Category: People & Blogs
La princesa de gales había estado en modo desaparecida desde su última aparición pública en wimbledon para entregar los premios pero recientemente ha sido vista junto al príncipe guillermo asistiendo a un servicio religioso en la iglesia de crasi cerca de valmoral Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Kate middelton ha compartido en un video que ha finalizado su tratamiento de quimioterapia visiblemente emocionada comentó lo difícil que es describir el alivio que siente tras haber concluido esta etapa de su tratamiento médico y espera pronto volver a sus actividades públicas [música] Read more
Category: News & Politics
A princesa de gales kate middleton anunciou hoje o fim do tratamento contra o câncer a esposa do príncipe william publicou um vídeo comovente nas redes sociais com uma mensagem expressando alívio por concluir a quimioterapia a princesa que já tem 42 anos foi diagnosticada com câncer no início do ano... Read more
Category: News & Politics
En las últimas horas kate middleton la princesa de gales ha sido el centro de una polémica inesperada tras la publicación de un emotivo vídeo en el que anunciaba que ha finalizado la primera fase de su tratamiento contra el cáncer aunque el vídeo mostró una faceta más personal y familiar de la princesa... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
As the sun dipped below the horizon of the grand canal illuminating the iconic venetian skyline an unexpected confrontation between two celebrity titans transformed a glamorous evening into a headline making spectacle antonio bas the charismatic star known for his roles in desperado and the mask of... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So hi schamane duk bei könig harald um prinzessin merta luises hand an am samstag läuten die hochzeitsglocken für prinzessin merta luise von norwegen und duert dabei musste der shamano im vorfeld eine kleine zitteptie hinlegen oslo die hochzeitsvorbereitungen von prinzessin merta luise von norwegen... Read more
Category: Entertainment
According to eyewitnesses megan ryan had just finished doing press for her new indie film premiering at the festival when she spotted megan markle in the crowd as you may know megan markle attended the festival alongside her husband prince harry as part of their royal tour celebrating balan cultures... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Mertha luise von norwegen vor der hochzeit eskaliert der familienstreit mertha luise von norwegen unterstützt ihren verlobten bedingungslos überschreitet sie für ihn auch grenzen mertha luise von norwegen dunkle prophezeiung sie sprach mit fast brechender stimme im mai 2023 führte die norwegische zeitung... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Ibrahim malouf critique son exclusion du jury du festival de dov lié au mouvement hashtagmou lorsque desber a pris la direction du festival du cinéma américain de doville succédant à bruno bard elle a été confrontée à de nombreux défis des ses premiers jours en poste cette édition du festival revêtait... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Buckingham palace drops delightful details about king charles latest move king charles a's office has shared interesting details about the monarch's delightful move after princess kate made a rare appearance with prince william for a service in balal the 75-year-old celebrated the first appointment... Read more
Category: Entertainment
As many of you know prince harry and megan made their first official visit to the uk together since moving to california back in 2020 one of the stops on their trip was for harry to privately visit his childhood home althorp house where the spencer family estate is located althorp house is the home... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Pedro almadovar called on security to be on high alert to stop megan markle from stepping onto the red carpet as his film the room next door earned a massive 18-minute ovation at the venice film festival the venice film festival a haven of drama glamour and occasional celebrity clashes took an unexpected... Read more