Category: News & Politics
[music] there a place called springfield ohio that you've been reading about 20,000 illegal haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of 58,000 people destroying their entire way of life this was a beautiful community and now it's uh horrible what's happened enrollment of the state's medicaid... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I knew putin i knew him well and you know he endorsed i don't know if you saw the other day he endorsed camala he endorsed kamala i was very uh offended by that i wonder why he endorsed kamala now he's a chess player if we can name a favorite candidate it it was it used to be joe biden but now he is... Read more
Category: News & Politics
There's a place called springfield ohio that you've been reading about 20,000 illegal haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of 58,000 people residents are reporting that the migrants are walking off with the town's geese they taking the geese you know where the geese are in the park in the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The first thing is that if there is no communication no chance to stop the war so communication is the number one the second is um ceasefire i went there to understand what are the chance of the peace and my conclusion was especially after the two meetings with the president of ukraine and russia that... Read more
Category: News & Politics
पहला दिन से ये प्रिंसिपल के खिलाफ जो शिकायत थे ना उस पर एक्ट करके अगर प्रिंसिपल को पहले दिन या सेकंड डे सस्पेंड कर देते तो इनसे आधे दम निकल जाता ट्स द मेजर प्रॉब्लम तो वो बेडली हैंडल्ड बेडली एडवाइज एंड बेडली हैंडल्ड इस प्रिंसिपल को सस्पेंड नहीं करके इनको रिवर्ड कर दिया और एक जगह भेज दैट एक्चुअली स्टार्टेड द बक माय कंसर्न इ नॉट योर बैटल और आवर बट सीपीआईएम एंड बीजेपी माय कंसर्न इ व्ट व डू अब पीपल मूमेंट देर ह्यूज अमाउंट ऑफ पब्लिक अप... Read more
Category: News & Politics
There is a complete maze of tunnels here in t suon you just heard the shootings we are still looking at searching for tourists [music] there is a complete maze of tunnels here in t sulan you just heard the shootings we are still looking and searching for terorists in this area and we are gathering all... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Um there is a woman named laura lumer who recently tweeted that if the vice president wins the election the white house will smell like hurry and white house speeches will be facilitated via a call center uh among other things she recently traveled with the former president and i wonder if president... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hey everyone welcome back to our channel today we're talking about a surprising and heartfelt announcement from leah rini and angelo pagan after 28 years together and 21 years of marriage leah ramini and angelo pagan have decided to file for divorce the couple shared this news in a joint statement on... Read more
Category: News & Politics
He also asked is there sexual harassment in the film industry we all said yes i want a committee to be formed to protect women and to protect their rights and so that the women know about their rights they don't even know about their rights we asked mr sida following the footsteps of rya not just in... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Regarding your question regarding some international reports uh on the flood situation in bangladesh let me tell you we've seen the cnn report on the flood situation in bangladesh its narrative is misleading and suggests that india is somehow responsible for the floods it is factually not correct and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Mr president what do you say to vladimir putin's threat of war see you be quiet till i speak okay that's what i said good idea what do you say to vladimir putin's threat of war sir it's a serious threat you got be quiet i'm going to make a state okay all right anyway Read more
Category: News & Politics
इन अ सिग्निफिकेंट डिप्लोमेटिक मीटिंग पलेस्ट नियन प्रेसिडेंट महमौद अब्बास एंड सऊदी क्राउन प्रिंस मोहम्मद बिन सलमान डिस्कस द डायर सिचुएशन इन गाज ड्यूरिंग अब्बास विजिट टू रियाद द लीडर्स रिव्यूड द एस्केलेटिंग इजराइली अग्रेशन इन गाज द वेस्ट बैंक एंड जेरूसलम विथ अब्बास वानिंग ऑफ थ्रेट्स टू इस्लामिक एंड क्रिश्चियन होली साइट्स ही शेयर्ड हिज प्लान टू विजिट गाज विद पलेस्ट नियन लीडरशिप टू हल्ट व्ट ही टर्म एज जनेस साइड एंड इंशोर इजरेल विथ ड्रॉल बिन सलमान रि एफर्म सऊदी अरेबिया... Read more