the show and this one is definitely up there um best women's match of the night so far could definitely be a a favorite for lots of people that watch the show because they really went out there and they worked and the key thing that I thought that they did right was bring the aggression that's what they did this Feud got nasty between them we saw Mariah May for whatever reason slap her own mother Denise and I are still messed up about it you guys we're just like we cannot believe it I'm going to pray for you Mariah May you're going to be my prayers today I'm gonna pray for yourself we're just like genuinely like how could she do that don't know and at first I thought is it Pony's mother slap somebody else's mother no you can't slap somebody else's mom that would have been crazy too okay it's better to slap someone else's mom than your own mother totally 1,00% but slapping anybody's mom is crazy I mean I I I still don't really know what happened there but it happened and you know what it's something we're never going to forget so there you go job work Mariah May oh this was Mariah May kind of dominated quite a bit of this match I was surprised by that but she freaking killed it Tony freaking killed it she gets her win she's the aw world champion a women's world champion we were talking about you know just fast rising stars right now in pro wrestling Mariah mate is one of them earlier I had mentioned that I feel like she's so special because she's got a great look she's hella talented like she's just not there because of her good looks no she's there because she's a legitimately good wrestler and on top of that she's got Charisma and personality she's the full package and even better she's never been in WWE she's never been in another big uh like American promotion where she could you could say oh they made her name over there no she is making her G in aew I feel like Tony KH really just hit the lottery with her yeah and what a way to cap off the story too right Denise we had an amazing almost yearold story Tony storm entered into a different Stratosphere of person an amazing turn F by Mariah left her bloody Mariah entered into a different Stratosphere and then for them to do all that and it's like well I hope the match uh the match matches up to everything that we've seen and then it does it executes Mariah came in there with so much aggression she was just like I've done everything in the world to get to this moment there's nothing that's gonna stop me from beating Tony storm for this world championship and I think that's where the mom came in I was like Mom I'm happy you're here but if I get up and hug and kiss you the crowd's probably gonna think I'm some nice person and I'm doing everything in the world to show them that I would do anything to win that Championship so you're a casualty here here's a slap also if you need comfort Mariah May's mom I am righteous re I live in Oakland California I can help you out with all of your needs um amazing capping off moment for R may I think the right choice was made a star was born Denise I think Tony storm made her star even higher being a part of this but a real genuine aew women star was born in Mariah May and for her to be Crown Champion off of that amazing work the match beyond that like if you don't know anything about this story and you're just like I want to watch a great women's wrestling match just put this match on because they were just in there beating the [ __ ] out of each other but isn't that really pleasing though that they had a great story that a lot of people raved about a lot of people this was their favorite story on Dynamite on AW Television best story coming into this show honestly yes yes and then for them to actually deliver in the matchup it's like the satisfying oh we watched a good movie and actually had a good a good ending yes what exactly like you sat through three hours and you're like I hope I this was worth it like oh it was worth it it was more than worth it this is great right exactly so that's how I feel about it but for reals though if I slapped my mother dude she would have kicked my ass and then Tony storm would have won the match they would have uh stopped the show they would have turned the cameras off like my mom would have jumped over the rail she would have fought the referee she would have fought me like it would have been bad she would have ran back and fought Tony Khan like she would have been fighting everybody what are those like drama Jerry Springer like those kind of shows where you trying to hold them back and she just keeps breaking out she's fighting everybody that's what it would have been your troubled teenagers violent towards mother that's how you know white people are different from us even the British ones I'm saying man you can't do that in our neighborhood you'll be dead that's so wild we got John Taylor here who says how do you even ask your mom if you can slap her yeah like how did this come up how does that hey Mom can I talk to you oh yeah they um can I slap you tonight what do you mean can you slap me tonight I came to watch my daughter win the championship I mean I don't think her mom just like randomly came up with it or maybe she did you some of these wrestling parents do be on that [ __ ] and they're just like hey what if we get some heat and you slap me like it could have been I don't know I I have no idea legitimately no idea um we got a f and some who says that slap reminded me of that Friday after neck scene which one's that one because I've seen it I've seen the movie but what part uh he slaps his mom he says the barbecue so good are you slap your mom oh okay okay it's been a while since I've seen it since the Friday the which one's the one where the dad gets the turd all over his suit that's next Friday okay part grosses me out so much that's the part I remember the most he's walking around with the turd you know you got [ __ ] all on the back of your ass when he gets to his brother's house so nasty oh man all right but yeah anyways don't you know when they say don't try this at home and we try this at home do not try this at home when it comes to slapping your mother please please do not try this at home ever alrighty and uh the match that AEW World Trios Championship Ladder Match Highlights opened up the night was the four-way London ladder match for the aw worlds trios Championship uh we had the new team a pack in clao casoli and Wheeler UDA defeat the patriarchy as well as the Bang Gang and the house of black and these were I believe it or not I had them as my predictions to win this match up here because you did to me it was just simple the patriarchy it's like okay we've already been there done that they're the Champions I'm not I'm not expecting them to continue on here Bang Bang Gang unfortunately not really doing much for me right now House of black ain't doing nothing for me either so what's the most thing that's sparking my interest BCC and pack process of elimination that's how I ended up going with them and I feel like that's probably why aw also kind of went with them they just felt a little bit more exciting as a team yeah yeah I think of what claudo has been doing recently willer's been pretty great since coming back and we always want to see pack I think maybe added some Stakes to that is kind of like their thought process behind that like what's a great way to utilize pack what if we put him over here with this it's just again I'm just confused as to why it all why it's happening why is pack a part of the group now like maybe a better explanation it'll hit to like this is why I reached out to maybe they'll explain it later but uh yeah this is funny Denise and I were laughing about skinny and small ladders and uh oh my gosh yes almost forgot about that them ladders they were miniature Siz bro seriously and the tables were so slim and tan they weren't like the brown that that we're used to no a couple of those tables look like the old desk that you used to have that's like like that kind of wood that you would have on the top that's like is this gonna I don't think this is going to break like it's all super weird but uh you know how broke except for like one spot where it did it exactly you guys know how I feel about ladder matches they're so nervous nerve-wracking I don't want anybody to get hurt but it feels like everybody came out of this uh unscathed and I thought this was a lot of lot of fun a great way to always kind of start a big show like this is with a ladder match or a kind of cluster ass match so I liked it yeah I thought it was a really good way to kick off the show um with that All In Zero Event Summary being said did you get a chance to watch the pre-show I did I watched uh all of it yeah I watched um I primarily I watched the 16 man tag team match but I wasn't really all that invested in it I watched the 10- man tag match also wasn't invested in it but I did get invested in because there was a lot of comedy in was the mix tag team match with Willow and isi versus Chris statlander and stokeley haway that [ __ ] was effing fun but the big thing that happened on the pre-show was the return of Jamie hater now before we get to that how did you feel about the three pre-show matches um the uh the stokeley willow stat is match was hilarious I love that at one point stat starts firing off on is and is's like give me more give me more but then she continues firing on it and he starts selling for it like he's like oh no this really work this is work right into a Stokely half the way spine Buster like I was standing jumping up and down when he hit the spine Buster on E [ __ ] was hilarious even stokeley's entrance I don't know what that song was he's like carried by like a bunch of dudes like on like some Egyptian leather I don't know what it was super great stuff that was a really fun way to to do that I love that they did the what how many people were in that 16 it was 16 yeah they did eight on eight just to it's like when WWE does the Andre the B giant Battle Royal or any kind of like let's just get a bunch of cool the homies on the show just for fun let them do some spots in front of this big crowd get them warmed up so yeah it's really really cool stuff like that but we all know why the pre-show was hot Jamie haer is back one of the most over one of the best workers in the Women's Division I think this is really great moment for her to come back it's time she's gonna fit in like a glove I'm sure she's so hungry to get back at it dude I was I was again not expecting her on the pre-show and Sera was out there I thought huh this could be a spot for Jamie hater's return but I'm thought they're going to do it later and and I was almost like not even going to care I feel so bad I didn't even listen to s's promo I could just hear her like yelling and I'm like okay she's healing it up whatever and I was sort of getting ready for the Post show and then all of a sudden I hear Jamie's theme song I like run over here because I had already everything set up and I'm like oh my God Jamie's back and then I went live right at that moment on here on the stream and that's where the watch along started like right after Jamie hater came out because I was like guys hey what's up Jamie hater is here and that was kind of like a wild way to get things started but really it was one of those things where it's like okay not expecting that happy she's back very thrilled she's back everybody's you know sort of making some uh comparisons to her and Becky Lynch because of the red hair she looks good and she's always been so popular I I want to see her pick up where she left off because where she left off she was she was the hottest like female on the roster at that point dude she was more over than any like more over than Tony more over than Brit remember like people would be chanting for her when she wasn't even present just like wanting her to be a part of this so yeah I hope this time she gets to really get involved with some other women gets to really lock it up in there and gets a long sustainable run here in aw because she's awesome I'm very excited to see her back yeah seriously so I mean good stuff um good stuff with that so we'll see what they do I'm expecting a program with her and Sera to get things going yeah to get things going alrighty damn Thank You For Watching there we go re we've been on the air for um almost we're five and a half hours here uh a lot of talking that we've done but seriously guys uh we want to thank you guys so freaking much for if you guys were here for the entire watch along and the review thank you so much if you were just here for the watch along or here for just the review regardless thank you guys so much for joining us um I am going to put the podcast up here you guys are going to see it in the video so for those watching the video right now thank you so much as well um re how'd you feel your first watch along that you did and revieww long time five and a half hours I really appreciate everybody kind of being here now honestly Denise super duper fun watching the show who would have thought watching the show with a bunch of supporters and people from the stream would be extra fun uh like you said I'm going to want to do all the post shows at this point and yeah that's pretty much it I'm like when's the next one I love it I say well the next one is technically all out but I'm gonna be at the show so I'll be back to my normal post scrums and something and we'll figure it out you'll see content going up but just a reminder to everybody um this Tuesday I will be back with Chino to talk I'm sorry no I'm wrong ra Monday I was skipping Monday Monday I will be here to do a raw watch along hey R you should come on in to the raw watch along nope like when's the next one it's on Monday re no okay so raw will be here for the watch along this Monday Tuesday I will be here with Chino next Wednesday unfortunately re and I will not be here because I will be flying out to Berlin for bash at Berlin however I will be posting bash at Berlin content so keep an eye out for that guys um and then we'll be back to our uh normal stream next week and then I will be at all out so a lot going on but re what do you got going on uh this week I don't have anything it's just regular week check out rightous r. I'm about to drop some [ __ ] I appreciate y'all let's [ __ ] go righty thank you so much to John Taylor here who says always try to show up for the hash C connection we appreciate everyone who showed up and if you stayed for an hour if you stayed for a minute if you stayed for three hours thank you so much it's so cool seriously all righty guys that's a wrap for us here today please do not forget to subscribe to the channel we hope you have an awesome week thank you guys so much hope you guys all enjoyed Allin catch you guys on the next one bye everyone

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