Ravens Report: Week 1 vs. Kansas City Chiefs

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 00:21:51 Category: Sports

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this week on Ravens report Coach Harbaugh is miked up during the grind of training camp we'll give you a behind the scenes look at the preparations for a preseason broadcast and we spend some time at home with a player returning from injury this season all that and much more coming up on Ravens [Music] report they're dancing in the aisles oh what a scene we have in football is back and so is Ravens report welcome into the show I'm Shelby lasso and we're all pumped to kick off the 2024 season it's a big test right off the bat here in week one going up against the reigning Super Bowl champions but the hopes are high and this Ravens team is ready for the challenge I know I'm looking forward to seeing the rookies prove themselves in this league I can't wait to see what new defensive coordinator Zack or has up his sleeves against this star studded Chief's offense and of course we've been waiting all training camp to see Lamar Jackson take the field for the first time with the King Derrick Henry throughout training camp we saw some glimpses of what this team is capable of and seeing it all come together under the lights at Arrowhead to kick off the 2024 season is going to be electric so with that let's head out to the practice field to get a feel for the grind of training camp with Coach Harbaugh and cornerback Arthur Mallette miked up it's a beautiful day today good little breeze 85 clear skies you got to look at it this way that sun is our best friend that's right what does it do D what does a sun do for a football team sculp you know what a sculp sculp your mind and your body what up with y'all man y'all ready scrimmage day baby scrimmage day hey mik hot I got mik hot mic I got a hot mic I'm letting y'all know right now I got a hot mic hey let's be on our today fellas hey know that eye in the sky ain't going to lie so whatever you do out the day man that's going to live forever always remember that let's be smart let's attack y life on the line Real Talk hey de block on two one two block get it let's get it baby bro definitely is Ray Lewis reincarnated bro talking to young guys and new guys you're in Baltimore do this thing right understood do everything right right do everything perfect try to chase Perfection everything you do I think training camp reaches a point where things really intensify the pace of the practice the speed at which they play how quickly they snap the ball how many plays are getting in during practice that part's intense beating up on your teammates every day in the heat for a long time I think that's where things really intensify that's how we finish that's how we finish young guys leave your mark do it right be notice don't do it halfway everybody sees everything nice job Trenton yes sir bro put it on tape for the whole world to see right exaggerate technique raise the standard [Music] I mean we could that we can make it simple just you for real all right doing good ad yes sir doing a great job man every single day you happy so far huh you happy yeah you like it glad you're here uh-huh good doing good man you're really doing a great job excited excited for you I love to see development of guys man you know what I'm saying me being an undrafted guy and like I would didn't have it all like my first three years right and then I started learning and getting better and the game slow down for me so I love to see like development of guys you know it's actually pretty insane when you really pay attention to it you know nice job Roger stay firm get it out it's a good job buddy good job how you doing buddy come here how you doing good huh doing good you get you got better man last couple days doing great yeah looking looking you get stronger every day oh yeah I love it yeah no doubt hey hustle up where we going let's get rest when you get there guys let's go pick it up let's go hey dwade D way come here a sec so the reason I mean it's always important to hustle and be as quick as you can when you come in the game let everybody know why what are we trying to do at the end of the day uh take anxiety off a quarterback yeah right so get to the line fast as we can right yeah and secondly when we're back here it's like same thing in the Red Zone on the other side that so far to go yeah so you got to kind of be conscientious about that yeah I got you cool thanks let's get locked in Red Zone okay locked in here final period be intentional about this time in practice right now finish it off though finish strong bro finish Strong finish strong hey let's be intentional about this time in practice right it's a big opportunity here let's be intentional let's get to it man let's go got to be at our best just calm down lock in boom r Wait run r nice Shob two two where make it happen [Music] yo where get out that ball defense nice job let's go yeah all right good work we get some good tape we get some good tape to study all right good stuff the grind of Camp does take its toll on these players bodies and towards the end of training camp Arthur Mallette had his knee scoped but Coach Harbaugh said it shouldn't be a long-term injury we're hoping to see mlet back in the secondary very soon coming up on Ravens report what's it like for a broadcaster to prepare for a pre-season game we'll take you behind the scenes with the voice of the Ravens Jerry sanduski after the break Ravens report is brought to you by MedStar Health The Trusted medical team of the Baltimore Ravens and you MedStar Health it's how we treat people and by MNT Bank the official Bank of the Baltimore Ravens welcome back to Ravens report when you watched a Ravens preseason game these last few weeks you saw Jerry sanduski Rod Woodson and Evan wasburn broadcasting the game from both the booth and the sideline but what you didn't see was the entire week plus of preparations for that game one step in that process is production meetings and leading up to the Eagles game the Ravens broadcast team got to meet with o lineman Andrew Vorhees and hear his comeback story and what being back on the field means to him and his family what's up guys how you doing prob the haze in the barn love it this is the 29th Ravens training camp I've covered it's a 90-man roster and I have to know every guy's name and every guy's number so the main thing I look for is just um which guys look like they're more comfortable now than they were in week one not so much Derk kenry and Lamar you know you evaluate them in September but you know young guys you expect them to be a little intimidated week one but are they settling in week three that that's the biggest thing I just like who who's making progress and who's hit the wall TZ Walker can flat out run be fun to see how that translates to uh game situations but he's got a really pretty stride Kadir Ismael Kadri son he came in as a wide receiver looked good as wide receiver but um did a really good job in a lot of the tight formations so they actually moved him to the tight end room he's done nothing but catch every pass runs good routes not a pure tight end background not doesn't have the the the thickness yet but how's everything else you know when you look at offensive lineman most people look top down wow he's really big I look feet up does he have feet that are going to serve him well when September rolls around I think offensive line is something we talked about the first quarter it's a it's a you know it's a Juggle because it ain't a sexy thing I know but look you can't have a good team without a good offensive line if you're a true football fan you have to care about that like you said the first quarter a little bit of second quarter is more about who's on the field and talking about guys you might see on the roster the second half is the player interviews let's talk more about Derrick Henry let's talk about the schedule in between the plays right totally age there's not a lot of replays and breaking down in the second half it's more that's our storytelling [Music] time Jer how are how doing oh production Med is one of my favorite things we do all year long it's conference room table it's the producer the director R myself and the EP and we all sit around and we talk about first and foremost the structure of the flow of the broadcast we're doing this first this second this third and then we kind of just kind of debate over what do we think are the most important storylines going in it's really a bunch of people who love football and broadcasting talking about football and broadcasting and then from a players perspective it's fun to get to know how they see the game how's Camp going for you it's been great man I feel a lot more like I approve so much from my rookie Camp going to my second Camp knowing what to expect you know how to prepare so you know it's been great as the season evolves and plays emerge things that came up in that production meeting I'll be able to give context to in the broadcast and that's the part that I find most powerful because now I can talk about their personality just excited to be back out there competing again and uh just looking forward to to Friday night honestly what went through your head at the combine when that happened if I remember correctly which kind of hard to not forget right when I when I did get injured but I F the ground and I just kind of L on my side I looked up and I just remember looking at the seal and get Luc oil and uh just saying out to myself you cannot be serious now you make it to the point I was in my career the peak right um just checking off your last box before the NFL draft happen to get hurt at the combine Andrew Bor University of Southern California 38 reps the most in 2023 combine on one healthy leg F forward a month and a half later get the call we just didn't know it was going to happen the Baltimore Ravens select Andrew Vorhees I love it so much look so beautiful I know it's so cool seeing an name on a jersey for the first time I know I'm not used to it at all I know I love it she was the biggest help I can't emphasize enough how big of a help she was getting me through that and then just encouraging me throughout the entire reap process and cuz it really is a long time and I was out for quite some time and you know just she was always there to help me and and ground to me and um but super thankful to have her throughout the whole process and you know she really helped me out a lot don't think I would have had the same results if it weren't for her being in the situation I was right uh I got a quote unquote red shirt you know I really just got to take a step back and and really analyze from a macro perspective kind of what it was like to be professional so you look at guys like Ken Zer and R Stanley tried to see what they did and what brought them success and uh just want to emulate that for for my career right and just kind of develop their good habits that they've established for myself at a young age really did kind of change my whole perspective like how that that paradigm shift just just realized how grateful and fortunate I am to have health going into this year and have the ability to go and and play this game coming back from an injury is never easy but Vorhees truly saw the bigger picture took advantage of his time away from the game and is now looking forward to blocking for the reigning MVP Lamar Jackson in an NFL game something he has weighted nearly 500 days to do coming up next on Ravens report this player season ended before it even started last year after the break Nick Moore reflects on his year away from the game and what training camp is like when you have a little one at home gather with the flock in Baltimore at MNT Bank Stadium to watch the AFC Championship rematch on the video boards at our kickoff watch Party featuring a live performance by Quinn 92 for tickets visit baltimor ravens.com watchparty welcome back to Raven report it's been a whirlwind of a year for Long Snapper Nick Moore and his family last year just 4 days before Training Camp Moore tore his Achilles tendon and instantly had the 2023 season taken away from him with a newborn at home Nick rehabbed put in the work and is now back healthy for this season so let's see what an off day is like for an NFL player who has a toddler and one on the way as we spend some time at home with the more family yeah you got your blocks out you want to build something okay all right that's easy good job this is Ryland he's 18 months old he's growing like a machine he's three feet tall yeah yeah and you're not afraid of the camera are you no and you love your blocks bedtime is my thing uh get out of the facility you know sometime between 5:30 and 6 depending on how long our meetings are our team meeting goes that day and then get here we usually start bedtime around 7ish we kind of move the back a little bit take a bath read some books drink some milk play around a little bit and then uh we do the best we can to get him in the crib go to go to sleep before he start yelling at us his favorite activity is to just dump the bags over so he uh dumps him out runs away leaving mommy and daddy to clean everything up so I'm definitely getting good at my organizational skills yeah okay you can do it oh oh good job that was so good buddy training Camp's a busy time of year we're usually there 10 10 hours a day I would say um so don't get too much time at home with the family but a day like today on off day I woke up this morning was able to get with him early this morning so I've been here all day I'll be here till he goes to sleep so you got to cherish the the days when you get them yeah let's go show them oh you want to show him this what do you do there no no no you got to touch it right there e f okay you can grab it pull it pull it off there you go you want to show them off who this is who's this little baby who is that is that your brother Dean we're going to name him Dean little boy two boys under two so pray for us I know it'll be great though we're super excited Ryland did come early so we kind of think he may come sometime in October so we'll see what happens no no no is Ryland okay go get okay okay who is that let me see it what is it is that you is that you when was that you were just a little baby now you're now you think you're like 25 last year four days before training camp I was up at McDaniel College in Westminster running a practice conditioning test with some of my friends up there unfortunately I was almost done with the test and I planted to change directions and uh my achilles just exploded basically and so I immediately you know call the trainers call Coach you know go to the facility get an MRI um day after to confirm the obvious that pretty much wrapped up 2023 for me had surgery August 1st and then basically rehabbed all throughout the season into the off season and and and really still rehabing I got cleared for full duties during mini camp took my physical on to 2024 feeling better than ever so I'm I'm really excited for what's coming this season and hopefully I uh continue to get stronger in my whole body but especially in my my right side that's why I got my sleeve on here trying to protect my ankle and calf and knee I'm just excited to be back out there I know guys are dragging cuz it's training Camp's hot you know they're they're doing a lot but I'm like man I I really I don't want to say I took it for granted before or I was 30 and never been hurt before and having gone through an injury at 30 was was kind of a a shell shock to me I'm just glad I'm out there again so can't complain about that Ryland has been having so much fun running on the field and seeing Nick it's so cute so yeah we love to be there just like Nick said definitely don't want to take these opportunities for granted and we want to go as much as we can so we're trying to make that a priority but the these days we cherish them because we know this time of year last football season we didn't uh was our first season with with Ryland obviously I didn't play last year so I had a lot more time at home with the family than I would have wanted but it was really good for for Ryland his development and stuff I didn't miss any of his Milestones so we were super thankful for that but uh we are glad to be back on the field and we're very excited for the things that are coming uh this season Happy Feet where you going bye byebye okay show off your speed good job job dude congratulations to the growing Mo family they'll certainly have their hands full with two boys under two but hey could we possibly be looking at Future members of the Ravens class of 2044 now we also spent some time at home with special teams coordinator Chris Horton to find out how coaches balance football and family to see that feature and much more check out our most recent episode of ravens wired training camp part two available now on YouTube coming up on Ravens report we remember a very special coach we'll be right back welcome back to Ravens report it's been a heavy summer for the Ravens organization as we lost two members of our family Ravens Legend jacobe Jones passed away at the young age of 40 in July and last weekend we lost our beloved offensive line coach Joe de Allis sandras to know Joe D was to love him he made everyone better on and off the field he loved football but most of all he loved his family his three beautiful daughters five grandchildren and of course his wife of 42 years Tony who he has now reunited with Coach jod thank you for everything you did for the Baltimore Ravens you made us better you were loved by everyone in this building and Beyond and you will be missed Coach Harbaugh said it best this season is for jacobe and Jodie

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