Category: Gaming
Stick around to learn more about how surfshark lets you browse the web freely and securely plus get four additional months for free when you sign up using offer code skillup at surf forge sl skillup gamers when concord was first revealed i made a flippant offhand joke being like oh let's hope... Read more
Category: Gaming
I think it's fairly safe to say that concord will go down in history as the biggest flop or at least up there with some of the all-time terrible games ever made but just a day after sony announced that they're closing down concord and retooling it do we hear about their next big game as a service called... Read more
Category: Gaming
Che questo gioco fosse un fallimento ce ne eravamo accorti un po' tutti ma una catastrofe simile vi giuro che non me l'aspettavo nonostante avessi pessime sensazioni concord è stato appena chiuso da sony proprio così il gioco si spegnerà il 6 settembre e non è più in vendita a partire proprio da ieri... Read more
Category: Gaming
É galera para a surpresa de zero sério zero pessoas concorde que foi lançado o 23 de agosto terá seus servidores fechados no dia 6 de setembro isso mesmo menos de 15 dias o estúdio firewalk não é o fire sprite eu sempre eu confundo mas é firewalk disse que eles devolverão todo o dinheiro de todo mundo... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Never has there been a finer example of getting woke equals going broke as firewalk studios is now planning to shut its game concord down completely as of september 6th and they're also going to be offering everybody refunds this is a story that i absolutely had to share with you all today funny enough... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Well that was quick what else is there to add really concord shutting down 14 days after launch this has got to be some sort of record surely this must be a first in video game history right a live service game launching and then dying in two weeks i mean granted this was a particularly vast economic... Read more
Category: Gaming
Ada yang lagi ramai nih dibahas dunia pergamingan guys ada game daidem yang bernama concord yang lagi rame dibahas minggu-minggu ini gue jelasin dulu ini game apa ini game fps tembak-tembakan ya mirip-mirip lah ya kayak overwatch gameplay-nya yang lagi rameai apanya nih ternyata game ini bakalan ditutup... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So lo and behold ladies and gentlemen another dei game from a subsidiary of sony themselves is making the rounds on the internet after concord's incredible failure with only double- digit players and a lack of sales and refunds being given out to everybody now as the game is shutting down concord has... Read more
Category: Comedy
Hey kou rosie and classic kou great news today we are going on vacation yay yay yay i could use a little vacation now now let's settle down i haven't even told you guys where we're going yet well where are we going we are going to the great wolf lodge waterer park and resort in concord north carolina... Read more
Category: Gaming
Uma semana após lançamento do concord já tá aparecendo algumas notícias sobre o fato do jogo já está tendo problemas de encontrar partida e também a gente vai falar um pouquinho das vendas dele aqui será que tá ruim mesmo eu joguei o concord aí depois de uma semana de novo eu vou aqui comentar para... Read more
Category: Gaming
Всем привет геймеры с вами xbox man и сегодня у нас на повестке дня крайне интересная тема эксклюзив playstation который обещал быть грандиозным проектом но внезапно оказался одним из самых провальных релизов последних лет речь идёт о concord если вы ещё не поняли шутере от firewalk studio который многие... Read more
Category: Gaming
I got a$1 million concord and my dad said i need to put it in the so it can grow over the years well that's fantastic a really smart decision sony and it's gone so i made a video a few weeks ago i said i thought concord was dead on arrival now i'm not going to sit here and champion that video or that... Read more