Stak Blackjack is arguably one of the most rigged Originals of all time in today's video I have just deposited $1,000 and I'm going to be showing you the best way to play Blackjack without further Ado let's get into it let's get into it guys we have $1,000 deposited on to steak and we're going to be playing some steak Originals Blackjack today hopefully we can make some profit here Blends uh we'll start with $50 bet amounts if we lose we'll double we lose we double uh and if we win we'll keep the base bet the same sound good yes sir let's start if we can run it up today let's start with a $50 base bet we only have $1,000 we could get rinsed quick here six get a nine starting pretty looks like it's starting off with okay 18 and they have an A so we're looking at our first double here come on man it's already at 200 this is not looking good bro bro just give us a hand we don't have to fight 17 it's so sad already $400 okay we should we should take it back there we go nice back to 50 I looking a bit worrisome there yeah it was stand this is a Bible card and they get 20 and now they have an Ace and here we go again here we go again we'll just go ahead and bust this real quick wait 20 okay they got 18 back to 50 okay 10 against 10 who will win here us nice push we'll take a push bro okay hit that 13 against a three stand and they get 21 somehow God up to 100 most bus card five most bustable card 15 oh like just bust so weird bro like I don't understand it I really don't nice if you want access to the best possible rewards system sign up on stake and enter in my promo code poetic this will enable you to receive 10 to 15% extra on every single deposit you make you'll also have access to custom wager rewards a 200% firsttime deposit bonus and 5% Lifetime rakeback on all bets placed I'm also currently hosting a $2,500 monthly wager leaderboard with top prize taking home $1,000 I post leaderboard updates every single day in my Discord so be sure to to join the link is in the description below guys this month there are so many prizes available we're constantly hosting giveaways in our Discord and across our Twitter so be sure to follow us so you don't miss out and remember to use code poetic on stage hey back to 50 stressful man 14 24 nice see if we can get a couple in a row 21 nice can we go three hands in a row we need something big here 5 six and it's a 10 okay go ahead and double this 100 at least we got two in a row it's a double trips right there 20 oh nice right there okay 50 okay eight against an eight can we see an ace no 17 it's not bad but they we're sitting here pring for an ace but they have the ace okay let's go ahead and double this typical 12 against to five bustable card and they get 20 okay $200 bet stand no I tried to do I tried I I tried to do something bro it's no worries this is looking bad ons hit that this this is looking bad oh it it it might be over here it might be over here it's all B already all in bro stand 15 25 ni bro that was so sketch we got saved we got saved back to so sketch what do we what are we okay we're still we're still in profit right now 82 four uping this 100 20 don't push nice okay 18 against a four We Stand 111 they have a 10 we push we already know the script typical they're going to get like 20 somehow oh my God they get how do they get 21 from 16 bro why can't we get that this is a double this is huge oh my God that was a $400 bet basically I mean it's it's not looking good 11 14 it's honestly disgusting it's sickening it is sickening okay is that a stand that's a hit that is a hit in the book okay oh my God it's over it's over oh so we're down $1,000 we've just taken another $1,500 out of the Vault uh let's see if we can go ahead and make this back all right let's start let's start crazy start with 200 let's just go for it we're we're dipping out of the Strat we're just we're going for it at this point we at the Strat let's play how we play hey let's go to let's go to something small cuz I feel like they could uh uh okay and of course they give us a double watch they give us an ace here nope the as soon as we double with a low B amount we get something beautiful you know but I guarantee you right now if we doubled right there on $100 bet $200 bet typical bro it's not looking good that is typical hit 20 Push okay 15 against a seven 16 we bust here 19 nice some okay I was about to say if they got 20 from that Insurance okay we got to hit that can we see a three no 67 come on and now we need four five and we get one above God over against a 10 it's classic 22 24 25 all that for 20 nice okay so we're only down 598 so far I I'm going to call something here do it do do it 400 do it that's fine stand 10 nice okay okay so we're down 198 we got to be cautious here let's go back to base bet of 25 let's go small I'm kind of feeling L yeah yep yep and they give us 21 let's do 25 a 16 get a six right there let's do two more smaller bets nice that's why we stick on a small betat nice win this win this one for sure y we go big we go huge 4 back to $326 we're up now we were down 1,000 but I mean are are we are we really going to stop with $300 profit of course not bro I say we try to get to $1,000 profit yeah $300 BET right now I see it 300 not 4 4300 300 come on and now they have an ace they take it f don't worries oh my God okay let's go ahead and run it back 20 26 uh I'm seeing something crazy here bro what do you see nine 900 if we lose this we stop if we win we're basically there pleas okay that's in that's in this looks good let's let's [ __ ] I'm telling I have I have the Visions it just it pops in my head and and now we're we're up we got all our money back it's all about it's all about Visions on Blackjack it's it's done GG's

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