ladies and gentlemen in today's video we've got the owner of steak who is Eddie given us absolute Source on the best two games to play on steak which is his website I've loaded up $2,000 into my balance we've got two different games which Eddie has recommended us to play for profit AKA his best game so I'm going to show you the clip of Eddie giv us the straight Source right now and then we will get straight into the action what's my favorite steak Originals game Plinko definitely is up there um probably high low though honestly high low is one of the most underrated Originals out there I just love the transparency and the ability to make decisions and you can like skip the card like you're literally fully in control with high low like you can just choose whatever you want whatever you're feeling it is like the most underrated game it's so good the math behind it is so simple and easy as well okay ladies and gentlemen we are going to start this Scrump shalicious video on Pinko okay Pinko and H is uh is the two games we are going to play in today's video okay I've got $2,000 loaded up so ideally we want to split $1,000 between the two game modes okay Hyo and Plinko um yeah what onek on Plinko should hopefully be a nice little run if we can just hit a few nice multis like even the eight but a 27 or a 83x multi would absolutely uh It Make My Day make my day it would make me feel a lot more better as well uh and yeah just all in all I have a oh hold hold hold hold hold hold it's it's cooking it's cooking there it is there's an eight there's an eight guys even if we get 108s we're sliding 108 in a row which obviously ain't going to happen just just give up already bro but uh a few eight and uh if we can there is an eight though if we can 27 27 good good good good good there a 27 $650 and the graph just goes this is what my schlong looks like every time I see any of my viewers on my streams or in the comments okay no cap no cappuccino right here we go mate come on come on 2.1 2.2 yeah I want to get to 2.5 or 2.6 and then we can slide our way over onto Hilo ladies and gentlemen that was na was na we're slowly going downhill now we are touching below $2,000 which is uh embarrassing slightly embarrassing oh before we continue with the video here's how to claim $7 for absolutely free and enjoy the VIP cashback system here on stake.com so when creating your account on stake enter the code VX right here into the optional code box you can also do this by heading to the settings in the top right corner of stake into the office Tab and entering code VX into the welcome offer box now look Stak works with some of the most insane and trusted brands in the world including Drake the UFC they have their own F1 team and they even sponsor the Everton football club as well as thousands of influencers and streamers all over the world so you know they're very trusted when you register on stake under the code VX you automatically entered into a $4,000 per month stake lead aboard via my website affiliates.com an account let me know your username Down Below in the comments for the free $7 or join my Discord server Linked In the description and my amazing team will help you to get set up and started 83 83x multiplier ladies and gentlemen today 8800 p.m. $25 bet placed by VX 1336 and the multi is 83 look at this lovely 2K pout shout out to Ed for Mr edles wait Ed stickles remember hold on a minute I got a clip to show you what's good Eddie stickles [ __ ] VX the man himself how you doing man good to see you here Eddie stickles a massive thank you for recommending us plink over all obviously it's pure luck okay it doesn't actually guarantee that you're not going to make as much money or more on other games okay and the game modes available on stake on go barics of course forb and $21 free but he uh you know it's nice it's nice I'm going to stop yapping guys let's Slide Away over onto Hyo right so I've landed over onto Hilo as promised okay with said the last start so we've got a clear transparent look at everything guys Hyo is how do I explain this game Hyo will very often make me lose my mind okay as you are likely to find out in today's video but the game is very simple you have a card in the middle and your ultimate goal as a player is to Simply predict and guess if the next card is going to be higher lower or the same okay and if you watch some of the odd like previous videos I've done in the past on my YouTube channel on high okay you will see that um it's it's like a love and hate relationship with Hy really but obviously if Eddie has told us to uh to play Halo then so be it okay so be it we're going to trust Ed stacles and uh pray for the best here pray for the best last few videos I believe on Hilo I think only two of them were pretty mid right sevens also personal recommendation for me as the Hilo expert always skip a seven always looks same chance it's literally the same chance okay and the multi is still ass so you skip that even eight like 6 7 8 I tend to skip just because it's just bad vibes like it's got bad energy you know um we're hid in the bed amount cuz we got right right could I just quickly cash that out thank you mate right $250 gazillion dollars on the BET line um come on mate you're going to have to load a little bit faster if you want me to uh to cook here lower fantastic I absolutely love it right here we go higher now good that's a Forex lower fantastic skiper 7 C it's ass lower let's go for a 10 baby let's go for a 10x multi chat don't know why I'm saying chat like I'm live not now but later I will be oh my [ __ ] this game is stinking right now bro come on man higher good girl lower again higher oh my God Seven okay wait wait hold on let's cash that out let's cash that out let's be responsible let's be nice and safe look at that boom four wait three point four oh it's cuz I did it better okay right lower great down to the slums we go on our way to the goolag we're about to be at 0 buddy higher [ __ ] me right lower now no great what if I higher yes take that take that good the odds of that was so low 15% chance Jesus it can happen again though if this hits right now that's 1.3 and we're going to be at like 5 point something and I'm ending the video in three two 1 okay yeah I I'm delusional I need to be studied in a l brother right let's run let's go let's run it baby three going to take that out 4.7 let's go for a five that's still huge man that's still huge I don't know why I'm yapping we need 300 no we need six $600 or so uh to end the video here we go give me high card you scammer if it's the same though n it ain't going to happen it ain't going to happen impossible good good higher again and skip this lower definitely higher now and we're going to cash that out how much we 400 4.8 so let's do $115 bet ladies and gentlemen we need a simple 2x on the total profit okay it's going to happen any it's going to happen any moment now here it comes ladies and gentlemen here it comes I can smell it just like that over $5,000 in the balance Eddie anded you you are literally the best ladies and general $22,000 start n bro I can't I I can't do this thank you so much once again okay cuz we've done a video lat this in the past once again for giving us the swords guys Plinko and Halo have been on absolute fire and smoke today so not only to Eddie but thank you to these two games for actually cooking today there we have it ladies and gentlemen thank you once again to well first of all to Eddie to these games on well for being on fire and of course to all of you guys that gave the support recently has been insane and on godinsky I'm not even lying I got a little bit emotional cuz I had a I had a um I had a voice call with my video editor yesterday on Discord and I said look bro I was on holiday I was tweaking I was stressing because it was my birthday a few days ago and I kind of messed up because I didn't record enough videos okay I I like miscalculated things and the deie started to go down a little bit and then the yesterday's video is hitting algo so nicely it's over 2,000 views now in less than 24 hours which is extremely extremely lovely to see so all of you that have watched yesterday's video okay thank you if commented just take you name then keep an eye on your steak balance and if you haven't watched yesterday's video I better see you on there okay so I love you very very much guys I hope you enjoyed today's video and uh bro I'm excited I'm excited we're going to Y this 5K out uh I'm probably going to withraw four keep 1K for some giveaways and some streams on Kick which are linked in the video description right I need to stop yapping I need to stop guys I love you very much I'm too excited and I'll see you in tomorrow's video peace

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