Will Netflix's Movie The Deliverance Open Demonic Portals?!😱

November 7th 88th and 9th the supernatural life is coming to Eid Holland for our Supernatural life conference 2024 if you know anything about the last conferences that we put on they were life changing for thousands of people and we are coming to Europe this year as a center point so that the whole world can come and be a part of what's Happening Here at the supernatural life we are truly seeing lives completely transformed for the glory of Jesus Christ so this is an invitation from me and the Holy Spirit for you to get your tickets and come to Eid Holland for the supernatural life conference 2024 but they shall say where has he come from where has he risen up even in Nations because I look and I count help but see Australia's written and the Lord says when you put your foot again in the nation of Australia you will see that there will be a reunion and a shift of a season and th's going to shift and a wave will begin you heard it Australia it has been prophesied and I am HED your way with the Holy Ghost who represents and exalts Jesus Christ of Nazareth we will be in Melbourne in Surfers par paradise and kmy and I can guarantee you this people are going to be saved people are going to receive prophetic words that are going to shoot them into their god-given Destiny people will receive Miracles now you can clap for Jesus and people will be delivered from demonic bondage Fire come all the way out but most importantly our people will be impacted and imparted Revival into their life so that everywhere they go Revival will be that place's portion through their life right come up and now out uhhuh he can hear me really how long's it been since you've been able to hear is it's been about 5 [Applause] years so if you want a piece of what Jesus Christ is going to be giv to people in Australia make sure you register today in Jesus name [Music] up everybody I want to let you know why you should become a forerunner here at the supernatural life are you looking for discipleship are you looking to be prophesied to are you looking to be healed are you looking to be delivered are you looking for a global Community not only online but also in person and when I say all over the globe I mean all over the globe are you looking to be utilized ized by the holy spirit in a supernatural way because you can come to revivals and watch the Holy Spirit use you that's right this is not a one-man show we equip you to do the works of ministry also and listen this isn't just any ordinary Ministry we treat this ministry just like you see in the book of Acts we come together we go and we do what Jesus Christ has told us to do what you read happening in the book of Acts is happening in this ministry and we are obviously living in a different time a different era but we are also using those same principles that you read in the book of Acts you see Peter you see Paul and you see the other disciples doing amazing things this ministry is doing the exact same things and I also want to remind somebody you don't have to be perfect that's right we don't expect people to come into this ministry with everything together you can come in as messed up as you want to be because you can't fix yourself anyway that's what discipleship is for and that's why it's important that you get with a family in Christ that shows the love of the father because perfect love casts out fear and love covers a multitude of sins that's right the love of God is going to cover all that mess and you're going to become extremely blessed so don't think about it any longer go ahead and join me in the Forerunner family by going to www.th Supernatural life.org and clicking on the link on the website to become a forerunner today I'm super excited to be able to meet you as a forerunner a partner with this ministry and I will be seeing you soon wherever you are in Jesus name [Music] [Music] 3 two one we are tuning in and Ireland my God God has been moving powerfully we've been seeing tons of life saved and I have here my friend here to testify of what Jesus has done for her tonight this ministry is called the supernatural life did something Supernatural happened to you throughout this revival what happened what took place yes it did I was filled with the Holy Spirit it is nothing you can compare it with it is literally God's hand from above touching my head my soul my heart what did that feel like just love and I don't know it's love but like like so intense that it fills you up okay my name is exactly is ma um before I came here I was in the hospitals for for 4 weeks because the doctors found that there was abscesses in my stomach and uh there were fluids that bursted out they sent me home but I'm still under watch from the from the doctor so I had some stomach pains and actually first call out he did was about women who had some pain in their left side I kind of hesitated but I went anyway and did you have did you have pain on your left side when you asked yes isn't that kind of random it is it is yeah so I stood there and he was praying for other people I was like oh my God what's going to happen and actually what he said was something I didn't know he gave some prophecies that I didn't know so there were confirmations and he prayed for the pain and the pain left that's the testimony he prayed and the pain left so I'm happy what would you say to people that don't believe that this is real I think you should uh come and experience it just be a little bit open that's enough hi everybody I'm Bon from the Holland Hub I'm a forerunner here in the Netherlands uh we just had our first Revival day here in the Netherlands from the Europe tour and with me is in N yes tell me what happened tell me yes so we uh we just sitting we attend of the surface and already in the beginning he spoke a word he was confirming he talked about some sickness and some stuff it was a confirm confirmation about some things and that was very amazing it's very amazing especially uh because of there were some things I was meditating about and talking to God about these last recent recent days and it was like I just got the answer and it's like a relief yes Jesus Christ we just thank you and Lord I want to say thank you for allowing me to come here everybody Lord that is making this happen may they get a double portion blessing may they get a h hundredfold blessing may all of us benefit from what happens here today and may our reward be you and also May the reward be Souls Lord that we can bring into heaven into the kingdom of God and may disciples be birthed from this place that will impact this whole nation for the glory of Jesus Christ forerunners fire starters people that will go and cause the Wildfire to continue to move all the way throughout Europe all the way into Asia all the way into Africa even into the United States Lord let Revival spread in a mighty mighty [Music] way I have can you share your name and where you're from yes my name is Katie Woolly and I'm from Springfield Missouri I'm here with my husband well hi husband thank you for traveling can you share what you encountered how was it it was incredible so I actually got my testimony uh to share from last year Daniel Adams called my name out of the crowd he was like there's somebody here that needs heart surgery um and I was born with a valve that wasn't developed and um he called me out to the front and prayed for me and God has healed my heart I got a brand new heart he prophesied a new heart and that's exact L what it got it got a brand new heart and I actually have I have to show this this is my EKG before and this is what it looks like now that looks normal people I don't know if you can see this but on the first EKG it was showing in regular rhythm right here we are seeing a normal Rhythm that the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ came and did spiritual surgery on her heart and if he did it for this beautiful lady right here he can do it for you too what's going on everybody so I felt like I should get a little bit controversial tonight I don't think it's gonna be too controversial um there's a movie out right now that I didn't even know about till literally yesterday did a little research had a little thought about it and I I said to myself after reading about it I said you know what let me check this out because there's a demon that is haunting a house affecting a family and eventually gets beat up and took out right now it's based on a true story from what I know I'm not going to jump into all the details right now I'm actually going to let I have Keegan with me today Isaiah and Mark they actually watched the movie with me and I told them just be real and raw on your opinions and on your thoughts you don't have to think like me because I love to have a healthy dialogue so I brought them on with me tonight so that we can have a healthy Dialogue on this and just get their thoughts and perspectives and they walking things um I've also been looking at some other posts on the internet and I am seeing some very very 505050 conversations but I do believe there's a healthy way to tackle this and um yeah I'm going to do it but anyway let's go ahead and hit that like button if we can let's get some more eyeballs on this and share because I think you'll be intrigued by what we have to say I'm going to try to hit around all those uh areas that I need to hit on but before I even get into the movie as you see on the cover there's a white upside down cross and one eye symbolism listen I see that but also you got to think about who made the movie all right people that are dealing with a lot of stuff now what's interesting though is if you listen to the interviews and you listen to the woman and what happened to her at the end of the movie you will see that the hly Spirit stepped in in parts of that and had his way so regardless of what you think and regardless of what you say the woman did say at the end that the tongue talking was unscripted and everything and they just threw it in the movie but I want to get the story straight first okay so I'm gonna bring Keegan on here and uh Keegan tell us a little bit about this now I want to have Keegan on it because he is from Indiana by the way if you want to know any of my event details and everything like that you can go to the Super naturall life.org it's right there for you okay Supernatural life.org all right somebody said the tongues was weird was the tongues weird man so the tongues weren't weird wasn't it so people told me they got they they got Holy Ghost crazy too now listen I'm in conversation discussion mode now I have switched from right here and now we're talking we are talking so just get used to it get you a nice cup of water if you drink coffee decaf if it's night time whatever you got going on get it sit back and listen to a good discussion and you can have your opinion listen this is a beautiful thing I love about Christianity and I love about even Living in America it's we have the First Amendment right freedom of speech freedom of speech I can say what I want to say you don't have to like me I don't have to like you and we get to live in the same place isn't that wonderful Hallelujah and if you don't like me you got to get over it and there's nothing you can do about it am amen there's absolutely nothing you can do about if you don't like me and that probably makes you really mad and that's what that's how the Pharisees were with Jesus is they didn't like him they wanted to Stone him and take him out early and they couldn't do a thing because he says nobody can take my life before I lay it down so nobody can do anything to me until Jesus says it's time right be preaching but anyway let's get into this discussion for all my lovers and all my haters I welcome you in amen now Keegan talk a little bit you're from Indiana and you said you actually remembered hearing about this story when you were in school right yeah yeah yeah so really quick I know you said that that somebody said that the tongues was weird and I just wanted to say that the tongues was actually not scripted in the movie that was not scripted so the ACT T were not scripted was yeah it was not scripted like they didn't know she was going to do that they said that that just happened during the filming so I wanted just to say that because that was kind of crazy that that just happened but yeah yeah um I yes I'm from Indiana um I'm from Central Indiana this happened in Gary Indiana but uh believe it or not not didn't we go to Gary you guys were in South Benz oh South Ben yeah yeah yeah but Gary is Gary's actually like really one of the most dangerous cities in Indiana honestly it's pretty it's pretty crazy uh it's definitely not a safe area for sure it's where Michael Jackson was born where he's from oh um yeah so but yeah it's definitely not the best area um L to Michael Jackson did you open a demonic portal I just keep going God but um but yeah no I've been there could have some of the movies are some of the songs were crazy amen but uh believe it or not before I was you know Holy Ghost filled before I really surrended my life to Jesus I was actually a ghost hunter with my grandma so we went ghost hunting all the time and was you ghost hunter what's up with Indiana is there any other indianians is that like a thing in Indiana yes it it really is like you would just go to like haunted houses all the time like on weekends we didn't really have you know much to do but yeah no we would uh so I remember the ammon's house so what what happened was is that it was on uh Carolina Street in Gary Indiana and Latoya amens and her mom you saw the house huh you saw the house I never been to the house no so the house actually got bulldoze in 2016 the house isn't there anymore okay yeah yeah so I never had the chance to go to the house um but so what happened true story is that the ammon's family Latoya and then her three children um and then her mom uh rented the house in 2011 so from November 2011 to like like eight months until 2012 they were living there and there was all these reports of demonic activity saying that like there was there was you know bugs and stuff swarming throughout the house all the time and like in December and it's cold in Indiana in December it's really cold there's no reason for bugs and flies to be swarming around like that so that was happening they were saying that their son's her son's eyes was rolling in the back of his head and he was saying you know I W to end you I want to do this the daughter would levitate from the bed all this crazy stuff was happening and so um that happened there and then what ended up happening is that DCS ended up taking the kids away from the mom um and then it was a whole whole situation but they ended up having a a a priest father uh I believe his name is is Michael magat or something like that but he came in he ended up doing three extra isms he did two in English one in Latin and he actually did one on who came house it wasn't a Evangelical or Pentecostal or something like that the movie kind of Switched that yeah they kind of Switched that a little bit but yeah no they ended up having a a a priest come to the home and performed three different exorcisms and um the other crazy thing too is that even the a police officer the chief uh was like saw they saw the young boy crawl up on the wall him in the DC like they saw him like crawl up on the wall like he was demonically possessed and so the police were like oh my goodness that this is real and so they ended up um the Ammon family ended up moving away down to Indie which is kind of where I'm at and in in the Indianapolis area uh after that and they said that things kind of stopped from there but that's kind of the background of it um of what all happened and it's it's it's pretty was pretty crazy I remember hearing about it um obviously because you know my grandma was into ghost hunting I remember the ammon's house was a huge thing and like nobody after that wanted wanted to be in that house go near that house and so that's why I said end up getting just to qualify if you choose to go Ghost Hunt you will take ghost home with you because there is no ghost there's only demons okay our evil spirits go demons unclean spirits all right it ain't a ghost all right so Uncle Joe in the grave ain't coming back with the familiar spirit is so let's just qualify that so nobody will think that we are are professional Ghost Hunter but we are good in professional demon snipers yes we're demon snipers we are demon snipers in the mighty name of Jesus now I want to hey if you're just jumping in hit that like button okay let's get this thing out there I want I want lots of people to see it okay I want you guys to see it I want preachers to see it I want pastors to see it because we're going to talk about some stuff and get people thinking and I'm going to look at both both paradigms here okay because you have people that say this movie wasn't that bad I don't know what everybody's talking talk about then you have this this PE these people that say well look as a newborn Christian this could mess them up blah blah blah and then you got another group that says hey if an unbeliever stumbles across this you're going to actually that listens to bad stuff anyway watches all the bad stuff in the world when they watch this movie they're going to actually see a woman get filled with the Holy Spirit speak in tongues get her family restored and move forward for the glory of God and what I do appreciate about this movie regardless if it's made by people who like like men men women women stuff or whatever that's wrong 100% but regardless is they allowed the name of Jesus Christ to be spoken right they did use the name of Jesus Christ and then they let the the power of the Holy Ghost be evident and they also showed what now this is the thing they also showed what unforgiveness will bring on your life they showed what sin will bring into your life and they showed what generational stuff can bring into your family they showed uh a whole lot of stuff now the cussing stuff was a little much but if we're living in a real world scenario and look I've been invited to haunted houses where things move and everything early in my Ministry walk people used to tell me to come to their house they have all kinds of things going on everybody was cussing the whole family cussing they're like what up Preacher Man blah BL BL be be beep you know and this the way I look at it and this this is my problem with a lot of of Christianity Today not all of it a lot of it is We complain about seeing something that seems real on the screen but you you are you actually going into the Dark Places yourself and experiencing what you're seeing because I'm gon tell you I've seen people almost levitate I've seen black eyes I've seen the fingers grow out I've seen some pretty intense demonic manifestations that would make your hair hair stand on your head um if you're you're worried about a movie I would say have you even experienced this in your own life like have you actually went against the enemy have you actually done real Deliverance before because you you all can see my videos in Revival meetings demons cuss me out demons cuss me out I had I have videos where they they mfb what the H you going to do to me all this stuff right they they cuss me out they hear me you guys hear it when we're in Revival meetings people sometimes they'll manifest the person will come back and hold their mouth and be like what the world did I just say you know and it's because the demon starts cussing the demon is is mad it's a bitter spirit it's an evil spirit that is that is condemned to Hell forever right an eternal torment in a lake of fire of course they're mad they're going to cuss and everything um but if you're looking at this with the right lens you'll look at this movie and say okay this movie is it has some bad stuff would you let your kids watch it you probably want now listen let's talk about the movie nefarious you want to talk about the movie nefarious so the nefarious movie also had a lot of demonic activity yeah it did by the way that wasn't spiritual activity that's because they didn't charge the light okay so now we won't get a green light isah so somebody forgot to charge that light back there but it's okay guys all right we're light in the dark man I got really R so nefarious was also a very demonic feeling movie did you remember remember watching that m i remember that and some people were even saying about the movie nefarious that Christians should not be watching that movie yeah right but but we're doing the same thing with this movie again but I want to ask you guys what do you guys think about that movie like first question would be this is that movie beneficial to an unbeliever and I'm not we're not even going to talk talk about uh that look people already saying in the comments why the light turn off I was like this is great huh Isaias if you want to answer you can yeah answer that question please is the lights turn off yeah so they don't think stuff's floating around in here so we shot a music video every everyone that's watching this the 600 people that are watching right now 800 people we shot a music video to a song that's coming out here very soon before we go out to Australia yes and we use these bar lights that are actually behind the chairs and behind me above me and um when we when we're done we're we supposed to be putting them back to charge but it seems like whoever put these back here I don't want to put any names out here whoever put these back here didn't put them to charge so that's why they turned off but we're plugging them back in as we speak but that's why they turned off so these these batteries probably have like four hours of charge three hours of charge we're always in the studio and that night we were out for like four or five hours so yeah we were just out here I'm sitting here like I'm talking about this these scary these scary people on here are going to be like see look you should know I was like ah come on the timing of this ah y'all set me up for this one oh my God see the light is on the light has been turned back going amen all right so let me get back to this so let's talk about the unbeliever okay the unbeliever is this movie beneficial to the unbeliever and I want y'all's total true opinion not because you know Apostle Daniel Adams is saying I want I really want your true opinion on this and I'll go start with you Isaiah I asked the man of God how I how I should how I should you know handle the situation kind I know I could speak very like boldly and like direct speak from your heart right right right but you're an unbeliever you're watching this movie I want to speak and respect to people who think otherwise because there's a lot of like leaders in the body of Christ who have spoken they're probably watching this that like I give you I give you total permission to speak speak transparently with this question right okay so there's a scripture in the Bible where Paul says it's it's un it's impossible to avoid the world and when he says this it means like you can't like you can't live in a bubble your entire life so doesn't mean you go into you know into willing sin doesn't mean you know go out and do stuff deliberately doesn't mean you you know go to the club or you drink and all that stuff and know the Lord calls to be set apart to be holy all that if you guys know anything about this ministry like Holiness being set apart sanctification is huge so this movie talks about Deliverance talks about like the Demonic talks about the good and the bad the ugly my question is and you brought nefarious so it's a good comparison like technically nefarious isn't a Christian movie right and the demon never left and the demon never left and like it it wasn't a good ending so so Christians look look this is my thing Christians are okay with nefarious but the demon never left it went somewhere else right but at least the demon got defeated in this movie so my fellow Christians why y'all like nefarious but you have a problem with this movie because the demon nefarious is still kicking right in that movie but in this movie The Demon got took out and got burned and done you see what I'm saying but go ahead Isaiah keep going both both movies has some truth and some like exaggeration like anything Hollywood wise like there's there's some parts that they missed it Mark missed the mark tremendously but like you said like we're picking and choosing and that's my only problem with people that like attack something so so strongly when you try to put everyone in a single basket when in reality that says the only only God knows the intentions of the heart so like just because an action is made doesn't mean you know the intention behind it and that's why when you see something from the distance you can't really judge it like you have to really get up close to something to be able to tell you know that's why like if you if you if you do anything like analysis wise or you do anything let's say we're like uh singing If a house is clean or if a car is clean like you can't look from afar from the house and be like it's clean like you have to walk in the house check every end of the house and say okay it's clean it's not clean cuz from afar it could look a type of way so like we see that all the time on social media people put a facade up right but even even when people say things are good right from a distance it's okay or not okay whatever but people are doing the same thing from from like a judging standpoint like you're judging from a distance so like that's my only thing sure you could you could you could paint a picture saying hey it's demonic you shouldn't be watching it etc etc okay but then to put everyone in a in a category that watched it that they're all in the same boat that's just in my opinion it's wise because you have to know both sides what the Bible says if you're going to judge a matter I'm just speaking biblically if you're gonna judge a matter you have to know both sides it's unwise to to make a conclusion off of just one side so that's what I would say man of God people from a distance speaking like this it's just so in a nutshell compressed yeah to a few seconds of conversation uhuh can a Believer unbeliever get saved by watching a movie like this I I think that got yes I got saved off drugs myga I got saved in the world like I got saved in the worst so God can meet them in this movie God can meet them anywhere man of God God can meet them anywhere to say God can is is Blasphemous in in itself but what if an unbeliever watches a Christian bashing other Christians talking about this isn't that going to make the unbeliever go okay it was my experience this this and the third because here's my thing in the end of the movie The Name of Jesus was glorified the demon was destroyed even though that even though it looked like the demon was stronger than it needed to be I believe the name there was some exaggeration in the movie but this is why we got to be careful remember I'm trying to give a dialogue here to you know get understanding it's always Christians causing problems for other Christians I'm sorry it is it's always Christians causing problems for other Christians and look right is right wrong is wrong nobody's justifying evil nobody's saying with the devil's doing good nobody's saying that the producers that are living in a double life is is okay and all that nobody's saying that okay but at the same time some of y'all are still watching Disney movies who are written and produced probably by people that are doing worse than you know but you're okay watching The Lion King and saying that you know you were glad Mufasa come in the clouds and you had a Christian experience you see right you see what I'm saying so like are wearing your Nike clothes which is supposed to be to the god Nike and are wearing or going to Starbucks with your mermaid cup demon or going you know over here but now are you not going to go to Starbucks and pray for the cashier who doesn't know Jesus because they got a Starbucks apron on and got the little symbol on there this stuff is crazy man this is this is my problem with with Christianity and some of y'all don't ain't going to like me for this but it is what it is you're so religious you can't see past your nose you've been toen over by a pharc spirit and you need to be set free period you do and that's why you know you ain't seeing people in Hollywood come to you you're not seeing people uh in certain places you know that are in different Dynamics stuff because you condemn everybody all the time they see you condemning people you living the life of condemnation the letter of the law kills the spirit brings life are you bringing life for condemnation and putting heavy yolks and burd on people so what somebody watched the movie ask them what did you take from this movie don't tell them they got a new demon and they opened a portal hey I watch this movie and like I took that we need to forgive man we need to fast and pray like the devil's out there attacking families and taking things out oh man this stuff's happening in my house I need to call a holy ghost filled Christian to come pray for me right now because this Supernatural activity is happening to my son I see my children get this going on that's what a lot of people can actually take from this movie if their eyes open but if you got a Pharisee iCal religious hypocritical Christian that thinks they live perfect lineup on line precept on PR precept never do anything wrong then it's just shot it's just shot you know and that's that's what I believe okay you don't have to agree with me you can live in your little box you can never go out to a club and get somebody saved you never go to the bar and pray for the drunk next to you while you're drinking water you can never go out into the trap house where they're shooting heroin and stuff up but guess what I'll go there there if you won't go there but don't get get mad because I'm going there you won't go in a smoke shop where they're s selling marijuana like we did the other day get a word of knowledge about the woman and pray for her because the word of knowledge was right so she can be saved this is the problem man I have a problem with Christian not all of Christianity but a sex of Christianity that live this way and it's messing the body of Christ off and you need to repent of that stupid ignorant thinking man it's so stupid it's limiting people it really is and it's condemning them and putting them under the under legalism just putting them under legalism some of you in the chat right now and guess what get over it you ain't going to change me unfollow me I'm going to keep going in the dark places I might just watch another movie that the people in the end of it get filled with the Holy Ghost again that's got a few things floating around in the house I'm G I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it it's just what I'm going to do you know because I like to see the whole message the whole story and where can I pull God out of this thing where where was Jesus in this thing and I see Jesus in the movie come on Amen I do see Jesus in the movie I felt the Holy Spirit a lot in a lot of parts honestly yeah man I saw Jesus in that movie that's one especially the restoration reconciliation you know she gets filled with the Holy Spirit it was really good and then seeing the generational mess and stuff that's going on but anyway what do you think uh Mark yeah when you watch it I I know I said a lot no no that was good man I think the people needed to hear we needed to hear it um my opinion on the movie um I I do believe that it is Ben beneficial for non-believers and the reason why I say that is because yes the movie wasn't all the way like right it was you know there was some areas where it was watered down Faith you know what I'm saying um but one of the things I can say is God his thoughts are not our thoughts and God is wise and and um he he can use that video that movie Amen to draw non-believers that know nothing about Jesus or probably heard of Jesus but they're watching this and is is bringing a level of revelation that who there is a source of power in Jesus name right that overcame darkness that little bit of Revelation can draw them in their life to secretly seek the Lord and God will begin to order them steps their their steps and eventually like they'll go searching more about God and then they'll they'll find a whole YouTube channel like like this called the supernatural life that lives and walk in the Supernatural part of God hey guys don't don't listen to anybody spitting witchcraft in the comment section talking about you gonna get a demon you're not going to get a demon because you watch that movie unless your faith is low and you're full of fear Lord didn't give you a spirit of fear but Power love and a sound mind come on don't listen to people in the comment section like that they're being weirdo Christians all right keep going that well yeah that's they really are I mean and I can notot with these comments I'm telling you I mean so God will go in a low place to bring you high you know and he's really using uh and what I like to this is an amazing verse to talk about 1 Corinthians uh 1 ver 27 but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are Mighty so even God will use these little things that you call foolish but in His Infinite Wisdom he can use this to really guide people to truth to the true Supernatural power of God so I believe there's going to be people going on YouTube typing in Deliverance and they'll run across these Deliverance channels that walk Mighty in the power of God and they'll start to learn about the power of Jesus Christ and that whoa hold on I see that well this movie wasn't all the way right I'm seeing that we can cast out demons we can prophesy we can every demon bows at the name of Jesus Christ so yeah I do believe there's there's some benefits you know what's funny is you remember the Apostle in the movie the woman that came up that had been dealing with this demon before and how she got tooken out yeah there was something powerful in that and it's that she was double-minded wow she admitt it to having doubt and fear and and when she come up against that demon again she still had that doubt and fear and she actually got taken out like seven sons of ska type stuff you know if you read about the seven sons of ska what do you guys think that looked like all right Le let's let's talk seven sons of SK let's talk the raw real right inyou face Bible okay the seven sons of ska mhm was that Acts 19 I think it was Acts 19 the seven sons of ska went up to this demonized person and the demonized person said this the demonized person said Paul I know Jesus I know but who are you and it says in the Bible they he the demon proceeded to beat them up so bad they became naked and bloodied and bruised and they left okay so what if we saw a movie with that type of description what if we saw a movie where we see the seven sons of ska grow walk in and they getting beat up and everything you say a Christian shouldn't watch that you know that was demonic because we saw the demon beat the seven sons of ska up and we saw they they said a few C cursed words in Hebrew because they got beat so bad you know you better not watch it you're going to get a new demon that's that's the reality of how many people think and a lot of people a lot of people on here that have a problem with it you don't really de with the Demonic realm like that you're not really you're not really coming up against those type of things you haven't traveled into the bush of Africa you haven't went into South America you haven't went into to some of these Latin countries like I said that have have real witch doctors and everything y'all ain't came up against any of that you know I I go do meetings all over the world I come up against some stuff I can tell you some stories listen some of y'all that are saying this crazy stuff you're just in westernized Christianity and you think you're seeing your little demon that coughed out of somebody's mouth you're doing something and you just use the name of Jesus let me tell you stay in the game long enough go to some places where you got some witch doctor huts and stuff and then come back and talk to me and then we can have a conversation but I'll tell you this if you carry the love of God you'll win every time because love is produced by God also by God's faith by faith in faith in God brings the love of God so when you bring his love on the scene it covers everything and legalism is not love legal legalism is a heavy heavy Yol and heavy heavy burden and that is one of the biggest problems that we have in the church today is legalism is legalism period all I hear is don't watch this don't listen to this don't do that don't blah blah blah lead my example man be live a life of why people shouldn't do things let people watch you but also let them watch you as you walk into an area you cause change you see don't let the fact that you saw a movie that had some cuss words in it and had like some demonic activity and then you see a person filled with the Holy Spirit and say Jesus at the end and the demon catches on fire and goes out of the out of the out of the world that shouldn't stop you from being a Christian man that shouldn't stop you from being a Christian but I do my prayer is like like that people's eyes will open and they will not be so small-minded and what's going to happen is people listen to this they'll go oh Daniel's compromised he's deceived he's gave in he's part of the thirde eyye triangle club or whatever you want to say that's what people want to say they they want to believe that and then like we knew it we knew that years ago he was such a good guy when he was in that movement of over here but he's changed so much I haven't changed I've grown and I've gone from glory to glory praise the Lord Jesus Christ and I ain't carrying no heavy yolks of bondage on me and that's and when I see these people on the internet putting heavy yolks of bondage on on our Christian brothers and sisters it messes with me Let's find let's find Christ in the middle of it where is Christ why are we why are we seeing the devil more than we're seeing Christ Christ was literally in the movie can we can we focus on where Christ is in it and can we get off of this oh you just opened a demonic portal now you have makuku Shay running around in your house and you're done goodness it's it's true it's true it's terrible man yeah open up a demonic portal now I got a little imp demon in the corner moving my skateboard around you know what I'm saying and use the name of Jesus like the movie showed you in the mighty name of Jesus get off my skateboard y demon put it back where it needs to be you know that's what Smith Wigglesworth did he told us put it uh not Smith it was uh I think it might have been Summerall he saidh put everything back the way it was supposed to be and get out of my house you have power and authority come on now the the the movie the movie did magnify that the Demonic power was very strong but if you really look intricately in you'll see it was because of doubt and unbelief it was because of sin unforgiveness it was because of unforgiveness so yes when you see sin even people that are in demonic uh occultic stuff they use the power of sin to push forward that push forward the Demonic power in the Demonic agendas sin has to be present for a demonic agenda to be pushed forward you know so there has to be a it has to be sin in the picture to go forth so that movie showed the power of sin it it showed the all this stuff that was that was allowing this demon to have access but you see the moment that the heart became pure the moment that things became right the moment everything shifted the demon got worried on his face is like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they it felt the faith so it was in the name of Jesus leave right and it's like hi you you don't even you don't even believe the Jesus you're trying to cast me out with wow that's really what it was your faith is little you have none you have no faith you don't even believe in the Jesus because if you did then your life wouldn't look that's what the demon and then the demon was mocking so so we're going to talk about that too yes but I want to talk about the mocking part that people are like you shouldn't watch because you know the the uh the demon was saying these really uh uh bad words and stuff like that let me tell you something guys I've seen demons Point stuff out in people the same way I saw in that movie and call stuff out about their bodies call stuff out about the sins in their life tell them what they did five years ago I've seen it so that didn't surprise me I was like oh that's that's normal you know you you some some of you need to see that the reality of a demon that way in that movie because some of them I'm telling you some of them do act that way so one of my mentors back in the day was from uh Africa she uh she her family was actually killed in the genocide genocide in Rwanda and uh she actually was a person that really trained me about a lot about fasting and praying and all that she actually taught me about my first dry fast all that stuff which was crazy but anyway I went over to Rwanda she started to tell me some stories of some things that go on that went on over there she told me she was praying one time they were in a prayer circle with this this this this man who was like nothing almost they all closed their eyes and they they started praying and they opened their eyes and the man wasn't on the table anymore Who and the man was gone and they looked up and he was crawling on the roof wow like literally crawling roof and then she said she had to look up and go come down in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and the guy said boom also I don't know if you guys know in Crusades in Africa like if you do big Crusades witches will Astro project above the Crusade and they will pee on people in the spirit above the Crusade and then if you can catch them and you see it happening their body catches up to their astral body in the middle of the air and it'll fall down on the ground butt necked like I've heard so many stories of that stuff happening and there was also um there was a story of a guy's tongue was hanging all the way out of his mouth they prayed in the name of Jesus tongue rolled all the way back up so I mean and there was a time demons were manifesting and monitoring leopard spirits that were coming to take her out and the hand of God picked her up and moved her to safety like these are the people these are the people that uh I was able by the grace of God to be trained under and to be taught so you guys want to know where I come from I come from this type of lineage that's why I'm able to do what I do I I I just have a great I have a great spiritual inheritance by the grace of God you know I've had great great Generals in the faith that some of you will never know that was able to pour into me so some people go why you like this and all that because I got a history with some amazing people that I was honored to be able to be taught some of them have passed away now so anyway with all this being said I'm just saying if this movie is freaking you out and giving you a demonic portal you you might be surprised at the real open doors that you don't even know about it's not the things that are in front of your face it's the things you don't know about that's that's that's opening up portals wow what about you parents that say don't watch this movie but you're allowing your your son or your daughter to bring their girlfriend to boyfriend in the house and they're sneaking in the room you think they're being nice Christians but they're not that's opening up a demonic portal in your house what about the the wife that's on here right now and you're fussing at me about opening up a demonic portal in your husband's like yeah yeah yeah but at night he's looking at things that you don't know he's looking at that's opening up a demonic portal so I wouldn't worry too much about this this movie I would worry about what's really going on in your house that's going to allow things to happen in your house that you saw happening in that movie so good you see what I'm saying that's deep myga it's the same preachers that have problems with it they have other demonic portals open in their life they're talking about you're going to open up a demonic portal but they got demonic portals in their life that needs to be shut so good it's funny we can nitpick we can say this this this this and this but come on man come on you you're not fooling me I know what's going on like laugh when I see these extremists they're like really extreme in one area but man they have mess I'm telling I Promise You by the grace of the Holy Spirit I promise you people that are harping on this thing hard have areas of their life that are not 100% in check and if they harp and they're like I'm in check I'm perfect I don't do this I'm going hard blah blah no I promise you no man is without sin no man has an area that they don't need to be fixed and Sanctified by the Lord so I would watch out for preachers who are acting extreme that means they have a secret somewhere that they're not telling somebody or they're having a struggle that they think is okay that they think they're having moments with but they need to bring forth uh what they're what they really got going on I'm not concerned about the preacher that is watching this movie I'm more concerned with the preacher that is super legalistic putting a heavy yoke on people that has dirt in his in his closet that is attacking the movie all the time that's who I that's what I have a problem with say that huh it's true though that's true it's true so if you think you're perfect and you got it all going you got it you know going on and so be it there's not one but one perfect his name is Jesus Christ he's made perfected for all men it's only by his gra Grace you're B uh breathing again way way amen amen isn't that beautiful so good so yeah some of y'all worried about Joel oin you better worry about that other one all right were you gonna say something yeah yeah I mean my God you were saying so many good things it's so funny that people could be so scared and terrified of watching that movie thinking a portal is going to open and a Spirit come to them but you have addictions that's a whole like another thing that you know you could those the your secret addiction is a whole portal that's causing more damage than that movie you watch for the first time you get what I'm saying you you're addict if you're addicted to weed alcohol I mean that was in the movie and we seen that was a whole open portal that CS a legal right there were legal rights in the movie that even like if you have eyes to see there was legal rights that caused these attacks to happen in the family and we know that because we're in a Deliverance Ministry so you know and the what's so crazy about this this whole like controversy that's happening right now one of the things I could say about this movie it pushed Romans 10:13 and that says for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved and that's one thing you can take out of that if you call on I mean she called on the name of the Lord and Jesus so did saved her so that that gives hope to people that is in the world right now that maybe hey I don't know Jesus hey I don't know his power is real or whatever but call on his name yeah and maybe some of them have messed up families like you see right now in in you saw in that movie like the family was jacked I mean mama was mama was doing some stuff mama was Jack M mama was doing some stuff played her mama was out there mama had cancer still playing around she was still snapping and you see what happened her sin eventually led her to a place that she couldn't come back from and that devil was able to have power over her because because she was living in willing outward sin but but watch this here's something that people missed she was carrying the Bible around everywhere but living a backwards life you remember that in the movie m carrying the Bible around treating everybody bad but she had a she had this side thing going on where she was messing around with everybody you know wow and and and what happened to her that demon seven sons ofke her right that that cross stood on fire I'm telling you man y'all almost burn the hot I do real Deliverance do real deliverance and see and and let me I I would love to see some of these people man that mock people like me and other people and say ah these people do Deliverance wrong all you got to do is say this and that I I would love to fly anybody out that can just one shot you got one shot you come across demons I come across you got one shot man I will I'm telling you man I will learn from you for sure 100% because if you can do that you got a Grace on you that everybody needs but I love it I love it when these when these Facebook YouTube prophets coming around and they try to tell you about everything or these Deliverance ministers and they ain't done nothing they have no back track they have no record of nothing but they say all you got to do is this and everything will be okay don't listen to them people man they're lost they're lost in the sauce and they need to get actually do something you know they actually really need to get out and do something so and here's another thing they'll say well you shouldn't watch Netflix you shouldn't do Disney you shouldn't do that look some of y'all canceled Disney and got it back because they had a nice movie come out about Christian stuff goodness gracious man again go there they canceled Disney and then they got it back because they put a Christian movie on there look the same ones that cancel Disney IAL I saw him talking about uh uh what was that movie uh the cartoon about the emotions and stuff inside out inside out too oh inside out too was so wonderful you know it's just so many Christian things and Co I'm like hold on here whole worldly movie that's W you the W you the other w't you just saying that this movie over here was bad you canc and Disney now Disney's got a good M how' you watch it first of all oh my goodness ah people people are funny man like I had to come on here and do this live stream because people are so funny Christians get so scary weird not all of them not all Christians but so many of them get so SC it's like the devil has so much power it's like why do y'all give him so much power it's like everything you hear oh the devil we got to go do some spiritual warfare fast and pray the devil just devil just took $3 out my bank account we got to fight for this thing you know it just makes no sense I got a flat tie the devil did it I've never seen people glorify the devil so much we need to get busy talking about Jesus his goodness his awesomeness it says the goodness of God lead people to repentance you understand the goodness of God leads people to repentance it's how good he is it says love covers a multitude of sins perfect love casts out fear ah we don't need this fear mongering stuff you know fearmongering is demonic did you know that fear mongering is demonic being fearful of everything is demonic it is it's carnal it's m upop so now let me talk about where I do what I do think about the movie on the other side first of all the cussing is bad shouldn't do all that cussing second of all that demon was vulgar but Demons of vuler so I wasn't really tripping about the demon third of all your kids probably shouldn't watch it but if they did you need to explain what's going on that they are going to really face these things in the world they're going to face cussing listen your your favorite little kid you love so much they're going to hear cussing they're probably going to see something they shouldn't see eventually they're going to hear something they shouldn't hear eventually also so how about explain it to them if you're going to sit there with them and and turn it into a teaching thing of how the devil is causing generational stuff but I wouldn't recommend the kids maybe you can explain in a different way but toach their own um there was some gruesome stuff but I but see here's another thing I used to be a law enforcement I used to be a correctional officer and I used to be sheriff's deputy I used to see people that would around their neck I we had to come get them before they took them I used to see people re I'm talking when I was working in jails and prisons I saw people really demonized I had a guy that was in a jail cell he would open his b Bible start speaking in a demonic click tongue it' be like something crazy I can't even do it it was so crazy look at me half nuts and I wasn't even a spirit filled Christian then pull Pages out the Bible put in his mouth and eat it and then you had the guy next door in the in the other cell he would be like Daniel you're a cage fighter watch what I can do this dude would kick steel toilets to show me how cool he was this dude would just kick steel toilets I'm like this guy's crazy man I had another guy we had to go in and get him the dude the dude defecated all over the place and rubbed him and was like come get me I mean man I'm telling you I've seen some stuff man and I can't even talk on YouTube about some of the stuff I've seen because I don't know if the video stay up I've seen some stuff so we talk about this movie man I've seen some stuff in real life some real stuff you know so don't worry about the movie but it was some gruesome points in the movie that was not all that great you know that we you know it is what it is I just I think what I really liked about it and I knew Christians would come on and just blast this thing I I said you know what here's what's good about it unbelievers are actually gonna come to Christ watching this even though the devil listen the devil how many plans has the devil had let's say the devil had an agenda in this thing let's say the devil was coming to bring fear God still stepped into this movie and showed himself powerful in the name of Jesus Christ okay so I'm okay with an unbeliever in the world watching this movie I think it's number two or three on Netflix right now that means they're watching this and they're seeing it so let's pray this instead of attacking um this movie and causing all these like problems and stuff why don't we look at it in the way of you know what Lord I pray that people will watch this movie it will get so popular and they will see how this woman was filled with the Holy Spirit look E I know there's a movie The Forge out we got war room what did you see them speaking in tongues in that movie name name any movie on purif flick you can really see tongue talking oh but P isn't pureflix owned by Sony now it is it used to not be I'm just using that for an example but n name one Christian movie that you really see that they're they're like tongue talking name one movie thank can anybody in this chat name one movie that you see on the Christian side of of of of whatever you want to call it media other than like I'm not talking about documentaries and stuff I'm talking about actual movies they have made theaters like uh and then there's not documentary because I'm thinking now documentaries but movies that produced that you can think was actually one where they did that but what has to happen is he has to use the foolish things to confound the wise and he lets a secular source with people that really aren't saved produce a movie and the woman starts talking in tongues at the end so we have to let this movie be the one where the holy spirit is is actually allow to manifest and and this is in Hollywood man I mean come on somebody somebody would say that wasn't real tongues that was demonic tongu she said it wasn't planned guys it wasn't planned you see what I'm saying so and I now some of you also say Dan you're really promoting this movie I'm not I'm not I'm I know you guys are seeing it so it's a type of promotion but at the same time I'm not saying anybody needs to watch it I'm not saying go watch the movie I'm just saying there's too many Christians reacting to this stuff putting heavy jokes on people and they need to repent it's not that serious guys it's really not and if you do Deliverance it's going to open people's eyes to see that oh this stuff really does happen because some of this stuff really looks like that there is contortions of the body there is the climbing on the walls there is the levitation there is the Deep groans of deep growls intense growls of the voices changing into deep voices that stuff had black eyes that stuff happens so what's wrong let them see it let us see it happens and when they run into it in real life they'll know how to handle it they'll in the name of Jesus Christ amen and hopefully they'll get filled with the Holy Ghost and they'll start speaking in Tong because they saw it happen in the movie come on and I just want to say this too really quick I just saw Andre Andre day which is the woman who plays this role she's she's an actress and she's also a singer and songwriter she said on many interviews that her faith comes from God that she believes in Jesus and it says as well she's even in another movie that just came out in 2024 called exhibiting forgiveness because I saw somebody in the chat said dude she's not she's not saved she's not this and that so just wanted to point that out there that again are we the judge you know are we do do we really know no but she is professing Christ in interviews and she's in two movies now that talk about God interesting stuff there but still in their eyes she's not safe because she was with secular artist artist and how can excuse me watch this how can you be in the light and walk with the darkness how do you know that she's walking with Darkness how do you know that she isn't being the light who are you to judge get the get the thing out of your eye before you take the speck out of get the log out of yours before you take the speck out this judgmental mess man it's crazy you don't know see this is the problem too let me say this in Christianity watch not all I keep qualify it's not all of Christianity but in much of it what happens is we'll look and we'll be like oh my gosh that Christian is over there with LeBron James and LeBron James throws the diamond sign up puts the finger on his eye I'm just using this right are they with the secular Artist Artist they are compromised how do you know how do you know have you talked to them did you do life with them did you get on a phone call with him did you not know that that was a mission to go save that celebrity do you know the seeds that are being planted do you know the prophetic words that be could be uh uh be given out and bringing people back go to God do you know if they've been on their knees crying you see this is the problem this is the problem this is this is the mentality of much of the church and it is breaking God's heart it's breaking his heart this isn't what Jesus came for you you would say if Jesus was alive on this Earth I'm going to tell you you would say the same exact thing to him if he was sitting in the bar talking to the wine bibbers and drunkard or talk or over there if he was walking and sitting with the women who supplied his ministry You' be like oh he's sleeping with all of them he's sleeping with every one of them he's over there look they're paying for his ministry how dare that oh he's speaking to the woman at the well that's a Samaritan woman over there that totally totally has a thing going on with her now I'm not saying that that doesn't happen but this is the way people would be this is the way people would be some of you guys have religious spirits and it needs to go and you're putting heavy yolks on people I'm telling you the same ones y'all call false Prophet are going to make it into heaven and you're going to be in the goat line looking crazy because you called them false and they were actually sent by the Lord be careful who you speak against because you might be surprised when you get up here and if you have called somebody false and you found out they aren't false you probably need to take that back and go before the Lord and repent that's why I don't sit around and speak out this false prophet nonsense because if I don't know 100% that they're not like Jim Jones that they're not like Jehovah Witness they ain't like the Mormon and the Muslim all this stuff if I don't know that then I ain't going to call them false prophets now I can say those are false prophets I can say that the the the Mormon stuff all that that that's false prophet stuff but that's people that are willingly leading people away from Jesus Christ so if you guys if you feel free to to say that stuff God bless you I just pray for your soul that you will repent so you don't have to go and Jesus look like you and say why are you persecuted me Saul you think you're serving me but you're persecuting me you're attacking my body that's what God's saying to some of you guys right now why are you persecuting me why are you attacking me you're attacking my son you're attacking my daughter you're attacking me you're attacking my body but today I Choose You B knocked out blind hey what happened oh I can see oh my bad I didn't mean to call you that Daniel appreciate you man you know I'm just using me for an example because I'm sitting right here but do you see what I'm saying this is the mentality of much of the church today and it's wickedness it's wicked man it is wicked some of you some of the preachers and YouTube folks out there are so wicked in their in their phariseeism it's it's insane it's the saying putting works on people putting heavy yolks on people saying you got to jump through 50 Hoops to be saved they have people walked away walking around every day wondering if they're going to go go to heaven because you w watched your favorite preacher and now you think cuz you stubbed your toes somewhere you're done you're doomed you just want to leave Christianity now because your favorite preacher put a heavy yoke on you look go to Jesus his yoke is easy his burden is light and his cross isn't as heavy as you think because you fall in love with him and the cross becomes light because he helps you carry the cross he put ah it's crazy did you know when Jesus and the man watch this Joseph was his name they gave him the uh Joseph was was it arhythmia or something like that or something like I foret help gave him the tomb m the rich man mhm wasn't he the one that helped him Carry the Cross yeah I think no no no the the the the black guy was the one who helped him Carry the Cross but the the one who gave the tomb is Joseph it was two different people okay two different people okay thank you for correcting me but think about this the cross became heavy and a man helped carry that cross that's very significant Jesus is doing the same for us right now so as we are carrying our cross his yoke is easy his burden is light it doesn't mean that the cross is heavy some of you are making this cross thing a lot heavier than it needs to be bearing the cross means you're choosing by his Spirit to walk in Holiness to walk in Purity and to walk in righteousness by his Spirit not by your works not by your own Perfection perfectionist ways you're doing it because you love him and you know that he'll help you carry it so we pick up our cross we die daily in the sense of we want to be more like him Lord I wake up today man I want to look more like you I want to look more like you and I want more religious Pharisees to hate me because they really hated you you know what if you're getting talked about by Christians you're doing something right I would worry about people who are not getting talked about that's the ones I'd worry about I'd worried about the ones not getting called false prophet you guys can go in comment section of other ministers right now and you'll see that I've been on their channels and stuff I get called false prophet a lot and I thank God for it that I've been found worthy of his Perse of of of the people's of well the religious spirit's persecution I'm glad of that because this is the persecution we're supposed to have because now I can glorify God that's the persecution that's the trials that's the tribulation that's the Temptations uh not Temptations but the tribulations and the things we'll come against is the religious people persecuting us Paul said man take this thing from me tell I don't want to deal with this anymore I've been Shipwrecked I've been stoned I've been whipped I've been lashed I don't want this anymore and Paul and and God said hey Paul hold on my grace is sufficient in your weakness I'm going to find my you're going to I'm going to show myself strong you when you're going through these things so I know that's a lot to say but um you know I just wanted to come on here and just show the other side of some of this because there's a lot of conversation going out there and listen I just want to let you guys know I'm not on here to have Ministry friends I'm not on here to make friends I'm here to make Jesus happy I'm here to do his will I'm here to do what he wants me to do okay some people won't like me some people will probably never connect with me again in Ministry I'm not here for them I'm here for the souls to make sure that they'll make it to Heaven that's why I do what I do I don't do it to please any YouTuber I don't do it to please any other minister I don't do that I've been called I've been anointed for a Time such as this and I have a purpose and Destiny that must be fulfilled so people can make it to heaven I'm about my father's business I'm not about another person's business you know what I mean so that's what I'm here to do I'm here to see Jesus glorified people people repent turn from a lifestyle of sin love Holiness righteousness and Purity and get the get a move on in Jesus name that's what I'm here to do um again I don't say I am don't nobody say I'm pushing the movie because I'm not if you watch it fine I didn't tell you to go watch it I'm just telling you if you do find Christ in it find the lessons in it get that and pray for the producers that every everybody's attacking because they're living in the gy lifestyle pray for them to be saved and become straight you know what I'm saying pray for these people pray for Monique Monica I mean Monica or Monique is Monica Monique is Monique oh it's Monique yeah pray for her pray for these people look they had a person coming on set praying for people Glenn Close said that she had never she had never been on a set where they had somebody come ask to pray for her is that not a good thing is that not a good thing that that that she has somebody the the Cruella Deville woman that she had Everybody Somebody Come pray for her I mean that's pretty cool in my mind you know so they think the preacher that come and did it shot out too no it's a seed man it's a seed it's a seed but we don't compromise for anybody we don't compromise we don't take oursel to their level we're there to cause the atmosphere to change amen amen that's what we do but um I didn't ask you Keegan I never got to you what do you what do you think about the movie I want to ask you what do you think what's your opinion I just let mine all out I let I let everything on my out I just dropped dropped the hammer on this thing trying to think you know I just I want to say this I see a lot of people a lot of y'all came in the comments and you're saying if you watch this movie you're gonna open up the door to demonic portals you're going to get possessed by a demon you're going to do this this and this and you know what all I got to say is truly is that cuz you know I deal with the lottin ministry I deal with the youth ministry all this stuff and the amount of fear that people are instilling in people is absolutely ridiculous I think it's absolutely mind-blowing and you know what's crazy because for me for my testimony a lot of you may not know this is that there was a Christian who went to a fraternity because the Lord said called him there to that fraternity he was going to the parties he was doing all this stuff he wasn't partaking in it he wasn't doing any of you know the drinking any of that stuff but he pointed out he saw me right and he said hey God loves you he has a plan for you he preached the gospel to me right and I got saved because of that you know what I'm saying I got saved because of Christian now anybody else would have said oh no that's demonic you can't go to that you can't be a part of that you can't do that a Christian decided to come to a frat party call me out and preach the gospel to me that's why I'm sitting here in the chair today is because of that and I want to say this too I didn't come I I grew up watching horror films going to rated R movies I mean I remember being the first grade and and my mom and I would watch I was like no five six years old my mom and I would watch sa together at night you know and then I remember other people in my family who grew up so sheltered didn't watch Disney didn't watch Nickelodeon Pastor kids all that stuff and they're more messed up than than than anybody in my family you know what I'm saying and it's just one of those things where you have to realize what am I portraying am I portraying the love of Jesus right am I am I allowing the fruit of God to be seen in this or am I instilling fear am I instilling condemnation and I'm going to tell you this too many of you people want to say oh the directors you know gy all this stuff well guess what your favorite fast frood chicken place all the higher-ups in there have a lot of gys too your favorite your your your your favorite restaurants your your other favorite movies your other things you you can pinpoint that there's something wrong with every single person if you go you can say oh apple apple oh it's bitten you know it's a bitten apple right here it's it's demonic but yet you're still using an iPhone but you want to go and condemn and say you can't watch this movie because you're G to get a demon but you're on here on a whole I is is having an iPhone an open portal Hey listen you know what I'm saying like people this double-mindedness is crazy CRA the double mindedness is crazy in the body of Christ and that's what Apostle is doing is he's calling you out he's calling out that Pharisee uh that phal spirit that religious spirit that it's there's double-mindedness in the body of Christ today and you know what I'm tired of it because you're gonna say oh it's okay to do this but it's not okay to do this no look and say at the end of the movie She's speaking in tongues the the the demon has the fire of God come upon it and it goes down to the pit of Hell I mean and there was restoration and there was restoration and she went back to the father of her children it it it exactly exactly and so one thing that I got to say is this is guess what get over yourself get over yourself because you think you're so opinioned you think oh it's this way you know or the highway no that's it's it's really not true and so for all of you on here say oh no I can't do that guess what you're limiting the the call on your life because of fear you have limitations on your life because you're saying oh no I can't go here I can't do this or I'm going to get a demon I can't watch this because I'm going to get a demon guess what now I watch the movie I'm doing great I'm doing fine nothing's happen to me because why I have authority in Jesus name I know who my father is and I'm about my father's business and guess what I'm gonna go I'll probably go do Deliverance on somebody and there will be an open door for Jesus to be glorified because I've watched the movie I've learned from it and now somebody could come to me and say hey Keegan I watch this movie what's Deliverance like I already have people my family hey this Deliverance movie is that what it's like people are coming to know Jesus Christ because of this guess what God's going to Hollywood because the people in the church wouldn't say yes because the people in the church wouldn't do it so now what's happening is that the Light of Christ is being shined in the dark places and I'm telling you there's going to be more and more and more movies that are going to be about Jesus and Hollywood on Netflix on Hulu are they gonna be perfect no are the people gonna be perfect no but you know what God's gonna show up and I'm telling you he's about to take Hollywood by storm and I'm excited man I cannot wait and uh that's what I gotta say yeah amen and listen here's the thing though like here's the danger of doing these movies especially when you're exposing uh Satan's kingdom if you're an unbeliever if you got mess in your life you see the actors go on these movie sets too and that's some good stuff Keegan you did awesome um they come on the movie sets and then they get Afflicted with stuff and it's because like they're not on they're not protected by the blood they're not under the blood they need to get saved they need to and you know even them bad demonic attacks might wake them up like one woman said that her neck blew up she had a thyroid issue another woman uh the man the guy said his sister ended up with lung cancer and stuff like that the dog died like if anything that that fear can drive people into the Arms of Jesus they'll be like whoa this Paranormal Activity is happening it's crazy so we'll look and say see they did this the devil's in there attacking but look at the other side and go wow they'll see this that there this is real that now they see that the spiritual realm is real even that somebody was talking about I think the movie Poltergeist or something like that which just Exorcist th whatever them movies are crazy man uh and people would get get get scared but you know what God will even use that stuff to run people into his arms and then he'll teach them because he's gentle and he's meek and now people will come to know him but you said something very profound Keegan you said this phone you want to talk about a demon portal it's right there there's your demonic portal right there baby y'all thinking about looking at a movie what are you what are you partaking of daily do you know in your scrolling watch this do you know in your scrolling some of y'all come across some fried stuff man y'all see bikini pics y'all seeing crazy stuff y'all seeing the man with his the fitness influencer with his shirt off there's a portal for you right there now you out there you you wanting you're wanting a a six-pack with mac and cheese you know what I'm saying that's what you're looking it's true it's everywhere and we worried about a movie they'll stand on the movie but not on everything else Ah that's what I'm saying we highlighting one little thing but we let's talk about the big picture yeah let's talk about the big picture we can't some of these actors they probably don't even they're like man all these Christians are talking hate and saying all this stuff maybe I don't want to go to the church maybe I don't want to go be a part of that you know what I'm saying like like these actors are like dang like why are the Christians the one that are hating on this movie yeah look like what it's crazy Lori in the chat said fried food fried food could be a demonic portal sugar some of y'all worried about the movie but y'all sugar addicts huh there's your demonic portal right there they're just not taking the stand on everything yeah if you're going to take a stance one way make sure you you clean that thing up man you better not walk around have a gut while you're preaching either telling you unless you got a health issue if so get the sugar out your life put down the soft drinks put the candy away in the fried food because that's a demonic portal I had to say it man say it it's true what do you think Mark you speaking facts man it's crazy yeah for real all look this is why people don't they don't they don't want that smoke man they don't want that smoke I'm like okay they're going to be like I'm like all right all right so let's take a survey of your life perfect guy you know I ain't talking about struggles man I'm talking about I I just know how people are man like you can't here's one thing I've learned you cannot out argue a religious spirit and that's why I don't do interviews with religious Spirits because this is what I'll do let them talk and you just you can't say nothing and as soon as you say something they going to talk again because they got all the answers already why would you talk to somebody that already has all the answers they throwing stones and they got sin man again it says he who had no sin till the first stone exactly exactly I didn't only want to come on here about this movie guys I wanted to come on here a big picture don't listen don't cast that stone unless you clean and you know how you know you're clean the blood of Jesus and you know what you should do then you don't cast Stones you go and you give hugs and watch people get set free because that's what they need man look I don't have time to focus on everybody's sin yes sin leads to death the wages of sin is death but man if I I I got my own life to worry about I can preach the gospel the gospel Saves The Gospel heals the gospel delivers Jesus saves heals delivers you see what I'm saying and and he he'll get you to heaven all right you I got to trust you with the Holy Spirit after that I am not going to stress myself out wondering if you liveing perfect it just ain't it ain't going and I sure ain't goingon to worry about what movie you're watching I ain't got time for that if a demon shows up and says I came from the movie Deliverance because they were fearful that the Trey makuku Shay was coming around I'll be like all right then well how'd you get in for real well they were scared to begin with I'm like all right they shouldn't have watched the movie then so is what it it is what it is fear is an open door to the Demonic if you walk in fearful then you're going to come out tearful if you walk in faithful you'll come out grateful hey oo if you walk in fearful you'll walk out tearful if you walk in faithful you'll walk out grateful amen it's a whole body and I promise you that was the Holy Spirit huh preach so repent of your wickedness and your phariseeism and stop putting heavy yolks on the body of Christ it's wicked and God is not pleased with it cut it out you're looking crazy all right that's that's all I wanted to say man look if you watch the movie go in there with knowing what's going to happen you're going to hear cussing you going look go down the street you'll hear cuss word go hang in the hood for a little while everybody cussing go to the basketball court go to the basketball court go go play basketball with unbelievers they mad they going to try to fight you huh try to rob you too G try to rob you look so people will say how could you watch a movie and entertain that stuff I entertain stuff every I go out the door do you guys go out the door do you walk in do you walk anywhere do you see the homeless man that is schizophrenic that's always cussing out his out his mouth at somebody that ain't standing there you know what I'm saying no it's true true it's true do you do you do you go anywhere just go out the door and you're going to hear people F fussing and fighting somewhere if you if you have neighbors I mean it ain't nothing you know it ain't nothing to hear cussin so if you're worried about the cussing giving you a demon in the movie then I don't know how you living man of God someone said I don't do Netflix because it's demonically owned but like pureflix is owned by Sony who like Signs like demonic Rappers that's right your favorite Christian pureflix is owned by Sony just to let you know you know so you're never going to get away look the world is the world man we're in the world not of it but you still got to live in the world you still got to live here I'm on a camera Sony camera what else I'm on I'm on this thing I don't know who owns Road I could get down to the nitty-gritty it's probably could be a old Satan worship I don't know but the merch but the merch oh the merch is Holy Ghost on but I don't know about the company that makes it that's the only problem gets anointed When We Touch it's anointed you just got to pray for that guy get the manager amen praying for so like like like okay so there's cursing and then I don't know if I have any police officers on here I don't know if I have any uh people that work in prisons you're going to see some gruesome vulgar stuff but you guys know what I'm talking or you got we got any uh nurses do do we have any nurses do we do we have any um what else uh doctors guess what you guys see gruesome stuff all the time so it ain't gonna mess you up too bad uh what else you might see a demon flying around some of you guys have dreams and the way that the way that demon was coming at that woman was coming at you in your dream you get what I'm saying so I mean you go to some of these these really really liberal places you might see naked people running down the street I mean what are you GNA do like I even heard a preacher say he won't go to the beach because he wants to keep his eyes pure that means you got a lust problem man it's true you should be able to go down there and look at God's children with Purity no matter what because I mean if you go down to Miami South Beach that's crazy I I was baptizing people people and crazy stuff you know what I'm saying I don't but I don't I'm not I don't care about this stuff I just I got accountability around me and I go my wife's there everything I just go I go and I do it I don't worry about I know I'm in a sin stricken world I'm not in denial huh I'm not in denial I'm just not I just I I live in this world and I got to deal with what's there cuss word ain't gonna demonize me because I'm not gonna take it in seeing something grome gruesome may be traumatic but I'm going to get healed from it and move on I'm going to pray for the head to come back on that that's one thing could have happened my God bless Pastor Todd man God bless you man I'm I hope you I'm glad you're still alive in real life man he's keeping his head up that keeping his head up literally my goodness why you let that happen to you man you know what I'm saying but I would pray for the head to come back amen you know so I'm just coming on here to be lighthearted and just show you guys like hey let's not let's not be so be so serious you know that's not we have a lot of fun oh I live I live free I'm not waking up every day wondering if if cornflakes is going to take me out I just ain't doing it I'm not I it's look if it's sent look if I come around you no it's true cornflakes is really bad by the way but anyway if you look at the history of cornflakes is terrible but anyway uh if if I come around you and I find out Something's Gonna Make You stumble I'm not g to do it he what did Paul Paul wrote about this St the conscious and the weakness of the conscious Paul wrote it if it's going to cause your brother to stumble don't do it if you have strength in the area they don't don't do it like it's just there don't do anything to cause your brother suble become all things to all men for the cause of Christ if I got to walk into a religious place and go you know I'll walk in and do it man I'm talking about Christians I'm not talking about the other stuff I'm but I'm saying I I become all things to all men for the cause of Christ if I walk into your house and you say nobody watches next Netflix in my house guess what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna watch Netflix I'm not tripping I don't idolize it if I walk in your house no Disney plus here hey praise God I don't need to look at Mufasa today you know know that's good man I'm going to go see that movie too by the way oh yeah I'm watching Mufasa it's going to be fire you see but Christians ain't gonna attack that you know what I'm saying but like crazy that crazy you see God in all things you can you got to find Christ man Christ just brings life and life more abundantly go see Marvel movies and we're talking afterwards like oh man this is crazy spiritual and this let this I mean it's let's let's talk about this see y'all got me in my disc let me talk about this talk about it listen the same ones the same ones that attack the movie We're watching Spider-Man we're watching Avengers or y'all have a secret superhero stash somewhere talking about Aquaman's your favorite hero he from the whole Marine Kingdom I'm watching you or black panther I see you or oh yeah or black panther let don't let me attack that oh oh my goodness man we done everybody walks around wakonda forever but we have a problem with the Deliverance movie why you laugh Mark you speaking facts man of guy but this is how upside down this stuff is this is how it's double mindedness 100% it's what it is you're picking and choosing by the way black panther was straight gangster like he was putting in work I wish he was still alive I know you can't replace black panther nobody's replacing Chad with Bowman he was a good actor it's like Tony Stark to Iron Man I mean uh Robert Downey Jr to Iron Man ton it's hard but now he's gonna be Dr Doom man so that's crazy but anyway enough of this enough of this man it's just I'm trying to show you the ins and out of this thing how people think do you see how we can get so confused and jacked up challenge I'm going to give you guys some special advice when you see a Christian in an extreme in one area check another area I promise you they're failing in that area they're not making it they're failing somewhere there is no not one that is perfect okay they're missing the mark somewhere sin means missing the mark sin means unbelief there is an area somewhere they need God's grace and mercy yet they will be they would have a stone fall in them be done do you see what I'm saying all of us need the grace of God and we need his holy spirit to mature us and grow us into his image all right be patient with people guys be patient be longsuffering I think a fruit of the spirit that we miss sometimes is longsuffering Longs suffer with some people give them some time Lord's working man I promise you that preacher you're saying is compromised and decept deceived some of y'all saying I'm deceived people try to yoke me with people I'm not even yoked with they try to say people are my spiritual mentors that are not my spiritual mentors I'm like man I come from bony's lineage I don't come from any of this stuff but just because I Associated one time they they they they they blow me up you know what I'm saying and it's just crazy but this is how it is in Christianity you make one wrong move and you you labeled forever and not even make a wrong move you make a god move and you labeled forever that's how that's how it works that's how it works that's why you can't care what people think I had a preacher one time before he passed he said Daniel you got to come to the point where you don't care what anybody thinks I said what do you mean he says in your 20s you care about what everybody thinks in your 30s you go the other way and you don't care what no one thinks and in your 40s you don't care either way in 50s and all so on you know what I'm saying eventually you just get to the point you don't care and I'm not saying don't care in the matter of loving Jesus and and walking in Holiness you just if you listen to the opinions of what everybody thinks about you you will go literally insane if you people please and you watch everything all the time you will literally quit Christianity because that's how that's how crazy this walk is sometimes and everybody's coming in brand new and they're like waves they go like oh I don't like this person oh this person's okay I don't like them again they did oh I like them now you know what I'm saying that's how it is crazy it's how it is oh we gotta leave oh I gotta come back I mean it's like a ship in the sea it's double-mindedness we need to be on a firm foundation we need to be on a firm foundation amen amen you want to say anything about the uh whole topic Mark anything else Apostle I think you said it all I mean this was such a a good um topic it was necessary this conversation um and I believe this is the start of I I just thought of a sacred cow let me let me kill a sacred cow in Christianity let me talk political y'all like Donald Trump right you like that like him right that that man ain't perfect he's still cussing but you love him Mr Christian well you know he's chosen by God you know he's he's cussing he probably doing things that you would you would be feeling crazy about but you I have to hit this but you love him but you got a problem with the movie that's called hypocrisy God chose Trump but he didn't choose that movie I had to hit that it's okay oh he said a cuss word he said this and that and I I'm I'm that's who I'm going to vote for that's who I'm going to vote for but I'm just telling you y'all don't care about his issues and problems and listen some of y'all think that dude is saved but I'm G tell you something he has not yet professed Jesus Christ is the only way to get to heaven he still believes that you just got to be a good person that ain't how you get saved so some of y'all take your sacred Idol down man get the politician off the throne Let Jesus be on the throne he's not perfect man and neither neither is that movie that came out but both of them are both serving a p purpose for God amen amen and then there's the other side there then there's the other side that idolizes the other people but yet they're standing for the killing of innocent life they're standing for two people of the same thing coming together there so like are you but you you but you have problems do you see how this messy this stuff can get man it can get real messy keep your eyes on Jesus Keep Your Eyes On Jesus amen and I I brought this into this because you need to see this perspective you need to see this perspective it's no different than the movie it's no different same same type of mindset towards the same thing amen amen so is there anything else you want to say Isaias or Keegan KS I don't I don't know what else I can say Med Apostle you have nailed you've nailed it you've you've hit it on the head no it's really good stuff um I I think that there's going to be a lot more controversy coming our way coming the way with the movie but um you know what I think that as long as Jesus is glorified like you said and if people stop with the hypocrisy I think we'll see some change in Jesus name but I'm going to be praying for everybody in this movie I'm going to be prain for everybody who watches the movie and that uh we see more Soul safe for the kingdom I just can't wait to get in I'm in line you know waiting to get into heaven right I see the person beside me I'm like ah man hey how'd you get here well you know back in 2024 I watched this movie called The deliverance and uh you know I uh I I realized that I needed Jesus in that moment and I needed to give my life like I'm telling you man the things that are gonna happen when we get to those purly gates are gonna be crazy CRA so crazy what if like God forbid like that person watched that movie and then they get to a car accident but they gave their life to Jesus because of that movie there's somebody in the chat who said that they decided to go to church for the first time in over three years because they watched this movie Apostle said it earlier make sure y'all are following him on Instagram at SNL down he said it the other day he said you get there and you're saying ah the person who you who you screamed false prophet at they get to go in but Jesus says Ah who are you I'm telling you there's somebody in the chat that said a mustc the movie touched me in the most profound profound way made me want to go to church after three years and they said they believe D Lee Daniels is is watching my deliverances praise God I pray they are I know a lot of celebrities reach out to me I have celebrities guys that reach out to me that want me to prophesy to them pray for them and some of them come to Christ some of them you know they're still out there in some weird new age stuff but I'm not going to shove them away and beat them over the hill with the Bible I'm going to love the hell out of them amen you see that's what I do so I just I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing man and if you don't like me that's okay you don't have to I don't have to be your flavor go find another one but I taste like Jesus that's the beautiful thing amen amen amen with that being said y'all want to hear my new song Drop look some of y'all ain't even heard my new song y'all need to check out Daniel Adams music and you need to check out the Christian Lo guy you need to che check out those two channels Daniel Adams music and the Christian Loa guy I'll say it again for all of y'all watching Daniel Adams music and the Christian Loi guy that's going to be my two music channels I have out but I want to I want to let you guys listen to the song really quick and uh tell me what you think if you haven't heard it all right it yeah this is it right here this is it all right ready let's go ahead this is me with Isaias poce and Ezekiel Cordova shaba all right let's do this let's let you listen to I'm about the secret place I'm all about the secret place T is that's where I need you I got a secret place and I won't tell it's not for years and it's not for sale Lord meet me there Lord meet me there I got a secret place and I won't tell it's not for your years and it's not for sale Lord meet me there Lord meet me there I'm trying to hear you I'm trying to feel you this ain't about me this is about you woke up at 8 in the morning feeling your presence feeling like heaven God on my knees I'm adoring taking each breath and God it's a blessing got me over here beli knowing that you'll never leaving God I need you I need need you Lord I need you father my heart and make you see through see Holy Spirit you're the one I cling to to Holy Spirit you're the one I cling to yeah yeah I just need your presence don't want nothing else else I know you're the truth I we it on my belt my walking in the spirit got a die sell got that Bible Army is down on the shell bches up in heaven where I keep my well they tried to BU my soul but it is not for sale to lose your life for Christ is how you find yourself to lose your life in crisis how you find yourself I got a secret place and I won't tell it's not for years and it's not for sale Lord meet me there Lord meet me there I got a secret place and I won't tell it's not for your years and it's not for sale Lord meet me there Lord meet me there find me in that secret place your spirit heavy in my body I ain't losing weight you told me walking by Spirit was the only way you told me walking by Spirit was the only way turn the times when I look for you with all of my life I don't want to be familiar Lord don't let me get too comfortable comforable when I was hungry and thirsty you got me right and when I'm in the secret place you fill me up with light life with you is a luxury don't let me get complacent I'm not chasing the blessing but the one who created you that's what I want do I want to walk with you everything I need I know it's found in you I know it's found in you I want to walk with you that's what I want to do I want to walk with you everything I need I know it's found in you I know it's founding you I got a secret place and I won't tell it's not for years and it's not for sale Lord meet me there Lord meet me there I got a secret place and I won't tell it's not for years and it's not for sale Lord meet me there Lord meet me there this ain't about me this is about listen I'll do something for you for you guys all right if you want me to I have another song coming out in a few weeks it's fire that's probably one of my best ones I've ever done I will if you're watching this live right now I'll give you a preview if if you want me to I'll give you a preview of it I got I gotta airdrop it to you is but put a five in the chat for Grace if you want to get a preview of the song before anybody else does and I'm probably gonna I'm get you to cut this part out later on can you cut it out later on you can cut this yeah I gotta put a five I'll put I I'll let you guys hear it ah it's I'm telling you it's it's different in a good way I don't want to listen to the whole thing now I got you DJ I on the beat man is the oh the air drops not all oh hopefully this doesn't do anything no no no no no you don't have to do that yes you do you got to turn on the Wi-Fi to air drop sorry sh okay all right incoming I say let's give them to what should we give them to no like man of God like three seconds not three seconds you can't tell nothing about the song in three seconds just I say a tiny bit I 15 20 let them let him hear the saying part like the like the chorus yeah yeah let them hear the Let Them hear the chorus yeah all right ready youall ready sh tell me what y'all think now [Music] [Music] right I can't get enough Holy Ghost fill me up I know you're going to take me higher and higher I Can't Get Enough Holy Ghost fill me up I know you going to take me higher and higher take me some place I can never come down take me some place you can only be found I hear the angel singing Holy Holy fire Ah that's that song is crazy that song goes crazy y'all are the first ones to hear it Keegan didn't want me to show y'all that but ah it's crazy man that song that song is crazy that's probably my best singing song somebody they dancing manica danc Ah that's a that's a whole bop man will worship to that for sure yeah I remember you got to take that off now right ah it was so good man did y'all like it put a number one if it was good be honest now I want I want I want I love the opinions of the people it keeps me going good opinions they could yeah that it goes It goes hard for sure it's good see think about this people said it because I watched the movie I have a demonic portal and things are attacking me it's crazy man my eyes are focused all the way on Jesus man we were L last night we're like we're like praying in tongues like come on like let's go like watching that movie yeah I didn't even get to see the whole end of it y'all y'all were blowing it up man like we were going crazy yeah see the the good folks are still left behind the other people that just play let me stop ah listen hey love you guys all right um I'm going to end with a two videos actually if you want to stay back and watch them you can I'm going to come to Australia Friday all my Australian brothers and sisters I am flying Friday 21 days with you guys you all keep me in prayer as I leave the fam for a little while uh I'll have my wife well taken care of though while I'm gone but and my son and daughters but still keep me in prayer as I'm traveling that's a long time but I'm going over there to the land down under to bring some Holy Ghost Thunder amen no wonder but anyway I don't know what isaah oh there it is okay Melbourne surface Paradise kimsey amen that's where it's going to be that's it though you g take it off I take take all those thumbnails off it going that's why down the yeah all right guys that's it for now it is finished if you want to become a forerunner a part of the ministry you want to be involved go to the supernatural life.org but that's it that's all I'll see some of you tomorrow for prophetic Tuesday right God bless you have a wonderful morning afternoon or night amen has he risen up even in Nations because I look and I can't help but see Australia's written and the Lord says when you put your foot again in the nation of Australia you will see that there will be a reunion and a shift of a season and something's going to shift and a wave will begin you heard it Australia it has been prophesied and I am H it your way with the Holy Ghost who represents and exalts Jesus Christ of Nazareth we will be in Melbourne in surfers paradise and Kempy and I can guarantee you this people are going to be saved people are going to receive prophetic words that are going to shoot them into their god-given Destiny people will receive Miracles now you can clap for Jesus and people will be delivered from demonic bondage Fire come all the way out but most importantly our people will be impacted and imparted Revival into their life so that everywhere they go Revival will be that place's portion through their life now come up and now out uhhuh he good he can hear me really good how long's it been since you've been able to hear like this it's been about 5 years [Applause] so if you want a piece of what Jesus Christ is going to be giv the people in Australia make sure you register today in Jesus name

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Category: News & Politics

Lee daniel's all-time favorite movie is the exorcist but when he set out to create his own possession film his mother had serious reservations after the success of his 2009 breakthrough precious the oscar nominated director wanted to bring the chilling true story of latoya ammons to the big screen ammons... Read more

The Deliverance Review The Deliverance Explained thumbnail
The Deliverance Review The Deliverance Explained

Category: Entertainment

Hey folks today we're diving into netflix's latest horror flick the deliverance or as i like to call it when moving into the wrong house goes really really wrong this movie's got everything a creepy house demonic vibes and glen close probably wondering how did i end up here so we've got a struggling... Read more

The Deliverance: An Unbelievable True Story of Faith & Survival thumbnail
The Deliverance: An Unbelievable True Story of Faith & Survival

Category: Entertainment

What's good everybody it's your boy cafe let's talk about it the deliverance written directed by lee daniels is on netflix stars audre day glenn close monique now let me just tell y'all this before i go into my thoughts lee daniels definitely delivered on this film he knocked it out the park with this... Read more

The Deliverance- Movie Review thumbnail
The Deliverance- Movie Review

Category: Film & Animation

So the deliverance for me was a movie of two halves the first half was really good and i mean honestly great it had great in-depth storytelling character development and from a netflix film this man over here was very surprised and then we got into the second half i was like oh this is netflix through... Read more

The Real Story Behind Netflix's 'The Deliverance'! #netflix thumbnail
The Real Story Behind Netflix's 'The Deliverance'! #netflix

Category: People & Blogs

If you love movies but hate spoilers this one's for you let's uncover the real story behind netflix's the deliverance the deliverance has taken netflix by storm but did you know it's based on a true story this film dives into the mysterious events of 1980s mississippi it's centered around a group of... Read more