Category: Entertainment
We had the chance to head down to singapore for an in-person meeting with the cast and creators of prime videos the rings of power check out our conversation with k bmbo and sauron charles edwards and charlie vickers gentlemen this is an absolute pleasure uh congratulations on the show it is fantastic... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Introduction thank you i thought a lot about how once her vision is taken away uh it's a very isolated place to be it's a very lonely place to be and there are very few people in her orbit that she can even really sort of confide in and trust so there is that self-reliance but it all kind of goes within... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro and and say go to your room now you go to your room saying i've become a mass murderer okay swiftly move i'm just like prepare [music] yourselves with the rings of power in which 'lord of the rings' character would the cast act like if they got a ring? play now we get to see how various characters... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What am i talking about ask me that question again can you guess who didn't ben walker oh my gosh you're a genius it makes all the sense i think it does it's a very american i mean but he's just like i mean he's like little southern southern like daddy you know he's like i'm gonna wear this thing oh... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hi king harold elon carries three rings a means of halting the fading and saving our people we will discuss the rings once you have answered the question elron just informed me your companion this hal brand was not who he claimed yet you chose to withhold this from him and calmor is it true yes who... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I was in your place once in the eldest of the elder days for chosen to be blessed of morgoth's hand with the promise of power a new birth i was led up to a dark and named peak chained and after what seemed endless thirst and hunger i saw it his servant's face sauron's face and it was beautiful he offered... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Morfydd clark and sam hazeldine war's come to midle earth you think it was only you you put yourself in my power first off congratulations good to see you nice to meet you sam mor i'm gonna start with you i'm curious what kind of conversations did you have with the showrunners about what it feels like... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] this is the work of s there's this great dramatic irony in season 2 because the audience knows sauron's identity but a lot of the characters don't so what's it like playing sauron as this conniving trickster as opposed to the you know all powerful evil entity we know him as in the original series... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Lovely to see you you know it's almost serendpity because her names are so similar and you both are having a face off also in the show but charlie and charles i was like for a moment i was a little confused it is confusing so but i'm going to ask you you know the fact is you didn't know you were you... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Sauron has many powers one of his sort of primary powers is the ability to change forms sauron is the ultimate predator and what we're actually trying to do season 2 is get deeper in his mind in one to start from a place where you're understanding what's motivating sauron we have a different actor playing... Read more
Category: Entertainment
- sauron is here now, you know? now it’s clear. there's a real battle between good and evil. - gloves are off! - the gloves are off! yeah. this is it. - overall darkness, a lot of seduction of power and people generally being turned into the worst version of themselves by sauron’s clever manipulation.... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hey how's it going hi hey s how you going i'm good hi sam nice to meet all you where are you sam i'm from new zealand yeah in new zealand what city beautiful our old home a a place close to your heart i'm assuming very close um loveely to meet all of you i just want to say i've seen the first three... Read more