Playstation 5 Pro Reveal Was An EPIC FAIL, Microsoft Just Cut Another 650 Positions Within Xbox, WOW

Community Guest Intros [Music] hello and good afternoon Xbox Nation welcome to this week's new episode of X Vlog live I'm one of your hosts Mr Boomstick XL and of course here with my partner in crime the pony SL himself Steve money good afternoon kind sir how you feeling good afternoon man I'm feeling good I'm feeling really good um you know we got some some not so so happy news today but the rest of the week has been phenomenal you know what I'm saying so you know kind of balance it out man uh no I'm feeling good everybody's good so I'm good so uh yeah very very excited to get into this week's topic man it's going to be fun yeah well listen folks for the next 75 minutes uh we have two major topics to get into uh of course we're going to open up with the breaking news that happened earlier today and of course this that's the sad news that c money is referring to Xbox and more specifically Microsoft has announced they're going to be cutting 650 positions uh now everyone is reporting on it you know we've seen stories from Tom Warren we've seen stories from Tom Henderson uh the community is talking about it but the story that I'm going to use for the conversation in tow is of course from jez Cordon of Windows Central as I like to use jez's stuff and kind of put them out there I mean everyone knows who jez Cordon is but I like using his stuff to kind of get you to go and well read his article because it was very well written there's a lot of information we were going to get into second half of the program more more so it's probably going to be a a big chunk of it is some of the numbers that have been coming in for the PlayStation 5 Pro uh reveal it's not good uh even some of the most Stout PlayStation fans and I'm not talking about the trolls I'm talking about people that actually have you know 200 platinums like bitcloud gaming for instance um kind of put uh put PlayStation on blast and the numbers coming in for dislikes versus likes on that reveal by Mark cery are not good um Japan uh you know we got some we got some numbers from Japan regarding the price increase that happened last week for the standard uh PlayStation 5 again not good for Sony uh they have dropped down 2third of what they normally sell and that of course is because of the price increase uh so we're going to get into that uh this this was a a console that I don't think anybody really asked for um I know that there's been a lot of people that have been comparing this thing to a 4090 we talked about it last night in prime time uh it is not a 4090 it is not please do not believe the shenanigans uh um and uh the pricing is just egregious it really is and again you have to look at it because there are Defenders of this that are looking at it and be like well it's only 700 bucks you know you should expect that for nextg no um not when you compare it to the PlayStation 5 that's currently available for almost $300 less and then of course stop running with the lows point of contention at $700 it's not $700 that is 700 $699.99 before tax that is before you add a stand and that is before you add the ability to play a disc that you currently own on your disc PlayStation 5 so it's 830 bucks here in the states over a thousand in other countries please don't defend this this is Sony nickeling diming its consumers a and the funny part and we going to get into it we didn't really get to talk about it last night is I have it folks and look I don't like speaking in the as a matter of fact kind of way unless I have it on 100,000% credibility from the people that I spoke to and I'm talking about astrobot astrobot was taken out of the box at the last minute and sold separately to make money for Sony and I have that on two sources that I can confirm that it was supposed to be a packing it was supposed to be the packing for the PS5 Pro to justify that price and they took it out and they gave you Astros playroom which is four years old and came with the PS5 and I have that confirmed and that is a typical listen I don't I'm not going to get into it nor am I going to apologize that I spent an hour this morning playing it I'm just about to get to the third world and I'm playing at a very slow pace because I am finishing everything in each world and I am absolutely loving it so I make no apologies for it but that does not take away from the fact that this is once again PlayStation doing what they're known to do and the community just bending over and taking it and it's and it's gross and it's wrong and well more people need to let let Sony know about themselves because again see money one of the most hilarious things that I saw and these are these are grown men these are grown people with potential families and mortgages and all kinds of important [ __ ] and yet the running narrative is somehow some way the lack of competition from Xbox made it easy for Sony to rake people over the co I mean are you serious that's crazy and that and that's a that's a for real that's a for real Theory and thought that that's what freaks me out because I'm like wow these are supposed to be people with brains uh that's not good but see money let's get into a very heavy topic now real quick this the situation I don't know if you're seeing it on the screen but this super slideshow it's might might yeah let me just stop this footage for the love of Joe okay so I'm G to get this out of here I just had them over see look see I stopped the footage and boom there it is um all right but you know what I I have to figure this out I have to figure out why I can't play the footage streamyards just did a $90 uh 4K streaming thing and did they really yeah yeah it's 90 bucks and um I hate I hate taking this out because now we look like a dollar dollar store kind of podcast I gotta I got to get artwork Microsoft Just Cut Another 650 Positions Within Xbox, WOW for two people um yeah they off that streamyards is now offering um uh the three tiers and the highest tier gives you 4K recordable uh I don't know if it streams at 4K but ever since they did the change over um I'm I'm getting super slow speeds and didn't happen last night surprisingly enough and they just came and changed or my my my router they they swapped out the router I was getting hot brand new it's I did a speed test I'm yeah it's fine we'll we'll figure it out folks but listen again let's let let's let's get into a very heavy topic and that of course is the report from jez Cordon of Windows Central uh he he tweeted earlier today Microsoft gaming is laying off 650 staffers mostly in corporate uh functions like human resources Finance marketing Etc the spite record revenues and that's where they kind of kind of get they going to probably get the smoke from people now the article of course written by jez Gordon um we do have here the what you need to know section and he goes on to say here to open up the article Xbox formed a new org uh new org dubbed Microsoft gaming a while back after acquiring Bethesda zenmax and Activision Blizzard King to incorporate all of its gaming functions in an email shared with Windows Central this morning Microsoft gaming CEO Phil Spencer announced a new round of layoffs uh primarily targeting corporate functions like human resources finance and marketing Spencer emphasized that no device uh no devices are being cancelled or no studios are being closed as a result of the layoffs the email Phil Spencer sent to staff can be read below so I'd like to read that c and kind of get people now it's it's man it's a bit lengthy but I it just really does go with the context that we're trying to make here and obviously look um anytime you see layoffs it's heart-wrenching I was telling C uh privately before we went live I know a particular story about a person that was laid off and that had a pretty tough 2024 with personal things and adding this this is the kind of stuff that could break a person uh again the world is unforgiving the world is incredibly expensive uh maybe this is not the topic that you tuned in for here today for but I gotta be honest with you when these things happen we have to talk about it because it is breaking news it is worthy of a conversation and again it's it's something that I don't want us as Gamers to forget because sometimes we get a bit complacent and uh we forget that actually human beings make these games and when you see this yeah again this is it's not a Microsoft problem it is an industrywide issue and quite frankly uh at the six Monon Mark which was June we saw more um gaming layoffs in the first six months of this year than all of 2023 that's frightening and that is definitely concerning but let me read the email Reba him folks and then we'll get C's opinion then we're going to move on to talking about the PlayStation Pro and what a disaster that is for Sony Phil says this in the email now this is the official email for the past year our goal has been to minimize disruption while welcoming in new teams and enabling them to do their best work as part of aligning our postacquisition team structure and managing our businesses we have made the decision to eliminate appro approximately uh approximately 650 roles across Microsoft gaming mostly corporate and support uh functions to organize our business for long-term success I know that this is difficult news to hear we are deeply grateful for the contributions of our colleagues who are learning that they are impacted in the US we are supporting them with exit packages that include Severance extend healthare uh and outplacement services to help them with their transition outside US package will differ according to its location with these changes our corporate and supporting teams and resources are aligned for substantial future growth and can better support our studio teams and business units uh with programs and resources that can scale to meet their needs separately as part of running the business there are some impacts to other teams as they adapt to shifting priorities and manage the life cycle and performance of games no games devices or experiences are being cancelled and no studios are being closed as part of these adjustments today finally and in in closing throughout our team's history we have made we have had great moments and we've had challeng alling ones today is one of the challenging days I know that uh through more changes like this is hard but even in the most trying times the team has been able to come together and show one another care and kindness as we work to continue delivering to our players we appreciate your support as we navigate these changes and we thank you for your compassion and respect for each other bill now look that does nothing for me and I don't think that that letter from Phil Spencer does anything to anyone who now has to figure out how they're going to pay the rent the mortgage feed their kids send their kids to school pay their medical after the severance runs out there's no specific details as to how long the severance is um what we've heard in the past especially when it comes to medical it's usually about a year uh for the severance it's usually about six months I I mean look long time for them yeah it's not see and we're running into the holidays right like we're we're we're third through September we're soon going to be talking about Halloween we're soon gonna be talking about uh uh about Thanksgiving and then of course closing out the year is Christmas and then the new year um this this letter does again I'm not affected I'm already retired but this if if I put myself in the shoes of an employee that was getting this letter and just found out that their life is now a complete [ __ ] show because they're gone this does nothing for me um again I'm not overblowing this and giving extra unnecessary smoke I'm just saying that from a human perspective this just sucks uh it does and maybe other podcasts aren't going to talk about it and if you feel that maybe we're we're we're somehow spinning our wheels and wasting our time I hear you but that's not how I feel I feel like this needs to be discussed we need to have this conversation and again is it the biggest topic of the show it is not but it's one that I really want to have seey let's get your hot take on this man I mean this the thing I mean I don't for me in particular I really don't see this as any of like different than the other ones it sucks you know it sucks that it had to happen um you know I feel bad for the people who you know are affected um um you know at the same time you flip the script and it's like these are not these people working for such a huge company right these are not like your your people who are down bad and and hold you know had this job holding you know holding on the dear life and now now they don't have it you know what I'm saying like in these jobs these people are well qualified for the most part right to do this type of job and chances are they'll they'll end up somewhere else relatively soon I mean if you listen you know you if they giving you six months of your normal pay right and you you got six months to to kind of live off of that I mean yeah you got to go get a job you know what I'm saying you have to go find a job and you know it's we always got to remember that no company is responsible to you know provide for us forever right we have to we have to always be doing it but honestly when we think about who they're letting go I mean it it absolutely makes sense right this is all like corporate spaces that yeah honestlyy is exactly what's happening here see money yeah yeah they don't they I see it as them them trying to bring Xbox like Microsoft closer you know within these organizations across ABK and Bethesda and um I think it just does it where they can you know now you call HR at Microsoft you know like if if you're HR guys is not there or maybe they just put it down to only one person at these locations who acts as a Le Aon between Microsoft and these other places I mean we don't know the exact breakdown but when when you look at what's the number right 650 people who are non Developers for the most part right there's probably some sprinkled in there right but for the most part non-developers I mean crap man that's almost you could have three AAA Studios with what it costs to have those 650 people there who are not actually you know contributing to the games being made and you know what what ultimately is bringing in the money right if they're talking HR how many HR positions do you need in a company right I mean obviously with a lot of a lot of uh employees you know obviously you need them but I feel like I feel like Microsoft has had a lot of employees way more employees than what they you know have brought on uh just with these Acquisitions right so I think they they know how to handle it for the most part and forever we've always heard of Microsoft being the best place to work for right um like people are always really happy working there right so you know ultimately I think you know bringing Microsoft closer to the developers in all of these places as a as an organization that's handling the back end of stuff like your corporate parts of it I think it just makes sense you know again I do feel obviously you know it sucks for the people you know it always sucks it always sucks for anybody who loses their job nobody wishes that anybody loses their job um but you know at the end of the day things have to happen and it has to always be for for the good of the company like I I the one thing I hate and and and you know they put it in there on purpose but uh they say they they loost you know had to cut 650 jobs despite a record-breaking you know year or whatever that is again um maybe because I just see it from a different perspective but at the end of the day you know just because you have a record-breaking year doesn't mean you say we had a record-breaking year so we're going to keep wasting money on things that we don't need right that's not how business work that's not the reality of things right they're going to go ahead and do what's best and listen they're again obviously you know Microsoft is doing this now and it of course comes out when uh when this whole PlayStation 5 Pro thing is happening but uh honestly it's the it's actually smart right because they're buring it right because this is a nothing Burger they're letting you know they're not there's no studios being closed there's no games being shut down no devices are being shut down nothing is changing for what their future is outside of Letting Go the people that they need to let go of right that have nothing to do with the games that are being made so this is going to come in and then obviously maybe the ponies will try to keep it going but that Pro is such an L dog I I don't know how long it's going to take before that that dies down so it's you know you kind of bury bad news where um where it makes the most sense and I kind of feel like that's what they did they saw everything that took place and they were like all right let's go ahead and and let's put this out there now of course they didn't put this out there to the world this is an internal situation and of course you know Tom Warren and and fam like to go uh dig all this stuff up but look it is what it is they knew it would probably get out but yeah I mean at the end of the day again sucks for those people I really I feel bad for them I know like it like it's coming up to the holidays but it's not quite the holidays right like you still have a few months beforehand there's still plenty of time to you know get back on your feet and they're covering them through the holidays minimum right with pay right so um doesn't hurt that bad thankfully um but yeah man yeah again it's it's not the biggest topic of the show but one that I believe in my heart that we needed to cover uh again this is this is when you when you make Acquisitions like this as big as bringing in 10,000 potential plus new employees from Activision Blizzard and King these are going to happen is it right no you like to see anyone lose their jobs absolutely not this particular round is and know I see a lot of people in the chat saying yeah no boom but it's not developers they're still humans right they're still people I I get that they're corporate I get that they will have other opportunities to work outside of gaming because again they're if they're doing HR let's just say you you can there there's Corporate America someone was gonna hire you for HR you could work anywhere that's that's I I I totally get all of that but I still think that it's worthy of a conversation to have and I do want to kind of still push the push the envelope at least here on this channel where yes these are corporate positions but we have to look at the industry as a whole and the industry as a whole is I put it to this way if I'm a younger person looking to getting into gaming I don't think I I choose that that that career path that that's just me because what's the confidence all right the closer we get to AI is AI going to box out more people people I I don't know I'm not a developer um I know developing games is hard and it's expensive it's more expensive now than it's ever been which is why I do appreciate games more so than just hey playing the game it sucks throw it away um but again I mean to be fair though with those people right they didn't sign up for gaming right like HR those people didn't say I want to get into games these are just these are just corporate people who do HR for a company right so they're not like they didn't look at the industry and say I'm I'm I'm looking to get in like this is not a is weird but this is this is less about like the game industry and more just about you know the fact that these are again corporate positions that at the end of the day they don't serve Microsoft anymore right they're just redundancies as we kind of spoke and again yeah I mean that's that's ultimately what they are yeah yeah like I'm not again I'm not I'm not uh saying oh you know wow this doesn't matter screw those people I'm not I'm saying that I understand that I understand it sucks for those people um but it's not like if if if the news was that they were shutting down you know those 650 people were in the games and they were shutting down you know all these Studios because of like that would be like what the like what is happening why are there why are you shutting down all these Studios right like we got rid of the the people who came in and did nonsense right so we got rid of the Tango we got rid of not not they didn't do nonsense but they didn't have a future right and we got rid of the Austin who did redfall right so that stuff is gone everybody else has been pretty good rocking right so like that would have been like what's going on you know what I'm saying like what's what's happening um but with this nah I mean look it happens it happens and it's not in our sector you know what I'm saying like it's it's all corporate um and you know at the end of the day uh you would think if they're working for Activision or Bethesda or Microsoft that these are qualified people who have the qualifications to go work at a high position or their same position somewhere else right theoretically yeah yeah well listen uh we got a shift over C money you've been talking about this with obviously yourself with doodle with uh with hary chany uh we've talked about we talked about it specifically last night um and uh look the the numbers are in they don't lie uh so I have a a tweet from bitcloud gaming now if you don't know who bitcloud gaming is he is a prominent uh member of the PlayStation content creation Community he's one of the finest there he keeps it one he keeps it a buck as the kids like to say and uh he he was out there and did a really big hearty laugh when he was live streaming the price of the PlayStation 5 Playstation 5 Pro Reveal Was An EPIC FAIL, Will Playstation Gamers Upgrade and How Many Will? Pro The Bare Bones model with nothing but the console uh is of course $700 so he put out a tweet and um obviously he's talking about how he believes the PlayStation 5 Pro is considered to him that's a PlayStation gamer and he's not a he's not a gamer that hides from you know hides his trophies from anybody the guy has hundreds of platinums he's like Mr Platinum he loves PlayStation but he gives them the smoke when it's necessary and this is one of those times where he actually did a a video where he's calling it an epic fail now interestingly enough uh now I went looking and Sony made private the likes and the dislikes for a reason because the last number that bitcloud has and I'm looking at at it retim it was 92,000 likes 158,000 dislikes see money and I'm listen I'm actually I bet you it's three times that um even digital Foundry who is a defender of PlayStation uh were like yeah we don't really see they actually brought to everyone's attention that Harry Potter or the um Hogwarts was dropped down the 30 frames while they were showing the uh the the rate tracing Reflections so what does that ultimately say you're you're going to get 30 frames Tom Warren reported which I talked about last night earlier this year that there's still going to be PS5 Pro enhanced games at 30 30 frames now C money one of the one of the heads scratching moments has been the media uh now we talked last night about Jeff Keeley and how many times he tweeted 14 times actually until he was Community load noted on the last one we talked that we talked about that last night where he was breaking down the price adjustment to inflation on consoles with dis drives versus the PlayStation 5 Pro at $699.99 $700 which does not have a dis drive so he was Community noted for that that to me is embarrassing you're supposed to you're the you're the host of The Game Awards in you you were in such a rough to get this tweet out there to make it make sense and well I'd be embarrassed to be I would have deleted the tweet at this point because why I mean I I know that they butter your bread there's no doubt about it but this was this was a clear Ridiculousness so yeah yeah for sure going to IGN specifically Brian Alano um not a big fan of his I used to watch I used to watch IGN all the time I actually actually like uh Brian don't like his work now to be honest with you I haven't watched his work BL he came after me one time after the after him and skolfield went after Psychonauts for he letting them know hey he didn't mention Xbox he wasn't even being a troll he was just like hey why do you keep skipping that this is coming to Xbox and of course they threw on the you know the Earth Defense Force uh for themselves and of course that's that's one of the times I've lost all respect well he he did a whole a whole video talking about if you want the best place to play Grand Theft Auto 6 because he knows he's got the inside skinny it's going to be PlayStation 5 Pro uh no so there's been some talk about the PlayStation 5 Pro specifically running Grand Theft Auto sits at 60 frames well digital Foundry even though they are PlayStation Pro uh journalists were like yeah that's that's never GNA happen uh the uh so that that that's that's not going to happen it's there's too much Computing going on there's no way that the PS5 Pro is running Grand Theft Auto 6 at 60 frames it's just not going to be able to do it it's gonna be 30 frames like all of them before it now will it get there one day I guess maybe but I don't think it's going to be at launch see money we we got to talk about this because there are a lot of things here that seem to have gone over the head of a lot of Gamers there's been a lot of push back I even seen some some some PlayStation players being like nah man this is this ain't right and and they're right to say that uh but there are a lot of people defending this uh one particular person that went after uh bitcloud specifically were like yeah uh real Gamers will go buy this console but real Gamers the hell does that even mean you mean people that are going to just take it and get a minuscule bump now I don't know about you see money and I want to get your hot take on this when when s uh um they were showing it off it Mark cerne had to logistically guide the eyes of everyone to where he wanted them to see this So-Cal difference and even guiding me I'm like yeah I I don't I don't really see it yeah you barely you could barely see it you could barely tell it was it was ridiculous like even the Shadows they specifically showed Spider-Man he had the uh um the black suit on and they're showing the Shadows of the tree I actually thought the Shadows of the tree for the PS5 regular look better than the pro um you know you know that what's funny is that they go and like the defense of it right like you have John linman coming out and some of the other people saying the defense of it is oh my God look at how uh how bad the video upload was it it crushed it blah blah blah if you see it regular if you see in real life it's way better but what what they don't understand how stupid that is right the reason why PlayStation did it and they're not as dumb as you guys would like to think um is that at the end of the day both images are crushed right both look worse than they actually do so the before picture and then the after picture both of them look worse than what they actually do if you're watching the the game in motion right so that's why it doesn't make a difference if they're both crushed when they both get Amplified to real life the same difference will be there right there's no there's no difference between watching it what they showed you and watching in real life if you're looking at both of them comparatively same [ __ ] man it's it's ridiculous the PlayStation 5 Pro at that look I know the price is crazy right and and yeah it is that being said if if they had said hold on F this we're skipping the pro this is the PlayStation 6 and a next generated start like a Next Generation started and it was just this massive jump in technology and this huge huge boost and then they said 700 yes it's expensive yes they're not going to sell as many but at least you'll be like wow I'm gonna get something really different I'm getting something big for this this is literally yo they spent the entire beginning of this video going back to the PlayStation 5 to tell you about the modes okay and how and if you live we broke down we we basically did the digital Foundry but the opposite direction where we actually look for the problems instead of trying to let them get away with it um and when you hear what he says he basically tells you that like the goal hopefully is to take that Fidelity mode and that performance mode and get rid of the choice right or and then he says or at least you know narrow it down a little bit which essentially means that it's just a normal little power bump we see it it's basically catching up to the Xbox right the series X it's a it's a has a little bit more um power but Xbox has been handicapped the series X has been handicapped this whole time because everybody makes the game for Playstation and since the PlayStation can't go higher they don't spend any time boosting up the series X right except for when you see somebody like uh Space Marines who didn't bother doing that and just let it happen right and just and all of a sudden Xbox series X trounces the PlayStation 5 Pro right it just I mean not the pro well maybe the pro too in the future who knows uh but the but the PlayStation 5 right just slaps it up right destroys it it was like it was basically like looking at a nextg console versus uh uh last gen console as far as the the the performance difference you know what I'm saying it's was like like there were scenes where at like 30 and or 30 and change and Xbox was like at 50 and change right like that's that's a big difference right for the same generation right again not comparing a mid gen refresh right this is two consoles same price right two consoles same price Xbox series X slaps it up now if you want to come and say well I'm gonna spend $700 to hopefully get those frames uh bumped more or to get them more in line uh with with um the 60 FPS number because to be clear very little was discussed they they did not want to put out the idea during that event that the games will look better than quality mode yep right they did not they were very clear they did not spend time saying they did very little they showed a horizon right Horizon when they talked about uh boosting the lighting or something like that but wasn't it funny that when they talked about that where was the side by sides where was the comparison shots show us no no right no you just want to put the one thing on there so we could look at oh wow look it looks pretty but how much prettier does it look right because I played Horizon forbidden West and it was a pretty fine looking game I didn't when I looked at that image I didn't say wow this is the power of the pro what what you know saying like no nothing nothing about it was and honestly seeing Space Marine and and we did a you know our one of our streams on this seeing space Mar Marine 2 shows you why the pro needed to exist it shows you because it literally needs to catch up it canot do it Final Fantasy 7 rebirth in performance perance mode shows you why they need this thing Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and performance mode is basically the game running and Vaseline all over on top of it right the blurriest crap like ever all right it's just what they did it this is this is literally just catchup will you see games that the the resolution base is slightly higher than on Xbox will you see them keep that 60 uh that 60 frames per second line uh sharper than on Xbox on some games yeah sure it should it should for that price it would be pretty it would I mean they they spent the whole time telling us that the Xbox series X should look better than the PlayStation 5 with that more power even though they want to ignore the fact that we know based off the trial and all that other stuff that they have parity Clauses in play to make sure that they don't make the Xbox series X look special or better right so look it I we've had a lot of fun we're probably G to keep talking about it because you know more of of this keeps coming out where people are are trying to to cap for it um but but frankly at that price um what they are giving is wild you know people want to you you start seeing people they're trying to compare the um the black Galaxy edition of the Xbox the one that you pre-ordered yeah the two terab 99 yeah yeah the two terabyte one right but they love to say well that was 599 the play 5 Pro was $699 no fam fam don't be ignorant right like that's what you're doing that on purpose you're trying to to one has a dis drive and one can stand on its own exactly you have to slap that disc drive you have to slap the uh stand on there you're talking about10 then you have tax yeah right so I mean come on you're you're talking this is what we saw on that screen and I and I and I joked about it but this was the truth every time we they had the when uh Mark shney did the the uh Visual and he zoomed in right I told I told the the chat and in the panel I was like okay imagine you're sitting here and you're playing this game on the left right the one that doesn't have uh the upgrade right and then I came into your house like the Kool-Aid man right I just burst through your wall right and then I opened up a screen I opened up a screen and played the right side image right I played the right side image for you and said look at that you see that difference okay hey give me $800 right now and this is what you'll have nobody would do it bro nobody would do it nobody would look at that upgrade and say I will pay $800 right now to get that upgrade that is why why every single poll that you have seen from ponies who do the poll like Jeff to everybody else who's done a poll no one no one watchs this thing so little like 7% 14% on the the biggest ponies you know the biggest Pony one when you combined you know like oh yeah for sure and then like uh maybe nobody wants this crap yeah the the the polls have been all incredibly negative dude honestly they have been yeah dude it's not enough it's not enough of a jump I'm not listen I'm not a person who shies away from spending money on gaming right I have a 49 well just look at the back your backdrop that too right like I'm just not I'm not so it's not like money is not the the reason that I think that I would not want this right if this was the biggest and like like a huge again it would have at this price this this is where nextg would be if the pricing on the original consoles are staying at 500 right like you you you're not going to make it 500 and then 600 right now I'm not saying it should be but if it were that I would at least be able to be like okay I gotta what am I getting I'm getting new nextg games that are going to look way better be way more um and like that little price difference that couple hundred bucks between the the last gen and this gen I can see that difference okay wow let's go but but to be fair seeing the difference is going to play a major role in nextg I I could promise you right now because yeah I agree you know we've talked about on the show for for a while now that it what's what looks pretty clear to to me is that this upcoming generation is going to be the first generation with three active Generations at the same time so you're you're going to have the new New Gen then you're going to have the series gen and then the Xbox one gen it's still going to be viable man until fortnite decides we're out until Minecraft decides we're out until all these free-to-play games that are still thriving on that generation right that are still working very well on you know the the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One's you know generation you're going to have three different generations going you not like you cannot go and like hey you know better frames it's not going to work and I know a lot of people say I choose frames over graphics and they do right he said it on the thing almost two-thirds of the people who play on playstation choose the performance mode right the problem is is that you can't see that right you can't see that performance I mean you could when you put them side by side like a 30 versus that you can see that it's a little choppy but it's not the biggest deal right on a cut scene you're not going to see it that way right in a cut scene they're going to make it look sexy no matter what so it's going to be something where they're really going to have to put something huge right huge graphically huge like in the world some other big seller is GNA have to take place for NextGen to really pop off because honestly I I don't see I don't see anybody going ahead and um wanting to leave their Xbox One and their PlayStation 4 the game they play they pay the uh play the most is still available to them I just I don't see it I don't see it so something's going to have to give to really uh to really push people to go forward and I can tell you right now this PlayStation 5 Pro I know they were saying that ultimately it was like it was like 15% of the people who went ahead and um who bought a PlayStation 5 Pro versus the PlayStation uh the PlayStation 4 Pro versus PlayStation 4 But realize that that those 15% of the people they had a reason they had a reason that 15% were people who went ahead and upgraded to 4K TVs right they upgraded to 4K TVs so they were like okay I'm buying a new TV let me invest in this and then boom I now have I have the console that can give me what my TV can do right or at least try to we know how that worked out for the PlayStation 4 Pro I mean uh yeah for the PlayStation 4 Pro so so that little spec there was a real reason I I highly doubt that the the percentage of people who buy who upgrade to a PlayStation 5 Pro is going to be anywhere near 15% anywhere near if they get up 10% it's unlikely I would be shocked I'd be shocked I don't I just don't I don't see it look so if you go back C money and you look at how many people actually invested into the PS4 Pro it was roughly around 10% I don't think where we are as a society that that's going to happen again um this is a very expensive uh ask and I know that there are a lot of people that continue to run The Narrative of it only being 700 and I'm I'm not even being factious and you say only $700 uh you got to look at what you're doing now if you're buying this cold turkey I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm joining PlayStation Nation and I'm buying everything it's $830 plus dollars after tax for the current PlayStation 5 that you're gonna get a you're gonna get a bit of a bump is it a massive bump no it is not and digital Foundry already told you that um you heard look I'll tell you right now when the IGN PlayStation podcast is sitting there complaining about the pricing of this thing and then saying hey we don't see the difference we have to actually be pointed or have our eyes moved by Mark Mark Cy you know that it's bad if they're going up against play Playstation it's bad but there is one more part of this conversation that I do want to have and that is the blame that somehow the pricing of this thing is Microsoft or Xbox's fault but before we get there I do want to catch up on super chats we have quite a few of them so the first one of the day comes to us from Simon Brandy and Simon goes and says this after dropping a very generous five pound Super Chat an analyst said PlayStation 5 Pro price is down to no competition and I agree Sony has car blanch being so dominant the media has played a role against Xbox well we're going to break down why I mean again that's your opinion Simon brother thank you so much for the generosity I disagree a th% it is not the lack of competition it is because people in the PlayStation Nation have publicly said I will pay a100 for the next God of War because that is what I feel the quality is worth that is why they're charging $830 for a toothpick stand a disc drive and the PS5 Pro because of consumers like like that who are telling Corporate America Bend this over and we'll just take it um Ultram Man actually I think the I think that tooth pick is actually included it's the it's the vertical stand that's not included right no but I'm just saying but most people stand there their their PlayStation fives vertically vertically like that that is an actual thing and it's $30 this is a premium product how does that not come in the Box how does astrobot which is a fantastic game and does great work for the controller not be put in the Box gets taken out of the box at the last minute and then you just you you you uh software load astrobots playroom which came out four years ago this is your new hardware don't you want your new shiny astrobot being a part of it well I guess not because they took it out of the box which is ridiculous um but Ultram man says this after dropping a very $ five Super Chat what's up boom and C money watched Harge and fans today and d uh um graduated from hidden Pony to full grown blue stallion cap for PlayStation 5 was nauseating I mean listen D batch is he is who he is I don't really have an issue with d if he's if he's Captain Fest thing that's you know his choice to do it I I don't know how you can personally and he's The Tech Guy he understands Tech better than almost anybody I don't know why he would n he he he you you thought he did until he says some crazy [ __ ] like he said about what he thinks the PlayStation 5 Pro compares to I did see that that's wow dude that's that's wild take that's wild take it's it's not it's listen I it's not the take I would have went with but again D think whatever he wants it's perfectly fine he's allowed to have an opinion uh gamer by choice drops a very generous $5 Super Chat and says Revenue doesn't always equate to profits and companies want to see profits and growth I feel for the people who lost their jobs but it happens yeah I mean I mean that's that's fair I hear you uh and appreciate the generosity gamer by uh by choice uh silly Mikey drops a very generous $7 Super Chat he says here's the real situation regarding the PlayStation 5 Pro all of these content creators complaining about it are going to be doing boxing videos come November I mean we'll see there's going to be some people that are that that are pushing back on it that are probably going to maybe get it from Sony but I think there's going to be a real scalper problem with this console and I don't think they're going to release Millions I think I think there is going to be a small number released and the scalpers are going to wind up getting it just like they got all the PlayStation 5s and what you're going to see on Twitter on the socials on Instagrams you know all your favorite places where you go to get your news guys like this with ski masks and a garage full with 150 of these things because that's just what they do and then you're gonna have the ponies come out and say you see it's sold out yeah everybody wants one see look it's sold out everywhere um fine whatever except for eBay eBay will not sell out right eBay will not sell out um RC polygons drops a very generous $10 Super Chat and he says with the firing at uh at the at Microsoft I'm not even really shocked at this point we see so many firings from other companies it's numbing at this point insert oh no anyway Top Gear GIF you know he does have a point he does have a point he does it's almost like we're it is almost numb to it that's why it's kind of like yeah you know I feel bad you know now again if it were something like the the games were impacted or something like that then it would be like oh man look at what's happening but like firings of just people who have a job and they no longer are needed at that job that it's just like you're numb to it right you're just used to it at this point so many people have been let go from so many different companies that we don't cover here but if you like on your Twitter feed you definitely have seen all these other places that are just [ __ ] firing a bunch of people man letting go a lot of people so yeah it's it's I told a story from Yahoo uh um earlier today see if I can find it real quick because the the amount of people that have lost their job is just it's it's Bonkers it's it's honestly Bonkers uh but listen let's continue uh because I do want to get to the second half of this topic um we have uh uh CR wimpy drops a very generous $ five Super Chat and says now we see the difference between OG PS5 to the series X because of parody that's very true you cannot argue that point yep and there you go you know you know if you it's funny because when you watch that thing he's basically like destroying every pony narrative that existed about power yep before all of them saying Oh the play is more powerful play bro he literally went over there it's like typically on quality mode it's 1080p I mean I'm sorry uh it's 4K at 30 FPS and then 1080p at 60 FPS like he he's telling everybody that it's just you know it's not that great guys like it it was our first attempt all right this is here to try to to bring it up to where it should have been I wonder and again I'm not a tech guy folks so I'm I'm literally making a statement and if I sound like a boob it's because well I don't know Tech like that but I wonder see money because of now there's a pro PlayStation and it's going to be potentially in some areas a pinch better than the series X now that these devs will be making games for the market leaders box and making a pro version of said game that they're forced to make they have now they're for that's it that's it now they're forced to take advantage of the series X power and I wonder if that happens will the series X Games then outperform the pro because again it's it's it's coming from someone that's not a tech that's not a tech guy I'm simply just asking the question if they're gonna be if they're G to make the pro version which is using all the bells and whistles and then the Xbox series X that's always the one kind of just lessened because they were making it for the PS5 which is a less powerful console and now there's a PS5 version a pro version the series X version is going to be made because now they are being forced to make this better version at some point does now the series X outperform the pro it's I mean it's it's a phenomenal question we' seen it the other way around right like let's be clear the PlayStation 5 only has 36 cores or 36 comput whatever the hell is this it's called where um XBox has 52 now the new PlayStation has 60 it's a eight uh it there's there's a difference of eight versus on the on the other end it's a difference of 16 right yeah but still the PlayStation 5 uh base because they geared it they were making the game for that and importing it to Xbox outperformed you know the the series X on some of these things right that's where they get all gassed up about it where they thought they had power but we know that it was just because Xbox series X was being throttled now you got you have a half the difference of power right so Xbox over PlayStation 5 versus Xbox series X versus the pro it's there's only eight uh computes or whatever I I forget the name of it but um there's only eight difference between them I mean I I can 100% see that it works out where does it I mean the CPU now they're finally roughly around the same um so that's the only big difference you're going to see there I I mean I could I could see it plus if they're pushing heavier on on raid tracing right because that's one of the things that they're we talking about pushing heavy on ra tracing we we saw that the Harry Potter one they stood at 30 fps to push that yes yep to get the R Racing working correctly yeah so I mean I I wouldn't I wouldn't would uh I wouldn't say never that you wouldn't see the Xbox version uh outdo the PlayStation vers especially if the who's whoever's making it right like depending on the people who are making it yeah very possible we're gonna see we'll see soon enough because Assassin's Creed is supposed to be one of the first newer games uh to take advantage of it for the pro when that releases November which again they didn't do a side by side no they did not they sold it but they didn't want do a side by side on that one either interesting okay cool again it's it's it's it's it's it's very suspicious how they did things certain things got side by side you couldn't tell none other the things were like hey this is what it looks like what is that is is that is that the pro screen because that wasn't confirmed interestingly enough that wasn't confirmed is whether or not that list of games is going to be paid for meaning that are they going to charge you a $10 upgrade fee and they haven't talked about that yet suspiciously enough free they did not say free free upgrade they did not say free upgrade I again if it's Sony they're gonna they're gonna charge 10 bucks for it if you want to play this version it's $10 more you're gonna see folks we we we'll learn soon enough do you know honestly they're probably debating that right now they're probably going back and forth whether we should charge for it or whether we should do it and it's probably going to be the reception that is going to dictate it like with this looking so bad right now uh when people dis interested in it I think that there there's a chance that they might come around and be like hey those upgrades are free come on over yeah we'll see just to try to be the selling point right they are the nickel and ders of the world though they they I mean they just raised the controllers without telling anybody by five bucks people yeah it's only $5 it's $ five it doesn't matter whether it's only five it's $ Five Doll for a controller that they' added nothing to to to raise the price so stop it uh JJ saying 117 drops a very $2 Super Chat and says and Nintendo and Xbox will have their I guess he saying their consoles at$ 299 moment I mean it's possible I I mean we're GNA see uh I mean I did give some smoke to Xbox because I would have immediately announced a price drop but uh everborn made a good point last night where he said that they have time because the console isn't out today it's coming out November 7th so they do have an opportunity to kind of prepare throw that Call of Duty on the box drop it by 100 bucks you know what I'm saying like I think the the the x is $449 drop it 50 make it 3.99 and when you when you put it out there with Call of Duty on the box and it's 399 and you include a month of Game Pass versus a $700 console people are going to be like they're gonna look at that console side eye so this is an opportunity you also well well I was just gonna say you also have to realize that we do have time so that the the digital foundaries and such will start yep they'll they'll start getting access to it right and they'll start doing comparisons and I can tell you right now if they go ahead and start doing comparisons with the series X versus the the pro and it's not some if it doesn't look at the screen like this is worth spending $700 to upgrade or I'm sorry realistically $800 and change to upgrade right maybe Xbox don't do crap because they're going to sell it they they're cheap anyway number one right so no matter what people are going to go into a Christmas you know into a store and be like at 500 bucks or 450 for the disc list right the series X is still a steal over the pro right and then the the I think the series s is going to still be no matter what the power is on these other ones your Series S is still going to be your killer right like that's going to be you come in like last year during Black Friday I I remember seeing that I saw I saw places that had it as low as 150 Costco did till they sold out yeah y yep yep so if you if they did that last year imagine this year coming in at 150 for and you can play you know all these games Call of Duty at 60 frames PS by the way yeah it's it's gonna be it's going to be interesting but uh we have an additional Super Chat here from Simon Brandy very generous additional 5 pound Super Chat Simon ads the conversation the US has the cheapest price for the PlayStation 5 Pro at The Reason For The Playstation 5 Pro Pricing Is "Somehow" Microsoft's Fault For "Lack Of Competition" I'm At A Loss For Word With This RIDICULOUS Theory! $6.99 uh in the UK convert well it's 699 pounds it said it converts to the US uh the UK at 9915 Jesus dude that is and that's the base model that that's that's just bugged out uh this is what happens when they don't have a competitor to keep them in check yeah I I gotta push back on that brother that's a false narrative man it's a false narrative listen Xbox is number one in profit understand that that's why you're paying more you're not paying more because Xbox is not competition you're paying more because of how much competition Xbox is Xbox makes more in profit than PlayStation does yeah that is the only that's end game that's end game so why do you think they're raising your prices up to get it not you particularly but the looking to get a pro right because they want to make more profit they're trying to make more profit right because their profit is not as good it's embarrassing to them that they sell so much as far as like the number is concerned like when you look at the their gross amount right their gross number versus what they keep it's embarrassing to them that is what it is these people running around saying this other [ __ ] they're they're so full of crap they're so full of it dude Sony just doing this for a profit that's why they're charging more they want profit profit is where they lose they are the losers in profit yeah that's fact yeah well listen C money I let's get right to the topic I'll catch the last couple super chats before we get on out of here so the narrative that has been running rampid and people like like like are for real but this isn't this isn't an assumption I'm not being fous I'm not trying to make you know make a joke out of it the narrative and again Simon I appreciate the generosity brother and I and obviously we're not singling you out this is your opinion you're you're entitled to it but I have to push back on it uh because I do not believe Sony is acting the way Sony is acting which they have shown us many times before see money this is who they are they charge you $10 for an upgraded uh an upgrade fee for graphics when smart delivery exists they charge you to have Cloud saves they just raised the price of the actual console in Japan before the announcement of this egregious $700 they also in the same week raised the console I mean the controllers by five bucks this is who Sony is last year they raised their service prices to as as much as $180 a year for their maximum addition of of of PSN and they do not add enough day and date now have they had a have they had a few sure but they also took out Spider-Man and Miles Morales when Spiderman 2 was coming out so they could sell it to you you know what else they just did they took out Horizon for West because Lego Horizon is coming out and instead of having that game in there where someone that might buy the Lego game and say what is this Horizon game I'm gonna go play it now they're gonna make people go buy it how come MLB the show is in Game Pass and not in the service how come Concord wasn't in the service because this ultimately is who PlayStation is and who put them there are the people who continue to pay for these things and that is why they're busy enough to drop a 700 Bare Bones next uh you know I almost said NextGen midgen PlayStation yeah mid gen refresh and and fresh faced get out there and be like yeah you folks need it and they do they're doing that because there have been people there's been spaces there have been podcasts I'll pay $100 for the next God of War because it's a I I'll pay for Quality it's that mentality that that gives the absolute so Sony's people in charge go ahead and charge them more because they're gonna pay for it see money this is a narrative I do not agree with I think that it has so many falsities to anyone running it the lack of competition again Xbox gets blink for everything the series X when something doesn't work on another platform is blamed because of the series s now we're hearing well it's because Microsoft isn't competing well yeah uh I think they are competing because they spent hundred billion dollars in five years and they own every major IP you could possibly want and yes there some of them are going to go uh to PlayStation and people are going to play them and they're going to buy them and the and the all of the money coming from the PlayStation gamers are going to fund the next game so thank you very much for that but see let's let's talk about this this is this is I find it to be ridiculous at best what do your thought it's so stupid it's so stupid because they this is the problem all these people who say this right who are out here saying this they want to live in a bubble where somehow they believe PlayStation is making Sony the most money in the world okay again it is not Sony has showed you that they are not investing in PlayStation the way they invest elsewhere right they're looking to invest in movies they're looking to invest in music PlayStation is not one of those places that they're doing heavy investing anymore Bungie was the last one and that's probably going to be the last that you see for a while the point is PlayStation is not making the price High because they're coming from a position of power it's not from a position of power it's a position of desperation they need the profit and they know there's plenty of suckers who will do it they know this is the reality this is why they're doing it it's not because they are this all powerful Monopoly andc conses now they're not a monopoly and consoles Nintendo is smoking them what are you talking about Nintendo has the Monopoly of consoles if you want to talk about who has the most [ __ ] out there right now let's be real man they these these ponies and these dudes that get listen they listen listen I know there's a lot of these dudes who are you know quote unquote XBox guys who watch a bunch of these ponies talk okay and they go listen to them and listen you obviously if you go there and you spend your time listening to them to them you they have some influence over you right and what happens is it changes your mindset to start believing this Pony narrative right to say that the fault of PlayStation raising their price is because Xbox is not competition that's like that's like you being abused in your relationship with your spouse and they just beating on you every day and you say yeah uh no it's is because my mailman doesn't bring the mail on time he always brings it random times it's so he gets so mad when it happens and he beats me what are you talking about these are Xbox has nothing to do with what PlayStation is doing Xbox has already left they've already left the arena they don't give a [ __ ] about the game that PlayStation is playing PlayStation is still playing at the Kitty table right they're still doing the same old baby moves right they hav it changed they're lost right now right they're they're so afraid to let go right that that's where they are they don't want to let go of the past right they don't want to move forward Xbox has already done that right that might hurt you guys it might make you feel sad um but unfortunately at the end of the day for you guys XBox doesn't care how you feel Xbox is crushing it again with the amount of profit that they make over PlayStation you don't you don't think they look at that and laugh you don't think Sati is like oh yeah I can't wait to do my next my next acquisition that's going to boost us up even further that's going to slap them up even further come on man the the idea is ridiculous I'm sorry if you're sitting there saying that to yourself that oh yeah that really um that really is the reason yeah this Xbox got stupid Xbox If Only They would compete come on man come on Playstation spent like $3 billion do or maybe four all up with all the studios that they bought in the last few years that they got pumped to buy stuff Xbox spent over a 100 bill yeah I mean come on we are not the same what are you talking about what are you talking about all right I mean interestingly enough C and and I I want you to touch on this point because this is a point that gets overlooked you made mention of something moments ago where Xbox has left the way that they do business right they're not they're not chasing what PlayStation is doing PlayStation has and is and continues to be the same PlayStation from the PS1 days sell you a box you buy games for said box and then they move you to the Next Generation where you buy new box and new games now yes things are backwards compatible at least there's that but the difference of where Xbox is is you can play an Xbox game anywhere you have the ability to do so you can play it on your PC you can play it on your console you can play it on your handheld you can play it on your TV you can play it Here There and Everywhere that is why even though consoles are important and of course they want to sell consoles they're not harping and doing what Sony is doing Sony is years behind see what are your thoughts on that I mean it's the reality right it's 100% the reality they are years behind they're stuck in a in a they're stuck trying to Wrangle the same number of people that they've always had we've heard it multiple times the console Market is not growing it's not growing and I got to tell you bro they have 61 million consoles shipped yep 61 million of them what has that done for the sales of their games wow what has it done where where does the number of consoles out there for them equal so many more sales of their games it doesn't it doesn't Xbox has a console it has a console it's going to keep having a console for as long as people keep Desiring to have a console but that is not the only thing that they do they have multiple ways to get into this ecosystem and it all benefits us at the end of the day again you guys like this is the this is the point that these people try to downplay Y and it frust I know exactly where you're going I know Xbox going big Xbox going wide Xbox doing all of this to gain more back to them more money you know what that does for Xbox players this is why we talk about it like this is because all of that comes back to us in Game Pass yep there you go that's it all of that comes back to us in Game Pass you may you're if you're not an Xbox dude and you haven't experienced Game Pass and you're just seeing it from the outside you don't have your hands on those games that come out all the time and your the ability to just be like oh I want to play this oh you know I feel like playing this let me do that and just hit down downlo or right on the cloud you even have to download that [ __ ] you just go boom play it right there you're good to go all of that all of that comes back to us we see it every month month in month out we see the games coming into Game Pass for us L grtis as part of our subscription so for us so for us on Xbox side when we talk about Xbox moving past the little the little playground that PlayStation is now alone in right that little that little playground that they play in and they moved on to the big leagues um I'm sorry but for us it's a huge win it's a huge W you might not care you might say oh but game passes for poor people well let me be poor let me be poor I'll be happy as [ __ ] being poor playing a [ __ ] ton of games while you who are rich are only playing a few yeah you know what you're you're so poor that you're gonna be able to play Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Indiana Jones facts facts facts it's look absolutely great conversation all around folks uh apologies for the dollar store looking thing obviously I'm still having issues with my internet I could not play the footage I don't know what the hell's going on I'm gonna try and figure it out uh I got to get the artwork again it's it's the craziest thing I did not have the forethought to have Sean who's an amazing artist do one through 10 I have four through 10 uh o overlays but I don't have for two or three people it's the ridic a failure on my part so apologies for this dollar store looking podcast I gotta get I gotta I gotta get it done I'm gonna reach out to Sean today and he's very good he'll probably be able to snap it up quick um listen let me catch up on these last Super chats and we'll get to your outro we got a lot to get into because you have been killing it with your content you and the MS have been doing the gaming Lords work if you will and of course Ary chani has uh been man he's been full rabid man that guy's been cutting throats left right and Center I told he's he's out here we we talk about all the time of our show you know he he's now kind of seen the light you know what I'm saying because he comes on the show he gets to to not worry about having any ponies no ponies or pony Bots trying to hold him down so he goes out there and now he comes out he don't care he's like [ __ ] it you know he's funny it's because he's normally very even killed and lately he's just been like you know it's great uh we have been unlocked you know he's been unlocked that's hilarious I don't know Michael Mooney drops a very generous 10 pound Super Chat and Michael says uh I wasn't shocked that Playstation only require games to be 1080p to 1440p at 30 frames on PS5 and then 1440p to 20 2160p at 60 on the Pro to uh to qualify for an enhanced label yeah I mean we'll see if you go back to the Tom Warren report he's already broken it down this is stuff that's already come out he's I he obviously seen the documents where uh there's going to be pro- enhanced games at 30 frames that's that's you imagine spending $830 and your game that you're so pumped for and you're like oh my God this is gonna be so great I'm gonna play it 60 FPS and and it comes out that it's just 30 frames and the developers did exactly what developers do on a closed box they choose to push the graphics and not the frames this is what happens this is the only every single game that exists all of them every single one there's no exception hellblade we already saw it with Starfield every game can be 60 frames per second on any of these consoles it's all about what they want it to look like to balance that out right right you could make them all 60 FPS but certain games like a hellblade they said no we're we're gonna push the power eventually they might put out a 60 FPS hat like they did with Starfield Starfield was 30 oh my God I can't handle it oh no oh no oh no oh [ __ ] now it's 60 wow oh not only is it 60 there but it's 60 on the S yeah s yeah it's 60 on the S the potato that they all talk about the Pato [ __ ] out of here yo we all know now who's the actual patato and that potato is the PlayStation 5 that is it's also the PlayStation 4 which is technically holding back to everyone but no no one talks about it's fine it's fine uh whole grain bread drops very generous $ five Super Chat he says watch the PlayStation 5 Pro games be 10 five or t0 dollars more than the base PlayStation 5 games I see Sony doing that 100% and again they haven't mentioned it which is why I think they're gonna do it I'm telling you I see both versions I feel there I feel like their their choice would be to charge because that's what they've done right I feel like it depends on you know when is is thee when does the pre-order go live for this thing uh I think in October uh beginning of October I'm not I mean you might see them change it depending like they might not they might wait to like the very last minute to go into that just to try to get people who are already uh pre-ordered it locked in um or if the numbers look really bad maybe they do it and say hey they're free you know what I'm saying I can see it both ways you know the the word is free is not a vocabulary my brother it I just I will fall out of my chair if it's free I'm gonna be honest with you live on the air right out of the chair legs up and all uh we have here will broke boy Lewis will what's up brother thank you so much again for this incredible support he drops a very generous $5 Super Chat and says so now devs are going to have to make a PS4 A PS5 and a PS5 enhanced pro version of a game yet they will say that the series s is holding back gaming phenomenal freaking point right there I mean I couldn't have put it better myself um Brian McKenry drops a very generous five Super Chat Brian goes on to say I saw my GameStop is offering 400 for the PlayStation 5 tradein that's a great deal but I'm not still interested I mean he's still I'm still not interested I mean look uh if you needed to like okay let's just say this and this is where if it's if it works for you I'm not gonna fight you folks I'm not watching your your pockets spend your money how you want to spend them it's fine but if you take your current PlayStation which getting 400 is excellent let's not make a mistake that's an excellent trade in value 385 385 Yeah well yeah you take it you trade it in you still have to come up with nearly $425 for the pro if you're getting the disc drive and the stand and if you are a first adopter you probably have a dis PS5 and you probably have listen I'm always going to have a disc drive when available because of Black Friday sales it's so much cheaper to go drop I I paid 31 bucks for The Last of Us won remake for Final Fantasy 16 and there was another one I don't remember what it was and there were less than half price of what they were when they came out and I I'll I'll get up off the couch it's not a problem and pop the disc in to pay half price you're not going to get the same deal and what's the where it really the rubber hits the road here is you can't buy digital games cheaper on other places because Sony has removed that you can only buy it from their store and they dictate what goes on sale that is a problem and why you should have a disc drive but that's just me and lastly our good friend Bounty drops a very uh who's been a channel member for 39 months dude that is crazy generous of you and we super appreciate it he says Wan boom and see money keep up the good work and TTS which is talk that [ __ ] that's right I said it Them Ponies enough said There You Go enough respect appreciate it see money appreciate you being here chat we had almost 900 live viewers across X and YouTube ah man that is amazing Mrs boom and I are always incredibly humbled by the outstanding support uh thank you so much for tuning in if you fin the channel for the first time and you enjoyed the conversation please consider subscribing as Mrs boom and I are now on the hunt for 16k now granted we are a bit of ways away from it um I think about 900 to give to be honest but we just hit 15K a couple of weeks ago and obviously you know through the likes through the subs it helps the channel grow in a lot of ways so of course if you if you if you enjoyed the conversation and you appreciate the honesty and we had a lot of fun here mean see we always do please consider subscribing but now see we got to sell your brand brother because obviously you do some really amazing work with doodle and of course is your which is the misses uh you obviously have a lot of programming that I'd like you to kind of let people know about you have him her and a Dev which I think is one of my favorite new programs because you do highlight smaller devs that might not get the shine that might not get a look or you get a chance to you know review their game and get it out to the masses which I think is brilliant but you also have a lot of stuff that is um let's just say a little scandalous and they have fun and obviously a part of that has been the uh the pony Chopper known as harie Chan who's just has been it's no holds barard with harit talk about it brother way could people check out your podcasts and more importantly follow you on social media yeah so my my my wife doodle she is she is a a pony Slayer for sure and I think har har hanging around with us for a little while is is kind of unlocked a few things in there so he ain't messing around no more uh but yeah man obviously you know uh boom thank you man for having me on the show I I love uh love being on the show man so first obviously you guys can find me here every Thursday 12 p.m. eastern time uh on xlog live which is a Xbox show guys thank you pretty much you know just remember that um but yeah man on uh on Twitter X right here boom see money forever you can follow me there uh been having a lot of fun lot of fun on Twitter these last few days making the ponies cry yo they cry so hard bro they cry so hard you know what's funny uh just if if you are on Twitter I want you to just observe right how the way you know that the place 5 Pro is such an L right is that all the ponies who are talking about it are always trying to defend it right there's no position of power they're not coming out saying oh look at this look at this beautiful Graphics or look at what I showing you here versus what you have no no no everything's always in defense of the price is always at the defense of the box they're defending it they're coming from a position of weakness it's hilar ious so you got to keep making fun of them it's a beautiful thing um but yeah so follow follow me on Twitter there so you can see some of that it's a Panel Outros and Special Message to the Community! good time but yeah our Channel's called on point for gamers um I did put the link in the uh I I did put the link in the chat um and yeah it's me my wife uh my son comes on uh often and we have different shows that we do we do four shows for sure a week uh Sunday starts our week at 10: a.m. eastern with morning quest with dood don't and see money uh very chat heavy show you know we spent a lot of time talking with the chat you know bouncing off all the all the things they say and we really just kind of um you know spend the time doing that um that's at 10: a.m. eastern on Tuesday nights we have night quest which is like the reciprocal of that which is still a chat um you know Focus show but we typically have a guest with us on that show it's a APM Eastern on Tuesdays uh last this last Tuesday one was hilarious you gota you got got to go back and watch it if you haven't um and then tonight is uh our OG podcast the one that started it all the OnPoint gaming podcast and that one's at 8m and that's me and doodle sometimes mad man will hop on um and you know we just TTS man it's a it's a great time again that's at 8 pm Eastern and then tomorrow night is Friday night it's our it's our scandalous night uh it's called our show's called The Night Shift let's talk gaming um and that's what me myself uh and we have uh the homie har Shen the pony Slayer right he's always he's always in there bro um killing it uh and then we have the homie uh demo flow gaming he's also rocking with us on Friday nights it's a it's a fun fun time that's at 800m Eastern so definitely uh come check us out man we have a good good time we are a Xbox Focus Channel um if you are a PlayStation fan you are free to come you are free to talk in the chat just don't become a pony right so it's a pony free zone right so we don't allow our our uh chat to you know have to deal with nonsense so we just snipe everybody who's coming in here to talk crap so come hang out with us have a good time it's a fun time man we do have fun and I think that that's our our biggest thing but again shout out to Boom for having me on the show appreciate you brother well I appreciate you being here every Thursday then obviously uh then we're all here to have fun we're here to talk about games again I'm going to fix the art issue that I have going on very soon like said I'm G reach out to as soon as the show is done I I got to give uh uh Sean a call and get that get working on that I I'll figure out eventually we don't have the gig up gig down that's the problem they're working on it right now we're g to get fiber hopefully by the end of the year and then I I'll never have a problem again we have a gig down but I'm I'm I'm rocking for 40 megabits upwards and when you have gameplay it normally doesn't give me a problem I don't know yeah it was doing it was fine forever I don't know forever and all of a sudden now I'll figure it out but look until we figure it out folks you're gonna see what you're gonna see but at least you're still gonna hear the good voices you're gonna get the good content you're gonna get the laughs and uh again a big thank you to all of the super chats and channel memberships that come in uh do not forget September 27th which of course is the sixth annual uh uh boom's Birthday Bash right my birthday's on the 25th uh we do this every year um it is uh my birthday but you find folks get the gifts that's right because Mrs boom and I are giving away $500 worth of gift cards uh $150 gift cards to your platform of choice steam Xbox PlayStation Nintendo eShop we'll send it digitally uh and if you are outside of the United States again I we pride ourselves in this we are one of the few channels that welcome in and offer those same prizes to our International viewers so if you are someone that wins outside of the Americas we will send you that money via only PayPal and any transfer frees and denominational differences we pay for you pay for nothing you win you win the only thing that you have to do is we will not ship it to any money apps or any of that [ __ ] it's PayPal only because what that does is that covers us and it protects us from scams so again that's going to be the 27th of September that is that is we always have these big giveaways on breakfast with boom and again speaking of which tomorrow 10: amm Eastern Standard time we have a lot to get into and we got some Call of Duty numbers folks that are going to blow your wigs off because listen Black Ops 6 I say this and I and I'm not a Call of Duty player but now I am and last night live on the air I paused it you saw it folks 45 kills on a board that's right this old man has still got some bark in that and bite in me and I'm showing these youngsters what it's all about but ladies and gentlemen again thank you so much for tuning in super appreciate it of course I'm going to close out the show with something that's incredibly important to me hopefully one day will'll be important to you and that's something that my dad taught us when we were kids and he would say Craig treat others how you want to be treated and also it doesn't cost anything to be nice you live by those rules son I can guarantee you you're gonna have an awesome day so take care everyone and we'll see you next week on the newest episode of X Vlog live [Music] he [Music]

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