Thai Fishcakes Fail or Fabulous? - My Kitchen Rules UK - Cooking Show

Meet the Judges and Contestants Britain and Ireland it's time to take part in the ultimate cooking competition turning up the heat two expert judges professional chef and baking Queen Lorraine Pascal don't let the smile fool you I'll say it how it is and International michelan Star Chef Jason Aon I take my food really ser seriously and I'm looking for those homecooks who will share that same passion and desperate to impress 12 enthusiastic amateur it's going to explode oh my God cooking in couples we are best friends we live together we work together we cook together and we're neighbors he's my hairdresser it's region against region welcome to SC listen we're Team whales right we are the best W oh crying out loud first they'll host super sized dinner parties they're not crispy they comeing some sort of nightmar to wow the judges to me the dish is a disappointment and their Rivals I wish I hadn't eaten it actually Philip's got a game thing you see it in his eyes before being pushed to their limits your kitchens are parked behind you cooking for crowds a never cooked this m people before it's insane and ultimately they'll fight for survival in cookoffs against the clock you fail to deliver you go to sudden death faster right faster faster faster no no no Partnerships will be pushed to Breaking Point just hideous as the teams battle it out for a prize of £25,000 these guys may be home Cooks now now but by the end of this competition I'm expecting restaurant quality dishes and to be crowned the champions of My Kitchen Rules the competition is [Music] on previously on My Kitchen Rules the first team to cook is clar and Rebecca from Dublin Ireland can't believe they're all come into my eyes school friends Claire and Rebecca kicked off the instant Restaurant Round but bit off more than they could chew when I took that beef out of the oven my heart sank and their first two courses they couldn't have been happy with that receiv received mixed reviews the salmon is cooked beautifully it's a bit slimy I'm not a fan round the table the guest teams got to know each other not the company's bad but I'm just thinking I want some food not the type of people that I would sit runed in a table with but a near perfect pudding this is absolutely beautiful sweetened the mood I'm going to give you a nine earning CLA and Rebecca six seven a total of 66 points and that is the score to beat but there are five teams still to The Firefighters' Thai-Inspired Menu cook the instant Restaurant Round continues in the south of England in the Glamorous County of Essex firefighters Danny and Kev have chosen a Swanky pad to host their super sized supper straight away they're going to know that the theme is going to be a tie influence I don't think they're going to miss it somehow and I don't think they're going to miss the fact that it's going to be hot we both like chilies and as we're firefighters we've decided to call it the Scoville station the Scoville scale is a the measure of the the heat of a chili plenty of water on the table just in case I think they might need a bit yeah [Music] I've been in a fireade for 22 years I retired from the fire service 6 months ago and I used to be his boss he thinks so I used to be the mess manager and do the cooking for the troops warm stuff up me warm stuff up I'm a very sort of basic type of cook and Danny was always popping in trying to take over Dan tries to be a little bit more um what's the word cheffy I fell in love with cooking quite sort of late really I thought I think I can I could do that rather than pile it high I like to try and bring in a little bit of finesse once you see someone enjoys what you've made the feeling is excellent I love it who's the best cook I would say I'm the best cook You' be a good Sue Chef Su Chef yeah he cooks i c there you go then I've pulled Kevin out of retirement he's going to get his apron back on and we're going to win it I'm going to be your wing man you are going to be my wing man and I'll be good with me Chopper right let's go today rather than a bunch of ravenous firefighters the boys will be cooking for 12 Discerning guests their rival teams and the judges we're really excited about hosting our inston restaurant we just got a score well mate we're hoping to push the bar a lot higher so that the other teams have got to try and catch us please the guest please the judges and the menu will do that I can't see them impressing with the food it's going to be massive no delicacy with those two Foodies no Pub boys Shopping Troubles and Adaptations yes before cooking can commence the boys have some shopping to do this is definitely a winning menu yeah this is it mate this is the star of our show yeah I've got down at least 80 chilies a selection of each it's going to blow them away checking out Danny and kev's menu the judges it lives and dies on Chili that's it it's in the St the main that it's even gone into their dessert it is a bit of a gamble a lot of people don't like chili and it's about getting the balance of the chili right in each dish how's that mate that's lovely that's just fresh green chili there's no heat in this at all when I say there's no heat in it no let's get the old fish the boy are starting their fiery Feast with Thai fish cakes and a homemade chili jam very very very very simple it's a staple in most high restaurants in the UK but if they pack that fish cake with really beautiful fish it's a wonderful thing I like to use a mixture of cod and salmon a nice little bit of squid in there goes a long way too we need some nice Cod card on its own is quite a plain tasting fish two kilos I think that be enough that be enough yeah pleas morning lad how you doing for their main course they're turning up the temperature with hot and sticky pork ribs served with bok choy straw potatoes and apple SLO Essex belly ribs we need we have 14 of them of course you can cheers mate thanks very much this is Giza food this is exactly what I expect two big Burly fireman to be cooking it is a tried and tested recipe and I've tried and tested them and I've tried and tested them and they're lovely draw potatoes I assume they're just getting potatoes and making them extra extra thin so thinner than french fries not a classic combination but obviously The Lads Love their chips so they've just thrown them in there let's go boy on the hunt for authentic flavors the boys visit an Asian food wholesaler oh okay where's the tie basle I'm trying to find spring onions so mate you got any tie Basel no just sold out and they ain't got any it ain't my fault come on let's go come on panco breadcrumbs mate where is it where is it where is it where is it they haven't got any come next to next to these are major ingredients you know what I mean it's going to change the complete taste sh in rice wine they haven't got it still searching for their Taste of the orans if we don't get an ingredient we're in trouble aren't we yeah next stop the super staring d one that would be the world Foods on it world world Foods feeling a little bit stressed at the moment Kev Kev where is he gone where are you then no Shing rice wine we're going to have to substitute we're going to get a nice Cherry rather than give it to the ladies we'll have that in the cooking good idea mate come on mate let's go adapt and overcome Chinese rice wine dropped Cherry Cherry Cherry in favor of something a little close closer to home oh brilliant right that do the boys are out of time we got a lot to do mate not get any ingredients that we want we've got sort think about throwing us out a bit hasn't it come mate straight through in just 3 hours their guests will [Music] arrive let's go the boys are now cooking Dessert Disaster: Chocolate Mousse Emergency against the clock what do we do now just get on with it Danny gets to work on his tie inspired starter C lime leaves and hands the dessert over to his soup Chef kev's making a chil chocolate mousse cake with cardamom cream pistachios and a raspberry sauce have you got it all on properly that's what I wanted Kevin to do was just focus on doing that dessert there you go thank you there's a lot of pressure on me because I haven't baked before I've only baked one other cake remember mate yours has got to be pitch per perfect didn't it don't give me the pressure mate I was a little bit concerned that Kevin hadn't baked before but I can't be holding his hand we'll be all right Kev what can go wrong eh well the judges could go down the takeway all mate there's the cake mixture ready to go cake in the oven got that for about 25 to 30 minutes and we'll check it Kev moves on to the Moose that will sit on top well Danny tackles the Cod wow look at the size of these ke their Thai fish cake starter okay there is bundles of bones in this mate bones bones bones bit of a school boy era I didn't have anything to get the bones out Dany solution a vegetable [Music] peeler that ain't coming out that ain't coming out I can't be missing about of it my Frid got really pull a finger out mate I'm going to make the chili jam oh yes 10 bird side chilies four bullet chilies Kev we ain't got the Shing mate so we've got this Sherry instead of the Shing yeah it's it's taking it down a different sort of Avenue but we got to do what we got to do a we mate it is absolutely gorgeous still needs some more time get on with that moose mate you're crafty putting me in charge of the cake let's give you s line she's a master Baker she's going to be tasting this it will be great to see Danny and Kev turn out a fabulous really light really fluffy really delicate dessert baking's for boys too this is the one we need to get right really I'm going to put the chilies in and then we can try it you got any cream in it not yet we've got R to Cream in a minute what all the liquid coming out it okay if it's getting too hot mate on no mate right after took that off call it down mate I think you've overheated it mate okay stop turning it um devastated you can see it's all starting to split all the cocoa Butter's coming out of it and he's still twisting it around making sure that it splits a little bit more the last call it's going to be ruined right got think in Essex firefighters Danny and Kev are about to open their instant restaurant but right now there's a chocolate mousse [Music] emergency I think you've overheated it mate what we got no chocolate no no we've only got half a bar left for the uh shavings we're gonna have to just mix it you're going to have to just try and mix it and see Fold It gently we'll whack it in the in the fridge and if it if it's pant we can't use it we can't use it adapt and overcome that's what our motto is let's start doing a rib sh the centerpiece of their meal hot and sticky pork ribs look at the color of these C coming up nice are they nice mate so we got drop shering it Kev instead of the Shing better check that cake go mate get on it little bit longer for me mate I re you sure y Kev 12 minutes F on their way Danny and kev's rival teams with no idea what's on the menu really hoping there's going to be no jelly deals there it's going to be fun but I don't know it's going to be sophistication P mash and steam puddings that's a clean skewer Dan right thickness not too thi feel it that's nice that's spongy that feels nice these ribs mate they can go in the oven now I suppose I should have used gloves cuz it's quite up I'm just trying to get the heat up on this Jam the mousse ain't looking too bad then oh Kev I think I've had a little bit of an accident here Kev five four look that oh M that's lovely three two one oh okay that's it mate [Music] let's do Dinner Guests Arrive at Scoville Station it hi the flowers at the door I thought it was going to be Hawaiian then yeah very catch today mate here we kiss me that scared me CH look at the chili wow very tropical yeah almost a little bit girly yeah SC scale heat and we're all thinking it's a spicy tie then I love it spicy I hadn't been expecting spicy food at all I was expecting big food I love spicy food would they be capable of doing it do that for last week's hosts clar and Rebecca it's their first time as dinner guests it was so nice to be sitting at the table instead of having to be in the kitchen welcome change for sure Danny and Kev they um seem like cheeky chappies so um one way to put it really give us the gossip then Danny does love criticizing um he's going to have to come out and take the criticism if his food isn't right apparently they were quite critical I have to talk to them about that there are two guests still to take their places the judges Lorraine Pascal and Jason Aon when you've got a cook for a numerous amount of people under pressure the fact that Kev was the fire station cook that's going to help I think cuz it couldn't be anything more scary than having 20 firefighters in front of you demanding their meal right but then Danny and kev's menu is very simple they're very simple things on the plate nowhere to hide so they're going to have to get it [Music] right judges arrived that's squeaky B time really there you go mate you take one I'll take the other you ready ready let's go for it hi guys welome how you doing very well little Garland for you they gave us the garlands it was nice and it was a nice touch I got a snog oh look at you it was a little bit bristly hello how are you all you yeah oh it looks lovely hello welcome to our restaurant the Scoville station we hope you enjoy yourselves and don't get too burnt so if you'd like to have a look at the menus okay thank you what hot and sticky these guys are going to really pack A- punch with the chili definitely I thought it's just very basic there wasn't much technical stuff going on in that menu at all was there no it's not pushing any boundaries they could be more ambitious but I think they're playing safe we want them to look handmade for their Thai fish cakes the firefighters have been forced to adopt Plan B I haven't got Shing wine I haven't got the tie Basel when I didn't have the panco breadcrumbs my whole Vision was was out the window they're not what we intended to do we intended to panate them in panco breadcrumbs I just want them to be small to be dainty and I'm just hoping and hoping that we've got enough other flavors and we'll have to just go with it I didn't expect fish cakes okay I think it could have been more ambitious they're playing safe and let's see how it goes I think food made well is good food regardless of any techniques or anything like that lovely I don't think you should over complicate Thai food it's all really about those basic kind of five elements you have like the sweet the sour and the rest of it Gabby said about the five principles of the Thai food but uh she tailed off after she got to two just focusing on the raw ingredients on their own Jam's lovely yeah nice and sweet good but it's got that chilly Ki this is a bit of us isn't it rough Edge plates but hopefully a little bit of class in the middle and lots of heat I love it Starters: Thai Fish Cakes Critique starters is taking him dishes out to them judges I was so nervous please enjoy they were physically shaking and I was quite surprised because these are guys who rescu people from burning buildings and just serving little old me and you a fish cake should be walking the park you sure thank you I wanted the judges the other contestants to think that boy can cook I looked it and thought is that it the menu should have read chili jam with occasional fish [Laughter] cake the fish cakes were looking a bit chicken nuggety yeah the Rival teams will have to wait a while longer to try the fish cakes as the judges are the first to taste at the end of the night they'll score each dish out of [Music] 10 D and I've got to be honest with you I am disappointed with the way the fish cake look quite small probably may have liked to have seen something a bit bigger we had to make a change from our original plan we know they're small but we tried to um make it so bit dainty they don't look as if they're going to be very tasty but I do like the flavor thank you very much as you may or may not know I'm big lover of Asian food and I have a lot of restaurants over in that part of the world the chili jam for me I don't think it's perfect I've got like this weird sort of sweetness going on there and I don't know what it is I've yet to pick it up that was the Cherry they knew it weren't sh they said it weren't quite right but they didn't they couldn't really twig they didn't think it was did they the actual fish cake it didn't look very appetizing but when I shut my eyes to smell it they did transport me back to Thailand you know there's no two ways about that but I've got a little bone there so just be careful with that when you're prepping fish make sure you take all the bones especially when you turn into fish cakes you know awkward that was really unlucky okay thank you very much thank you thank you enjoy please enjoy your starter and watch out for any Fishbones I'm sorry about that mate the fishbone the judge one fishbone I just mate I'm sorry it was a big bit of fish wasn't it yeah yeah Danny and kev's Rivals can now get stuck in they will also score the meal at the end of the night I think the fish cake taste is really delicate and really fragrant and I really wanted more I do like the the chili jam it I find it quite hot but I really love spicy food the fly with the fish kites were there they when I close my eyes transports me back to Thailand Micheline star Chef I think these boys they're not used to presenting food like this I think they tried and they got as far as they could with it but I think we all agree it could have been presented a little bit better and I had that in a pub I'd have just eaten it had it been in a restaurant I would have sent it back yeah I I don't think they push themselves very much AR dissh I think the two little Irish girls they were probably thinking wo we're safe in this competition now I reckon they were jumping with joy little Irish jigs going on inside them I think we can all throw together a fish cake maybe and fry it in the pan it wasn't anything to ride home about really I'm such a keep forgetting it's for 12 k a lot more food than you imagine is it it is yeah in Essex chil obsessed firefighters Danny and Kev are preparing Main Course: Hot and Sticky Pork Ribs their second course snow coming off them fantastic hot and sticky pork ribs yeah I know there's chil in them we're talking 12 plates of food here to get it all out All Uniform it's a big pressure it's got to be really good to be restaurant quality restaurant standard I think so and I don't think they are capable of it and why do you think that six cents he said something about his six cents didn't he really dead people yeah exactly I was thinking where are they around here the golden brown bit starting to melt off into that sauce I'm really worried about the rib to me it's the main event so we've got to make sure that we perform yeah we want the other teams to be thinking they're the team to beat okay now I forgot what you the bloody Ginger place that in and around them get them in there hi boys hello there how we getting on We're just trying to reduce down the the syrup on the ribs so You' separated them right yeah what we've done we just pan fried them right so we we get them nice golden color the first thing I noticed was the ribs have been separated and that for me is a massive no no always keep them on the rack to keep them moist also I spotted in that kitchen just to the right of me a bottle of cherry Sweet Cherry at that so I'm pretty convinced that found its way into our Jam I just hope that's not gone into the ribs you're going to be getting the the sweetness of the Cherry oh man that's nice alongside their ribs the boys are serving bok choy we want a nice little bit of crispness on there yeah another minute straw potatoes so they're stuck together look at that oh and apple SLO dress it mix it tast taste taste it might need a lot of salt mate you happy with a calorin MK hey look hands some mate bit of uh the old molden salt on it and uh well been come on care last push this is lovely mate look this is lovely and thick it wasn't the Shing effect that it should have but it was still succulent sticky sauce I think we've done Posh ribs and chips on a plate now we need to get these and get out get out let's go main course is Serv [Music] served once they served that they were in serious trouble with their scoring it just didn't Inspire it didn't look good as he was putting the plates down thanks Danny his hands were like that maybe he thought it's not it to stand it the ribs came out but there were no finger balls so I was thinking what am I supposed to [Music] do that's what we want need [Music] so Kev Danny when I popped into the kitchen and I saw all these pork ribs chopped up bubbling away on the stove thinking oh my gosh what have the boys done there you had Sherry to one side you po Sherry in there theyve chopped them up it looked like a dog's dinner I don't know what you did in that time frame for me leaving the kitchen coming here but you work some magic that's for sure I like the ribs they're sticky and they're hot exactly what it says on the menu not really sure what the straw potatoes has to do with Asian inspired pork rib never in a million years where I put straw potatoes and Asian ribs together ever I love the sauce on your ribs it is beautiful but to me the rest of the dish is a disappointment the straw potatoes are overcooked they're more like crisps the SLO I'm not getting a massive balance of different flavors I'm just predominantly getting some sweetness the BOK Cho I think is way overcooked you know we're looking for restaurant quality food and this wasn't thanks very comments hope you enjoy it [Music] enjoy your mles guys than thank you what do you think on that then mate it's the flavor combinations I think that goes he's if he says that doesn't go with that that ain't going with that ever again no I want to improve K let's get some finger bols out there m okay I'll cut some uh lemon up yeah it does need a finger it does and now it's SP pork on my CH delicious I love this I like eating with my fingers sometimes and I think this represents them it's a hearty man's dish I'm I'm really enjoying it I think good pub food restaurant standard I a don't think so Philip says average Pub grub quite a bit doesn't he he does it was ribs chips and Co saw um which I thought was typical of what the guys were going to produce the ribs were nice they were nicely cooked I think most of the other teams wanted to really slate the boys and I think they were probably a little bit disappointed that the ribs were nice finally handed out fantastic the finger bolt so you have to share and don't drink [Music] it the finger bowls was that a second thought and after that's the word I'm looking for an after you think it was the fact that we haven't got one each as well I don't share full stop I don't like things like spoons being dipped back in and double dip you are OCD I am OCD completely I didn't think there's anything actually wrong with sharing a finger Bowl I don't know that I would have been quite so willing to share one with Phillip well I think we bought that chocolate B it looks like it's set for the boys just one last chance to silence their critics Kev to be honest mate I haven't actually made the Cardman cream before kev's chili chocolate mousse cake with cardamom cream but something's missing oh mate I've just realized we didn't put the armor on the cake okay that's right it's not a problem what about put in the cream yep okay that's it let's hope that go together in the last instant restaurant the boys said that they didn't like pudding and they don't do pudding so it's going to be very interesting to see how it works out today as much as I hate to say Kev can do with quite a bit more that mean one with quite a bit more a bit more that we've only used a little bit personally I think it needs more I want it to be subtle really I think Danny and Kev a couple of hustlers I think it's going to be very I think it's going to be really Angelic the presentation I think it's going to be really delicate I don't think they're going to be very delicate I think it's be like made like by Big Man Hands and be quite shovely yeah I'm measuring it with a steel Ru Dan so we try and get pulsion controls it'll be like a few like fingerprints in them probably look at that a good nine Ines that is not very delicate are they like man hands just quite shov do you like the look at that cream K yeah it looks good like shovel shovel Mound they're probably the best quels Jason's probably seen moose ain't looking too bad D I think that looks hher than what I thought it was going to look mate I think we're ready to [Music] go dessert is Dessert Redemption: Chili Chocolate Mousse Cake served please enjoy it was presented lovely I liked how the cake was cut perfectly thank you very much thanks I thought oh this looks pretty it could be as good as our dessert Dian Kev I just want to say it's great to see such a pretty dessert come out from two Bly young lads the mousse cake yes the uh we had a problem that the mousse started splitting but we tried to pull it back you know what you've done a really good job if that happened you performed a little bit of magic if it split it's light it's creamy now the cardamon cream seems to be something else that sneaks in there was a little bit of amoretto went into the cream just thought you Splash that in there just to sort of uh booze it up a little bit when you put alcohol into cream it splits okay unless you have some sort of Base a like a lot of icing sugar to sort of whip it up and stabilize it it was obvious when you put that amount of booze in it's going to split so it's just a lesson to learn for you guys the cake is dry it's overcooked I was worried the chili might overpower everything and it doesn't at the last restaurant you guys said you are not big on desserts so who took the challenge on to make this dessert okay you took the challenge I took the challenge on for doing the cake and it's only the second time that I've cooked a cake in your entire life in my entire life so thank you for your comments thanks guys thank you thank you thank you very [Laughter] much enjoy your dessert when Kev admitted that this was just the second time he'd ever made this cake I thought risky really risky really risky but fair play to him he did well he did very well yeah Power behind the throne yeah he's Dennis Thatcher we pulled it back on the Mose that could have been a disaster Kevin I'm pray of you mate what you done today you work work really hard you know you done everything I asked you to do mate you done well I thought they kind of got the dessert down like really really precise and it looked so tidy and you looked around the table every dessert like mirror and looked the same as every other one no shovels involved like small Spades at a posh I'm not sure about the chili and the chocolate myself it's overpowering me what's the lasting taste that you have after eating that and it's just chilly again Philip and Emma boy they must be going to put on some show because they are Uber critical particularly Phillip alt together I actually really really enjoyed it I mean my plate is is clear I was an overall dish no no steam pudding please in Essex things are cooling down at Danny and kev's chili themed restaurant little bit left there little bit little bit look that one's empty and guess who that one was mate who's that Phillips it's time for the guests to give their verdict I enjoyed the starter I thought it was tasty I thought it was nice chili jam was spot on the taste of the fish cakes was right but presentation kind of just let it down yeah they used one fish in it no more than that whereas the flavors are okay you know there was just no substance to it whatsoever it had a tie taste to it end of end of yeah the MERS oh I love all that tucking you know what we're like get your fingers old dirty get right in there love the sauce love the ribs I needed a finger bowl for those ribs did you notice the finger ball was still there all the way through dessert yes I did yeah it did it was DNA soup dessert was very pretty look so pretty I would have licked my plate if there wasn't two celebrity judges in front of me well I like chocolate dessert but I didn't like that one each team will now score the meal out of 10 it has to be slightly below average so my feeling is a four okay six six six yeah six I think it's got to be a six six six I think Danny and Kev have actually hit their peig today I don't think they're ever going to improve on this I don't think they're going to get better three yeah three three with the team's marks totted up it's the Moment of Truth for Danny and Kev [Music] the teams have given you a combined score of 25 out of 50 I think we should have had a few more points to be honest the flavors were there the presentation was there I think our our food was nicer than clar Rebecca's that's only two points under us so they still have a chance the total score to beat after CLA and Rebecca's restaurant is 66 do you think Danny and Kev can beat that I'm not confident that they can to be honest I don't think they will at all no now it's our turn we are going to score each dish out of 10 so your starter Thai fish cakes with Scoring and Feedback from Judges homemade chili jam the flavors were definitely [Music] there but looking at them bit scrappy little bit little I was rather hungry after eating them so I'm going to give you a [Music] five the cakes themselves smell Divine but then I ped out a little bone you've got to be really careful when you do fish bre cuz it's dangerous and when you say fish cakes I would automatically assume there's going to be more than one type of fish in there so I'm going to score you a five onto your main course hot sticky pork ribs when I popped into the kitchen I looked at the pork ribs bubbling away and I'm thinking oh my gosh those ribs look terrible when you brought them in the dining room you know they were great tasting they were tender but the rest of the dish I just didn't get the link if you want to go a long way in this competition you've got to understand when you're putting ingredients together why they go together [Music] for your main course I'm going to give you a six for me this dish really didn't work as a whole there were some good elements of it but it's not really what I would expect in a restaurant with that Asian theme but your Source I thought it was beautiful I'm going to give you a six we're sitting there waiting for those crucial moment all I just kept remembering in the back of my mind was that Jason gave us a nine for our dessert yeah so is it going to get us over to line your dessert chili chocolate mousse cake with cardamon cream pistachios and raspberry sauce don't worry I was hugely surprised to see such a delicate presentation it was beautiful really really beautiful and your portion sizes were excellent I feel like you measured them which is really up my street but that cake really did let you down the actual sponge so for the dessert but I'm going to give you six I think it's safe to say boys that things didn't always go right for you today in the kitchen and at times you had to wing it but I think we can tell that you guys are fan because you averted danger quite a few times today I would never have known you had a problem with that Mose because it was smooth it had a nice richness to it overall I really like the dessert I give you a seven thank you it's good dessert so Danny and Kev that gives you a total score of 60 with 60 points Danny and Kev are six point shy of CLA and Rebecca and are currently in last place place at the end of the instant Restaurant Round the team with the lowest score will be eliminated Final Scores and Elimination Tension but there are four teams still to cook I was a little bit shocked that they're now at the bottom of the leaderboard the sense of relief I think we both had that we can go a bit further in this competition has just been the most amazing feeling of all so PR to you so pray to you what we want to give our guests is is way way above what we've what we've seen it yeah and our standards are at a height that that so far nobody's achieved them I stick by the menu mate I think was brilliant this is my dream mate I I want to go out and I want to show people you know that I can cook I think we've done okay next time one ravioli two ravioli Steph and Gabby set their sights on the top spot now this is one of the hardest pasta dishes on the planet I'm distressed and round the table tensions continue to simmer and now I haven't really got a drink no but do you need a drink yeah weird no no hey I got disagree [Music] [Applause] a [Music]

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Category: News & Politics

Camala harris says she's ready to use her new seasonings that she purchased in pittsburgh well i hate to say it but you know the the comments here kind of speak for themselves uh from x basically the gist of it is where's your policies what do you plan to do for america and what the heck is a new way... Read more

Orange Cassidy's FAVORITE food thumbnail
Orange Cassidy's FAVORITE food

Category: Howto & Style

What's your favorite thing besides bagel and cream cheese like favorite food to eat it's got to be pizza but if it is a in a pot pie chicken pot pie turkey pot pie whatever it is i'm a huge pot pie guy you just throw all that good stuff in there put a little crust on top you got yourself a pot pie Read more

12 MUST-TRY Fair Foods at the BIGGEST State Fair in America | Minnesota State Fair Food Vlog thumbnail
12 MUST-TRY Fair Foods at the BIGGEST State Fair in America | Minnesota State Fair Food Vlog

Category: People & Blogs

Baba's hummus: the beauty & buffalo bowl [music] hey guys i am in europe doing ivf but i wanted to share some of my absolute favorite minnesota state fair foods with you because the fair just started i hope you enjoy and i will see you guys soon [music] all right so i'm kind of crouched down on the... Read more

N'oubliez pas les paroles - Quentin Boitel (18 mai 2023 | P1) thumbnail
N'oubliez pas les paroles - Quentin Boitel (18 mai 2023 | P1)

Category: Entertainment

[musique] [applaudissements] [musique] bonsoir merci merciiv c'est maintenant n'oubliez pas aller c'est l'ure du bain c'est l'ure du bain je sais pas pourquoi la la scène n'a rien mais il y a j'ai un moment de gêne quand même j'ai un moment de gêne d'imaginer que karen puisse être en train de te nettoyer... Read more