Category: News & Politics
The leftwing block has said that the elections have been stolen they've said that emanuel macron is going against democracy and they've called for a big protest here in paris on saturday and they probably will plan more as well they're outraged they came out on top in the recent elections although obviously... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Welcome to we on live broadcast from new york city i'm your host susan tani first let's take a look at this hour's headlines french president emanuel mcon names a former brexit negotiator michelle barer as the country's new prime minister russian president vladimir putin says that he supported kamla... Read more
Category: News & Politics
All right let's now get you some breaking news that's in fact coming from france with almost 9 weeks since the snap elections france finally has a prime minister now the president emanuel macron who called for snap elections is now named michelle bar to be the next prime minister of france the 73-year-old... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Two months after elections france finally has a prime minister if in january it was gabriel atel the youngest prime minister of france today it is 73-year old mel barer who will be the oldest prime minister in france modern political history in his first remarks his appointment barer pledged that he... Read more
Category: News & Politics
All right two months after elections france finally has a prime minister if in january it was gabriel atle the youngest prime minister of france today it is 73-year-old michelle barer who will be the oldest prime minister in france's modern political history let's tell you a little about him bar led... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The two months after elections france finally has a prime minister if in january it was gabriel atel the youngest prime minister of france today it is the 73y old michelle bar who will be the oldest prime minister in france's modern political history michelle b in fact led the eu's talks with britain... Read more
Category: News & Politics
August 27th marks 42 days since french president emanuel macr accepted the resignation of former prime minister gabriel atel government however paris is still waiting for a new government to take over this as the political stalemate over who will hold the reigns of power continues and there seems to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And french president emanuel macron on monday ruled out naming a government led by the left-wing new popular front alliance his office announced the office announced the decision at the end of the marathon talks well macron's office cited what it called a need for institutional stability for the decision... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Let's now talk about a country that has been without a prime minister technically for over 40 days france it hosted the olympics and is now hosting the paralympics all without a government you heard that right what's happening in france is unprecedented parliamentary elections were held in france in... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Mathilde panau denonce government abuse of power un gouvernement démissionnaire mais qui publie des décrets et arrêté de nomination et prépare le budget le tout sans aucun contrôle possible du parlement la présidente du groupe la france insoumise lfi à l'assemblée nationale mathilde pan a annoncé jeudi... Read more
Category: News & Politics
La destitution d'emmanuel macron un objectif réalisable le dimanche matin dans l'émission bfm politique manuel bompard a été confronté à une série de questions incisives concernant l'absence de premier ministre et l'éventuelle nomination de bernard casenu cette rencontre entre les ténors politiques... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Marine le pen réaffirme son intention de censurer un gouvernement nfp le rn s'érige en rempart face à la gauche dominique de villepin ancien premier ministre français a récemment exprimé des préoccupations profondes concernant la montée du rassemblement national rn et l'impact potentiel de ce parti... Read more