what's going on guys welcome on back to another episode of Nick reviews anything and like the channel name says my name's Nick and I review anything first off sorry if my voice sounds a little weird got a little bit of a head cold sinus thing going on so just get that out of the way um if you saw the thumbnail this is going to be another sling TV update so to speak if you're new to the channel I did a video probably uh probably 8 months ago or so and um it was kind of a full rundown of Sling TV and streaming services if you hear that that would [Music] be my dog D is drinking water I think she's done okay but anyway like I was saying I did a video probably about 8 months ago doing um overviewing sling and and how I like it and um I figured it was probably time to do a little bit of an update video since they seem to have added some more channels um onto the programming so I figured I'd kind of give a rundown of uh what they've done and some updates and for this one I'm going to do a screen record on my laptop so that moves a little faster than the fire stick that I use on my TV but if you're interested in the first video I'll put a link to the video in the description and I'll also attach the link at the very end of this video so you can just click on it and it'll take you right to that video so like I always say um none of my reviews are sponsored um it's just my opinions of everyday things could be food streaming services clothing Electronics you name it I'll review it so without further ado let's get over to the laptop and we'll start the video all right let's go okay guys this is what I was going to start showing you again um now like I said before this is going to be more of an update to my full video I did a while ago so I will put um the link to that video in the description of this video so I'm still going to kind of go over you know the ins and outs of Sling but it's not going to be the full like tutorial that I did with the first video but anyway I wanted to start off by again showing you the sling is divided into two packages orange and blue each having different stations involved and they do share some stations as well um as you can see right now there sling is obviously running a proo um normally each blue and orange is $40 a month a piece or you can get them both for 55 but as you can see right now this is April of 24 they're having some sort of sale on here but that's not what we're going to talk about here let's go to compare plans so I just wanted to show you this is my ZIP code um so what it does is it shows you there's on sling orange there's eight channels that are only on sling orange and these are mostly sports channels now Disney but ESPN 2 and three free form Motor Trend QVC um and then you go to sling blue and there is 15 dedicated stations on just sling blue that you can't get on sling orange and these are listed here Bravo Discovery e they do put Fox Sports on here um Fox News Ms NBC NFL Network sci-fi you know the list is there um and here's a list of Base channels that are available on both orange and blue which you could see are common channels that you would find on your local cable you know A&E AMC Bloomberg CNN you know you can see them Comedy Central History Channel um again I'm just scrolling here so you can see what you get but you could see all these stations the thing is sling is so much more than just these stations and that's what I'm going to show you again the stations you get for I pay $55 month so let me go into I'm already logged in here um this is the screen once you log in and again um this is my profile you can add as many profiles as you want and each profile stores your personal watching preferences for instance um click on here and then this is the home screen and again what it shows is these are the stations that are loaded up that I tend to watch the most let me go over here travel channel sci-fi AMC Comedy Central it these are the ones these are the stations that you watch the most of and then down here based on your watching preferences they give you um suggestions of things you might want to watch whether it's sports or movies um Etc as you can see okay so you can keep scrolling down it does Sport um you can also if you wanted to pay for some other streaming services and add them to your sling you can do that such as AMC plus Discovery plus MGM plus um scroll down further my most watched channels as you can see I'm a big office fan so I do like to watch those continue watching then there's movies some of these movies are playing live some of these movies are loaded up you could start them whenever you wanted to watch them and it's just like you know watching a DVD of those uh featured shows games setting your DVR which you do have storage on here again I'm not going to get into that because that I did in the first video um popular onling trending shows top picks you know scroll down do all that but going over to the guide if you notice here these are all but if you notice here underneath these stations yeah how there's there's three blue marks that means that multiple people can stream these stations at once um right now I have both sling and sling blue and orange so multiple people can stream the blue channels as you could see here at one time whereas when you scroll down further let me find an orange station here we go like ESPN SE has an orange dot only one person in your family can stream this station at any given time kind of a downer um and one thing thing I will say and I think I mentioned it in the first video that I don't like is for instance I could be watching this game later the Padres at the Dodgers and right now um my dad also lives here so I could be watching this station and then if he on his TV clicks on here and watches it it boots me off I think that's a flaw in the system I think that whoever is watching the station first the second person shouldn't be able to log into this station kind of side topic it's a little Annoying um like especially like I can see like if you're a parent and you're watching something and your kids are trying to watch the same sports program in the other room they're GNA boot you off it's annoying I don't think it should let you do that but I digress um over here again you can click on this little heart it'll add it to your favorites menu and then as you can see up here it puts it right in and you can take them off this and it deletes them I don't really use the favorites thing but it's there if you want and based on my viewing preferences the channels I watch the most are up at the top and then as you get further down are the channels that you don't watch as much and then it goes further down and but like I want to show you over here I remember I showed you that initial screen that had like I don't know 30 stations watch me scroll down watch this look at this guys this is what you're paying for look at all of these stations it's so much more than just those few stations look at all this there's always there is something for everybody on this I'm not even down at the bottom I'm just going slow and I will I'll go through and I'll show some of these to you but it it it's crazy look at all this you know but again you could do a to z which loads every station A to Z I showed you the favorites recents are stations that I've watched recently and and also including most recently so as you can see yeah if you're just into sports shows you all the sports that are on and again it's showing like TVs and True TV because they do put NHL or NCAA or or any of that stuff on there um scroll down you can see it all football replays you know there's old school MSG Sports you're just in the news there's a whole thing of news there as you can see I watch my local Fox to Detroit station that's mostly my morning news it's kind of a local programming um and yeah no I'm in no way a Fox News person so don't take it like that this is just a local affiliate and we'll leave it at that um you're just in the movies these are all the movies that are on currently that you can watch oh and by the way you can also scroll you know later on in the night you know you could click on this uh Stargate sg1 brings it up you can you can record just this episode you can record new episodes you know you can add it to the watch list it'll leave you a reminder to come watch it for info you know it gives you just a general rating TV State the channel and then you know what the description of that particular show is out of it and yeah you can do this for everything guys you can go to the movie same thing um you can record it you can watch the channel live you know all that stuff free stream which is you know your other things here stuff that's just for your kids goes right to C Network Nickelodeon Disney Channels um you know there's a whole station of just Teletubbies Sonic the Hedgehog rainbow Ruby you know these are just stations that's all they play it's just the same same thing there's even more up here let see no that is it okay so what I wanted to show you you go to all let's go past the regular stations scrolling keep scrolling because these are stations that you probably already get on your cable which is great and remember I'm only paying 55 bucks a month for this now you do have to pay probably still for your internet service um I have wide openen west and I do pay for um one gigabyte yeah I think that's it yeah one gigabyte of data a month um through Wide Open West and I it's just me and my dad um so if you have a huge family and you're doing this on multiple TVs you might need more if you're single you could probably do less but anyway I pay 70 bucks a month for my internet service add that with the 55 bucks a month for sling you know it's 125 whereas when I had cable I was upwards of $200 a month so you're looking at you know $75 savings and there's more channels on here than was ever available to me on cable see now you're starting to get into um other stations that you don't normally get for instance there's a TMZ Channel um it goes through every it has access to every local Fox affili whether you're in Philly or you're in Washington um Florida Detroit it does every single one but then it also gets down into these other stations that you don't see there's a whole station of Just The Walking Dead Or Portlandia um there's short films there's line of duty military films there's a bunch of AMC stations there's an AMC Thrillers there's an AMC crime there's an AMC like horror movie there's reality stations um Biggest Loser there's don't tell the bride whatever that is I have no idea what that is IFC film picks there a Tribeca there's a Baywatch Channel you remember Baywatch from the 90s yeah there's a whole Channel dedicated to that you know we can go on we just watch it maybe thinking about it [Music] again this is also on my laptop [Music] so you talk to your dad yes I did what did he say he said that he wants to talk to you interrogate me you mean he invited you over this is it put out the alert who are you cleaning lady it does have abing for the cartel you made a deal with the devil you and we're going to find this missing person I'm coming for you yes sling does still do commercial and things just like regular TV there's nothing you can do about that Mom was always organized but she started forgetting to pay her bills on time and she' watching commercials but anyway um pric is Right dealer No Deal Fear Factor um comedies Army stations dog stations um almost Friday pet stations hipster look at all these Jersey Shore there's two hell kitchen and Gordon Ramsey stations one does Kitchen Nightmares one does Hell's Kitchen sometimes they have both Iron Chef Supermarket Sweep God do you remember the Steve Wilco show jez Cheaters Judge Faith bunch of different um music stations but yeah I'm just I'm just gonna scroll down mystery Saints Theater 3000 go you remember those you're a Carson fan Ed Sullivan Al artland I mean look at all and these are free these come with your your your sling subscription there like I said before there is something for everyone you like crime you like sports you like romance sitcoms reality it's all here I'm not even close to being at the bottom yet you know and I'm just scrolling down because I want you to see what is available and it's more than you'd ever think Beverly Hills Cop who doesn't love that one love that movie get all these horror stations paranormal science fiction road racing and like I said it's just it's I don't even know how many hundreds of stations there is bunch of food stations cooking um nature you name it I mean it's on here shopping everything's there and like I said if you see something you like you can either you know watch it now you can record it you can click the station you know add it to your favorites and then when you come back and log back in it's all it's all right there and ready for you so yeah I don't really want to bore you with going all the way down but you kind of get the idea of what I'm talking about of the amount of stations that's available and for 55 bucks a month I mean I I don't even know how you can go wrong with that so like I was saying um you're going to have to still pay for internet and you're going to have to watch how much data you use um I did find I don't know if you call it a hack but I have hats so I don't know if it's like you you like to leave the TV on for them when you leave so initially when I first switched over to this I left sling on you know and that adds data when you're not at home so what I did in the meantime to avoid using my data is I bought a overthe a antenna for my TV so I can watch local stations that are available through my antenna and I leave that on during the day or when I'm not home so that cuts down on the data usage and then you can figure out you know what kind of data you need for your screaming because if you're buy if you're single and by yourself you can probably get away with the lowest data you would need um and I probably could do that if I didn't have my dad on this too I could probably and that you know the cheapest amount jeez I think is like 50 bucks might even be 40 for internet and you get all this you can watch it here on your laptop the original um video I did of this was actually on my TV and that again that link for that video is going to be in the description but yeah and then it gets into all these um Spanish stations you know but whatever you scroll all the way back at the top um again there's on demand like I was talking about whether it's shows American Pickers there's a bunch of movies that are just available anytime you want you know shows everything's there look at all this you watch it whenever you want so yeah I you know got rid of cable it's been over a year and I haven't looked back I don't miss it one bit not at all so I'm not going to do a normal outro to this video because I don't think you really need to see me so again if you have any questions leave a comment feel free pretty much know everything about sling and what it has or what you might want or whatever you need feel free leave me a comment if you have sling and you like like it let me know if you have something you don't like it let me know you know because I'm I'm open to all interpretations here but like i' I've had nothing but positive experiences um with this well I should say there is one thing one thing my local sports I'm in Detroit so Bal Sports is what carries um the Detroit Red Wings the Detroit Pistons and the Detroit Tigers that's not available on sling it's kind of a bummer um your local cable probably carries your local B Sports affiliate but sling does not um you can pay the stream your local sports but it's like 30 bucks a month and balet sports from what I've seen is um kind of a train wreck and from what I've read I don't think they're going to be around much longer so yeah but I just want to throw that out there so yeah if you watch your local sports you might have to go to a bar or something if you if it's balet sports but um other than that yeah no complaints none at all um like I said leave any questions ask me any questions um if you like what you see I'd love it if you'd like the video um it's free subscribe to the channel I'd love it if you do that that's also free all of my reviews are non-sponsored and just my general opinion so again um yeah guys thanks for listening to me and um I'll catch you on the next episode and normally I give you the peace sign say peace I'll just say it peace okay I know I said I wasn't going to do an outro but it just seemed kind of weird leaving the video off on a screen record type video so here I am again anyway thanks for watching guys you know remember like share subscribe all that good stuff and um you have any questions about sling feel free leave a comment hit me up I'll answer any question you've got and um like I said I I've liked their service I've had it for almost a oh gez going on year and a half now maybe almost two years um no complaints 55 bucks a month for all their programming plus all the extra channels that you saw in the video how can you go wrong with that um shop around for internet for yourselves in terms of data and and and what you're going to need um that'll be a bigger cost than the sling service itself but uh yeah so anyway guys thanks for watching and um yeah we'll catch you over on the next episode all right peace out

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