Category: Gaming
Community guest intros [music] hello and good afternoon xbox nation welcome to this week's new episode of x vlog live i'm one of your hosts mr boomstick xl and of course here with my partner in crime the pony sl himself steve money good afternoon kind sir how you feeling good afternoon man i'm feeling... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] well listen c money i let's get right to the topic i'll catch the last couple super chats before we get on out of here so the narrative that has been running rampid and people like like like are for real but this isn't this isn't an assumption i'm not being factious i'm not trying to make you... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] i kind of want to pump the breakes there because we have a another breaking news story and i'm gonna let infinite umra run this story if you don't mind umbra because you're the one that found it so of course i want you to take the lead on it you're show host yourself so you know exactly what... Read more
Category: Gaming
Mason my friend tell me what is left to believe in when you are betrayed by your own when all that you are all that you have done is buried beneath the lies and the deceit of corrupt men i will die in this wretched place the only thing that keeps me alive is the thirst for vengeance they must be stopped... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] come on come on stay with me we're almost there almost there almost there it's not much further don't stop don't come on cormack [music] [music] so what now now we finish this thing we're the only ones who can stop our hands from launching menaco it's three of us against an army it's suicide... Read more