FOUND | 9-Year-Old Missing Girl Triggers Amber Alert

>> And panic and heartbreak for a family in New York 9 year-old Charlotte scene was camping at Moon Lake State Park, upstate New York she was there with her family when she went for a bike ride with 2 other children around dinner time when everyone was riding back to the campsite, Charlotte decided to take one more loot. >> I said that was the last time anyone >> law enforcement was called in quickly an amber alert was issued and now everyone is desperate to find this little girl investigators believe she may have been abducted and. >> the game. For tonight we have all the latest information from investigators plus we'll take a much closer look at this area. >> The rodents and the topography as we investigate the disappearance Charlotte scene. >> I've been appalled and thank you for joining us and trust me this hour you want to stop. Pay attention to what we're doing tonight as we take a look at this investigation. Now for those of you who watch the show every night know at the end of the second hour we profile missing children. >> On the show each and every night there are too many. There are so and the circumstances of each disappearance are different. All of them are are tough for the for the families for the friends and for the missing chilled obviously tonight we're going to begin the show that way we're going to get our one because an amber alert was issued over the weekend for Charlotte scene. This young girl just 9 years old I was missing. Out of New York in the park going for a bike ride. Just go for an innocent bike ride she's alone for just moments when she disappears and vanishes this happened in daylight. It's not after dark so early in the morning before the sun rises that this is just before dinner, but the sun is out. It is in the broad daylight. She vanishes and for all of you at home for me any of us who are parents grandparents uncles and this scares all of us when this happens. This is worst case scenario. This is a nightmare. Tonight we're talking about a miracle. Just before we went on the air tonight that this happened the amber alert for Charlotte Cena was canceled. New York State Police reporting Charlotte has been found safe. Charlotte has been found in good health. This is unreal this. I mean we're talking she was abducted Saturday. Saturday this is Monday. This a miracle Monday. That's what we're talking about tonight, folks. I had no I this is moments before we went on the air all of this happened we're going to do a completely different show. This is a better shot. This is the show I want to do every single night. An absolute miracle 9 years old Charlotte missing for today and New York State Police website update a suspect. Is in custody still an active investigation. My goodness. My good could you imagine the roller coaster of emotions for everyone involved beginning with this little girl. Who is now safe tonight. She's with her family she's with their loved ones. Miracle Monday. Barrett goal Monday, let's get some more information joining us by phone emerge Lake State Park in New York where all this is happening wnyt Ankara Porter Mark Mulholland joins us Mark great to speak with >> Vinnie what a great night. Yes, the trend. >> This this is I did not expect this Shia sometimes within a few minutes a few moments a few hours maybe but this is 2 days later, what do you know tonight. >> Well over almost exactly 48 hours after Charlotte center went missing from road Lake State Park about 6.15 on Saturday night as you as you spelled out she was on a bicycle ride by herself. some others and then she decided to do one more loop in the state Park. It around 6.15 when her parents so that she didn't come back to the campsite to they notified police. To 6.45 to searching began on Saturday night as you know is an issue often covered these things don't often and well so I I like your phrasing of calling this a miracle Monday because those of us who have been covering this story and those of us who've been covering stories like this for years. Don't expect this sort of outcome but at about 06:25PM tonight. We got word state police New York State Police. We're staging in an area with some camouflage wearing camouflage and long guns and it was shortly after that that I was able to confirm that the Charlotte had in fact been found and the suspect was in custody. >> You know when the amber alert is is canceled you But I mean against the opposite tonight. It's not it's like What is the the area where this stage it was what is it that. >> Wooded area was a residential area campsite area. What do we know about the area. >> Where she words last where she was reported missing, it's a state Park in New York State Park. One of the biggest in terms of land mass in New York. It's about a 10 square mile 6500 acres. And she was riding her bicycle there so over the past 48 hours there were hundreds of searchers all police. And forest Rangers and local firefighters were called and were about 400 people searching for on a parallel track which the criminal invested. The search was on within the park and outside the park but in the meantime. Police investigators. Had with the criminal investigation, they were knocking on doors of sex offenders in a tree County area here of upstate New York, I'm told they talked to hundreds of sex offenders tracking the Dow now what we we haven't been able to tie down exactly here. But I was told that there was a note of some sort that was provided. The Santa family at their home not too far they only live about a 10 or 12 or 15 miles from where the park. But there was a note that they were provided some time early this morning in between that time and about. 6 o'clock tonight. Police were able to 0 in and make an arrest him find Charlotte in Charlotte as you reported is in good health. She was being reunited with her parents at a local hospital presumably just to be checked out to make sure she's OK. >> Okay You said a note what do we mean by note any. >> I am hesitant to call it a ransom note, but that's the way it was termed to me it's some sort of a note. Telling the the Senate this person had her. I don't know if they've made demands and that note just that there was a note that was left. I'm told at their home. >> That almost sounds I mean To to be able to track down where she lives. And to have abducted someone who just happens to live close by it's almost sounds like it's a smart move in. >> That a lot of those questions remain unanswered. What I'm trying to figure out now and see exactly when this person will be charged. What with the charges will be. >> And that the searching that was being done it all there were no. Civilian volunteers, it was it was basically recent law enforcement firefighters Rangers etcetera. >> Correct in fact people showed up because in these cases as you know you often feel hopeless and helpless and you want to do something so people were showing up at work. Lake State Park hoping to help in the search in some way. But as police told them it was they considered it a crime scene and at least until. Search progressed to the continued on more days perhaps they would have allowed them to billions, but it was only a police and forest Rangers and the 2 apartment environmental conservation for personnel for for so they brought in firefighters as well to help in the Today. >> And do you law enforcement investigators to perhaps reveal more details tonight. >> More details tonight officially, however we stop chatting I'm going to be working the or to find out what I can. This evening so they told us that they would some sort of an official announcement late tomorrow morning. >> I just I'm pinching myself excess still can't believe that all of this has transpired it's it's miraculous on many many levels. So I just want to review just make sure I have the information provided for us correct. 2 separate in the criminal investigation taking place where there going after or speaking with local sex offenders. But on the other hand. There's the physical search inside the park which they're treating as a crime scene so law enforcement firefighters, the only ones in there doing that search and some sort know delivered to the home of Charlotte's family. This isn't real high Mark and they've got a lot of work to do tonight. We appreciate you time and if you learn anything in the next couple hours don't be afraid. You could be busy with wnyt doing great work here as But if you have a we would appreciate any updates that you learn, thanks so much more. >> It be my pleasure to be thank you for that for your time and yes, it's not often that we get to reporter a happy ending to a story like this and I appreciate you alone, you put 20. >> Absolutely Mark Mulholland reporter anchor wnyt TV reporting tonight from Lake State Park that's in New York. We're all of this is happening okay, let's bring in some more Here on this miracle Monday. Joining us, Michigan city, Indiana private investigator founder of victims. News online. Ericka Morris is with us and in Pensacola Florida private investigator Lauren baluchi a great to see you both tonight and we do smile for the stories here, especially the first hour the show. It is rare that we can First I want to get your reactions to what we learned just before we went on the air here tonight Erica, I'll begin with you. >> Those looking into my hope is to my phone data that was Lauren and she said the founder the founder like alright we're going to end up switching, you know all of the year, let's be Frank that we're for that but it was a few minutes of just oh thank God, think not because they really do it. You need this is the one to 2% of all abductions he says that he's probably will slide. We you know some type of a stranger. We're we're hearing something about this note. Dissidents maybe been targeted, but the world is to me this was the worst-case scenario. As we find out more details that you know it will clear the nation but everybody was expecting worse so we're so grateful >> Lauren this is this was not expected this that this to me this is the least likely thing that was going to happen. >> And just based upon the history of the stories in these cases. >> And the horrible people that are out there. The fact that we're 48 hours but here we are tonight here we are tonight Lar. >> Great night it is this doesn't happen the more research let's do it a little girl. She was not only just adorable but had a heart of gold and so to have this outcome. It just it is unbelievable and I'm just so grateful for her family. >> All right, let's get let's dig into how they may have solved this right, it's one of 3 ways Mark Mulholland laying out what he's learning up there. You've got the physical search which is so important right you've got a law enforcement some firefighters Park Rangers. I guess doing a grid search inside this massive Park you also though had the crew little investigation where they were reaching out to all the local sex offenders You know law enforcement and in many cases, the public knows who they are where they live and doing that and then we have the wild card, which is some form of a note that was delivered. What are your thoughts about the investigation tonight. >> His investigation was done so well that he's on that from the the reports that I was reading it over a 100% well 75 plus law enforcement needs on the ground going door to door. I'm checking in with all of Russell's registered sex offenders. They had air for us. You need 400 plus students I as they are set to mask even digital, so it wasn't just firefighters mildew were certified surgeon was being given to us from across the country that were brought in specifically to work this is a crime scene. And that's why certain that was founded it even less is the nature of this investigation being treated like a man months which let's be honest that's what they were looking for a new role to be reached. Well does not being slowed by just like you were in where is needs. tea basis that essentially the case like this is looking for this missing child that you're hunting the suspect so they treated the right way which was it all the INS on debt may influence. >> situation in the early 48 hours. >> Lauren I'm I'm finding Interesting and perhaps very significant. I mean people go to this park they can travel hundreds of miles to go camping. This this family did they live close by. To me that is a curious fact here and if a note is delivered to their home. I know they were very in this search in the amber alert, etcetera but I don't know how sophisticated someone would be to just you know randomly and arbitrarily. Take a girl and all it just so happens that her parents live a few miles away and were able to deliver this note if in fact that's what what happened here. To me that's a significant part of this as well that there's that chance here that she may have not been random may have been targeted. >> And I'll be honest that was one of the things that I want to look at to see if there is sex offenders and her neighbor I did, but I must have gotten old information as far as the distance because I thought it was quite a ways from their house. But when I heard that it was closer then that came into play again had to put that on the back burner to check out. It's very possible that someone was watching her new maybe they went there. Possibly a good fit. decided to go down the road and check it out. There's a lot of a lot of things that I found on the House. That someone could have lied in wait and possibly seen Charlotte and her friends. And so it is very curious and and the possibility >> Yeah Erica you you look at what is she was doing the what we've heard 3rd and the and what we've been told is that. She was with her friends and then takes that one. Luke and we're going to take a look at that when we come back we'll show that to everyone but. >> It's just like for a moment that she is by herself it's not like she is out all day like I was as a child in the summer times on my bike by myself you know for 4 hours at a time it was just a moment and that's all it took for this this felon to pounce. >> I was talking with Silence night about this and I said he's gotten and I have a 9 year-old. >> Who says that there is the thing no let me do it once around the block I want to be a big girl. I know what Charlotte was thinking in that movie you know she was 9 years old she just wanted you to go around like a big room in that moment you ways hearing. Do you let them go on their home for a moment or do I do not risk it. And it. Any what do you do it every child finds himself in the situation and we hear it finds him or herself in the situation, we're just lucky. This event. >> It's a miracle I'm Erica learning to stay with us on this miracle Monday. we'll show you the area where she disappeared from what it was like in and to I would be expected. Many potential witnesses and all this on a Saturday and this beautiful Park with lots of tense and people milling around we'll find out more when law decides to speak on this but we're going to talk about that plus coming up in the next hour. >> In Sarasota Florida, a huge day in the take care of my trial Maya's family suing the hospital that accused Maya's mother of medically abusing her daughter before she took her own life too de Maya's dad takes the stand if she took a shower the droplets in the water. >> Would make you scream you put a sheet over her legs she would scream. I had to be assisted on the toilet and she would scream. She looked out the windows here friends plane. And you knew. >> Charlotte was last seen at approximately 06:15PM riding her bike and of the park. At approximately 06:45PM show a spike was located in loop, a and it's 06:47PM Charlotte's mom Tricia call 911 to report the child missing. >> And on this miracle Monday. She has now been found she has now been located and again the reports from the New York State Police is that. She was found healthy and safe. A suspect has been arrested and is in custody. But Charlotte is healthy and safe. You what the state police said there she is riding on this week. I want to show you the area where all this is taking place. It's it's a massive beautiful Park. Take a look Lake State Park obviously the part that's highlighted that the loop that they're talking about that she wanted to take one more ride on the loop and it's right near the entrance of the park and there are several that are around this loop. So let's take a look at it from overhead on the satellite view. I Google and you can see where it is you get the big body of water that had to be a big worry. For investigators as well in all of this. But there you can see the loop now we're going to do through Google Street View's take you on to the loop itself. And take you through the trail and you can see this was done back in 20 14 am but on any given day to the right or the left you'll see there are spots where people can set up. With their tense. So I look at that it's it's a beautiful Saturday probably guess maybe have some early foliage. Was it crowded with a lot of people camping where the potential for people to see what happened here was it someone who had registered and grabbed one of those campsites on the loop. We'll get answers tomorrow morning apparently that's when law enforcement is going to speak, but let's bring back in our guests still with me Erica Morse and Lauren baluchi and also joining us tonight in Orlando, Florida psychotherapist doctor Jamie Lacey. Doctor Jason let me begin with you Charlotte is found. What needs to be done right you're going to the physical exam right the physical exam make sure she's physically safe and healthy and all appearances are that she is. Psychologically. Does she get treated how do you speak to her and how do you handle the reunification with her family. >> The first thing that we want to understand is that she's probably in shock and that will be very normal in this situation, so well we would advise the family to do in her situation is to put her back as soon as possible in a place of comfort and then if that's with her family that's back her home and shielding her from all of the things all the spectacles all the media and the things that are going around her and then if there is trusted people around her we would have them with her. While there is a mental health assessment that is taking place but through this there would be a process that would happen because my assumption would be is that she's still in shock. She still in shock and there's a lot of processing that has to happen over the next couple of putting heard a place of safety shielding her from news media and anything that can cause more anxiety and whatever she feels the most comfortable of that's back in her of her. Home back with her parents that's the first recommendation we would make in this situation. >> And obviously she's been through an incredibly traumatic situation we have no idea what happened in the last 48 hours what she was subjected to. But what we do know is tonight she's alive. She's safe. She's healthy. She's with her family. And all of that is best case scenario under the circumstances. I'm Erica looking at. That loop that she was riding on I'm shocked that she was taken on that Lou. >> Because it seems to me especially this time year beautiful State Park on a Saturday there would be lots of potential people their campers. And I'm wondering if perhaps someone who registered to camp there was in fact the the man who abducted her. >> I think it's very you know one of the reports I saw said that several families >> With this time last need to the end of the snow. Again the way it was several families, the kids with whom she is waiting to see that is was and is. >> So it may not have been a secret in their small circle that they were going to hear this. The thing was that he miles from the House this to be a place that they 3 weeks. You know live in the West. We have our national parks in our state parks that people frequent so it could be that this was a new location for them to go in one nation it earlier that I think it was the perfect opportunity for somebody to long wait I think will really big for tonight. This is somebody that was that Lou and we don't know all the details yet but some meeting u n In 1987 in May get halfway across the country. This that should have been like a 5 state me and it just because of you know how quickly it would be no easy would be to get from the law to should need you know from your we do a lot of different possibilities here and that's why they need 4050 miles out on the search. >> Absolutely if you take a look at the surrounding roads in this Lauren. There are major major highways that are so close by you can see again in the white near old Saratoga road. That's where the loop is you can view the exit for the park is right there and then you've got these major major roads going north South. North East South West and you could be added Dodge very quickly. >> See that if you're looking at the On your map. >> Old Saratoga If you do that Google view it is so incredibly close to loop a you can use it you can with the word upload your cart on the side of the road. Foliage is it they keep it down because those are campsites there and you could literally see. Her or her friends riding the bike around that flew from that old Saratoga road. >> So all he had to do and potentially. It is plus car over and you'll be able to see all that and not to injure the park so therefore and baiting any kind of cameras that may or may not have so again I would really like to know if there was >> any sex offenders that had recently been released. It was someone I feel like that was very familiar with the area. >> All right so much just jumps behind Yahoo she's happy to you know, yes we want to celebrate miracle Monday. Jamie Lacey doctor Jin Li says let's talk about the family now. Her family this roller coaster they've been on for 48 hours. I think they may need some help working through all this as well. >> Absolutely they will need help during that 48 hour. >> There's the fear, the anxiety worst-case scenarios just not knowing what's happening. >> So they will also have some post traumatic stress from this situation. And what they need to do is have some port around them because during this time what we would recommend not happening is not asking. They're beautiful 9 year-old daughter. What happened to her right into going and asking a lot of questions because there is going to want to be this wanting the answer so they can be able to better help her so they're going to need support. They're going to support and supporting their daughter and they're going to support over this next a couple of weeks, especially when the details come out and and they do start to a mental health assessment and psychological evaluations and creating a safe space where she can talk about what happened in these 48 hours so they're going to need a lot of support so that she can come out on the other side of this healthy mentally healthy and sound as possible. >> Now she's 9 years old when you're 9 years old such a big part of your life. Is going to school every day. With your friends, I'm not not 9.10 year-olds I don't know. What should the parents of her friends be saying to their children and how to. Be with her and get things back to some sense of normalcy because I'm sure everyone it's going to know this story 9.10 is old enough to realize something is going on. Should that parents of the friends be talking to their sons and daughters about hey how do we do this and how about the school that she's going to go back to. How does everyone in that environment help Charlotte. >> Over these next couple of weeks in the 80's next couple of months, the people who she who who have access to her do need to have some level of direction our guidance so that she can feel no shame. No embarrassment no intrusion and to the best their ability, especially depending on what has happened those 40 hours of her life returns to some level of normalcy because we know that this is her life is going for ever be changed or nervous system is going to be forever changed but so how people go about handling her guiding her creating a sense of normalcy a sense of safety and says of consistency all these things matter so my suggestion would be the family the school. All the people who she may get back into presidents that they handle her. Not with the kid gloves in the sense of that something's wrong with her but almost in a sense of normalcy you know whether she was playing with her friends obviously things have be handled differently as far as what she's allowed to do and those types of things but a sense of normalcy would probably be the best course of action for those that are in the press real of her life right now when she does return back into those environments. >> That's amazing that's like as a parent, you know with your children that's what you want you just want everyone to be yeah have a nice. Nice enjoyable now normal childhood right and her says change forever, but trying to get back to that is such a goal, everyone staying with us. We've got more to talk about tonight, this is a miracle it's a miracle Monday. A Charlotte Cena found safe and healthy. >> Following our exhaustive search of the park. We we took that that step of issuing the amber alert because we we we that after that exhaustive search wh >> She went on a bike ride it wasn't dark right around dinner time time and did a couple of loops Wis close friends. She considers her cousins. And then she decided after going around to pay she said she's want to go around one more time by yourself. That figure on to it by yourself. Lily 15 minutes later she and come back yet. And that's really when the nightmare begins. Her parents knew immediately something was up. They called her name. People started searching people from other campgrounds joined. And 30 minutes later at 6.47 Charlotte's mother Tricia called 911. >> That's New York governor Kathy hochul that was yesterday okay that was yesterday and. She talked about how quickly the parents reacted how quickly mobilized and now here we are 48 hours later and it's a miracle Monday. Charlotte Cena is safe tonight, she's been found healthy and safe the governor just released a statement. We are overjoyed at the news that Charlotte scene has been located safely this evening afternoon tense day long search our hearts are with her family as they welcome her home. Thank you to the New York State Police New York Park police and all who worked so tirelessly to find Charlotte is because of their efforts to Charlotte will be able to return home safe. Still with us tonight private investigators are come Morrison Lauren baluchi psychotherapist doctor Jamie Lacey and also joining us right now child advocate for the National Center for missing and exploited children you recognize him Callahan Walsh is with us calyn a great to see you again thank you for joining us, I know you're you've been all over the place tonight with this. First your reaction I haven't gotten your reaction this is I mean just before getting on air here on our program. The alert is canceled and all this news comes out what are you thinking about tonight. >> What an amazing night it is I mean this is why we do what we to get. Non family abduction to get the result that we. >> Had in this case is just my hats off to everybody in well local law enforcement the feds every volunteer that showed a penny every an Ngo that when their technology is really about coming together to bring home these missing children and it this quickly possible when you have the stranger abductions time is of the essence and you know there is a misconception that every stranger abducted child doesn't come home alive. That's not true we've seen way too many of these to ever give up hope on any of our missing children, especially in the stranger abduction cases, we know the family will never give up hope and we never stop searching and. To have this outcome like that I say it's like a grand slam in the World Series. But honestly, it's better than that. >> It absolutely is so let's talk about this he'd with which everyone came together here and it began with her parents who acted very quickly. I mean right away they knew something is wrong here and everything kicked in. >> Absolutely you when you hear this misconception lot of times that you have to wait 24 hours to report the child missing and that's just not true. And the fast thinking that her parents said knew something wasn't up you know, they know this girl is as highly intelligent very trusting. She went on that last bike ride and didn't return and they did a waiter around hoping and wringing their hands and that she might turn out they jumped in the act and they alerted law enforcement and the intense search went on immediately after the report that she went missing once they realized OK this isn't a situation where she's just wandered into the woods they sent out that amber alert and they really they they brought every resource to bear and because of that this girl is home with her family this family is whole again the trauma that she endured I'm sure there is immense there's going to be a long road to recovery. But the fact that this family can now hug their little girl. >> I mean it's just the best The best news that I had a long time and it's it's amazing just truly us it really is Erica Morse we talk about this all the time, but this is a great example. >> Which is the power of the parents. >> The the force that parents can have in all these situations and this situation room to talk about the great job law enforcement and everyone else did. >> But it starts with Mom and Dad. >> Not only that call to 911 in there 15 minutes because she knew she knew something was wrong. She built it and nobody was That's the other states, you know you need to hear decision feels that in state in mckinley and said he'll say does she need 24 hours and think that this rule, I've said it before I'm going to say to gain the no law exists in the United States federal or state level this is you have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person when it comes to attendance child there are state laws that actually here it's going to be charged if they don't report a tender age I'm missing in 24 hours this mom did everything right and again that's why >> Yeah doctor Jenny Lacey when you talk about the instincts that you that's that that's real. It is real I mean I have witnessed it with my wife and our children she just knows things and you I guess you've got to trust those instincts, especially in a desperate moment like this. >> That 6th sense that intuitive nature that instinct especially the heart of a mother that's connected to her children to her child and the U.S. began their reaction regardless of what's happening or around her you know makes a tremendous amount of difference which will also make a tremendous amount of difference when she's reconnected as they are connecting and working through this trauma that not only the family, but those that are around and the families can become even stronger through this process, there is nothing like a true moms love and hard in connection for her her baby's there's no measurement for it. >> Callahan let me ask you about the lesson tonight, and the world that we live in with missing children I mean to the numbers are astronomical. >> The anything can happen in an instant and this little window in time was the perfect opportunity for someone to grab this little girl. That's all it takes is just a moment and the fact that she's brought been brought back you know can be used I think as a teachable moment for many other parents out there to say these things still happen. 2023 these things still can happen. You know this is an inherently dangerous neighborhood. This isn't the bad part of town this isn't a very nice State Park, although this community knows all too well of missing little girls riding bikes area and would went missing in 1993 a 12 year-old girl that that that case you know what I heard Charlotte's case immediately brought me back there. And so again these this community has gone through something like this before unfortunately Sarah was in Britain brought back alive in this case we have the happy outcome. But again is that teachable moment we keep our kids close call them tightly make sure they've got all the child safety, you know tips that we should have his parents. But again the parents didn't do anything wrong here. The half of the park was was loaded, there's a lot of people there she was you know biking with friends up until that point it was just that one little moment that a predator was able to take advantage of that opportunity but thank God, she's back alive and safe with her family. >> Such a great point you made there Callahan there's only one person that did anything wrong and all of this and hopefully we'll find out a lot more about him and make sure that he. Gets a taste of justice for what happened here. I really want to thank everyone tonight and handling helping us through this miracle Monday. Erica Morse victim news online Lauren baluchi private investigator in Pensacola doctor J Lacey in Orlando and Callahan Walsh child advocate for a

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AMBER Alert Issued After 4-Year-Old Boy Abducted at Gunpoint in Morrisville, NC

Category: Entertainment

In a deeply alarming and tragic incident an amber alert was issued late friday night for a 4-year-old boy brandis tyrone smith jr who was abducted at gunpoint in morrisville north carolina the abduction which took place in the afternoon has left the community on high alert as authorities race against... Read more


Category: News & Politics

In this video i want to share important information with you about an amber alert that was issued out of victor idaho on december 1st of 2023 for a 10-month-old baby named zeke gregory best police say he was taken by his father jeremy best who is currently on the run after police say he murdered his... Read more

Amber Alert issued overnight for missing 2-year-old in Paterson, N.J. thumbnail
Amber Alert issued overnight for missing 2-year-old in Paterson, N.J.

Category: News & Politics

City, queens, christina fan, cbs2 news. >> all right. thank you. >>> now to a developing story. there was an amber alert for a child abduction. you may have gotten an alert on your phone about it. police are now searching for the 2-year-old named xa nder abad and also looking for a suspect... Read more

Domestic Product - 2024 - H. Allen Jerkens thumbnail
Domestic Product - 2024 - H. Allen Jerkens

Category: People & Blogs

Little knee the last one goes in all set and they're off in the allen jerkins memorial jefferson street came out well little knee is hustled hard on the outside but here comes world record and world record flashing that natural blazing speed takes over vetri is now in second and it's two more back to... Read more

Ep 30  - J-E-T-E Jets Jets Jets! Knicks Schedule! Most Underrated Jets & Giants thumbnail
Ep 30 - J-E-T-E Jets Jets Jets! Knicks Schedule! Most Underrated Jets & Giants

Category: Sports

You sure you're ready this time maybe positive you gon get up and [ __ ] rip your ceiling apart again i don't nobody needs to know about that people people are gonna know this falling apart yeah i gotta redo the p the sound proof panels what's up jets brother sh shang js yep we're getting ready for... Read more