The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 cast interviews

hello I was hey folks how's it going Wilson Mor from Black TV here we are season two so Sam coming into this how comfortable did everybody make you feel in a row I'd like to joke about it but very comfortable they made me very comfortable yeah it was uh really welcoming immediately we we were just talking about it we had a we had a sort of a um a RR on our own of our own doing that we we did at um Ben Walker's house before we started which was really nice and a chance to get to know everybody you know yeah M you're welcome Mor what journey is uh gabrio on this season um she's learning to um trust herself again because she's made an absolutely diabolical error that's affecting everyone and will affect people for thousands and thousands of years um so she's accepting the consequence of what she's done and also realizing that she's going to have to spend her life trying to make that right um and I kind of admire her dedication to Forever making up for her forever it could be worse but actually no and does a Dar know his time of Power is coming to and at some point we're just gonna wait it all out beg your pardon Wilson sorry does a Dar know his time of Power is coming to an end at some point I I don't I I hope he's not thinking that I don't think he is thinking that he's just thinking that we have to do something now and obviously he thinks that he's killed Saron in the past so the news that SAR on his back is you know um shocking probably bleakly depressing and so he's thinking what what can I do to kind of finally finally really destroy Saron and get him out out of Middle Earth forever and that kind of calls for um exploring the possibility of alliances with other plans yeah you know when we think about uh when you think about season one I always say the season one of any series it's all about there's a lot of characters trying to get an idea as to who's who what they're all about you know we saw Gad at one point on a quest you know to not only finding herself but seeking revenge and then she makes the Tim mistakes that she you know she like you said trust issues you know with season two does her confidence become stronger going forward or is it does she is she on a path of another Revenge well yeah I think there's unfortunately you become selfish if you're so wrapped up in your own despair which she was and I what I love about tokin world is that he sees hope is so valuable and hope is something that you can't just take for granted and she's got to spend her life now watering her hope and making that hope grow um because that's the only thing that really can fight saon and I just also think that that's something that as me it was quite it was lovely to be reminded about that and I think that's something that kind of it's Sauron kind of represents cynicism and despair and she's got to go to the opposite of that which is hope and love well said obviously we have a lot more to go let's see where these characters are going towards season three because I know it's going to happen at some point uh but right now we've got two to go through and I appreciate talking to me and we'll talk down the road a pleasure thank you have a great day well some from Black from TV hey folks how's it going very good good thanks how are you you know when I look at what I've seen so far I feel there's one I say there's the power to move and the power to be moved you know and so you guys are intertwined throughout the season but we get a little Glimpse more of of Charlie's case and so uh what I always say like what is the journey we're getting this season previous that that's different from last season I think in in sauron's case we get to see his more private moments right we we're kind of in it with him on his journey and we whereas in season one he was hiding his identity from the other characters in the show and also the audience season two he's still hiding his identity from quite a lot of people in the show but we're in on it as an audience and that makes it really fun to it's kind of you're watching someone do bad things but you kind of want him to do them you know what I mean just want him to succeed um so yeah that's that's kind of to sum up his journey and with celebr more you know is his role more defined in this season last year he was there but now he's are you know based on the trailers and what I've seen so far it seems like he can be moved a sway you know if he's tempted oh very much so yes his role is much more defined um I think season one he was there um obviously he was around and I tried to you know sprinkle a few little elements of season 2 in in my performance for those who would it was there if anyone wanted it but and who knew Kell bmol story um but this is much more um yes we see much more of him and and and how susceptible he is to to the traits that you mentioned yeah now that we know who Saron is are we supposed to get any empathy for him as we see his journey turning into the dark side I think we I'd say yeah empathy for sauron's a tricky one because he we we know that he does bad things right and he's kind of he's so villainous that we he's kind of known in pop culture as like a super a super villain so I don't think we necessarily should have empathy for him but what I hope is that the audience understands where he's coming from in terms of his intentions like he wants to heal and rehabilitate Middle Earth but still don't think it I would go as far as we feel empathy for him because he does some pretty bad stuff to get to seek those um goals out you know with celebrar you know there's a lot going on throughout the whole series you know there you know so you guys as actors you know how much do you guys get to bond with the cast considering not everybody's in every frame and there's different storylines going left and right you know the one you guys get together is it doing uh ComiCon conventions or do you guys have a table read at one point or another exactly that we get together at ComicCon we get together doing doing our junkets and uh traveling as we've just been doing uh to various countries um but other than that you're right we just do our bit we're in our world and um and that's what the main excitement of seeing trailer or or some episodes is to see what everyone else has been doing yeah um and that's the like at Hall h the first time we saw the trailer was with everybody else in that audience and uh and it's just and it's a real celebration of what we've all been doing it's really fun what is saran's best shape shifting out what is his best uh what is the best one he how would you best describe him as a shape shifter I think I think he is more rather than a shape shifter I'd say sauron's a um he he can take different forms and I think that those forms rather than him just like randomly uh changing forms it's all with a purpose so it all has an intention and I think his anatar form is all you know aimed towards Kell bmore this season it's like what kind of God what what form would a god take on to best convince the greatest of Elvin Smiths to help him with a task and uh that's kind of where we got to with with anatar and and similarly with albrand he kind of tapped into a need of of gadriel in the first season with that form well said it's good to guys see you guys again keep it going we'll talk down the road thank you very much thanks wion see you man hey it's good to seeing you guys B Mor from black F TV here we are season two and from what I've watched so far it seems that some of you are in a journey and some are not how would you best describe without giving so much away what we expecting from the characters you guys play is I my face I reacted when you said that I like because I I saw what you did there um there are journeys there's there are journeys everyone has a journey in the show I must uh I must tell you um uh yeah like the the the season the season starts I mean we ended first season you know uh with Darkness arriving second season darkness is here there's no question about it you have to figure out what you do where you go who you are in this uh um in this new reality of Middle Earth and inevitably every single person whether they move physically or not there's a journey either exterior like in the exterior or within nobody escapes that as saon has shaken our entire reality and F G galot obviously he looks like the overseer of everything else you know yeah and I always wonder do he he doesn't seem like he has a worry on his face he says this thing will sh this Cho shall pass but we come to see it's not what more can you say yeah the elves are messed up man um I think that's what's beautiful about what tolking created and what the showrunners are doing is that every species is fallible you know that they have so much experience that they are so wise but at the same time it's a testament to how powerful evil can be but it's been growing right under your nose and well like isma said yeah Middle Earth is in a state of becoming and we have to figure out what we're going to do about it you know the one thing I wanted to say is that when I was in college the one thing I regret was never taking archery no so I'm GNA ask you how good are your skills at this point I'm wonderful incredible you don't have to toot your horn he's he's he's dead eye man I like know something that I never thought I would actually take but then on a serious note you realize you realize the depth of what it is as an art as well because it's like book books written about and what not but it's also just the Ultimate Weapon that every civilization up until now has used for the most part except us and it is the one that will get you alive during the zombie apocalypse so I feel great about it yeah I mean the the bow and arrow well guess how genas Khan took over the planet mhm that was the nuclear weapon of its time absolutely and it's still I mean it's a beautiful beautiful thing but yes I I yes he can shoot I can shoot you should see this video of him shoot can you there's a video you gotta watch that proves it I'll be on Instagram now now that we're in season two and I always say that you know when it comes to series and there's a lot of investment in this one but just like every other show out there you know Season Two spells confidence you know it tells the people now we can get into it because people like hate to get invested and then the show's gone after one season at what point for each of you did you know okay I can be in this role because it's a little bit of job stability was it the minute you started playing a row the midle of the production or you got the worry that okay we're coming back for a season two well I mean I think I can't speak for everybody but I think everybody from the word jump knew that we had the support I mean the investment of course but really the support of Amazon on and our creative team that we were going to go the distance otherwise don't do it this wasn't no nobody's taking a gamble on this in terms of well we hope they like it we know they like it and we're proud of it and we've got a long way to go so um no I don't I don't know we haven't really thought of it that way we mostly think how how well can we do today and uh it is you're right it is a luxury to have job stability but with that comes a lot of responsibility and I think everybody takes that seriously yeah and I'll second that we I think Amazon had it from the beginning and they said we're going to do this and we're going to do this right and we're going to do this for the long run and I think that uh you know that was the blessing and that's what was communicated and so far that's what they've kept their word and you feel it it doesn't feel unstable it feels like we're going to make this season right we're going to tell the story right and then we'll get into the other season you know I feel quite certain that I'll be seeing I mean the B character you get rid of his dades yes so let's keep it going see hope to see more obviously the proof is in the work the acting the scope of the series so congrats we'll talk down the road thank you thanks man hey how's it going hey so wi arounds from Black TV here we are season two uh obviously we don't want to say so much because people want to be enthralled week after week what sort of Journey are we all on with the stranger Mar yeah what Journey we on with the stranger I mean I think for Nori's From nory's perspective umun exciting it's a full it's really it's a lot a lot of Adventure again and I think now she knows whenever she's with him there's a level of danger that she's going to be exposed to whether it's directly related to him or you know whenever she's kind of on a journey and exploring the unknown there's risks associated with it so um I think for her it's just really wanting him to find his home and find the meaning behind those stars and doing what she can to help him and also finding her own purpose um as well and Megan what's your journey like going to be what are we expecting wow yeah I think there's a very personal Journey for poppy this season which is sort of you get to really see her growth and character development which you've kind of already seen throughout season one but it kind of just develops further in different Avenues this season um she explores parts of her life that she never even really knew existed or there was a possibility that it could exist um and you get to really um experience that as an audience member with her which I also find really lovely um you know one of those things is Matt breeding um and taking care of a community of people um of people's rather um and you know feeling a certain type of weight on her shoulders that she's never felt before because she hasn't had to um she's scared about the unknown um and it's a different type of unknown the lands that they're in the rules are completely different and I think they're also quite aware as characters that there is a game of chess going on but they don't know what um pieces they even are or when the end is going to be um so I think their the elements are kind of expanded um and you really get to see them in moments of extreme Daniel you're the riddle no one can figure out you know and so like you know you they ask you for one thing you do something other you know it's like do when you read it when you're reading a script it's like do you know what you're supposed to do it's that's a good question I mean I feel like um that's the great thing about working on this show is that when you get the script and you know I don't feel like I'm alone I feel like there's a hair and makeup team there's a costume Department there's a dialect coach there's a movement coach season one you know there are great actors who I'm working with they're great directors they're showrunners you know who are writing the whole stuff so there's a whole team there who can really Channel where the stranger goes and I and I feel I'm lucky to yeah on screen I'm I'm sort of the body who the stranger is coming through but but it's such a huge um group effort to tell these individual stories and and we can throw around ideas you know whether it's in rehearsal or before before rehearsal we can throw around all sorts of ideas about where where the decisions might go where the choices might go and then come to a place where we can serve the story best with with these decisions and sometimes that's sort of a bit left field and sometimes you know it's surprising and and I think that that's all to the good you know that makes for exciting Telly and hopefully people are enjoying watching it are we GNA get any idea this season as to who the stranger is hey I think you know who he is I think you already know you know you've watched literally from his Inception in Middle Earth you've seen every interaction that he's had so at the point that we've got to um you know you know him better than any other character whether we know a name for him yet I mean there are a few names on the table obviously dock is one of our favorites um but uh you know I I still feel like people already know this character um they know what he he stands for and and what you know where he want what he what part he wants to play in the future of Middle Earth and for me the question is whether he'll be able to do any of that you know in in the coming season you know we've got a lot to go with obviously uh you know some episodes feature some of you some of them don't but you know that's good of it you know because you got to take its time so thank you for coming back we'll talk down the road because I know there's GNA be more seasons to come take care by

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