Category: Entertainment
Intro man stelle sich einen architekten vor der einen turm bauen soll den besten größten tollsten turm den die welt jemals gesehen hat und dafür bekommt der architekt mehr geld zur verfügung als bei jedem anderen turmbau bisher ausgegeben wurde gut und was macht der architekt er baut einen turm der... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Sauron is obviously such an iconic figure in tolkien lore. this season, we’re gonna get to see sauron out in the open, making everything happen. who is this man? he is no man. he is sauron. hello everybody, and welcome to the show. i am joined by two actors whose characters couldn’t be more opposite,... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ja moin meine lieben serien freunde nach zwei jahren pause ist es endlich soweit endlich geht's zurück nach mittelerde und zwar in der her der ringe die ringe der macht staffel 2 die ich mir bereits komplett mit allen acht episoden anschauen durfte und euch deshalb jetzt hier in diesem video sage worum... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Anmoderation möllon liebe freunde snacktten lembersbrot sippt euren endtrank und lehnt euch in euren hobbthöhlen zurück denn wir sprechen heute über die ersten drei folgen der zweiten staffel von the rings of power dabei klären wir unter anderem was es mit dem dunklen zauberer auf sich hat warum sauron... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Season 2 is all about how annatar inveigles his way into celebrimbor’s world. seduces him to being an unwitting accomplice. there are big problems in khazad-dûm. you will see us in all our glory. brace yourselves! get down! welcome back to inside the rings of power. i want to welcome everyone’s... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hi guys hello namaste namaste namaste namaste so welcome and uh after the premiere we are talking and as i said the show looks like a fine wine no enjoyed the two episodes so j uh three women directors have directed this so it's normally not we see women directors directing such a big series and all... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Ah [music] sorry sorry sorry i'm so sorry i thought you were an orc it's all right doesn't hurt doesn't hurt of course it hurts i just stabbed you in the thigh could have been worse here let me pull it out no don't you meant to leave it in was i yes whenever you're stabbed you meant to leave it in i've... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Charlie how dare you i mean you made us love hellbrand and now we have to hate him as saour on but are there any redeeming qualities to him that we the audience can like or at least respect for sure i think you know he wants to do right by everyone in middle earth he wants all he wants let if if i put... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Sauron has many powers one of his sort of primary powers is the ability to change forms sauron is the ultimate predator and what we're actually trying to do season 2 is get deeper in his mind in one to start from a place where you're understanding what's motivating sauron we have a different actor playing... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] [musik] einen wunderschönen guten abend in zwei tagen heute ist dienstag in zwei tagen also weniger als 48 stunden wissen wir was in den ersten drei folgen besprochen zu sehen ist bis es soweit ist hat amazon... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The first of the magical objects that give the lord of the rings the rings of power its name finally made an appearance at the end of season 1 and in season two of this prequel to jrr tolk's fantasy epic they live up to their promise to transform middle earth when showrunners patrick mckay and jd payne... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] now and welcome back to head pop before we kick off with tonight's show vi discretion is advised oh it's advised because we go deep we go fast and sometimes all all the time we go a bit hard right i do have a hard out tonight it's going to be a shter episode i say that every time i say that... Read more