So... Macron Is Doing A Coup?

okay so mcon is doing a coup do I have that [Music] correctly do I have that correct he called a snap election the left went oh here's our chance and uh organized really effectively and ended up winning their Coalition ended up winning uh in the snap election and now mcon is rejecting the left's prime ministerial candidate presumably because he doesn't want someone from the left in charge he refuses to name them yeah France remains stuck in political limbo after president Emanuel macron on Monday refused to accept the election winning left's candidate for prime minister this head of state responsible forting the new prime minister in government met with Party heads parliamentary leaders issued a statement indicating he would not name a head of government from the leftwing new popular front coalition that won June's legislative election arguing this would lead to instability I know what leads to instability you calling a snap uh election because you lost the EU uh parliamentary election by like by a large margin uh and then denying the PM candidate from the left who won what they tell you about leftists like enabling fascism mcon is responsible for leen's rise and now he you know it seems doesn't want to like the left saved his ass when he called a snap election macron's party was going to falter and lose badly it's only because the left the left Coalition uh worked so quickly I think you meant liberals enabling fascism is that not what I is that not what I said liberals not leftists well the leftist that I don't like also enable fascism but in this specific context I meant liberals okay this is uh pretty bad actually has he given any explanation other than lau and lauo has he offered any other yeah has he said anything other than we we let's talk about what we're going to see today and what we saw Friday it looked to me as if Lucy caste probably from the left her name is out of the frame when it comes to to being the next prime minister are we going to see any more progress today what is the latest update we're exactly 50 days since the results of the snap elections actually delivered a h Parliament with no one having a majority uh in the French Parliament and today Emanuel mcon is continuing the discussions first with the president of the National Assembly this morning this afternoon the president of the Senate and right in the middle late morning the most important meeting of course with the national rally leaders Mar so I'm guessing the concern here is that if the left appoints a leader they would initially get a vote they would immediately get a vote of no competence because the the left doesn't have a super majority within the parliament too many too many damn colors that that's about the image not about anything else well what what leader would not immediately get shot down like if if macron pushes a moderate Centrist liberal leader the left is just going to with the right shoot it down you know it seems like the solution to this would be I don't know maybe we should accept the fact that the largest block within Parliament is probably going to end up getting the prime ministerial pick and that we should convince the Liberals to go along with it the Wright is siding with macron right now I think of course they are why would they you're showing the wrong Parliament am I showing the oh that's the Senate sorry not the National Assembly there we go here's the National Assembly still the left is the largest group within this as is their Coalition crazy how they can unite to stop the Pen's party but not chose PM hey macron didn't do [ __ ] in in beating lepen uh in the snap elections there were members of macron's party who worked towards that goal but macron has been nothing but destructive for France on this line here's his official communic it's Now official and a just released uh communic macron has rejected a government led by the new popular front it's an unprecedented situation in the history of the fifth French Republic the loser in the election effectively rejects yielding power to the winner he explains it by the fact that his I can't read this his responsibility is to ensure the country be neither blocked nor weakened arguing that if he were to nominate mpf government they would soon be censored by Parliament and destitutes awfully inconvenient fact remains macron's party got way less votes and MPS than the mpf yet it is macron's party that's still running the French government and it is macron himself making the choices for who can or cannot assume power based on what he thinks would wreak in France or not it's insane when you think about it yeah that's pretty true that's pretty true yep that's pretty true andan bardel and I remember last month they were supposed to come first in those snap elections something that actually Scar the markets for several weeks but then ended up with the third block 43 seats I don't want to listen to her what about this video another busy day for the French president who has hosted a string of party leaders at the Iliza since Friday in hopes of finding a candidate for prime minister that would not immediately be toppled in a confidence vote how is it not allow when he's just a figurehead mcon is not a figurehead that is exactly what the fars Marine Leen and Jordan B said they planned on doing if the candidate and the government came from the leftwing new the front so we've asked for an extraordinary session to be opened so that the Prime Minister whoever it is can appear before the National Assembly the new popular front in its program movement and figures that personify it today represents a danger we will defend the country from a government that will divide French society a position also expressed by some of Emanuel macon's allies and the leader of the Conservative Republican party [ __ ] fantastic fantastic dude macron spends his entire run as president slowly losing ground to the fascist Leen and now after being bailed out by the left after his disastrous decision to hold a snap election he allies with the right to block the left that's great man thank you fantastic Jesus Christ any prime minister from one of the four parties of the new popular front will be subject to an immediate no confidence vote by the MPS in my group the National Assembly is largely split between three blocks with none close to a majority but as the largest of the three the leftwing new popular front argues that it should form the government it has asked my yeah no [ __ ] that's how that's that's not they argue for that's objectively how it works that's like the norm in every parliamentary system if you if if in a split uh Parliament where no one has a super majority the largest block within Parliament is the one that gets the Prime Minister that's just the normal way Works consider 37-year-old Economist and civil servant Lucy cair as head of government we therefore ask that the new popular front government be allowed to work to set up a budget exercise and then to leave it to the French people to judge over the weekend as a compromis hard left France unbow leader Jean L said that the government would not have to include his party members a key objection of the right and center the pressure is mounting on on maon who has now left the caretaker government in place for an unprecedented period and with the deadline to present a draft 2025 budget just over a month away cool so is this just a pure ego move by macron not necessarily uh though that's probably at least a little bit a part of it um a left candidate in the current Parliament would absolutely be vote of no confidence what macron should be doing is trying to Coalition build with the left and try to secure a prime ministerial candidate who he could convince the Liberals in Parliament to not vote of no confidence like it is macron's responsibility as the loser in the Parliamentary election the one who got saved by the left against the right to lay the groundwork for a coalition candidate that doesn't that that the right does not approve of that you don't need the right to approve of of course it seems he's not doing that it seems that he's allying with the right to effectively threaten to oust any appointed left candidates so sixth French Republic let's go let's go one more I want to watch one more well France 24's Clovis Cali is covering today's political action from the El palace in Paris I believe that we have him one of the main problems is basically everyone despises melon and his party and are determined to not let him in government okay In fairness and I said this I said this back when the snap election was called mean con was never going to be the PM because he's a little bit of a crackpot respectfully but he is he's been in the game for a long time he's a he's AC crewed a lot of enemies the the left should have been working to establish a candidate for their Coalition that does not have his baggage but it seems like mcon is just flatly reject like it's it seems like mrcon is not working towards the good end and is rather just um yeah good thing melan con is willing to step aside for form a coalition no no exactly that's what we just saw no he is I'm not blaming him for this you know this is macron like just putting his foot out the door saying yeah no no I'm going to be obstructionist to the to the left on this one you know it's insane this is also trumpy American when a political event happens elsewhere now Clovis we just heard from Marine Len there before it sounds like the national rally are planning to make life difficult for Emanuel Macon absolutely the national rally minin Len and Jord Jorden badela were here a minute ago and made it very clear they refused to back a leftwing government they refuse to see a leftwing prime minister appointed by President macron bear in mind they have 126 MPS in Parliament so they have significant weight and they say the situation the paralysis the chaos as they call it has been caused by president mcon he's the one to blame for it and therefore one solution would be a referendum in other words they won the French prime minister uh the French President out of course that's very unlikely uh for us to see a referendum here in France but the um uh far right uh party the national rally also said that there's a need to fight immigration to be tougher on immigration wow that's crazy and security and therefore a leftwing government would be unacceptable for them and for their voters and that's why they oppose that if is making life difficult for French president Emanuel Macon who knows he needs to break the deadlock France's population has been increasing by like a third of a million every year I genuinely cannot imagine having so much immigration paranoia in a country where your population rate has stagnated to this extent like what do you dude it's stagnated more than the United Kingdoms has that's crazy and Germany's just been flat dead for 30 years bring some much needed Clarity to French politics with the people wanting of course a new prime minister when uh CL might we know who mron is planning to name for prime minister that's literally every European country though yeah so you'd think they'd want immigrants it's good well it's very difficult to know because the El keeps saying it all depends on the results of these talks on the content whether or not there's a consensus over a name if a coalition government is formed and if it's backed by um various political parties because no political party here in France holds an outright majority in parli are you guys ready for this to go on for like eight more months is there any difference wait I love the difference left the right the left we need a referendum to get our country running and serve people the right we need to stop immigration yeah I mean Hey listen I I recently talked about racism in the context of Hots Miku and how racists don't actually care about the race they pretend to care about you know is there any country that wouldn't benefit from more imigrants the only time you don't want more immigrants the only time you don't want your population to rise is if you're experiencing like actual overpopulation or if there are characteristics to the immigrants that are um like dilus in some fashion uh thankfully that's not really the case here like you know what do they mean by immigrants coming in you know it's not all like refugees who can't speak any you know any language spoken in France or whatever they say it's all those but in reality a ton of the people coming into France are like polish or what ever it's it's not it's it's stupid it's so stupid it's so dumb [Music]

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