Rings of Power cast on manifestation, expectations, bonding, lessons and what gives them Power

Charlie how dare you I mean you made us love hellbrand and now we have to hate him as saour on but are there any redeeming qualities to him that we the audience can like or at least respect for sure I think you know he wants to do right by everyone in Middle Earth he wants all he wants let if if I put it really simply he just wants Middle Earth to be nice and and green and beautiful does he want the people to be happy yeah exactly that he thinks or Alive yeah good point he wants everyone to be happy and the way for them to be happy is to listen to him and do what he wants okay he's lording it over everyone exactly as long as everyone does what I want then they'll be happy and I'll be even happier now Ismael you basically manifested being in the show yes yes yes because one of the First videos you ever bought as a kid oh when you were young was The Lord of the Rings uh Trilogy DVD right yes can you tell us more about this manifestation because I might go to your school of manifestation oh listen it's a strong one a strong one I I I I don't follow uh anyone's method about it but I I do think that you put it forward you write like you write it down you you you have it in front of you and um and and you you can create that for yourself like for me I grew up like in the mountains of Puerto Rico like very poor area and uh I I I heard about this thing you know the Lord of the Rings blah blah and DVDs were just starting to come out I'm 1990 something and I you know you weren't born yet we were not even a thought um I was mowing lawns washing cars like saving up to get this and the one of the first movies that I got was The Lord of the Rings DVD and being a kid from the mountains um you know that's what the power of fantasy is so strong I this poor kid from mountains related so much to an elf the the the relationship with the forest the nobility the reverence to the trees all of that I was like oh this is like me this is like me I I I understood the love cuz one of my best friends growing up was this mango tree it's like it's I I I I was bullied when I was little you know and I I I had this mango tree that after school that would climb on it and it like spread like you see mango trees are like they're beautiful right you got a lot of that in the Philippines so yeah so because we have similar CL in in Puerto Rico as well you know they open so in the center it was almost like a nest you I would go there and like do my homework and play and uh yeah it felt very Elven and I kept thinking about this um my entire life uh and I when I vocalized back there was a little naive I said I don't want to be an elf people are like you don't look like an elf you know eles don't look like you I was like oh well you have given me the purpose that I wanted and here we are out on there in the house oo well there you go guys you know the thing I love about your friendship Nori and Poppy is that it's really solid you actually left your family for each other right so in real life how would you describe the friendship that you've developed through the years of shooting the show and how would you describe each other as a friend oh oh well well well um it's been really lovely to get to know someone over you know such a um like a this kind of period of time and also work with them as well it's really it's a joy to be able to work with someone who you get on really well with um how would I describe you as a French here we go um I would say that Mar Keller is you hold a lot of intrigue that's quite nice I think when you're you know when you meet someone and they actually ask you how you are MH um it's not false it's not sort of like a brushing comment the genuine like how are you doing um and that's something that I really appreciate yeah yeah I think for me for Megan uh her how honest and um she's a very genuine person I feel like there's there's never any pretense and I've always really appreciated that she's very honest you'll know that whatever she's saying comes from a really genuine place now Tyro being the baby of the group really you're the youngest you're the baby of the group uh What uh have what what lessons have you learned from just observing them and talking to them perhaps in advice or two I think it's everyone has been so like it's so funny cuz I'm like cradled almost by by this cast everyone's like oh Tire TI um it's just kind of like I don't know just I've I've learned how to push like I've I've watched so many people like go through some hardships in in this in this show and it's just like watching the way people have dealt with it and and and kept themselves graceful and professional and um there's so much I can learn even just how to act on a film set especially a film set of this scale especially like this you know a lot of props to Ismail for this but to make me feel comfortable to to Really commit to my craft and not let the the pressure of the big situation get to me and um I think everyone's kept me really grounded and and I've felt so supported and I'm just super grateful for everyone it's oh Charles Kell bimor did he really not know it was Sauron I mean or was it just as vanity taking over everything well no he he he didn't have a clue it was saon um and when how brand arrives and then reinvents himself as anatar as a God in front of him he's still hasn't got a clue at Sauron um and takes this sign as a as a you know he he this this being has come to you know look after him to to elevate him and to further him him so he oh you've taken your ears off just just serious I just turned around and they're gone I know see two seconds right I wasn't kidding God if only it was like Prosthetics um no but but he's you know this moment that he has when when in the in the Forge when he appears as as anatar is absolutely extraordinary for kellmore and he's totally boted and bewitched so no Saron never comes into it into question Tristan in general people don't like politicians so what should people appreciate about ferzon I think people should appreciate that he's more than a politician that he is an EXC Captain um he's somewhat of a philosopher you have to be I think I think people who are in positions of power especially in a sort of classical Kingdom like like what newor is you were just more than than what your job is you know um you're multifaceted um I think he's a very uh how can I say very vers vertile man he's very adaptable and I think that's what that's something to be appreciated I think if if you if you want a leader I think that's the guy I think H I beg to differ JD this question is from the Philippine Tolan Society what can we expect as far as lifting elements from the Tolkien books versus crafting new story arc surrounding the new characters that you're bringing in well so this season is all about the rings of power um you know so you're going to see the three Elven rings of power that were forg at the end of season one and you're going to get to see some of the powers that they have that are come right out of Canon Toki talked about them having the power of healing and so you'll see some of that this season um you'll also see uh Sauron going in the guys of anatar to Aron where he's going to minip that Kell binbo into making the nine rings for men and The Seven Rings for dwarves um you know so that is another element that goes right out of Cannon um and then U also we're going to see the siege of oron which is something I think fans have been waiting to see for for decades now it's going to take three episodes to to do it it's it's going to be you know a really involved siege that will have you know an aerial bombardment you know there's a water component there's a a component where it's a horse charg and there's a fighting in s of the muck of the mud and um there's a fight at a wall there's a troll there you know there's um you know uh stuff on battlements there's a sort of Street to Street sort of Stalingrad ask you know sort of like fighting streets so you know so I mean it's a a battle that takes place over multiple weeks as an actual Siege would um you know so I think like that's a lot of stuff that you're going to see that kind of comes from from Canon um and then also there are new places that we're exploring like with our harf foots as we're we're going out to run um and uh you know we're expanding the map and going some places that token sketched but never really fully rendered um so it's a good mix of Canon and then uh new discovery so something for everyone something for everyone and also people didn't have to see season one to to to appreciate this we're going to have a two-minute recap at the beginning and you can Jump Right In it's a great time to come to the story now isma you cried the first time you saw yourself in full Arend costume absolutely do you still get overwhelmed I I I do I think it's it's very beautiful and important to stay um fresh in your gratefulness your gratitude and the specialness of it all and I still look at myself in the mirror and in and on this set and I I can believe it because it's important to believe that you belong there but I just uh I just feel just talking about these things about purpose I get deep talking about purpose and all know I like deep you know it's like it it is hard not many people in their lifetimes have a dream that they fulfill so to see a full dream fulfilled it's such a it's such a um fortunate thing uh so that doesn't go over my head so every time that I'm on set and I'm doing these things and I'm working here with you and I saw I said you saw Instagram stories that you were researching and doing all these things how special it is that that this is my life that you care about my story you about our stories you spend hours going in there to to to make sure that that my story was out there in a beautiful way you know what I mean like it's I it's it's beyond it's beyond my wildest dreams and I'm I'm I'm very very present in that I'm very grateful for this opportunity very grateful to meet people like yourself and um thank you for that cynia marriel loses her sight her father and if we go by the book her throne to farizon so if you could Cynthia person to person to person what would you tell Muriel I would say trust and believe trust and believe right now medial is sort of you know navigating things and you know in season one we've established this paner which is as powerful a tool as as the Rings uh and and I think you know her ability to sort of have these Clues and insight into what might lie ahead she's trying to to avert all of that but she doesn't quite know how and and she's taking these sort of Uncertain steps and and this blindness that she suffers it's a literal blindness but it's also a metaphorical blindness and allegorical blindness so I think you know this one foot in front of the other she's she's you know trying to make sure she goes in the direction uh to to do good in in the world and to really sort of lead and guide her people but I think first she has to sort of fight the battle within and and I think if she can trust and believe and the direction she's going and she's going to be okay and hopefully her her people will be too but we know numor is a very tragic tale so she's going to try but ultimately certain things are going to be out of her control because essentially it's a father and son relationship on camera so you have to create that you have to develop that for each other so how do you Bond offset he took me from our first Halal Guys at in front of Time Square New York I've got a video that was a really that was a great night we just kind of I just think we're friends good you know that you know I thought about that too he invited me uh as his guest for his first ever New York Fashion Week like experience that was pretty cool that was that was actually that was really fun we had a great time um yeah I just think we're friends like it's not even like what it's nothing nothing with our relationship is forced at all like I think we just get along in general it doesn't like the age Gap isn't even a thing sometimes like sometimes obviously it is and and and I have so much to look up to him for but it's like we're just mates yeah and I met this this guy was a boy you know so I've I've had been tasked with taking care of him by his great mother and I've always taken that into uh very at hard my nephew is like my favorite person in the world is like 3 months uh age different than him so I have that that in me but it's like it's it it's it's very important to also say that it's not just we're not taking care of this kid this this this young guy he also brings a lot that is for us on set his presence what we're talking about being grateful because he's seeing everything with fresh eyes and reminds us how special it is to be there reminds us how beautiful it is to be there and keeps it always super light with um making fun of me for being super late to Tik Tok Trends um for checking my fits and uh keeping me on my toes in terms of fit I've inspired greatly this young oh yeah and I'm going to not be humble about that Charlie anatar is Lord of gifts what is the best gift you have ever received in life oh my God see that's why I took off my ears see this is really interesting really interesting uh do you want I could give you a serious answer that would be good I mean yeah I mean my son was born last year and that was a gift but I don't know from who the Universe I guess and that's probably the most serious answer the other I mean otherwise yeah I haven't really got many gifts lately actual material possessions I have just buy them all for myself but yeah your son my son is the best gift now Charles yes master crafter cell bmore if you could craft something what could it be and whom will he give it to anything I would craft the first answer that comes into my head I would carve a beautiful kennel for my dog I would craft it out of the finest Oak and I would spend hours cuz you know what I do quite like I'm quite good at um quite handy yeah quite good at uh engraving in Wood I've done that um I would craft a roof and um I would furnish it with the with the warmest fur inside fake you put fur on the walls I I might do that fake fur though fake fake fur and then I would gift it to my two-year-old dog and then she would she sleep in it do you think or do you think she'd probably sleep next to it yeah and the stranger teach each other lessons what was the best lesson you've learned that you still live by even now from The Stranger not necessarily from life from from life um I think uh to uh not have a claim on an outcome yeah to not live live with expectations and I saw that um as well in an interview with Brian cron not to have a claim on an outcome but I do think that uh it's really important to yeah try and just be as present as possible as difficult as it can be it can be with social media and phones now most definitely yeah now what part of your personality or characteristic did you actually give to the characters that you play because you have to put something of you in it right I think my the there kind of elements of indecision in him I find quite close to home um and possibly his vulnerability you know all those kind of things mhm I Think It's Tricky when you're talking about Sauron I know okay hbr he was a nice guy we loved him but Sauron come on yeah I think it's um I Sauron likes things to be very ordered so this is my my um answer for that I guess that I like things to be quite neat and orderly on my desk in my house everything has to be kind of lined up and I think Sauron is very much like that as well just more in terms of he's he his is like on a larger scale Humanity needs to be ordered for him not so much for me can I ask you a question may I ask him a question yes please do in your hotel room for example yeah is your are your clothes hung up or are they are you living out of your suitcase it really depends normal the normally hung up yeah depends how long I'm staying in a place okay so here for probably certain things still in the suitcase yeah yeah because but the suitcase is folded neatly and put away you can't be having your suitcase just out in the hotel room no no no okay you've read all the talkin books everything right so who is your favorite character and if you were not farzon which character would you wanted to have played I think if we're going into all the books I think tar and tanir is where it started so this whole thing of you know we're not going to be you know we're not going to be slaves to the faithful and to celebrate our secondhand citizenry to to elves we're going to celebrate who we are and we're going to ask some challenging questions and we're going to create our own path so I think that would be interesting to play to play him where it all really kicked off I think all began exactly exactly because all this is you know this existentialism and this dread that like numenorians have it all kicked off there I think this disenchantment with what they had like we're not a zoo we're not one of the other animals and you know you can't Cil our freedoms tell us where to go in our boats we can't go west and all these swords and these boats that we have are just ornamental because who else is a challenge to us and yeah I think it's uh he asked hard important question so he's the guy I think I'd like to go back and and play hyro you mentioned that your dad is a Lord of the Rings fan right so have you asked your director to put him in maybe make him an organ or he he would not he would never he um bless him I I I love him so much but he would never dare even step foot on a on a film set I think he just um he's a very very humble man and hardworking and he likes to keep to himself and maybe I mean maybe actually you you've incepted that idea right now I think we should we should IDE I'm going to tell Charlotte later when I see her we should we should make that happen in the next press tour we're going to talk about this with you fren him to death for season that will be my question in the future okay next season okay you'll ask if he's in it at all make this your mission I will I'll manifest that pleas no Charlotte the scope of this so the first season was a setup for what we see here in the second season exactly yeah so what is what's the most challenging to shoot and to create uh the challenging just to keep going to make because you need to raise the stakes from the first season you need to stand I mean to face everybody everybody has a lot of expectations so those so it's really about bringing it up and uh turning up the everything so uh everything is stronger it's more dramatic it's darker it's more dangerous it's edgier it's more gritty it's more authentic uh so your tension needs to be there so to keep the tension all the time and then I think we have a sarum that now we know who he is we have discovered his identity so he's keeping people really interested in how is he going to do it how is he going to accomplish how is he going to get to aan what how he's going to manipulate War so uh it's about making sure that the pace is there and and it keeps everybody's attention what was the best part about being in The Lord of the Rings and season 2 particularly I think telling this story and telling a story that we know a lot of fans really love and really care about and us I can speak for myself as a fan I was so excited to tell this story because it's the first like major part of the law that we can really tell in terms of the big events of the second age and yeah that's my favorite bit about this season that's my answer too I we're both very much in agreement on this we're both very excited about this season Megan you became emotional speaking to us in your mother's native language in her country woman I what did that moment mean to you and your mom uh I'm getting emotional now um it's so incredible to be able to speak just within this culture and being here um I've been very fortunate I've I've been able to come to Singapore a lot growing up um and I have a lot of love for this place um and it's an absolute honor to be so welcomed in you know my work um and also you I think you just kind of I'm sure you understand this like there's a cultural element um that is really grounding and comes from a really resonating place um and I don't speak Mandarin fluently um I really wish that I did but um I asked my mom to translate um those phrases for me and so I learned it for that night um because I knew that I wanted to really show the respect that this country deserves um but also the love that I have um and I know that she said she said that she's very proud um that I wanted to do that um and that I embrace my culture and I think it's important that everyone just fully Embraces who they are and where they come from if you know if that is something that resonates with you and uh yeah I'm I'm just it's it's incredible to be here I'm very proud the Rings give power what in your life gives you power um I'd say my family the people around me that that I I I like to hold my people very close to me and that that the support is very very important and to feel loved and to feel supported is very important that's where I get my power and my belief and strength to go on yeah I mean I would second that as well I mean but to to speak generally of that purpose I think like having a sense of purpose having something that that that um drives you that because we really don't know what we're doing in this earth like in this rock floating in space in one of trillions of galaxies you know you're like when you start thinking about that like what am I doing here um having purpose having something that guides you um is something that I'm very grateful for being being like in a show like this um representing what we represent showing the colors that we show playing characters that are so relatable in their Human Experience um that gives me a lot of power yeah oh work this job this shooting this story with Charlie Vickers for the last last year for however many months yeah felt really empowering yeah yeah Charles Edwards oh I give him power yeah that's sweet quite literally in in terms of as an actor but also as the dark lord you know Kell bmbo feeds feeds Salon like they're at a banquet together the Bromance yeah oh what gives me power I know I I sometimes feel sometimes what what has given me employment is my beard and my eyebrows cuz they're big and bushy um but what gives me power I think is um uh I I I I don't know the the love of my wife I think and yeah and the lovely life that I have with her a that's so sweet um I feel similarly to Tristan and I will include my husband in this I I would call them my sort of uh my inner circle I have incredible people in my life and it's a small concert centrated circle of people but they're the people who know me thoroughly they've known me for throughout my life and they go on the journey with you in your life your UPS your Downs um and they you know if you are having that self-doubt they can sort of hold up the mirror to you and remind you that you know you've got this and you're going to be okay but yeah that's a that's a great question actually I think I don't know I was told when I was really young that if you can if you can leave a person feeling better about their day than when you first met them in some way and and kind of leave that impression that that's always a really lovely thing so I think any kind of act of kindness that I see as cheesy as that sounds that always feels quite empowering because it's people looking out for each other that's nice um that is really nice yes it is um I'd say My independence um you know yeah that's about it really you used to sing Welsh before you would um do the character of Arizon right you would sing in Welsh uh yes yes yeah why would you like a rendition oh that would be really good yes please there we are what Elvish words or dialogue Do You Remember by heart I'm afraid to say that I only had one word in Elvish for the entire two seasons okay what what what is it Namar Namar and it means goodbye well I'm okay take time to appreciate the ears I know you have to I Can't Take My Eyes Off them thank you so much oh my gosh love hi oh I know who you are hi Tyro did you sleep with them I on like like you know it takes two seconds one for each amazing oh really that's nice you should come work with our makeup artists we we would love that kind of I actually just uh volunteer myself as your token elf and your dixer next season that's pretty cool I love that thank you thank you so much Charles thank you Charlie thank you thank you very much than you for your ears thank you they beautiful thank you

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