Russia is Getting Closer to Pokrovsk - Russian Invasion of Ukraine reaction

and this is Russia is getting closer to pakros Russian invasion of Ukraine but Kings in general it's been a while since I did a Kings in general video uh their series usually like is like stretching from like start to endp way I didn't know they made a latest one um this is the latest one right like with the what is happening right now so Russia is I'm guessing this is like Southern Ukraine right uh K around that place so like everybody's like trying to do their strategy thing right you with K while Russia is like I guess getting closer to PO Ros this was 7 days ago so I don't know updates doesn't come that fast so I don't know what what's going to happen after this yeah this video is going to be interesting let's this [Music] one so more you know I've been watching this uh you know like recent conflict type of videos a lot from like other channels like task and purpose enforcer and things like that now Kings in general so if you haven't seen those reaction check out linkis or in the end of the video end card and let's Ukraine's breakthrough in KK raised the mood among ukrainians in August but did not do much if anything to prevent the Russian offensive Tempo in donbass the Ukrainian Army has struggled so mightily in the perov sector in in August that there are Rumblings about the potential collapse of the AFU front there in this video on the war in Ukraine we will discuss the Russian success in this sector the situation on the Cur front and all other important updates from this war in the second half of August this week our YouTube members and patrons will continue watching our series on the North African campaign during World War II as we cover operation crusa during which roml faced the Allies once again the support of our YouTube members and patrons allowed us to continue releasing these free videos without worrying about unstable YouTube ad revenue and lets us be more choosy in terms of our sponsors you can join their ranks via the links in the description and get access to two weekly exclusive videos more than 150 right now including the series on the Pacific War fall of Sparta first and second Punic War Russian revolutions and the civil war attack yeah I don't know why is King general not monetizing their video they should do that because in the end of the day YouTube's still going to run ads if you don't monetize YouTube's going to take 100% of your your Revenue your thing right so 250,000 views here if you don't monetize whatever ads that run YouTube's going to take all of it so maybe it will not receive ad maybe it might get like demonetized the video limited or whatever right but maybe not so you know just like monetize why not Italian reunification Wars albigensian Crusade history of Prussia biography of Salah Iberian reconter the World War II North African campaign the Persian Wars and much more thanks for your kind support let's start this update with perhaps the most consequential sector of the battlefield right now the Perros sector as a reminder pakros is a crucial Logistics hub for the Ukrainian defense in donbass it is one of the two Railway hubs under the AFU control in dbass right now to put it in the simplest terms supplies and equipment are brought via Railways to logistical hubs and then transported to the front lines by Vehicles via highways and Roads kator is still quite far from the Russian army so there is no immediate threat to the Ukrainian Logistics in North donbas pakros is responsible for the Ukrainian Logistics in South donbass losing this city would not necessarily mean the collapse of all Logistics in this area but it is going to take longer to supply this front at the very least and judging by the speed of the Russian advance in August the Battle of pcov may start very soon at this point the Russian 15th 30th 137th and VTO brigades the 288th Artillery Brigade and the 90th tank division along with several other smaller units are advancing on prros from three axes in the second half of August the situation of the Ukrainian Army on each of these axes hastily deteriorated the Russian army captured Nova Teta Nova gilana zitna skucha MAA kishka FAA and mikva among other villages in the north the Russian army Advanced along the kazen tets river to threaten rivka from the north along with approaching from the south capturing CA making advances in kesa and attacking rivka directly here the 151st Ukrainian Brigade looks outnumbered being assaulted from several directions in the South the Russians forced a quick Retreat of the 68th Jager Brigade and the 25th Air Assault Brigade which withdrew under the threat of encirclement losing several villages in the process now battles are going on in Cova here too the Russians are attacking from Mikala and from the north of Sova and it looks doubtful that the demand AFU brigades will be capable of holding on for much longer Pro Ukrainian commentators had some hopes for the success of the defense against the central Russian axis attacking novarka since this town had quite strong defensive positions several strongholds and a line of trenches but the 47th Brigade has seemingly retreated from Nova rivka without a fight in general the aerial footage of recently captured towns and villages in the P se but if if it's stronger defenses why they Retreat like that I'm guessing like K offensive is like draining resources from there I guess there's a gamble going on right now between Ukraine and Russia the Russia was like already attacking this place really heavily right so Ukraine took a gamble with Cur maybe Russia diverse forces there maybe it's just another like thing they hold so they can negotiate stronger or whatever but it's going to cost them here obviously shows that they have not been destroyed nearly as much as places like bakut or fdap which the Ukrainian defended for months this indicates that the Russians did not have to use too much artillery or Glide bombs to capture them indeed the Ukrainian withdrawal was so fast and unexpected that the Russian military bloggers have even suspected an intricate tactic of the Ukrainian command to lure them in and catch them by surprise from the northern and southern flanks that would be a dream scenario for Ukraine however the more realistic explanation is that the Ukrainian Army's Manpower shortage is worse than many had thought leading to a collapse of the Ukrainian def is in the perov sector the Ukrainian media Outlet Telegraph reported citing its sources in the Ukrainian Ministry of defense that the AFU reserves have experienced a 2.5 fold increase since the adoption of the mobilization bill in May in comparison with the first quarter of 2024 so the Army's Manpower shortage should not be that bad the azov spokesman Roman ponomarenko stated that the crisis in donbass was caused by disorganization of the defense and tired and demoralized troops he claims that the arrival of the mobilized is not helping the defense on the contrary it makes it more difficult probably due to a lack of training and morale issues yeah I think we all know what happened there they basically pull troops there to K I guess that's what he's going to say after this point so this is what was happening before the K offensive a lot of Russian commentators were like analyzing this thing oh wait a you know lack of you know like uh training and like uh you know like you know demoralizing and like that they were guessing all this thing but they were probably preparing for K and then KK offensive weapon right because not in their wild dreams they would have thought of like nightmares they would have thought that would happen so that's interesting other commentators have blamed the poor coordination of rotation between units in the perov sector for the recent setbacks Ukraine still has several brigades in reserve here and perhaps the deployment of more battle hardened and trained units may change the situation for now the situation looks dire as with the current rate of Advance the Russians May reach prros in a matter of weeks if not days the Ukrainian command may decide to make a stand on the outskirts of pcrk itself as the most realistic option of preventing the collapse of this sector elsewhere in donbass Russian progress has been more modest in the tesque sector the Russians have completed the capture of zisa and New York along with making small advances inside tesque in chesa they have reportedly finally managed to gain a foothold across the Canal it is not entirely clear if the Russian army now has a permanent presence beyond the canal which is one of the critical defensive barriers of the Ukrainian Army in this town still if they do this spells further problems for the AFU hold over Chiva the Russians have also captured constantina and advanced on voden which means that Ukraine's control over vula is becoming tenuous due to supply issues around vula the ukrainians have also Fallen back from PKA in the kopans sector the Russians claimed to have occupied scen kka in August after almost a year of fighting for this Village hold up there one thing I'm noticing I haven't seen any of other the channel talking about this where like Southern Ukraine is facing this kind of like defeats over and over again from Russia Kings and general is the only one I've seen so far and like other ones like mostly talk about K so K offensive might have been in a way positive light for Ukraine type of like propaganda type is it called propaganda I don't know trying to get good PR because America everybody was was thinking like should we support Ukraine more like are we even seeing progress so Ukraine had to show America everybody like yeah we still getting progress we're still doing our thing give us more and after the crk offensive like they America pretty sure pass more defense bills and things like that so Ukraine probably know the level of uh you know like defeat they are facing in the South and if that's the news globally that's bad PR nobody's going to help you so you have to do something that takes away news from there shows your thing in positive light so people can actually have it could be one of those things and if that's the case like that's awesome psychological warfare isn't it because it worked right people are seeing C offensive people are seeing Ukraine in positive light and other countries are actually increasing their help meanwhile Russia has been scrambling to bring reinforcements to stabilize the KK front one of the goals of the KK offensive was to force the Russian command to redeploy units from Ukraine in order to weaken Russia's offensive potential particular particularly in the PK sector however even though some troops have been sent from Ukraine to stabilize the situation in the kov blast Russia has avoided weakening its prros Force too much and it looks like after the rapid advance of the Ukrainian forces in the early days of the offensive the Russians have managed to stabilize this front initially small Ukrainian units were capable of slicing through underand Russian defenses in the kco blast making the front line extremely fluid but in the second half of August the situation has become more stable the fighting is still going on in three main sectors one is in and around Corino particularly to the east of this town the Ukrainian goal here is to reach the logistics Hub of wisk another sector is the east of sud big this town is the biggest capture of the Ukrainian Army so far in the KK offensive and they've been trying to expand the area of control around it to the East and Northeast along the r200 highway the third sector of battles is along the 38 K24 Highway where the ukrainians have Advanced North to the vicinity of kuk at kumiki the presumed ultimate goal of this axis is liov lying on the E38 Highway the AF has achieved judging from the area they captured isn't there like too ambitious of goal like going all this distance like like kings and general said like you know like area has been stabilized because it's like Russian defense is there even the enforcer is not posting that many videos anymore I mean the live thing is doing it so I just assume like okay things are like slowing down now right because both sides are like holding out places that would make sense if that's the case isn't there like two ambitious thing going all the way to laga whatever that is like same way in like East and not East basically in front basically they're trying to go all the way there like how they going to do that maybe very slowly maybe over time right but not the same way they capture all these places in like surprise attack it's not going to happen like that minor progress on all three axes in the second half of August but at this point they would need more men at Firepower to achieve any meaningful breakthrough in the kco blast where the Russians may already have a Manpower Advantage the area where the Ukrainian Army is most likely to achieve success is south of the river SE this area is connected to the rest of the kco blast via Three Bridges in the glish kovo area all three Bridges have been destroyed by hear and fpv drones the Russians are trying to solve this problem by installing pontoon bridges but we've seen several videos of the destruction of these pontoon bridges too sooner or later the Russian grouping south of the seam which is estimated to have anywhere from several hundred to 2 to 3,000 Russian soldiers will face Supply problems they will either have to find a way to withdraw or face an uneven battle with better equipped AFU units yeah that's the problem when it comes to Russia right Russia is so big and geography is so diverse how you going to know what to do when all the time that's the problem right so just like okay River there's one River cutting off the whole place let's just destroy the bridges there you go you cut off the supplies anytime somebody puts pontoon bridges destroy that as well we have like Amazon drones cheap can just instantly do it why not so basically this whole place is going to be harder to like maintain and like Supply that is the problem if you are like too big of a place to defend like you not if you if you focus on key places you're going to ignore some places which can take advantage of like this geography can be Advantage at the same time massive weakness well the end goal of the Ukrainian Cur offensive is still not entirely clear we can deduce some things from the statements of Ukrainian leaders and the events on the ground zilinsky has stated that the Cur offensive is part of a larger military political and Military diplomatic operation what else is it say that's likely means that by capturing some Russian land zilinsky wants to ensure a stronger diplomatic position I what else he's going to say I don't know we're winging it is that what he going to say like yeah this is a shortterm I know as this is going of course he's going to explain oh this is like much bigger plan if it probably it is like then I don't know like maybe it's bigger plan like negotiating like yeah like everybody just basically suspect it's probably negotiation thing like give me that I'll give you back C type of way I don't know long-term thing but even if it's not he's not going to say like oh it's just shortterm I don't know what we just winging it they're not going to say that in future negotiations it also means that Ukraine wants to destabilize the situation in Russia and damage Putin's reputation as a guarantor of stability and protector of Russia we will soon see how successful Ukraine has been in achieving these targets zinski also claimed that by launching the KK offensive Ukraine prevented the Russian offensive on sui there have been Rumblings about Russia's intention to attack Sumi are you sure about that because if they attack from boths Armenia they're trying to take over this place that's why they destroyed the bridges that's the place right ponon Bridges and things now you are only one place but if they could have attacked from both sides you could have cut off the whole area right trap them basically every time you see World War II maps like that what was that like Easter that channel which just was like how Nazis and Germany were working like trapping people PS trapping people PS cuz once you trap somebody from both sides they're basically screwed at that point those are PS basically so if that Russia could have like trapped ukrainians there that would have been PS right but yeah they basically made sure like from you know the front part nobody can attack because they're destroying the bridges and things but it is impossible to verify whether the Ukrainian curk defensive has indeed prevented an attack on sui but it is also quite clear that Ukraine's goal of diverting Russia's attention from attacking to defending has failed so far Russia is still advancing particularly in donbass one of the factors continuing to hinder Ukraine's military capability is the American prohibition on the use of attacks longrange missiles on Military Targets in Russia an unnamed Biden Administration official was quoted saying that Western long-range missiles would not be effective against Russia because Russia has already moved its military aircraft away from their range earlier it was reported that Britain does not mind Ukraine using its Storm Shadow missiles to hit Targets on Russian soil but the Western media is now claiming that the United States is pressuring London to not allow this according to the financial yeah but starmer who's that new prime minister starma right who's like opposite of the the Prime Minister who was before different party like there's friction in UK as well as Clarkson was something something quoting about like how like restricts on pu and whatever the that is so yeah changing of the parties could also create problems doesn't it because you can change policies like okay before like they were allowing now they might not allowing because that the the main guy changed now prime minister Chang the party changed so changing elections might change this tidy I guess turns or whatever times Britain relies on American intelligence to identify Storm Shadow targets thus Ukraine needs the Americans to be on board with this in order to use Storm Shadow missiles on Russian Target so far the Biden Administration has not budged from its position in fear of escalation of the war what like am6 what is m6 doing don't they have their own intelligence don't they have their own satellites why do they need us Intel I don't get that like I don't know which Ukraine is working to ensure absolute Independence in this matter from its Western allies zelinsky announced the development of Ukraine made pania long-range missiles SL drones which is marketed as ke's answer to Russia's isander ballistic missil the specifications of ponia have not been made public but sources report about a range of 500 to 700 km and a 50 kg Warhead Ukraine has already reportedly used this missile and if they can achieve its mass production it would be a massive boost to the AFU offensive and defensive potential but even before palit and even without permission to use attacks and Storm Shadow missiles on Targets in Russia Ukraine struck a very important Target in rovo blast on August 18th a Ukrainian drone hit an oil Depot in pretas which reportedly served an important role in fuel supplies of the Russian invasion Army this stri strike caused a massive fire which the Russian firefighters managed to extinguish only 13 days later but on August 26th Russia made a massive round of long-range strikes on Ukraine the biggest so far in this war this was done in retaliation for the K defensive Forbes claims that Russia spent 1.2 to 1.3 billion what that many Target I didn't know it was that big damn in this strike using hundreds of missiles and drones infrastructure objects particularly the energy Grid in 15 Ukrainian blasts were damaged by this Russian attack the ukrainians used F16 fighter jets in air defense capacity during this attack but one of the Jets was confirmed to be destroyed in unclear circumstances on August 30th ziny just yeah I saw the sandbox video where he said like probably didn't use the gun I guess somebody did so their plane went down as well because how else F16 would get destroyed right they just launch missiles at a targets not at the plane only way plane would go down is basically something like that Smith the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force which is most likely linked to the loss of an F-16 the Cur offensive has reportedly already had an impact on potential torqus between the Waring sides The Washington Post at Lamont reports that in early August Ukraine and Russia held talks in dohaqatar where they agreed to stop striking each other's energy grid Russia then reportedly backed off from the agreement after the start of the C offensive and refused to hold another meeting the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maria zacharova has already denied this claim and while Ukraine is fighting a brutal war with Russia they have to continue dedicating thousands of troops to its border with another neighbor Belarus remember the offensive in the first days of the war on keev was launched from belus now belus is reportedly concentrating troops tanks and other military equipment in the homello blast including the vagam M yeah I think the curse offensive is going to turn into that Russia is going to attack from Belarus uh Wagner whatever right trying to pressure ke so they back off from curse that's the thing right this this feels like more like a poker style I don't know like you saw one hand they'll s two hands are you ready to SW more hands from their own like sure you can do cusk offensive but if Russia goes all out like that right now you have more things to worry about what you going to do from there you going to do more ambitious thing from there right it's just like Battle of like oh I'm I'm more crazy than you what you going to do like you going to amp up the stakes what you going to do that I don't know where this is going to go this just up mercenaries who relocated to Belarus after prussians failed coup Ukraine warned belus against any tragic mistakes on August 25th however it is doubtful that belarus's President lukashenka would suddenly decide to attack Ukraine after refusing Putin's Persuasions to do this for more than 2 years finally the second half of August was not rich with news and Declarations of foreign military aid to Ukraine the German media reported about the German government's intention to have the Ukraine military aid budget to Just 4 billion e in 2025 in the quest to make some budgetary savings the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied this report while the German Chancellor Schulz assured keev that they would continue supporting Ukraine any cut to the German military aid budget would be a major problem for Ukraine as Germany Remains the second largest donor to the Ukrainian military and the largest donor the US has announced another military assistance package worth $125 million which includes hea's ammunition artillery shells Javelin and 84 anti-tank guns among other supplies along with that Denmark has announced a military aid package worth $15 million the Netherlands pledged 51 drone detecting radars while Norway stated that it will fund the production of 155 mm shells in Ukraine all these pledges happen while the Ukrainian government continues complaining about the slowness of promised deliveries they are currently facing a very threatening situation in donbass some of it has been caused by the lateness of Western deliveries and Extreme Caution and slowness of Ukraine's Western allies but some of it see that's what I meant that's why they did the curse King because if you if you're like losing in the you know like dones and places around that if you're losing that and now your own your own people are supposed to help you like wait a minute they're losing should I help them like isn't that wasted resources they're going to lose anyway but if they don't Supply you you're going to lose you're going to lose so they're not going to supply you it's a weird position that's why they probably did the Cur offensive so like oh see see we're winning it's a good PR you can tell your people there that we're winning so you can justify giving us our Aid or something right and I would be surprised if like you know CIA and NSA like these agencies basically supplied this idea to them like do this like we we've been through Cold War we've done some you have no idea right we planted things that you can't even understand we know this we know this psychological warfare you have to do this then we can actually persuade people to actually help so there's many psychological warfare probably going on in the background is due to the unwillingness of the Ukrainian government to make unpopular decisions such as mobilization in a timely manner we will see in the near future if Ukraine manages to stop the Russian advance in donbass for now let's look at the visually documented equipment losses suffered by both sides in this war according to the orex block as of August 30th Russia has lost at least 3,345 tanks 7,661 Vehicles 286 command posts and communication stations 1,353 artillery systems and vehicles 410 multiple rocket launchers 127 aircraft and 144 helicopters Ukraine has lost at least 97 tanks 2,868 Vehicles 20 command posts and communication stations 636 artillery systems and vehicles 78 multiple rocket launchers 99 aircraft and 48 helicopters so let me get this Ukraine's numbers are insanely low compared to Russia one but some of Russia still looks stronger that's the feel I got from this video Russ still pushing back Russ still like Prospect from like attacking from Belarus and things Russ is still creating pressure but Ukraine is still asking for Aid even though Ukraine is losing much less than Russia Russia still showing power like that like that's some mean I guess it makes sense in the end of the day Russia was this big Power with a basically more tanks than any country on the planet more equipments than basically anybody you can think of like that and Ukraine is not going to match to that so even with the all the AIDS they can receive they're still going to fall short even if they're losing less equipment than Russia they're still having problems that is just that the metric are insane further updates on the war in Ukraine are on the way to make sure you don't miss them make sure you are subscribed and have pressed the Bell button please consider liking subscribing commenting and sharing it helps immensely hey well there you go that's this is the first video I've seen who talking about like Russia's side bit strongly than any obviously Kings in general is like you know everything I've seen so far from them is not biased so like this is different side they're talking about I haven't seen videos like this this is interesting so yeah the I think the future I'm guessing the Belarusian attack is coming right just because Coss thing happened they're going to plan that they're going to do that the worst possible time for Ukraine so the time you think like there's the worst time to attack Ukraine they're going to attack that probably because that's how strategically it works and KV is like that close to bellarus that's going to cause problems right I don't know the first time Russia attacked like Ukraine was caught off guard they're not going to get C off guard now but it's still going to cause problems right I don't know so KK offensive might uh you know like give them like more stronger side to Ukraine especially when it comes to PR but it might cause Russia and Belarus and everybody just go to extreme right basically like I said like you know you know I'm more crazy than you budy can you go more crazy than me type of way just like who's going to be more you know more you know stronger and do more ridiculous things type of way so Russia could just basically attack even more from Belarus and things like try to take over more places attack from more fronts that might cause more issues than anything else I don't know but we'll see what happen that was Russ is getting closer to poos by Kings in general if you like subcribe and I'll see you next time

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