Fever vs Aces: The Showdown You've Been Waiting For

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:33:03 Category: Sports

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here we go we live oh we we all black uh let me see if I can fix that all right we all black what's going on folks uh I didn't even expect to be on and I didn't even set up a stream I just jumped on YouTube so this is YouTube's live chat I'm not going through OBS that's why I got a black background it's not that bad though uh what is this share screen mute in stream yeah I can't even s got paid for losing games oh my God it was it was like that Fred it was it was that bad what's up Daniel Barry what's going on man happy Friday had some stuff to do tonight so I couldn't I saw most of the game I saw most of the game till about five minutes left in the fourth quarter then I had to take off take care of some business uh so I was I was tapping in on my phone and saw the end of it on my phone and saw that they lost uh what was that um what was the final score 78 to 74 what when I left it was it was 75 to 72 so it looks like they had opportunities I see Kaylin Clark uh I saw when they announced that she broke the um the assist record but let's keep it 100 um she was God awful in the first half she couldn't hit a mirror in the bathroom and I don't understand I don't understand why she doesn't um why she doesn't go to the hole a lot more she did that earlier in the season you get and this is my rule this is my rule you get four shots as a guard as a shooting forward or somebody that likes to to shoot volume shots um you get four shots if you ow for four go to the glass attack the rim get in the paint your shot is not falling what you supposed to do is go inside and then move yourself back until you start hitting jumpers attack the paint then move out to a 10- foot mid then a 15 foot mid and then as you warm up and get your shot back you move behind the arc and then do what you got to do but the from the if it wasn't for Kelsey Mitchell in this game uh Indiana would not have had a chance and if um if Kaylin Clark would have had any semblance of a first half they would have beat Las Vegas so and I will say this they can beat the aces they can beat the aces but they got to be uh about the business and once again I wasn't crazy about Christy side's substitutions um wasn't crazy that um that uh starting the fourth quarter Kelsey Mitchell was on the bench for like two and a half minutes um let me see Kelsey Plum Chelsea grade let me see K uh Kelsey Mitchell so Kelsey Mitchell sat on the bench until 8:14 and then they finally took wheeler out of the game game and I I don't understand that at all I don't understand that at all I don't understand why um why Christy sides chooses to give Erica wheeler so much playtime like like not beginning the fourth quarter especially especially as hot as Kelsey Mitchell was that to me that makes no sense that makes no sense Kelsey Mitchell ended up me see Kelsey Mitchell had 20 points she was she was 50% from the floor three for seven from Deep um and she was she was killing him in the first half oh my God turn off uh let me see Kelsey Mitchell two four six eight 10 she had 12 points in a half she probably had more because uh of the free free throw she went to the line a couple times but Kelsey Mitchell was the hot hand in the first half why do you so that mean she had let's go third quarter so third quarter she kind of cooled off and then fourth quarter she didn't score in the fourth quarter either kayln Clark picked it up in the fourth and she had a much better um much better second half but she didn't kelse Kaylin Clark wasn't that good she was one for one for four in the fourth better in the third quarter 2 4 6 8 10 she had 10 off the floor in the in the third quarter and then they just cooled off in the fourth so um yeah it was and then I know she had crazy turnovers again six turnovers man you're not g you're not gonna make that happen you're not gonna make that happen I don't I don't understand Christy side's logic and um it's not a good look after you get coach of the month or whatever it was for her and everything she did to get it she ain't doing it no more the uptempo uh she had the substitutions and the rotations right for a couple games and then she went right back to Old Faithful and I don't I don't understand that so yeah uh I think this was the first game this whole season where Kelsey um Kaylin Clark didn't score in the first half she didn't score in the first half at all did she let me see I don't think she scored in the first half at all uh Caitlin Clark first nope second she she was 0 for six in the first half that girl couldn't hit a mirror in the bathroom and then she got better in the third period third quarter turned it around a little bit but still you got to do better because it's it's only gonna get tougher in the playoffs and I will say this to me it seemed like uh Becky Hammond they were attacking caylin Clark like they were really like going after her especially when she got them two fouls early and then she started getting frustrated and you know that's my biggest gripe of hers is she [ __ ] too much like stop bitching like you saw the you saw the thumbnail Palms in the air and it's like everybody's getting bad calls everybody's getting bad calls the rest were God off of the night and that was on both sides I saw a couple of Miss calls on Kelsey Plum uh it was definitely a couple Miss calls on AIA Wilson so and it was just I like I don't I don't understand it I I do not understand how these refs can be this bad that is odd to me that is very odd to me so Kathy Englebert when you get some of that media rights money finally coming in do something with these refs because that that is if yo dark ball dark uh was it oh dark bosan gotcha dark bosan 369 yo the tech was [ __ ] the tech was was I I don't I don't understand what this is with uh when a when a player expresses frustration with themselves not to another player not to a referee not to another coach I don't understand how you can call that a tech and she's been she's been teed up like that twice which makes no sense that makes absolutely no sense again I don't understand do these refs have attitudes like what what's the point in that that I don't get that at all and and you at home I don't understand these refs at all bro so dark bosan I'm with you 100% the tech was [ __ ] um and it shouldn't have been called it should have been called so maybe I don't know if they review like I don't I don't know what the wnba's process is I don't know what their process is and when it comes to stuff like this it's it's it's not a good look man it's not a good look so yeah she didn't challenge any calls at all none so like what do you what do you do she's got a I I don't know man she I saw a video the other day and it was it was a closeup of Caitlyn Clark on the bench in the Huddle during a timeout and you can see the back and forth between her and Christy sides like and it wasn't good like basically citen Clark was just whatever Christy sides said Kaden Clark was just kind of like like no we shouldn't do that and then I don't know Clark rolled her eyes like it it wasn't like literally it was looking like Caitlyn Clark looking at Christy size like you don't really know what the hell you're doing some of the decisions that she makes just it doesn't make sense to me um her timeouts at the wrong times or she doesn't call them when the other team is getting hot and she need to you know give a quick Teo just to cool everything off and and get your bearings about you she doesn't do that and then you you let the other team go on an eight or 10 point run I I just I don't yeah ever since she got that uh that award for for coach of the month it's just been it's been all downhill so but the good thing about it is as bad as they played in the first half they were still in this game and had an opportunity to Win It clearly uh and I said this last game Kaylen Clark no let me let me say this in order let me say this in order Kelsey Mitchell Caitlyn Clark Lexi Hall those are your three prime choices when you need points Kelsey Mitchell's one Kaylin Clark is two Lexi Hall is three now Kaylin Clark to be much better when she decides to attack the rim and then she can dish it off but lately the last couple games she has been trying to force the cute pass behind the back and trying to force it around somebody putting English on the ball and like you can't do that you gotta be a it's got to be a short shot uh for that pass to get the assist or it's just gonna be another pass so between that and I keep saying this I love kayen Clark but damn it that body language is just horrible her body language when calls are not going her way um it it's just me as a former player and somebody that's coached kids in basketball like that drives me nuts you are not gonna get every call you already know these refs in the in the W are horrible across the board it's not just against Indiana everybody gets bad calls every team gets bad cross because everybody's doing the same thing in the middle of the game everybody got their palms in the air that's not a call that's a foul and and when kayln Clark uh is not getting the calls and she's not shooting well you can get into her head and I think Becky Hammond did that and everybody or whoever plays Indiana in that first round of the playoffs they're gonna look at these tapes they're gonna look at this tape in particular and see how they shut him down shut kayen Clark down in that first half they're gonna do that so she's got to tighten it up stop with the two cute passes you're gonna get your assists you just got to pick your spots the assists are going to come because everybody's looking for it you got a team with people that are quick enough to get to it don't force it and to me it seems like sometimes she tries to force it too much and you can tell when she gets mad when she makes a good pass and then somebody makes another pass like she wanted the assist like it's it's written on her face but you know she just gota uh kind of cool that off a little bit but Chrissy siid you definitely got to tighten his offense up because I don't know what the hell you doing uh I don't want Eric ker dribbling in the weeds um when she's running Point always down in the paint you know good damn well you going in the paint and Asia Wilson sitting back there and you five5 that's that's not even a good business decision so listen they know what the intensity is in the playoffs listen don't get it twisted man you because I see a lot of people in the chat I was in during the game at one point everybody was kind of giving Caitlin Clark [ __ ] because she was playing so bad and then somebody brought up the point and said y'all gotta ease up because she's only 22 and I'm like let me let me tell you where age comes into play here and it's not what you think when you were in high school you was 14 years old then you became a senior you was 17 about to turn 18 when you was a freshman you didn't know [ __ ] when you was a senior you were supposed to be the leader of your team and everybody underneath you when you were a senior in high school then you go to college you were a freshman again so now you don't have no experience then you're a senior so you go from 18 to 22 you're a senior now so now you're you're 22 but you're the leader of your college and your conference you tops in your conference so it goes from low man on the totem P to the the top of the heat again so now you go to the W or go to whatever professional League you playing in now you right back in square one but you didn't forget how to be a leader you've been the top of the charts twice in your lifetime and for Kaylin Clark she was the captain of the team and went to back-to-back national championships she understands what the pace of the playoffs mean she understands that she just went to backtack NCAA Title Games she she knows what pressure is she knows what it means to be able to turn it on at that particular time she understands that wholeheartedly so I don't buy that she's only 22 years old she's just a rookie like no she's been in big games enough to know uh what's to be expected of her so I don't I don't buy all of that let her let her uh uh she gonna take her lumps like she did today you had no she had no points and six assists and then she end and almost had a double double or almost had a triple double excuse me she ended up the day with um she had a pretty good statline 18 points nine assists and eight rebounds so she was one assist and two rebounds away from another triple double so there has been five opportunities for her to get a triple double two of them she converted but the other three she was either an assist away or one or two rebounds away this is the third time that's happened where she is this close and she didn't even play that great in the first half so just imagine if she would have played halfway decent and got one or two rebounds in the first half half she was she was a non-factor in the first half and Becky hit don't get it twisted Becky Hammond figured something out with her you get in her back pocket make a change they still run that stupid play where Aaliyah Boston's at the top of the key basically running the offense they already know when they try to do that handoff to Caitlyn Clark they already know what's coming I'm trying to read this I can't put the the questions on screen in YouTube I gotta be in um my OBS thing and I hate this uh oh what did I just do oh yeah dark bosan I agree with you but who was that coach who is that coach the rumor is that Lisa bler might come in what's up Kev Kev I just um I just got home so I saw the game but I had some stuff to take care of so I couldn't stream but I watched most of the game and then I had to I I think I bugged out uh with like five six minutes to go and then I I kept up updating on my phone uh I do not want Cheryl Miller I love Cheryl Miller but Cheryl Miller has been away from coaching for too long Lisa bler I can see Lisa bler I can see but guess what if you bring in Lisa bler the pressure is on you the pressure is on you big time because now uh yes Lisa bler is way ahead of Christy sides but you still got to put a team together because the only people I want to see I want to see um I want to see grace Berger I want to see her back obviously dtis obviously um Lexi Hall me personally I would like to see Nelissa Smith back but I know a lot of people don't like her but I still say Nelissa Smith is a much better rebounder than Aaliyah Boston Aaliyah Boston is not a strong player Aaliyah Boston does not have that dog attitude that you need underneath the rim she's a big body and she can put some games together for you um she seems to be developing this uh this spin move underneath the basket that's pretty damn effective the problem is she just doesn't use it every game she finally broke it out tonight against AIA Wilson and got to the got the ball in the bucket it's like you got to do that every time you did it the last game against uh what was that Minnesota Aaliyah Boston went off and she was doing that move she was shaking the bacon underneath the rim and she was converted and then she stopped because what was that two days ago uh Asia Wilson was in her Grill holding her to six points I think she had six points and maybe 11 rebounds or something like that Asia Wilson was in her stuff and she couldn't get nothing off so great I would love to see grace burer man listen you got D shafair out there nobody signed Daisha fair I was like what is up with that what's wrong with this girl she's top she's top three in NCAA history why is she floating around I don't I don't understand that uh I would like to see Timmy play Timmy should have started tonight and that's the other thing I don't understand you can mess with your lineup sometimes chrisy sides you know Timmy f benley is much better she can match Asia Wilson sizewise um she's almost as quick as Asia but she can provide a little bit more uh contest to her shot so you got to use that you can't use somebody like dtis dtis uh is good because she's strong in the paint and can't nobody back her down however if AIA Wilson is shooting the mid-range from 20 feet out ain't really much you can do about that but watch it go in Asia Wilson she only had she had at 15 and 17 so she had a good game 15 points 17 rebounds two blocks one assist one steel so she F at the stat line Chelsea Gray was going off tonight 711 from the field two two for four from three 50% from three what did Indiana get Nelissa Smith had three points Aaliyah Boston had 14 points and eight rebounds Kelsey Mitchell had 20 Lexi had two Caitlin had 18 just imagine if Caitlin would have had any semblance of a normal first half she should have had like 26 27 points and she definitely would have been uh on triple double watch for sure yeah aces are deep dark bosan yeah uh Kev I I wish Kaylin Clark would stop taking threes um I would even lower the number to four if you go 0 for three or 0 for four from the floor or from Deep your job is to stop taking deep shots until you can get to the rim but they won't do that and she won't do that and it's clear that some of the stuff that Christy sze is laying down at they they're not feeling they're definitely not feeling so she got to do a better job of that or they gonna get drug in the playoffs they going to get drug in the playoffs you had a Prime opportunity to steal a game from Las Vegas at home and they couldn't do it they couldn't do it you got your best players sitting on the bench coming out of a quarter in a tight game get Kelsey Mitchell on the floor man put her on the court do not leave her on the bench because you want to make sure Erica wheeler get her minutes stop playing with me Erica Willer had 16 minutes really 16 minutes nah I want Kelsey Mitchell in that game I want my best players on the floor going into the fourth quarter period period but she so stuck on these lineups blown opportunity man Chelsea Gray uh I would like to see her when she was in uh much better shape cuz she got out of shape when she had that uh Achilles injury her and dtis are not in game shape in my opinion I want to see if dtis will come back a little bit Slimmer because Dantes can move and she's got a good shot and she's got good size at 63 you need an outside shooter at forward you need that so they just got to get to the playoffs I think they got more game left and that's it and then on to the next one yeah oh they did that again I didn't see that K where Boston took the took the last shot yeah I I don't I don't understand that man Chrissy Sid you got to draw something up better than that you got to do better than that so I I don't I don't I gotta watch the end of the game to see how that played out so um yeah man it's it's h you can see it you can see it but they got to be able to execute man that's the difference between having a good team and a great team because you look at this game and Las Vegas was hitting their shots every time they had an open shot they were draining it Indiana not so much not so much so they got a lot of work to do and they gotta get this together before the playoffs start they didn't already won to get into the playoffs that that's a done deal but now you got to take it to the next step and and get over the next hurdle I'm reading x they were oh I saw that so we got uh they got some work to do man Chrissy size she gotta she gotta get better she gotta get better Saxton ktie L Samson they're not doing much Wallace she don't have to do much grace berer can play I would rather see grace Burger bringing the ball down the court than Erica wheeler but that's one of Christy side's favorites so she ain't going nowhere so it is what it is might as well live with it might as well live with it so um good game today congratulations to Kaden Clark for breaking that assist record um yeah just a missed opportunity missed opportunity to steal a game possibly move up in the rankings or whatever but it is what it is right now they in the playoffs um that's a that's a guarantee they are in the playoffs so but we got it in there veteran team vers yeah kind of yeah y so we'll see what they do against uh the mystics I don't see why they should lose to the mystics not even not even close so they got they got some work to do before the playoffs get started they they at 500 19 and 19 so they are at 500 let me see fact Bley uh they can beat Las Vegas man they just got to put it together and get that Chrissy s got to get them rotations together so pay that light bill tomorrow I don't have my obs up man I just um I haven't streamed with uh just YouTube in a minute so this is I just I just went on YouTube and went live immediately this is the default where my uh Nvidia camera setup is so this is you know this was all that was all that was left I couldn't bring my backgrounds up so I didn't feel like starting over so I just dealt with so it's been all good it's all been all good K so uh tomorrow uh I will be out most of the day I will try to get some streaming done tomorrow night um see if I might be doing Colorado I'm not sure what time that game is I'll depends um that kid is looking good um for uh what's the name uh why am I bling shador so uh probably gonna check check him out uh the Eagles play Monday Night Eagles play the Falcons and and I got a feeling we going blast the Atlanta Falcons so uh that'll be good there's some more content coming out that coming out that way so make sure you hit subscribe and and click on that notification Bell we gonna keep this thing moving and I promise I will have a proper background for you next time I'm gonna get up out of here man I peace I appreciate you guys joining me um and I'll see you in the next One Peace

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