Category: Sports
Señores presentamos el top cco y el número cinco es albert suárez el derecho de los orioles desde baltimore este venezolano que no parecía estar previsto para ser parte de esta rotación sin embargo los problemas físicos de la mayoría de los integrantes de ella han abierto un cupo para el hermano de... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back to the just fantasy baseball podcast uh baseball season is officially over so now it's the fantasy baseball playoffs it's football season so if you want to talk fantasy football we could do that uh but there are a couple headlines from the baseball world there's a lot of people are in their... Read more
Category: Sports
Two2 the count adamas a high fly ball left field adamas will for willie adamas his 11th three-run homer of the year Read more
Category: Sports
Al i al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al [aplausos] al [aplausos] [aplausos] [aplausos] al [aplausos] al al [aplausos] [aplausos]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Mlb new york yankees versus los rangers de texas 2 de septiembre 2024 resumen picante desde el go life field de texas se llevaba a cabo este partido un partido del cual los rangers venían de victoria ante los atléticos y los yanquis venían de perder como una p ante los cinal ah eso fue horrible fue... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] machado drills one center field way back there that ball is gone and it's a 7even nothing lead for san diego fast ball mis location they want it away it stayed middle Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Last one off the bat at 107.8 i got a good feeling of him oh boy this is what happens you get ejected when you do this all right we got a lot to talk about baseball fans don't move a muscle stick around and matt the horse's name is friday last one off the bat at 107.8 i got a good feeling of him in... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] from inside tropic of field in tampa bay mlb the show as inter league action for you this afternoon it's the san diego padres taking on the tampa bay rays and we'll be back with the first pitch right after this [music] and now the dh luis looking for his first big league hit right here the 1-1... Read more
Category: Sports
K [aplausos] [música] [aplausos] [música] g [aplausos] oh allahu akbar [aplausos] [música] [música] k allah [aplausos] ch ah allah e al ak [aplausos] k [aplausos] al [aplausos] [música] al ah he ha ch [aplausos] b ah [aplausos] b [aplausos] [aplausos] vamos [aplausos] un [aplausos] [música] ser [aplausos]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Lead-off home run from jose altuve because that's all he does he hits lead off home runs and then you have the astro setting a franchise record for wins and uh 125 games and wait was there anything else that happened tonight brett let me think there's this guy who is secretly one of the best pitchers... Read more
Category: Sports
Of any hitter that's ever played here at camden yards this ball drilled deep to left field all the way back his second leadoff home run this season against albert suarez and the astros dum altuve does a lot of damage it's going to take a little bit more than 93 to beat him up top and Read more
Category: Sports
Estamos cerca de los 100 programas en béisbol b así que muy pendientes pero ya vámonos con el top 5 del día los más destacados del día domingo a continuación ah vamos a hablar del número cco de pablito lópez de pablo lópez qué bien lanzó ayer pablo lópez recordemos que bueno ha tenido una una temporada... Read more