Category: News & Politics
You know many would agree that our agriculture sector is the bread and butter of our economy we rely so heavily on our farmers and producers but where's the industry at how healthy is it right now especially in alberta and where we headed we're joined today by rj sigerson alberta minister of agriculture... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Did you guys see the story on the um canadian universities in these university tans they're all complaining now the federal government of course changed their policy stance on foreign students and temporary foreign workers the cap for 2024 for study permits was reduced by 35% across the country so basically... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Intro bienvenue dans votre can frank aujourd'hui vous le voyez on a un invité patrice duutille on espère faire passer un bon moment on parle d'histoire aujourd'hui surtout euh c'est un article qui a capté mon attention pendant mes vacances donc ça sert à ça des vacances des fois on prend le temps de... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Êtes-vous un chef adjoint vendu vous non mais je veux pas me livrer à des attaques personnelles ou des insultes comme monsieur poiliev puis une chose que je peux vous dire aujourd'hui monsieur roi c'est qu'on va pas du tout écouter les conseils de pierre poilière d'ailleurs je suggère à tout le monde... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What specifically led the decision to councel the agreement with the liberals were there any recent uh developments or turning points that triggered this decision thank you for the question uh we we've got a lot done we've got some important things that we completed but it became very clear to me that... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Vous avez demandé s'il jouit aux échecs moi je pense qu'il joue simplement au lance-pierre ce qu'il est en train de faire c'est de tenter de détruire la réputation d'un des hommes de du troisè homme politique le plus populaire au canada et cette volonté de détruire les réputations sans le moindre scrupule... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'm looking out for manitobans we're trying to help we brought the gas tax to zero that's putting money in your pocket right now but we're not a rich province we need a federal partner to be able to to do things again there's announcements about school nutrition programs that have been made but you... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Today canada boasts one of the highest percentages of foreign born populations in the world standing at over 23% a number significantly greater than most developed nations just last year canada admitted more than 470,000 new immigrants most of which were student visa holders or temporary foreign workers... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Un rare point presse de pierre poilièvre au parlement une attaque en règle pas seulement contre les libéraux mais aussi le bloc québécois blch qui8 fois pour garder j pir contre n le chef conservateur traite de venduexorte à déchirer son accord de confiance avec le gouvernement minorire de j tr arrêter... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'm pretty sure it's become a sport amongst the liberal party and their supporters to try to do everything humanly possible to avoid answering a question vashi capelos is one of the few presenters in mainstream media who really just tells it like it is it sounds like what you're saying is as long as... Read more
Category: Comedy
Justin i'm so sorry for pulling my support from you justin i love you i did it justin because my mps who are threatening to pull me down from a leadership position i can't do that next year justin when i lose elections and you lose elections after i get my full pension we can run away from canada from... Read more
Category: News & Politics
To canada's senior citizens be ready for a year of significant changes to the country's pension system in 2024 the 2019 payment dates have been released by service canada and trust me when i say that to you not want to miss this important information it may surprise you to learn that the rpc has served... Read more