Sean Monahan denies being boring, talks future of the Blue Jackets

joining us one of the biggest free agent signings of the off season signed to a 5-year deal by the Columbus Blue Jackets the great sha Monahan Sean welcome to America yeah thank you thanks for having me on here today how do you like America so far you've only played for Canadian teams to this point and now for the first time you've uh taken a trip South yeah know it's a change I mean I've got up there a few times uh got to check out the the neighborhood I'm living in a little bit and uh the facility the facilities there in Columbus and I mean nothing but good things so uh really really looking forward to to getting down there and getting going what are your uh what are your first impressions of Columbus we went down there last season it's a it's it feels like a weird City but like I I think it's very underrated yeah no I think so too I mean I think it's it's beautiful I mean I was lucky enough to to find a house right away and um yeah I mean the city's sneaky it's uh not many people talk about it but it's uh it's a great spot to play and it's uh something I'm really looking forward to is it weird being a Blue Jackets player who's not uh American a University of Michigan product or a Russian guy yeah I mean it's different for sure I mean like you're saying too I mean I've only played in Canada that's from Junior on so it's uh it's a bit of a change for me but uh something I'm really looking forward to my favorite part of you signing with the Blue Jackets so then like I'll say like I'm wearing Blue Jackets stuff we got Stinger there we got a bunch of jerseys here Pete mentioned that we've done stuff with the team it's a great organization we love Todd over there we love all the the players love this roster though so very excited that you went there they went after you before they went after a coach so is it a nice little feather in your cap that you were a priority over even getting a coach yeah no it's a good feeling for sure I mean you want to be somewhere where wanted and um yeah I mean I thought it was a great fit they're uh I talked to the GM quite a bit and he he wants to to improve right away so it's uh it's going to be a challenge and that's uh I mean that's why we play the game yeah I was going to say what was their sales pitch because they've kind of in a transition period and uh you know obviously they change in the uh in like the leadership group there but a lot of good players you got friends there clearly uh and I just was curious as what that sales pitch looked like to you this summer yeah I mean there's a lot of uh different things that went into it for sure I think uh it was my first time going through free agency and I mean you're you're kind of going through your options and I think the big thing was to to get back in the East um I really like the the team too I mean there's a lot of great pieces like you said uh Great Captain and Boon Jenner who I've known for a while um Johnny obviously a good friend and great player and I think think uh there's some young guys that are that are really going to step up and be uh real good players in this league for a long time so I think that uh that was something I want to be a part of and help push the team get uh get back into the playoffs you why the why the East you hate the West we West no I mean I was in the West for so long and I think uh it's far away and now that uh I'm getting a little bit older and had my my first child I think it's it's really nice for for family to be able to drive out and I mean be on the same time Zone and what kind that kind of stuff so it uh something that uh had had a big effect on where it's choosing too you mentioned having friends on the team you had to know when the list got shorter and when Columbus was in the picture that if you signed with the Blue Jackets every [ __ ] thing was going to be about oh he did just because of Johnny GD so did you do it just because of Johnny Gad no defin not I mean obviously it's definitely not don't even like that guy Johnny I mean Johnny's one of my best Johnny's one of my best friends and I think uh I mean to go full circle kind of start when I was 18 19 with him and I mean come back to be able to play with them again is is pretty cool and I mean we both have sons that are I think two or three months apart so they get to kind of grow up together but uh no I mean I I think looking at the team you got some real solid veteran guys and uh a lot of lot of young guys who are going to like I said step up and be a big part of this team for now and the future and I think uh what I've been through in my career and the type of player and person I am I can uh really help out uh I guess those guys the organization and uh move this team back to being competitive what's something about Johnny gdo that we don't know um he's actually a pretty quiet guy I mean a lot of people think he's uh some crazy guy but but no he's pretty simple and I mean just an awesome all around guy I mean great dad great friend and obviously a special player it's well if your name is Johnny I feel like uh there's excitement projected on you if you just go by John people can think that you're reserved and dull and it's I mean Johnny Taki is a pretty loaded nickname I mean he's a he's got a lot of great highlights but I think my favorite Johnny GD highlight was uh I forget whose wedding it was he was [ __ ] ripping it up it was uh it was was it Hay's wedding I don't know whose it was but it it became Johnny gd's yeah he was ripping it up he was on somebody's shoulders is it kachuck maybe yeah I think kachuck shoulders yeah yes yeah yeah yeah it was because it happened so long ago can you tell us why you and gdo were late for that uh practice after the Super Bowl because I remember there was such a big story that the day after the Super Bowl you guys were laid for a practice and I remember at the time I was like that Super Bowl sucked maybe they were just talking about how bad and boring that Super Bowl was but what happened yeah know we just honestly we both just slept in and uh I mean got there before practice started but yeah I mean it it caused a huge stir at the media and I mean we were uh really young guys and I mean obviously that's behind us now that must feel like a million year like there there's so many things that have just like changed in your career even like you you played 83 games last year and there was a time when obviously you were getting surgeries and you were missing time and you were really grinding to play as many games as you could and you'd gone from a player who would play 82 games a year early on and then as I said there were injuries and now last year you're playing more games than literally anybody in the NHL has your career like felt like it's had these ups and downs and had all these changes yeah I mean I think the the biggest thing was I was hurt for a while and I mean my personality was just to play through things obviously that caught up to me and uh yeah I would try and grind and it was uh it wasn't fun so I mean I finally took care of myself and I'm back healthy and and feeling great so it uh it's nice to to be able to go to a game and know you can uh be the player you can be and yeah I mean those injuries are behind me now and looking forward to the future here I remember a couple years ago I think it was uh Montreal where you you wanted to play against the flames and you like really really push yourself to play against Calgary and then you ended up regretting it but last year one of your first games with Winnipeg first period hattrick against the Flames how good did that feel yeah I mean anytime you score it feels good at uh like getting three early and and having a lead but I mean at the end of the game it kind of sucked because we ended up losing but it uh I mean going back there I was there for about a DEC and I think uh a lot of memories there and I mean to to be able to score in front of the fans who cheered me on for so many years it was uh pretty pretty cool feeling when I always remember hey thanks for watching the channel we appreciate everybody who checks out our stuff but 80% of our viewers are not actually subscribed to this page so if you could smash that subscribe button it would go a very long way for us the more subscriptions we have the more visibility we get from YouTube which allows us to do more so press that button thank you you had kachuck shouting out Calgary and the fans and everything even after winning the cup obviously a lot of guys have left there but that's a fan base that just wants it so badly so even uh a couple teams later do you look back on do you look back at that team and be like with the affection that a lot of former Flames do yeah for sure it was uh I mean I was there from 18 to 28 and I think uh it it was I grew up there as my first team that drafted me and uh I mean a lot of connections I made there through Charities met a lot of kids that I still keep in contact with uh fans and I mean different parts of the organization and obviously teammates too so I mean some of those guys I played with from 2013 are still some of my best friends and we talk uh weekly and it's uh yeah it was it was a special place to play so it uh something I'll always remember yeah I saw this one story that like you signed with the Blue Jackets just because Johnny goodro was there and I'm like wow that must have been a uh must been good VI a really close group uh getting back to the 83 games thing you don't get paid more when you play an 83rd game right because it's by days on the roster correct yeah yeah correct okay so when you're going into that 83rd game do you do you almost wonder like am I tempting fate here also like you ever think about holding out you're like UFA like what if God forbid the 83rd game is the one in which you get injured and then everyone's like don't sign this guy not only is he hurt he's a tough guy trying to play more games than everybody else yeah no yeah I mean I just thought it was pretty cool playing an extra game it's uh I mean you look back when you're retired that'll be something that'll stick out but I actually should have had 84 but uh I I had the flu the one day and the the training staff sent me home so it uh it was a bit of a stinger but I mean it would have been uh I guess even cooler playing that 84th game wow so you're the first player in this era to miss time and play more than 82 games in a season that's crazy Tyson Barry played 85 games a few years ago between Edmonton and Nashville that's insane outrageous that's crazy yeah what's uh what's been your experience with uh like the Columbus fans so far because that fan base is one of the most like intriguing in in my perspect perspective because they're like fiercely loyal they're obviously not the biggest Market in the world but they they they show up all the time we went to like a Tuesday game last year team wasn't good still a Pack building still a great atmosphere like they're fiercely loyal but we also talked to a guy like Zack rinsky who was like I love playing in this market because I get to go to the games and the building's packed but then I get to go home and like go to the supermarket and not be bugged so like what's been your experience and like what's what do you look for in a market as as a player and like a personality yeah no I think uh the biggest thing is fans that kind of care and show up and and support the team so I we're lucky in Columbus with that I mean I think it was my second NHL game was in Columbus I got my my first NHL goal there and I remember the crowd was into that game it was early in the season I'm like this is a pretty pretty cool place and I mean obviously when the blue jacket score the cannon goes off which scared me the first couple times but uh no they they get into it it's a it's a great it's a great Market I mean like I said it's Sneaky and uh undercover that doesn't get uh talked about enough you know you're not allowed to touch the cannon yeah DJ found out the hard way they yelled at him for touching the Canon they yelled at somebody yelled at me they the woman behind me said because we were taking pictures by it I didn't listen when they said don't touch the cannon I accidentally touched the cannon and the one woman behind me said now if they lose it's your fault and with all due respect your guy Johnny GD had a pretty bad turnover during that game and I was like this is not this is not on me that's great how uh how many games you think it's going to take for you to get uh get adjusted to the cannon because I I'll tell you it was more than one for us yes yeah no yeah it's honestly it gets me every time we play there so it uh probably take 15 20 games and then uh kind of get used to it but yeah I mean it gets me I mean every time that thing goes off I got a good idea if you if you start the season slow just blame it off the blame it on the cannon say it's [ __ ] up Mojo you can't really get get get accustomed to the playing at home yet for sure it's not a bad idea uh if you I know that you are tight with a lot of guys on the team you mentioned Boon Jenner obviously Johnny GD if you are looking for any more friends we highly recommend kill marenko do you know that guy no I don't I haven't met him yet he [ __ ] rcks unbelievable the best dude he's so interesting he loves the zoo he does not like music and if you're wondering well maybe he doesn't like certain kind of music no he's not interested in music does not listen to music doesn't have Spotify doesn't have apple music doesn't even care for when he scores a goal when they play the music doesn't really want the stuff what a what an insane guy yeah I'm looking forward to meeting all the guys on the team so it uh I've met a few of them and I mean I'll be down there in the next few days and hopefully get to see everybody there do you like music yeah I like music okay I don't know could be a rift in the locker room then that guy doesn't like music oh [ __ ] yeah like first few days you walk in start playing music and marchenko is like I don't know uh how they do things in Montreal and Winnipeg but uh we don't uh we don't do that kind of thing around here what can you tell us about uh Jordan Harris because you play with him in Montreal he just got traded to Columbus I believe and uh we've decided that he's really really important to us on this show so we're kind of trying to do some scouting what can you tell us about him I know he's a great guy I mean uh pretty quiet um good player for sure skates well moves the puck um yeah I mean he's uh he's someone who I think is going to be an important piece there in Columbus but uh yeah I mean he he's a fantastic kid and I mean really upbeat and I mean always smiling never never doesn't have a smile on his face uh we here your beautiful child in the background Congratulations by the way new dad hell yeah what an offseason for youate it absolutely amazing uh did you hate the boring sha Monahan account as much as I did was funny but I thought it was mean no I mean I didn't mind it I still think it was someone on my team running but uh yeah no I some of them were great I mean some of the stuff was stuff that was happening on the plane and stuff so I don't know I was pretty suspicious but yeah I mean I haven't seen that uh seen that account in a long time to be honest it was a mole then I think so you haven't you haven't figured out who it was yet no I haven't that's crazy yeah I mean honestly I haven't even I haven't even seen it in like probably five or six years did it did were you and all in your head as a result to it were you're like I think I got to go to the rink and yell today or like do something to get people to stop writing these horrible things about me no not at all I mean we had uh we had a really good group there I think uh I mean I definitely don't think I'm boring it's sometimes my voice a little monotone but uh yeah I mean yeah I thought it was funny most of the part but uh yeah I mean I didn't really check up on it but yeah I mean I thought it was uh good entertainment for the fans for sure what's the most animated you've ever been uh with with the fellas whether it's Super Bowl oh yeah the Super Bowl just like I can't believe Cam Newton didn't jump on the ball yeah no I mean I I've played a lot of great guys and I mean there's a lot of good stories but uh yeah I mean sure there's there's many more to come if you had to create a boring blank player account for one of your former teammates uh who would you who would you choose uh honestly probably Johnny that would be awesome if you just you guys reunite and then suddenly a boring Johnny GD Twitter account just pops up a lot of signs would point to you I was going to say mainly because it would be incredibly obvious who doing it the only person in the league who has had an account made about themselves makes it about their new friend as or their old friend as soon as they're back to seeing them every day although I will say it might be a a testament to you you mention you don't think you're boring if that account has died over like the last five years maybe they no longer think you're boring I mean I'll say you're definitely not the most boring guest we've had on this show like I don't think you're boring at all so maybe credit to you oh I appreciate it's uh what do you think of the team this year I mean we talked about how the the roster is really like I I just like teams that are good down the middle and you going to Columbus is why we like their offseason so much because they're deep down the middle they always have defensemen like this is a team that obviously had its struggles last year but on a five-year deal do you look at this group and say maybe even if not immediately this is a team that's going to get really good yeah no for sure I mean that's that's why I joined and I think uh a lot of great defensemen some veteran guys uh a mix of everything back there and like I said there's uh some really really skilled young guys some young guys who are going to be top players in this league soon so it uh it's an exciting group and it's uh it's exciting so yeah I mean it's going to be good also that like division seems to be kind of like shifting right now where it's like a lot seems like it's the the pieces are moving I feel like Columbus could be could be in the mix and and sooner rather than later I'm very very excited about what's what's going on down there and I'm glad that you're you're going to be a part of it so very very excited to see uh what happens there so uh yeah I mean you got anything else well I was just gonna say I'm definitely not going to tell you how to do your job but it would be an incredible first impression to make if I don't know whether it a captain's practice or anything else just be like hey I don't know what you boys know about me but I'm used to playing more than 82 games in a season famously I played 8 last year so and I ain't getting traded this year unless some weird [ __ ] happens and boys I don't plan on weird [ __ ] happening so you bet we better make the playoffs you could phrase it however you want which should be like Daddy needs his 83rd game something like that for sure all right like G I'll think about [Music] [Applause] we all sitting like the May

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