Category: News & Politics
I knew putin i knew him well and you know he endorsed i don't know if you saw the other day he endorsed camala he endorsed kamala i was very uh offended by that i wonder why he endorsed kamala now he's a chess player if we can name a favorite candidate it it was it used to be joe biden but now he is... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] it was the same old show same old tired playbook we've heard for [applause] years with no plan for he would address the needs of the american people well folks look it's time to turn the page so i have a plan for you and my plan is to give a $50,000 tax deduction for startup businesses... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The first thing is that if there is no communication no chance to stop the war so communication is the number one the second is um ceasefire i went there to understand what are the chance of the peace and my conclusion was especially after the two meetings with the president of ukraine and russia that... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Um there is a woman named laura lumer who recently tweeted that if the vice president wins the election the white house will smell like hurry and white house speeches will be facilitated via a call center uh among other things she recently traveled with the former president and i wonder if president... Read more
Category: News & Politics
There is a complete maze of tunnels here in t suon you just heard the shootings we are still looking at searching for tourists [music] there is a complete maze of tunnels here in t sulan you just heard the shootings we are still looking and searching for terorists in this area and we are gathering all... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] there a place called springfield ohio that you've been reading about 20,000 illegal haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of 58,000 people destroying their entire way of life this was a beautiful community and now it's uh horrible what's happened enrollment of the state's medicaid... Read more
Category: News & Politics
पहला दिन से ये प्रिंसिपल के खिलाफ जो शिकायत थे ना उस पर एक्ट करके अगर प्रिंसिपल को पहले दिन या सेकंड डे सस्पेंड कर देते तो इनसे आधे दम निकल जाता ट्स द मेजर प्रॉब्लम तो वो बेडली हैंडल्ड बेडली एडवाइज एंड बेडली हैंडल्ड इस प्रिंसिपल को सस्पेंड नहीं करके इनको रिवर्ड कर दिया और एक जगह भेज दैट एक्चुअली स्टार्टेड द बक माय कंसर्न इ नॉट योर बैटल और आवर बट सीपीआईएम एंड बीजेपी माय कंसर्न इ व्ट व डू अब पीपल मूमेंट देर ह्यूज अमाउंट ऑफ पब्लिक अप... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Expion of haitian migrants in the span of only 3 years it's affected almost every single person in and around the area and so there's so many people who want to talk and and and raise their concerns because uh they feel like their concerns with the not only the city commission but also clark county... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] holy crap it's not springfield ohio but allegedly illegal aliens from haiti just wrecked into a restaurant i just want to say i seen this video clip from dom luer on x keep it up bro speaking of up i got to fix this hair some the other stuff and uh and then what run get out of here this guy... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Está [música] med [música] Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] a viral video draws national attention to the haitian migrant crisis in a small ohio town jack pesobic will be on to tell us what's really going on behind the scenes blaze tv host stu b will join us to survey the state of the presidential race heading into the first trump harris debate and papa... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [applause] what the changes in india's population and the differential growth rates this city has emerged we have a very special guest on the record the interview the role that the u us side played at that point of time assume my phone is tapped... Read more