'The Rings of Power' Season 2 Interviews with Morfydd Clark, Charlie Vickers, Daniel Weyman & More

Intro and and say go to your room now you go to your room saying I've become a mass murderer okay swiftly move I'm just like prepare [Music] yourselves with the rings of power in Which 'Lord Of The Rings' Character Would The Cast Act Like If They Got A Ring? play now we get to see how various characters react to coming into possession with them if you yourself came into to ran into one of the Rings how do you think you would react or like which character from The Lord of the Rings franchise do you think would you'd react the most similar too oh probably Gollum yeah you do have a lot of Gollum about I've become obsessed I'd become yeah yeah yeah I would probably be I have to I mean I have to say Sauron I think like I saying I've become a mass murderer maybe you know who knows these rings are you know who knows what they'll do I think you asking like what the power would be or what would happen to us like what would happen to you guys do you think you'd be overtaken by it do you think you'd be able to go throw in in the volcano it depends what it did I mean because they all do different things right and they play on facets of your character yeah I think I'd become overpowered by it quite quickly yeah yeah like Golem yeah yeah the answer is both of us both Golems oh yeah I would say Boromir for sure when it just can't you talking about me Sam yeah yeah I think I think I mean I love that in in the world that in toan's world that the power of the ring you just don't know what it's going to feel like and you get it and you think oh well I'm just going to take it and carry it to somewhere else but it's got you in its clutches already you know it's so powerful I think I really relate to where they're like maybe we should leave it with Tom bombil it doesn't seem to affect him at all and they're like he just lose it that's unfortunately what I think i' be yeah or Gollum these are great questions I just have to say cre I feel like I would be corrupted by anyone I feel unfortunately I'm trying to think what would my reaction which character would my Rea why why this is a very question I would just become so because it's difficult right it's difficult to to kind of ignore and and dismiss the power of the Ring I feel like all like to think that we'd be yeah but actually we' be okay but I yeah yeah I'm going to say I think I'd go down a really bad very dark root yeah no yeah I agree Gollum yeah I mean schmeal probably I mean I think the the reality if you really know the lore it's a bit of there but for the grace of tol and goai um uh evil is so formidable and so so embedded in all of us and I think I mean we see it with the elves it it's it's uh it's arrogant to assume that we too would throw it into the fire yes um I mean look at Humanity today and I think that's one of the beautiful things about tolin is that those that don't it's it's one of the most beautiful and indepth uh characterizations of Bravery that that unfortunately probably isn't that self-evident in the world that we actually live in I I like to think that he would be aligned with also someone becoming evil especially wait is it me or is it my character it I think it's you well he um who I man I I that's a thing I think I think it's inevitable almost to be more towards an evil side of things like true power the pool is so strong like the dark side man absolutely and even and the things like the definition of evil you know it's like evil good you're always thinking that you're the problem is that you're thinking you're doing absolute good so even when you think that you're doing absolute good you were still be veering towards evil so like I have power to do this this and that to lead to save to you know you would have eventually become a tyrant you know yeah and and also the where we find Middle Earth we have to remember that these this is new technology so just to piggyback on your question the the idea of what would you do well I mean how would you know how powerful they are yeah um it so it's a it's a horrible combination of the manifestation of evil a naive tendency and uh the fallibility of of humanity so it's it's going to be a mess either way this is the work of 'LOTR' and Horror? The Show's EPs Discuss Sauron's Effect On Celebrimbor in the trailer we kind of get to see Kell bmore like really being taken over and driven mad by working with Sauron I was curious if you guys could talk a bit about figuring out what it would look like visually when it came to showing that downfall because in the trailers it almost looks like a horror movie which I love that's yeah the um it is very much a descent into into a horror movie um and that set that they're in the calores were Workshop um really uh it's an amazing set designed by our production designer Christian Milstead but it is almost like a character this season um because it needed to have so many feelings in iterations in the beginning it feels a little like a cathedral it's beautiful and welcoming it's the the representation of these dreams and hopes that Kell bmo's had for the work he's going to do and and as it goes along it becomes a prison a prison and and then maybe even a torture chamber in in some ways and and he can't Escape it and and um it's uh it's an amazing story and it was worked on by our amazing um team of DPS and um and directors to iterate across the season to to have its own Journey alongside these two characters Kell brimber and Sauron who are you know in this psychological battle yeah no I mean I would I would say that I think you know uh uh uh we talked about this story line having a very different flavor than anything we did season 1 um we knew season was going to be darker I think we none of us quite reckon with how dark it would go and and I think audiences might be surprised by the end I say that but knows we often ask ourselves if it's too what's too far and and how dark it is so it'll be interesting to see what people say but but the idea that it would become this thriller this two-hander and this dissent um that was the intention from the beginning and the look of it whether it's costumes hair and makeup um the injuries characters suffer um you know the Prosthetics required to dramatize those injuries that's all a part of bringing it to life in hopefully thrilling and disturbing fashion sooner or later sauron's eye BS a hole the rest of him sliit Us in and Will We See Galadriel And Adar Working Together This Season? the other relationship I'm interested in after seeing the newest trailer is you guys like I um there's a shot in the trailer of Adar and Gad like walking together and it kind of feels like they could be headed down a the enemy of my enemy as my friend kind of Route yeah well I mean you said it then that's you know we we've got to kind of um explore the possibilities of um combining power against um against evil and see what we can do because we're all under threat so um it's a very frayed relationship to start with and uh I don't think the Elves and the Orcs are not friends and so um this is sort of very tentative exploration of what we can do together and Adar understand so in a way that her elves don't because he's been deceived by saon so they're Bound by this awful they're Bound by their lowest point which is always tough I can help you destroy him I will not stop until this is right If Poppy And Nori Could Go Visit Any Other 'LOTR' Storyline, Where Would They Go? I was also wondering for all three of you since your guys' characters are really in their own story and isolate it if you could put your character into another storyline that's happening in the show which one would you put it in well just for fun yeah just for fun which one would you love to see your character kind of popping around interacting with other characters I would love to see Poppy and numor can you imagine the Great Hall yes that'd be really funny actually there was a time when we were filming in season 1 and we walked through numor to like surprise the numenorians who were filming and we were in our costume so that was we we actually were there it was quite funny that was quite hilarious you'd have a lot of scale as well it would be quite cool yeah that would would be exciting would yeah yeah I can imagine you scurrying around sort of fively trying not to get caught yeah that' be cool yeah that would be fun I saw something with a lot of mud in it there was a bit in in a trailer or there was something where maximan uh in in mud and I did think like you know the strangers so sort of under the C in terms of just being in the elements I love the idea of a bit more mud you know suck through a Vortex of you know dirty earth there get in there SC the whole hog I have walked across mountains and deserts to help my friend find his SPOILERS AHEAD Destiny in episode two I loved the scene Rings of Power' Stars Weigh In On The Names They Gave 'The Stranger when Poppy and norya are going back and forth about what the stranger's name could be dock andse fedar CU that's something I think about all the time I was wondering if as actors if you guys have come up with any possible names that he could have whether you know it now or not at the time had you thought of any who oh my gosh that's a brilliant question oh my god what have you been thinking about this might some [Music] things I've been just trying to figure out if he's a wizard I already know or not you know I see what you're saying okay swiftly moving on I I quite liked some of the names I will say that we the the characters came up with on the day I quite like do do was great which just went so which just was poorly received by both of these but also in Nori's accent as well like her voice it was so it was yeah it sounded Charlie Vickers & Patrick McKay On Sauron Getting To Say The Franchise AND Show Name In Episode 2 really lovely and Charlie I have to ask about getting to say the name of the show and the name of the franchise in episode two um the darkness is growing stronger and the rings of Power are our last hope of restoring the light and when our work is complete never again will the world Overlook you but forever more Reve you the Lord of the Rings what was it like getting to perform that like epic monologue but also like getting to say those iconic words in the show did you feel like any pressure when you got the script for that yeah I think I because that if I'm not correct if I'm not mistaken that's when I I say it when I'm not visible right you're walking through and that so I recorded that voice over like 20 times and I I remember I recorded it on set and I said it through like a god microphone when he was doing the acting but they didn't use that cuz I think it was and then I recorded some temp stuff and then I went into a booth and recorded it in like thousands of different ways so it's kind of I was lucky that you I could re-record it over and over again because when you're saying the title of the show you know that it's going to be an important line so it's nice to give them variations yeah I like freaked out when I saw that great we freaked out on set when it happened so yes you're in good I believe it I was wondering if you guys could break down what it was like like how you decided then was the right time to name drop both things because like that that's a huge moment uh well it all comes down to character right you know the scenario is coming from the mythology the idea that you know Sauron presents as anatar and and you know deceives Kell bbor into making the Rings but when it came down to you know the scene workor in there what we're really thinking about and the God we're really praying to is you know if we were in Kell bbor shoes like he cannot be stupid he cannot be gold you know Sauron has to earn it Kell bbor is very smart he's a genius um and so Sauron needed to up his game and present in such a way that like blew Kell Bimbo's mind and you know the final shot that you saw is the product of you know many many months of iteration on costume on the look uh um performance rehearsals but then also there's a bit of a light show happening right Lindsay calls it the the fan dance um and and you know uh uh Charles Edwards who plays KYB bmore when he's on set and he's going and he's a Gog you know every now and then someone will say like is that is he over the top like no no no no no when you see exactly looking at it will make sense and and you know but it had to because this is the moment he is one over and sort of set on the path that will end in well stay tuned it Charles Edwards On Filming Sauron's Epic Introduction As Annatar was um because of the nature of the set that we were filming on we could do it all pretty much in one go I can't remember how many Cuts there are within that other than cutting back to the flame but when it first happens the the forge Roars and he's up on I'm up on the top balcony he's disappeared at this point I was watching Oh you mean not sou you mean no h Brown's disappeared oh yeah yeah and I going H and then the and then the camera I think followed me all the way down the steps which is tricky in Long robes because as an elf you're not supposed to look down when you walk down the steps it's all very well for them to say that but you know then ask get them to do it anyway so then you get to the bottom and then the camera's still so it was all in one go and the reactions are as you see them and and everything H and the fire was Major and we're going my God and I'm walking towards they're going closer Charlie closer I go you sure are you sure cuz it was really you know but quite a few firemen on set that day there were firemen on set that day yeah yeah then Benjamin Walker Uses An Elvish Curse Word To Describe Elrond's Waterfall Jump that first scene in episode one when Gil gallad Elon and gadriel are talking about what they're going to do with the Rings and elron Ely jumps off the waterfall with them I was they're talking they're bickering like children and what Frailty blinded you El not Den what other the PA did your failure kazad Doom leave us with but this you were my friend Den exactly I was wondering if you could talk to me a bit about what it was like filming that scene on that day and what like was kind of going through Gil ged's mind when elron decided to just throw himself off the waterfall with all the Rings yeah I mean one of my favorite parts of Gil gallet and a and a nice little nugget that I feel like sums up his character at this point is the elvish word gra which is an Elish swear that means crap or or come on I think he he's about as frustrated as we've seen him at this point kind of like uh you know like a parent of like why are you um so I I think he's frustrated and in terms of shooting on that day they're both such great actors and it it was exhilarating to kind of have to step in between them and and say go to your room now you go to your room not off the waterfall I meant a um that that it was I mean it was How Morfydd Clark Feels About Galadriel And Elrond Being At Odds This Season exhilarating that final scene I believe it's in episode two when it's revealed that Eland is going to lead the task force that go Adriel as part of elon's task is not to join your company but to lead it what was going through your character's mind at that moment when that was announced H yes that was painful for her um and I think I was really enjoyed exploring kind of their relationship cuz it's so terrible to feel a sense of otherness from someone you feel that you're so close to and that you're always on the same page with and you know these are also the the times where you kind of really have to work to make bridges and find a way that you can get to each other gladel is doing something risky and dangerous but she needs she knows she needs to do it because she's the only one of them that's really seen the darkness that's coming um and Eland is trying to protect um so they both have really worthy causes um and yeah it's I just get super excited when glad and AR under together just also that I'm just like they're both characters that I kind of just love and um yeah I felt for them not being being at odds but also it's kind of important for Middle Earth for them to be at odds Daniel the scene in I 'Medic Over Here!' Daniel Weyman Breaks Down Filming That Crazy Tornado Scene believe it's episode two when the stranger does magic and Poppy and Nori kind of get sucked away from him what was it like filming that that day and now as we move forward past episodes 2 and three how is that moment going to impact your character moving forward yes we shot that we shot that in two locations didn't we we did we did a bit of it in studio and a bit of it on location in tenie um in in tenie we didn't need much special effects because there was wind channeling up through this we were sort in this Canyon and the wind was sort of channeling straight up through all this sand that was obviously there and the whole crew when we looked out the whole crew were in these wonderful glasses these sort of protector glasses they were sort of tinted weren't they so they all looked Uber sort of action figures yeah and then the three of us were sort of there with with no go or we were allowed to all but you decided not to but in the takes we obviously had to take so in the takes you'd suddenly get going and then these wind machines would come and they start throwing extra sand in and by the end of it I mean I definitely was you know I was like please pour some water in my eyes please put some you know and uh you know medic medic over here yeah um so it was it was pretty phenomenal to do it and the the the location stuff we did in ten was so awesome helped to root you know we didn't I didn't feel like we need to do a whole amount of acting cuz we looked out at these Vistas and they were just endless lunar sort of Landscapes that went on and on yeah they were really impressive [Music] [Music] oh [Music]

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