Can Irish Recipes Win This Contest? - My Kitchen Rules UK

Introducing the Competition Britain and Ireland it's time to take part in the ultimate cooking competition turning up the heat two expert judges professional chef and baking Queen Lorraine Pascal don't let the smile fool you I'll say it how it is and International michelan Star Chef Jason Aon I take my food really ser seriously and I'm looking for those homecooks who also share that same passion and desperate to impress 12 enthusiastic amers it's going to explode oh my God cooking in couples we are best friends we live together we work together we cook together and we're neighbors he's my hairdresser it's region against region welcome to SC listen we're Team whales right we are the best W oh crying out loud first they'll host Super siiz dinner parties they're not crispy they comeing some sort of nightmares to wow the judges to me the dish is a disappointment and their Rivals I wish I hadn't eaten it actually Philip's got a game thing you see it in his eyes before being pushed to their limits your kitchens are parked behind you cooking for crowds a never cooked this m people before it's insane and ultimately they'll fight for survival in cookoffs against the clock you fail to deliver you go to sudden death faster right faster faster faster no no no Partnerships will be pushed to Breaking Point just hideous as the teams battle it out for a prize of £25,000 these guys may be home Cooks now now but by the end of this competition I'm expecting restaurant quality dishes and to be crowned the champions of My Kitchen Rules the competition is [Music] on the adventure begins at My Kitchen Rules headquarters we cannot believe that we're actually here the kitchens look stupid tendous It's So Posh and it's so fancy today the teams come face to face with the judges so scary seeing Jason in the rain it's just so much pressure right now Welcome to My Kitchen Rules headquarters this is where the best of you will ultimately fight it out The Instant Restaurant Round Begins let's get the competition started the first stage is the instant restaurant round each team will host a three course dinner event in their Hometown your guests will be the other teams and us the judges you will be scored on your food at the end of the instant Restaurant Round the team with the lowest score will be eliminated from the competition the first team to cook [Music] is clar Rebecca from Dublin Ireland can't believe they're all going to my house can't believe Lorraine and Jason are going to sit down at the dining table and going eat our food I'm really really pleased it's not us first so relieved that it wasn't us I wanted to go first go collect your mik Kitchen Rules aprons and knives [Music] Game Face Lady no game face the competition kicks off in Dublin and facing the daunting task of going first school jums Claire and Rebecca go lady okay lady got everything day well let's go through the list and make sure we're so excited to go first very scary Magi mix got the suvie machine we definitely want to demonstrate we have a real passion for food and we cook with love so we just hope that comes [Music] across we met at school when we were 12 and uh ever since been best friends ever since I'm a social care worker for a homeless charity and I'm a barer I specialize in family law but then as soon as 5:00 comes it's run straight home to together just a little bit too much food is definitely our biggest passion obsessed cooking cooking cooking in the kitchen Claire and I are quite different Becca is very organized has lots of lists and lists and lists 165 g of sugar she is also very busy you're going to chop some mint about 24 leaves very finely yes ma'am Claire is disorganized okay iotic messy it's like it's going to explode oh my God okay let's stop it and have a look and [Laughter] drunk but before they can get going on their three course Masterpiece let's do this the girls have to pop to the shops Claire and Rebecca's Game Plan so I've got the list we've got everything on the list we just need to be meticulous about ticking it off we come toland there's definitely got to be potatoes on the menu aren there yeah lots of potatoes potatoes maybe a pint of Guinness thrown in there somewhere as well quick quick we definitely want to show off all the amazing produce Ireland has everyone loves the Spud no your beef cheeks wow they look great would you be able to TM them up for us yeah of course bursting with national pride the main course brazed beef cheeks in Irish Stout with colan and potato cake and glazed carrots Bingo that's the type of food I expect when I get off the plane in Ireland to eat taking a sneaky peek at the menu judges Lorraine Pascal and Jason Aon I love beef chicks it's just one of the most beautiful pieces of meat you could ever eat if they braze them long enough you can eat them with a spoon thanks a lot I think they're just trying to say we're true to our Roots proud to be Irish which is wonderful to see just going down through the list now ladies so we're just keep it in order yeah my list is getting messy I want a new list somebody has to be organized I've got it all up here organized that one or this one that one coming okay let's run over there and get the carrots we had a vision in mind we wanted the carrots green Sprouts on top real kind of traditional they have only two packets of this that's not going to be enough to feed our guests so we got baby baby carrots they are really annoying to prepare we don't have a choice a carrot is a carish it's a carish what does it matter there's a big difference between a carrot that size St normal carrot doesn't matter wreck my head those carrots are going to be a [ __ ] nightmare I completely panicked little apologize it's okay girls how are you so we're looking for uh around 12 portions of Clare Island salmon no problem at all let's do a quick for their first course the girls are taking on some tricky techniques serving salmon SED with samfire aoli and balsamic pearls suid is a restaurant style way of cooking you cook it in a water bath at a low temperature it has to be exact so you serve it and it looks almost raw but when you eat it it's cooked so it's quite a clever way of doing it but it takes a lot of skill to get it right thank you it is a seriously risky dish balsamic and white wine vinegar okay I'm interested by balsamic pearls that sounds like some Molecular Gastronomy I think to choose a starter with this many skills in is high risk okay lady that's all the sh tonight the girls must put on the ultimate dinner party go go go oh heavy for 12 guests with Skyhigh standards their rival teams and the judges okay okay first things first so Claire's mom's dining room is being transformed got your mom's Chairs into a pub let's not get it lopsided because I'm so short and you're so tall it's called Shenanigans because it means mischief and we feel that that kind of sums us up really definitely good Irish Pub is usually crammed full of random stuff so much pressure right now and scares to Jesus asan seriously amazing the rules of the instant Restaurant Round are simple team Ireland can only start cooking 3 hours before their guests arrive go go go go okay it started aprons on aprons it's got her names in Ireland there amazing Claire and Rebecca are now cooking against the clock this is actually happening what are we doing if this was my instant restaurant even before I even touch the starters desserts anything the first thing I would do is get these beef cheeks in the oven if they don't braid them long enough it can be like having a piece of Tire in your mouth I'm going to do short bread first okay and then on to the rest of the dessert soon as we get that in and out of the oven then the there'll be room for the beef cheeks be nice we're really excited about our dessert we put these in yep go for it it's a little bit cheeky it's a little bit fun and it's the rather unusually Cooking Under Pressure named ladies Irish Breakfast ladies's Irish Breakfast now for dessert sounds intriguing it's a take on eggs and soldiers you've got the shortbread biscuits like the little soldiers to dip into your egg I've already got the shakes what am I going to be like later and we have a holiday egg with lemon cream orange curd so it looks like a nice runny yolk and know what looks like an Irish coffee so it's chocolate coffee mousse with a whiskey cream so this is the arish coffee Essence and if everything goes according to plan it will look really cute yeah I'm making a mess it's the Moose is it just getting it into the cups yeah it's hard work I need to do them now so they have time to set in the fridge and I'm making a mess look at the state of this like it's okay okay get it into the fridge quick sticks pudding prepped look at the clock oh my God going to get on to the beef finally time to get moving on the main just want to guess this done as quickly as I can cler I'm already feeling way behind time you're okay lady just get that and then it's in the oven then it's in the oven so I'm getting my veggies in clear leaks celery carrots I'm just going to kind of free flow with the Guinness but before the beef cheeks even reach the oven okay I'll be back in a minute an urgent delivery hi baby hi Rebecca's husband thank you with some stuffed owls got her on stressed bye love you too I was Lally like thanks a see you later bye it added to our instant restaurant so it made everything look great in our Pub but it was quite stressful for the main course I just wanted it in the oven basically in Dublin already feeling way behind time school friends Claire and Rebecca are just minutes away from the grand opening of Shenanigan's Irish Pub got the Mane in the oven the potatoes are peeled and ready to boil but you need to bag up the fish bag get up the fish yeah for our starter we are serving SED salmon we are cooking that quite slowly in a water bath which is the suid machine okay CL Rebecca's menu is very ambitious but I like that we are looking for the best amateur Cooks in UK and Ireland to prepare the fish they're sealed into individual vacuum bags and placed in the water bath just going to make sure all the air is sucked out of these bags m not happy with that one she starting to annoy me slightly what's wrong h i just some of the bags just aren't sealing like they won't work if they don't seal yeah I know that's why I'm leaving them to one side time's running out for the girls okay they're not really working do you want to swap for a bit we get clustr on their way five teams with no idea what's on tonight's menu Island are kicking off the competition we're so excited but they must be so nervous must be beside themselves I wish we had another Dinner Guests Arrive [Music] eror we're raring to go out raring to see what everybody else has got and compare their standards to ours that's here to here so scared Panic stations ready coming up to the door you could kind of see true it a bit and I was like there's so many people there so many welcome competition is on wow oh it's amazing I really felt that I was in a pu and the more I looked around the more details I saw the more I realized it was really really clever this is beex I'm Claire no I'm beex this is Claire yeah exactly and Welcome to our traditional Irish pop hopefully you enjoyed the food okay hi God that was intense what the hell I just called myself Claire and I called you Rebecca what feels warm and friendly and publike to me I wouldn't think of an Irish theme see had nice room nicely done but it didn't hit me Irish I thought the Irish Pub sign gave it away that's exactly what I thought yeah we thought that philli and Emma were husband and wife Philip's my hairdresser really oh oh oh the hairdressing Sal it's very exclusive I run into like a private hairdressing Club clients have to be members to get over their head and Philip can talk can talk for wealth I'm Emma I'm a busy M of three and I'm Phillip and I'm a hairdresser and we're from W Wales we run a supper club champ hold the evening to bring people together who have an affinity for food it's small and exclusive our standards of food are very high we like the very fine dining the very elegant the Black Tie everything has to be just right I'm not the type of person to go to a restaurant have food which is inadequate and not say anything about it cheers everybody cheers I think combined we're going to make a really very very competitive team to all our fellow contestants good luck you'll need it me and Steph met when we were both working as waitresses in my auntie's Cafe we live together we work together together we met each other about 5 years ago y we worked together for the fire brigade she thought Danny and Kev were butchers yeah Kev was the mess manager probably the most important person on the fire station really cuz he supplies all the food I'll just slap it on the plate and if I'm not wearing the food by the end of the meal then know have enjoyed it you know my first impression tub guys I could drink in a pub with not the type of people that I would sit around the dinner table with then he's the Posh one out the two of us uh he tries to make the the dinners a little bit more finesse I'll get the bit of parsley big a little bit of mint you laugh but it does look nice there was one point when there was a little belch came up from his to parsley yeah it's a parley but there are still two guests missing within a couple of minutes the judges are going to turn out well they're so talented aren't they you know let's be honest I tell you as occur should we all stand when they walk [Music] in the judges Mel as starred Chef Jason Aon and baking Superstar Lorraine Pascal this is the first instant restaurant of the competition it's really exciting they're going to set the tone that the other teams have to beat I think we're in for a lot of fun Irish hospitality is some of the best on the planet and I just not wait to get stuck [Music] in okay let's go I'm not ready you're ready you're ready for this very scary moment have her cookbooks it's like you're at my door hello hello welcome Mond day to our restaurant hello how you all doing thank you tonight we're going to be serving you some traditional Irish ingredients mixed up with some modern techniques and a bit of beex and Clair flare you'll find your menus on the back of the Stout bottles so we're going to get back in the kitchen we'll see you soon very C isn't it really good cute right think yeah yeah we agree we love okay we have a lot to do g face on okay salmon on okay let's do that quickly it's nerve-wracking being the first contestant to put up a dish in the competition SUV salmon is the first dish The First Course: Sous Vide Salmon it's at the right temperature the bags are looking good they're kind of saying that oh well we think we can do all this so if we don't we're going to look like egyps I think it was a really intimidating menu wow wow the first thing up there is soused salmon straight away the bars to me is up there really everyone man the table's going oh right they've s it they've SED it and I was like looking at her going like what the hell s think I was reading sou viy at F it's going to be in for 30 minutes 40° okay back s this is very nerve-wracking will you just give that a a quick stir with a spoon and then we wanted to try balsamic pearls we plunge balsamic vinegar into cold oil it forms these spherical shapes and it's quite scary moment as well cuz you really don't know if it's going to work until that balsamic hits the oil and then it just Falls it will almost look like caviar sitting on top of our salmon I'm not hello hello girls gr I thought I'd pop in to see how it's all going caught us at a crucial moment I like crucial so what's going on trying to make our balsamic pearls they're working more or less I think we've got plenty help salmon the salmon is about to come out of the bath what sort of texture are you looking for with the salmon just a m in your mouth silky smooth what temperature have you been cooking at 40 40 how long 30 30 minutes it's long is it I was like Claire go and get that salmon out of the bath immediately no there was that one minute left are you happy with that you think that's okay yeah the color looks good it's changed just B we'll see you in there thank you so CL what was Jason saying about the fish everything's fine Claire and Rebecca still have a lot on their place we need the alioli to Packa punch you can get the garlic off maybe a bit too much it's nice you garlic it's lovely garlic will you taste this s for salty but lovely they're very salty aren't they yeah how are your balls looking beex okay they're not really working what yeah that's the first time they haven't worked [ __ ] Just go with it that's what we have we've just got enough balsamic pearls to go around flavors are there we've really tried our hardest okay let let's do this let's do [Music] this folks starter is served the Rival teams will have to wait a while longer as the judges are the first to taste at the end of the night they'll score each dish out of 10 than first dish under the spot light that little known Pub classic Su feed salmon with balsamic [Music] pearls s is a big ask cuz this is restaurant standard cookery and when I came into the kitchen I walked away think it was going to be completely overcooked but the salmon is is cooked beautifully when you break into it it's nice and soft that's what you're trying to achieve with suid thank you I love the way it was cooked and it's presented beautifully but guys the sfire is incredibly salty we noticed as we tasted it it needs a really good rinse we need to get that salt out and the ioli is very garlicky your balsamic pearls haven't worked out for you it was very adventurous to put them on the menu but it was kind of this splodge instead of these little balls but thank you very much for your starter and I'll back to the kitchen thank you enjoy you thank you wa oh gosh that was intense intense wow okay how' you feel look we did our best they said the salmon was brilliantly cooked that's brilliant that's perfect and all the other things we kind of knew who doesn't like a bit of garlic bit of salt please enjoy your starter time for Claire and Rebecca's Rivals to get stuck in they will also score the meal at the end of the night it's not cooked enough for me it's a bit slimy I've never had this salmon before it's probably uh as it should be whether it's to my taste or not is another matter the texture there is just something smushy about it I'm not usually a fish eater and it's too jelly for me if that was pound fried you'd have had that little bit of crunch and I think that would have been lovely each cooking technique you use delivers different textures but that's the whole point of it we don't always panry every piece of fish we poach it steam it SED it and this was supposed to be a soft texture the girls achieved what they were trying to achieve but some of the guys just didn't get it I'm not a fan at Claire and Rebecca's instant restaurant I know this should work but it doesn't after a lukewarm response to their starter I'm testing sire um not a A Long Wait for the Main Course lot else the second course will have to be spot on I'm pleased we got a stew the beef cheeks with the old Stout I'm looking forward to that heavy but in the kitchen when I took that beef out of the oven my heart sank the girls are in a bit of a stew meat still needs a lot of cooking down so fatty I mean look at this the sauce just needs to reduce more just want to get it reducing it seems to be a long time since we've had the starter why is it taking so long starting to get hungry so much to think about just a million things the Coan and potato cake basically a fancy way of saying mashed potato and cabbage hey big do you want these not like wao what's that mean that's lovely not the the company's bed but I'm just thinking I want some food but there's one more Mammoth task to tackle all righty Rebecca's tiny carrots what are we going to do with these little fellas they're baby aren't they they're babies damn you carrots bane of my life I feel like we're really behind a bit people will waiting at the dinner table for way too long in a normal restaurant environment you have to feed people on time while people don't pay their bill this is a joke I'm going to chop my fingers off if I ever see another card again it'll be too soon yeah I don't like cards anymore I have no idea how long this is going to take and one if you break it down it is a stew I think if there was a delay like this you come in to see your guests I was timing it we were left on our own over an hour over an hour oh I don't even know what I'm doing I just felt like time was slipping away all right get frying them bad boys up oh I hate doing this I think they're like where the hell is the food never had this kind of pressure you know proper guests in the restaurant that you have to waiting for our food oh you burning up almost there lady you were definitely fading away on me there you were just hello anybody home I don't know lost the whole sense my cakes were falling apart and so was I yeah okay let me ask you a question would you get up and walk out of a restaurant if you waited an hour for your next course would you get up and walk out of a restaurant if you I think I would by now yes I was quite uncomfortable with some of the comments that were being made at that stage particularly by Phillip Philip's got a game plan you you see it in his eyes he wants to win I think he's going to find any little thing and score low and score score someone low on it be producing quite a bit now actually I hate doing this okay let's get this out we don't want our guest to starve some of this meat is really really good and some of it is fatty we'll just try and keep an eye on that for the judges the sauce is not looking too bad it's regained a bit of its life what ones are we given to Lorraine and Jas this one and that [Music] one after almost 2 hours sorry about the waste the main course finally makes it to the [Music] table we were just felt so low at that point like please atat our food just e should tell us it's terrible and come and get out of here please they taken so long to do this they couldn't have been happy with that the carrots there's actually something that my 5-year-old would do on his plate the plates were dirty there was finger marks couple of of carrots that fell over it was sloppy will the beef be worth the wait CLA Rebecca your main course took a long time to get to the table and you know that right would have been nice if you'd have come out and told us what was happening cuz we were in the dark here beef cheeks are one of my personal favorites I've had them on my menu for 10 years some of the fiercest food critics in the country have called my beef CHS majestical Jewel like if only you knew so if they're not tender after waiting so long that is the ultimate cardinal sin but they're nice and tender God Jesus the sauce was rich it was full of flavor I would have loved a little bit more C Canon potato cake quite big and it did soak up all that sauce which was a bit of a shame and the presentation the Star Trek thing going on there we we we had a small issue with our carrot Supply today that's how we do it over here you saw Star Trek I saw Stonehenge it looked like some summer solstice thing going on around these beef cheeks but they really tried to put some effort into their presentation they did but it was 2 hours for the main course 2 hours Man 2 hours of my life gone enjoy your main course yeah look at that look mine's quite fatty good bit of fat Beef Cheeks Under Scrutiny there I was a bit disappointed to be honest I'm so hungry I tried to eat it but there's a huge amount of fat in this little bit of meat I done beef cheeks before and it just broke apart and and knees didn't I thought Dan was very critical think had a bun in his oven the be his bunnet I loved it loved it I really enjoyed it my cheats were really really tender but it's interesting to see everybody's PL who's finished and who hasn't and so there's a certain inconsistency maybe dun can sh it I thought they looked like they knew how to cook why cuz the way he dressed and he had those like glasses on like the intelligent ones do you think consistency has been a problem here think if you went to a restaurant and somebody else got a better dish than you did you'd be really put out wouldn't you just going to check these lemon creams CLA if you want to have a look see if you're happy see if they're set after mixed reviews for the first two courses okay they definitely set no more disasters all hopes are pinned on PUD we just want this dessert to be perfect perfect now don't know what to expect from a lady's Irish Breakfast whatever delays or issues we had in our previous courses we can bring it home with the dessert personally I'm not dessert sort of kind of guy spotty dick and custard that's it at fire station really I wasn't entirely sure on the foodin of that team I'm not looking forward to the coffee in the dessert because I don't like coffee in desserts although I'm a coffee drinker I really wonder whether they have the capabilities of producing fine dining but I'll give it a taste and see what it's like you shouldn't judge a book by its cover and Danny and cev I think they're a couple to watch I hope what's going to come up is going to sort of blow me away my hands stop shaking I have to be very delicate with the eggs with lemon cream in it they can break in my hands I have to gently take out the little middle bits of the orange C could sit in there and it looks like a nice runny yolk so I'm making the whiskey cream we want to get the balance right not have it too overpowering okay I'm adding in the first cap okay go with the first cup I can smell it [Music] already definitely not enough oh it's there it's really there it's almost closing time at Claire and Rebecca's Irish Pub I really hope the look at this slows them away there's just one last chance to impress okay this is for Lorraine this is for Jason happy steady hands 100% wow no broken [Music] eggs dessert is served what did you say after the beef cheeks I'm scared you very scary I'm most nervous about Lorraine she's a dessert Queen balls oh I can't believe I dropped the egg she lost all her composure there might have been a little word slipped out there as she as the egg hit the floor but it was the best part of the evening I come back on an egg an egg Splats on the floor and I'm just thinking oh dear rule number one make sure all the elements can make it out to the table thank goodness for spares thank you will Claire and Rebecca's ladies Irish Breakfast hit the spot CLA and Rebecca I was intrigued as to how you're going to serve Dessert Redemption this but I really really think that this is absolutely beautiful you've got the flavors right the balance is beautiful orange C which is really tricky to make you can really taste that orange come through the chocolate mousse it's light it's fluffy I think unfortunately the whiskey cream is quite overpowering but it kind of kills a bit of the chocolate I totally disagree with lorine I think whiskey cream is Pitch Perfect this dessert would stand up anywhere the shortbread Sensational the chocolate mousse is light and Airy the whiskey cream is Sensational the presentation is Michelin quality no two ways about it and if one of my pastry chefs in any of my restaurants gave me this it will go straight on the menu period absolutely first class it's fantastic really really well done Pinch Me slap you thank you very [Applause] much kill me now J I think Jason Aon just gave you a job as one of his pastry chefs lady oh my God unbelievable he said it was a mellin star dish he did so everyone please go ahead and enjoy your desser can the final dish Silence the Critics gous love presentation this is divine it was excellent I extremely enjoyed it I feel like a 5-year-old I think is amazing it just just delighted me it it was moving from cooking towards art that was brilliant the thought process to do all that HS a to honestly I can't remember the bad stuff now that is just fireworks at the end it's time for the teams to deliver their verdicts on Claire and Rebecca's meal I thought that the fish for the starter the technique that they had used was quite unusual and quite challenging but it wasn't really worth the effort it's not cooked enough for me it's a bit slimy I can eat it the texture is just too liquidy the cheek for the main course it turned out to be delicious part of mine was gly you know tough gz you know so it wasn't consistent presentation wasn't finesse at all it was just basic Pub grub dessert I thought was really nice it was very cute very Quin I loved the Moose I got so excited when I was eating it I was blown away by it it took me back to Childhood each team will now score the evening out of 10 the menu read really well but they didn't come up to that expectation of that menu I don't think so with the flavors I'm struggling to go over a fire hon a six could have gone to maximum but now I agree with you five the dessert really was wild but you've got to take into consideration everything else that's happened over the course of the evening yeah I think 5 yeah 5 I wonder what in Earth was going on in that kitchen that they had to spend so much time in the kitchen I would give a six six six yeah I was going to go for six but that dessert made me forget the weight a seven I am really really disappointed the evening didn't work I was ready to get up and walk out after the after the first course happy then we're going to give a fall for this I've got to agree with you for fall it was a disaster with the team's marks total it's crunch time for Claire and Rebecca you ready for this no just got to do it okay let's so whatever happens it's okay we tried our hardest we did let's [Music] go CLA and Rebecca the guest teams have given you a combined score of 27 out of 50 very low they're basically saying well we gave them an average night so they must be very tough critics I can't wait to see their food yeah me too and we will mark it accordingly it's like that is oh it is now it is Bring it on now it's our Scores and Reactions turn we're going to score each dish out of 10 YK salmon [Music] soused the salmon was cooked successfully what led it down was the balance of flavors were a little bit out it was salty a little garlicky it didn't set the competition Al light and for that I'm going to give you a score of five unfortunately your balsamic pearls didn't pan out and your sfire really let the dish down it was a very ambitious dish but it didn't pay off I'm going to give you a five your main course beef cheeks in Guinness with Co can and potato cake and carrots the beef cheek broke apart beautifully I just loved the SCE was full of flavor but you kept us waiting a very long time for it to come and unfortunately it has cost you marks I'm going to score you a six mine was beautifully tender but other people said the beef cheeks were chewy and fatty so it's just really important to consider consider the consistency so we all get the same I give you a score of six so for your ladies Irish [Music] Breakfast as you know I started as a pastry chef so I do have very high expectations the presentation was really really clever unfortunately the whiskey cream I thought was a little bit strong I'm going to give you an eight thank you the presentation was Sensational it just stopped everybody in their tracks and that's what this competition is all about seeing everybody's personality on a plate for that I'm going to give you a [Music] [Applause] nine to get an eight and a nine amazing so so proud a brilliant way to end life the best way to end the night yeah that gives you a total score of 66 and that is the score to beat [Music] Claire and Rebecca have scored 66 points and head up the leaderboard for now we got to aim for a 70 just or even more if we can get there I am now convinced that we have every chance of winning this competition when all six couples have cooked the team with the lowest score will be eliminated let's hold on to our score yeah and not that I wish bad on anyone but I hope someone's kitchen B no next time this is the star of our show this is definitely a winning menu the competition heats up got down at least 80 chilies he's going to blow them away it is a bit of a Gamble and Danny and Kev come under Fire I've got a B I just be careful with that awkward I think Danny and Kev have actually hit their peig today [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]

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Category: Howto & Style

What's your favorite thing besides bagel and cream cheese like favorite food to eat it's got to be pizza but if it is a in a pot pie chicken pot pie turkey pot pie whatever it is i'm a huge pot pie guy you just throw all that good stuff in there put a little crust on top you got yourself a pot pie Read more

12 MUST-TRY Fair Foods at the BIGGEST State Fair in America | Minnesota State Fair Food Vlog thumbnail
12 MUST-TRY Fair Foods at the BIGGEST State Fair in America | Minnesota State Fair Food Vlog

Category: People & Blogs

Baba's hummus: the beauty & buffalo bowl [music] hey guys i am in europe doing ivf but i wanted to share some of my absolute favorite minnesota state fair foods with you because the fair just started i hope you enjoy and i will see you guys soon [music] all right so i'm kind of crouched down on the... Read more

First time watching Beetlejuice (1988) Movie Theater Reaction thumbnail
First time watching Beetlejuice (1988) Movie Theater Reaction

Category: Entertainment

Hello everybody we are trying something new here today uh excuse my tired look i've been editing it for a while all night so it's a movie theater reaction to the original beetlejuice uh it's something brand new that we're really excited about so please watch it it's short give your feedback comments... Read more

Who Would Jalen Hurts Invite To Dinner?: TIME100 Next thumbnail
Who Would Jalen Hurts Invite To Dinner?: TIME100 Next

Category: News & Politics

Intro foreign [music] [applause] [music] i'm proud to be a philadelphia eagle and play in front of the best fans in the world and that i'm sure proud to play with the teammates that i have so we're just excited for another opportunity ahead of us [music] dream dinner party we have a dream dinner party... Read more