Black Ops 6 NEW "AK-74" Class is UNSTOPPABLE! 😍 (BO6 Best Class Setup)

never know you actually never know teammates just stay on the hardpoint while I watch up here yeah what why leatherneck daddy why are you just sitting right here dog now with this being the second weekend of the beta I'm sure you guys know by now but the AK-47 or I guess in this case the ak74 listen it could be way worse they could have named this thing the lockman AR either way man the AK is back and I love seeing this weapon return constantly because it's Nostalgia for me I used it back in the original Black Ops 1 with that sweet sweet gold camo I'm pretty curious man if you guys have ever used an AK-47 in Call of Duty whether that's Black Ops 1 or Moder Warfare 2 Moder Warfare 3 if you guys have used one drop a like on the video right now and let me know Down Below in the comments what is your favorite version this map is just it's it's insane it really really is I'm getting a ton of Packa burst already listen I'll take two afks I kind of hope they play though because I don't really want to um I'm dead I'm probably dead I don't want to have to just fight the AFK people yeah okay I think I think only one of them is AFK Now The Vibes are here though you're falling behind crimon what oh he's behind they probably okay I see them okay they might actually spawn behind me still is H have the point okay me Le why are they AFK I okay let's just get some ammo real quick UAV okay got a sex Kill ah someone to my left as well the AK-47 is actually hitting in this game on different proportions there's another guy like right here oh my God I'm dead why are you just in the back such a weird game and I'm like spawning on people now such a weird match there's people probably right here I would assume I would assume there's more they spawning here H hit marker City Welcome to hit marker City I'm the mayor love that it's been such a weird and interesting game I'm not even going to front with you guys and I'm dead all right cool I don't know how I'm going to turn up but we're going to try I knew they' be to my left dude spawn right in the middle and I didn't even get the kill neutral we good okay I think we're good I think we're okay get some ammo real quick I'm sure some people are going to be middle there a little sex over there I might be dead how did I not get a kill oh God located hello wait that's a crazy spot someone's behind me they're probably going to be middle here's people might be dead Dam damn it bro I just feel like I can't streak up at all we can always turn it around we can always turn it around I'm not going to lose Faith just yet what did I even get the kill res thex are this going to keep spawning here I'm getting looked at from so what dude this is annoying somehow see this game play that would be insane fuing Point active point lock so I think I think there's a glitch with the Recon perk the Recon specialty perk because I can literally sometimes see people through walls might be dead here I don't know H the lock down a the advantage now hold located UAV hoses have the let's push over here you're falling behind crimon they're above us being looked at okay we got to back up okay got a heilo somehow I don't know how I just live that I'm going to be honest with you guys I don't know how I just live that hostiles have the please give me that kill okay I might want to push to my left wait someone's pushing okay I might want to push up here we chilling we chilling we chilling yeah you see that I can see people through walls sometimes I I don't know why but I think it's something to do with the Recon specialty cuz I'm running all blue perks so I get Recon on a 15 running out of ammo though unfortunately still there yep they're still there they're they're not moving they're not moving might be dead and I knew it son of a you guys have no idea how long it just took me to get on this damn game oh my God I every time I would boot up Black Ops 6 I would get a de and uh yeah now now this is my first game back on but it took me an hour to fix I would literally boot up B6 get a de and then I had to find out on Reddit how to fix it and I finally figured out how okay that is crazy oh my God can everyone chill this is not like CDL this is not optic gaming this is not ranked play y'all need to just please chill this guy's definitely going to come through hold up hold up he's definitely going to come through I knew it cuz these guys are sweaty as all hell right now there's some guy up top here I'm not sure if he's going to push teammate just died got him got him you get really no aim assist up close like that anymore more wow I'm absolutely insane okay I don't know how if I'm going to be able to turn up this match I'm dead oh God cuz it's only TDM so the spawns are going to be absolutely ridiculous so I really have no idea what the Vibes are going to be I'm just going to slide down here for a second probably dead rep enemies remov okay we have we actually got a heo I need some I need some help though I need some help okay I can only literally just chill right here for a second I'm probably dead probably dead no I'm dead no I think there was four people on me ah I'm so mad right now man but this AK-47 has definitely been hitting as you guys can see I feel like I made a really good build for like medium ranges but also potentially a close range as well so I'm dead I'm going to go out of here I'm going to dip I'm just going to dip okay even though I might not be able to drop a nuke this game I still want to show you guys some gameplay where I do actually struggle because I definitely do like I definitely struggle I I typically show you guys game plays hold up I typically show you guys like the best game plays that I get out of like a 5H hour session and that's basically what I upload but I want to show you guys some game plays where I might not drop a nuke I might not even streak up that crazy but I still want to win the game and I still want to show you guys how I play in certain situations so hopefully you guys are cool with that I'm probably dead here I got to look definitely down the hallway I don't see see anyone I think I'm actually Chuck aade okay we got to heal I'm going to jump up here I don't know if anyone's still in the middle here I didn't want to use my sim shot so it's fine I misclicked but it's all good definitely a dude right there anyone else mad people over there someone might pop up got him definitely someone behind me definitely another ah hopefully we can win this match it's so close 37 to 33 oh drop a like if you guys think I'm going to win the game drop a comment if you guys think I'm going to lose this match cuz I really do feel like sometimes I'm playing the CDL and I'm not really about it I'm going to be honest with you there's someone behind me hold up someone above too someone above someone below UAV they're definitely going to be spawning on me now I would assume I see one dude I don't know if he sees me in the corner UAV definitely up top let's push it let's push it let's push it hold up hold up hold up wait I love the Recon perk dude honestly I feel like that's one of the most like important things in Black Op 6 I'm serious is that orange ping where someone is looking at me I swear to you guys it is so important and it really it saves me so many times I'm probably dead here so I'm just going to run away I'm going to see they probably know I'm here but UAV flight % that guy's awesome oh my God it's 48 to 48 oh my God the whole kill feed is just the freaking enemies there's definitely people down here hold up might be dead what we good chat I'm not I'm not even streaming but chat please thank you thank you definitely people behind me thank you might be another dude I have 10 bullets I'm just going to push it AFK I'll take for sure okay we're up by seven kills I don't know if we're actually going to win this match so I'm just going to jump down cuz I think they're all spawning on me so I might as well try reposition if we can get another Hilo honestly I'll feel pretty excited see what the Vibes are here hostile Sleeper Agent spotted hostile sleeper okay so Sleeper Agent is a brand new thing I think it's almost like a field upgrade but someone on the enemy team is now going to look like he's a teammate which is probably going to mess up a lot of my vibes I'm not joking that is two people okay okay listen we're kind of doing our thing this game we're obviously not going to drop a nuke but it's fine I've dep of that so at this point I really just want to win the match and it sucks that I have to like Focus up this much in a freaking TDM game on the beta but it that's kind of how it is now man seriously it's kind of how it is throw a little s Tex all the way down there we might actually wait I was getting looked at from somewhere maybe across the map oh yeah across the map okay anyone else Chopper going absolutely nuts we took a massive massive massive lead right there definitely someone okay that SX was on the other side of the wall so I didn't have to really I didn't have to move I'm just going to throw sex right there I don't know if it's going to kill anyone there's someone actually someone might be actually down my Chopper killed me and my kind of idea moving forward in terms of like content especially for bo6 is to actually show you guys a lot of game plays that I don't really even necessarily drop a nuke or go on a crazy streak because I don't always do that oh that could have been a nice little quad he's trying to shoot down something but I want to show you guys gam plays that I'm I'm not necessarily streaking up for an absolute nuke AR Hile but I still perform well at the end of the day 51 and n one more kill left I think that is the victory okay you know what that was a pretty competitive match but I think I feel like I showed you guys how the AK can look in a really sweaty match where I'm not really streaking up too much but also just playing for the win get the best play here I don't really even know what I did one two love this AK three okay I think I got maybe four or five maybe two more kills right here I jump down I see two people yep five kills love it that's a good play of the game all right hardpoint on Babylon is honestly a good vibe I thought I saw someone hold up this actually might be a little bit of a more sweatier game the hard points in the middle this map is so small but I love it I also I love the Packa burst I love Packa burst man I I love when I just lag in the middle of gunfights and it usually gets me killed and love it love it so much okay if I didn't have that Recon perk honestly I would have been dead like so many times I'm dead okay wow this honestly it's looking like it's going to be a very very sweaty sweaty game um so let's see if we can actually do something here everyone loves these Corners is there another guy I think there was but I'm just going to back up I'm just going to back it up there okay let's just push the fact that he killed me is crazy lock down hos have the point hard point is SEC holy crap I'm dead just working at The Kinks friendly friendly we good I'm going to have to push up over here I'm definitely going have to push over here okay we got a UAV got a counter got to throw that up on a Tuesday I'm dead should have been dead oh my God point is coming towards me so I don't really know how this is going to go hostiles haveed the someone's under they're down okay all these guys are on the Hardo thanks for the work UAV I'm dead wow I cannot believe I just lived just destroy that got to watch do kilo they might actually spawn here still I don't I don't know where they're spawning I see this guy I see this guy hold up oh my God let's go healo I just don't want the spawns to flip cuz they might spawn behind me these guys might spawn behind me so I got to watch out real quick hosti on of 15 I'm dead that spot is crazy what the actual hell was that Call of Duty listen I know the Hardo is on me but are you kidding y'all couldn't I don't know help me out dude that is such a crazy spawn oh my God Call of Duty I know it's Babylon I know I know it's Babylon I know I know the spawns are crazy on this map in particular but oh my Lord have mercy bro that's a freaking quad they're probably still going to be spawning on me which is the most hilarious part I see this guy dude what am I doing I might be dead on a merciless I'm dead no oh my God I'm popping off I'm popping off ah I'm going to be so mad when I don't drop a freaking nuke in this game because the spawns love that oh that was a great dolphin dive Buster that was an awesome dolphin dive and now I'm dead I love this map because it's pure chaos like trust me I I love that so much I love chaotic Maps I love Maps where I can kind of just not really have to think and kind of just play bro that's what I love so much but I'm probably dead here cuz I can't see I threw a sex I actually got a seex kill somehow okay hold up hold up hold we're going to we're going to run over here probably dead I'm honestly I'm probably dead they're all through there I see them I I think that's a glitch with the Recon perk it gives you the Recon still even though I'm not supposed to have it I'm dead this is one I have to run away and probably honestly push middle which is crazy to say but that was the best thing I could have done is push middle right there I see all of them okay we have another UAV in the counter are you serious that is the most toxic BS I've ever seen okay we got the Hilo might as well throw that up I'm probably dead here I would assume oh yeah I'm probably dead here yeah I would assume we got some people probably coming through middle got a hit marker on him above all right you know what let's just push up here then it's probably our best play someone might still be up here I'm not sure hello hello hello elimin my teammate's got another watch doog which is perfect honestly I'm dead wait behind me on another merciless can't see that dude they could also be still be spawning on me now they are they are they're still spawning they're still spawning on me they're still spawning on me throw Tex real quick teammates you good you chilling I'm dead wait from where from where from where from where from where from where they they could honestly still be spawning over here now too just have my sight aim down just have my sight aim down is Sec hello Packa burst don't do that to me don't do that to me Packa burst please don't H haveed the I honestly don't know where to go that's my only thing right now I'm going to watch over teammate real quick okay we're on a 15 just going to go through here refill my ammo and then maybe just chill for a second hold up maybe just chill for a second got a ton of hit markers on that guy I don't think he's going to push back okay UAV okay hardpoint is adjusting back over to me I'm going to push okay we're going to push over here instead hosti is we're going to watch middle H have the can't see that dude probably dead teammate actually just saved me I'm so nervous I'm actually so scared scared we still need a ton of kills so that's the [Music] thing we still need a lot of kills yeah the spawns are not going to be our friend right now unfortunately I'm on a 20 I don't think we're I don't think we are though I don't think we are I think these guys are going to be spawning right here yeah the hard Point's on me now okay we got to push back we got to push back we have to push back right here check take a look at middle real quick someone's middle I think throw that stex over there maybe got a kill we didn't unfortunately they're still going to be spawning over here I'm dead oh okay they know I'm there they know I'm there let's push back let's push back cuz they they definitely know I'm there still they're on the Hardo right now that should have been a kill I'm the Packa burst dude I'm going to die to Packa burst I know it we got to look this way as well I might want to push try to push around I'll just push with my teammates real quick I'm dead dude what on a brutal I'm so close oh I'm chocked I'm so chocked oh my God they got a freaking Watch Dog Hilo that's it I think that's it cuz now they're going to get the hardpoint my teammates can't even get the Hardo and the game's probably going to end there's another spot that I could potentially go to but I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it get there the RX okay I'm four off the nuke okay okay I can push I can push watcho incom on your location wait they have another Watchdog I'm going to get right under here lock think I might be dead though I'm dead I hate it come on move from the spawn they got another watch doog Hilo they got two if they didn't get the second one honestly I could have probably pushed out and got the nuke oh my God bro these guys got two Watchdog kilos probably from literally just sitting in their spawn look at this look at this that's insane that is that is insane bro granted I was in my spawn too but I couldn't go anywhere I literally could not push anywhere that was such a good game man I really tried I really tried playing my life man I really tried playing my life this game we did so well look at this guy like stop and then this that that glitch is so crazy cuz this side gets this head glitch but the other side barely doesn't like that that spot is not on this one right here like this spot doesn't have it maybe this head glitch maybe so I guess but it's not to the same degree it's really not to the same degree at all H I'm being a hater now all right maybe we can win they need uh three more points on this Hardo we're probably dead though we're probably dead yeah I I mean we're probably not going to win we we need to literally get to this next hard point but they're probably going to get to it because these guys are sweating so much right now I'm on it I'm on it throw that sex imagine we actually win still they need three more points that'd be so embarrassing bro oh that would be so bad if they actually end up losing I don't think they will of course but you never know you actually never know teammates just stay on the hardpoint while I watch up here assume yeah what why leatherneck daddy why are you just sitting right here dog there's so many more spots you can go to so many more just so many more spots if we actually make this comeback I'm just going to play Central While my team is on the hardpoint okay hard Point's going on right here oh my God literally no aim assist up close teammates we got to get to the Hardo and I am the only one who's trying all right guys let's jump into this ak74 class setup for the muzzle rocking the suppressor to stay off the radar I feel like I have this on every single weapon but to be honest with you it's so need man just to be a little bit more stealthy for the barrel I was actually rocking the reinforced Barrel to increase both the damage range and the bullet velocity I did try the long barrel I tried the gain twist barrel and I feel like this Barrel actually worked the best for me next up for the magazine of course man the extended mags just to have an increased magazine size for the rear grip I was running the ergonomic grip to have a little bit more ads speed slide to fire speed and dive to fire speed it's just going to make the mobility and handling of this gun feel a lot better and lastly for the stock the balance stock to have a little bit more walking movement speeds you can strafe back and forth faster and then and then also movement speed in general you get an increase which I thought was really good another great option though is the combat stock just to reduce that Flinch resistance which actually might win you a few more gunfights than usual either way man here is the rest of my setup but let me know Down Below in the comments how you guys feel about the ak74 what is the best assault rifle in your opinion right now in Black Ops 6 thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time

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