Primetime Local News | June 10th, 2024

Published: Jun 10, 2024 Duration: 00:24:08 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] Prime Time local news serving the Lakeland and midwest regions hello and welcome to Prime Time local news my name is Thomas Wildman and thank you for joining us we begin today with the Lloydminster concerned citizens for Senior Care Society they're a group centered on recognizing the needs and issues for seniors in the community it hosted its annual general meeting open to the public Lloyd residents could voice their concerns one of which was housing as well as having concerned citizens speak on the importance of the organization because we were aware of the shortage of spaces in Lo Min for seniors and seniors were being shipped out of town uh to far off places where their family couldn't get to see them on a regular basis the goal of the meeting was to Lobby all levels of government for improvements to Ambulance Service a permanent MRI facility and increased care spaces for seniors in Lloydminster there's still a shortage uh we're still transferring seniors out of our community um there's weight L uh which means there isn't enough so um we got to keep pushing for that um we've been working a lot this last year on the replacement of a jubilee home um the Saskatchewan government has looked at that building and said they don't want to spend any more money on on it and so they're kind of open to uh a proposal for a new building if you'd like to get involved concerned citizens meets every Tuesday at noon at the legacy center one of the first festivals of this summer took over downtown Lloydminster this weekend ravie jayis Lin has there was there and brings us this report hello L Wier please come to see great banzo at the downtown Street [Applause] F stupid the streets of downtown Lloydminster came alive this Saturday pulsating with energy and excitement as the Street Fest kicked off its annual celebration we caught up with one of the organizers to get an inside look at what this year had in store it's actually our 13th annual Street downtown Street Fest and uh the cold and the weather has not kept the public away they are coming down by the carload today new this year is a street hockey tournament uh we also had the food fair with uh nine vendors we have Farmers Market um Art Market as well as lots of um entertainment such as the stilt Walkers are roving uh we have the great balonzo which he is a magician juggler uh it's something new this year our bus stops uh we have a kid Zone with activities of all for kids of all ages and adults as well interactive games in including pedal go-kart as the day unfolded attendees had the chance to immerse themselves in the music and craftsmanship of local artists transforming the streets into a colorful display of creativity we had the pleasure of speaking with one such artist who shares her thoughts on this year's Street Fest hi I'm Bri MC I uh make freestanding trees out of little crystals and wire uh I came last year and I was so excited to join again because it was just so much fun my second favorite part of making the trees and just looking at them on my shelf is making little videos and um putting them on Facebook and Instagram so it's at Breeze trees my phone predicted wintry conditions so when I woke up and saw rain I thought that is so much better than snow so you know what this is pretty great despite the less than ideal weather spirits remain high as attendees and performers continue to enjoy themselves proving that nothing can dampen the festive atmosphere of Street Fest the weather is difficult but still so much fun with everybody here there are people I ate the food talk to the dogs and uh the police did not arrest me so a very good day here today as the day comes to an end in downtown Lloydminster we're left with cherished memories of a day filled with music art and community spirit for Prime Time local news this is Ravi Jin thank you so much to Ravi for that report and it's time now for retrospect here is Carter Maloney [Music] We Begin this week in retrospect in June 1997 at a ceremony where Lloydminster celebrated members of the community becoming official Canadian [Music] citizens it's a moment many have been waiting a long time for Joseph Abo's wife amalda immigrated to Canada over 9 years ago Joseph arrived 3 years later to Lloydminster and says it's the best move he's ever made it's proud to be a Canadian and actually all I have three kids so for now we are all Canadians and in Canada the only thing I appreciate is the equality everything is equal there's no uh there's no Gap among the human beings uh there's no rich and poor in here not the same the place where I came from these new Canadians had to live in Canada for at least 3 years write an English test and know about the country they're calling home they they are now able to enjoy all the rights and freedoms that comes with being Canadian from today they have the right to be a candidate from today they have right to vote from today they have right to go and apply for government jobs which will be they will be get preference you know and from today they have all the rights of any citizen of Canada for students at Bishop Lloyd the ceremony was a very moving experience I think it meant a lot to all the students and the B of the community so that they can see what it's like to become a new Citizen and how they felt to actually become a citizen I think it meant a lot cuz I don't think any of them is really uh like experienced something like this so I think it was pretty good for the students they all may have different reasons for coming but they share the same dreams of Freedom democracy and peace in a place called Canada the only thing I can say is it's pretty nice if you have a maple lip behind you all the time now we move forward all the way to 2002 where a group getting together to clean the river led to an unlikely connection this was where the mystery unfolded almost two weeks ago it was a long day for St Walberg garc and P and Midwest rescue officials as they searched From Dawn till Dusk at the banks of the North sukatan River they found all kinds of garbage and debris along the shoreline including a weathered plastic 7Up bottle with a very interesting story as we met up up at the end of the search everybody was showing each other what they found and somebody happened to find the note in the bottle the note still in good shape was written by 11-year-old Suzanne Calder who had thrown it in the river in Edmonton 8 years ago 18-year-old alfield was given the note because he's closest to the girl's age he wrote back that very night could be when some strange Destiny thing you never know I really didn't know what to say cuz I have well I only know what I know about her from when she was in six she was 11 at the time right so she talked about her NES and her dog and her saxophone and you know what school she went to and that Constable Greg volik with the St wallberg Detachment Tracked Down the girl through the address on the Note luckily her family still lives at the same location Suzanne wasn't home at the time but her mother was and we found the bottle yeah so yeah well September the 27th 1989 today we were able to reach Suzanne herself apparently the bottled message was a class project each student participated however to date only one other classmates's note has been found and only one month after it was released it is pretty interesting to do like I didn't think it would ever be found like I kind of forgot about it until like my mom said that someone phoned about it and I'm like oh yeah I remember we I've actually done that in grade three too we did it with balloons and the same thing happened like we filled up balloons and tied notes to them and a farmer found it in his field and so it's kind of weird that it happened tce but she says she's looking forward to receiving Cameron's letter and thanks search officials for rescuing her message the mystery has been solved the class project was successful and possibly a new friendship was formed and that's all for us this week in retrospect retrospect is brought to you by webs Machinery find New Holland products at webs Machinery your dealer and Vermillion vrille Lamont Way wght St Paul and conso [Music] and thanks to Carter for stepping up to do retrospect today we'll have more Prime Time local news after the [Music] break furniture set and design supplied by Furniture Gallery downtown Lloydminster welcome welcome back the Summer Festival season is underway in the Border City and this coming weekend the ultimate block party comes to lyminster Leanne Sanders spoke with one of the organizers to find out more I'm here today with Donna shellenberg with to the core Pilates uh and I know that you have so much more uh going on at your shop uh but we're here to talk today about the ultimate block party so what can you tell me about the 2024 edition of the ultimate block party well we just seem to make it big bigger and better every single year so um this year we are doing our beef on a bun again we did that last year um and the beef on the bun is being served by the ladies from the interval home and so our fundraiser this year is for the interval um and then um we have a whole dock of vendors again so there's a whole section of the street that's closed off and we have vendors there we see about 400 to 450 people in the 4 hours so the vendors range from everything from teas and cucha all the way to a lot of homemade crafts and and we try and and really stick with makers and people that are creatives so that they're bringing some very unique things um we also have the climbing wall is coming from Pleasant View Bible camp this year um we had it the first year and then they couldn't get it to us last year so we get it again this year um and then just tons of games for the kids we've got bouncy castles and round games and we've got some axe throwing and you name we've got it happening the scoop will be there um free popcorn yeah there's just something for everybody and it's just a great way to bring the community together and for our businesses in our area to come together and do something great for the community yeah I was actually going to say that it's things like this that make uh summer and Lloydminster enjoyable for everybody um I guess what other benefits uh if you're a vendor uh going to be setting up at the block party uh what kind of benefits do they get well it's a lot of um exposure to people that they wouldn't normally get exposure from I think we really pull from a wide range so each of the businesses in the area this is also a customer appreciation event right so we are calling in all of our own customers to say thank you right thank you for being a part of our Lives thank you for supporting our businesses and so those vendors that are coming in very often they're not going to see all of those same people so um and then it's also for our general Community for the people that live in that area and and again a lot of those people aren't necessarily making it to the farmers markets or to the other events that are happening in town and so it's a really nice way for those vendors to really reach a wider range of people right so how many in businesses again have indicated their interest in h being involved so the businesses in our area that take part and sponsor the event are to the Corp lates Reynolds Plumbing MIT uh Joanie BM and mortgage broker they're the sponsors we're the business sponsors and then we have a bunch of the vendors that are coming the scoop comes every year too so they're one of our our major businesses that shows up every year okay and I know we haven't had the most ideal weather so far in June that we were talking about but I'm sure there'll be lots of things to do uh outside of that yeah and we actually bring tents in every year so the vendors are all under tents we have a huge tent for everybody to eat underneath um the kids don't care if it's raining or not they'll be in the bouncy castles anyway um they'll be playing the game games either way but we always set up the tents so that the parents can sit and watch the kids play and if it is raining or even if it's too hot let's just hope it's too hot and they need the tents and they can stay underneath the tents to to just get out of the heat a little bit but um we always plan for that eventuality so yeah so is there anything else that you'd like to mention about the ultimate block party um I think the main thing is that we originally started the block party to celebrate the businesses in our area we really are kind of offset from everybody else um you know the downtown has their downtown activities and a lot of the other businesses are quite Central to Highway 16 or Highway 17 and we're very much offset from those um and we wanted to do something special for our area when I started it I had thought oh we're just cele celebrating our anniversary but when I went and talked to our businesses in the area there's some businesses right there that have been in business for over 40 years they've been around for a long time and so I think it's really important that we celebrate the longevity of the businesses in our community and then as business members also work to create a strong Community where we are located and so it's just been a great opportunity to do that we've created some great friendships now and we watch out for each other and it's just elevated that level of the business community in our area and I I think that's a pretty sweet thing so where is it located exactly so we're at 5115 55th Avenue so you used to be the road that went over the tracks that got closed off and that's where we're located so we close off about three blocks there and uh just set it all up so that no traffic can come through and okay and when does it start and uh when does it wrap up so starts at 4 o'clock on Friday and it wraps up at 8 okay excellent well thank you so much for uh shedding some light on the event for me it sounds like a really good time for everybody families and individuals to go check things out yeah it'll be a great rain or shine it's going to be a great event all right thanks Donna thanks for having me the 16th annual just cruisen show and shine is taking place this weekend Abby St John has more on what to expect from this year's car show I'm very happy to be joined here today by Jerry duim and Carrie Millian both the organizers for the 16th annual just Cruisin show and shine thank you so much for joining me today thanks for having us yeah thanks for having us you're welcome of course now this is a very exciting event and it's uh like I mentioned it's go going on for 16 years now the just cruisen shenin car show tell me a little bit about this event for people who may not know or new to uh hearing about it well it's it's as you mentioned it's been going on for 16 years and we keep having to move venues because we keep growing and growing and uh this year what we're doing to make more room is taking our cars off the pav and putting them on the grass which is about 35 to 40 cars to make more room for guest cars so we've always been kind of focused on looking after our guest cars and they trying to make more room for them and car's got a little information about the club there too yeah so the club Abby too it's it's been in existence for 21 years now as well um and that's fairly big group I think we've got 42 or 44 members um the main purpose of our club too is is just to bring together individuals who are interested in the hobby uh and through that to Share info and and contacts but also um we use this to raise funds and give back to and benefit Lloyd Mis and area residence that sounds amazing and obviously this show going on for so long and like Jerry mentioned it's been growing and growing every year which is the most exciting part I love having it's great when there's events like the show and shine that goes on for so long um now it's on Saturday June 15th perfect event for Father's Day uh for this year for the 16th annual is there anything new that people can expect and on top of that um what are what else is there for people to enjoy um on Saturday well our we're really happy to have a special guest we've never had a special guest the celebrity as such uh Dave from lost car rescue he was the auto body man in that show he's going to come here and be there for the day and sign autographs and walk around and we'll probably have him pick one of our many awards which Carrie will maybe reference to and uh we've got our one of our members who actually moved to St Albert has a rear engine rail dragster he's going to bring it down we're going to fire that up and make some noise you can't have a car show without some noise and uh we've got the Lloyd Mis fire department going to be there with some of their antique trucks they're going to we got them to dig them out of the museums and the Britannia fire truck's going to be there again with their aerial truck so some pretty cool stuff coming out yes that sounds amazing and uh in terms of vendors what kind of vendors can people expect um to see as well so we've got everything from uh like from u a person that does custom pin striping work uh we've got uh displays from a few of the uh accessory uh businesses in in Lloyd um there's like five star Industries has a display Paradise grad will have a display um there'll be uh one from sound obsessions as well just to Showcase some of their product and their and their vehicles uh of course we've got all the different food trucks food vendors um there's a lot of different things going on to make it just a family event it's not strictly about strictly about cars there's a little bit of everything for everybody that sounds so much fun and it like you said it's something for everyone but it's perfect for families to come out and enjoy and of course it's the day before Father's Day so this is perfect for fathers who definitely are car enthusiasts and car lovers um now the best part about this event I think H what people are going to be excited about is that it's free so um for free registration free attendance so can we talk a little bit about what people should know about the times um and when they show up to the event I'm glad you mentioned that it's free because we have a lot of stuff for kids as well we have something very unique to car show in that is we have what's called a make and take where you can bring your children to the show we have 200 models available for the first 200 kids to show up we have big brothers and big sisters sit ready to help them build the models so they can do exactly what it says they can make the model and take it with them and there's no charge for that and Cy Auto has been a longtime sponsor they have a match B Matchbox racing track and they have Matchbox cars for the kids to race and keep the winner if they don't win with that car they pick another one until they race by winner and they take it home with them so yeah there's no admission charge no fee for registration registering your vehicle no fee for entering and uh we've got over 21 awards for the uh participants it's from 9:00 to noon is the registration and from 10: to 4: is the show and we have uh ma m entertainment there with their big screen it's going to be a lot of fun yes it sounds like it it sounds like it's going to be a perfect day and hopefully the weather cooperates as well but I think regardless I think it's going to be a lot of fun for families in and and around the community so uh thank you both for joining me today and I wish you the best of luck for the 16th annual show and shine thanks very much Abby appreciate your support thank you and that's all for News sports is next but first here's a look at your closing Market [Music] today's oil prices are brought to you by first general [Music] Services welcome back Rodeo athletes from across the world were competing just outside of Wayne this past weekend at the 69th annual Lee Park Rodeo Rodeo watch him go to work yeah listen to the Cowboys look at the moves from that horse who the elite event featured all the CPR events like bull riding barrel racing and steer wrestling as well as the wild horse race the organizers say that every day was a great success it was a total success um our crowds were great I got to thank our fans and there was a couple days that the weather was real nice but you saw that hill this afternoon it was back a lot of people come out to watch this today it was a great show to success all around with the completion of the 69th Rodeo anticipation and planning is already beginning for the huge 70th Anniversary next year oh I'm really excited it's a year away but time flies it'll be here right away next week we'll we'll start planning for next year we'll sit down have meeting and see what went pretty good and what went wrong and we change the stuff that went wrong and add on to the stuff that went pretty good and now let's take a look at your egg prices [Music] [Music] thank you for watching Prime Time local news my name is Thomas Wildman and have a wonderful rest of your day and of course go Oilers [Music]

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