Category: Gaming
Bung is driving the streamers insane wait what gives you the impression that i'm struggling huh i'm i'm offended right now what do you mean you think that i'm struggling bro me the legendary i frostbolt all right 0 to 5500 comp one v these are the most viewed destiny 2 clips found on twitch in the last... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] what's up guys houndish here and today we're jumping in with some destiny 2 news and updates and of course it's thursday so we get bungie's weekly blog post which as always outlin some new details future changes recaps for some of the reveals and content this week but there are a handful of... Read more
Category: Gaming
It's just so much better so everybody knows the multi mock but you know the multimach with zero stability now i know it says eight but it's because when i tier one enhanced it for some reason it got eight stability so whatever and i know the rest of it is nothing but i wanted to run the zero roll and... Read more
Category: Gaming
You we can talk about what preferences are i understand liking an open world may be better than linear stories but you could have the same amount of content either way if you were really being fair about it like um yeah side by side like combining them all together so it really just either way they... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso trazendo mais um vídeo aqui para o nosso canal neste vídeo vou mostrar aí a forma de você fazer um triunfo secreto que vai lhe conceder um emblema secreto exclusivo aqui no jogo beleza bora lá deixa eu mostrar aqui para você e aqui trajetórias episódio eos se você tá fazendo... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] [music] [music] it's [music] [music] [music] [music] all right hello guardians and gamers and welcome back let's just uh kick it over to the full camera screen for a couple of minutes so i'm going to be going over what bungie has released uh to us letting us know as the community what... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso hoje é quinta-feira tem tweed da band atualizações aqui no site da band duas notícias importantes que eu vou falar com você principalmente sobre a nova masmorra e também a destaque aqui da missão exótica primeira parte ele vai repetir aquilo que nós falamos sobre é o futuro... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musik] cool probewnung geil das hier auch nice od geil m drin die probewarnung geil es war auch noch nie passiert im stream Read more
Category: Gaming
So this week at bungie is out and bungie have just announced a few important things so here's your twab tldr firstly they mention the future of destiny i won't go into detail because this is a huge article blog post it talks about a lot and a lot of other content creators have already covered it but... Read more
Category: Gaming
First do no harm you ever hear that phrase listen it wasn't my idea i didn't want to blame excuse this better be worth it no mercy you don't [ __ ] with the alatos or i [ __ ] with you Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello justpinko here with five geo guesser tips for europe europe is made up of a diverse set of nations but there are a few features that are common among them first european license plates are generally quite wide and are painted white with a blue badge on the side notable exceptions include the uk... Read more
Category: Gaming
Prioritize the tap make sure y drop a like hit that subscribe button down below this is going to be war zone first game let's get it popping woo qing in area 99 aka nuk town wow no backpacks bro my shit's not logging my shit's not loading in chris go what do you mean oh your m blacked out that's ass... Read more