"Conservatives are going to FIRE YOU" CTV Reporter gets RIPPED a NEW ONE

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:18:37 Category: People & Blogs

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the time has finally come Tom Clark Justin trude's good buddy the former host at CTV is a brought to committee and he is question he is grilled and his lies are exposed by Michael Barrett and uh Larry Brock so what we're talking about here today is the $9 million condo that Justin Trudeau bought for Tom Clark to live in with our money let's just do a little recap so this is where Tom Clark is living he's living on billionaires Row in New York as the console General a position Tom Clark was appointed by Justin Trudeau you can see here here's you know his living space I mean $9 million in New York it's a pretty nice place the square footage works out to be I think around 2,000 sare ft for his living conditions his living quarters here and then 800 square fet for uh meetings which is what the whole point of it is he can meet people in New York so it's 800 ft for meeting which I'm guessing is this space here I could be wrong this could be his living room I'm not sure these is the only listing photos we've got here our first clip is Michael Barrett absolutely just grilling Tom Clark and and I've got a clip from a boat a couple weeks ago it's ridiculous Clark how long were you residing in the old residence how long was I res well from the time I arrived February TW 27th 2023 until today the listing for that property describes it as a masterpiece is that right is that how it's described I know nothing about real estate oh please well you're here to talk about it today so I hope you've you're prepared to turn your mind to it the Prime Minister visited you in New York City on April 27th of of that year that you moved in is that right I believe that's correct he was here on a mission did you host the prime minister in the residence I did did you show him around around the residence no yeah no you didn't show them around um what did he comment on the on the the look of it no so um but to confirm that on April 27th you you and the Prime Minister were in the residence that was deemed unfit for you to continue living in that's correct you were there April 27th yeah along with about 80 other people and on April 28th you were in the in the limo with him in New York is that right the next day that's correct so were there any conversations regarding Renovations upgrade moving uh the uh the uh former occupants of that condo um or you now occupying it any change in uh discussions regarding um which representative in New York was occupying that space did that come up at all none whatsoever so we have government documents that detail how talks on getting a new residence intensified immediately after the Prime Minister visited you you asked him for a new place is that right that's incorrect so you're in the motorcade with the Prime Minister after he was just in this place that's deemed unfit for you to continue to live in and you never said look buddy thanks for the the job um I could use a new jeweled Onyx powder room and a handcrafted copper tub no I did not how much representational space is there in the new residence representational space would represent the majority of the space in the new residence okay the majority of the space this is important to note the majority CU I just told you in the intro here his residence space the space he gets to live in is around 2,000 ft it's 800 ft for the the space where he would host people that's interesting so the dining room living room jeweled Onyx Powder Room come to about 860 Square fet does that sound about right to you that's what the listing says I I have no idea about square feet I would refer you to the property division at Global Affairs who handles so that leaves about 2,700 square feet for your personal use 800 and 60 for representational 2700 for your personal use so Canadians are on the hook for paying $9 million for 860 Square ft when a perfectly good joint representational space is available at the same property that you're you're joining us at from today is that right I I your numbers can't be right because that does not represent reality he has got him there I stand corrected 2700 not 2,000 so his living space is more than three times the size than what the the meeting room space is okay so what is the percentage of representational space in the new location uh please bring us back to reality question that uh that is a question Mr chair that should be addressed to the property division at Global Affairs Canada well you had a great deal of certainty to tell me that I'm wrong but you certainly don't know on what basis I am I'm referring to exactly the documents that were provided to us by the Department that you're now referring me to GX real estate agent told us that you personally visited the new luxury condo once the selection had been made was this a final vetting not at all it was after the offer had been made to buy it that I first saw it did you ever take a moment as someone who spent a career in journalism to question the prime minister or anyone on the opulence of this location amid the backdrop of the cost of living crisis that we're facing here in Canada stat scan saying that one in four Canadians are going to be using food banks to feed themselves and their families this month did that ever occur to you get them as I said in my opening statement Mr chair I am well aware of the challenges being faced by both Canadians and Americans when it comes to housing in this case I was not involved in any way shape or form in the decision to buy this new residents or sell the old residents uh and that is entirely in the hands the property division of global Affairs when you host when you host functions at the event uh do you personally prepare the food is it done by your personal chef or are these events catered I do not have a personal chef nor do I cook the food thankfully so it's so these are Catered Affairs because we were told by the real property division that the necessity for this was that um the shared space uh that you have uh at the office that you're in now wasn't suitable to host functions because there wasn't a kitchen to prepare meals so if the if the meals are being brought in couldn't they be brought into your office that you're speaking to us from now the bylaws of New York City prohibit us from having a working kitchen in the office it would be illegal in fact for us to put a working kitchen in this office if it's here it see it seems moot whether or not you have a kitchen in there um so Checkmate we've been told that you're responsible for all of the trade success between Canada and the United States can you tell us exactly just the number how much trade business you have generated for Canada just the number sir first of all uh Mr chair I don't know where or who said that I was responsible for all the trade between Canada and the United States since you don't have the number I'm out of time uh Canadians want to know you're the $9 million man they want to know what the value is for Canadian sir keep your bags pack and in that new place conservatives are going to fire [Laughter] you check meat man that is uh brilliant Michael Barrett just sticking it to him we got one more clip here where he talks about the uh how much the the cost per month and his uh his rent of this place so let's say a Canadian who didn't know prime minister Justin Trudeau went to buy a condo on their own and let's break down those numbers say they have 20% down pay let's say they get a great mortgage rate which is tough after 9 years of uh Justin Trudeau uh and the uh economic vandalism that he's uh he's perpetrated on Canadians um that work out to about $42,000 a month for your residents how much do you pay in rent each month for your official residents just the number please ,800 $1,800 on $42,000 a month so it's fair to say that you're getting a massive subsidy worth tens of thousands of dollars in for your rent every single month so let's say a Canadian who didn't know prime minister Justin Trudeau went to buy a condo on their own and let's break down those numbers say they have 20% down payment let's say they get a great mortgage rate $42,000 a month and he's paying $1,800 like what Canadian is paying $1,800 a month unless you got into a a rental or you purchased with a mortgage rate that was from way back when I mean I know some people that have some low rental rates but it's because they've been renting the same place for 10 15 years if you go to rent anything today you're not getting 1,800 a month in downtown New York in billionaires row let alone anywhere in Canada come on you have to be really out rural I mean even out in this town where I'm live a one-bedroom here is 1,800 a month hi I'm Tom Clark and this is yet another New York minute well anybody who comes to New York know knows one thing and that is that the traffic is a killer but there are ways around it for example this yeah it's a motorcade which is a great way to get around New York except for one thing when you're in a motor cage sometimes you got a ride share hey everyone great to be back in New York oh God he's just the worst big cheesy cheese bucket like he's just so filthy all the time see what I mean I I've seen this guy a lot the last couple of days he spoke to Global citizen then he spoke to the Council on Foreign Relations he hung around my place last night the guy's been around a lot saying a lot of things yeah it's always good to be pitching the Canadian Advantage here in New York and oh please Trudeau is greasy cheesy gross smile every time it's just slimy and corrupted with lies great to have Tom here full-time uh making sure everyone hears about it there we go now that was the important line uh that is your New York Minute thanks very much stay tuned a lot more New York minutes coming up this guy's absolute sellout and a loser Clark is an absolute bag licker for Trudeau this video is gross Beyond Comprehension imagine patronizing a vile human being like Trudeau to get yourself a fancy taxpayer funded condo New York sick yeah exactly next up we've got Larry Brock ripping apart Tom Clark rounds go ahead Mr Brock Please Mr Clark although you have not been sworn or affirmed to tell the truth every witness that testify at parliamentary committee is expected to tell the truth have you sir told the truth to the committee so far I have every word of it I have a package of emails from the government emails from the chief of staff to the assistant Deputy minister of Trudeau's minister of global Affairs Melanie Jolie she wrote a summary of the 9 million condo purchase the email States and I quote both the council general of new New York and the head of mission that's you Tom Clark Have Been instrumental throughout the process with the head of mission again you Mr Clark providing the green light for the selection of the new residents it is in writing by the department Tom Clark ususer was instrumental in the condo purchase on Billionaire's row so again Mr Clark when did you raise the need for a new residence with the liberal government Mr chair I will repeat I had no role whatsoever in deciding to sell the old residence buying the new residence or its amenities or its location that email that you're referring to has a couple of addendums to it that I think are important number one it was corrected that was a person who was not involved in the process of this I only became aware of this email less than 48 hours ago I too was taken aback by what was in it because it was simply wrong it wasn't true Mr Clark let me stop you right there I don't believe you Canadians don't believe you are you trying to suggest that a head of mission in any country in the world would be completely shut out would be completely uninvolved involved with the acquisition of your own residence no Canadian believes you sir this was not a typo this was a deliberate focused sentence regarding your involvement and the timing sir is crucial the email I referenced was sent out June 17th 2024 the story of the $9 million condo on billionaires row became known to the Canadian public on July the 11th that was a huge embarrassment to the Canadian government and I'm sure a huge embarrassment to you Mr Clark your involvement was documented well before we have the receipts the Department's pathetic attempt to cover up for you was issued on July 25 after all of the controversy after all of the push back from politicians from Canadians who are struggling to put a roof over their head who are lined up at food banks who are starving people who go to the food banks were actually you know uh donating to the food banks and you're sitting on billionaires row sipping coffee from a $6,000 coffee machine you can appreciate how appalling that is to Canadians get them get again sir I asked for honesty when did you bring up the need for a new residence Mr chair I will repeat once again and please if you wish you can put me under oath on this I had nothing to do with the decision to sell the old o I had nothing to do with the decision to buy the new o I had nothing to do with deciding on amenities or its location it's funny Mr Clark 19 previous Council generals to New York since 1961 have all enjo enjoyed the lavish amenities the wonderful location in Midtown Manhattan of the Park Avenue residence until you sir were appointed to the position and within months sir of you appointing the position and with within months of Justin Trudeau visiting you and you hanging out in a motorcade in downtown New York with streets closed all of a sudden there's a talk about a new residence and a push to get you into billionaires role you said at the outset you'd rather be in Central Park now you're overlooking Central Park you got your wish Sir Mr Brock I am not overlooking Central Park this guy's such a liar Tom Clark is a traitor to our country we've got another clip here from Stephanie cusy who's also grilling Tom Clark it's very concerning because there are some inconsistencies in the timelines and the testimony that you are giving the committee today so I'm just going to out outline the first one that is that is very concerning to me as well as the committee so you get appointed in February of 2023 then we see you in a motorcade April 28th of 2023 with the Prime Minister the individual who does the appointments and in that video in the motorcade you say that in fact the Prime Minister was over at your place the evening before the residents of the 27th and then lo and behold Global Affairs Canada that had put the project of a new residence on hold all of a sudden after your appointment your dinner with the Prime Minister and then being in the motorcade with the Prime Minister Global Affairs Canada decides that there are issues with the the the current residents and that it is time to look for a new residence apparently a $9 million residence isn't that convenient so can you elaborate for the committee again please what was your implication in discussing the new residents with with the department and with the Prime Minister when did you first bring it up with the Prime Minister because the chronology would definitely Chon um the chronological timeline would definitely indicate that you had conversations with the Prime Minister about the residents because isn't that funny that you would be appointed you would have dinner with the Prime Minister you would be in a motorcade with the Prime Minister and lo and behold Global Fair Canada decides that it's time for new residents after that visit isn't that funny yeah I mean that's exactly what happened here we all know what happened Justin Trudeau went for a visit there he had that little motorcade visit took him on there they had a nice chatting and oh do you want a new $9 million place there big Tom and so Tom that's it yeah I don't know if Trudeau suggested if Tom suggested it they came to it together they used our money they bought Tom a new place to live that's what's going on he has to pay 1,800 a month in rent to live in a $9 million place it's ridiculous even boo thinks so look at her she she can't handle it either that's where wrap this one up be sure to subscribe here to Moose on the loose extra my second Channel we'll keep fighting for Freedom I'll see you guys in the next one

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